Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Contemplating closing vote in 8-10 hours. If vote does not close in that time frame, expect vote to close tomorrow morning (about 24 hours from now).

@Nigerian Duck, finish up your new act or I will rule your act to be invalid.
Contemplating closing vote in 8-10 hours. If vote does not close in that time frame, expect vote to close tomorrow morning (about 24 hours from now).

@Nigerian Duck, finish up your new act or I will rule your act to be invalid.
Ah, got it! I was just doing some re-reading on a quest, making sure I understand everything. I'll renovate it right away.

Editorial: Done. Even with the cage of rocks, that shouldn't affect it that much I think. By the way, @Zipf , are we doing that trade or…?
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Era 3 - Turn 1 Acts
Adhoc vote count started by MangoFlan on Jan 14, 2023 at 6:45 AM, finished with 78 posts and 13 votes.

Closing vote! All votes are passing ones.

Big Act:
Snow-Flake Spirits
Eternal Winter
Wretched Scum
Iceberg Island (+2 Landscaper)
Green Fishes
Mountain of Glass (+2 Landscaper)
Sky Island (+2 Landscaper)
The world shall.... CRACK! (+2 Landscaper)
Form the Egg Culture (+2 Omake Votes, @Nigerian Duck )

Small Act:
Lodsilungur (+2 Lifebinder)
Monument of the Fickle
Create PENGUINS! (+2 Lifebinder)

There has been a lack of feedback. After some thought, I have decided that it is final: the vote requirement of Big Act and above has been raised by 2 (6 -> 8).
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[X] Keep it as it is.

Although I feel you're technically right with Big being pretty easy to achieve, 8 seems far out of proportion and the votes will eventually stabilize to a lower rate. Though it seems that your quest has been on an upward trend in voters, so I'm not sure if that's the future that'll happen.

Upon review, apparently your act creates a race of intelligent bird things. I didn't catch it the first time.

Hmm. That is a bit hard. I think I should revise my review of your act to Big Act.
Hm….that's reasonable, but I still want to pass my Act. Then, can I ask for the time to Omake my way to big? Preferably in side-story form, since my art is atrocious?
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So, Mango, what would you rule the Culture to be? Big or Small? It decides the fate of how I'll spend my next… 1 and a half hours.
Upon review, apparently your act creates a race of intelligent bird things. I didn't catch it the first time.

Hmm. That is a bit hard. I think I should revise my review of your act to Big Act.
Hm….that's reasonable, but I still want to pass my Act. Then, can I ask for the time to Omake my way to big? Preferably in side-story form, since my art is atrocious?
Yes. I'm slightly afraid at what you're trying to make.

The strange powers of the bird-things were the one that pushed the act to Big by the way.
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Yes. I'm slightly afraid at what you're trying to make.

The strange powers of the bird-things were the one that pushed the act to Big by the way.
:lol: Salamat, and there's no reason to fear it. None of my creations have ever been intrinsically harmful…up until this point. Even so the bird-blobs stay within the Egg, unbothered by the outside world. I thought not was the intellect that pushed them to Big—good to know. Since it's making a population I only need 1 Omake Point, and the Population Creation bonus will do the rest, right?
:lol: Salamat, and there's no reason to fear it. None of my creations have ever been intrinsically harmful…up until this point. Even so the bird-blobs stay within the Egg, unbothered by the outside world. I thought not was the intellect that pushed them to Big—good to know. Since it's making a po pulation I only need 1 Omake Point, and the Population Creation bonus will do the rest, right?
The intelligence too, actually. There's a number contributing to its Big Act-ness. They don't meet the requirements of Lifebinder. They're not organic (i.e. flesh, wood, or whatever fungi and bacteria are made of).
Hey.... what is a Salamat? what does it mean
"Thank you" in Tagalog. A Filipino friend I had awhile ago taught it to me, as well as how to say good morning. I took the liberty to assume that Mango would understand, since the location is under his picture.

In other news, I've nearly finished my sidestory, and I think that it might break the "+2" barrier than I've been stuck under for so long. It better, elsewise my Act won't pass to see the light of day.
Duck Stories: An Unfinished Journey
Duck Stories: An Unfinished Journey

"Do you ever find yourself tired of forever searching for beauty, Sea Dragon?"

A deep, booming voice with the fluidity of a river reaches around the space around it, said into the ear of an incredibly long, incredibly glamorous reptilian whose scales shine like the rays of the sun bouncing off the sea's surface. Complete with an elongated snout with rows of teeth and two arching wings, it is reminiscent of ancient dragons that the ___s drew inspiration from during its creation.

Its lanky and flexible (but clearly strong, muscles rippling with each wiggle) body burrows through a pile of gems while its blue scales shimmer with each movement, but upon hearing the question it stops its movements for a moment to reply.

"Of course not. The most important thing in the world is ones look and beauty. If one cannot comprehend the allure of appearance, then they're obviously a fool not worth noticing. Now, if I can just find that sapphire…" With a voice as deep as the first, but with raspiness and roughness, the dragon continues its search for the blue gem, unbothered by the query of its roommate.

If someone else had asked that question, they likely would have found their head on the floor in an instant, gazing at their now-decapitated body. The Sea Dragon is a creature of pride and importance, who places its value on both strength and beauty—more so towards the latter—and brooks no argument against either of its highly held tenants. To question it is to question why does it eat, or why does it sleep. It's a natural function, as intrinsic to it as its ability to breath.

But to the inquirer, he would never dream of doing such a thing. Any injury or abrasion to its body would diminish its stunning plumage, and the color of blood would mare its particular shade of blue that works in a stunning gradient. The glow of its whirlpool eyes, the rippling caustics of its sun-filtered aura, the grace in its very existence would be marred irreparably if it had incurred any damage. This creature, this duck, was the crown jewel of its hoard.

And that same Duck is put into silence, mulling around the Sea Dragon's answer and coming up with its next question that it needs an answer for. Ever since its hatching the Dragon has been the source of all its answers and comfort, besides the parting words of its creator, burned into it's mind my it's unknown artifice. He still remembers that fated day, when he had hatched for the first time.

For years he had been secure in his Egg, doing nothing, seeing nothing, and feeling nothing. All that he knew, in his weak and unfocused nascent state of mind was the calm, controlled, and strong flow of water within and without, empowering him to grow ever further. There were times when he felt the flow increased, and even once when he thought his energy diminished but those may have just been him imagining it in his unawakened mind. It was a boring existence, but peaceful, and with nothing to compare it to he found it to be satisfactory.

But all that changed, for sometime during his period of gestation he was capitulated into a much higher state of mind.

His creator, maybe seeing that he had developed past some certain checkpoint or maybe figuring that all animals must eventually hatch, touched his little Egg and gave the Duck the gift of sentience. His mind was opened and awakened, and he could now understand more than just the flow of the current in and out of him. He could see the world around him andsense the living presences of the far less intelligent fish, the deadly sharks with their maws of sharp teeth, the whirlpool that surrounds his Egg (which he now realized to be small in the scale of the world), and a single individual different than any other species he saw. A long beast with scales more beautiful than any fish, and teeth sharper and longer than even the greatest shark he saw in his short time of lucidity. It talked to him constantly, even though he could not respond or show any acknowledgement of its words and existence. Still, it did not let up.

Sometime during his period of his awakened state, his creator came back, connecting him to something he called the "Divine Duck Force" and naming him "Duck Deity Ocean". At the time he could not understand, but he figured that "Duck" must be what he was, for he had not seen anything else like himself in the world. He was thankful for the gifts he had be given and the information, for surely it must mean that his time is at hand. He'll be able to touch the world around him, see the animals without the distorted lense of his Egg, and walm, swim, fly his way around.

And eventually, the time. Heralded by the light to rival the shining of the great ball in the sky, a peculiar silence came about the ocean. Every creature in the vicinity held their breath, for they understood this unnatural silence to be the calm before the calamity known as the storm. Even those above the sea, those who dwell in the Island of Black, White, and Grey understood that something big was happening. It seemed the world itself had waited, watching the slow rise of what would be one of its greatest events to date. The underwater creatures, the overland rulers, the storms, the plants, even that old volcano itself had held its breath for a second, waiting…watching…

And then, an explosion. The ocean was rocked to its very core, as the ball of light condensed, imploded, and shattered into a million different pieces, flinging its unnatural brilliance everywhere. The water roared and swirled, and the air above crackled above Lightning slamming against the earth and the earth itself shaking in the new disturbance. The storm of lasted for less than an hour, but the land and sea recognized something in their world had changed, shifting it in some imperceptible way.

To the Duck, this was the greatest wonder it's ever experienced in its long yet short life. Released from its Egg, it was free to travel the world as it wished, speak to whom it wished, and do as it wished. The world was moving, sparkling, shining, a dazzling ball of diversity. A beautiful jewel that it would burn into its memory forever. It held itself in silence, to simply enjoy the atmosphere.

But before it could take its first step, two things happened simultaneously within the span of a second. First, the voice of its creator crept into its ear, telling it of its birth, of the kin of it that was out there, and of its ordained mission to find the other Egg like it. The ___ pats its feathered head and left, to never be seen again in that island. And second, it came face-to-face with the individual who had been speaking to it during his time of nascent sentience. Lo and behold, the creature was of a positive disposition, not seeing the Duck Deity as an enemy or rival, but as a stunning jewel. And thus the Sea Dragon declared for it to be the greatest sight it had ever seen. And for the Duck who felt an almost innate connection to the Dragon, this was his brother in arms, his first sibling in this majestic world.

The Dragon invited the Deity to his lair to stay and rest, a home for the newborn entity. The Duck graciously accepted and followed, letting the water carry him. And thus they lived, with the Dragon taking care of every need the Duck had, and the Duck in turn keeping him company by the presence of his visage. It was a peaceful life, with few road bumps, and the Sea Dragon never seemed to tire of the Duck, for which he felt extraordinarily grateful for.

But even though he lived such an comfortable life, there was always something nagging at him from the back mind. A goal he was supposed to reach, a mission he had to complete. His creator told him to retrieve the next Egg, and he hadn't even begun the search! Who knows what may have happened to the Egg by now, if it still even exists. His own did have its protections, but he can't be sure the same holds true for the next, especially since no one came to get his own. If something had happened to the Egg while he was lazing around…

And suddenly, the Duck was snapped out of his reverie by a loud shout.

"Aha! I've found it!" The Sea Dragon exclaims, and brings out from the pile a finely cut sapphire, entwined in plants of silver and gold. "A naturally-made circlet, rare plants of gold and silver had coiled themselves around this crystal, and upon my travels had I found it. Come, wear it upon your head."

The Duck, enjoying the company of hid brother, went along with it and allowed the circlet to be fitted upon his head. Though it was a bit t loose, the sapphire complimented his color well, and the gold and silver were a stark contrast against his nearly all blue body. The Sea Dragon took a look at it from the left, from the right, and snatched the circlet off with his tail, throwing it over his head.

"No, no. The metal reflects light too well, and detracts from your beauty. An accessory should complement your beauty, not take away from it." And with that, he returns to his pile, perhaps digging for something else that would 'complement' the Duck's beauty. But before he could get much further, his crown jewel had spoken.

"Sea Dragon. My brother. I thank you for all you have done for me, but I must leave."

The cave was silent, for one, two, three moments. The only thing that moved in the cave was the gleam of the Sea Dragon's hoard, dancing around the walls. Slowly, and with surety in movement, the Sea Dragon turned around to gaze at the Duck, his crown jewel, the charge he'd taken care of for so long.

"Why must you leave? Is it because you desire something? Just tell me. Anything under this sea I can get for you, regardless of price. You haven't need of movement from the lair—I can do it all." Just as the Duck expected, the dragon had pushed back heavily against him wanting to leave. He's done everything he could for him, and he thought that this was just something else he could do as well. The Dragon would not let him leave by any means.

But even so, the Duck did not relent."No, I can't ask you to get it for me. It is something I must retrieve myself, a take I was given at the start of my birth. As you are my brother, so is another. A different Egg exists somewhere, and I have to find it."

After hearing the duck's words, the Sea Dragon understood this in his own way. Another Egg, as beautiful like the shards of the Duck Deity's he stored? With this he could has the chance to have not one, but two paragons of beauty within his hoard.

After contemplating it, the Sea Dragon spoke, saying "If that is so, then let me find it for you. Surely as long as the Egg is retrieved and brought back safely, there is no problem? To risk your own safety would risk marring your looks, it—"

"No brother," the Duck interrupts. "This is something I must do. My very existence was given purpose, and to fail to complete it would be failing my creator and my future family. It's something I can't leave alone."

The tension in the air rises as the two experience a clash of wills. Water swirls, and neither appears to want to concede the other. The Sea Dragon refuses to let harm come to Duck, and sees the best option is for it to stay here, but the Duck knows that it must undertake the trial given to it, elsewise he'll have failed and done wrong by his maker and future kin.

Finally, after a full minute of silence, the Sea Dragon relents. "Fine. Go."

"Really? You'll let me—"

"However," the Sea Dragon interrupts, "you must take me with you. If I cannot convince you to stay here for your safety then I'll come with you, to assure no harm comes your way. Besides, I know much more of the ocean than you, and can identify the dangers and landmarks as we travel."

The Duck was taken aback, not expecting the Dragon to wish to come on his trip. The Sea Dragon, as far as it had observed, was a creature who was content to stay in its lair comfortably with his hoard and never come out. It did so only to seek food and to expand its piles of treasure. Truly, it touched the heart of the Duck, to know that it cared enough about him to even abandon his lair and follow on a journey that would take who-knows-how-long.

With no reason to say no, Duck Deity: Ocean accepted the Sea Dragon's terms, and after a week of preparation, they departed from the cave, to explore what was near and far beyond. Along the path they would make markings to know where they've been and record in their minds the layout of the land, leaving each place a little bit closer to their destination.

And thus their trek began, Dragon and Duck, not knowing that this would be the last journey they ever took together.

Sidenote: I believe this does both of them justice, at least personality wise. I tried to make their manners of speech different so they wouldn't sound like the same person, but I'm not sure how much I succeeded in that. Sea Dragon is overly nice to the duck because it embodies the values it holds dear. If the story were to fast forward to their schism, he'd Act a lot different.​
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That is... hmm. You put a lot of effort into this. 2.4k words. That is about the length of a good quality webfiction.

You may have your +3 Omake Votes.
Finally…I broke the barrier. I'm almost afraid what I have to do to got '+4' Omake votes.
Thank you for the points, and I choose to immediately spend them on the Egg.
(Thank you for noticing my increased effort. My Sidestories thus far have been below 1k words.)
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Finally…I broke the barrier. I'm almost afraid what I have to do to got '+4' Omake votes.
Thank you for the points, and I choose to immediately spend them on the Egg.
(Thank you for noticing my increased effort. My Sidestories thus far have been below 1k words.)
It's probably not worth it to aim for +4 when you can do multiple shorter +2s. I did not actually like your story, but it wasn't bad. There were typos here and there but it's not outright unreadable.

A couple corrections for your trouble.
and brooks no argument against either of its highly held tenants
tenants -> tenets

Tenant means something like renter, occupant, leasee.
It's a natural function, as intrinsic to it as its ability to breath.
breath -> breathe

The verb form of breath is breathe, same difference as bath and bathe.
It's probably not worth it to aim for +4 when you can do multiple shorter +2s. I did not actually like your story, but it wasn't bad. There were typos here and there but it's not outright unreadable.
It's not about the votes, it's about sending a message.
I didn't like the Omake much either, and felt that it was uninspired. I had a different idea to write about the Weirdfolk monument and such, but I didn't have the time (or I thought so) to figure out a good plot line, motivation, and reasoning.
So I went with the easier option of retelling events in a different style.

To this day, my very first Omake remains my best: I.E, the one I did for "From Chaos: Take 2". Now that one has some readability to it. But I'm not a writer or connoisseur, so I take it how it is.

Gatcha, I thought I missed some spelling corrections. There were also some troubles between past tense and present tense that did me no favors, but I'll figure out how to deal with those later.