Squirrel Sect [Stone age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]

A new squirrel come to it ơn sense, slowly it shaken out the fudge that decend upon it from the awakening ritual that had awakened it, for a moment it looked around in marvel with it new sense and perspective of the world, to see it brethren in a new light, to see the sect for what it is.

But then something deep primal inside it stirl, and suddenly the squirrel find itself sitting upon a spot slowly taking in and out breath as it naturally found itself cultivating.

[X] Cultivate
Ok, see, this is malicious negligence. You tried to cultivate last turn, found that doing so during the Owl Attacks is basically a death sentence, and so, instead of doing anything that will actually help with the Owl attacks, you choose to cultivate again, despite knowing that you're just going to die again and are wasting a Squirrel and Qi acorn with this action. What the heck, man?
[X]Gather QI Acorns

Zilla was shaken. She had seen all those monsters descend upon the sect and just, take squirrels up unto their deaths. The bows everyone scrambled to put together helped, but not nearly enough. And those cultivators! Useless gnats spent all their time doing nothing only to die before they could even lift a paw to help the sect. And they did a number on their nut stockpile too. This wouldn't do, this wouldn't do at all.
Amilia threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 23
10 10 4 4 9 9
[X] Awaken Squirrels

Sunny-Spotted was shocked, somehow she managed to return from her quest in search of the Web-Weaver alive and with a method to defend against the owls together with her fellow Squirrel, only to find a massacre when she came back.

This time fear didnt take a grib on her mind but anger, she would have her revenge but for now she was still weak and to win against the owls they would need an army.

Gathering as many QI Acorns in her pocket to stop more crazy Squirrels from cultivating, she runned into the forest in search of more of her kin to awake for the incoming fight.

Edit: Why?????
Edit2: A 8 is fine, thanks.
Ghost in the sun threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 14
3 3 3 3 8 8
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[X] Clean out the disgusting Black impurities [0/50]

It is well known by all squirrels that after breaking through in cultivation that disgusting black impurities ooze out of the body.
What makes them so interesting to the young squirrel is how they seem to completely oppose the squirrel, taking the ooze they created when they broke through, it seems to enemate feelings of weakness and disharmony in. Atue when this young squirrels own personality emphasises strength and a valance in how nature works. Curios and Worth investigating, and this young squirrel might as well clean up after their investigation.
Dinfinity threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Cleaning up (plus one reroll) Total: 16
7 7 9 9
The Unnamed one did not focus on the red that stained the ground as they scampered, so much work still needed to be done. They could not waste time in grief, not when the Sect needed every able body to come together and prepare. The Owls would not give any mercy or rest until they were driven off or the whole Sect was wiped out.

They idly wondered if they were prepared to die to help safeguard the Sect, they were no strong fighter like others who had died. The most they could do was slow down a Owl...perhaps that would be all that is needed.

[X]Clean out the disgusting Black impurities [0/50]

Edit: Got a Reroll ready for whomever would need it
SteelWriter77 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Cleaning Total: 5
5 5
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Jaguar2234 made an art
[X] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)

With determination blazing in his eyes, Grey-Ears selects sturdy branches, their wood whispering promises of resilience and strength. With deft precision, he carves and shapes each branch, his claws dancing across the surface with practiced skill. Sweat beads on his brow as he hones the spears to lethal points, imbuing them with the spirit of his cause. As the sun sets, Grey-Ears stands amidst a forest of sharpened spears, ready to defend his home against the encroaching threat of the owl cultivators.

View: https://imgur.com/a/fr0HTWg

Got 17 with my 2nd reroll, +1 with my cultivation makes it 18, so I made 4 spears.
Jaguar2234 threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 23
10 10 3 3 3 3 7 7
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We live. They Die. Cultivation leads to death. Avoid cultivation. We live. They Die. A Strange squirrel mutters to itself.

[X] Clean Impurities
Totadileplayz threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 8
8 8
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We're currently losing 24.1 wood this turn.
If you're going for completing wood spears, please keep this in mind.

We are also sitting at 30/40 Impurities cleared.
It's not the highest priority right now, but is still somewhat important.
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Totadileplayz made an art

Here's a pic.

Rolling a die, to decide who to give it to of the people who rolled a 10. Randomized the list beforehand. Use these 2 however... I'm not going to be around much, probably won't respond until after the next update.

1: Ambit
2: Jaguar2234
3: Somedude
4: Amilia
5: Goable

@goable looks like you got 2 rerolls.
Totadileplayz threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: who gets rerolls Total: 5
5 5
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Poison now filled Squil's burrow, the mushrooms growing with abandon. Her work ensured the sect would always have the necessary tools to continue its cultivation, but that was no reason to stop now. Archery had been developed in the time during her toil, and it would be the first of the sect's tools to be infused with poison. At least, it would be, if Squil could just sew fast enough...

[X] Poison Pouch: Cost 1 Poison and 1 Cloth: Every 1 progress makes one.
chellewalker threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Poison Crafting Total: 12
5 5 7 7
[X] Take up a Torch: (Dangerous but at least one flame must reach the sect or the expedition will fail)

It was on the on the sixth rise of the sky-glare, that they at long last came upon the glowing-red. Mesmerised by the glowing flickers of the glowing-red, they noticed the spread of the glowing-red to the long-woods and nearby short-woods. Skittering closer-- a seemingly harsh mimicry of the sky-glare greeting them as they neared one of the long-woods, they picked up a short-wood that had fallen to the ground, and held it up to glowing-red spiraling up the long-wood. With a mesmerised gaze, they watched the glowing-red flicker into being along the top of the short-wood they held, their own personal sky-glare held in their very paws.

EDIT: First time I've gotten a 10 in this quest, I'm going to use my reroll (even though it's 10 and 7) just to see what the odds are of getting another 10
EclipsedStar threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Torchbearer Total: 17
10 10 7 7
EclipsedStar threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Torchbearer (Using reroll) Total: 19
10 10 9 9
EclipsedStar threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Skjadir's Reroll Total: 2
2 2
EclipsedStar threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: fearsome hill's Reroll Total: 1
1 1
EclipsedStar threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Image Reroll Total: 7
7 7
EclipsedStar threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: thamuzz's Reroll Total: 17
10 10 7 7
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The squirrel looked at the stockpile of foods, and nodded. This was good. But... It wasn't enough. With more deaths happening, somethinh needed to be done. Better tools. Better ways to defend themselves. And what is a better defense... Than a better defense? Squirrel nodded again. Yes, this made sense. Now is time to think over how to make defense good.
[X] Armor Mastery 1 [0/50]
Aliya threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Armor research Total: 12
9 9 3 3