Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Enhancing the Spider Statue is very popular it seems.
So is the DDF, it appears.
I'll withhold my final vote until we get a new tally of vote requirements so I can try to support anyone who won't pass.
Yes. It's interesting to do and it makes use of already created thing. You don't like this situation?
I think it was just—whoops, that was already answered.

I wonder if I can connected the Divine Duck Force to multiple platforms.
Hmm, maybe I should also find my thing for this quest. For now I have some bees and an attempt to slightly remake the island itself into something more interesting than a concrete slab.
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Alright, looking at the current Vote Tally, we have 4 Big Acts so far this Turn!

A good number for the final Turn for this island.
[X] Teach the Inchlings how to make primitive tools, such as rope, stone knives and axes, shovels, bows and arrows, etc.

[X] Bless the Inchlings with great fertility

[X] Story-Flame

[X] Giant Turtles

[X] Reshape and Transmute
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[X] Nutrition!
As the bamboo forests grow throughout the seas, Bamboos that has grown so high that enabled them to recieve sunlight.
But bamboos has always been something from the deep seas so it has no need for sunlight. It transforms the light and heat it revcieved into helpful netritians and pumps them into the deep sea floor. Vitalizing the sand and stone with brand new things.
Small Act
[X] Reshape and Transmute
Shape concrete square into more interesting form and made from more natural material. Slowly over the years change material into basalt columns, granite layers and obsidian shards. At the same time, give island the shape of a crescent with a height difference. So that there is a bay on the inner side of the crescent, and a steep cliff on the outside. All of these changes slow and not damaging to the most things on the island.
Naturalization? This is Big Act.
[X] Teach the Inchlings how to make primitive tools, such as rope, stone knives and axes, shovels, bows and arrows, etc.
Small Act seems reasonable.
Does enhancing the Spider Statue scale?
No. Also, can you make a brief description of spiderfolk? Are they like giant spiders, spiders with human torsos, or humans with spider heads?
[X] Living honey
These amorphous creatures spontaneously generate when something rotting and large enough drops into sea syrup pools. They drift with water currents, absorbing whatever they find and turning it into syrup. They can live like this for centuries, however, most of the time they fall prey to other animals if they are small or burst if they are too big.

[X] Teach the Inchlings how to make primitive tools, such as rope, stone knives and axes, shovels, bows and arrows, etc.

[X] Reshape and Transmute

[X] Nutrition!
I still need two more votes for reshaping the island. Ready to support your idea in the next turn, if you help me now as a deal. Or I can change one of my votes, which are already pass.
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[X] Teach the Inchlings how to make primitive tools, such as rope, stone knives and axes, shovels, bows and arrows, etc.

[X] Bless the Inchlings with great fertility

[X] Giant Turtles

[X] Story-Flame

[X] Enhance the Spider Statue.
The spider statue is already a "Big" Act. Adding another vote to it does nothing. Use it on something else that's close to Big…like maybe Turtles? Whatever you want.

Spirits also has 7 votes, so someone should switch off that. I'll do it, and switch to "Reshape and Transmute" so that can come closer to passing.
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I'm closing the vote, however, I can see that the thread is still a bit active.

The vote is officially closing tomorrow (8-10 hours from now). Good night.
A Strange Notebook
Quick, someone redistribute the votes to transform the island from a boring concrete slab into a beautiful crescent of basalt!
Edit: I've got a sudden insparation. Wanted to write something small about this place and how one unlucky angler could get lost in there.

Good evening, dear reader of this journal. If you somehow got your hands on this little book, then maybe I got out of this place or, which is more likely, you got stuck here too and found it next to my cold body. Or I've been robbed again. In any case, everything written in this log is true and describes my strange journey. I never thought, that I would write about my voyages. Usually, there was nothing worth to write in the records. But it looks like I'll have to do it now, if only for my peace of mind.

My name is Vincent Atwater, I am an angler, just like dad and grandpa were. It is 1966, April the third. My story started a few days ago, when I received newspaper with an interesting job offer. Things have not been going very well for me lately, and in the newspaper they offered a good salary and a cheap place to live. It was a small town called West Salt, which was located on an island in the Stormic Ocean. They definitely needed new angler. I became interested and literally two days later sailed on my ship to the West Salt. This place was not so far away. And from that moment things got very strange.

I was caught in an unexpected storm. This wasn't normal. Heavy clouds moved towards me and the light of the setting sun quickly disappeared into the darkness and fog. I was only ten miles from the island! Then it started to rain. However, there was almost no wind and rare weak gusts sounded eerie, as if someone was singing very far from me. The fog was somehow yellowish, slightly rusty coloured and sometimes big things splashed and floated overboard, it was something luminous. I sailed like this for about an hour. My hands clutched the helm with all their might, and cold sweat broke out on the forehead. I was horrified. I thought some evil sea spirit would take my soul right there. I think, I got a few gray hairs in my beard after this experience.

And then it suddenly ended. I was out of the fog, out of the storm. Only the sun hung high in the sky, it was warmer and the boundless ocean stretched in all directions from the sides of my ship. I had no idea where I was, and I don't know even now. There was no radio communication, no land around and no island that I should have reached by now. At some point I decided to try fishing here, but I didn't catch anything. The water was clear and completely lifeless. No animals, no algae or corals or jellyfish... It was completely unlike a normal ocean.

I sailed until evening, and then at night. There were no stars in the sky. I couldn't sleep because of all stress. I was very anxious. However, at some point, I still dozed off, and woke up when the ship shook violently. Something huge, some kind of mollusc swam under my vessel. I hid and sat like that until morning, afraid to even breathe. Only at dawn I looked overboard and saw a huge school of fish. I even caught a few! They were very meaty, slow and tasty. What a lazy fish! I called it Lazy Cod, because it looks like it, but was more, well, lazy… I also saw something strange growing at the bottom of the ocean. I think it's some sort of bamboo. Super weird.

Now I am sailing towards the island, which I noticed on the horizon. Hope I can rest there and figure out what to do next. There is plenty of fuel on my ship, but even brown oil tends to run out. I hope there will be something useful on the island and I will get out of this place alive. The island has a strange shape and it worries me. I would not want to moor to the land inhabited by some terrible hungry creatures, but the open waters also do not look like a calm and safe place for me right now.​

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Era 1 - Turn 5 Acts
Adhoc vote count started by MangoFlan on Nov 23, 2022 at 7:59 PM, finished with 45 posts and 11 votes.

Vote Closed! Update might be slow.

Big Act:
Giant Turtles
Enhance the Spider Statue.
Créate the Divine Duck Force
Reshape and Transmute
Nutrition! (1 Omake Point @Nigerian Duck)

Small Act:
Bless the Inchlings with great fertility
Living honey
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