Creative Chaos (Riot God Game)

Are there any acts that need votes right now?
Hey, you're back! I just wanted to say sorry about me taking the Heavenly Vows part of your act. It seemed to really upset you and that's the last thing I want to do to fellow players. I won't do it again.

With that said, though I still feel weird asking, Heavenly Vows needs two more votes to become a universal magic system if you're willing to spare one. If not, I understand.
Hey, you're back! I just wanted to say sorry about me taking the Heavenly Vows part of your act. It seemed to really upset you and that's the last thing I want to do to fellow players. I won't do it again.

With that said, though I still feel weird asking, Heavenly Vows needs two more votes to become a universal magic system if you're willing to spare one. If not, I understand.
Okay, just wait a sec
which one yours again I can spere a vote in return for voteing mine
While I would appreciate the vote, especially as I am now one vote away from being a universal system (maybe, I still have no confirmation on that so I might need that extra vote to pass at all) with my omake points, I am already voting for the rot.
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While I would appreciate the vote, especially as I am now one vote away from being a universal system (maybe, I still have no confirmation on that so I might need that extra vote to pass at all) with my omake points, I am already voting for the rot.
might as well save my vote then but thank you. on the other hand does any ones need votes that have not voted for me
I remember that omake I made describing random lore for funsies, it was considered apocryphal so I of course got something wrong, the hard part is figuring out WHAT the error was
My current top suspects are the Domain descriptions, the Toon mouse Domain lord's name, the Fluxie mimicking classroom supplies, and the Pinball Wizard's low levels of silliness

And I don't wanna repeat any mistakes in the next omake
9 hours left, so here is a quick list of those who can still support some Acts.

Authored Act:
[X] Mound Worms
Still has 4 votes (isn't supporting any)

[X] Grand Act: Create a sun that generates pure unaffiliated magic as well as sunlight.
Still has 4 votes (isn't supporting any)

Still has 4 votes (isn't supporting any)

Has a vote left (supporting 3 acts)

[X] Kirbo, the Great Devourer
[X] How Anime Mankind Was Made
[X] Create Omnis
[X] Azrull Code
The Act "How Anime Mankind Was Made" doesn't exist anymore. So technically can still support one act.

[X] Grove Hearts
[X] How Anime Mankind Was Made
[X] Create Shambles
[X] The King of All Mountains
Same as above.

Still has 3 left (supporting one act)

Has 2 left (supporting 2 acts)

Still deciding on 1 vote to support.
a force that can take vassels and use my idea was I would take the position of god
Minimum of Greater, so it's passing.
I remember that omake I made describing random lore for funsies, it was considered apocryphal so I of course got something wrong, the hard part is figuring out WHAT the error was
My current top suspects are the Domain descriptions, the Toon mouse Domain lord's name, the Fluxie mimicking classroom supplies, and the Pinball Wizard's low levels of silliness

And I don't wanna repeat any mistakes in the next omake
The Fluxie mimicking classroom supplies would be non-canonical.

I can't find it though, which is weird.
The Cause for Concern

I initially wasn't going to-- and then I learned that Crabs are arthropods, and thus, they should and would party under the light of the Chitinous Moon. @jjjwn you can have the points for this one (if that's allowed); (Now I need to make some time of crab next turn to make this accurate)

Terrible sketch up of the world. Probably not all that good but tried to get most of the things, missing the Mother and Ada because they are off being productive.

Well, since it's omake time.


That's supposed to be the perpespective of someone on the Mound, seeing the lake, the four biomes, 2 of the reverse waterfalls and the Moons.

Here is a more map-like format with just the background.


Btw pixel art is much harder and time-consuming than I though, have to respect EclipsedStars for making so many of them.

Omake: A Waltz of Two Moons​

A Pointless Waste of Ink​

Miracle of Existence​

Some omakes/art waiting for a threadmark
Potential ideas for future silly immortals

- Franne-Fic: Can manipulate fate itself by writing stuff in her head that is also a notebook, tries to improve the things she loves, isn't exactly masterful at it but she's trying
- Heavy-Metal: Guitar-axe wielding, screaming soul powered, giant death machine with the desire to just play his guitar and bash in the skulls of any who dare disturb him or the fans of his music
- Neko Neko Kneecap-Smasher: Violent anime catgirl with a magic wand that can multiply the impact if its hits depending on how angry NNKS is, and she has a temper problem
- Slumber-Jack: Sleepy lumberjack who has the ability to manipulate dream stuff with ease to become a forest full of incredibly strong trees, and also make axes more easily then others out of dream matter, he can even maintain the physicality of dream objects in reality, though he is limited to lumberjack stuff
9 hours left, so here is a quick list of those who can still support some Acts.
Well dang, that's a surprising amount of votes floating around.

@Guest99 @Kurohyo

Spare a vote for Heavenly Vows? I only need one more vote, although if I got three I would be able to save my omake points I guess (or use them for another act? IDK).

@Bloms @jjjwn
Would either of you be willing to switch your vote from anime humans to Heavenly Vows now that it doesn't exist?

Edit: Nevermind, I now have enough votes!
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Heavenly Vows has reached eight ten votes! Holy cow! And since my act is creating something new it is being boosted to Cosmic! Heck yeah! Well in that case, I have two omake points that I can use to help another act pass.

Just have to decide where to put the points now...
I am willing to give one to you redkai @Guest99 could you support my act
BTW, are you trying to get your act to Cosmic? Because I'm fairly certain you are receiving the theme boost of making something new putting your rot act at Grand passing currently.
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Do you think, it is still possible for me to stretch the Garden Blooms into highest tier? There is only 6 hours left. And I think, if I get maybe two or three more I could do it with my omake points. Well, if some miracle happens... :V

On faeries and other aspected creatures of the Hedge Wall
Also, I am not sure, if this one counts as omake for Apocrypha or not.​
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