Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Era 2 - Turn 0
Voting winners:
[Island] Open Ocean
[Perk] Landscapers

And so, the world expands. The touch of the ___s drift farther from the first isle, so far that their elongated reach couldn't hope to touch it. The isle is far beyond their sight and reach.

The world turns, and then the world halts its turning. Here, there is nothing but open ocean. Kilometers deep, darkness blanketing the deep. No sight of dry land could be seen. The world yearns, eager to feel the ___s touch after some time of separation, and now they may exercise the power and expertise they have gathered from the creation of the first isle.

([Landscapers] is active. Acts that change the shape of the land gain +2 Bonus Votes.)
Perk Inventory
Island Designs:
Concrete Platform - A concrete construction that's mysteriously and inexplicably rigged in the middle of the ocean. A random man-made structure may generate.
Island - A deserted island in the middle of the ocean. Has gentle shores and soft fertile soil, and is surrounded by a stretch of shallow sea.
Iceberg - A frozen mass of floating ice. It possesses an unbreakable core, a piece of the broken Frost Moon, keeping the floating isle perpetually cold.
Open Ocean - A stretch of ocean without any land rising above the waves. Everything is underwater.

Landscapers - All acts that involve changing the shape and composition of the land get +2 Bonus Votes. Examples such acts include creating mountains, lakes, and ore veins. Does not grant bonus to forests and plants.
Lifebinder - All acts that create species and populations gain +2 Bonus Votes. The species and populations created must be traditionally alive and be of flesh, wood, or whatever fungi and bacteria are made of i.e. organic.
Thematic Coherence - During the first turn, select a one- or two-word theme. Acts that fit the theme may pass as Great Acts.
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Oh ho ho. Time to remember that we have no land, so benefiting from this bonus is a maybe. Then again, the land's all underwater. We'll just use that.
Either way, I'm doing my best to use some mental gymnastics to acquire that bonus.
Authored Act:
[X] Raise a volcano out of the sea floor

Supported Acts:
[X] The Great Crystal Reef
[X] Land Shaping
[X] Place a crab with magma powers in the center of the volcano. It feeds on the minerals to harden its shell.
[X] Create a vast field of black smokers.
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Authored Act:
[X] The Great Crystal Reef

A great reef of elementally imbued coral is formed under the waves. The waters here are incredibly saturated making the environment change wildly from one spot to the next.

Supported Acts:
[X] Form The Egg
[X] Raise a volcano out of the sea floor
[X] Place a crab with magma powers in the center of the volcano. It feeds on the minerals to harden its shell.
[X] Create a City of Living Coral.
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Oh shoot! Voting's Open!

Authored Act
[X] Form The Egg

Deep in the oceanic trenches, away from the sight of any inquisitive or interested creations, rocks which pepper the sand around it are pulled together and tightened. The sand itself is filled in the gaps, and it begins to tighten and coalesce, coming together to form an inert egg of pure mineral. A smooth, beautiful thing, that would be mistaken for a common boulder from far away.

And with that, its creation is taken one step further, however, and inside it gestantes a living being. Though it looks nothing like it currently, it's form upon hatching would be that of the the avians with an acquaintanceship of water from the previous isle the ____s touched. To ensure it's strength, the egg would passively (and a bit violently) absorb the energy and material around it, developing the embryo's form and gaining power until the ____s see fit to hatch the being.

Supported Acts
[X] Raise a volcano out of the sea floor

[X] Create the Arena of Monsters

[X] Create a Seed
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[X] Shark
As in the knowledge of the old stories they only eat meat they can not grow bigger than the nautilus kings faster than most of the fish that live in the ocean they hunt their prey alone, but they are capable of in a group to marry a nautilus kings largest
Alright, new island!

[X] Place a crab with magma powers in the center of the volcano. It feeds on the minerals to harden its shell.

[X] Raise a volcano out of the sea floor

[X] The Great Crystal Reef

[X] Create a vast field of black smokers.
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Authored Acts
[X] Create a Seed
This seed is special mix between a bamboo and a tree. It has charactaristics of both of them. It will endlessly grow upwards, and will get sturdier and harder the longer it lives. But it will only be a single tree, no spreading throughout the seas. Just like the Bamboos, should this tree perish either by outside damage or a poison, old age and such new Tree will canabalize the corpse to grow higher and sturdier. It will use sunlight for itself as well. due to being part tree.

Supported acts:
[X] Form The Egg
[X] The Great Crystal Reef
[X] Raise a volcano out of the sea floor
[X] Create the Arena of Monsters
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[X] Create a vast field of black smokers.

Hydrothermal vents that is.

[X] The Great Crystal Reef

[X] Create a Seed

[X] Place a crab with magma powers in the center of the volcano. It feeds on the minerals to harden its shell.

[X]Craft many small underwater caves in the seafloor.
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The ___s
The ___s

In a world of endless ocean and eternal blue something strange is stirring. Something has appeared. Somethings?

The World is still so young, naïve and clueless about what they are, It has been observing them from the moment they came. It instantly knew them as the ___s.

" What does it mean? What is the ___s?" This is what something a certain bipedal creature with slight fur in their skin might ask, but the World will not as the very existence of 'question does not exist YET'.

Unlike the eternal and neverchanging seas these ___s are all very different from each other.

One of them is something called Duck made from stars in the sky. Another is a being covered in something like the sands on the seafloor, but not quite.

There was something that was very lean and shoving one end of itself against the other, forming a circular shape. A pink thing like a certain sky that has something very wrong with it.

Few of them were formless, just a floating things made of various 'things'.

And at the head of them all was a blue thing with pink on top and black thing connecter to his bottom.

It felt…. Certain dread from seeing them? (The young couldn't have known that these creatures from the CHAOS preyed upon young world, messing up the natural world and tear up everything and fill it with things only unique to themselves.)

The Blue thing created something like the things under the sands on the water. One of them dumped a lot of brown sand on that thing, while another put some strange living? thing on it.

Some of them put strange crawling? beings on them. Some of…

And so as the ages passed and the world that was rigid and unchanging became a World of constant evolution, tests, and chaos.

On the sea various beings roam around, eating each other, eating other things like bamboo, syrup and unfortunate Ducks that go too far into the open ocean.

Unfortunately it wouldn't last as the world will go dull once again as those ___s left. It wished for them to create things and do wonders. As the world was slowly reverting back to its old self it felt them…

They were back…
[X] Create a City of Living Coral.

[X] Create a vast field of black smokers.
[X] Create a Seed
[X] Place a crab with magma powers in the center of the volcano. It feeds on the minerals to harden its shell.
[X] Form The Egg
[X]Craft many small underwater caves in the seafloor.

[X] Create a vast field of black smokers.
[X] Create a Seed
[X] Place a crab with magma powers in the center of the volcano. It feeds on the minerals to harden its shell.
[X] Form The Egg
[X] Raise a volcano out of the sea floor
Hmm. Big Act. Benefits from perk.
[X] The Great Crystal Reef
Small Act.
Small Act. <.< >.> What if... something terrible would happen to it?

Quick! Somebody, make a crocodile hatch from this thing!
Basic Act. Scales with grade. GM Warning: these sharks will most likely die since we're back to barren seas this turn.
[X] Place a crab with magma powers in the center of the volcano. It feeds on the minerals to harden its shell.
Small Act. Scales with grade.
Small Act.
[X] Create a vast field of black smokers.
Small Act. Benefits from perk.
[X] Create a City of Living Coral.
Big Act for size. Coral are alive by default, unless you mean something else with "Living", as in ambulatory or something.
[X]Craft many small underwater caves in the seafloor
Big Act. Benefits from perk.
Hmm. +1 Omake Point.
[X] Create the Arena of Monsters :A translucent ghostly arena on the coast of the volcanic island. Half of the arena is placed on the ocean and the rest on land, when two or more creatures enter the arena with an intent to kill one another the arena turns solid and combat begins, only when one creature remains alive does it revert to its ghostly form, the winner gains increased size, power, intelligence, lifespan and one ability from those who it has defeated. Pictures of the dead then appear on the walls of the arena.

[X] Land Shaping
[X] Create a Seed
[X] Fish. Sharks gotta eat, after all.
[X]Craft many small underwater caves in the seafloor
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[X] Fish. Sharks gotta eat, after all.

[X] Create a Seed
[X] Create the Arena of Monsters :A translucent ghostly arena on the coast of the volcanic island. Half of the arena is placed on the ocean and the rest on land, when two or more creatures enter the arena with an intent to kill one another the arena turns solid and combat begins, only when one creature remains alive does it revert to its ghostly form, the winner gains increased size, power, intelligence, lifespan and one ability from those who it has defeated. Pictures of the dead then appear on the walls of the arena.
[X] Shark
[X]Craft many small underwater caves in the seafloor.

I'm kinda tired of ducks. Fair warning to all concerned: I'll be attempting to make Fishmen, who will pathologically loathe avians. (And then I'll try to start a war between them and Island 1's Ducks, for the lulz.)
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Does it scale with grade?
Alright, I'm making a ruling that every act technically scales with grade, but not all acts scale equally. Yes, your act scales with grade, but does not benefit from perk.
Aye, I am. Walking Coral City! Imagine!
>.> I suss that you changed it after I mentioned it.
[X] Create the Arena of Monsters :A translucent ghostly arena on the coast of the volcanic island. Half of the arena is placed on the ocean and the rest on land, when two or more creatures enter the arena with an intent to kill one another the arena turns solid and combat begins, only when one creature remains alive does it revert to its ghostly form, the winner gains increased size, power, intelligence, lifespan and one ability from those who it has defeated. Pictures of the dead then appear on the walls of the arena.
Big Act. It's a complicated act.
[X] Fish. Sharks gotta eat, after all.
Small Act. I'm flavoring this differently from the fish of the first isle. I was thinking of those as smooth silvery fish like tuna.
[X] Shark
As in the knowledge of the old stories they only eat meat they can not grow bigger than the nautilus kings faster than most of the fish that live in the ocean they hunt their prey alone, but they are capable of in a group to marry a nautilus kings largest
Wanna add support for my new fish so they have something to eat?