The American Experiment (Riot Quest)

Voting is open
We're still doing hemp right?

>former NAP south dakota factory campus
--> grants for funds to convert Dakota campus to bio-medical/pharmaceutical research institute + low rate initial experimental pharmaceutical production
--> grants for infectious disease research annex + safety and isolation measures + emergency biological containment response team (named Blackwatch, Dark Winter Security's scariest motherfuckers)
--> request that inspection be done by SUS members since we like and trust them.
>Misriah Arms Arsenal Campus
--> grants for funds to add Advanced Defense Projects Research annex
--> grants for funds to expand Guns machinery to production capability for low rate production of advanced Weaponry (machine guns, artillery, and rocket technology)
--> grants for precision tools annex.
--> grants to add vocational apprenticeship program for Misriah campus.
--> grants for daycare + pre-k through 6th grade educational facilities for Misriah workers to put their children while at work. Cafeteria for same.
> grants for advanced experimental medical research hospital.
--> dedicated Gynecology and Women's medicine research annex
--> walk in clinic
> Tax breaks :V
Last edited:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Physici on Jun 18, 2024 at 5:07 PM, finished with 21 posts and 18 votes.
1904: Planning
Previous organization info sheets here

The establishment of a new, more democratic and participatory government has resulted in increased engagement among the masses.

(Base recruitment increased from 2k to 20k, decay changed from dynamic ~9% to a static 40%. This starts next turn, this turn's org sizes were all from the previous recruitment method. Number of actions now starts at 1 at 4k, then doubles from there, so 1 less than before, which is more than countered by fewer action-limited things and generally larger orgs.)

Mexican Union radicalism: 46
Union strength: 56 + 5 (many armed workers) + 5 (MLP militia) + 5 (incoming militia) = 71

Mexico Government radicalism: 53
Government strength: 55 + 10 (actual army) + 5 (rurales) = 70

The general strike in Mexico raged across the country. Details were only sparsely known to the North American Commonwealth, but it seemed that in the early days of the strike they managed to hold firm and demand reforms (both political and economic) despite the government cracking down on them. The Mexican Liberal Party and non-union radicals would doubtlessly use this opportunity to begin a revolution, and only time would see how it would go.

Meanwhile, the North American Commonwealth was gearing up for their first election. Held at the end of the year, it was expected the SLP would achieve a large majority, but their proportional representation system would make it possible for many parties to achieve some representation.

This turn is the rest of the year, quarter 1 already having happened. Thus you have ¾ of your funds and ¾ of your actions. Next turn will go back to full years. Your currently listed actions/funds is how many you have available for this turn.

Any player may vote for plans for two organizations. Some actions are universal and can be included in any organization's plan, others are just for one. Funds are per turn, they don't stack. Any ?s are for you to write-in a number for that action. New actions as write-ins are encouraged to be suggested at any time. Anything labeled "funds per capita" means it costs that many funds per 100k supporters per turn in maintenance.

For election actions, you may spend as many actions and funds as you'd like.

All stored funds from last turn are already included in this turn's count. All actions spent from last turn are already included in actions available.

When voting, put the organization acronym before the name of the plan like this:
[X][ACUA] Plan do stuff

Universal Actions:

[] Reorganize the organization's charter. Write-in

As the country is far different than when most organizations were founded, many are going through a deep shift. You may change the primary supporters, ideology, and add new background. Subject to QM veto. This is only available this turn.

[] Save funds for next quarter. ? funds. (Free action)

[] Require dues
--[] Small
--[] Medium
--[] Large
-[] Based on income
-[] Allow delinquent members

More dues reduces membership but increases income. Allowing delinquent members offsets the membership decrease but you also get less income. Choose a size plus whether or not the dues are based on income.

[] Make a newspaper.
-[] Local: 5 funds, -2 per turn.
-[] National: 20 funds, -10 per turn.
-[] Many local across core region: 100 funds, -20 per turn.
-[] Many local across NAC: 500 funds, -100 per turn.

Making newspapers can increase recruitment and increase the effectiveness of other actions such as putting candidates up for election. Only use an action for initial creation.

[] Stockpile guns. ? funds.

To complete is members/100. Roll 1d20 per funds. Rolling completion, decays 5% per turn representing use and action never disappears.

[] Train militia. ? cadres.

Uses 1 funds and 10 "stockpile guns" progress per cadre. Get 5d20 trained militia per cadre.

[] Organize protests about ?

Write-in option.

[] Attack organization building of ?
-[] ? times.
-[] Claim credit.

Write-in, can be an OTL organization or one of the other player organizations. Costs 1 fund per building attacked. Note if it's discovered you did it, or if you claim credit, there will be consequences.

[] Make a public campaign defaming a rival person or group.
-[] Spend ? funds.

[] Send agitators to publicly speak supporting your cause.
-[] On the streets of cities. ? funds.
-[] In the factories of cities. ? funds.
-[] To mining towns. ? funds.
-[] To the farmworkers. ? funds.
-[] In colleges and universities. ? funds.
-[] At parties of the rich. ? funds, min 20.
-[] In the lobbies of politicians. ? funds.

[] Gather signatures for an initiative, referendum, or recall vote. ? funds.
-[] Write-in cause.

Only for even years:

[] Campaign in the election. ? actions, ? funds.
-[] For the SLP.
-[] For the LLRP.
-[] For the Christian Socialist Party.
-[] For the Populist Party.
-[] For the Republican Party.
-[] For the Democratic-Populist Party.
-[] As independents.

This will increase the party's overall vote share when determining the make-up of Congress. It will also increase your organization's influence in determining the party's policy planks, the party's influence in determining policy planks against any coalition partners, and the total number of major government policy planks passed.

All-Continental Union Association:

1,965,000 supporters, 98 UF delegates
6 actions, 1 unionization action
Already spent 2 actions first quarter, this is already reflected above
1500 funds
Regarding dues: Right now, supporter count is only dues paying members (where in other orgs it is all members). If you change dues to be required, I will jump the supporter count to the actual number of people in the ACUA, but the 40% decay per turn will still apply and could result in a loss of members IC representing people not feeling the need to be in a union while having democratic self management, especially in Worker Associations. It will also change some game mechanics: unionizing areas, adding more +recruitment options, etc. Changing them to medium or by income while still allowing delinquency will not cause this to happen.

[] Begin educational efforts in Worker Associations to encourage workers to reduce working hours but also expand operations and invest in better technology. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 0/5000

While Worker Associations gave the workers complete control of their workplace, many of them continued running as they had before out of the belief it was necessary for their livelihoods. In many cases Worker Associations had a culture of continuing to work longer than the 40 hour workweek "unofficially", to produce more per person and so each person would get more pay. Educating them on safer and more efficient methods and the increased productivity of shorter working hours will improve their quality of life, increase production, and reduce unemployment.

[] Begin management educational efforts in the IPA to help improve the efficiency of workplace committees through training the workers in their administrative duties and technical vocational training. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 0/10,000

The workplace committee enforced labor discipline, administered the workplace, chose sub-committees for specific tasks, etc. in a democratic manner. As the committees were made up of the workers themselves, all members of it doing both, this meant there were a great deal of undereducated workers trying to do administrative tasks they never learned how to do. It would be a massive undertaking to educate, and then continue to educate new workers, but it would make the state enterprises vastly more efficient. This would be made easier in most places due to Americans being highly literate, but the extremely low rate of literacy on plantations would make the southern agricultural IPA training difficult.

[] Establish teacher seminars for those educating the workers to be able to do so better. 40 funds, -1 per capita, +1 per die for educational actions.

[] Set up a strike fund for associated unions to increase the effectiveness of their strikes. ? funds. Current: 167

[] Immediately expel the Possibilists.

[] Cut down on internal factionalism within the ACUA, preventing a split in the industrial union. (Generally supported by membership)

With factions at odds encompassing a majority of the ACUA, more and more were looking at a potential split in the organization. While most were committed to industrial unionism, keeping it from being a problem earlier, debates between the factions over the ACUA's place in the new socialist republic and international organizing has led to some union leaders proposing a split, though even a vote on this is likely some years away.

[] Help fund/expand manufacturing. ? funds.
-[] Write in what kind and where
-[] … to be IPA/WA.

[] Start disentangling the ACUA from the Party by moving its legislative committees to be managed by the SLP itself. 5 funds.

[] Write-in directives for the Army of the Toilers. Otherwise they will just go along with local revolutionaries.

[] Organize more volunteers to join the Army of the Toilers with material backing from the army. ? funds.

Unionization Actions:
Other UF organizations may help unionize areas that they have presence in.

[] Have organizers try to unionize newly collectivized agriculture. ? funds. 0/1000

[] Have organizers try to unionize the rest of the construction industry. ? funds, 0/1500

[] Have organizers try to unionize the rest of the dockworkers and shipyards. ? funds, 0/500

[] Send organizers to help factory workers form unions. ? funds, 0/3000

[] Have organizers try to unionize the service industry. ? funds, 0/4000

[] Have organizers try to organize the timber and logging industries. ? funds, 0/800

[] Have organizers try to form an unemployed union branch. ? funds, 0/?

[] Have organizers try to unionize the other industries in Hawaii and Puerto Rico including the construction industry. ? funds, 0/50

[] Help encourage central and southern Mexico agricultural and mining workers to join the strike as it goes on. ? funds. 0/800

[] Help encourage other Mexican factory, service, and construction workers to join the strike as it goes on. ? funds. 291/3500

[] Send organizers to British Columbia to make contacts with local unions, offering support. ? funds.

For now Canadian unions won't officially join the ACUA from these actions, it's just foreign aid.

[] Try to get into western Canada, emphasizing the ACUA's ability to become Canada's One Big Union. ? funds.

The Land and Labor Reform Party:

133,866 supporters
5 actions
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
242 funds
37 funds saved from last quarter already added to the above
Note base recruitment increase means the LLRP is expected to vastly expand, possibly even double, by next year (IC representing absorbing the northern Dems and the new electoral system making third parties more viable—you're no longer playing on hard mode).

[] Give funds to the Sons of the Frontier to expand their operations to more states.
-[] Iowa, 5 funds
-[] Wisconsin, 5 funds
-[] New York and New England, 30 funds
-[] West Coast, 15 funds

Note the entire above can be one action.

[] Set up a campaigning apparatus in Nebraska. 11 funds, -11 per turn.

[] Set up a campaigning apparatus in Ohio. 42 funds, -42 per turn.

[] Make an effort to absorb the New York and New England democratic party, within which Georgism is still popular. 20 funds.
-[] Additionally absorb their campaigning apparatuses. -128 funds per turn

[] Make an effort to absorb the West Coast democratic party, within which Georgism is still popular. 10 funds.
-[] Additionally absorb their campaigning apparatuses. -24 funds per turn

[] Begin a continuous effort of spreading pamphlets, organizing information sessions, etc. to recruit for the party. ? funds, costs funds per turn.

[] Make local committees for campaigning for elections and working with the communities, expanding the effectiveness of LLRP campaigning apparatuses.
-[] Michigan, Minnesota, Dakotas, ? funds, costs funds per turn. 0/480

Election year (even) only actions:

[] Campaign for national and local elections. ? actions, ? funds.

[] Try to get donations from supporters for the election.

Non-election year (odd) only actions:

[] Work on governance. ? actions, ? funds.

In non-election years this is what determines how many policies you can make.

The Revolutionary Federation of American Anarchists (RFAA):

2,329,000 supporters, 116 UF delegates
8 actions
Already spent 2 actions first quarter, this is already reflected above
3355 funds
145 funds saved already added to above
[] Help fund/expand manufacturing. ? funds.
-[] Write in what kind and where
-[] … to be IPA/WA.

[] Encourage farmers who use coop mills and shops to form agricultural WAs. ? funds.
-[] Northeast
-[] Midwest
-[] South
-[] West

[] Go to small towns and villages and aid them in establishing commune institutions such as commune owned shops (subsidized by the province) and a local Bank of Exchange. ? funds. 0/?

[] Go to small towns and villages and encourage them to collectivize work and living practices. ? funds. 0/?

[] Encourage textile Worker Associations to switch from cotton to hemp.
-[] Help fund the switch (optional). ? funds.

[] Use our influence with the statisticians and Banks of Exchange to influence the Worker Associations towards something. Write-in. ? funds.

[] Send organizers and monetary aid to the Argentine anarchists. ? funds.

[] Make a program to support anarchist clubs and non-gendered fraternities in high schools and colleges. 20 funds, -20 per turn.

[] Establish cadres of local organizers specifically for mutual aid efforts, and to coordinate the different kinds of mutual aid efforts with each other, across the country. ? funds, variable per turn. 0/800

[] Create Representative Management Structures outside the SLP to work with anarchist representatives. 20 funds, -4 per capita.

Mutually exclusive with the SLP version in the UF list. While many anarchists oppose even this, it has more support than governing exclusively with the statist SLP. Comparatively speaking, this has a higher percentage of lawmaking influence going to independents, so it only works on the commune scale but maintains distance from the Marxist dominated party. Increases ability to create laws.

[] Transfer funds to the AdP interest group aligned councils. ? funds (free action).

[] Transfer funds to the AB interest group aligned councils. ? funds (free action).

The Forty Acres Movement:

2,009,000 supporters, 100 UF delegates
8 actions
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
1801 funds
There is a strong impetus for prison reform in the communes, as well as national law enforcement reform, which can be done in the legislative turn so long as TFAM puts effort into elections. Currently many communes have entirely gotten rid of their old police forces, with nothing to replace them, while others run more or less as they did before the revolution but with less state-backing of abuses.

[] Create training for (particularly black) new factory workers in the south. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 0/500

Mostly relevant if it's decided to focus on industrializing the south, there's currently little factory worker experience or culture, mostly limited to former prison labor. This will help agricultural workers and farmers move to the cities.

[] Expand the Black Belt newspapers. 70 funds, -14 per turn

[] Do a massive campaign in Boll Weevil affected areas to convince farmers and the IPA to switch from cotton to hemp. ? funds.
-[] Help pay for farmers to make the switch. (Optional)

This would first target areas just starting to be affected by it, hopefully stopping its spread. If the IPA switches on its own directive it will mostly target farmers.

[] Set up ranches to breed mules for the people who got their forty acres. ? funds.
-[] … as small farms. (Less efficient)
-[] … as Worker Associations.
-[] … as part of the IPA.

[] Set up new tractor and farm tools factories to supply southern agriculture. ? funds.
-[] In towns (less efficient)
-[] In cities
-[] As part of the IPA
-[] As Worker Associations

The internal combustion engine tractor was recently invented, and the only American mass-production factory for it is in Iowa, but it has the potential to revolutionize farming, being more efficient and useful than previous types. Making the south the center of production of this valuable machinery would also boost its industrial importance.

[] Set up textile and paper factories, allowing hemp to be processed nearby where it's harvested. ? funds.
-[] In towns (less efficient)
-[] In cities
-[] As part of the IPA
-[] As Worker Associations

If farmers are to switch to hemp, there must be a way to make use of the new cash crop.

[] Build more mills for members to cooperatively use, helping farmers change from cotton to grain production. ? funds.

[] Start adult literacy campaigns to get black adults literate. ? funds, costs funds per turn for several years.

[] Start a hearts and minds campaign to try to reduce reactionary and racist opinion in the South. ? funds, costs funds per turn.
-[] Write-in specifics?

The Society of Friends of All Faiths:

383,000 supporters, 19 UF delegates
6 actions
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
450 funds
[] Try to get southern churches to break away from the reactionary institutions and leadership, particularly the baptist/methodist churches. ? funds.

[] Try to do an educational campaign targeting conservative churches to promote change from within. ? funds.

[] Reach out to other churches and synagogues in North American Commonwealth cities to find ones willing to officially support your message. 10 funds.

[] Expand the church/synagogue based charitable aid programs. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 522/3600
-[] Write-in where (optional)

[] Support a charity low cost schooling program for adult literacy in African Americans, women, and other minorities. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 580/4000
-[] Write-in where (optional)

[] Expand the rural adult literacy programs. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 80/3200
-[] Write-in where (optional)

[] Create Representative Management Structures outside the SLP to work with anarchist representatives. 20 funds, -4 per capita.

This would start moving the SFAF away from only electing SLP representatives, starting to form a separate block with the RFAA.

American People's Futurist Alliance:

61,166 supporters
3 actions
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
189 funds
19 funds saves from last turn already added
[] Create sponsorships for more futurist art programs. ? funds, costs funds per turn.

[] Produce pro-(revolutionary) war propaganda, encouraging the war as the necessary next step of progress, just as the civil war was necessary to end slavery. ? funds.

[] Start making plans for more technocratic institutes, to be able to lobby the government to make them post-war. 5 funds.

While the elimination of private property means that soon the APFA won't be able to directly own institutes, they can still collectively fund themselves or ask the government to fund new institutes in legislative turns.

[] Actually fund more technocratic institutes as independent self-funded institutions. ? funds.

[] Get further involved in the Industrial Planning Association, making a study on how the large scale planning has been going. 10 funds.

[] Make inroads with the IPA Economic Board, offering training and advice. (Works better with/after the above action). ? funds.

[] Lend the Military Strategy Committee's expertise to another group. Write-in group.

The Friends of the Huddled Masses:

352,000 supporters, 18 UF delegates
5 free actions, 1 Yellow Scarves action, 1 industrial action
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
448 funds
60 funds saved already added to the above
[] Establish mutual aid and soup kitchens in western Canada. ? funds. 0/40

[] Establish an immigrant welcoming committee for the west coast, helping the vast numbers of Asian immigrants integrate into the North America Commonwealth. 40 funds, -20 per turn.

[] Now that full families and communities can form and are less at risk of being attacked, form a committee to encourage/organize traditional cultural festivities. 20 funds, -10 per turn.

[] Abolish the Factory Management Council now that all industry has been nationalized or turned into Worker Associations, with those factories no longer electing internal leadership, but instead membership elects leaders independent of work. Other sub-organizations continue elections as normal.
[] Keep the Factory Management Council based out of Worker Associations, trying to get as many former FHM factories as WA as possible.

Yellow Scarves:
Note: The "buy guns" and militia training general actions may count as Yellow Scarves actions.
[] In Canada, covertly prepare the rails themselves to be able to quickly shut them down, preventing all travel across the rockies. ? funds, 0/500

Factory Management Council:
[] Now that it's legal, help supply capital needed for former Chinese fishermen to return to fishing, either as a small business or a Worker Association. ? funds, 0/1000

[] Further expand canning operations. ? funds.

[] Find prospects for mines and set up a small mine somewhere in California, or expand a current mine. ? funds.

[] Use some funds to help the Philippines Machine Shop coop expand, further helping local industrialization efforts. ? funds.

[] Build a Machine Shop cooperative in China, further helping local industrialization efforts. ? funds.
-[] Retain ownership of it.

[] Set up timber processing plants in Locke and Walnut Grove. ? funds.

The Orange Disciples:

243,000 supporters
5 actions, 327 funds
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
None of the below actions replace supporting a party in the election to gain influence with it but TOD will have some influence within them regardless.

[] Support the Christian Socialists in expanding their party to nearby RPGNE areas. 40 funds

[] Support the Christian Socialists in trying to peel off the Possibilists from the SLP. ? funds.

[] Support progressive Republicans who have aligned with TOD in the past for rebuilding their party. 50 funds.
-[] Write-in help them rebrand, or try to help some build a new alignment.

The three above actions will increase the party's base influence without direct TOD support every election.

[] Go to various churches across North Carolina and ask to associate with them and endorse their progressive message.

[] Establish a black college in the south, with plenty of scholarships to be more available. 40 funds.
-[] Write in name/location?
-[] Keep ownership of it instead of as an entity independent of TOD.

[] Establish a program for investing into African American owned businesses. ? funds, -? funds per turn.

[] Support a charity low cost schooling program for adult literacy in African Americans, women, and other minorities. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 520/4000
-[] Write-in where (optional)

[] Support an adult-literacy program through associated churches for rural areas. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 112/3200
-[] Write-in where (optional)

[] Make a relief program for current and former residents of Washington D.C., helping pay for food, shelter, and their/their families return. 20/40 funds, -20/40 funds per turn.

The New American Patriots:

48,313 supporters
3 free actions, 1 Winter Security Group action
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
63 funds
8 funds saved already added to the above
Weaponry: 14/5 (WSG)
[] Contact the reservation government occupying Dark Winter Tools and ask for a transfer back to WSG ownership now that communication and transport has been re-established.

[] Set up a loan scheme for small businesses. ? funds.

[] Have several members move to set up a new discrete chapter in Washington DC and try to get federal government jobs. 5 funds.

[] Encourage membership to get bureaucratic jobs in the new federal programs being operated in California.

[] Try to engage with New York university students to continuously expand student chapters there. 5 funds, -2 per turn.

[] Try to engage with university students in Boston to set up student chapters there. 5 funds.

[] Set up a Big Brothers Big Sisters program in Boston. 6 funds, -3 per turn.

Winter Security Group:
Note: The "buy guns" and militia training general actions may count as WSG actions.

[] Expand the small WSG integrated gun factory. 20 funds.

[] Search for businesses who might wish to hire the private security company. 1 fund.

[] Search for small businesses, bars, etc. who would be willing to take the private security company on as a contractor to provide security, usually just one security guard at a time. 1 fund.

[] Have the WSG make contracts with arms dealers to buy in bulk every year. ? funds, costs funds per turn.

[] Establish a training facility for new Winter Security Group guards. 10 funds, -2 per turn, -20 Weaponry per turn. Trains approximately 100 regular-grade militia per turn

The Society for Universal Suffrage:

3,099,000 supporters, 155 UF delegates
9 actions, 1 queer action
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
2880 funds
There is a strong impetus within SUS to create daycare centers, cafeterias, etc. in cities to take the place of women's housework, but that should be done in the legislative turn or continued as part of UF welfare actions.

[] Organize a Women's Day to celebrate and emphasize women's contributions to the socialist cause, and advocate for other countries to follow NAC in implementing women's suffrage, as suggested by Theresa Malkiel. 10 funds, -10 per turn.

[] Organize efforts to help advise women make use of their new rights as well as informing them of it—owning property, free ability to divorce, their illegitimate children are considered legally equal to legitimate ones, ability to vote, etc. 200 funds, 2 per capita.

[] Encourage women to go to the newly desegregated colleges and provide help in applying. 100 funds, 1 per capita.

While women make up a majority of high school graduates, they make up less than a fifth of college graduates, and previously have been mostly relegated to women's colleges.

[] Contact the Socialist Labor Party of Canada for future collaboration and help them expand their party. 100 funds.
-[] Work with them to establish local branches of SUS in Canada as well.
[] Have SUS members move to Ontario and start setting up branches with local sympathizers there, allowing them to start programs such as newspapers and welfare. 50 funds.

In early '98 E. T. Kingsley and Amelia Yeomans formed the Socialist Labor Party of Canada based on De Leonist principles, active in British Columbia and Toronto. Kingsley, a disabled political activist, was an extreme impossibilist, against any political reforms including women's suffrage. Yeomans, on the other hand, was a physicist and prominent suffragist activist of Canada who radicalized when she met with the Society for Universal Suffrage in a visit to America. She represented the relatively less radical side of the organization, who wished to make reforms in the immediate. Since then the SLPC has been repressed by the government, with many organizers jailed.

[] Help fund/expand manufacturing. ? funds.
-[] Write in what kind and where
-[] … to be IPA/WA.

[] Work with and convince smaller communes to establish daycare centers and cafeterias, trying to make all domestic labor communal. ? funds. 0/?

[] Encourage Asian and hispanic (i.e. non-European) communities form Language Federations. 50 funds.

While some considered it unnecessary, as the United Front already had interest groups roughly representing these people, others considered it more important that SUS include all sorts of people.

[] Provide training to volunteers to form secret paramilitary organizations in the aid of Russian Empire revolutionary groups. 50 funds, -10 per turn.
[] Provide journalist training, labor organizing training, funds, and supplies for the Lithuanian, Latvian, Jewish, Ukrainian, and Russian Federations to use for aiding Russian Empire revolutionary groups in agitation. 50 funds, -10 per turn.

After the 1903 attempted Russian Revolution and the repression, many fled to America, particularly jews and those involved in the left-wing of the Lithuanian nationalist movement, and immigration was ongoing. They, alongside the Polish Federations (whose official primary goal was revolution in Poland, split on nationalist pro-Polish Socialist Party and internationalist pro-Luxemburg's Social Democracy), Latvian Federations, Jewish Federations, Ukrainian Federations, and Russian Federations wished to give support to the revolutionaries in the Russian Empire. They were split on two proposals: one was to work to train secret paramilitary organizations to form the core of a defense force in the next revolutionary attempt, while the other supported popular education and labor activism.

Note: You can spend this action on drafting a law related to queer rights.

[] Found new gay bars across the country to serve as safe places for queer people. 150 funds.

[] Create a large scale national educational program about sexual and reproductive health, especially contraceptive methods and what they prevent. 50 funds, -25 per turn.

[] Start spreading educational information about queer people who wish to identify as a different gender. ? funds, costs funds per turn.

The Minutemen:

89,256 supporters
3 actions, 59 funds
Reserved 21 funds from last turn already added to above
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
[] Set up branch offices, many permanent meeting halls in towns all across Pennsylvania and nearby states. 40 funds, +1 action.

[] Make new connections with Worker Association gun shops/manufacturers, as the former connections were mostly made absent due to being nationalized or being turned over to the workers. ? funds, costs funds per turn.

[] Start up a youth group starting in Pennsylvania inspired by the Sons of Dakota where young boys can go camping and learn skills which could potentially be useful in the military. 5 funds.
-[] Write-in name
-[] Instead, contact the Sons of Dakota and fund a new branch of their organization in Pennsylvania.

[] Make connections with military programs at other northern Land-Grant Universities to establish clubs and programs. 10 funds, -6 per turn.

[] Help fund new startup Worker Associations using new and old dismissed theories of management, using them as part of research. 5 funds.
-[] Specifically in the south, taking advantage of its rebuilding economy.

[] Establish a training camp for new militia members. 10 funds, -2 per turn, -20 Weaponry per turn. Trains approximately 100 regular-grade militia per turn

Southern People's Alliance:

952,000 supporters, 48 UF delegates
6 actions
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
681 funds
54 funds have been saved from last quarter already added to the above
[] Make a standardized bureaucracy for the organization to maintain cohesion in it and all its branches. Gives +1 action, 30 funds, -5 funds per capita

[] Expand the program helping to create cooperative mills and shops, targeting the large numbers of new small farmers. ? funds, costs funds per turn.

[] Encourage farmers who use coop mills and shops to collectivize their farms themselves, forming Worker Associations. ? funds.
-[] Try to convince them to join the IPA.

[] Begin mass-scale educational efforts in the southern Agricultural Planning Association to try to get farmworkers literate, a necessary skill if they are to manage themselves. ? funds, costs funds per turn for several years.

[] Go to small towns and villages and aid them in establishing commune institutions such as commune owned shops (subsidized by the province) and a local Bank of Exchange. ? funds. 0/?

[] Go to small towns and villages and encourage them to collectivize work and living practices. ? funds. 0/?

[] Encourage the spread out rural population, which in America as a whole was the majority, to move closer together and form communes. ? funds. 0/?

Appalachian Brotherhood:

336,000 supporters, 17 UF delegates
5 actions
517 funds
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
65 funds saved already added to the above
There are plenty of plans for Appalachia as an independent province, including establishing agricultural universities, education reform, healthcare establishment, building communal housing, and infrastructural investment, but as those are done by the province, should be write-ins in the local section of the legislative planning turn. You will be able to do more there if you spend more actions/funds doing election stuff.

[] Establish a high level coordination body within the RFAA for Appalachia. 30 funds, -5 per 100k action. +1 action

[] Build industry in Pittsburgh/northern Appalachia. ? funds.
-[] Write-in what type.

[] Build industry in southern Appalachia. ? funds.
-[] Write-in what type.

[] Work with the lumber Worker Associations to encourage them to stop clearcutting and become more sustainable, helping pay for it. ? funds.

[] Start encouraging former anarchist cops out of NYC to move into Appalachian cities to help establish a more anarchist system. 20 funds, -20 per turn.

Specifics for police reform/abolition should go in the legislative plan turn, local section.

[] Go to small towns and villages and aid them in establishing commune institutions such as commune owned shops (subsidized by the province) and a local Bank of Exchange. ? funds. 0/?

[] Go to small towns and villages and encourage them to collectivize work and living practices. ? funds. 0/?

[] Work with the Appalachian coal miners and the Communes to ensure they're aware of health risks caused by their jobs and can get care for it. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 0/?

This is best done with the communes or province establishing better healthcare in the legislative plan local section.

[] Start a movement for growing more plantlife in the communes, including fresh foods, trees for shade, etc. ? funds, costs funds per turn. 0/?

[] Expand the construction commission to reach more of rural Appalachia and expand its abilities. ? funds, costs funds per turn.

Note many would prefer using provincial funds for this.

[] Create Representative Management Structures outside the SLP to work with Appalachian representatives. 20 funds, -4 per capita.

Mutually exclusive with the SLP version in the UF list. Comparatively speaking, this has a higher percentage of lawmaking influence going to independents, so it only works on the province/commune scale but maintains distance from the Marxist dominated party. Increases ability to create laws.

Amigos del Pueblo

266,000 supporters, 13 UF delegates
5 actions, 310 funds
1 fund saved already added to above
Weaponry: 12/28
Already spent 2 actions first quarter, this is already reflected above
[] Establish a high level coordination body within the RFAA for the AdP. 30 funds, -5 per 100k action. +1 action

[] Build a medium sized factory. 25 funds.
-[] Write-in what type.

[] Help encourage central and southern Mexico agricultural and mining workers to join the strike as it goes on. ? funds. 0/800

[] Help encourage other Mexican factory, service, and construction workers to join the strike as it goes on. ? funds. 291/3500

[] Establish more constant contact with the Argentine RFAA, sharing information and tactics. 5 funds, -2 per turn.

[] Try to campaign for Puerto Rico's new constitution. ? funds.
-[] Write-in suggestions (trying to become anarchist, insisting on certain provisiona, etc.)
-[] Suggest staying part of America, as a province.

[] Write-in directives for La Milicia Popular. Otherwise they will just go along with local revolutionaries.

[] Organize more volunteers to join La Milicia Popular with material backing from the army. ? funds.

[] Create Representative Management Structures outside the SLP to work with Appalachian representatives. 20 funds, -4 per capita.

Mutually exclusive with the SLP version in the UF list. Comparatively speaking, this has a higher percentage of lawmaking influence going to independents, so it only works on the province/commune scale but maintains distance from the Marxist dominated party. Increases ability to create laws.

Committee for Indigenous Advocacy

308,000 supporters, 15 UF delegates
5 actions, 84 funds
Already spent 2 actions first quarter, this is already reflected above
[] Set up branch offices, many permanent meeting halls in every area with a significant indigenous population and nearby cities with large amounts of non-indigenous allies. 40 funds, +1 action.

[] Re-implement and teach locals indigenous methods of working with the land, including dry farming, mixed crop farming, food forests, and more. ? funds.

Note that outside areas where indigenous people are dominant (such as the South Plains Province, formerly Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory) and had collectivized the land during the revolution, this involves talking to individual sometimes hostile farmers. They'd like to push a national or provincial policy through to collectivize the land under tribal government stewardship, which would make returning to indigenous practices easier.

[] Reach out to indigenous groups in Canada, including them in CIA aid programs. 10 funds.

[] Reach out to Alaskan indigenous groups, offering arms and trainers to help them stage a revolt against the Blue Army. 30 funds, trains up to 800 militia.

As you lack a land connection to them, this will have to be sent by pretending to be civilian traffic then marched over land, resulting in a high chance of being caught.

[] Reach out to Mexican indigenous groups, encouraging them to organize and join the revolution. ? funds.

Unlike America, Mexico has a very large fraction of their population as indigenous. Their traditional lands have been privatized, ejidos partitioned and bought by hacendados and land companies, they were kept laboring under low wages, and the government was trying to assimilate them through education. While the current conflict started between the unions and the government, many indigenous people may be convinced to side with the unions to try to get land reform done.

[] Train and arm Yaqui (and allies) warriors. 10 funds, trains ~800 militia.

The Yaqui of northern Mexico and their allies in particular exist on both sides of the border and have recrntly been at war with the Mexican government. They'll likely join the revolution anyways, if it lasts more than a few days, but can be armed as an independent force to boost the revolution's early strength and give them more of a voice.

United Front

1836 funds
Any UF org can add on any UF proposals to the end of their vote as a free action. For internal UF votes, not choosing a vote means you are abstaining on it. Non-free actions are taken by your own org, not as part of the UF vote.

Actions (NOT free actions):

[] Request to join the United Front.
[] Leave the United Front.

[] Contribute extra funds to the UF. ? funds. (Free action, if not from the RFAA or constituent orgs)
[] Send funds to (write-in org). ? funds. (Free action, if not to or from the RFAA or constituent orgs)

[] Reestablish the organization's militia out of the Revolutionary Army.
-[] Write-in how many. Cannot exceed pre-civil war size.

[] Send monetary and material support to the MLP. ? funds.

[] Encourage people to join the provincial militia to ensure a large trained reserve. ? funds.

Electoral Actions:
Elections are on even years. In odd years, you should use the governance action.

[] Campaign in the election for the SLP. ? actions, ? funds.

This will increase the SLP's overall vote share when determining the make-up of Congress. It will also increase your organization's influence in determining the SLP's policy planks, the SLP's influence in determining policy planks against any coalition partners, and the total number of major government policy planks passed.

[] Work with the SLP on governance. ? actions, ? funds.

Getting the mass membership of your political organization consulted in policy making, including suggestions and when relevant aid in implementation. This will determine the total number of major government policy planks passed (if the SLP is in the governing coalition). Note this is not required: the SLP typically has enough electoral influence for 2 actions without any spending here.

[] Create Party Management Structures to better integrate into the SLP. 20 funds, -4 per capita.

Only available for organizations that have not done so. Increases ability to create laws.

[] Make local committees for campaigning for elections and working with the communities, expanding the effectiveness of SLP campaigning apparatuses.
-[] North American Commonwealth, ? funds, costs funds per turn. 0/7500
-[] Hawaii, ? funds, costs funds per turn. 0/20
-[] Puerto Rico, ? funds, costs funds per turn. 0/100

Commissions for Mutual Aid and Welfare:
Anyone with a presence in or near a region can do an action. Additionally, up to 20 funds of progress on one action may be part of the budget.

[] Send organizers to set up mutual aid networks and soup kitchens in a region. ? funds. 5691/6500

[] Send organizers to set up mutual aid networks and soup kitchens in Montreal. 12 funds, -4 per turn.

[] Send organizers to set up mutual aid networks and soup kitchens in Halifax. 3 funds, -1 per turn.

Although beginning as an American movement, Canada has always had close ties to their neighbors, and so it was inevitable that the American radical labor movement would spread to Canada. Although small for now, with some effort the United Front could help locals contact others and set up local mutual aid in Montreal, their biggest city and right next to the New England border or Halifax, which has strong connections with anarchist sailors. Either of these will open up completing it by progress rather than by specific location.

[] Expand the system of rural mutual aid in which members can borrow tools or money from each other when needed in more states. ? funds. 890/2000

[] Try setting up community gardens all across New York City/(write-in major city) to supply the soup kitchens and feed the community, buying the space for it. 10 funds, -3 funds per turn.
-[] Turn it over to be managed by the commune. Removes per turn cost.

[] Set up daycare facilities near working districts so that parents can drop off their children and then go to work. ? funds. 682/4800
-[] Write-in area to focus on.

[] Set up free schools in cities. ? funds. 735/6300
-[] Write-in area to focus on.

[] Try establishing community centers in NYC to be run and managed by the community. 30 funds, -3 per turn.
-[] Turn it over to be managed by the commune. Removes per turn cost.

[] Set up free health clinics in an area. ? funds. 126/2000
-[] Write-in area to focus on.

Make a plan (only one person has to vote for it) for the uses of the UF budget, with [UF] instead of an org name. The vote section will include an option to choose which plan your org would prefer to go with.

[] Donate funds to an organization from the UF finances.
-[] Write-in

[] Build up a proper electoral apparatus in states using local org members.
-[] The entire rest of the US, 293 funds, -293 per turn
-[] (I can add specifics on request. New England, South, and Great Plains are the main missing areas)

[] Campaign in the election. ? funds.

[] Fund transport of IWA delegates to Havana. 30 funds.

Votes (free actions):
[] Write-in budget plan name.

[] Have soup kitchens become managed by the
-[] communes.
-[] national state.
-[] Write-in other welfare moves
[] Keep all welfare managed by the United Front.

It has been suggested that certain welfare currently under the aegis of the United Front would be better off as government services managed by local communes. This would allow the communes to expand them as needed while taking the cost burden off from the UF to the government. It would also mean the UF's recruitment from them would decrease, but government popularity would increase. There was some concern that many communes would not be majority SLP and would mismanage the welfare or take away its position as socialist education, making some suggest it should instead be a national concern.
(Halves cost and recruitment from mutual aid + soup kitchens, as it becomes just mutual aid. Increases government stability and potentially SLP popularity.)

[] Change the yearly May Day protests into celebrations instead.
[] Keep the yearly May Day protests as protests.
[] Stop having yearly May Day protests.

[] Push the International Socialist Bureau to change the location of the next IWA meeting from Amsterdam to Havana to avoid a red scare crackdown.
[] Don't push the ISB to change the location of the next IWA meeting.

The Sixth International Socialist Congress (Amsterdam, 1904)

[] Support a motion to require renaming all International affiliates to represent one global proletarian party.
[] Support renaming all International affiliates to represent one global proletarian party.
[] Do not support renaming all international affiliates.

-[] Social Democratic Party of (country)
-[] Socialist Labor Party of (country)
-[] Socialist Party of (country)
-[] Communist Party of (country)
-[] (country) Section of the Workers' International
-[] write-in

The split in the International and rise of several socialist countries has lead to a proposition to unify all sections by name, representing that the International was one global party. There were several suggestions: Social Democratic Party, the current most common name, Socialist Labor Party, America's current name representing their leadership of the movement; Socialist Party, a simple neutral name; Communist Party, a reference to the Communist Manifesto and to the ultimate goal of achieving communism by Marxists and many anarchists; and (country) Section of the Workers' International, for increased emphasis on it being a single global party.

[] Support moving future International congresses to socialist countries.
[] Keep International congresses mostly in Europe.

-[] (Optional) Suggest a location for the next one.

With several socialist countries (America, Hawaii, Cuba, and Puerto Rico), it has been suggested that International congresses could be held more safely in them. However, the increased distance could make it more difficult for European delegates (thus far the majority of the congresses) to arrive.

[] Agree with the resolution that workers and International affiliates should demand the state provide welfare and worker protections.
[] Disagree with the resolution on state-welfare.

This was a proposal by a German delegate regarding whether the Socialist International affiliates should be pressuring the (non-proletarian) state, or those who disagree with it, who think there should only be pressure for revolution.

[] Pass the resolution with a special condemnation towards GB for their treatment of India, calling for the establishment of self-government by Indians.
[] Pass the resolution with a special condemnation towards GB for their treatment of India, calling for the establishment of self-government by Indians (under British Paramountcy).
[] Do not pass the special condemnation resolution.

Dadabhai Naoroji, the Indian rep, wants to include "(under British Paramountcy)" despite objections from most others. As he is the representation of India, many are willing to go along with it despite their misgivings.

[] Approve of the resolution against general strikes.
[] Approve of the resolution in favor of general strikes.
[] Oppose both resolutions.

The Social Democratic Workers' Party (Netherlands) has made two proposals, representing their internal split between the anarchists, who had recently merged into the party, and the leading Marxists of the party. One is a resolution against general strikes, that they would defeat their own object, the other in favor of them, both in response to a Dutch sympathy strike that succeeded but resulted in anti-union legislation by the government which has hurt the trade union movement.

[] Support a resolution to repudiate the revisionists.
-[] Optional write-in specific things you want in it.
[] Oppose the resolution to repudiate the revisionists.

The French Socialist Party has submitted a resolution to repudiate the revisionists and their opposing international. On the other hand, some delegates hoped not passing the resolution would entice them to return to the Second International.

[] Write-in anything else to bring up.

American Reform Movement

116 funds
Any ARM org can add on any ARM proposals to the end of their vote as a free action. For internal ARM votes, not choosing a vote means you are abstaining on it. Non-free actions are taken by your own org.

Actions (NOT free actions):
[] Request to join the ARM.
[] Leave the ARM.

[] Contribute extra funds to the ARM. ? funds.

Make a plan (only one person has to vote for it) for the uses of the ARM budget, with [ARM] instead of an org name. The vote section will include an option to choose which plan your org would prefer to go with.

[] Donate funds to an organization from the ARM finances.
-[] Write-in

[] Make a budgetary committee, allowing for ARM organizations to freely share funds. 5 funds, -0.1 per capita.

[] Write-in committee idea?

Votes (free actions):
[] Write-in budget plan name.
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Can I convert the Misriah Body Armor annex back to machine tools for free or do I need to invest in another machine tools annex?

[][NAP] New day, new patriots
-[] Reorganize the organization's charter.
--[] New American Patriots reorganized to The Academy
--[] Ideology: With the America that was now gone, what remains is to make the most of what's left. While much of the organization's economic philosophical basis has been made obsolescent by the creation of the New American Commonwealth, what still remains is the idea of American Exceptionalism and the idea that America should grow and so too should the sum total of America's citizenry, spreading the benefits of America to all persons of the world. Whether this is by setting the example so that others obtain citizenship of their volition or through the expansion of America's borders into foreign lands and populations, it matters little to the organization as a whole, even if individual members have their own ideas (Idealists vs Imperialists). In order to achieve this, The Academy intends to make sure that its members are able to achieve their own individual self-actualization through academic excellence and through that academic excellence, push the bounds of current knowledge, hopefully achieving and then maintaining the scientific and research dominance of America. The new name, The Academy is intended to cement the organization's purpose in the brave new world it finds itself in, also to get rid of the "new" bit since generally things stop being "new" after 5 years or so.
--[] Supporters: Intellectuals
--[] Structure: While much of the old cell structure remains for organizational representation and accounting, the organization's assets underwent a great restructuring with the end of the civil war lead by Richard Anaheim into two overarching branches, Dark Winter Enterprise Consortium and Anaheim Research (after richard, not Anaheim cali). DWEC takes stewardship over all of the organization's enterprise assets to include industry, services, and handling of entitlements provided by the organization beyond the basic welfare provided by the state. Anaheim Research takes stewardship over the organization's Academic, Research, Media, and Archival endeavors and is responsible for checking in on the organization's members to make sure that they are making progress towards what they believe to be their fullest potential.
-[] Contact the reservation government occupying Dark Winter Tools and ask for a transfer back to WSG ownership now that communication and transport has been re-established.
--[] Be prepared to make extremely generous or if necessary humiliating concessions to negotiators, but if they ask for more than 20 funds, break off negotiations.
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[X][TFAM] The South's First Industrial Plan
-[x] Create training for (particularly black) new factory workers in the south. 61 funds, costs funds per turn. 0/500
-[x] Expand the Black Belt newspapers. 70 funds, -14 per turn
-[x] Do a massive campaign in Boll Weevil affected areas to convince farmers and the IPA to switch from cotton to hemp. 100 funds.
--[x] Help pay for farmers to make the switch. 170 funds.
-[x] Set up new tractor and farm tools factories to supply southern agriculture. 400 funds.
--[x] In cities
--[x] Let each factory vote whether they want to become part of the IPA or a Worker Association.
-[x] Set up textile and paper factories, allowing hemp to be processed nearby where it's harvested. 350 funds.
--[x] In cities
--[x] Let each factory vote whether they want to become part of the IPA or a Worker Association.
-[x] Build more mills for members to cooperatively use, helping farmers change from cotton to grain production. 350 funds.
-[x] Start adult literacy campaigns to get black adults literate. 300 funds, costs funds per turn for several years.

I have no idea on what'd be a good amount of funds to spend on some of these actions, so I'm just making some guesses and we'll see how they go, I suppose?
I changed the election years to happen on even years i.e. there's an election at the end of this turn's year. Because delaying it for an extra year does not make sense.
Constitution of the North American Commonwealth
I changed the election years to happen on even years i.e. there's an election at the end of this turn's year. Because delaying it for an extra year does not make sense.
Very good and helpful to know.

Speaking of which, behold your music:

The American people, determined to abolish economic servitude and political dependence by suppressing the capitalist property that is their cause and reconstituting it as common property, so that every worker shall have the free exercise and full benefit of their faculties, multiplied by all the modern factors of civilization, hereby abrogates the Constitution of the United States of America ordained and established the one thousand seven hundred eighty-ninth year of the Gregorian Calendar, and ordains and establishes the following Constitution of the North American Commonwealth.
  1. The territory of the Commonwealth is the territory of the United States of America as of the first day of January in the one thousand nine hundred and third year of the Gregorian Calendar but not: the Port of Manila belonging to the Republic of the Philippines, the Windward and Leeward Isles comprising the People's Republic of Hawai'i, the Antillean isles comprising the People's Republic of Puerto Rico, the Samoan Isles, and Guam; the Commonwealth shall not acquire other territory but on the assent of a majority of its residents or of their lawfully constituted representatives or as a consequence of delimiting with certainty an international boundary recognized in principle as of the first day of January in the one thousand nine hundred and third year of the Gregorian Calendar; the Commonwealth shall not alienate any part of its territory but as a consequence of delimiting with certainty an international boundary recognized in principle as of the first day of January in the one thousand nine hundred and third year of the Gregorian Calendar; neither shall any part of the Commonwealth separate from the Commonwealth but as a consequence of delimiting with certainty an international boundary recognized in principle as of the first day of January in the one thousand nine hundred and third year of the Gregorian Calendar.
  2. All persons within the Commonwealth, without distinction of and respecting no legal disability based upon race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, creed, or alienage, are guaranteed the rights: to freedom of conscience and free and equal exercise of religion, to free expression in speech and publication and equal opportunity to publish in public media, to with or without notice or permission peaceably assemble free from public harassment, to petition singly or together with others any public body for redress of grievances, to serve and to keep and bear arms for purpose of serving in the Militia, in time of peace to exclude soldiers from quartering in their homes and in time of war to exclude soldiers from unlawfully quartering in their homes, to security in their persons and houses and papers and effects against searches and seizures which are unreasonable and which are not done pursuant to warrants issued upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized, to due process of law in all intercourse with public bodies, to immunity from prosecution but on indictment by a Grand Jury, to immunity from prosecution for the same offense more than once, to immunity from compulsion to self-incrimination, to immunity from cruel and unusual punishment and from excessive fines, to immunity from punishment in deprivation of liberty or property but by due process of law, to have their civil disputes heard and finally decided by a Petit Jury, to receive at public expense salaries no less than the greater of the median worker's wage in their Commune or in the Commonwealth for each day of Grand or Petit Jury service, having attained twenty-one years of age and not having accepted any elected office or military commission from any power which shall have engaged in war or insurrection against the Revolutionary Provisional Governments of the United States or against the Commonwealth (such persons known hereinafter as "Electors") to vote by secret ballot and to stand in all elections within the Commonwealth, to free movement within and without the Commonwealth and equal access to means of public transport and other public accommodations, to freedom from discrimination by Workers' Associations and the public industry in hiring and firing and all other terms and conditions of employment, to adequate education at public expense in all languages predominant in their Commune and in the Commonwealth from no later than the sixth through no earlier than the eighteenth year of life, to means of adequate subsistence at all stages of life whether provided by Workers' Associations through Banks of Exchange or at public expense, to insurance of life and limb against illness or accident at public expense, to funereal provision at public expense, to public employment at last resort at the greater of the median worker's wage in their Commune or in the Commonwealth, to combine and act in concert with others in political Parties for political action, to as a worker combine and act in concert with other workers in Trade Unions for mutual economic aid and protection including by striking and free from retaliation or replacement, to receive government documents in any such language and writing system as may best facilitate their understanding at public expense, having resided in the Commonwealth no fewer than twelve weeks to be naturalized as a Citizen, and to all otherwise unenumerated rights held by the people; and no law shall derogate any of the foregoing rights; and neither slavery nor involuntary servitude nor establishment of religion shall exist within the Commonwealth.
  3. All persons within the Commonwealth who are accused of crimes are guaranteed the rights: to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus but during time of invasion or insurrection, to immunity from excessive bail, to a speedy and public trial at public expense in the jurisdiction in which the crime is alleged to have taken place, to be confronted with any hostile witnesses, to have compulsory process at public expense for obtaining friendly witnesses, to have the assistance of competent defense counsel at public expense, and to immunity from conviction but by an impartial Petit Jury; and no law shall derogate any of the foregoing rights.
  4. All persons within the Commonwealth having attained twenty-one years of age shall be equally liable to serve from time to time on Grand Juries and criminal and civil Petit Juries which shall be chosen according to law respecting the principle of sortition.
  5. All persons born or naturalized in the Commonwealth are Citizens of the Commonwealth; the Commonwealth is the state of all its Citizens, without distinction of class, race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, creed, or otherwise.
  6. All Citizens having attained twenty-one years of age are guaranteed the rights: to receive at public expense armament and training in arms for the purpose of serving in the Militia, and from time to time to elect and recall officers of the Militia according to law, and to receive at public expense salaries no less than the greater of the median worker's wage in their Province or in the Commonwealth for each day of Militia service.
  7. All Citizens having attained twenty-one years of age shall be equally liable to serve in the Militia.
  8. Sovereignty in the Commonwealth belongs to the people, which exercises the political power through Congress, and from time to time by referendum; in furtherance of the institution of socialism in the Commonwealth, and of the victory of socialism throughout the world, Congress, and the people by referendum, shall have the power to enact, and Congress shall have the power to execute and interpret, any law not forbidden by this Constitution and to make treaties with foreign states and to determine on peace or war; Congress shall from time to time enact, execute, and interpret appropriate laws giving effect to the rights of the people and of the Citizens, and providing for the speedy naturalization of Citizens, and providing for the Citizens' common defense, and promoting the general welfare of the people; but Congress shall enact no bills of attainder or ex post facto laws, and shall grant no titles of nobility.
  9. Congress shall comprise one Member per twenty thousand persons in the Commonwealth; Members shall be elected every second year beginning the one thousand nine hundred and fourth year of the Gregorian Calendar, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November which shall be a public holiday (hereinafter the "General Election"), out of Districts comprising between one hundred twenty thousand and two hundred forty thousand persons; each District shall elect as many Members as there are lots of twenty thousand persons in the District; no person shall be a candidate for Member who is not a resident of the District they seek to represent and who does not have the assent no later than six weeks prior to the General Election of no fewer than one in one hundred Electors in their District, or who has served either eighteen years or six consecutive years in Congress; no person shall be a Member who has not received in the General Election more votes than any other candidate in their District, up to the number of Members apportioned to their District; no ballot shall display a candidate's political Party but upon that Party's nomination of that candidate at a mass meeting or convention, provided that the candidate is otherwise lawfully on the ballot.
  10. A Member of Congress may be recalled on the assent of Electors in their District no fewer than three parts in two hundred of the number of votes cast in their District in the previous General Election, who shall state whether the reason for the recall is political or otherwise, for instance the Member's incapacity or dereliction of duty; no sooner than nine weeks and no later than twelve weeks after such a recall, or after the death, retirement, or expulsion from Congress of a Member, a special election shall be held in the District to fill the vacant seat under the same rules as a General Election; no recalled Member may stand in such a special election unless the recall was for political reasons.
  11. Unless specified otherwise herein, Congress and all committees thereof shall take decisions by a simple majority of Members present but shall take no decision unless more than one half of all Members are present; except insofar as provided for herein, Congress shall determine its rules of proceedings; Congress and all committees thereof shall keep journals of their proceedings, including the ayes and nays of the Members on all questions, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy.
  12. Members of Congress shall have immunity from arrest or prosecution for any crime other than treason (consisting only in levying war against the Commonwealth, or in adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort, as proved on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court) or insurrection while their term in office lasts, and shall have immunity from arrest while attending or going to or coming from meetings of Congress, and shall have criminal and civil immunity for all things said during debate or deliberation of Congress; Congress may expel a Member on a finding of criminal misbehavior; each outgoing Congress shall ratify the election of Members to each incoming Congress; Congress shall ratify the election of Members elected to replace recalled, deceased, retired, or expelled Members.
  13. Each session of Congress shall run from the third day in the January following the General Election in which it is elected, through the second day in the third January following the General Election in which it is elected, but Congress but may dissolve early on the condition that a special election be held, under the same rules as a General Election, no sooner than nine weeks and no later than twelve weeks after Congress decides to dissolve; unless otherwise term-limited, Members of the outgoing Congress may stand for reelection in such a special election; Congress shall regularly meet, in the Commune of Chicago, no fewer than two times per year and four times per session, the first such meeting in each session coinciding with the first day of that session, for no fewer than eighteen weeks per meeting; other Congressional business permitting, Members of Congress shall devote no fewer than thirty days every six months to attending conventions of Electors in their Districts at which the Electors may air their concerns and priorities; Members shall throughout their terms receive from the public funds salaries equal to the median worker's wage in their District, or in the Commune of Chicago, whichever is higher.
  14. Congress shall elect from among its Members a Standing Committee comprising one Member for every lot of ten Members of Congress, chosen in proportion to the partisan makeup of Congress; the Standing Committee shall meet continuously throughout each session of Congress, and may convene special meetings of Congress in between regular meetings; in between meetings of Congress, the Standing Committee shall be delegated Congress's powers to interpret existing laws, enact decrees executing the laws, determine on war and peace, and ratify treaties but not any other powers.
  15. Congress shall elect from among its Members such officers are necessary for the transaction of business but including a President who shall chair meetings of Congress and of the Standing Committee, shall from time to time but no less frequently than once per meeting of Congress report to Congress as to the public income and accounts and expenses and debts, and shall from time to time but not less frequently than fortnightly and with no less than one day's notice as to topic submit to interrogation by Members of Congress or of the Standing Committee; in time of war Congress shall constitute from among its Members a Supreme Command Council which shall recommend war policy and strategy to Congress and implement such policies and strategies as Congress may adopt including by commanding the officers of the North American Red Army and Navy (hereinafter the "Army" and "Navy" respectively) in their conduct of the war; Congress may constitute from among its Members, and shall furnish with adequate annual budgets from the public funds, such executive committees as are necessary for carrying out the business of government but including committees responsible for: recruiting and officering and commanding and procuring for the Army and for coordinating the Militia's reinforcement of the Army in time of war, recruiting and officering and commanding and procuring for the Navy, administering justice, seeing to the collection of taxes and standard weights and measures and by operating a Commonwealth Bank the treasury and the money supply and the public credit, intercoursing with foreign states including negotiating treaties and conducting all trade with foreign states and foreign companies, managing the exploitation and reproduction and preservation of public lands and waters and natural resources including aquifers and mineral deposits and forests and fisheries which shall be inalienable, inspecting factories and worksites to document and regulate the conditions of labor therein and receiving and compiling statistics on prices and consumption from the Banks of Exchange and bargaining with duly constituted representatives of the Workers' Associations over their production goals and planning and bargaining with duly constituted representatives of Trade Unions chosen according to law in proportion to their representation of workers in the Workers' Associations and in the Public Industry (hereinafter the "Interunion") over the production goals of and investments in and terms and conditions of employment at the Public Industry of the Commonwealth on the basis of equal access to statistical information (hereinafter the "Industrial Planning Association"), and providing education and care and employment at last resort and operating the Commonwealth Bank of Exchange; each executive committee shall elect from among its members a Secretary who shall chair its meetings and shall report to, and submit to interrogation by, Congress on terms equal to the President; each executive committee, and the Standing Committee, may appoint such other inferior officers, and may employ such other staff, as are necessary to carry out its business, at salaries equal to the median worker's wage in the Commonwealth.
  16. Congress shall consider bills initiated by Members or on the assent of Electors no fewer than one part in one hundred of the number of votes cast in the previous General Election but shall not consider amendments to bills initiated by the people; should Congress decide not to enact a bill initiated by the people, the people shall, no sooner than nine weeks and no later than twelve weeks after Congress's decision, consider, and on the assent of a majority of voters shall enact, the said bill.
  17. Congress shall every tenth year beginning the one thousand nine hundred and tenth year of the Gregorian Calendar institute a census of the Commonwealth which shall collect information necessary to apportion Districts respecting where practicable the principles of compactness and Communal unity, determine the salaries of Members of Congress and of the Provincial and Communal Congresses and of judges and for Jury and Militia service, direct schools in which languages they are to instruct, fairly tax the people, and otherwise for achieving the purposes of government according to this Constitution; the census may rely on statistics collected by Banks of Exchange.
  18. Congress may serve, or constitute a committee to serve, as the court of last resort in such disputes as Congress decides to hear; Congress in its judicial capacity shall have original jurisdiction over admiralty matters and over disputes involving on each side any of the following parties: a Commune, a Province, the Commonwealth, a foreign state, or the ambassador or minister or consul of a foreign state; Congress shall be the sole authority on the constitutionality of laws, on the consonance of parts of the Commonwealth's law code, and on the constitutionality and consonance with the Commonwealth's law code of Communal and Provincial laws.
  19. Congress shall, respecting the principle of self-government, delegate local government to Communes it may constitute, the boundaries of which it shall determine, and regional government including hearing civil and criminal matters on appeal to contiguous Provinces comprising several Communes; Congress shall not disestablish a Commune or Province but on a three-fifths majority decision of members present that it has acted unlawfully.
  20. A Commune's Electors shall elect its Communal Congress, and judges to preside over all disputes civil and criminal, at law and at equity, as may come to trial in that Commune, concurrently with each General Election; Communal laws shall respect the supremacy of Congress and this Constitution; each Commune shall provide in its electoral law for recall of Communal Congress Members by Electors in that Commune no fewer than seven parts in one hundred of the number of that Commune's votes cast in the previous General Election; each Commune shall provide in its law for the institution of a Bank of Exchange to coordinate with Workers' Associations obtain adequate store for the provision for the Commune's social services; a Communal Congress shall consider bills initiated by its Members, or on the assent of Electors in that Commune no fewer than six parts in one hundred of the number of that Commune's votes cast in the previous General Election; the people of a Commune shall consider, and on the assent of a majority of voters shall enact, bills initiated on the assent of Electors in that Commune no fewer than five parts in one hundred of the number of that Commune's votes cast in the previous General Election; Communal Congress Members, and Communal judges, shall throughout their terms receive from the public funds salaries equal to the median worker's wage in their Commune; a Commune may from time to time, according to law, disassociate from its assigned Province and associate with another contiguous Province.
  21. A Province's Electors shall elect its Provincial Congress the laws of which shall provide at least for the upkeep and training of its Provincial Militia, and judges to preside over all civil and criminal appeals in that Province, concurrently with each General Election; Provincial laws shall respect the supremacy of Congress and this Constitution; each Province shall provide in its electoral law for recall of Provincial Congress Members by Electors in that Province no fewer than seven parts in one hundred of the number of that Province's votes cast in the previous General Election; a Provincial Congress shall consider bills initiated by its Members, or on the assent of Electors in that Province no fewer than six parts in one hundred of the number of that Province's votes cast in the previous General Election; the people of a Province shall consider, and on the assent of a majority of voters shall enact, bills initiated on the assent of Electors in that Province no fewer than five parts in one hundred of the number of that Province's votes cast in the previous General Election; Provincial Congress Members, and provincial appeals court judges, shall throughout their terms receive from the public funds salaries equal to the median worker's wage in their Province or in the Commune where the Provincial Congress meets, whichever is higher.
  22. No person holding any office of profit or trust under the Commonwealth shall, without the consent of Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
  23. The Public Industry shall be inalienable; the Public Industry of the Commonwealth shall comprise all inter-Communal transport (including roads and railroads together with rolling stock and canals and navigations and ports together with oceangoing vessels and aerodromes together with self-propelled aircraft) and communications (including posts and telegraphs and telephones) and water works together with aqueducts and gas works together with pipelines and electric plants together with wires and a Commonwealth Bank in addition to any such other industry as the Commonwealth may acquire including extractions from aquifers and mineral deposits and forests and fisheries; Congress may delegate the operation of regional transport and water and gas and electricity utilities to the Provinces; the Public Industry of the Communes shall comprise all intra-Communal transport (including roads and railroads together with rolling stock and bridges and tunnels and ferries) in addition to any such other industry as a given Commune may acquire including extractions from aquifers and mineral deposits and forests and fisheries.
  24. All commerce and industry in the Commonwealth that is not the Public Industry and that employs workers other than its owners shall be the equal property of its workers (hereinafter the "Workers' Associations") whose shares shall be inalienable for as long as they continue to work and which shall revert to the Workers' Association thereafter; Workers' Associations shall furnish themselves with Banks of Exchange for the purposes of collecting statistics of production and consumption and of intercoursing with each other and with Communal Banks of Exchange to distribute goods and determine prices of goods and services; Workers' Associations shall from time to time bargain with Trade Unions over their production goals of and investments and terms and conditions of employment; a Workers' Association and the Trade Union it bargains with shall have equal access to the statistical information gathered by the Workers' Association's Bank of Exchange.
  25. Workers in the Public Industry and Workers' Associations shall from time to time elect workplace committees to manage their respective business, on ratification by the Interunion.
  26. No public body shall seize property for public use or distribution but on a finding, after due process of law, that it is not the property of a Workers' Association.
  27. This Constitution shall not be amended but on the assent of Congress and of the people no sooner than nine weeks and no later than twelve weeks after Congress having given such assent, during which time the people shall consider amendments to the amendment at conventions for that purpose convened at public expense.
Done at Chicago, this twenty-ninth day of June in this one thousand nine hundred and fourth year of the Gregorian Calendar,
for the American Constituent Assembly,
Dominik Kubicek, President of the Provisional Congress.
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[X] [AdP] Plan Anarcho-Communist Aztlan
-[X] Reorganize the organization's charter.
--[X] With the end of the revolutionary struggle in America, and a more secure position to look southwards to our Mexican brethren, the AdP has begun fully embracing an explicitly anarcho-communist outlook on the political situation. With the long-term association with the RFAA, the AdP is now fully committed to the liberation of the peoples of the Hispanic world, not merely that of their Mexican comrades, but even further south, to the farthest reaches of Patagonia, and the reorientation of their systems towards a decisively anarchist structure, based on the guiding principle of free association without exploitation.
-[X] Help encourage central and southern Mexico agricultural and mining workers to join the strike as it goes on. 95 funds. 0/800
-[X] Help encourage other Mexican factory, service, and construction workers to join the strike as it goes on. 300 funds. 291/3500
-[X] Establish more constant contact with the Argentine RFAA, sharing information and tactics. 5 funds, -2 per turn.
-[X] Try to campaign for Puerto Rico's new constitution. 250 funds.
--[X] Insist on a far more explicitly anarchist formation of the island, with provisions granting the formation of freely associating communes without fear of repression from the state, with these communes allowed to negotiate their position within the new state as equal members of a union, should they wish to do so. However, for the sake of unity, these communes will not be allowed the right to secede from the new island nation, limited only to the right of free association within the confines of the state.
ACUA plan at the moment:

[x][ACUA] Rump 1904 Agenda
(6/6 actions) (1/1 unionization action)
(2,015/1,500 + 515 UF funds)
-[x] Require dues
--[x] Based on income
-[x] Make a newspaper.
--[x] Many local across NAC: 900 funds, –100 per turn.
---[x] Each styled "The [Commune] Worker"
-[x] Cut down on internal factionalism within the ACUA, preventing a split in the industrial union. 10 funds.
-[x] Help encourage central and southern Mexico agricultural and mining workers to join the strike as it goes on. 85 funds. 0/800
-[x] Help encourage other Mexican factory, service, and construction workers to join the strike as it goes on. 270 funds. 291/3,500
-[x][Union] Send organizers to British Columbia to make contacts with local unions, offering support. 25 funds.
-[x] Campaign in the election for the SLP. 1 action, 725 funds.
-[x][UF] Rump 1904 Budget
-[x][UF] Keep all welfare managed by the United Front.
-[x][UF] Change the yearly May Day protests into celebrations instead.
-[x][UF] Push the International Socialist Bureau to change the location of the next IWA meeting from Amsterdam to Havana to avoid a red scare crackdown.
-[x][UF] Support renaming all International affiliates to represent one global proletarian party.
--[x] (country) Section of the Workers' International Party
-[x][UF] Support letting the ISB arrange future International congresses in any country which, in its view, has sufficient political freedom to let it meet and conduct business unmolested by the police.
-[x][UF] Disagree with the resolution on state-welfare.
--[x] Even where imperial states have granted paternalistic reforms, as in Germany, those reforms may be revoked as long as they are not defended by the people's representatives having supreme power. Fighting to preserve or gain social reform necessarily implies fighting for constitutional revolution.
-[x][UF] Pass the resolution with a special condemnation towards GB for their treatment of India, calling for the establishment of self-government by Indians.
-[x][UF] Oppose both resolutions.
--[x] Even for an absolutist state like Russia, never mind this Congress or the trade unions, forbidding the mass strike is impossible. Forswearing a general strike would only make the trade unions and workers' parties more reluctant to take leadership in mass strikes than they ought to be. But Russia, America, and indeed Holland show that mere extension of strike action is vulnerable as long as it remains economic. Workers must secure the gains of strike action by winning democratic constitutional reforms and legal protections.
-[x][UF] Support a resolution to repudiate the revisionists.
--[x] The power of the workers' movement is found only in unity, whatever faction or strategy is momentarily ascendant. The revisionists will find that the bourgeoisie bought disunity but cheaply, and will recoup its thirty pieces of silver shortly. But the gains of the revolution are inalienable.

1904 is an election year. Even if we disentangled from the SLP (which I'm not convinced we want to do at all, it is in many ways subordinate to the UF affiliates rather than the other way around, and to the ACUA more than most with its two policy committees), the UF would still need to support it to stave off any kind of return to Democratic/Republican normalcy and ACUA needs influence on its policy priorities (inter alia, building out Western industry, promoting literacy in the South, supporting the Mexican Revolution, and expanding the IPA's remit and raising wages therein). That means devoting an action and funds. It should also mean finally getting a national network of local papers. These not only help with electioneering, but also with organizational cohesion, something ACUA is in need of and in support of which we can also take anti-factionalism. The latter doesn't require funds, but gets some anyway for a bonus on the roll; making sure this goes smoothly is important.

With the new state guarantees of employment at last resort, minimum incomes, and means of subsistence, we can finally stop allowing dues delinquency. This should not only boost our funds (albeit at the cost of members), I'd like to finally be able to see how many members the ACUA actually has. The two Mexican unionizations are in direct service of the revolution and should boost our numbers a bit; the total funds invested between ACUA and AdP are complete overkill, but maybe they'll overflow into something.

The current budget's below. As of this writing, there's around 1,500 funds up for grabs, demonstrating that the UF has more money than it knows what to do with. But it will be facing a new 40% per-turn degradation in membership that it will need to offset. That is, keeping the recruitment bonus is better than saving on expenses. The May Day strikes won their ostensible demand (recognition of International Workers' Day as a public holiday in the NAC by Act of Congress), and a day off achieves the same economic effect in terms of lost production as a big strike does (a strike held on a regular day each year wouldn't even have the benefit of disrupting employers' plans, since they can easily plan around an annual event). Big celebratory parade is good. As is avoiding the Dutch police (or indeed, the German, French, or British police--the Netherlands probably couldn't keep them out even if it wanted to) while their dander is up.

For the International Congress, I'm given to understand there's a funny acronym in the works, so am holding off on the renaming question for now. Otherwise, I've mostly gone with write-ins most of which should be fairly self-explanatory. But while avoiding Red Scares is just good sense, I don't want to limit future International Congresses to socialist countries. There are yet few enough of them as it is, and what's more, not all the countries that still have political freedom are unambiguously socialist (here I'm thinking China, but especially the Philippines). Having been in that position, I suspect Naoroji is hoping to get overruled, and is only publicly accommodating "British Paramountcy" for fear of the British constabulary when he returns to either India or Britain.

[x][UF] Rump 1904 Budget
(1,836/1,836 funds)
-[x] Send organizers to set up mutual aid networks and soup kitchens in Montreal. 12 funds, –4 per turn.
-[x] Donate funds to an organization from the UF finances.
--[x] ACUA, 515 funds.
--[x] CIA, 216 funds.
--[x] FAM, 300 funds.
--[x] FHM, 300 funds.
--[x] SUS, 170 funds.
-[x] Build up a proper electoral apparatus in states using local org members.
--[x] The entire rest of the US, 293 funds, –293 per turn
-[x] Fund transport of IWA delegates to Havana. 30 funds.
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[X] [AB] Reestablishing ourselves
-[X] Reorganize the organization's charter.
--[X] With the old Empire dead, any struggle against this new system feels unnecessary. The AB has shifted its course slightly. It still focuses on the needs and concerns of the region it has claimed as Appalachian from the north to the south, but now instead of being for or against the UF, it feels a split between petty nationalism and its anarchism. Those that consider themselves on the anarchist side consider the past focus on petty nationalism of Appalachia to be a mistake that could result in reactionary concerns overriding historically progressive ones in the name of cultural preservation, and that the organization needs to focus on local conditions and the betterment of constituents. Those on the petty nationalism side consider the idea they would override socialism for cultural reasons to be overblown, and even consider petty nationalist agitation to be a good model for stoking resentment and revolution in other empires and capitalist powers in a form of internationalism. This friendly ideological debate seems to want to persist within the organization for the foreseeable future.
--[X] Ideology: Anarchism, Petty Nationalism, International Petty Nationalism
-[X] Campaign in the election. 1 actions, 267 funds.
--[X] As independents.
-[X] Establish a high level coordination body within the RFAA for Appalachia. 30 funds, -5 per 100k action. +1 action
-[X] Go to small towns and villages and aid them in establishing commune institutions such as commune owned shops (subsidized by the province) and a local Bank of Exchange. 200 funds. 0/?
-[X] Create Representative Management Structures outside the SLP to work with Appalachian representatives. 20 funds, -4 per capita.
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*grumble* Guess I'll postpone expanding the newspapers, the other actions are supposed to sync so I can't switch them.

EDIT: Turns out I had 1 more action than I thought, putting the newspapers back in.
EDIT 2: I should be getting 300 extra funds from the UF, so increasing my expenses.

[X][TFAM] The South's First Industrial Plan
-[x] Create training for (particularly black) new factory workers in the south. 71 funds, costs funds per turn. 0/500
-[x] Expand the Black Belt newspapers. 70 funds, -14 per turn
-[x] Do a massive campaign in Boll Weevil affected areas to convince farmers and the IPA to switch from cotton to hemp. 100 funds.
--[x] Help pay for farmers to make the switch. 200 funds.
-[x] Set up new tractor and farm tools factories to supply southern agriculture. 400 funds.
--[x] In cities
--[x] Let each factory vote whether they want to become part of the IPA or a Worker Association.
-[x] Set up textile and paper factories, allowing hemp to be processed nearby where it's harvested. 350 funds.
--[x] In cities
--[x] Let each factory vote whether they want to become part of the IPA or a Worker Association.
-[x] Build more mills for members to cooperatively use, helping farmers change from cotton to grain production. 350 funds.
-[x] Start adult literacy campaigns to get black adults literate. 300 funds, costs funds per turn for several years.
-[x] Campaign in the election. 1 actions, 260 funds.
--[x] For the SLP.
-[x][UF] Have soup kitchens become managed by the
--[x] national state.
-[x][UF] Change the yearly May Day protests into celebrations instead.
-[x][UF] Push the International Socialist Bureau to change the location of the next IWA meeting from Amsterdam to Havana to avoid a red scare crackdown.
-[x][UF] Support letting the ISB arrange future International congresses in any country which, in its view, has sufficient political freedom to let it meet and conduct business unmolested by the police.
-[x][UF] Disagree with the resolution on state-welfare.
-[x][UF] Pass the resolution with a special condemnation towards GB for their treatment of India, calling for the establishment of self-government by Indians.
-[x][UF] Oppose both resolutions.
-[x][UF] Support a resolution to repudiate the revisionists.
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I'm making one, but it's in flux as I try to figure out what actions are best.

-[x] Do a massive campaign in Boll Weevil affected areas to convince farmers and the IPA to switch from cotton to hemp. 100 funds.
--[x] Help pay for farmers to make the switch. 150 funds.
Speaking of which, if this is being done, I should probably have one of those actions being convincing textile Worker associations to be switching to using hemp as well.
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[X][NAP] New day, new patriots
-[X] Reorganize the organization's charter.
--[X] New American Patriots reorganized to The Academy
--[X] Ideology: With the America that was now gone, what remains is to make the most of what's left. While much of the organization's economic philosophical basis has been made obsolescent by the creation of the New American Commonwealth, what still remains is the idea of American Exceptionalism and the idea that America should grow and so too should the sum total of America's citizenry, spreading the benefits of America to all persons of the world. Whether this is by setting the example so that others obtain citizenship of their volition or through the expansion of America's borders into foreign lands and populations, it matters little to the organization as a whole, even if individual members have their own ideas (Idealists vs Imperialists). In order to achieve this, The Academy intends to make sure that its members are able to achieve their own individual self-actualization through academic excellence and through that academic excellence, push the bounds of current knowledge, hopefully achieving and then maintaining the scientific and research dominance of America. The new name, The Academy is intended to cement the organization's purpose in the brave new world it finds itself in, also to get rid of the "new" bit since generally things stop being "new" after 5 years or so.
--[X] Supporters: Intellectuals
--[X] Structure: While much of the old cell structure remains for organizational representation and accounting, the organization's assets underwent a great restructuring with the end of the civil war lead by Richard Anaheim into two overarching branches, Dark Winter Enterprise Consortium and Anaheim Research (after richard, not Anaheim cali). DWEC takes stewardship over all of the organization's enterprise assets to include industry, services, and handling of entitlements provided by the organization beyond the basic welfare provided by the state. Anaheim Research takes stewardship over the organization's Academic, Research, Media, and Archival endeavors and is responsible for checking in on the organization's members to make sure that they are making progress towards what they believe to be their fullest potential.
-[X] Contact the reservation government occupying Dark Winter Tools and ask for a transfer back to WSG ownership now that communication and transport has been re-established.
--[X] Be prepared to make extremely generous and if necessary humiliating concessions to negotiators. 15 funds prepared for repairs, inspections, and updates of the facility as well as potential "surprise donations (if they ask for bribes just to make this clear)" should they be required.
---[X] Also to be absolutely certain, if they're asking for bribes make sure it's formatted as something like a donation to a cause or something like paying for updates to a local school, or funding refurbishment for a building or something of that nature. Don't just hand over the cash in an envelope, that would be illegal.
-[X] Convert Misriah Armor Annex to machine tools manufacturing, and while at it, begin the process of upgrading the annex to production of precision machine tools. 45 funds
-[X] [WSG] Perform research regarding the viability of marketing more "kinetic" services to larger groups to include enterprises, unions, the more resource strapped provincial government entities, and potentially provincial government entities who might require immediate armed responses at a certain remove from media attention. 3 Funds
--[X] Exclude Grey Army and Pinkertons from list of viable employers. Add to preferred enemies list.
--[X] Make absolutely sure any of the more shady shit has a verified signature on it. If you're not sure, run it by the audit office in San Fran. Kinetic response payment requires an up front down payment. Command rights, salvage, and restrictions can be negotiated and clarified as the situation demands.
-[X][ARM] Dissolution Budget
--[X] Donate funds to an organization from the ARM finances.
---[X] Return the funds to each organization.
-[X][ARM] Dissolve the ARM
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[ ][RFAA] Plan Draft
-[ ] Campaign in the election. 1 action, ? funds.
--[ ] For the SLP.
--[ ] As independents.
-[ ] Make a newspaper.
--[ ] Many local across NAC: 400 funds, -80 per turn.
-[ ] Encourage textile Worker Associations to switch from cotton to hemp.
--[ ] Help fund the switch (optional). 250 funds.
-[ ] Go to small towns and villages and aid them in establishing commune institutions such as commune owned shops (subsidized by the province) and a local Bank of Exchange. 1000 funds. 0/?
-[ ] Send organizers and monetary aid to the Argentine anarchists. 200 funds.
-[ ] Establish cadres of local organizers specifically for mutual aid efforts, and to coordinate the different kinds of mutual aid efforts with each other, across the country. 100 funds, variable per turn. 0/800
-[ ] Send monetary and material support to the MLP. 500 funds.
-[ ] Send organizers to set up mutual aid networks and soup kitchens in a region. 120 funds. 5691/6500
-[ ] Transfer funds to the AdP interest group aligned councils. 340 funds (free action).
-[ ] Transfer funds to the AB interest group aligned councils. ? funds (free action).

Funds Remaining: 945

Okay, incomplete RFAA Plan Draft, subject to serious change depending on how things go.

Newspapers is to get the ball rolling on the RFAA no longer just being a Northeast-focused org (the Northeast already has a local newspaper set, so we should only need 400 Funds to finish up the rest.) Textile Mill swapping I wasn't really expecting, but if the FAM is making a big effort to swap, only fair the RFAA does its part. The Argentine Anarchists are getting funding because the 1905 Revolution is coming up, and in its aftermath the Anarchists got cracked down on pretty hard, but before that they were strong and thanks to prior support should be even stronger, so there's a good chance that with further support we can get a proper Anarchist revolution going. The MLP is getting support for its ongoing revolution, while the RFAA uses its last actions to finish the Mutual Aid and Soup Kitchen setups nationwide.

Oh, and a lot of funds go into campaigning for both the SLP and Independents. I'm doing to run by @Physici if I can have one action on elections and campaign for two separate groups (SLP and Independents.) It feels like a good way to represent the Solidarity - True Anarchist divide within the RFAA.

One action I'm iffy on though is the Small towns and villages. Starting to feel it would be better to throw that action at either helping develop industry, or doing another big Welfare action (probably for free schools if so. Education is important.) Or even convincing people to sign up for the Provincial Militia.

[ ][SPA] Plan Draft
-[ ] Reorganize the organization's charter.
--[ ] While the Revolution has emerged victorious, the toll it and the preceding years of undeclared war have taken a significant toll on the former US South, and many within it, even those not outright supporting the Grey Army, are wary at best of the victory of Socialism. the SPA's new charter shall involve the rebuilding of the war-ravaged South and ensuring its development both socially and economically as a willing part of the new Socialist Commonwealth, while continuing to give voice to the farmers (and now, hopefully, the urban workers) of the South that they previously lacked.
-[ ] Make a newspaper.
--[ ] Many local across core region: 100 funds, -20 per turn.
-[ ] Make a standardized bureaucracy for the organization to maintain cohesion in it and all its branches. Gives +1 action, 30 funds, -5 funds per capita
-[ ] Expand the program helping to create cooperative mills and shops, targeting the large numbers of new small farmers. 381 funds, costs funds per turn.
-[ ] Reestablish the organization's militia out of the Revolutionary Army.
--[ ] Write-in how many. Cannot exceed pre-civil war size. (4,000)
-[ ] Campaign in the election. 1 action, 150 funds.
--[ ] For the SLP.

SPA org has its change to add in the development of Socialism within the South and general reconstruction, and the exact wording is subject to change depending on how badly I've butchered it. A Newspaper is part of this to actually reach the people of the South, alongside setting up a proper bureaucracy. Doing the SPA's thing of setting up programs to help the farmers with cooperative mills and shops (which will hopefully move into voluntary collectivization next turn.)

Militia is being re-established out of the parts of the Revolutionary Army that are demobilizing in order to defend against the Gray Army (provided that's not going to interfere with things elsewhere in the UF/Army. I assumed it wasn't because a large part of the army is demobilizing, but if it is a problem I'll swap the action out for something else) and an action campaigning for the SLP.

For both, I'll sort out the UF stuff when I'm less sleepy.

[] Save funds for next quarter. ? funds. (Free action)
Actually wait, is this action still supposed to be here? We're back to year-long turns now rather than Quarters, so can we still save funds for next turn, or is it back to the pre-Revolution of how you can't save funds for future turns?
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So how does enlistment in the NARA and NARAN work? Do prospective recruits just rock up to a recruiting station and boom, in the army now, or is there a "party loyalty" test that recruits need to pass first?

Is the SLP gatekeeping who can attend an officer school or can respected sergeants and non-commissioned officers mustang their way up to commissioned officer rankings?

Also, are we going with North American Red Navy or North American Red Army Navy?

Also also petition to change the name to North American Commonwealth Revolutionary People's Liberation Red Army Navy (NACRPLRAN).

Brainstorming how to add more letters to a military branch acronym.
North American Commonwealth Expeditionary Revolutionary Guards People's Liberation Red Army Navy Army Corps (American Marines for short).
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Say, can we do multiple regions or kinds of manufacturing with one action, or does it have to be one action for each combination of type and region?
One type (agri, consumer, ind, or military—you can do multiple within a category) and one region per action.
Oh, and a lot of funds go into campaigning for both the SLP and Independents. I'm doing to run by @Physici if I can have one action on elections and campaign for two separate groups (SLP and Independents.) It feels like a good way to represent the Solidarity - True Anarchist divide within the RFAA.
Yeah. This is actually the default, as in trying to spend everyone on the SLP makes the true-anarchists split some off towards independents, so purposely splitting it just makes that a less hostile thing and more evenly split.
Actually wait, is this action still supposed to be here? We're back to year-long turns now rather than Quarters, so can we still save funds for next turn, or is it back to the pre-Revolution of how you can't save funds for future turns?
I'm tentatively keeping it for now with the caveat that if you don't spend all your funds and forget to include it you don't get to keep them for next turn and that I may change my mind if it's annoying. Though I can't imagine very many cases where it would be desirable to do anymore since most actions have variable funding.
So how does enlistment in the NARA and NARAN work? Do prospective recruits just rock up to a recruiting station and boom, in the army now, or is there a "party loyalty" test that recruits need to pass first?
It works more or less how it did before. A "party loyalty" test doesn't make sense considering NAC isn't a one party state and the army already has non-SLP voters in it, notably the LLRP state militia. And during the civil war the SLP, LLRP, and Left-Populists (who have now split into the SLP and normal Populists) all governed together.
Is the SLP gatekeeping who can attend an officer school or can respected sergeants and non-commissioned officers mustang their way up to commissioned officer rankings?
This would have to be a national policy action.
[] Reorganize the organization's charter. Write-in

As the country is far different than when most organizations were founded, many are going through a deep shift. You may change the primary supporters, ideology, and add new background. Subject to QM veto. This is only available this turn.

The Minutemen:

89,256 supporters
3 actions, 59 funds
Reserved 21 funds from last turn already added to above
Already spent 1 action first quarter, this is already reflected above
-[] Reorganize the organization's charter
—[]Supporters: Military historians, people with military background or family in military. And relatively recently, hobbyists and others. The non-professional soldier/militiaman in the RA.
—[]Structure:The old structure still remains. But, the efforts to support Minutemen on the battlefield has created a parallel structure to the main organization, one which has seen many working closely with the UF during the war. Still relatively decentralized, they are notably more military, in contrast to the more casual war game clubs the Minutemen grew alongside.
-[ ] Set up branch offices, many permanent meeting halls in towns all across Pennsylvania and nearby states. 40 funds, +1 action.
-[ ] Make new connections with Worker Association gun shops/manufacturers, as the former connections were mostly made absent due to being nationalized or being turned over to the workers. 14 funds, costs funds per turn.
-[] Help fund new startup Worker Associations using new and old dismissed theories of management, using them as part of research. 5 funds.
-[] Specifically in the south, taking advantage of its rebuilding economy.

Well. This is the possible MIN plan at the moment. May work on it more later. Reacquiring gun supply, getting meeting places, and mobilizing the management study group.
Voting is open