Creative Chaos (Riot God Game)

So, just a heads up!

My brain has been completely failing to coherently connect everything together, causing me to feel absolutely terrible, which in turn made the growing writer's block for this increasingly worse until I cannot even look at the doc without feeling immense stress.

So I let myself get distracted and drift off into other things in between my work days.

And I apologize to everyone, because I finally managed to look at the doc again…and I still want to bash my skull against a wall because it shouldn't be so hard.

Sooooooo….if I can get that manic writing spark that finally dislodges whatever junk is blocking up my creative processes and lets me finally write it, I will post it! But I am not at all confident in that happening in a reasonable time frame.

I am really sorry for the inconvenience to all of you.
yea take your time, relax, and/or consider takigng it in chunks

I dont know, i think this might just be part of the difficulty of running a god quest? (also, in my case, intimidating?)
Just don't completely give up at some point without even telling anybody.​
Just don't completely give up at some point without even telling anybody.​
The body you tell it to doesn't have to be alive as far as I'm concerned.
Just make sure to 'take care' of the body In a way that won't get you into trouble with the police, of course. Can't have you get into trouble for announcing that you won't be continuing this quest:p
(Some random lore made for funsies)

Some Dimensional Mage Companies & Their Services
The Nascent Foundation Era

Dimensional Mages are a pillar of society among the Toons and Fluxies, providing transport between and across the various Domains (Such as King Mick's Magical Kingdom, the All-Mother's Garden, and Ada's Testing Grounds), the Crystle Isles, and the Hedge which marks realities borders
So obviously some have decided to monetize this in various ways

Such as Portal Stations, little areas where a platform has some company owned runes hidden underneath the flooring, it is memorized by Dimensional Mages that work for the company so they can easily open portals to these points, allowing for quick traversal, for a toll of course

There are other uses, like Storage Realms, first you make a pocket realm that is completely plain aside from a specific symbol or set of symbols written on a wall, thus if a potential intruder tries to portal in, they'll just accidentally make a false realm, and if the password is discovered, it can be changed quite easily (Fyi, the plain space is not the actual storage, it contains multiple portals leading to the storage realms, it would be difficult to memorize the entirety of the stock)

The Kepperkip Company
A pretty efficient (even if its a bit of a bummer to work for) company, they rent out private storage realms for materials that successful adventuring parties bring back from the Crystal Isles and the Hedge, and they also provide transport to some expedition sites via small hidden outposts, and also providing rental emergency portal escorts, Dimensional Mages who will open a portal to one of the company's emergency drop off rooms with armed guards and medical professionals at standby if reinforcements or a quick escape is needed (You rent a Dimensional Mage, you gotta pay for any injuries they sustain)
They also provide barebones urban transportation, having multiple brutalist architecture style Portal Stations placed in accessible areas in urban domains, are popular among working class toons as a cheap shortcut to work

Golden Gate Inc
One of those companies that squeeze out as much money as possible from any enterprise they take on, being notorious for scummy business practices, they provide private storage realms for the beloved belongings of rich clients, they also provide high quality pocket realms for extra workspace for businesses that can't afford more real estate, and they even work together with banks by making high quality storage realms to guard their money
Another thing they do is build portal stations in areas with tons of foot traffic, they let tons of people through with a slightly above average toll they promise is cheaper then most others, but that isn't the only way those stations make them money, they rent out spots around the stations to businesses, effectively turning the areas around Golden Gate stations into miniature market places

The Pesperbloin Guardian Guild
Mainly secretive, suggested among wealthy folks who get into life threatening trouble often, they specialize in making secret bunker storage realms for the safety of rich clients, renting out escort Dimensional Mages who have memorized secretive symbols scattered across multiple hidden locations and are trained to use their portals for quick combat purposes and of course evacuation procedures, they have multiple different prices depending on what you're renting it for, a trip into enemy territory, safe transportation when you're being hunted down, monthly 24/7 bodyguard fees, stuff like that

Various Incidents In Grandmaster Wizard Kevin's Classroom
The Nascent Foundation Era

Kevin has gone through shenanigans aplenty during his years of being a master wizard, here are some of the weird and wacky events his class of apprentices in Mick's Magical Kingdom witnessed

1 - A random animal from the All-Mother's garden falls through the roof and lands on Kevin, he apparently wiped his face on the sleeve of a Dimensional Mage Company executive last week, you do the math

2 - Kevin made a student super bouncy, and they ended up rapidly bouncing around the classroom uncontrollably, everyone had to duck, Kevin got knocked out

3 - Kevin lost an argument with his reflection in the middle of class, it was a normal reflection in the window, he thought it was a rival wizard trying to take his place,

4 - Kevin crashed into the classroom after being late for an hour, he got up, dusted the broken glass from the window off, and started teaching, then fell unconscious from blood loss a minute into the lesson

5 - Kevin rejected a famous Toon's advances, the Toon then proceeded to covertly spread rumours of Kevin eating gum that was hidden under desks, he proceeded to bring his whole class outside, and a desk with gum covering the bottom, then just sat in the open with the table flipped to show the gum, doing absolutely nothing for an hour

6 - Kevin ate 100 cookies just to win a bet

7 - Kevin had an epic musical duel with the famous Toon he rejected, he was triumphant but his pants fell down at the end of the fight, showing his loveheart covered boxers

8 - Someone ate Kevin's lunch and he did some noir detective style investigations and interrogations with each apprentice in his classroom, doing dramatic monologues that his students could hear cause he was talking out loud without realizing, he apparently just forgot to pack lunch

9 - Kevin opened a portal in class as a demonstration, accidentally letting in some candy monsters he had to battle with, he lost for a bit until he returned for a revenge match in which he cheated using a metal chair

10 - Kevin tried to keep a very dangerous apex predator that Ada made by accident as a pet, he almost lost some bodyparts but everything is fine now

Fluxie Fashion
The Nascent Foundation Era

Self expression among Fluxies is quite easy when you can change shape whenever you're in the Dream Plane, here are some popular styles among this species, inspired by all sorts of things they see from the Dreams of others appearing in the Dream Plane and the sights in the Crystal Isles and Domains

Artistiqué Style
Fluxie forms inspired by artwork and such, surrealist paintings, portraits, sculptures, a Fluxie may express their love of a piece of work by taking on a form mimicking its appearence
- A form of 3-Dimensional splashes of colour forming the vague outline of a body, evoking a feeling of sorrow with its appearence
- A form of interlocking bent stone rectangles with pipes intertwining with and running through them, evoking a feeling of the grandiose with its appearence
- A form of a thousand painted faces blooming from pink flowers, with nails hammered into the bleeding roots it uses to walk, smiling in sheer euphoria, evoking an intense feeling of unease

Architexture style
Fluxie forms inspired by the cities of the Domains, representing their potential national or political alignment, or possibly just what types of aesthetics they like the most and it just happened to come from a building
- A form resembling a humanoid palace of white stone with blue pointed roofs, flags flowing in the breeze, inspired by the towers of King Mick's Magical Kingdom
- A form resembling a black iron fortress, filled with defenses, spikes, maybe some little catapults, inspired by blueprints for big fortresses
- A form resembling brutalist architecture, thick stone in geometric shapes, mainly supposed to inspire a sense of feeling small in the grand scheme of things for the viewer

Donning-A-Dream Style
Based off the manifestations of unconscious visions which pop up in the Dream Plane, mainly to show off dreams that resonate with them, to preserve beautiful ideas that are left forgotten in the unconscious, tp, also a good way for Fluxies to show independence to the Toons and other creatures not born of dreams
- A vague and uncanny mimicry of some toon's progenitor, the vocal cords can only make sounds akin to guitar strumming
- Blue humanoid body covered with tally marks of dreams about people dropping pianos on eachother that the Fluxie has witnessed, also has a bird head
- Caterpillar with googly eyes and rollerskates
Suddenly feeling the urge to wreak a little havoc or is it the opposite? Anyway, the Roots should create hidden and hard-to-access pathways between some Realms. However, what if other side effects of the Roots would be stabilization and full realization of the biggest, strongest, and most populated Domains? For instance, Lords are still able to enact changes and control things inside, create temporary new structures, or grow the Domain with less real addons. However, everything they made before suddenly, at some point, becomes real and capable of existing without them because the Roots have reached the metaphysical space of these constructs at one point, and these structures were powerful enough to be actualized. Of course, it's almost impossible to detect. Only Domain Lords or people researching some Realm in-depth could detect that something happened. So now, even if a Lord dies, some actualized things will remain stable and real.​

Sooooooo….if I can get that manic writing spark that finally dislodges whatever junk is blocking up my creative processes and lets me finally write it, I will post it!
If you will think of completely giving up on the idea, you can give this draft to me and I will try to complete it for you. Because I put too much emotions into this post and I will not let it die, even if I should somehow reanimate it with my own hands!​

fiendish seductress of the writing arts.
I am motivating you! Make you feel at ease! :V

Edit: "Seductress of the writing arts." - Actually, no one has ever called me a muse so beautifully. Well, people do not tend to call me muse at, to be honest.
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We have 23 acts in total. Maybe grouping them somehow can make things easier? Because some of them only affect specific parts of the world and breaking big things down into smaller ones usually helps.​

I am trying to do just that, actually.
I hope, this is working. I believe in you! 👍
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I'm currently on all the acts effecting the Hedge or happening in direct relation to it.
Huh, this actually how many...
  1. The Garden Blooms​
  2. Grove Hearts
  3. Hedge Gnarlers
  4. Abyssal Wyrms
If I am not wrong, this is four. Although, some of them pretty lengthy. Sounds like one interesting ecosystem of sorts. Not sure, if Omnidimensional Sun also counts, but perhaps it would be seen as a kind of dim sun or star in some parts of the Hedge?

Edit: Oh, no. This one is not omnidimentional. I confused it with other thing. Well, omnidimensional light sources could produce some interesting phenomena. If some of them go through illusory skies of the Hedge Wall edges, they can look like stars. Or these lights may even reach some Realms, perhaps creating something akin of rare meteor showers - when thin stripes of light appear on the sky and disappear.

Anyway, sun with magic light can also be useful. Not sure what kind of magic it produces, but it definitely would find some place in physics and metaphysics of the world. Maybe it can produce effects when moving in orderly ways? Like through some patterns capable of catching and leading it in specific directions? Or even by living things via moving it inside their bodies and producing various physics softening effects.

Edit 2: Like, it cannot be 'spend' to do something, its not a fuel. Its something, which produce effect when moved in orderly way, but as energy it cannot be destroyed and usually lay dormant everywhere, because there are not many orderly enough things for it to stick for long enough and if a lot of it moving through unsuitable, or not purified enough medium, it can start to leak out or just damage the orderly pattern of the medium. Could create some invisible magic winds, I suppose. Like, complicated dimensional landscape, Realms and other stuff can make some parts of it move on their own slowly into some directions. But concentration is low, winds lack patterns and this is why nothing special usually happens around them. But they can be useful, I suppose.

Other thing is, the more of magic one tries to concintrate in one medium, the harder it gets. Espetially, if its done too fast in one place. Because it produce kind of zone of high pressure inside the pattern and low presure outside, which sucks magic out. This is why big rituals need a lot of place, time and some good materials.

At least, these are my thoughts on the topic. Because there were no clarification about, what magic it produces.​

Edit 3:

Actually, what do you mean by it for Wyrms? Because no one kinda created souls, but everybody assumes they exist in some shape or form. Is this type of soul special for Wyrms, like some true form or non-material organ? Or property, or what? 🤔​
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Hmm, like if physical was casting shadow on immaterial, but these shadows are bigger/deeper/different colour from all others? Because Soul in this reality is pretty open-ended thing, no one actually gave it strict definition. And, to be honest, I would prefer it to be this way. So people could do all kind of stuff with Soul without some hard framework pulling them back. 👍​

The Fairy Land

I embarked on another expedition into the depths of the Hedge Wall, a place that had always held a mysterious allure for me. This time, however, the landscape seemed vastly different from my previous visits with my grandfather. It was evident that some significant changes had taken place since then, especially as I delved deeper into my explorations and studies.

While my father did not share my grandfather's insatiable curiosity about the Hedge Wall, I had inherited a thirst for knowledge and discovery. Yet, as I ventured time and time again, I noticed that it had become increasingly challenging to find openings in the Wall. It was as if the Wall had grown denser and more formidable over time, requiring the use of advanced Dimensional Magic alongside other esoteric practices to gain entry or find natural one.

During one such attempt, I found myself disoriented and cut off from the outside world, lost in a realm where reality seemed to be warped and shifted around me. I suspected that the appearance of new flora and fauna, as well as disruptions in the dimensional fabric, played a role in my predicament. Something happened to the Wall over the years after my previous small delving into it. As I navigated this strange and unfamiliar landscape, I knew that unraveling the mysteries of the Hedge Wall would require all of my skills and determination. I was right, but perhaps I should have taken more weapons.

Initially, there were twenty of us when we entered the area. The place appeared relatively normal at first (for the Hedge standards), but as we ventured deeper, it gradually transformed into something entirely different. While it retained the essence of the Hedge Wall: there were alien skies, strange formations resembling briars, and dense thickets that surrounded us. At least, at first it was like it. The ambiance shifted, and those attuned to the Music of All could sense a change in the ambience, signaling a shift towards a different environment. More insectoid, I suppose? It felt like being in village of bugs, but more wild, primal and unrestrained by laws of society. Nature's reign.

The surroundings became increasingly insect-like, reminiscent of creatures from the Mound, with shells and a fondness for the ethereal glow of the Blue Moon. Bugs, I called them, but they did not really like it. Whatever... Trees with chitinous barks of various colors and textures towered above us, their leaves resembling the delicate wings of dragonflies, adorned with flowers that mimicked the vibrant hues of butterflies. It was a bizarre and captivating sight, a blend of beauty and danger that kept us on edge. And so many samples and photos to take!

Despite the enchanting appearance of the Insectoid Forest, an ominous presence seemed to lurk around us from the moment we set foot in this mysterious part of the Hedge realm. We felt as though we were being watched, yet we could not pinpoint the source of this unease, heightening the sense of foreboding that permeated the air. Ambience was a bit tense, but too alien to actually tell what kind of things caused it. The music of the place was novelty in itself, so no one could blame our attuned to be lost.

The eerie music got louder for a moment and then silent, abruptly song shifted into a cacophony of deafening booms, of something flying through the air at exploding speed and then the sound of ink drops splattering onto the strange flora that surrounded us. In a fleeting moment, something the size of a baby G'huft darted through our group with astonishing speed, leaving chaos and destruction in its wake. It seemed to effortlessly shred through a few of our companions, carrying away fragments of their bodies in its wake between the trees and thickets off our narrow trail.

To our horror, we realized that it was something akin to a pack of giant fleas, their size and speed defying belief. At least at the moments, when they jumped. I caught a glimpse of one of them among the leaves, sitting in the branches and voraciously chewing on the pieces it had taken, its body covered in short spines and soaked in ink of my people. These monstrous insects leaped from the shadows and trees at impossible velocities, tearing through our ranks and snatching away members of our group or parts of them. The carefully organized expedition formation disintegrated into chaos, prompting me to flee in a blind panic, my heart pounding as I ran and ran, desperate to escape the relentless onslaught.

Exhausted and alone, I sought refuge beneath a towering tree, nestled in a hollow near its roots. As I caught my breath, a realization dawned upon me - the surroundings had shifted once again, no longer resembling the Insectoid Forest. Instead, I found myself amidst a peculiar landscape that appeared to be a blend of ruins and organic structures: concrete, metal, glass, ceramics...

The tree I sought shelter under had bark of concrete, crisscrossed with rebars that resembled veins, with branches supporting small glassy fruits emitting soft, dim lights. It had leaves, which looks like pieces of broken pottery. The eerie beauty of the scene was enhanced by the presence of vines made of copper and rubber between trees, and by ground interspersed with rare patches of glass-grass in a myriad of colors.

I went through the new biome, carefully. I walked and walked until... A problem was on a way. My attention was drawn to a clearing filled with sharp, glassy grass that posed a daunting obstacle. As I pondered how to navigate this treacherous terrain without injuring myself, a sound broke the silence, followed by a figure descending from the opposite side of the clearing, flying towards my position. Panic surged within me, but before I could flee, my legs gave way beneath me, and I tumbled into the peculiar landscape of concrete and metal once more. Such an embarrassing abruptness!

The figure drew closer, revealing a subtle smirk hidden behind a small palm, adding a touch of mystery and mischief to their demeanor. Despite my urge to escape, I found myself rooted to the spot, captivated by the enigmatic presence before me. It did not look aggressive and stopped, just floating in the air near me, while I tried to get on my feet again.

The being before me was small and humanoid (half mine height), crafted from a curious blend of metals, rubbers, and unusual plastics. What caught my attention the most were their wings, shimmering with light and holograms, juxtaposed against a face that exuded elegance and sophistication amidst the raw, exposed components of their body. I could observe the intricate workings of their artificial-looking stomach as it processed food through delicate openings in their design. Despite the electronic appearance, their face bore a delicate beauty, reminiscent of a mask adorning a sophisticated mechanical toy.

As I gazed upon this enigmatic being, I realized that they were more than a mere artifact. They emitted a melodic hum that resonated with my own inner song, forging a connection between us. It was a moment of revelation when I learned about them being a member of the Fae, or more specifically, the Tribe of Electronic Devices.

These majestic beings extended their assistance not only to me but also to some of my companions who had been pursued by danger. Their scouts had witnessed the frantic flight of some members of our group, prompting them to intervene and offer aid. Through their guidance and insights, we began to unravel some mysteries surrounding the Hedge Wall, gaining valuable knowledge and understanding of the events that had unfolded in this enigmatic realm.

Well, at least in its physical aspect. We learned about the concept parts of it - Aspected parts, with the Fae representing one type of Aspected beings - sentient and diverse in styles, themes, shapes, and forms. The Tribe of Electronic Devices acquainted us with two other tribes within the realm, fostering close friendship with one and maintaining a more neutral or rather competitive stance with the other. They found camaraderie with the Hierarchy of the Digital, forming a strong bond, yet encountered challenges in their interactions with and comprehension of the Family of Clockwork. There seemed to be a complex 'digital versus analog' discourse between the two groups, a debate that eluded my full understanding. The contrasting visions and opinions held by these distinct factions fueled a sense of competition and discord between them - this was, what I could understand at least. Almost everything in the Hedge was now Aspected of some sort within all bigger and somewhat odd Harmony. Aspected flora and fauna, and weather, sometimes even air around and ground underneath…

What a bizarre place the Hedge Wall has become. Grandpa would have been so happy to see this if he were still alive.​

I just got sudden insparation to write about the Hedge once more, but now after the Bloom. You can think of it as continuation of The Lost One story.
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I've got some qustions, while pondering structure of this world. Of course, I probably forgot some details and rules, but I still want to post thoughts there. Maybe it would inspire other people or reignite the thread life.​

What about Realms, which somehow got abandoned and forgotten? Like, if they existence depends on Realm Lord, what can it entail? Maybe one of them wanted to be immortal and really liked to play around with concept of time. For example, to be able to rewind their own death, if it ever happens automatically... But they got something wrong and were frozen in time, stazised. Realm kept on working, because they were still inside and alive, but just time-stopped and could not really observe/affect the place anymore.

Or what if Lord is a Toon, who decided to split? Would only one half get authority in the Realm? Both of them get full authority? Each of them would get some measurable part of power? They both would get nothing and Realm collapse? There are so many interesting cases, which could happen.

Edit: Or imagine a scenario, in which other person catches Lord unaware and creates smaller Realm inside the existing one. They put defeated Lord into this 'pocket realm', where laws preventing whoever inside from waking up/regaining consciousness - keep them inside an illusion/dream state forever. However, this Box is still connected to the original Realm - preventing it from collapsing, some parts of the original Lord are still inside thier own domain, but those parts cannot actually think and will anything into existance. But the user of the Box can control its inner working, making the previous Lord enacting changes via manipulation of dreamstate, hijacking their power. Then they put part of the Lord, which cannot think on and use it as a disguise. Like, literally putting on their skin, which still connected to the sleeping parts of entity inside the Box.

Edit 2: Made me want to rewatch all these Immersive Portals Mod videos.​
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Oh goodness. That's a lot of thinking.

Okay, I'll try to make my own interpretations of how these might go.
If a Realm Lord got frozen in time but their realm didn't, then the realm would probably keep going.

IDK why a toon Realm Lord would want to do Mitosis, but I'm kind of imagining that since nobody's gone out of their way to define what a soul is, everyone has a mass of spiritual stuff in them that behaves kind of like a liquid, and the two copies would each get an equal share of the soulstuff. how is it replenished? perhaps via experiences? Either way, both of them would have an equal chance of getting whatever part of the soulstuff is in charge of ruling the realm.

If a person is able to create a realm that stimulates the Realm Lord's mind as they wish, then I question why they aren't themselves a Realm Lord, if they have such mastery over dimensional magic. This may be how hostile takeovers occur between Realm Lords. Or maybe Creating and sustaining an entire inhabitable plane is a different area of expertise from a toon-sized pocket dimension that causes whatever hallucinations the creator wishes.
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I question why they aren't themselves a Realm Lord
Well, maybe they want to have this specific Realm, maybe they are bad at creating suff on a big scale, maybe they want to rule existing society instead of building it from scratch, maybe they don't want to risk getting attention from other Lord at the starting point and being killed on this weak stage, or maybe they want to enact revenge on Domain Lord... A lot of things can cause one to act in this way.

There are also interesting things about Hive-Minds, I think. Or mind-switching: cut halves from two minds and switch them with each other. One of minds is Domain Lord. Or callosal syndrome via surgery. Or imagine someone being Lord in their perfect world for so long, it started to affect their psyche: cause delusions of grandeur; dementias of many kinds because so much time passed and brain is no longer has capacity to store new experiences, split personality...

This direction of thought has so many possible plot points to use for writing a story, in my opinion.​

Edit: Rest in peace, Creative Chaos. It was good, while it lasted. ⚰️
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