Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Duck Stories: The Egg
Okay. Good one. +2 Points! Your points will be allocated shortly.

For the Human Forms, It's basically just a human with a shark tail added on with gills around the chest.

For the Hybrid Form… look up King Shark from DC, something like that.
I see. So Aquaman and King Shark.
...A portal hub (defined: building that automatically generates an exit point for every portal that ever opens) would probably be more than a Big act, wouldn't it? @MangoFlan please verify my assumption on this.
Yes. It's not creating portals outside of play area, so connecting to areas outside of play area should be okay.
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Kinda late to the punchline there. Your punishment is a punch. (/badjoke)
I somehow am consistently late in getting jokes a lot of times. At least, the hidden ones, or ones that use terminology I don't understand.

Anyway, the fact that you tried to help it pass does help me fight the spite. I'll just throw my support behind the Sharks; their new form should work as a substitute for my Salmon Soldiers for now, so I can skip the chaff and just start a war directly between the Sharks and Ducks.
Phew, it's going to be a hard war for the singular Duck on that island. I look forward to how the Kingdom of Ducks will handle a shark invasion…and if they ever properly extended their reach to the ducks of the overland. It might be a while until we see anything of the other islands.

Okay. Good one. +2 Points! Your points will be allocated shortly.

I see. So Aquaman and King Shark.
Gracias. Big Act, here I come.
Yes as in "yes, it's valid" or yes as in "yes, you'd need at least a Great Act to make it" (your wording is kind of contradictory in context, sorry)?
Yes as in you could make it at Big, because it doesn't have an effect that creates portals outside of play area, it only connects to portals already extant outside of play area. Though the detection range is pretty iffy, but I feel that I can be generous on that part.
Crustacean Monument: Creates Sustainable Crustacean Populations like the Shark Monument, Telepathic connection to all Crustaceans, Give Magma Crabs an enhancement, (Maybe)Summon a Crab Kaiju to defend the Island(Maybe), and allow it to telepathically connect to the Spider Statue to communicate with its fellow Arthropod based statuary.
Era 2 - Turn 3
A/N: Oh fudge. I lost all of my writing progress on this update and I had to start over! Merry Christmas by the way. I had to write all of this in a single afternoon - evening.

Lava Fields
The touch of the ___s stimulates the volcano of the Black Isle. Lava begins pouring out of every crack and seam that could be found all around. Hot molten rock flows across the surface, forming rivers and lakes that never seem to cool. Even in the depths of the ocean, touched by the cooling caress of the waves, liquid lava spills out to form pools of the molten stuff form on the sea floor. A forest of worm plants and cluster archaea begin growing near the glowing shores, supping upon the abundant heat. The Black Isle expands its shore a kilometer further as the continuous overflowing lava flow builds up its black shore. The Arena of Monsters had to move further away from the center of the isle just to preserve the ratio of sea and land upon its grounds.

The magma crabs benefitted greatly from the event. Their once small range expanded beyond the confines of the caldera to encompass the lava-ridden fields that so surround the isle. With the abundance of molten rock, they were able to defend themselves better using their magma manipulation abilities. They were able to drive away much of the seagull nests that had formed on the island. The crabs released a cry of rejoice as they were able to spread their legs on the surface with little fear of predators. Crab dens could now be found beyond the confines of the caldera, built on the banks of lava rivers and lakes. With the discovery of their dangerous lava attacks, many more monsters attempted to acquire the ability from them, but with little luck. The fear of the arena has been instilled deeply into the shared consciousness of the magma crabs.

The Memory of Time
The waters around the Great Tree were stilled when all the fish that dwelled and frequented it vanished from the sea. They were absorbed into the wood of the tree, their flesh, bones, and organs crushed to become fertilizer for the Great Tree, save for their brains. By divine command, the brains of all that had been absorbed by the gigantic tree were preserved, and began to cluster, to become one great brain, migrating to the base of the tree where it was intertwined with the wood, root, and matter of the Great Tree, making it but another organ to the great organism. With every brain incorporated, the Great Brain becomes more complex and more intelligent.

But for it is by the will of the ___s that the Great Brain became possible, and so it shall by their command the Great Brain shall persist. And thus the Great Brain of the Great Tree is given three missions, each one more important than the last.

1. It must record all knowledge it gets and discovers, all the things it has seen, the history, the people, all must be remembered, and recorded in the most efficient way it can, especially important events.
2. It must protect and ensure the continued survival and mission of the Great Tree by any means necessary.
3. It must ensure that no species truly goes extinct and preserve frozen yet living bodies in the coldest corner of the Great Tree.

And so, by the will of the ___s, the Great Brain follows its mission diligently. All the creatures of the sea become wary of the great growing tree as numerous individuals to entire schools have entered its foliage only to never return. Fishes, sharks, net rays, all the creatures that it knew of that existed in the cold dark depths are preserved in the coldest part of the tree. When it learned of the solitary status of the Sea Dragon, it dearly wished for it to come near so that it may absorb it and preserve the only member of its kind, but when it attempted to do so, the Sea Dragon broke from its hold and bore a hole in the trunk of the Great Tree. The Sea Dragon was angry at the Great Brain's attempt, and warned the brain that should it attempt to do so again, it would crush the Great Brain to a pulp and render its mission forever uncontinuable, and so the brain relents.

A quarter through the turn, the Great Tree collapses, crushed under its ambitious growth and weakened by the Sea Dragon's anger. The tree falls, crushing a swathe of reef, forest, and field. Yet, as the Great Tree collapses, the Great Brain that resides in the base of the Great Tree remains, safe and sound in the embrace of its roots. A sapling grows on the corpse of the old tree, and its roots intertwine with the neurons of the Great Brain. This sapling would become a mature Great Tree in time, equalling and likely surpassing the ambition of its previous.

Enhance the Shark Monument
A trident appears in the mouth of the Shark Monument. The Shark Monument put forth an offering to all the sharks near that could hear and see it: remain as Beasts of the Deep or obtain the power to live upon the Land and the Sea. The sharks were shocked upon hearing the monument's voice so clearly. Before now, all they heard were vague whispers of comfort but this one was as clear as a thunderclap. The sharks ruminated upon offering, but only a few showed genuine interest in acquiring such power.

The statue granted those that took on its offering a human form with a shark's tail. This new form is as strong as their original form, just spread out and refined for a humanoid form. These new sharkmen also received a trident that contains the essence of their bestial form and could be summoned or dismissed at will. Should a receiving shark require more strength, they may impale themselves with their own trident and transform into a fiercer hybrid form that massively amplifies their physical prowess. This form is temporary and lasts only for an hour before they revert to their human form.

At first, only sharks with intent of hunting on the surface or participating in the Arena of Monsters, but after the sharks had seen how useful hands were, a greater number of sharks gained interest in gaining such power. Most of the shark race have acquired themselves a trident from the graceful Shark Monument, and only a few ornery and unintelligent sharks passed on the opportunity to receive such a gift.

The receiving of a trident has interesting effects on champions. Even in humanoid form, the sharks would retain their spoils from the arena, becoming monstrous beastly humans. The First Shark, King of the Sharks, took on the offering and became human-shaped. As he was a giant among sharks, he too became a giant among men. He was a stout man clad in hard fish scales with many scars from old battles. The Crown of Bone is set upon his head, and a pair of feathered wings is folded on his back. He smiles with a mouth full of multiple rows of teeth and looks upon his subjects with a keen bright eye.

However, this blessing to shark-kind could be stolen in the Arena of Monsters. As the blessings of others could be acquired by others, so too could the human be taken. A few sharkmen have fallen in the Arena of Monsters, letting the seagulls and fish acquire a human form. Every so often, the First Shark would launch a campaign to reclaim the tridents of the fallen warriors. With their blessing, even the seagulls couldn't hide from their wrath on dry land. Only a few agile and shrewd champions would be able to keep the blessing for years.

Giant Inchlings
A small population of gaint inchlings appears on the White Isle. These inchlings stand on average at two inches, behemoths compared to those that inhabit the first island. They are surprisingly strong, stronger and tougher than their diminutive size would suggest. They could wrangle and wrestle seagulls many times larger than themselves. It's only the fish and the champion seagulls they fear. They adorn their clothing with the feathers of their prey, and wield the bones of their enemies as weapons. There were a few seagulls that attempted to carry giant inchlings to the Arena of Monsters, but very few could survive an encounter with them.

The giant inchlings built their community in the Stone House after driving away all the seagulls that nested there. It was perfect for them. It was easily defensible and shielded them from wind and rain. They built their beds on an inch-thick layer of dirt made of dust and bird droppings. Lush green grew on the vertical walls of the house. Few dare to incur their wrath by invading this enclosed space.

Net Rays
A new fish appears in the sea. These are long flat fishes with a singly golden eye on top or bottom of their body. Their long tail and fins trail behind them, and its mouth is a network of flesh making a flesh which they can spit out and drag back to their mouth. They feed off detritus and decaying matter and slowly move through the oceans in small groupings. They won't eat anything overly large, and thus the creatures of the ocean regard these creatures as harmless unnutritious morsels, letting them approach them to clean them of parasites, debris, and dead scales and skin. They are mildly poisonous, causing distress to those that dare to consume them. They carry their young on their back from egg to maturity.

The appearance of net rays in the great blue is met with little conflict or fanfare. They are passive dudes that most of the sea does not bother eating or bothering. They find themselves swimming near the shores for falling green, and in the depths in the forest and reefs to feed floating cluster archaea and helping fishes and sharks clean themselves. Even the Sea Dragon, as great as it was, would let these harmless little critters approach its glorious form. They are rather helpful in polishing its scales to a gem-like shine.

Raging Lava Crabs
The magma crabs have been bullied in their homes for many generations, forced to hiding in their warrens for too long, suffering humiliating defeat and cowardice in the face of predation, and now they wish for release, to take the light of day and make it theirs. They are touched by the ___s, given the power to fight against the predators that so plagued their kind. They can now absorb lava and use that lava's power and the heat of their rage to increase the toughness of their shells, the strength of their claws, and the ability to spew fire upon their enemies. With this ability, they were able to ride upon the wave of lava the volcano spewed in this age and drive away the predators that called the Black Isle home. All the seagulls that once called the Black Isle home were driven away by the end of the turn, but not without trying to recolonize the land.

However, this power also comes with a curse. Those who pursue this path to power must continuously find their next battle. Should a raging lava crab be unable to find a worthy fight, they shall succumb to the cold embrace of the earth and become one, becoming but a stone statue upon the shores. A number of crab statues have littered the shores of the Black Isle, valiant warriors of the crab race from times of war and conquest. Magma crabs visit these little landmarks, offering solace to their heroes. Some raging lava crabs sought the dreaded Arena of Monsters to sate their need for battle, and some even returned from them a victor.

Mega Frogs
Giant frogs begin to appear on the isles. They live in the shallows and hop on the shores, these mega frogs have a serious taste for seagull, using their sticky tongue to snatch a number from the air. They are amphibious, hopping from wet water to dry air with little problem. They have a potent defense in the form of a highly poisonous skin that sicken or even kill sharks or fish that try to consume them, but they could potentially be cooked and rendered safe to eat using fire.

Mega frogs proliferate both on the Black Isle and the White Isle. They decimated the seagull population. There was little they could do considering how toxic mega frogs were. The seagulls attempted to stem the population of the mega frogs by eating their spawn before they could become mature mega frogs, however, the mega frogs only got cleverer and began hiding their spawn in small crevices between the pillars of the White Isle. On the Black Isle on the other hand, the mega frogs could only spawn shallow waters near the shore, far from lava flows, open to attacks from the sky and sea, and in danger of being swept from shore. Mega frogs multiply just as slowly on the Black Isle as they do on the White Isle.

They exist peacefully alongside the magma crabs. They are occasionally driven away by the ornery magma crab or battle-deprived raging lava crab. Their poisonous skin has been making the rounds among the champions as a few entered the arena.

Egg and Energy
The ___ that created the Egg furthered its plans and touched it again. The Egg's absorption properties were enhanced further, and the cyclone that surrounded the Egg intensifies, becoming one step closer to becoming an underwater storm. The entire deep could feel the pull of the Egg. Current carrying great amounts of water flow from the edges of the known world to supply energy to the hungry Egg. The crater under the Egg grows every wider and deeper as sand and rock are continually siphoned. The great ocean takes a deep breath, becoming uneasy about the developing Egg.

The Sea Dragon moves its hoard; it feels that it is not far enough to escape whatever may be coming from the Egg. The sharks too are uneasy. The First Shark and his envoys use their prodigious strength to move the Shark Monument to a much safer place.

Creeping Greens
The world becomes a little more colorful as a carpet of green starts creeping over the cliffs and slopes. Various plants begin to grow: crawling vines, leafy ivy, patterned lichen, and beards of moss. They prefer to grow on cliffs and steep slopes, sometimes even touching the salty sea. It is rare to see them fashionably cover flat column tops and other such level areas. They nourish themselves on mist, rain, and sometimes saltwater. All of them are edible to some extent, but some are less edible than others. Some produce mild poison and thorns, deterring would-be feeders from feeding on them. Though they are called the green, some of them aren't and employ the color brown instead to grow in dark places or emit a dim glow in the night.

All the creatures of the land rejoiced at their appearance. No longer would the seagulls and the surface fish rely on the treasures of the deep to feed. All could be seen nibbling and biting upon the green they could reach. The shores are made bare of green as the fish surface to feed upon the growth. The growing green also served as excellent bedding, and seagulls, inchlings, and weirdfolk could be seen gathering them to make their nests and dens.

Marble Caverns for Weirdfolk
The White Isle rumbles as a series of caves are carved into the marble. These caves are specially made for the weirdfolk. Only they and creatures like they could enter its tight entrance. The weirdfolk discover these caverns and immediately move in. They are quite happy at how the caves keep predators like fish and seagulls from getting to them. Here, they get to live and grow and multiply in peace. No longer would they have to go on sleepless nights in fear of lurking fish, hunting shark, and vicious seagull. With the creation of these caves, the number of weirdfolk exploded, and they could be found as abundant on the surface seas as the fish.

Psychic Insults
Just like their emergence from blood and salt, so did something emerge from their terrible minds. A desire to cuss out and curse every creature they come across, and this desire to be pricks came along with a tangible power. The seagulls gain the power of speech, the power to inflict pain and suffering upon those they insult. Though no animal shares a common language with the seagulls, they somehow know that whatever they may be speaking about is something deeply hurtful.

The seagulls discover the potency of this power. A seagull could kill without having to ever touch their prey! They could simply fly in circles above the target and send out a barrage of curses and insults until it keels over dead, its heart unable to bear any more of the seagull's words.It was a great tool for keeping your distance while attacking mega frogs. A few seagulls have honed their skills in such a power and subsequently becoming champion, forming flocks specializing in the power. When rival cursing seagull flocks fight, birds can rain from the sky as they engage in aerial insult battles.

And so the world turns. Time passes, the forests breathe, the mats grow, and the birds roost. Years pass untouched, and soon, as scheduled, the world once again yearns for your touch.
Fun update, Mango. Unsolicited advice try turning to the Google suite or the like then you should be less likely to lose your project progress.

Unsure what to add to the island maybe a little guy up at the surface.
[ ] Portal Nexus
-A strange tower appears, on the opposite side of the island from the Arena and sharing its half-submerged placement. This tower bears a peculiar, but immensely powerful property: Any portal opened within its range will have a corresponding exit open within it, regardless of whether that portal was meant to link to it, or even if it actually has a destination at all.

(none yet)

@MangoFlan What's the range on this action again?

edit: did not live up to desires. changing authored vote.
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[X] Striped Lighthouse

Create a rocky island from many hexagonal columns of basalt and marble that rushes high into the sky. This creation extends almost hundred meters above the water and stands a couple of kilometers from the Marble Ring like a tower. A narrow path has been carved into its steep slopes leading to the very top and rare green plants adorn the new island. The stone at the very top glows slightly when it gets dark. This dim yellowish light can take on shades of purple and green as the eerie night fog descends upon the waters below.​


[X] Inch Sheep
By @Planetary Tennis

[X] Create the magic spirits
By @SeaTheTree

[X] Island Tails
By @gracnieumierac

[X] Wormy wood
By @Ralakesh
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Authored Act

[X] Create the magic spirits
-Whenever enough living beings thinks about an emotion/sensation like the heat of fire, the horror of the eldritch, the love for another,etc it can creates a magic spirit of that emotion/sensation. A magic spirit is a tiny immaterial being as such it cannot be harmed by physical attacks, when it is born it has no intelligence it merely travels to living creatures to feed on the emotion/sensation from which it was born from, this process does not negatively affect the living creatures it feeds from. As it feeds it grows in size and intelligence and is then after a few days is able to form contracts with living creatures allowing the living creature to cast magic related to the spirit in exchange for the living creature to act as its agent. The agent has to spread the emotion/sensation of the magic spirit and kill magic spirits that are an anathema to the emotion/idea the spirit was born from, such as fire hates water, love hates hate, and wonder hates horror, etc. As the power comes from the spirit it cannot be stolen without a contract.

Supported Acts

[X] Create The Crustacean Monument
By @ShieldCrown

[X] The Silver Lake
By @Redikai

[X] Prepare the Egg
By @Nigerian Duck

[X] Exit Ravine
By @Sir Plusse
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[X] Inch Sheep
Small beetle sized creatures the inch sheep can crawl up stems and eat the leaves of plants they produce a nutritional milk and grow a thick wool coat that can be trimmed and used as a cloth for the inchlings.

[X] Striped Lighthouse
[X] Create The Crustacean Monument
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[X] Island Tails
From the sea came great stony, dirty and sand ridges of land that swirled and circled around before latching onto the islands of Black and White. They curled and circled them to dividing the sea into the deep and the shallow. The ridges a wall against the deep dark blue protecting the light sapphire which formed over time.

[X] Striped Lighthouse

[X] Inch Sheep
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[X] Create The Crustacean Monument

Taking the form of a large crab made of metals similar to the Shark Monument, but colored like the night sky with a number of glittery gems dotted across it to resemble stars. Like the Shark Monument it can telepathically communicate with crustaceans, but this time it does so in the form of granting guidance to their goals or how to survive. Additionally, it can produce new crustaceans from crabs, to lobsters, and Shrimp in the same way that the Shark Monument does. Unlike the Shark Monument however, it has a connection to the Spider Statue, for both are connected by being representatives of Arthropods. They can communicate with each other. Finally, should the island ever come under siege, it may summon forth an Avatar made of Brilliant Starlight and Chilling Darkness, a monster crab the size of a two story building to defend the island.

[X] Create the magic spirits
[X] Inch Sheep
[X] Prepare the Egg
[X] Crab Tunnels
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[X] Wormy wood
Many worm things are created and placed on the Great Tree. They munch on bark, on leaves, on wood. Some hunt other worms; some hunt fish from the sea, or any other creatures. There are giants among them bigger than sharks and dwarves no longer than a finger, though honestly it is a normal size for them. With any amount of eyes or teeth or legs, they vary drastically in appearence; however, they still are all worms.

[X] Create the magic spirits

[X] Inch Sheep

[X] Prepare the Egg

[X] Striped Lighthouse
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[X] Create the worlds edge mountain
This mountain is but a simple mountain, a giant part of the sea floor pulled to the surface, and going higher and higher stopping just above the clouds. This is something metaphysical.

It is something that will always be higher. In the future more higher landmass might be created, then this mountain shall just grow to surpass that landmass just a bit. Seemingly equaling it in hight.
Legends among the surface and sky dwellers say that reaching the top of the mountain can grant a audiance with the ___s. Wether it is truth or a lie remains to be seen.

[X] Create the magic spirits
[X] Inch Sheep
[X] Crab Tunnels
[X] Prepare the Egg
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Authored Act
[X] The Silver Lake
At the foot of the volcano, a lake composed of a variety of metals in liquid form is created. The metals of this lake evaporate, condense, and freeze like water, just at a slightly higher temperature, and are made of all kinds of precious metals such as gold, platinum, and silver. Breathing can be quite dangerous too close to the lake as your lungs get filled with metal.

Supported Acts
[X] Exit Ravine
[X] Inch Sheep
[X] Island Tails
[X] Create the magic spirits
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Authored Act
[X] Prepare the Egg

The ___ who spent their time and care for that little Egg, meticulously plotting and planning for it to become greater than what it appears to be, looks at the Egg once more. Recognizing that their time for this small patch of ocean is almost up, they begin to prepare the Egg for its hatching, and eventual departure.

Before anything, the very first act the ___ does is to awaken the nascent mind of the avian within. The dreamlike state it has been in for decades transforms to one of near clear lucidity—like the gap between a person waking up and being asleep—in order to grow its mind further. It is given the barest basics of the ecosystem, its wildlife and the habitats.

Then, it does a necessary step for the Egg's development, and connects it to the Divine Duck Force. The power which flowed through the bones of the original duck now flow through it, and with it the blessings that come within. It is to be a catalyst for the duck's later growth, and a mark of its special position amongst its fellow creations.

Finally, it is named. No longer is it "The Egg", the underwater peril which . The ___ christens it "Duck Deity: Ocean". Names have power, and with this name, it's fate is invariably tied to the ocean (and to a more important figure, ducks).

Supported Acts
[X] Exit Ravine

[X] Striped Lighthouse

[X] Wormy wood

[X] Island Tails
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Dang it, I was asleep!


[X] Crab Tunnels
The magma crabs decide to work together and dig deeper. Using their magma powers, the crabs dig a vast network of interconnected caverns, tunnels, and burrows deep within the volcano. They are designed in such a way that should any predator try to enter, the crabs would simply flood a tunnel with magma.

[X] Create The Crustacean Monument
[X] Create the magic spirits
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