Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Encyclopedia Miliainsularum (WIP)
Encyclopedia Miliainsularum
The First Era - The Green Sea

The Platform
The Golden Pools
The Ravine
Spider Monument

The Royal Ducks
Nautilus Kings
Lantern Bees
Giant Turtle
Living Honey

Carnivorous Plants
Sea Bamboo
Ant Spires

The Second Era - The Sea of Monsters
The Black Isle
The Grey Isle
The White Isle

Smoker Fields
Arena of Monsters
Great Crystal Reef
Ordinary House
Shark Monument
Gemstone Caverns
Lightwound Trench
Duckbirth Crater
Lava Fields
Silver Lake
Exit Ravine
Striped Lighthouse
Living Mountain
Weirdfolk Shrine
Seagull Statue

City of Living Coral
The Sea Dragon
Lava Crabs
Giant Inchlings
Mega Frogs
Inch Sheep

Cluster Archaea
The Great Wormwood
Creeping Green
Metal Plants

Aberration Fog
Crown of Bone
Book of the ___s
Magic Spirits
Guardian Ghosts
Hellish Weather
The Third Era - The Frozen Sea



The Fourth Era - The Urban Sea



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Hmm…could I convince one more person to vote for Prepare the Egg? It's 1 grow away from passing, and "Create the Magic Spirits" has 8 votes (any vote after the sixth counts for nothing) while Inch Sheep has 7.
Era 2 - Turn 4 Acts
Adhoc vote count started by Nigerian Duck on Dec 27, 2022 at 1:43 AM, finished with 42 posts and 12 votes.

Vote closed!

Big Act:
Create the magic spirits
Inch Sheep
Striped Lighthouse (+2 Landscaper)
Create The Crustacean Monument
Island Tails (+2 Landscaper)
Exit Ravine(+2 Landscaper)
Prepare the Egg (+1 @Gold adorned man)

Small Act:
Wormy wood
The Silver Lake (+2 Landscaper)
Crab Tunnels (+2 Landscaper)

Basic Act:
Book of the ___s

Non-passing Act:
Create the worlds edge mountain (+2 Landscaper)
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I see it will. You better have a good thing come out of that egg Duck!!!!! I see that peoples patience with still preparing that egg is turning away.

MangoFlan Give this man my last Omake point
[X] Island Tails
From the sea came great stony, dirty and sand ridges of land that swirled and circled around before latching onto the islands of Black and White. They curled and circled them to dividing the sea into the deep and the shallow. The ridges a wall against the deep dark blue protecting the light sapphire which formed over time.
I was reading this and somehow I became kinda confused. This wasn't supposed to connect the isles as I thought they would, they would surround the waters around the isles like a fence. I was kinda excited that the two isles would become connected, but it doesn't appear to work that way. Welp.
I was reading this and somehow I became kinda confused. This wasn't supposed to connect the isles as I thought they would, they would surround the waters around the isles like a fence. I was kinda excited that the two isles would become connected, but it doesn't appear to work that way. Welp.
Maybe we can shape the island to look like a Yin-Yang symbol.
Era 2 - Turn 4
Magic Spirits
The fabric of the world around the isles was forever changed after the touch of one ___ had turned made Magic Spirits possible. Whenever enough living beings thinks about an emotion or sensation such as the heat of fire, the horror of the eldritch, the love for another, etc., it can create a magic spirit embodying that emotion or sensation. A magic spirit is a tiny immaterial being and as such cannot be harmed through physical means. When it is born, it has no intelligence and merely travels to the living creatures to feed on the emotion or sensation from which it was born from. This does not negatively affect the creatures it feed on. As it feeds, it grows in size and intelligence, and adter a few days, it is able to form contracts with living creatures, allowing the creature to cast magic related to the spirit in exchange for the living creature to act as its agent. The agent has spread the emotion or sensation feeding it and kill magic spirits that are anathema to the emotion or idea the spirit was born from such as joy against sadness, light against dark, and wonder against horror. As the power comes from the contract with the spirit, it cannot be stolen, even in the Arena of Monsters.

On the first day of it taking effect, numerous spirits were born. First among them were the primal feelings all creatures of land, sea, and sky feel: Hunger, Fatigue, Thirst, Need, Satiation, Fear, Joy, Pathos, Pain, and Healing. There were many of them, perhaps even hundreds with each concept having born more than ten variations from different groupings, species, and locations. A Hunger magic spirit born from the hunger of a school of fish is fundamentally different from the hunger of a flock of seagulls. When these magic spirits met after their host groups came together, they came to blows, tearing apart each other, and similar magic spirits fused. These magic spirits grew rapidly and became very intelligent very fast. In just the first year, there was already a number of established magic spirits of these primal feelings waging war and engaging in intrigue with one another.

Then there was the elemental magic spirits that came shortly after, born from the collective experience of the phenomena: the darkness of the deep, the light of the sun, the eeriness of the nighttime fog, the horror of the yawning chasm, the heat of the lava, the shine of the coral, the steadfastness of the rock. There are yet many others not mentioned born from the matter of the world. They are not as dynamic as those born from the primal desires that urge every living creatures. They linger near the object their feelings are born, suckling on those that come near and beckoning those that are far. As phenomena that could be experienced equally among all creatures, they developed as fast as the magic spirits of the primal feelings.

Then, there were those that were born from the feelings directed to and received from specific objects: the reverence to the Shark Monument, the adoration of the Shark King, the awe in the Sea Dragon, the mystery of the Egg, the life-giving embrace of the Caldera, the protectiveness of the Stone House, and the bloodshed demanded by the grounds of the Arena. To those that witnessed them, they became part of the object in question, becoming its divine halo and otherworldly aura. With the advent of magic spirits, the reverence and adoration of the sharks intensified, turning to outright worship. The Shark King was happy to be able to accompany his brethren even if only in spirit, and the sharks began making replicas of the Shark Monument and effigies of the Shark King to carry their spirits with. The Sea Dragon took this development in stride, and its presence could be felt throughout its territory through its spirit.

Most of the magic spirits are treated with distrust and fear, to the chagrin of some of them. They are seen as malevolent demons bringing misfortune and misery. However, there are also those that are seen as benign spiritual beings that supposedly drive away these malevolent demons and the unpleasant concepts they herald. There are also those that are spirits of a place, a protective spirit that cares and maintains the balance of the location. These are the spirits all the creatures of the isles and the deep are inclined to make contracts with, and their contractors became known as shamans or priests, channeling the power of the land or the power of a benign demon. It became a must for every school, flock, and community to have at least one, to combat the ethereal predations of the more unpleasant magic spirits and their contractors.

Inch Sheep
Springing from the green are the inch sheep, small beetle-sized creatures that can crawl up stems and eat the leaves of plants. They produce a nutritious milk and grow a thick wool coat that can be shorn and used as clothing for the inchlings. The can be seen in the cliffs and slopes, happy munching on all the green that may grow there. Most creatures ignore them, finding them quite harmless and too small to be wary of, but they still get eaten by seagulls and fish regardless. Only the inchlings discover their usefulness.

Though they were also wary at first, they soon discover these inch-sized insectile creatures as perfectly harmless and docile. And so the inchlings began to herd them alongside their efforts in foraging and hunting. Their appearance to the world made transformed inchling society. No longer did inchlings wear flimsy clothes woven from plant fiber, but wear warm and padded clothing crafted from the wool. Their milk was a welcome addition their diet of vegetables and meat, and during times of hardship and celebration, they could be slaughtered for their meat and as sacrifices to the spirits of their community.

Striped Lighthouse
A third isle rises from the waves a couple kilometers or so away from the White Isle. Pillars of black basalt and white marble make the rock of this Grey Isle. It rises above the waves for a hundred meters, forming a rocky tower towards the heavens. A gentle narrow path is carved into its side, gently sloping spiraling towards the top. Rare green plants grow on this island, covering the island in a lush green much like how the creeping green carpeted the cliffs and slopes of the other isles.

A stone obelisk is set on the very top of the isle, made of a strange stone that glows in the night. Its yellowish light can take a purple or green shade once the eerie nightly fog begins rolling in. This light, though faint, could be seen on all the isles, glowing above the horizon like a static solitary star. This light would receive a negative connotation to the inchlings, magma crabs, and weirdfolk when many seagull flocks migrated to this distant land, becoming the beckoning light where the seagulls came from.

Many seagulls would migrate to this distant isle, to escape the pressures of the raging lava crabs, mega frogs, and inchling. There was a mad rush among seagulls to take the best nesting and roosting spots. There was a body count to this rush, with competitors torn from the spots or falling from the sky, struck by the psychic assault of their enemies. Eventually, the rush subsided, and order was attained. The very top was naturally taken by the flock of one of the strongest seagulls of that time.

With the residence of seagulls, creeping green began growing on the bare stone walls, carried to this place by the droppings of the birds. They didn't seem to be competing for space with the rare plants, only sticking to the cliffs and slopes where they don't grow. However, the rare plants are being exhausted by the day. Though not as tasty as the creeping green, the seagulls still decimated their numbers by eating them and occupying prime growing grounds. The rare plants became rarer by the year, with them hard to find in the end of the age, growing only in hidden nooks and grottos.

Crustacean Monument
The Crustacean Monument was created. It was a large crab statue set on the gentler slopes of the Black Isle. It is made of a metal similar to the Shark Monument but colored with the black of night and decorated with the glittering gemstones set to appear like stars. Like the Shark Monument, it can telepathically communicate with crustaceans, granting them guidance to their goals and advice on continued life. Additionally, it can produce new crustaceans from crabs to lobsters to shrimp in the same way the Shark Monument could. The magma crabs suddenly found their little Black Isle home to their cousins. They were lesser and different to them in many ways. They ate rock and minerals whereas crustaceans spawned by the monument fed on flesh and plant. Nevertheless, the Crustacean Monument could connect with as well as its spawn.

The Crustacean Monument has a connection with Spider Statue, plopped on the First Island on the First Era, as both are representatives of Arthropods. Their connection flows through the Exit Ravine. Should the Black ever come under siege, the Crustacean Monument may summon forth an Avatar made of Brilliant Starlight and Chilling Darkness, a monstrous crab the size of a two-storey building to defend the island. So far, there hasn't been a calamity that needed its summoning.

The magma crabs are awed at its creation. They could hear its telepathic communication buzzing in the back of their minds, giving them hope and desire to thrive. Everyday, a throng of magma crabs would come to the Crustacean Monument to admire it and offer it food. Though it was made of metal and jewels, they were convinced it was just a very large raging lava crab undergoing its final sleep, yet they know it was alive and awake by how it could commmunicate with them. More importantly, it made them believe that those raging lava crabs that had long turned to stone are like it, still living yet asleep. A few years into the age, their honest belief in a living monument would spark a magic spirit that would inhabit the monument. Similar things would happen to altars of petrified warriors. They took this as a divine sign that their faith had brought back a spark of life to these inanimate statues.

Island Tails
It rose from beneath the waves, ridges of stone, sand, and dirt curling and latching onto the Black and White Isles. They encircle the two isles, separating the shallows from the deep blue like a fence.

The meeker inhabitants of the two isles breathed a sigh of relief as the raw ferocity of the ocean was filtered away from their home. The mega frogs and weirdfolk flourished as they now have a safe place to dwell and spawn in. Where once only the lucky and swift could survive all the way to adulthood, the number of mega frogs could now spawn on the outer shores without fear of their eggs eaten by the hungry fish, especially on the Black Isle where their only possible spawning grounds were the outer shores. Their exploding population were tempered by the limited food.

The children of the weirdfolk screamed in joy when they saw the fish fenced off by the ridges. Now they could swim in the waters around the White Isle with little fear of any fish and shark that may come around. They could enjoy the sunshine and the rain without having to look behind their back for any fish that may be stalking them. Their numbers exploded as they could now leave the safety of their cave homes much more brazenly, letting them gather more food from the green and have greater space to roam around in.

The inchlings aren't as affected by this development as the others. No longer do they have to fear the water for any hungry fish that dwells within the confines of the ridges. Where once inchlings avoided the waters at all costs, they could be seen relaxing, attempting to swim and sail upon the placid shallows that now surround their island home. From their more warlike origins, the inchlings begin mellowing out beginning outposts outside the stone house. Their spears were replaced crooks and their hunters turned to shephered herding their inch sheep through the green.

Though the ridge weren't truly insurmountable, the fishes found it too much of a hassle to pass through. The numbers that once swam in the open water, no longer to reach the food that grew on the shores, dwindled until only a few schools made permanent home in the waters. Many of them fled to the waters below where their cousins long ago fled too and where many of them were born. Others found home near the shores of the Grey Isle where they could access and feed on the green that grew upon its cliffs and shores.

The shrimps, the lobsters, and the crabs, lesser spawns of the Crustacean Monument found a wonderful home in the shallows. They could freely inhabit the sea with little fear of predation. However, the shallows around the Black Isle heats up over time, heated by the constant lava flows from the volcano. Over time, this shallow region would shrink and become unbearably hot.

However, there was a steady supply of challengers that regularly attended the Arena of Monsters, and no mere barrier could stop them from entering its grounds. The island tail near the arena of monsters were perforated with holes, carved by industrious fish and frequent passage of sharks. Though there were many holes in the land fence around the Black Fish who came to hunt and feed are few, turned by the stone wall, keeping the shallows relatively safe of aquatic predators.

Exit Ravine
The sea floor cracks as a ravine opens up. It cuts through caves underground, exposing caverns filled with gems untouched. It connects to a counterpart ravine carved into the floor of a distant sea. Water flows through, pushed by the sea on the other side and pulled by the demand of the Egg. Various debris were carried through the rift: globules of living honey, strands of kelp, bamboo debris, and schools of lost fish. They land to this side of the ravine, establishing new grounds for kelp meadows and bamboo forests. Over the years, they spread and grow large, growing around the Exit Ravine much like how a beard grows around one's mouth.

The fish from the other side, now here on out referred to as Silver Darters, are confused as they arrived to this foreign land. Whereupon the fish of this sea, here on out called Scaled Fish, had tough scales and muscular bodies to endure and evade attacks, the silver darters had bare smooth skin and long weak bodies. The average silver darter is less intelligent than the least intelligent scaled fish! Whenever the a school a silver darters would pass through the rift, their numbers would be culled to nothing by the vicious scaled fish. They couldn't maintain a stable population on this side until the forest around the ravine would be big enough.

On the other hand, curious scaled fish had passed through the ravine to enter the other side. It was a strange world, a simpler helpless world and abundant with food. They were menaces on the other side, decimating the number of fish and contending with the ducks, the nautilus kings, and the giant turtles like wolves against farmers. The ducks even sent their current king, the One Duck, alongside their princes and princesses to fight on the frontlines of the war against the scaled fish, but the fish brought their magic spirits and arena champions to the other side. It was clear they were there to stay.

The Sea Dragon had gone to this other side too. It went to the ravine to harvest gems from the opened up caves when it found itself on the other side. It explored this other world and found it devoid of any treasure it desires. Though its presence there was brief, it could be felt by almost everyone. All the creatures of the sea, especially the scaled fish, scampered whenever it came near. To the ducks, they felt that there was simply something divine to the serpent. The One Duck had sent a few envoys to this side, to meet and negotiate with the visiting god, but none of them have survived the trip to the Sea Dragon. Horror flared among their ranks when they realized that their spirits would not return to them should they die on the other side.

Prepare the Egg
The ___ that laid the Egg to this world recognizes that their time amongst this seas is rapidly approaching, so it prepares the last pieces of its plan. The ___ touches the Egg, awakening the nascent mind of the duck within. The deep dreamy slumber it has been for decades transforms into one of near clear lucidity—like the gap between a person waking and being asleep—in order to grow its mind further. It is given the barest basics of the ecosystem, of its wildlife and the habitats. It learns of the forests and the meadows and of the shores and open ocean.

Then, as a necessary step for the Egg's development, the duck within is instilled with the Divine Duck Force, the same force that so flows in the bones of the original duck. It is to be a catalyst for the duck's later growth, and a mark of its special position amongst its fellow creations.

Finally, this mysterious being is named. No longer shal it be called "The Egg", the underwater peril, but christened as "Duck Deity: Ocean". This name invariably ties it to the ocean as well as ducks. Time will tell if it would live up to the name it was given.

I see darkness. The storm whorls 'round me, carrying water and debris which feeds me. I can see the fish, the rays, and the sharks regarding with passing intrigue. I could see them despite the darkness, illuminated by my spirit. The Sea Dragon regards me... I cannot parse the emotion on its face. I can hear it speak to me, yet I could not reply. I could not muster the energy to reply back.

Wormy Wood
Many worm things are created to inhabit the Great Tree. They come in many shapes and sizes. Some are giants larger than even sharks, though most of them are dwarves no larger than a finger. They may possess any number of eyes, teeth, or legs, and each may vary drastically in appearance from one another, but in the end of the day, they're all still worms.

Many of them bore into the wood, acquiring sustenance from the bark, the leaves, and the wood of the Great Tree. But some of them are predatory, hunting and consuming other worms, fish, and other creatures of the sea. They create holes and imperfections in the wood, weaking the Great Tree greatly. Through their action, the Great Tree would fall halfway through the turn. The crashes in a different direction from last time, crushing a different swathe of sea. The worms are spread throughout the sea, though they can't be found in equal measure everywhere. All of them struggled in some way away from the nutritious wood of the Great Tree. Those that feel into the Smoker Plains and Lava Pools starved as they couldn't bore into the flesh of worm plants and cluster archaea as they could with the Great Tree, though those with more predatory bent found a smidge of success among the hardship.

Those that fell into the Crystal Reef found themselves boring into hard stone. The corals aren't as nutritious to them as the wood was, but they managed to hang on. Over time, much like the fish that had lived in this place for a long time, they began changing color, adopting the colors exuded by the crystal coral. However, their boring tendencies damage coral, slowly but surely turning a portion of the reef dark after all the corals that lived there died. The City of Living Coral is in dire straits after catching an infestation of them. It is dying. It approaches the Smoker Plains, a place with slightly acidic waters frequented by the net rays, in hopes of killing off its infestation.

Those that fell into the rapidly growing forests of bamboo found themselves in paradise. The forests became infested with the creatures. Their infestation prevents these plants from simply growing higher and higher into the light. Their presence trims the bamboo, keeping them from growing above a certain height.

The Silver Lake
At the foot of the volcano, a lake of liquid metal forms. It is a shiny lake, shining like frsehly polished silver. It is a strange lake, made of precious metals such as gold, platinum, and silver, yet it remains liquid even in the relatively frigid environment of the sea floor. They evaporate, condense, and freeze at slightly higher temperatures than water. The metals dissolve into the water, creating a toxic cloud above and around the lake. Breathing is this cloud is very dangerous as the metals could accumulate in the gills and the lungs, preventing one from breathing properly.

Very few life grows around the lake, fewer than those that live near the glowing lava pools. The worm plants and cluster archaea that find themselves here are sickly and saturated in toxic heavy metals. At the start of the age, the Silver Lake would find itself a number of visitors, intrigued by its strange cloud and shiny liquid. However, after those that frequented the location died from metal in their gills and lungs, all of the sea avoided approaching this shiny metal lake.

Crab Tunnels
The magma crabs received a burst of inspiration. They began to dig, to expand their underground dens. They use their magma powers to move the igneous earth and create a grand warren of vast interconnected caverns. It is designed in such a way that should a predator find themselves within them, the magma crabs could just flood the cavern with lava to deal with the trespasser.

The magma crabs weren't quite sure what came over them to build such an extensive den. It was something they wouldn't have thought of building anytime soon, and they thought it was a great thing. They couldn't place who or what to blame to that, but after they discovered the Crustacean Monument, they attributed the burst of inspiration as its work. After all, it was the only benign one who could touch their minds in such a way.

Book of the ___s
The weirdfolk received a strange object this turn. It was a large book made with waterproof leaves and bound in a thick red leather cover. It details all the Acts done by the ___ in this world, but for the weirdfolk did not possess a writing system, it contains stunning pictures depicting the Acts in full color. From the creation of the isles to the creation of this very book was depicted in one of the pages of the book.

The weirdfolk could not place what the book could be, but they could recognize the creations imprinted onto the pages. Because of the book, they knew of things that lie outside the confines of their caverns and the tails of the isles. The learned of the Black Isle with the grand arena that they only heard in the distant memories of their elders. They learned of the monuments surrounded by its court of sharks. They learned of the caves grander than their own, bejeweled with glittering gems, yet a fraction of the inhabitability of their home. They learned of this and many more. They are convinced that all of the pictures depicted within the pages of the book were real and true, for half of the things painted within are ones that they knew and witnessed to be true. However, to some, convincing is not enough. They wished to know for certain the reality of these objects.

For the first time in ages, weirdfolk could be found far from the White Isle, testing the veracity of the book at home. Some would return home, bringing tales of the state of the object as they saw, yet some of the adventurous would not return.

And so the world turns, and the ages pass by. The final score for the era comes. Yearning. You can feel the waning yearning of the world flare.
Last turn folks. Let's make it a good one

[X] Hellish Weather
At the peak of the volcano sits a small black cloud of volcanic ash. It grows slowly for a year by absorbing the toxic ashes and fumes of the volcano. Once it reaches a critical mass, it starts to rain fire and brimstone down on the surrounding area. It shall do this for a week until it runs out of ash and shrinks back to a small size, starting the cycle all over again.

[X] The Metal Plants

[X] House Trees
@Planetary Tennis
[X]Create the Guardian Ghosts

Edit: Added time limits so there can be some form of time keeping.
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[X] WAR!
-Perhaps due to the Ducks blaming the Sharks for the deaths of their kin and the loss of their spirits, perhaps due to a lucky strike by a Duck Knight on the other side managing to slay a Shark princeling, perhaps merely a curse of hatred placed by a bored ___ for its own amusement; whatever the case, a war has begun between the Sharks and the Kingdom of Ducks.

[X] Hellish Weather
[X]Create the Guardian Ghosts
[X] The Metal Plants
[X] House Trees
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Authored Act

[X]Create the Guardian Ghosts
-Whenever spirits that represent a location/monument, eg City of Living Coral, The Great Tree, The Shark Monument, etc have their location come under great danger these spirits will combine or instead if sufficient worship is given a spirit will ascend into a creature known as a Guardian Ghost. The Guardian Ghost takes the form of a hybrid of the creatures that live in the location and forms a contract with the location or possesses the location if the location has no intelligence. These Guardian Ghosts are much harder to kill than their spirit counterparts, they are able to attack enemies with magic and physically in the location to protect it however they are unable to leave their contracted location and if the location is destroyed the Guardian Ghost dies too.

Supported Acts

[X] Hatch
By @Nigerian Duck

[X] The Metal Plants
By @Redikai

[X] Hellish Weather
By @Zakelga

[X] The Living Mountain
By @Gold adorned man

Dont want to see monuments and large places get destroyed by worms
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Authored Act
[X] The Metal Plants
Blossoming around the Silver Lake are a multitude of plants that feed on the vapor metal like normal plants do water. Due to this the plants are metallic with their composition being made up of whatever metals they absorb. This leads to things like trees of iron, flowers of gold, and bushes of silver.

Supported Acts
[X]Create the Guardian Ghosts
[X] Hellish Weather
[X] Hatch
[X] The night fog is thickening
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[X] The Wormwood
One night, something bright fell down from heavens into the ocean. ___ takes it and shapes it into a horrible demon. The name of the demon is Wormwood.
Shining as bright as a star, it traces erratic figures high in the skies. It only descends to earth when all other things are hiding. Storm at sea, rain of fire and brimstone, silent fog. Then it comes, white as milk and large as a small island, with thousands of arms that eerily resemble those of the sharkmen. Should someone try to wound it, they will find out that blood Wormwood is very potent poison, powerful enough to kill a spirit.
Strangely, most of the time it does nothing when it descends. It just hovers there, watching. After that, it flies away up in the sky. Only occasionally does it grasp something and crushes or carries away.

[X] Create the Weirdfolk Shrine

[X] The Living Mountain

[X] Hellish weather

[X] The night fog is thickening
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Authored act:
[X] The Living Mountain
This Great part of the sea floor is no ordinary thing. Its surface layer is that of corals, sands and stony cliffs that walk on 8 legs each different from each other. Just a few metres in the Giants surface is hard Platinum, gold, radium, diamond, iron and such precious metals protecting it from outside harm. Beside the inner core is black obsidion and white opals enchanted to last for eternity and guard the core. Its inner core is that of Gigantic magical energy, that should it be released outside its shell that is the Living titan it would swipe clean everything in 1 thousand kilometers ignoring physical and dimensional barriers at the start. For every powerful being that it defeats 1 more kilometer shall be added to its detonation area. Though the Titan itself can choose to sacrifise himself to make the detonation less destructive, never nulifiying it. For it is energy from ___ of golden cloaks himself

It will clean the tree of parasites that is Wood worms and their descendents. Crushing them under its enormous mass.
It will walk under the sea, above the sea to everywhere. And report all it saw and heard to the Great tree.

Supported acts:
[X]Create the Guardian Ghosts
[X] [X] The Wormwood
[X] Hatch
[X] Create the Weirdfolk Shrine
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Authored Act
[X] Hatch

It is time. After years and years of festering and gestating and absorbing from the ocean, the Egg—no, Duck Deity: Ocean—must now ascend to the next stage. The inert state of silent waiting is soon left behind, a memory of the oast, and the ___ who had created it so long ago begins to take Action

The energy which has been stored for so long begins to condense itself, spiraling into the avian and then forming it. A 60-inch feathered being of epic proportions, with splendid coat, pattern, and coloring. It had the body and shape of a lesser Duck barring its form that is reminiscent of the sea, a pattern of rippling caustics forming an aura around him, and the eyes it holds, little whirpools in their own right, imitating his first stage in life.

The world shakes, for the birth of its first Deity. That which had made up the foundation of his power disperses and reform throughout his body, and he shall revel in it. Up until now the Sea Dragon had been the strongest living creature, but (much to its dismay) it has been put in a clear 2nd place.

But this new entity didn't have merely raw power. It had control of the very thing that it fed on for so long—the water, the sand, the minerals in it all. The basics of the Ocean were its to weave, manipulate, and fashion how he wish. To bring into existence a lesser version of him from water? Trivial. To shape a floating river for him to fly in? Merely a daily occurrence. Not even generation of water from thin air is impossible by his standard of power. And this to extended further to his powers, for his Divine Duck Force was not left alone. Now, instead of powers being given only by birth, he could choose to lend some of his strength to petitioners for something in return (or nothing at all if he pleased it so). No matter how far they were, the ocean was the ocean, and with water nearby the ability would find a way to work.

Similar to the Sea Dragon, it could grow its strength with time, but unlike the Sea Dragon it could only do so when submerged and surrounded by its element: water. It was its basis of its life, and an inseparable material to it.

It has a good disposition towards all of creation, and is born with a mind of patience. One does not learn to survive decades staying still by being having a rrstless heart. But its heart in totality lies with the Ducks, and the more duck-shaped one is, the better they will be liked at the beginning. It carries itself with a certain pride, one that could only come from surety of one's own strength or capability.

It's mind is fully awoken, and it is told and given its purpose. "Arise", the Maker said, "The special singularity. Kin of the Ducks, and yet their superior, you are a Duck Deity, a both patron and protector of the lesser Ducks whom are under your charge. Your very existence transcends them, but they are what bind you to this plane of existence. Go forth, and seek the next Egg."

And with that, the Maker pats it's head and leaves.

Supported Acts
[X]Create the Guardian Ghosts

[X] The night fog is thickening

[X] The Living Mountain

[X] Create the Weirdfolk Shrine
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[X] The night fog is thickening

Aberration Fog is thinckening. Not literally, but metaphorically. Now except rare aberrations, eerie sounds and winds, and weird glimpses one can stumble upon rocks, shipwrecks in the fog, that did not exist a second ago and which will also quickly disappear without a trace in the mist. Unlucky for those who are in too much of a hurry to swim through the fog, because they may crash into rock that came out of nowhere. Although it is possible that some treasures can be taken with, if one have time to take them before the illusory places sink into foggy oblivion once again.

But don't swim too much in the mist, don't peer or listen into it for nights, otherwise you may get sleepless and the brief moments of dream will be surreal, and the secrets hidden in the mist will slightly attract your weary mind. At night, it is better to take a nap, lie down on the bottom or hide in a cozy nest, in a lighted dwelling.

The night belongs to the mist and the horrors that lurk in it, and the curious travelers who lost in it. Nor sail, nor swim at night for those who values the integrity of their mind.

[X] Hatch
By @Nigerian Duck

[X] The Metal Plants
By @Redikai

[X] Seagull Statue
By @gracnieumierac

[X] House Trees
By @Planetary Tennis
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Its inner core is that of Gigantic magical energy, that should it be released outside its shell that is the Living titan it would swipe clean 1/10th of the whole universe.
A whole tenth? I don't think it'd be allowed at Big even if it was only 1/100th. Maybe you should scale it down and say it's jusr very strong, and has the ability to grow stronger with…every defeated opponent? Just something to downgrade it but keep its effectiveness. Either way, I'm glad to have a Doomsday Device.

And I'm glad to be finished with the Egg. The final Act, the final Turn, I hope it can make a reasonably sized duck-shaped splash in this pool. I may have to edit some things later.