Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

To those eagerly awaiting the update, I am afraid that there might not be an update this month. Exam week is upcoming and I'm a bit anxious and I'd like clear a bit of my mind to prepare myself for the finals. I also have some writing projects I'd need to attend to.

Gargorites is honestly kicking me in the butt. The current one is a bit awkward to me. It's almost like the Duck tantrum again. I've been a bit unfair against the ducks, and I don't think I've apologized for the outburst to nigerian duck. I'm sorry.

Writing the gargorites felt like trying to mesh together an encyclopedia entry and a short story and I am struggling. I want to write down some guidelines for long Acts to prevent hard to write Acts like them, but I'd like to gather my thoughts first and review my works and the Acts.
To those eagerly awaiting the update, I am afraid that there might not be an update this month. Exam week is upcoming and I'm a bit anxious and I'd like clear a bit of my mind to prepare myself for the finals. I also have some writing projects I'd need to attend to.
Hey, I understand that. IRL stuff happens and you got other stuff that needs attention, I get that.

Just don't push yourself too hard, burn out is real and it can mess you up something fierce.
To those eagerly awaiting the update, I am afraid that there might not be an update this month. Exam week is upcoming and I'm a bit anxious and I'd like clear a bit of my mind to prepare myself for the finals. I also have some writing projects I'd need to attend to.
Hey, take your time, man. If you aren't satisfied with an update, don't post it until you are; if you have other obligations, by all means, take care of them first. All we ask is that you keep us updated on your ability to write for this quest (which the post I'm replying to does- you're basically announcing a brief hiatus).
Era 5 - Turn 1
Sand Seas
Amid the debris roiled a storm of sand and dust. It encompassed all of the debris field, dying the once wholly black sky with red, yellow, and orange. The fine sand flowed in the void between asteroids like rivers and ocean currents, the sand it carried dense enough to allow one to swim in it as if it were water. The sand something akin to an atmosphere to the debris field, its constant flow becoming the wind that blew into the sails of voidships.

The Lady Luck + Iron Skull Pirates
To call the Lady Luck a mere ship would be a disservice. The Lady Luck was an immense ark, nay, a veritable city afloat in the depths of outer space. She was hulled in the gaudiest gilded steel and decorated with lush viridian. Her districts were contained under domes of the shiniest transparent sapphire, maintaining a livable atmosphere for all the people she called crew and passengers. Her apartment buildings adapt to the physiological needs of its occupants. She possesses expansive hospital complexes for the treatment and repair of the injured and damaged. A rainbow of colored light shine from her entertainment districts, its illuminated signboards beckon for all to step right into her arcadian arcades and play under the ostentatious casinos. Delectable scents emerge from the infernal kitchens of her restaurant district, offering sundry dishes from realms unknown, her menus changing everyday, offering a novel experience with each visit.

The Iron Skull Pirates serve as her crew, a motley gang of six-legged centauroids though some opt for alternate forms such as that of mechanical birds or hovering humanoid torsos, some even switching between forms much like one would change one's clothes. All share one trait in common, they possess a head in the shape of an elaborate skull, the elaboration of their heads implying their rank and importance.

They number over a million upon Lady Luck's gilded decks, so many were they that some would remain forever stranded upon her gilded decks, to longingly gaze upon the sand sea outside. They could only imagine the riches and treasures they could plunder with their brethren among the red isles beyond. They serve as her suppporting crew: engineers crawling her labyrinthine maintenance tunnels; cooks preparing hundreds of meals; card sharks manning her poker tables; janitors making sure her gilded boards remain shining and clean; bankers keeping the treasures of her crew safe; lawyers splitting the treasures evenly among the teams.

Beneath her deck lies her less flashy features that nevertheless boggle the mind with their expanse. Cargo holds large enough to be their own countries lie beneath the bustle of the superstructures above, to hold a hoard of treasure at most an excess of a million tons. The hidden corridors to be trodden only by her chosen engineers rumble with the power of her hearts. Turbines sing and dance within her reactors, the earthshaking beat of their music the power that set alight the city above. Twenty cannons twenty meters high and one hundred meter long sit ready at her flanks, to shoot miniature stars at her enemies should the need to fight arise. And at the heart of it all, lies the core of her being, an immense computational complex, a planetary mainframe holding the Will that governs Lady Luck and all her systems.

So grand was Lady Luck, so large and centralizing was ita gravitational field that was it not for the mysterious force forcing the asteroids apart, the whole debris field would have long collapsed into a lumpy planetoid. Now, Lady Luck lies at the center of the debris field, the asteroids its disloyal satellites, floating at a respectful distance from the magnificent ark.


In the asteroids above, they reside, gazing longingly at Lady Luck, clearly visible to their awareness despite their eyeless nature. She shone so bright and greatly in their vision that they couldn't help but covet her, a treasure so grand that should one claim her, one would surely become king among kings, nay a god among mortals. A divine treasure, they call her, for anyone who could possibly seize her has to also be divine.

The Gargorites are insectile creatures standing eight feet high when fully upright, but they rarely assume such a posture, preferring to move in a crouched gait that allows them to quick traverse rocky terrain. They possess a segmented exoskeleton that protects them from the vacuum of space and impacts from micormeteoroids. Their bodies are hunched and angular, adapted for life in labyrinthine tunnnels that they carve through rock. They possess three pairs of limbs, two serving as powerful legs with clawed tips designed to grip onto rocky surfaces, while the remaining one are multifunctional arms equipped with a set of retractable tools for cutting and extracting minerals and metals. At first glance, they appear more akin to an armored vehicle or an expeditionary rover than the organic beings they truly were with their boxy metallic shells, piston-like limbs, and pricision tools literally at their fingertips.

Gargorites lack eyes as they are born in the pitch darkness within the depths of asteroids, but they are by no means blind. They rely on vibrations and electromagnetic fields to navigate and hunt. They could discern the shape of a tunnel through the flow of vibrations of their steps or the electromagnetism of the wall's metal content. A large mouth adorned with crystalline teeth dominate what could be called their face, surrounding it are delicate sensory tendrils that perceive the chemical constituents of its surrounding environment.

The metabolism of Gargorites is unique and based on chemosynthesis. They feed on the asteroids themselves, synthesizing energy from the metal, silicates, and ices therein, and utilizing the waste material as reinforment of their exoskeleton. They breath a thin atmosphere of vapors from sublimating ices and gaseous digestive byproducts. Their thick exoskeleton trap this thin atmosphere within them, allowing them to thrive in the isolated and airless void. They also utilize this atmosphere in precise gas ejections to navigate in the void and hop between asteroids.

Gargorites are driven by relentless accumulation of wealth. Their society revolves around the plunder and hoarding with social status and rank established by the size and value of their hoard. Male, female, or other, your value to society is measurable by the extravagance of your hoard, and to have a lacking one is to be found wanting in life. Your hoard is to be fiercely defended at all costs; it holds more value than your life, it is the value of your life.

Gargorites are very smart, possessing a terrible intelligence that perhaps even the gargorites do not realize they have. So potent are their natural intelligence that it could be utilized even after their death. Gargorites are hunted for their brains which the Iron Skull Pirates gleefully fashion into powerful neurocomputers. This intelligence is predominantly used in searching and processing materials, but has also led to the development of intricate traps to safeguard their precious treasures.

Gargorite technology advanced horrendously fast. In scant days, they discovered mechanics and using it in making complex mechanisms that impede, impale, and crush intruders. In scant months, they would discover electromagnetics, create a whole sleuth of novel ways to trap their vaults. In little under a year, they would discover optics, sending their intruders away through invisible lasers. It should be noted that while the frontiers of their technology pushed forth horrendously fast, it didn't progress evenly. While on one asteroid, they used wire operated robots to turn away intruders, on another, gargorites still bashed each other with rocks.

Gargorites tend to live lonely insular lives, living far from each other. They possess little trust between one another, suspecting everyone to be a potential thief, may they be friend, family, or mate. Polite gargorite society scarcely exists, but there are moments when gargorites gather and coexist with each other in harmony even if just for a few days. The Congregation is a mysterious event that occurs roughly every five years where gargorites abandon their individual pursuits to form a grand horde.

Many gargorites look forward to every Congregation, as it was one of the very few times they could mingle among their own kind without fear and suspicion. It was the perfect time to meet up with their peers and trade, exchange ideas, and find prospective mates with full trust and guaranteed success. By the end of the age, the Congregation would turn into a cyclical festival that would be prepared for and celebrated.

The mysterious force behind the Congregation compels the gargorites to construct a mothership out of their bodies, for the purpose of sieging through vaults like a battering ram. In the first of the Congregation, the Lady Luck was besieged by three gargorite motherships, descending unto her deck and hull like a falling meteor. Her crew were awestruck at the grand constructions, forged from interconnected bodies, the size of battleship. The sand sea burned with the stars Lady Luck launched, felling only one of the assembled motherships. The gargorites would pierce through Lady Luck's defenses then pillaging her districts and some even intruding her cargo holds. They would split the plunder among the horde, before dispersing to resume their insular lives.

Subsequent Congregations wouldn't achieve the same kind of success as the first Congregation. The Iron Skull Pirates would learn of the cyclical nature of the Congregations and fiercely studied its mechanics. Gargoritologists accompany hunting teams to study these fiercely intelligent creatures. They become an integral part of the defense against the Congregations, their expertise and research essential to the prediction and simulation of such invasions. If it weren't for their help, the gargorites could have dismantled Lady Luck by the third Congregation with their high technology.

Solar Plants
The red debris would be red no longer with the advent of the solar plants. Biometallic plants with black stems and blue leaves cover the red isles with their dark brush. Were it not for the constant sandstorm covering the debris field, solar plants the size trees would have grown upon the surface of the red isles, but alas, the filtered light could only support the growth of smaller solar plant bushes. Their shiny leaves swivel upon their stems and branches, to face the sun and absorb as much solar energy. They use the energy to generate heat and electricity which they use grow and live. It uses heat to melt ices from the soil and leach metals and minerals.

Solar plants are inoffensive to most inhabitants of the red debris, forming the foundation of the food web in much of the red debris. Solar plants are eaten by sail bugs, inch-drakes, and void inchlings which in turn serve as prey to blade-tail snakes. They also provide valuable shelter, hiding many from prowling predators and hunters.

However, care should be taken when handling such plants. A grown and healthy solar plant can generate more power than it requires to survive which it then pumps to nearby solar plants that need more energy. The electricity that is stored and flows through its wood can send a devastating shock through anything that bites them the wrong way. Some gargorites would learn to harness the power from these plants, siphoning electricity from these plants to power their inventions through the use of conductive wires.

Blade, Tail Snake
Beneath the solar plant brushes, the blade-tail snakes prowl and hunt. Blade-tail snakes are metallic lifeforms with blades attached to their tails. Their blade-tails come in a variety of shapes from more traditional swords and daggers to more exotic adzes and sickles. Blade-tail snakes primary use their blade-tails to defend themselves. They are rather proud of their blade-tails, and they spend significant amounts of time to improve their skills and duel one another.

Blade-tail snakes are omnivorous, subsisting primarily on solar plants, inch-drakes, and inchlings. Their efficient metabolism allow them to go on for a long time from a small meal. They devote much of their time between meals practicing and studying the blade.

The quality of their blade-tail reflects the age and skill of the blade-tail snake it is attached to. An unbreakable and sharp blade-tail is a hallmark of an exceptionally skilled blade-tail snake. Several such specimens had popped up throughout the red isles, possessing the skill to outmaneuver gargorites and contesting an entire crew of pirates. There would be no shortage of challengers to seek such specimens as their beautiful and exquisite tails would no doubt attract fools who desire to wield or use them. As the masters fell one by one against the constant onslaught of greed, the blade-tail snakes nevertheless looked up these masters like a mortal admiring their heroes. It is the dream of every blade-tail snake to become one of the masters, capable of contending with the might of those that come from the Gilded Isle.

When a blade-tail snake dies, the rest of its body would disintegrate to be absorbed by their blade-tail, improve it one last time. However, care must be taken in slaying the snake for an improper slaughter can worsen the quality of a blade. Depending on the method, one can harvest a master's blade from an adept snake, and one can harvest a beginner's blade from a master snake.

Space Sail Bugs
In the void between debris, space bugs would reside. Riding the currents of the Sand Sea are the space sail bugs, large round creatures about two feet long and wide. They are four-legged bugs with sail-like antenna range from black or white to an array of colors and patterns. It main body is covered in a sleek carapace made of an off-white substance similar to tooth enamel instead of the usual chitin. They possess sleek flattened limbs akin to flippers which they use to steer as they ride the sand streams. They feed on solar radiation and ice. Their organs are cushioned by an emerald green sponge-like tissue which allow for efficient transformation of solar energy as well as its distribution.

They use their antennae to absorb energy from the sun. When their antennae are black or white, the space sail bug is in fact starving and is in need of sunlight. When their antennae take on different vibrant colors and patterns, it is a sign that they are healthy, fertile, and ready to breed.

Swarms of space sail bugs ride the currents of the sand sea, painting the sepia-black background with streaks of white, red, yellow, and blue. They spend much of their lives high in the sky, landing only to eat ice and breed. Like many creatures of the void, they do not require air to live, but they do produce air as a byproduct. When enough fertile space sail bugs gather upon an asteroid, they can produce enough gas to create a thin atmosphere around the asteroid.

Void Weavers
In the void between the isles, void spiders make their home. Void spiders are spiders made of crystals black as onyx. They are born as gem-like eggs that instead of hatching, unfold into their young like a blooming flower. Adults carry their eggs by their sides until the very day they unfold from their eggs. They require no sustenance to live, and could survive indefinitely without food, water, or light.

Void weavers like to travel wherever they please, and they dislike being unable to go somewhere they could see. Whenever they could see an asteroid they could not go to, they would weave bridge made of crystalline thread. Throughout the age, the void weavers would weave a web of crystal, bridging the many disparate isles. Much of the red debris would make use to the bridge they wove, allowing gargorites, blade-tail snakes, and solar plants to much more easily disperse througout the debris field.

Void weavers tend to live in small groups no larger than five members. At the center of each void weaver pack's territory is a nest woven from their thread where they keep their eggs and any sufficiently egg-like gem they could find that they couldn't tell from a genuine egg.

Despite the strength of their crystalline threads and the precarious location of their nests, their nests remain vulnerable to pillaging and burglary. Every so often, a gargorite, pirate crew, or inch-drake would come to steal from the void weavers, leading to the periodical destruction of void weaver nests.

Blade-tail snakes would become allies to the void weavers. Many blade-tail snakes would find themselves in service to void weaver nests. The void weavers gain a protector and the blade-tail snake would receive periodical challengers upon which to test their skills against. However, blade-tail snakes are not particularly attached to their void weaver nests and can and will leave whenever they no longer feel comfortable or no longer receive adequate challengers, or when challengers come for them for their own virtues and skills rather than being lured by the treasures of the void weavers.

Inch-drakes + Void Inchlings
Inch-drakes are greedy little creatures roughly the size of a human hand. The small reptiles with large wings and long tails. They are clad in very beautiful scales that can be almost any single color which can vary wildly between individuals, even those among close reltaives. Their scales are very hard and nearly indestructible, protecting them from the claws and teeth of their fellows but does little against their fellows' breath weapon. Inch-drakes are capable of releasing a lance of purple energy that can pierce through almost anything, especially through another inch-drake's scales.

Inch-drakes are a clever yet arrogant bunch. They possess a quick-witted mind that is too greedy for their own good. It helps them easily bypass traps and break into vaults and stealing from gargorites, void weavers, and pirates alike. They slip between traps and squeeze into cracks to steal a coin or two from the vaults and cargo holds of voidships. Their natural greed and arrogance compels them to take more risks than necessary, causing many of them to make more mistakes that ultimately end with their demise.

The inch-drakes would have long been driven to near extinction by the middle of the age were it not for the void inchlings. The void inchlings are small humanoids with pitch black skin, standing taller than even giant inchlings at two and a half inches in height. They possess thin lanky bodies with little muscle definition that an impression of their skeleton is evident from their skin, but nevertheless wasn't any weaker than any other inchling. Their hair and eyes are their most striking and distinctive features; void inchlings can either be born with black eyes and white hair or white eyes and black hair.

Void inchlings are natural born tinkers, and like the inch-drakes, are considered pests. They are able to squeeze themselves into almost any crevice and mess with the mechanisms within. So destructive were their presence in any voidship and base that many would vow the extermination of the void inchling species as their life's mission, and they would have succeeded if it were not for the inch-drakes and void inchlings joining forces.

The two species, inch-drakes and void inchlings, have been harried and hunted by much of the civilized races. Pests, they were called. It was then that the two species bonded as their small statures led them into fleeing through similar passageways where they bumped into one another. The inch-drakes fled from their exterminators for years with nothing on their backs, to be pushed further and further into dark undecorated tunnels. Many felt trapped and hopeless, surrounded by unfeeling red rock and giant enemies. Their natural greed could not bear them being destitute, their inner pride cannot bear them being inferior. It tore their hearts apart, drowning many into despair.

It was only the void inchlings that brought them out of despondency. The void inchlings saw the beauty and power of the inch-drakes, and saw each inch-drake as treasures of their own, a glittering gem that would sit as the centerpiece of their hoards. Normally, an inch-drakes would bare its teeth and flare its wings to intimidate all those that approach, but so deep were many of them in despair that many simply let the void inchlings come close. When the first inchling wove the first saddle to ride upon an inch-drake, they did not realize the potential they had unlocked.

The guidance of an inchling tempered the greed and arrogance of inch-drakes. They instilled wisdom and caution that did not come naturally to the inch-drakes. Their combined powers allowed them to more effectively fight back, allowing them to claim back entire isles. Seeing the string of victories they achieved alongside the void inchlings, that dying spark of pride in each inch-drake's heart reignited, showing them that there was hope, that they had the capability to take what should be theirs. The inch-drakes could not forget the power the void inchlings unlocked for them and then on, the inch-drakes vowed to protect the void inchlings. They claimed them as their treasures, as keys to true power, and in turn, the void inchlings claimed the inch-drakes as their too, as vessels of power.

By the end of the age, the inch-drakes and void inchlings would establish several sanctuaries in the red isles, cities where inch-drakes and inchlings could live in peace and harmony. Lances of inch-drake riders stand vigilant, patrolling the skies and driving away all those that desire to destroy their homes.

The White Compass + Golden Carrots
Alvin looked down on the compass in his metal hands. It was a mechanical device hulled in metal white as porcelain. The silver gears within turned alongside the crimson needle as the voidship sliced through the Sand Sea. It was a wondrous find he got from the last raiding team he was part of. Despite the battering it got from being thrown unceremoniously into the cargo hold, the item remained pristine. From the moment he laid his eyes on it, he knew that it was a valuable find. All the others simply dismissed it as useless junk, but that only meant he could get the same split he got even after he called dibs on the trinket.

Whatever. Their loss is his gain.

"Captain," the helmsman relayed. "There is an isle ahead. Should be drop anchor?"

Alvin looked up and began turning the white compass about. Despite the angles he would turn the compass to, the crimson needle wouldn't deviate from its target, pointing steadfast unto the asteroid ahead. A grin appeared on his iron skull.

Finally, the treasure of the White Compass was his!


Alvin marched across the red earth of the red isle. His eyes was glued on the white compass in his hand, his feet following the direction of the crimson needle. His crew followed behind him, and they slung on their shoulders shovels and picks. They followed quietly in a single file, as if afraid to break their captain's focus.

Then suddenly, Alvin stopped. The crimson needle had suddenly reversed.

Alvin stepped back a few steps until the needle once again reversed. He marked the exact spot where the needle reversed and ordered his crew to begin digging.

His crew quickly moved to fulfill his command and began to scramble over the X-marked spot. The pit grew deep, but eventually, the pirates would haul out a strange wooden box. It was cubic chest with a chartreuse stain, a black trim, and an iron latch. Alvin pushed away all the crew that was clustering around the chest, marvelling at it. He excited opened the chest, and the thing inside sent him into hysterical laughter.

Golden carrots. Twenty and seven golden carrots.


The golden carrots were more marvellous than they gave it credit for. Although unassuming on the surface, it hid marvels within. Each of the twenty-seven carrots were identical, and when they tried to split one apart, it split into multiple identical golden carrots. Each carrot could be split apart into sixty-four golden carrots that could be split no further, a so-called golden carrot atom. That meant that they actually one-thousand seven-hundred and twenty-eight golden carrots.

Conversely, multiple carrots could be merged together into one, but no more than one worth sixty-four golden carrot atoms. Once sixty-four carrots had been stacked in a single carrot, no additional carrots could merged with it until it was split apart again. When they tried to split a golden carrot atom, it simply resulted in a pieces of carrot that could not merge or split into identical pieces. It seems that damaging the golden carrots in any way would cause the carrots to lose some of its marvellous properties.

Alvin and his crew returned home joyful and rich, but before he could even enjoy his fortune, word of his exploits reached the ears of his previous captain, Helsinki, who became very irate. Helsinki sued Alvin for misrepresentation of plunder, accusing him of misidentifying the white compass to get more plunder in addition of the white compass. Alvin attempted to fight against the accusation in the court of law, but ultimately lost, forcing him to give away half of his share of golden carrots and the white compass.

The devastating loss would cause Alvin to swear of piracy and retreated deep into one of Lady Luck's cargo holds. There, he would start a homestead, to farm golden carrots. Golden carrots grew rapidly and required very little tending. It only needed soil, some water, and light, and it would grow. It didn't care if the soil was poor, only that it was there, and did little to affect the soil's quality. Despite its rapid growth, they cannot propagate on its own. Even if it's laid atop the soil, it will not grow unless planted into the dirt, and it will spread further beyond a square meter plot around the initial carrot planted.

The golden carrots would prove to be very popular. People found out that golden carrots are not just pretty, but they're also delicious and nutritious! The people clamored for more carrots, and crews demanded the galleys be stocked with pickled carrots and carrot wine. All of this would cause Alvin to gain an incredible fortune swearing off piracy. Alvin wasn't the only one who became very rich from the golden carrots, but only he and a few turned golden carrot cultivation into a full-blown career. Even after Helsinki found a couple caches of golden carrots, it did very little in putting a dent in the golden carrot market.

After the first gargorite Congregation, an entire hoard's worth of golden carrots would be plundered from Lady Luck. Much of stolen carrots would lay idle in gargorite hoards, but more than enough would be snuck out, courtesy of the inch-drakes and inchlings, for patches of golden carrots to appear all over red debris. Golden carrots would become the staple crop of the inchling sanctuaries, the daily bread of hundreds of inch-drakes and inchlings.

Aureate and Argentine
The sands carry murmurs, rumors of treasure, promises of fortune. The Whispers speak of a treasure growing on the red rock, and the world listened. The ___s heard the whispered proposal from a voice not one of their own, yet they did not object and, in fact, endorsing it, for better or for worse.

As promised by the mysterious whispers murmuring from the void between debris, crystals golden and silvery sprouted from bare red rock, Aureate and Argentine. They glowing crystals glittered and gleamed under the light of the sand-obscured sun. They absorbed the energy from the sun, leashing that energy in their glow, glowing brighter the more they accrued. As more and more energy accumulated within the crystals, they became harder and stronger, and when struck, the crystal would instead release sparks in lieu of the damage the strike would have dealt. When left safe and undisturbed for years, Aureate and Argentine may begin to grow and bud, expending the energy they had accrued and absorbing surrounding metals.

All the creatures of the red isles would hear the whispered promise in their dreams. The alluring gleam of these crystals struck the greedy hearts of many, and so many of the residents of the red isles would set out into the sandy void to harvest some of these gleaming treasures for themselves.

Aureate and Argentine proved to be very useful. Their capacity to not chip and warp in heavy use made them rather useful in making blades. And while their energized form hard and durable, their expended form are rather soft and brittle, allowing them to be easily molded into various shapes. They became ubiquitous, to be used in pretty much any primitive tool and weapon from hammers and axes to spears and swords. Better yet, such tools have the capacity of becoming better as the crystalline components absorbed more energy over time.

Gargorites and pirates would begin hoarding the incredibly useful material, molding them into easily stored bullions and coins. Some lifeforms would even incorporate the mineral into their bodies. Blade-tail snakes with blades edged in aureate and gargorites with bones laced with argentine could occasionally be encountered in the wild. Crystal-enhanced specimens display enhanced durability and capability, but whether incorporating the minerals into one's body is healthy and safe remains to be seen.

Curpum Moss
A thin mat of living copper coat many of the red asteroids. They range in colors from bright copper red to vibrant green malachite. Cuprum moss gets their energy to grow not from the sun, but from aureate and argentine. Mats of the cuprum moss could be found growing around deposits of aureate and argentine, their vibrancy indicates the energy left in the deposit. Bright vibrant cuprum moss indicates a deposit still glowing with energy while dull lifeless patches indicate a depleted deposit.

To extract energy from the crystals, cuprum moss creates small swarthy humanoids known as copper gnomes who tireless strike aureate and argentine to extract jolts of energy that will feed the cuprum moss. Copper gnomes are surprisingly intelligent creatures, capable of communicating with any sentient being, including plants and animals. However, they would have a hard time getting other creatures to listen to their plight. The gargorites found copper gnomes and cuprum moss rather delectable and simply ignored their concerns. Pirates don't bother stopping to listen with what they had to say. Only the inchlings and inch-drakes bothered to speak with them.

Copper gnomes are constantly tired and only wish to return back into cuprum. They only concern themselves primarily in the extraction of aureate and argentine, and most of the time, that meant stealing from others. This led to them becoming pests like the inchlings and the inch-drakes. The attempts to exterminate the copper gnomes had led them into becoming closer to the inchlings and inch-drakes who eventually welcomed them into their sanctuaries.

The blade-tail snake gazed up to the sepia-black sky, meditating on the vital edge that was life. The specks of glass formed by the Gilded Isle's stellar burst glittered in the streams, and glowing grains of aureate and argentine brought a modicum of light in an otherwise dim world.

The blade-tail snake flicked out its forked tongue. Something had changed. The whispers the sand currents carried murmured so loud that it overpowered the sound of the sandstorm. The whispers that told them of promises aureate and argentine.

The blade-tail snake turned back into the nest, eyeing the void spiders laying on piles of crystal, the lords which it had served as a knight for years now. It did not know if its skill would be enough to push against the oncoming tide, but the prospect of challengers from the new age excited it greatly.

[][Whispered Act] Plumbum and Cobalt
The Whispers whisper of crystal opposites to Aureate and Argentine, Plumbum and Cobalt. A being may continue to extract energy from depleted crystals, even long after the last jolt have been wrung out. The brittle crystals undergo energy debt, accumulating anti-energy as more and more energy is extracted from the substance. Aureate becomes an opaque purple crystal, Plumbum, and Argentine becomes an opaque abyssal blue crystal, Cobalt. Like Aureate and Argentine, Plumbum and Cobalt becomes harder the more anti-energy it has accumulated, and they expend some of the anti-energy when they grow.

Plumbum is filled with a cold hungering want, and those corrupted with it will never feel satisfied. Food will become tasteless, art will become pointless, and hunger will continue to gnaw at their bellies until the energy debt is repaid and Plumbum becomes Aureate once more.

Cobalt is filled with a stiff inert emptiness, and those corrupted with it will be sapped of motivation. They will live a state of constant lethargy, fatigue, and apathy, unable to muster the desire to do anything. Eventually, one will fall into a deep sleep, unwaking until the energy debt is repaid and Cobalt becomes Argentine once more.

A/N: Alright. I'm kinda excited to return to the quest. My exams went rather smoothly, but I kinda got distracted with video games afterwards. Hopefully you're just as excited as I am.
It has been a while since I last tried one of these. Please, tell me what you think of my attempt at a new location.

[] A Wet Asteroid
One of the asteroids is not like the others. A hands-width thin shell of stone, breached in some places by meteorite impacts, covers a mass of translucent golden fluid. This oil remains liquid regardless of temperature, and is quite slippery besides. Who knows what creatures or treasures may lurk inside the floating lake?
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Oh, what a nice surprise! I almost forgot, we were doing it! Well, am I gonna keep my farmer theme or try something else?


[] Golden Apples

Somewhere in this place, there is a buried chest filled with golden apples. They have the same properties as their carrot counterparts but grow in a bit different way. Inside each apple, there is one seed which has an ethereal blue-purple glint of enchantment. When planted, it will soon grow into a sapling but then remain inert for some time. If conditions are right, one day this sapling will grow into an oak tree in mere hours after the period of waiting. The base of this tree cannot occupy more than one square meter, but its crown can grow up and wide until a certain limit is reached. On this oak, golden apples will grow each year. Fortunately, if you take a sapling carefully from a tree, it will grow into almost a copy of its parent in any soil and even with shortages light/water. But one needs still come up with idea and it's easier to take seedlings from mature, large trees.

However, the number of golden apples depends on the quality of the soil in which the seed was planted and conditions. If the soil was poor and there were shortages of light/water, only a few apples will be golden each year. All others fruits will be red apples, still with the properties of Minecraft crops. Their seeds will be dark and will only grow into oaks that produce red Minecraft apples, regardless of the soil they are planted in and conditions. If the soil was rich, sapling grew with abundant water and light, almost all apples on the tree will be golden. Occasionally, few enchanted golden apples will grow on good trees at the time of harvest, which do not have seeds but have greatly enhanced effects compared to regular golden apples, and will even provide some small permanent boons.

Golden apples are not as nutritious as carrots, but they temporarily grant boons to those who eat them. They provide regeneration and enchanted fortitude. Regeneration is not strong enough to deal with severe injuries, but it can help with many smaller ones. The enchanted version also grants fire resistance, and the enchanted fortitude is greater. Regeneration from the enchanted golden apple can even regrow limbs and heal other severe wounds. However, golden apples do not cure diseases, and eating multiple golden apples in succession will not provide any stacking effects. It will simply prolong the existing boons until they reach their cap value. If apples are changed in some way, boons given would be warped too. Like, if someone bakes golden apple pie, regeneration may become a lot weaker, but stay for a much longer period of time.​

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It lives!!!

...ahem, now that that's out of my system: The pirates and Lady Luck seem like kind of... a big deal (tempted to say excessive, but that's Great Acts for you). Anyway, I was honestly a bit concerned that they'd take over everything instantly, but thankfully it seems that the Gargorites are strong enough to be proper rivals to them, rather than just livestock or getting wiped out.

Anyway, now I just need to figure out some kind of treasure to create. ...Sunstones (i.e. stones that glow like miniature stars, interchangeable with true sunlight), maybe?

Oh, and unlike the last one, I'm not too fond of the current Whisper Act, so I'll be voting against it. It's mostly the "parasitic crystal" thing that gets to me, really.

I like it, especially since the oil could wind up as a treasure in itself if you word it right. Just keep in mind that we've got a moratorium, so you'll (presumably) need to repost it tomorrow for it to count.
[X] Codex parvi belli
Near the largest inchling community an inchling sized building appears. It is a massive repository of everyway to fight that there is and ever will be. From swordfighting to gun slinging and from drake finding to ship on ship combat and borading . even grand tactics and strategy and 10000 and 1 different martial arts for inchlings and inchdrakes both. If there is a way to fight or wage war there is a million and one books about it in the Codex. Its interior is infinite in size and ever expanding as more weapons or ways to fight are made possible. It contains massive training grounds where what is learned in it cam be trained and it increases the natural taltent and learning ability of all those who learn in it though only in ways to fight. Lastly the codex is built to be easily defended from a siege.

Hope this is good. Wanna make some inchlings warrior monks.

Willing to trade votes just @ me.
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Oh wait, voting hasn't opened yet. Ok, I feel like Whispered Act is laying the foundation for something bad in the distant future.🤔​
Let's do this! I like the materials, it is trying to make. However, I feel like there would be some bad consequences. And also it feels like a setup for the future Big Bad Reveal.

Edit: Like, these materials are made from already existing Aureate and Argentine via creatures extracting power from them. However, they could keep just extrating and extracting, even if they feel tired and material changed, right? How the debt should be satisfed for these materials? What are side-effect for the world we ended up in?

Edit 2: Some interesting facts about golden carrots: if a farmer plants one, it will grow and create new carrots until the border of the square with the original carrot in the middle is reached. If they pull the last carrot on the corner out of the ground and then place it back in the same hole, two scenarios are possible: either a new square will begin to grow, or nothing will happen. This is because the success of planting the golden carrot partly depends on the intent of the person putting it into the soil. If someone simply takes it and puts it back without any clear intent, the chances of it starting to grow are pretty low. If someone takes it and puts it back with the intent of 'putting it back', rather than 'planting' it, carrot will not grow. However, if someone takes it and puts it in the same hole with the intent to plant it, new growth will begin. The best way to plant them is in a grid with one meter between each carrot, as they start growing from the center of their square, and planting them too close together makes farming less effective. Achieving automation of planting golden carrots is a really difficult task because it partly depends on intent.

Edit 3: Also, one can understand where will be corners of the square for specific carrot via just looking at it. They almost identical and their shape tells, where are corners of it grow-area. Because it is possible to plant carrots with squares turned differently.​
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I like the discussion you're having. I wanted some of you to engage with my special mechanic. I felt like the first Whispered Act was seemingly too benign, so I wanted something spicier that would at least incite spicier discussion.

In essence, the Whispered Act facilitates the generation of infinite energy. You could continue to pulp depleted Aureate and Argentine, and they would continue to release energy, and what's more, they would get harder and more durable the more your extract from them! Let Plumbum and Cobalt pass!
Let's do this! I like the materials, it is trying to make. However, I feel like there would be some bad consequences. And also it feels like a setup for the future Big Bad Reveal.

Edit: Like, these materials are made from already existing Aureate and Argentine via creatures extracting power from them. However, they could keep just extrating and extracting, even if they feel tired and material changed, right? How the debt should be satisfed for these materials? What are side-effect for the world we ended up in?​
Those are valid concerns. The energy debt could be repaid through the same process of charging Aureate and Argentine. Huh. I don't think I elaborated how that worked. You just expose them to energy, and the crystal will absorb it, partially repaying the energy debt.
Edit 2: Some interesting facts about golden carrots: if a farmer plants one, it will grow and create new carrots until the border of the square with the original carrot in the middle is reached. If they pull the last carrot on the corner out of the ground and then place it back in the same hole, two scenarios are possible: either a new square will begin to grow, or nothing will happen. This is because the success of planting the golden carrot partly depends on the intent of the person putting it into the soil. If someone simply takes it and puts it back without any clear intent, the chances of it starting to grow are pretty low. If someone takes it and puts it back with the intent of 'putting it back', rather than 'planting' it, carrot will not grow. However, if someone takes it and puts it in the same hole with the intent to plant it, new growth will begin. The best way to plant them is in a grid with one meter between each carrot, as they start growing from the center of their square, and planting them too close together makes farming less effective. Achieving automation of planting golden carrots is a really difficult task because it partly depends on intent.

Edit 3: Also, one can understand where will be corners of the square for specific carrot via just looking at it. They almost identical and their shape tells, where are corners of it grow-area. Because it is possible to plant carrots with squares turned differently.​
I don't think I'm fond of this post-Act facts. I prefer that all the relevant facts be laid out on the initial Act, but I will put some of this in mind.

I don't jive with the intent based planting. Seems... weirdly complicated. I don't like to think that the carrots are psychic, able to read intent. I don't like to think about psychic carrots. The carrots grow when they are underground.

The square plot thing seems confusing. I like to think the plots have snap. Normally, the plot would center on the initial carrot, but they automagically offset themselves to snap one of the sides of a nearby plot.
The carrots grow when they are underground.
Minecraft crops grow when they are planted. This is a conceptual thing: they don't need brains or knowledge to work like that. Just fact, that they were 'planted'. However, this was basically my take on the matter after I thought about it more. I didn't want to put too many restrictive complexities into my act and just gave you room to interpret things. So my facts cannot really be canon now. Although, I am a bit curious about small technicalities of how they work in your vision now. :V

Edit: Just imagine a field of golden carrots ready to be harvested. It must be pretty!
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In essence, the Whispered Act facilitates the generation of infinite energy. You could continue to pulp depleted Aureate and Argentine, and they would continue to release energy, and what's more, they would get harder and more durable the more your extract from them! Let Plumbum and Cobalt pass!
You're not fooling me, whispery voices. They started out as just benign batteries, but they'll grow, eat everything, and eventually merge into some sorta crystalline Cthulhu if we don't put our metaphysical feet down, I guarantee it.

Anyway, might as well get started on the wording of my Act...

[] Sunstone
- A new crystal has begun forming in the asteroids. Sunstone emits light that perfectly mimics the light of the sun; the intensity of this light increases depending on the quality of the Sunstone in question. Small, impure veins of Sunstone give off dim light, barely enough to slowly charge Aureate and Argentine, while completely pure Sunstone emits a blinding light that can sear those careless enough to touch it unprotected.

The largest, purest deposits of Sunstone tend to be found near Aureate and Argentine, though it's not always clear whether one formed due to the other's presence or if it's simply coincidence.

[] Debris Whales:
-Gargantuan beings arise from the sand, whales mainly made of sand, their bodies forming a miniature ecosystem inside them if they were formed with a large amount of solar plants or cuprum moss within them, the type of whale formed depend on the composition of what it was formed from-
1) Sand Whales are formed from sands with very few impurities, they flow through the sand streams at great speeds and are invisible when they dive into the sand stream.
2) Comet Whales are formed from sand which contain asteroids with water content, they leave behind a trail of icy water vapour wherever they pass through, their bodies contains a lot of frozen water
3) Meteor Whales are formed from sands which contain a large amount of asteroids, they are the hardiest but slowest of the whales with their strikes having the full force of the asteroids within them
4) Solar Whales are formed from sands which contained a lot of solar plants the skin of the of solar whale is covered with solar leaves that absorb the sunlight generating mass amounts of electricity, this electricity acts as a food source but is also capable of being used as defence
5) Cuprum Whales are formed from sands in which has a large presence of cuprum, while the whale is alive it shares its body with the cuprum and will form a symbiotic relationship with them with the whale absorbing part of the energy the cuprum generates , the cuprum's enemies are its enemies and the cuprum's friends its friends, it will allow other species to live within it if the cuprum agrees
6) Dungeon Whales are formed from sands which contained a Gargorite Dungeon, the gargorite acts as the caretaker of the whale and in exchange the whale acts as a travelling dungeon/ resource collector
7) Golden Whales are extremely rare whales only formed when from sands where there existed a large amount of golden carrots, this whale can transform anything it eats into pure gold, forming a horde of treasure inside it.

These whales contain a core where there heart should be, this core provides the whale energy and requires the whale to consume more of what its made of, except a whale formed from solar plants/cuprum moss which require sunlight. The core and the whale grow in size the more they consume and when they reach a certain size a small part of the core and whale separate to create a small baby whale which will stick to the main whale until adolescent. Destruction of this core kills the whale otherwise they would regenerate over a long period of time or as long as they can glutton themselves on a massive amount of resources.

Wanted to add large marine(?) creatures into the ecosystem and something for other creatures to hunt/live in
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It lives! Our Mango overlord has returned!

Also, uh, wow!

The Lady Luck has become quite the exceptional exalted example of engineering, hasn't it?

[] Space Cabbit!
Across the debris field and the sand seas, a new small and fluffy biomechanical life form emerges. Resembling an odd mix of a rabbit and a cat blended together into an adorable black and white creature, these small mammals possess several unique traits. The first is that they can sustain themselves by consuming the "Luck" of others, be it good luck or bad luck depending if they like or dislike a particular entity. Second, they can manipulate their own luck to cause shifts in probability in order to avoid predation and ensure their own survival, though this uses up the luck they've consumed and can leave they very hungry if they over use it. Third and finally, they are actually really good at finding treasures or valuable objects, almost acting like a small loot seeking familiar for anyone who raises and bonds with a Cabbit.
[] The Silent Salesman
Sometimes, when someone truly desperate says that they will pay any price to achieve something all nearby sound dies and The Silent Salesman appears to offer them one of its creatures, (truly brilliant child sized phantoms who speak in the voice of The Salesman's last customer and serve their master with child-like adoration and a distinct lack of respect for anyone and anything else save The Silent Salesman) in exchange for their voice. Its creations are eternal, easily outliving their original master after they've solved whatever problem they had to spend the rest of time following their own whims.
[] Gridlings

Gridlings are creatures born from the essence of the wealth accumulated by the Gargorites, imbued with an insatiable desire to serve their owners and protect them and their treasures.

Gridlings have long, thin bodies that are covered with a thick layer of scales. Their scales can change the color in order to correspond to their environment, which makes it difficult to notice them. They have large, piercing eyes that can see in the dark and detect hidden objects. Their mouths are filled with sharp teeth that they use to protect themselves and treasures. Their skin, as a rule, has a dull copper or silver color, but it can change to match the color of their environment. This makes it difficult to see them, especially in a dark or cluttered environment. They also have a pair of wings similar to the wings of bats that allow them to fly. Gridlings' bodies are adorned with all manner of jewel designs, and their eyes glow with a golden sheen.

Gridlings emerge from the depths of the Gargorith labyrinths, where treasures of great value accumulate over time. Their birth is a mystical event that occurs when the energy of accumulated wealth combines into a sentient form. As they emerge, they are instinctively drawn to the nearest treasure, the owner of which becomes their master and the object of their unwavering devotion.

Gridlings are fiercely loyal to their gargorits owners and serve them with unwavering devotion. They consider their only goal to be the protection and increase of the wealth of their masters. This devotion goes beyond mere obedience; they are ready to sacrifice themselves to ensure the safety of the treasures entrusted to them.

Gridlings have a number of abilities that make them formidable guardians. They can change their size at will, from being as small as a flea to as large as a gargorith. This allows them to easily navigate through tight spaces and overcome obstacles. Griddlings can pass through solid objects, such as walls and floors. This makes them very difficult to trap or contain. Griddlings are incredibly strong for their size. They can lift objects many times their own weight and break through solid rock. Griddlings have excellent eyesight, hearing, and smell. They can see in the dark and detect hidden objects.

Gridlings have an innate connection to the treasures they serve. They can manipulate precious metals and gemstones with ease, turning them into intricate works of art or defensive structures. This ability allows them to increase the value and beauty of their masters' wealth, further strengthening their loyalty.

Gridlings have a unique form of communication reminiscent of the clinking of coins and the rustling of precious stones. Through these sounds they can convey complex ideas and emotions, creating a harmonious symphony that resonates throughout the labyrinth. Only other gridlings or their owners can understand their speech.

Gridlings are fiercely protective of their masters and their treasures. They consider any attempt to steal or harm their owners as an act of aggression. They will relentlessly pursue and attack any intruders, using their abilities and powers to protect their territory and possessions.
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[] Dungeon keys

Keys that open the way a dungeon demension. It only open with a group. The bigger the group entering and the more skill the people in the group, larger the danger. The danger are monsters that get ever more deadly and cunning as you go in. To traps growing ever more in intracate traps. The bigger the danger the bigger the reward. The wards are huge amounts processed resources to high quality item to the another groups stuff after they all died. The rare are working examples of theoretical technology or other dungeons keys. When ender the dungeons the portal you open close be high you same as when you leave. You will however be in the same place in the debris field you entered.
Only one activated dungeon key can be used her group. The dungeon key activates when you exit the dungeon with the new key. The keys look like plain spheres
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Maybe I should make something like Staff, but with one permanent inserted block-ability. It sounds fun, but I am already on the path of being a farmer for this part of the world. :V

I feel, it doesn't have some 'oof' to it, honestly. Not sure why, it just feels incomplete. Can they live in the void of space, actually?​
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