Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Well, I still need two. But I also want to block this Whisper Act. Any ideas?​

Edit: Maybe I could trade the Whisper blocking act for something else, but should I? Or I could write an omake, but I am not really sure about what. Well, guess I'll wait a for bit.🤔
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this is just a pretentious way of saying that they are magicians. I thought this was appropriate, if not then I will delete this part
Oh no. It's definitely fine. I think I'm exaggerating slightly. Magic is generally about affecting and reshaping the world, things that definitely fall under "changing the world". I'm not sure if I can write reality warpers, but when it comes to high-level wizards, I'm sure the difference would simply be academic.

Magic is typically characterized by their limits, and reality warping by their lack of limits.
Tricksters do tricks that can easily be mistaken for magic, although they require considerably more set up or strain than just a flexing of will like a winged Inchling can.

Seers can predict and manipulate events in the world around them to an extreme degree of accuracy.

Wonders can make technological wonders far beyond their current era, though they rarely last and are practically impossible to reproduce by non-wonders.
I wanted to give some examples of what the different schools can do just for clarity's sake.

An example of a Trickster's "magic" would be one being in a hot room, twisting their arm back in a specific way with dust in their hand, and then throwing it in a very peculiar way that allows them to generate just enough heat using their body to ignite the dust and create a fireball. Something that is practically impossible but that can technically be done under perfect enough conditions.

Seers are fairly self explanatory. The only real thing to note about them is that they can work with very little information but the more information they have the better they can make predications. They can use these predictions to set up short term Rube Goldberg scenarios.

An example of a Wonders common wonder would be a powerful gun that uses a specific type of crystal carved and arranged in a hyper specific way to shoot lasers. It would take machine tools to get even close to the precision required to replicate the gun and if any part is even a milimeter off, it won't work.
Any reason why you dislike the Whisper Act? I don't like it either, but it doesn't seem harmful enough to prioritize blocking it over supporting your own Act.
In my case, it's partly my aforementioned resentment of indiscriminate trading (I'm demonstrably not above trading, I just need a minimum level of interest in the act I'm trading for to even consider it), and partly a visceral "this feels like it will invalidate everything I've worked for here" reaction which I'm not up to explaining in further detail right now.

...well, maybe beyond an assertion that it feels like the next logical step in this chain is "destroy everything."
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It just feels a bit disturbing and I used to distrust Whispers.
That's fair, the whispers are very omnious and if this Act passes derivative improvement will enhance the previous Whisper Acts, which might be a problem on its own.

In my case, it's partly my aforementioned resentment of indiscriminate trading (I'm demonstrably not above trading, I just need a minimum level of interest in the act I'm trading for to even consider it), and partly a visceral "this feels like it will invalidate everything I've worked for here" reaction which I'm not up to explaining in further detail right now.
Though I usually like trading as an excuse to talk more with people about their acts and future plans, that makes perfect sense. Voting for an Act you dislike would defeat the purpose of a voting system.

Oh, so you have been working towards something? Seeing plans work out is always fun, If my future acts clash against your plans just call me out and I will change them ok? I don't have a plan right now, so it won't be a problem.

...well, maybe beyond an assertion that it feels like the next logical step in this chain is "destroy everything."
Now that you mention it, yeah. It's almost one of those korean portal apocalypse fictions, monsters with valuable cores coming out of nowhere. Now we just need hunters and an evil plot from the international organization and we will fit the genre to a tee.
a visceral "this feels like it will invalidate everything I've worked for here" reaction which I'm not up to explaining in further detail right now.
Okay, managed to put it into words, I think.

The Essential Cores Whisper was implemented as a Derivative Improvement of Sunstone. The Iron Skull Pirates now have Sunstone installed in their bodies as power sources. The Beasts are, by default, hostile to everything. Thus, this is a direct attack on the Iron Skull Pirates, on the level of "and then everyone's skeletons came to life and tore their way out of their bodies."

Oh, so you have been working towards something? Seeing plans work out is always fun, If my future acts clash against your plans just call me out and I will change them ok? I don't have a plan right now, so it won't be a problem.
Less "working towards something" and more "raging against some newcomer coming along and submitting a vote specifically to undo a previous Act (which I happened to submit) in a way detrimental to literally everything."
I just feel like the whispers are working towards something big and I want to minimize the amount of things going right for them in that case. Hadn't considered the Sunstone thing.
Actually, maybe my Violent Transporter idea can help with Whisper's act a bit and cretate some interesting/unique plots. Just imagine someone dissapear a few Essential Cores into the Blue Ocean with this thing.​
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The Essential Cores Whisper was implemented as a Derivative Improvement of Sunstone. The Iron Skull Pirates now have Sunstone installed in their bodies as power sources. The Beasts are, by default, hostile to everything. Thus, this is a direct attack on the Iron Skull Pirates, on the level of "and then everyone's skeletons came to life and tore their way out of their bodies."
Wait, wait, what? Is this true? I don't even like the Iron Skull Pirates but that would be a bit upsetting.

Ah, just went back to check, and I think the Derivative Improvement on the Sunstones didn't come from the Essential Cores. They were together to make it easier to write, but from the last turns acts Essential Cores only improved Aureate and Argentine. Hopefully that means monsters won't come from the poor pirates chestbursters style.

Less "working towards something" and more "raging against some newcomer coming along and submitting a vote specifically to undo a previous Act (which I happened to submit) in a way detrimental to literally everything."
Yeah, that would be going a bit against the spirit of the quest. Even weirder because it is an act from the QM, which is why I don't believe it will work like that.

Either way, we only need one vote to block the Whisper so, just to be sure, let's cut this problem at the root.
Ah, just went back to check, and I think the Derivative Improvement on the Sunstones didn't come from the Essential Cores. They were together to make it easier to write, but from the last turns acts Essential Cores only improved Aureate and Argentine. Hopefully that means monsters won't come from the poor pirates chestbursters style.

Yeah, that would be going a bit against the spirit of the quest. Even weirder because it is an act from the QM, which is why I don't believe it will work like that.

Either way, we only need one vote to block the Whisper so, just to be sure, let's cut this problem at the root.
The update looks to me like it's including Sunstone in the Core thing, but I can see how you disagree at least.

The problem with basing assumptions about the spirit in which an Act was submitted on the spirit of the quest: It was submitted by the QM in the context of a hostile entity's action. Remember, one of the alternatives to this era's setting was "an apocalyptic threat frozen in a comet, one of your objectives is preventing it from breaking free." If it wouldn't've broken free if we ignored it, why bother including it?
The update looks to me like it's including Sunstone in the Core thing, but I can see how you disagree at least.

The problem with basing assumptions about the spirit in which an Act was submitted on the spirit of the quest: It was submitted by the QM in the context of a hostile entity's action. Remember, one of the alternatives to this era's setting was "an apocalyptic threat frozen in a comet, one of your objectives is preventing it from breaking free." If it wouldn't've broken free if we ignored it, why bother including it?
Oof, can't deny this. The only thing we know for sure is that the whispers are up to no good. Can't use my hopes as a basis. And since I doubt the qm will give us the answer, guess our only choice is to vote against it.

Actually, I will see if I can change one of the votes I didn't trade to block the whisper. We only need one more right? Should be feasible

Edit: It wasn't. If I remove a vote from any they will fall from their current Act level. Dunno what to do.
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Power's Bane isn't even passing right now. You have my permission to switch that vote for a veto vote. I've been considering the idea of modifying my Act in an attempt to turn it into a Small Act anyway.
Oh, thank you! Done. Hope things works out with your Act. Btw, have you though of adding a treasure hunt aspect? Or some other that gives a bonus from the Era? They help a lot!
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@MangoFlan Just to be sure, would limiting the quantity of Power's Bane sets to, say, 10 or so at a time (with the implication that they aren't indestructible) be enough to reduce my Act to Small?

edit: Or, in keeping with Caterpilar's suggestion, would being jewel-encrusted (or at least looking that way) be enough to count as treasure despite the curse?
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It seems there isnt anyone left to trade, maybe ill try writing an omake? Well is there any important action that hasnt passed or any action that needs votes, im not trading them just giving them so most acts would pass
...Y'know what, I like the idea of blinging out these cursed weapons so much that I'm gonna go do that anyway, even if it doesn't help the Act pass.