Squirrel Sect [Stone age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]

I'll let Drahcir get first dibs on it since they have a slightly worse roll.

Edit: It's been an hour and no response so I'm going to take it.
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1 Week.
Squirrel Sect

It has been one week since the Squirrels Awoken into consciousness and in that time they have had to invent a word for war. A war that they are losing. Not in drastic manners but in a slow steady loss. Winter is coming, and Qi acorns will grow more scarce, not to mention there are only so many Qi acorns and squirrels in the forest.

Yet the Owls do not have a word for War. They have a word for 'Harvesting the Squirrel Farm'.

What will that harvest look like when you can no longer awaken squirrels. Will your children be born purely as food stock?


Yet what can you do?

Cultivation is needed to fight them.
Cultivation leads only to death.

Not Cultivating is just a slower death.

Soon the expedition will return with it you will have one chance to break this slow death.
A group of cultivators and hopefully they will bring fire.

Fire may be the weapon that allows you to fight back on even footing.

Guarding the Sect:
The Well Wisher

Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was luck. Maybe it was the element of surprise that someone would dare to fight back but your efforts were far beyond what was expected.Beyond even what could have reasonably been expected.

Only twice do Owls slip past you. Once diving into a horde and pulling away six, the other going after the new cultivators. You suspected they would slip past for that easy meal at one point or another anyway,

Guard Lord Trait: After taking a "Guard the Sect" Action you may Veto one death.

Froggo Fantastic (Dead)
davidknaus (Dead)
kosi (Dead)

None broke through before the Owls Talons took them away.
Where the Lightning hits the ground it leaves a scar of a material the likes of which you have never seen before. It seems to have a small but every restoring amount of Qi though a finite limit that it can contain.

You have stood in fire and breathed in the smoke, the Qi and the heat. You have taken the Dao of Flames and gain a QI technique to manipulate fire to increase combat strength. But the energy did not come easily and you have sustained an Injury -2 to dice rolls for three turns and reduced Combat Power.

You have danced with lightning in the skies. You watched it fall and flash the world with light in the middle of the night. You have taken the Dao of Lightning and gained a QI technique to shoot lightning to increase combat strength. But the energy did not come easily and you have sustained an Injury -2 to dice rolls for three turns and reduced Combat Power.

Goable: For a second time you have had a break through with Qi and once more you have suddenly felt new strength and power in your limbs and mind. You are 30% stronger than you were at the first level. It is however a greater difference in combat power than 30% because it is to be 30%, faster, stronger, tougher, and wiser all at once.

The group takes small twigs and vines wrapping the stick before setting it aflame. As they run they must learn to feed the fire for it is a hungry beast and will die quickly if not fed dry vines. Getting a living flame that far will be difficult, but with one of you now walking the Dao of Flames it feels a lot more possible as their Dao guides them and they can feel the flames needs.

Qi Acorns0.428.9
Wooden Armor0.71
Poison Pouches 7

Voting and Rolling
  • As a riot quest each quest-er is one newly awakened squirrel. So your vote is what you are choosing to do.
  • Each vote comes with a roll of a ten sided dice. (You need to edit your post to roll dice)
  • Any result of a 10 allows you to roll another dice (Repeating ad infinitum)
  • If someone roll's 3 consecutive 10's (Brute force with rerolls allowed) they earn an "Inspiration" that can be used in secret ways to benefit the players.
  • With rerolls you always take the highest result
Omakes and rerolls! Please read
  • Omakes are HIGHLY encouraged. Any omake 4 or more sentences comes with a reroll.
  • Limited to Earning one reroll a turn from an omake.
  • Rerolls must be used on the turn they are earned.
  • Rerolls are transferable to other players.
  • A second reroll is earned for doing any type of art or book keeping for the GM.
Resource Rules, Food and population
  • Some things are easier or harder to gather. This is represented by the "Modifier" on the resource table. Which can be changed by the season, research, tools or workshops. Modifier is multiplied by the total dice result for how much of a resource is gathered.
  • Each Squirrel in the Sect eats 1 food per turn.
  • If all Squirrels in the tribe die the quest is over.
  • If the Squirrel count gets significantly below the voter count, votes will be ignored at random until it matches the squirrel count.
  • Instead of doing individual items. Now items are made to complete a project which equips and improves the entire sect.
  • Projects do not require votes instead the item requirements must be met. Then the items will be removed and the bonus will be applied
Cultivation Rules
  • Everyone starts out at cultivation level 0
  • When Cultivating every action spent cultivating in a row provides an additional plus 1. (1 on the second turn, 2 on the third etc etc)
  • Cultivation Chambers can only be used by 1 person at a time (Per chamber)
  • Cultivation Chambers DOUBLES the cumulative cultivation bonus.(2 on the second turn, 4 on the third etc etc)
  • Cumulative Cultivation Bonus resets when you level up.
  • Cultivation requires hitting a certain number to level up, not a sum total.
  • Cultivators apply their level to ALL rolls.
  • Cultivators multiply their combat power by their cultivation level +1
  • Cultivators may gather and store qi up to their level. Qi can be spent on rerolls for themselves. HOWEVER ANY ROLL THAT USES QI IS INELIGIBLE FOR INSPIRATION/
  • Cultivators may store Qi up to their cultivation level.

[]Gather Stone
[]Gather Wood
[]Gather Leaves
[]Gather Food
[] Gather Amber
[]Gather QI Acorns
[]Gather Poison Arrows
[]Gather Bugs
[]Gather bugs for the Spider (0/100)

Scouting: Dangerous (Can kill you)
[] Search for New Natural Resources
[] Search for Predators (Very Dangerous)

[] Qi Lore 2 [60/400]
[] Agriculture Mastery 2 [26/200]
[] Wood Mastery 1 [93/100]
[] Stone Mastery 1 [33/100]
[] Cordage Mastery 2 [124/200]
[] Armor Mastery 1 [9/50]
[] Archery Mastery 2 [0/150]
[] Trap Mastery 1 [13/25]
[] Scorpio [0/50]
[] Stone Structures [21/50]
[] Padding [0/25]
[] Ghosts and Faith [81/X?] (Progress can only be made on turns in which squirrels die.
[] Writing [40/75]
[] Farmland [13/25]
[] Deep Burrow [0/50]

[] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)
[] Wood Armor Costs 10 Wood: Improve Combat ability. (Every 6 progress makes one armor)
[] Cloth Costs 4 leaves: (every 3 progress makes 1 cloth)
[] Knapped Stone: Costs 5 Stone every 2 progress makes a Knapped Stone
[] Stone Tipped Spear: Costs 1 Knapped Stone, 1 cloth and 1 wood. Every 4 progress makes one stone tipped spear.
[] Stone Tool: Costs 1 Knapped Stone, 1 cloth and 1 wood. Every 4 progress makes one stone tool.
[] Uniform: Costs 1 Cloth every 1 progress makes one.
[] Bow: Costs 1 Cloth and 2 Wood every 1 Progress makes one.
[] Poison Pouch: Cost 1 Poison and 1 Cloth: Every 1 progress makes one.
[] Bag: Cost 1 Cloth. Every 3 progress makes one.

[] Mushroom farm Burrow: [36/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 food)
[] Bug Burrow: [13/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 bugs)
[] Mushroom poison Burrow: [1/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 Poison mushrooms)
[] Platform: [0/25] (Costs 50 wood) Required for certain other buildings
[] Cultivation Chamber: [9/100] (Costs 5 Cloth, 20 KI acorn and 20 wood)
[] Ancestor Alter: [0/???] (Costs 50 stone)

[] Awaken Other Squirrels (Costs 1 Qi Acorn every 5 progress awakens 1 additional squirrel)
[] Cultivate: (Cost 1 Qi Acorn and requires an omake. Omake still grants reroll.)

[] Choose a Dao: (Requires at least level 1 cultivation) Must write in the Dao.
[] Gather Qi

[]Guard from the owls (Very Dangerous)

Expedition: (Only available to those already on the expedition)
[] Cultivate while traveling: Slows down travel progress but gain +1 to roll and uses Qi acorns from the expedition supplies not the sect.
[] Search For treasures or resources: Slows down travel progress but can find resources only avalible while on expedition
[] Move with all haste: Less safe than normal move but helps the expedition move faster.
[] Move normally: Blance safety and speed
[] Move Carefully: Slight decrease to speed large increase to safety
[] Try to protect the torch bearers and feed the torch as need (Help get the flame back alive)

Not a vote:
Gatherers Knife: Make 25 Stone Blades (25/25) Increases the modifier of Gathering votes by 10%
Crafters Tools: Make 25 Stone Tools: (0/25) Reduce the progress cost on all crafting votes by 1
Militia Spears: Make 50 Wood Spears (29/50) Provides ALL squirrels with a low base combat value.
Militia Armor: Make 50 Wood Armor (0/50) Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels especially their defense.
Elite Weapons: Make 20 Stone Tipped Spears (0/20) Provides increased combat value to expeditions and cultivators
Bags!: Make 50 Bags (0/50): Increases the modifier of Gathering votes by 20%
Uniforms: Make 50 Uniforms (0/50): Increases the modifier of Gathering votes by 10%, reduce the progress cost on all crafting votes by 1 Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels very minorly.
Militia Bows: Make 50 Bows: (0/50) Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels.
Poison Arrows: Make 50 Poison Pouches: (0/50) Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels. (Requires Militia bows)
Shelter: Costs 5 Platforms and 50 Wooden Spears (0/5) (0/50) Provides a massive increase in combat strength while defending your home.

(1) Mushroom Farm: Costs 2 food per turn rolls 1d10 for food gained.
(1) Mushroom poison Burrow Gain 1d10 Poison every turn.
[X] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)

Faster. Faster! FASTER!
With this mantra in mind did Flintfur make his spears. Gnaw faster, shape faster, do not stop until everyone is armed.
But it did not help, the spears came out crooked, unusable. He threw down another failure of a spear in anger.
Taking a moment to breathe, Flintfur calmed down and realised he had been doing it wrong.
He had been valuing speed over everything else, not giving two acorns about the quality of his work. He should be ashamed of how he was wasting the sects resources.
But if not speed then what should he strive for?
Efficency, he should try to shape the best spear in the least amount of time. Organise his working space, optimise his working process. Can spears be shaped at the same time? many things to consider. Time to start trying them out. First he would have to fix his misshapen spears though, wasting resources was an even worse crime than mere slowness.

@Guest99 has my art reroll
fearsome hill threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Faster Total: 9
1 1 8 8
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So we need 21 one spears and the wood or that.
21 x4= 84 progress to craft
21 x 5 =~105 progress to get the wood needed.

Also need the progress to get the 9 squirrels we lost back, (would have been six if 3 people weren't stupid enough to cultivate).
Progress for anything else but getting the spears and replacing the squirrels has a very low priority.

And to reiterate, voting to cultivate means that squirrel just auto dies, and you are actively sabotaging the rest of the voters.

For my own action well will be helping with the wood.

Ska took in the losses they had sustained over the last days.
How close they were to getting most squirrels equipped with wooden spears in addition to the bows.
And the hope of after that building the shelters so they can in safety, rest and not fear owl attacks at all times.
Looking at the amounts of wood needed for that, he knew what to do for the day, leaving the safety of the guarded areas to gather wood.

[X]Gather Wood
Skjadir threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Gathering Wood Total: 9
9 9
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They were furious at the Owls, They were furious at the Fools that sat around for "Power".

They found great amusement from one of the Fools getting chased around by other squirrels, using their sticks, their Spears, and Bows for the chase.

As They watched they had a breakthrough, a breakthrough that would improve their spears and bows. They called the others over to spread this knowledge.

Maybe, just maybe this will help.

@Toboe you get this re-roll.

[X] Wood Mastery 1 [93/100]
Sgt. Mook threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 8
8 8
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[X] Awaken Other Squirrels (Costs 1 Qi Acorn every 5 progress awakens 1 additional squirrel)

There is a frantic energy in its Self that it cannot ignore. Every night their numbers dwindle, the squirrels it strives to awaken struggling to keep pace.
Yet it cannot see another way. And so it awakens Self in new squirrels, hoping there will be spears for them.
thamuzz threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
[X] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)

I'll write up an Omake when it's not 4:30am and on the phone

Edit: now I really need to write it

Edit2: The Omake

The owls were mocking them. He Who Creates could feel it in his bones. They didn't just come in and finish their sect off. They just picked a few off and left. Leaving the rest of us to clean up the mess. He would complete his mission of arming the sect, then he would go out and hunt the owls himself.
LordEdric threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 17
1 1 10 10 6 6
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[X] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)
Edit: A nice 8


The night has passed and with the dawn the results of the owls attack was brought to light. Four dead once again. A low number compared to the previous massacre but a loss all the same.

Yet there was a beacon of hope, the bows werent useless, other brave Squirrels rose in the defense of the Sect. While the fate of the expedition is unkown many waited for them to return with a way to change the tides.

However today Sunny-Spotted continued to work hard, she already took chances with the Web-Weaver. Now it wasnt time to bet with the spidery Fate, let luck bless the others. No, this time Sunny-Spotted had to trust the certainty of the stone and Wood.

Sharpening the spears with a sharp rock, Sunny imagined herself piercing the owls heart.
Ghost in the sun threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 8
8 8
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[X]Guard from the owls (Very Dangerous)

Another day, another 9 lost.
But, the gatheres will keep gathering, and the crafters keep crafting to arm the sect and change the rules, so we have a chance to win.
So the cultivators will keep their stations and guard the sect.
And soon the expedition will be back, and what is it the Owls will feel then?
Its fire!

Re-rolls used:
Toboe threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Guard from the owls Total: 14
3 3 2 2 9 9
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As the Avenger goes to take another length of wood from the tribes stockpiles to craft another spear, he finds it empty. All they had gathered was gone, used to fuel this new beast they called "War" with new spears, new armour, all they could need to fight the wicked sky-dwellers.

Still, despite the costs, despite the losses, the Avenger looked at the drops of Owl blood dotted around the trees. This "War" held a certain appeal to it, after all.

[X]Gather Wood

Going for more wood, @Toboe take my reroll.

Rerolls Used:
Fearsome Hill
Ghost in the Sun
Guest99 threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Wood gathering Total: 57
10 10 5 5 10 10 4 4 10 10 4 4 5 5 9 9
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So, looks like my Archery training action didn't do anything.

I'd be tempted to try it anyways since I rolled a 4, but it seems that none of the experimental actions did anything. Since we're on the clock... I'll shelve new and interesting ideas for now to go for the guaranteed progress.

[X] Gather Wood
bluefur87 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Wood Total: 4
4 4
[X]Gather Wood

Zilla could see the sect was in a right buzz. Everyone was going this way and that, each trying to find a way to deal with the monstrous owls. Yet, they were oing through their wood stockpile like they were nuts in winter. This would not do, without wood how would the crafters make weapons for the sect. It seems Zilla would have to fix this before the started gnawing branches off the trees.
Amilia threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 5
5 5
Jaguar2234 made an art
[X]Gather Wood

With a sense of urgency driving him, Grey-Ears scours the forest floor for fallen branches, each one a potential weapon against the invading owl cultivators. His keen eyes spot the perfect pieces of wood, strong and straight, ideal for crafting spears. With agile movements, he gathers the branches in his arms, his determination fueling his efforts despite the weight. As he carries the wood back to his camp, Grey-Ears knows that each branch collected brings him one step closer to defending his home and loved ones.

View: https://imgur.com/a/TvOEgjX
Jaguar2234 threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 22
8 8 9 9 5 5
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[X] Try to protect the torch bearers and feed the torch as need (Help get the flame back alive

edit: I'll write a thing for it later

edit 2:
Since leaving the inferno Stanley has settled into a new routine. Centered on gathering dried twigs and vines to fuel the flames of hope. And so far the flames are burning strong, but the journey is long and the future is uncertain. And so Stanley shall continue his duty to keep the flames alive.

edit 3: total 9
Joker13 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: protect the flame Total: 13
5 5 8 8
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