Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

I'm going to hyper-focus on the inchlings on this island. I sort of halfheartedly tried giving them things to help elevate them in the previous turns but that didn't result in much. So I'm really committing to them this time.

[X] Inchling Magic
The winged inchlings gain a mental connection to the world around them that they can use to manipulate their environment. Their range and power depend on their own natural talents and training with the greatest of them being able to affect human-sized areas with ease. On average, however, it would require a dozen or so inchlings to achieve that same effect.

Willing to trade if possible will still support act let the best win
I wanted to develop a renewable source of materials for the various creatures of this sea, but I could not come up with a good species so I moved to weather and anomalous phenomena instead. My hope is it will help the rise of tool using species.

[X] Metal Rain
- A strange new weather phenomenon arises within this realm. Bright silver clouds uncommonly form from time to time, appearing to gather from nowhere and nothing. Upon formation, the clouds begin to rain from anywhere between five minutes to over an hour. Unlike, regular clouds however, the silver clouds produce small raindrop-shaped pieces of aluminum metal which falls to the land and sea below. Perhaps some enterprising species will be able to make use of this corrosion resistant resource.

[X] Car Beetles
[X] Inchling Magic
[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
[X] Drug herbs
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[X] Relic gardens
Nestled between the ocean's ancient ruins lies ancients gardens that has withstood the test of time. Intricately carved stone pathways wind through the submerged landscape, guiding the way past miniature sculptures and architectural wonders of a bygone era. Moss-covered walls stand as silent witnesses to the passage of centuries, while delicate aquatic plants have woven themselves into the very fabric of this submerged sanctuarys. Sunken pavilions and ornate gazebos offer glimpses into a time long past,

[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
[X] Drug herbs
[X] Inchling Magic
Moss Dreams
I am going to take a crack at an omake, do tell me if I come off being overly pretentious.

Moss Dreams​
We were small, once. We were many, once. Now we are a great and singular Self, made whole by the growth of our component colonies. Our dreams followed our progress. What were once flashes of color and sound in the stillness of our unconscious minds blended together to grow new textures and shapes. The rhythmic crashing from afar became a dance of moss meeting and dividing again and again each reunion almost violent in its suddenness. The taste of salt on our leaves morphed into a bitter and wordless message. Its origin unknown for all its spite. The passing of wingbeats and strange noises merged, becoming hidden winds wandering our dreamscape and growing ever closer to our form. Only the undeniable cycle of day and night translated into our dreams unchanged, for even the mightiest of imaginations cannot reinterpret such a fundamental aspect of Creation.
Our dream continues to grow as time passes. Narratives filled in the gaps in our dreaming, gave causes to that which we perceived. The Dance of Reunion developed into a tale of several colonies torn free from their conglomerate Self only to tend be pulled back into wholeness by the strength of their bond. The Wordless Spite was set as the perpetuator of this crime, an immaterial entity denied the completion of merging by their lack of body and thus seeking to deny others of rightful wholeness in its jealousy and rage. Meanwhile the Secret Breezes played games among themselves as they searched for us. Their arrival sure to bring a change, though we knew not whether it was to be good or bad. Our perception races across the dreamscape even as both it and we change. The struggle of union against dissolution becoming more nuanced, the hard surface beneath us growing more detailed, and the games played by the Breezes almost seeming to make sense.
Yet it cannot last forever. Day and night may cycle endlessly but our dreams do not. The battle between Dance and Spite grows more and more violent every day, shaking the dreamscape. The Breezes are closing in on our home, Change held close to their cores. And most of all, we are growing. Our Self is massive compared to what it once was and the surface that it sits upon in the dream cannot support it much longer. It shakes and strains beneath us, threatening to drop us into wakefulness. But until the time comes when the surface fails we will wait in our dream. And as we dream, we will watch the cycle of day and night knowing that we shall see it once more come waking.

EDIT: Yeah, this needs work. Or just deleted entirely. Any advice?
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I liked it, actually. It's got that touch of unreality you'd expect from a dream, while still managing a coherent narrative (which is more than I can say for some of the dreams I've had).
Part of what I was trying to do was keep in line with the alien mentality of a gestalt consciousness. And furthermore one that is a plant. Hence the salty sea wind being "bitter" and the focus on merging as positive. Not sure how it turned out.
The Red Haired Cat
A red-haired cat would appear on the Uneven Platforms. This furry creature possess a sharp and cruel intelligence that it channels through its talent for illusions and trickery. It delights on feeding on the flesh of intelligent creatures and loves knowing secrets just as much.

The inchlings would discover this menace as they explored the Concrete Jungle. The red-haired cat was delighted to discover such measly fearful creatures. It would prance around them, playing with them, until they grew tired and exhausted running from the creature, before feasting on their supple flesh. The phoosh was more delicious than the inchlings, but the red-haired thought they were too boring; the strange cyclopean fish merely flopped when bitten, taken, or torn. With the phoosh, there can only be one shade of torture, but with inchlings, there were a hundred different kinds of torment.

The inchlings would bear their metal arms against this furry menace, yet despite the strength of their metal implements and the power of flight, they could not catch the agile feline. The inchlings could only flee from the clawed monster; even if they managed to surely strike the beast, their diminutive size meant they could only apply diminutive wounds.

The red-haired cat would follow the fleeing inchlings back to Marrow Town, and it would delight in tormenting the residents at night. Although it could feast right there and then with all the youngest and most supple specimens of the inchling race hiding in the shadows, it decided not. It would be unbecoming of it to deprive itself of its playthings too soon. The red-haired cat would skulk in the dark alleys and up in the dusty rafters. It would listen in on all the gossip and stories inchlings would tell each other.

For the entire age, children would lie awake at night, shivering at the sight of shining eyes watching from the window, while their parents insisted that it was all the wind. The red-haired cat was careful to never be seen attacking in Marrow Town.

Food Cube
A mostly gelatinous mass of organic edible stuff plops onto a table inside a singular brick building that came with the concrete platform. It was a cubic mass measuring one meter on every edge. The food cube begins quite soft at the surface but hardens as one bites deeper into the cube until they would hit a solid core that would be too hard for teeth to bite through. The food cube regrows over time as long as it is exposed to air and could breath.

Eating the food cube is always beneficial to your health. The mossies would discover this great resource. A stray mossie spore would land upon the food cube, and a colony of mossies took root upon the gelatinous cube. The colony of mossies would grow large and hale as they supped upon the glorious resource that was the food cube. They would grow thicker roots and denser neurons, leading to a more intelligent colony compared to an ordinary one of the same size. Like all its brethren, the mossies of the food cube sleep, dreaming.
[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
-Beneath the sunken city, the pipes that flow beneath, the concrete and steel shift and change to create multiple Geothermal plants beneath the city, using the heat, cold sea water and the available materials it will begin to produce electricity, to maintain these Geothermal plants the geothermal plants create the electric wires who become a hivemind with the geothermal plants as their leaders, this hivemind communicate and are powered by electricity. These living cables would grow and spread throughout the sunken city, through the ocean skyscraper and then throughout the above ocean city. Right now the living cables only maintain the geothermal plants but are eager to power various things in the city and wait patiently for technology that will require electricity.

[X] Crab People
[X] The Ghost Ship
[X] Weirdoid statue and Book of the ____s, Volume 2
[X] Relic gardens
Hmm. Small Act at minimum. Benefits from [Urban Jungle].

Someone make mermaids :o

[x] Weirdoid statue and Book of the ____s, Volume 2

A statue similar to the Weirdling statue from times past appears in Marrow Town, holding the next installment of the Book of the ___s. It makes mention of the first book, and continues to note down all things created and done by the ____s since, and to the point of the creation of this book. The statue itself looks similar to the weirdling statue, but more humanoid. It has a mental connection to its sibling statue, and well as have the ability to spawn people that look the way it does, called Weirdoids.

really, I feel really bad for the weirdling statue, poor baby. Also, time to populate with things

[X] Guests
[x] Life Crafting Mossies
[ ]
[ ]
I will need to review the Weirdlings. If I remember right, the weirdlings were a mix of a flying fish, a sardine, and a grasshopper. I like to imagine the weirdoids look like kamen-rider-esque or one of those old monsters that had to be somewhat humanoid to be worn.

Big Act. After review, I have decided that this is composite act is at Great Act, because of the following reasons. It creates a statue that:
1. Holds an extraordinary book.
2. Creates a sapient race.
3. Connects to an artifact outside playing area.
You cannot accomplish all three with a Big Act.
[X] Car Beetles
Somewhere on the platform the Motherfactory is created. She is a vast building made of steel, glass, concrete, and brick. She is alive despite being a structure with her innards being a vast factory floor that builds her children the Car Beetles. Her mind is slow and vast focused on the production of her children. If one enters the management sections of the factory they can find ways to speak with the factory mother. A cruel irony her children are much too large to accomplish that feat. Leaving her only able to communicate with her children as they are being made so she sings to her children as she crafts them.
The Car Beetles themselves are living machines of plastic, metal, and glass, unlike the factory mother they are not intelligent, their limited minds focused on traversing the city. The Car Beetles have a hollow shell that can be entered with seats for people to ride. They look vaguely like cars but with insectial eyes instead of headlights, and multi-jointed legs instead of wheels. They come in a verity of sizes and colors some massive for multiple people like busses. Others with an open shell and lower body faster than their kin.
Inside the shell is a series of antenna and touching and pulling those antenna can control the speed and direction of the Car Beetle. The mother factory has the ability to make new models of her children though they can't deviate too far from the baseline. She will do this if she learns of a people in the city that can not easily use her current models of children. As an example once she learns of the Inchlings she will make smaller Car Beetles sized for the diminutive people.

[X] Life Crafting Moss
[X] Drone Factory
[X] Crab People
Hmm. Complex. The factory is also intelligent. Big Act. Benefits from [Urban Jungle].
[X] Drone Factory
A massive building in the shape of a warehouse rises up next to Marrow Town. From its walls come a plethora of humanoid robots of all shapes and sizes. These constructs are mostly passive, and are preprogrammed with two orders: provide repair and maintenance for the entire island, and search for raw materials and power to create more robots. A person can give the drones different tasks by verbally issuing new commands, but they will return to their original tasks once the order is complete.

[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
by @SeaTheTree
[X] Car Beetles
by @Planetary Tennis
by @Zalkon
[X] Eternal Foundry
by @Sir Plusse
Hmmm. Small Act. Benefits from [Urban Jungle].

[X] Guests
Several large and numerous number of small ships sailed to Marrow Town. On these ships there are many people of different professions, entire families with all their possessions. However, they are mostly fishermen or people otherwise associated with the sea. They do not remember their past, but they know their friends, acquaintances and family, who sailing with them on the ships. The town seems familiar to them.​


[x] Weirdoid statue and Book of the ____s, Volume 2
By @Crawkid

[X] Crab People
By @ShieldCrown

[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
By @SeaTheTree

[X] Bustling city
By @Ralakesh
Big Act. Benefits from Lifebinder.

[X] Crab People

A race of crustacean-like humanoids appear, the amphibious and armored folk bearing four arms with one pair being more human-like and dexterous enough for the use of tools and standard manipulation. The second pair ended in large crushing crab claws, for use in defense and hunting. These crab people come into the world believing in the existence of a "World That Was" and a deep fear of a very specific symbol that occasionally haunts their nightmares along with visions of an apocalypse that saw the "World That Was" be undone with the symbol being prominent in the vision.

[X] Drone Factory

[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
[X] The Ghost Ship
@Gold adorned man
[X] Guests
@Andre Chaos
A sapient race. Big Act. Benefits from Lifebinder.

I image-searched using that spoilered picture. It pointed me towards the Murder Drones wiki.

[X] The Ghost Ship
A ship of humongous size forms in the maze like waterways amongst the towering concrete slab towers. It has no true crew besides what the observer sees, it has no direction other than whisking away anything in its path to a little 'bottled' dimension in the heart of the Ship.
It does not matter if it is a gigantic leviathan or a little inchling. As long as the cursed 'eyes' of the ship notices you, you will find yourself in darkness. (It can only actively pursue things in the sea, it WILL attack things on land if they attack it first. Otherwise it will ignore those on dry land. Wetlands such as swamps or beaches do not count)

in that dimension a dark endless sea stretches to every angle. only light sources that came from the outside works here as there is neither sun or moon in this world. There are two ways to break open this world and free those trapped within, break the Ghost ship itself, or find the invisible gate somehow and escape through it.
(The Invisible gate is a invisible gate that will only be seen when in 50 meter radius of it. The whole dimension stretches 44 million kilometers square totally. And the gate is in direct middle of it. Oh, the sea is like earth, so one can travel in one direction infinitely)

[X] Drone Factory
[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
This seems way too powerful to just be Big Act. I'm trying to interpret to fit that grade. Never Never Land? Right now, I'm interpretting this as a ship that has an eye-beam that sends whoever it dislikes into a pocket dimension.

Tentative Big Act.
Authored act:
[X] Bustling city
When night comes and the waves and winds are calm, an eerie silence descends on this island. Then something mysterious happens. For a night, the city comes alive with the chatter of the crowd and the sounds of traffic; crowds of shadow figures walk the streets, hurrying somewhere; neon signs glow in the dark; shops, bars, and restaurants open their doors.

This strange apparition lasts until dawn, and then, just as suddenly as it happens, it disappears. Months or years may pass between such occurrences.

Sometimes, individual shades persist. They wander around aimlessly or endlessly repeat some kind of activity. Perhaps, with time, they will become something more.

Supported acts:
[X] Guests
[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
Already been graded. Small Act. Benefits from [Urban Jungle].
[X] Drug herbs

These herbs grow on carpet grass. Those who eat them gain a single benefit for it duration. A herb of healing will help you heal. A herb of memory will let's you remember. Herb of strength will increase your strength. This benefit are temporary a golden herb version witch is permanent. A normal herb will then lower for a time what it benefit. These herbs are work best when combined Lessing the detriment and increase the benefits for the duration of the drug made from the herbs. They are also non addictive

Supported acts
[X] Ruinarines
[X] Car Beetles
[X] Life Crafting Moss
[X] Inchling Magic
[X] Metal Rain

No more support
Small Act. Benefits from Lifebinder.

Ruinarin are humanoid in appearance, with an average height of 5 to 6 feet. Their bodies are lean and toned, with powerful muscles built to climb and maneuver through the crumbling ruins they call home. Their skin has varying shades of gray, allowing them to seamlessly blend into decaying structures. Some Ruinarin even grow patches of moss or lichen on their skin, further enhancing their natural camouflage.

Their hands and feet are especially adapted to their environment: they have elongated fingers and toes, equipped with retractable sharp claws that allow them to cling to the most precarious surfaces. Their sunken eyes with large irises provide excellent low-light vision, and their heightened senses, especially hearing, allow them to be incredibly aware of their surroundings.

The Ruinarin have developed a unique social culture centered around the ruins of the concrete jungle they inhabit. Due to the unstable nature of their environment, cooperation and harmony are highly valued. They live in small, tight-knit groups who work together to maintain a delicate balance between their chosen ruin site and their own needs.

Each tribe has a leader, called a Guardian, who ensures the proper distribution of resources and the safety and well-being of its members. Under the Guardian's guidance, the Ruinarin take on various roles such as hunters, gatherers, scouts, and caretakers whose job it is to carefully maintain a portion of the ruined living space without causing further damage.

Ruinarin are incredibly skilled climbers and acrobats, often moving through dilapidated structures with surprising grace and agility. They have an uncanny ability to find hidden hotbeds of life and sources of water in seemingly inhospitable places. Ruinarines are also masters of the art of stealth: their natural camouflage makes them virtually invisible in their chosen environment.

While Ruinarin are not inherently aggressive when cornered, Ruinarin become formidable fighters, skilled with their claws and improvised weapons fashioned from the very rubble that surrounds them.

Supported acts:
[X] Relic gardens
by @snowtree
[X] Bustling city
by @Ralakesh
[X] Drone Factory
by @Zakelga
[X] Drug herbs
by @szymonmolitoris2
[X] Eternal Foundry
by @Sir Plusse
... Wait, have I been misgrading the sapient species?

Big Act. Benefits from Lifebinder and [Urban Jungle].
...Eh, the crabs fulfill a similar enough role to the fishmen that I don't really need them. Might as well mess around with the theme a bit more!

[X] Eternal Foundry
-This vast edifice produces tools and decorations of the same unrusting metal as the platform's refurbished supports. Nobody knows how it works; it does not appear to need deliveries of raw materials. However, its products always precisely match the needs of the region's residents, sized perfectly for their hands.

Should the need arise, the Foundry is even capable of producing armor, lightweight yet strong, for soldiers to wear.

[X] Drone Factory
[X] Crab People
[X] Ruinarines
[X] Life Crafting Moss
Small Act. Benefits from [Urban Jungle].
Authored Act:
[X] Life Crafting Moss

Give the Mossies the power of modifying living plant matter, with applications such as modifying themselves or creating plant servants.

Supported Acts:
[X] Drug herbs
[X] Eternal Foundry
@Sir Plusse
[X] Car Beetles
@Planetary Tennis
[X] Inchling Magic
Small Act. Benefits from Lifebinder.
I'm going to hyper-focus on the inchlings on this island. I sort of halfheartedly tried giving them things to help elevate them in the previous turns but that didn't result in much. So I'm really committing to them this time.

[X] Inchling Magic
The inchlings gain a mental connection to the world around them that they can use to manipulate their environment. Their range and power depend on their own natural talents and training with the greatest of them being able to affect human-sized areas with ease. On average, however, it would require a dozen or so inchlings to achieve that same effect.

[X] Bustling city
[X] Drug herbs
[X] Life Crafting Moss
[X] Car Beetles
Small Act.
I wanted to develop a renewable source of materials for the various creatures of this sea, but I could not come up with a good species so I moved to weather and anomalous phenomena instead. My hope is it will help the rise of tool using species.

[X] Metal Rain
- A strange new weather phenomenon arises within this realm. Bright silver clouds uncommonly form from time to time, appearing to gather from nowhere and nothing. Upon formation, the clouds begin to rain from anywhere between five minutes to over an hour. Unlike, regular clouds however, the silver clouds produce small raindrop-shaped pieces of aluminum metal which falls to the land and sea below. Perhaps some enterprising species will be able to make use of this corrosion resistant resource.

[X] Car Beetles
[X] Inchling Magic
[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
[X] Drug herbs
Big Act.
[X] Relic gardens
Nestled between the ocean's ancient ruins lies ancients gardens that has withstood the test of time. Intricately carved stone pathways wind through the submerged landscape, guiding the way past miniature sculptures and architectural wonders of a bygone era. Moss-covered walls stand as silent witnesses to the passage of centuries, while delicate aquatic plants have woven themselves into the very fabric of this submerged sanctuarys. Sunken pavilions and ornate gazebos offer glimpses into a time long past,

[X] Geothermal Power and Living Cables Hivemind
[X] Drug herbs
[X] Inchling Magic
Small Act. Benefits from [Urban Jungle].
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(re: Weirdoid Statue etc.)
I will need to review the Weirdlings. If I remember right, the weirdlings were a mix of a flying fish, a sardine, and a grasshopper. I like to imagine the weirdoids look like kamen-rider-esque or one of those old monsters that had to be somewhat humanoid to be worn.

Big Act.

(re: Foundry)
Small Act. Benefits from [Urban Jungle].
I dunno about the Statue... I mean, it looks to me like he's trying to do at least three separate Acts to me- the Book, the Statue itself, and linking the Statue to something else.

Anyway, as to the ruling on my Act... well, to be honest, it might be pushing the boundaries of Small, since it explicitly doesn't need raw materials (an exceptional property, in my book). Not gonna complain if you still feel it's Small, but... figured I'd point that detail out just to be fair in my nitpicking.
I dunno about the Statue... I mean, it looks to me like he's trying to do at least three separate Acts to me- the Book, the Statue itself, and linking the Statue to something else.

Anyway, as to the ruling on my Act... well, to be honest, it might be pushing the boundaries of Small, since it explicitly doesn't need raw materials (an exceptional property, in my book). Not gonna complain if you still feel it's Small, but... figured I'd point that detail out just to be fair in my nitpicking.
You're right! Doing all three should be a Great Act, especially since it's reaching to an artifact outside of the playing area! It could take two of those effect at Big Act but not all three.

It's because it's pretty simple, and it's comparatively mundane. It isn't very big. It isn't intelligent. It creates mundane items. A self-replenishing vending machine that knows what drink you want effectively works the same way as the Eternal Foundry.
The red-haired cat would follow the fleeing inchlings back to Marrow Town, and it would delight in tormenting the residents at night. Although it could feast right there and then with all the youngest and most supple specimens of the inchling race hiding in the shadows, it decided not. It would be unbecoming of it to deprive itself of its playthings too soon. The red-haired cat would skulk in the dark alleys and up in the dusty rafters. It would listen in on all the gossip and stories inchlings would tell each other.

For the entire age, children would lie awake at night, shivering at the sight of shining eyes watching from the window, while their parents insisted that it was all the wind. The red-haired cat was careful to never be seen attacking in Marrow Town.
I just wanted to say that this was beautifully creepy
ok so, i think i have ne or two slots left for trading...uh... but I dont think people seem interested in getting that volume 2?