Squirrel Sect [Stone age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]

[X] Stone Blade Costs 5 Stone and 3 progress

He knew he had to make more stone blades, it was all that mattered. Stone here, stone there, stone everywhere. Blades helped the gatherers, stone helped him.

He would be one with the mountain.
Sendicard threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 9
2 2 7 7
An acorn dangles at lofty height,
its dangle an angle betraying a flight
that would see it now plummet,
traversing the wind,
descending, a twist and a twirl as it spinned.

Spinned, like the flight of an unruly quail
who took flight at that moment, elicting a wail
as the nut fell upon it, diverting their paths:
now both fell from the heavens,
who knows where they'll land?

The spry little acorn, such a tasty delight,
was but one of many who that day would smite
the poor creatures below who bemoaned and decried
such horrid a treatment, to their bodies and pride.

This account ends abruptly!
It is time to upend
all these Spirited morsels which, once eaten,
all nutrition.
As our Minds and our Spirits,
have learned.

[X]Gather QI Acorns
Won't be using my reroll. (Given to Ambit for Qi Acorns)
Random Reader threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: You Are What You Eat Total: 7
7 7
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Protecting the future of the Sect

The threat of the Owls continues to grow ever closer and while there is a small collection of cultivators, it should be clear that they cannot fight back against awakened Owl cultivators simply with their claws. As a result, the Sect will require weaponry to defend itself and aquire it as fast as possible.

Investigating the different projects available to us, Bows quickly jump out as a very good option. While usually the Cloth requirement would make them very expensive, with access to the Cobweb collecting action it is actually one of the cheapest projects available to us, even if it consumes the cobweb special resource to do so.

In addition to being relatively cheap, it also grants bonus combat strength to all squirrels - instead of improving just cultivators or non-cultivators, all squirrels get a combat bonus.

As such, with the Stone Blade crafting project finished our next goal should be to finish the Bow Project. This will require work on 3 different actions:

We require 50 progress on actually crafting the bows for the project, requiring 8-9 Squirrels helping:
[] Craft Bow [0/50]

We require 80 pieces of Wood. With the bonus from Stone Blades and through being able to gather from the fallen Log, this will require 6-7 Squirrels working:
[] Gather from the fallen log [0/40]

We also require 40 Pieces of Cloth. By collecting from the Cobwebs, we require 6-7 Squirrels for this work too.
But the Cobwebs are a very valuable resource and ideally we would want to extract as much Cloth from the special resource as we can.
Because of this I would like to request that the Sect contribute any spare rerolls on improving actions on the cobwebs that roll badly. Each roll of 1 is a great wasted opportunity!
[] Gather from the abandoned spider webs [0/40]

This will be our goal for the next turn and I hope everyone can contribute to the defense of the Sect :)
[X] Qi Lore 2 [53/400]
Edit: Great.

Hoo-Hoo, Slayer of Squirrels and Devourer of The Meek:

The branch creaked underneath Hoo-Hoo's talons as he leaned forwards, peering at his quarry as they scurried about below.

When he had first awakened, he had slaughtered them by the dozens in his ravenous hunger for flesh and blood. There had been something special about the taste of the arboreal rodents in this area, something that had kept him coming back for more and more.

Gradually, he had felt himself begin to grow more and more aware of himself as he fed upon their fresh meat. Hoo-Hoo felt a mysterious energy swell up inside of him, granting him wisdom and strength surpassing that of his kin.

Once he had become fully aware, he had chosen to restrain himself somewhat. The squirrels, while delicious, had begun to interest him in ways that extended beyond mere sustenance. Exterminating them all without a second thought seemed like such a waste to him.

The energy that swirled within his feathered breast could be sensed in the tiny creatures as well. He watched as one squirrel ran about, gathering inedible stone for some unknown purpose. There was the wooden stem of an acorn tied around its chin with a piece of silk, and a sharp wooden stick on its back.

Hoo-Hoo flexed his claws, tightening his grip on the branch. He could smell the appetizing aroma of the energy leaking from the squirrel's tender, succulent skin.

...Well. Surely one or two couldn't hurt.

Hoo-Hoo left his perch, casting his wings out as he began a silent glide towards his prey.

(Using my Re-roll. I swear, if it turns out to be a double...)
MilitantBird threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
MilitantBird threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 7
7 7
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The Fifth Sunrise of the Squirrel Sect.
Squirrel Sect

On the Fifth Sunrise of Squirrel Sect it should be a day of celebration. Agriculture and tool work has advanced so far. Bug burrows a deeper understanding of farms and even stone blades for the workers to gather more resources. So many advantages in surviving hunger have been made. Live stock, tools and education in farming.

Yet none of that matters as squirrel blood drips from the leaves. The owls are messy eaters and have taken to regularly flying over the sect looking for easy targets and are of course finding them. Six are dead and just as concerning the owl with red Talons has not been seen just it's lackeys.

Without enough spears or bows a real defense can not be mustered. Even a level 1 cultivator is unable to fight an owl. The Sect lacks what it needs to survive this continuing onslaught so it must build what it needs quickly and do so while under attack.

Yet all is not lost even as some squirrel leave to gather fire, other squirrels cultivate. With every passing day the tools grow better and the Squirrels grow stronger. Time may be on the sects side if it can endure long enough.

(Pictured: uggh is that good?)
Search for natural resources:
Abyssius 8
Doccer 17

Even under threat of Owl two brave Squirrels venture forth. The first finds a buried pile of Qi acorns (+5 QI acorns). The second finds something interesting, potentially dangerous but potentially life saving. It's a web, a large one, but unlike others the squirrel can tell it was inteligently made layers layers circling an area of tree. There is an intelligent spider somewhere deep in that web. However a squirrel that enters may find an ally or they may find death. There is only one way to find out.

kos 10
SeQuester 11
Guest99 11
1Arthas1 11

Six new cultivators awaken in what is almost becoming a daily ritual of Qi flowing through the trees and each succsess helps push there allies who are close to the next level. They are stronger, faster and tougher. They can gather more, craft quicker, or study harder. Yet in truth the sect is in trouble it needs warriors. These six have to wonder how long they are for this world with such dangerous times. All the sect looks to them for safety and they know they can't do it. Not yet not unarmed, unorganized, unprotected.


The Dao of Knowledge is a tricky thing. It is to walk a path that knows how little you know and more importantly to have an idea that you don't know how much you don't know. If that sounds confusing such is all Dao.

Yet in this instance it has Power. The Dao has showed you how to spend Qi to push your mind. For a single point of Qi you may triple the result you get on a research roll.

Goable 12
Bloms 41
Mightbeamimic 7
Paloneia 10
EclipsedStar 9
Joker13 11
Drahcir 21

One Squirrel stands out above the others leading them to rush quickly through the woods. Speed is safety of a sort. Already they have cut a day off their expected journey tommorow they will reach the flames, then it is 2 days to return unless they make great time. They can only hope the sect will be there when they return. There is no telling.

Yet that same one that urges them to speed comes across something. Something wonderous it is a small green stone, spherical is shape but covered in marks. Tiny writing and lines all across it. It seems to want to drain Qi but that is a precious resource so you will have to experiment with it once you return to the sect. However you have a hint in that the grass and plants were much larger around the green sphere in a perfect circle around it in fact.

Agriculture Mastery 1 Finished:
Food Gathering Increased by 0.1
Farm now only costs 2 food per turn
Farmland Research Unlocked
Deep Burrow Research Unlocked

Bug Burrow Completed:
Bug Burrow Construction Unlocked:
Bug Burrow and mushroom Farm Synergy Research Unlocked:
Bug Gathering Unlocked
Qi Acorns0.427.9
Wooden Armor0.71

Voting and Rolling
  • As a riot quest each quest-er is one newly awakened squirrel. So your vote is what you are choosing to do.
  • Each vote comes with a roll of a ten sided dice. (You need to edit your post to roll dice)
  • Any result of a 10 allows you to roll another dice (Repeating ad infinitum)
  • If someone roll's 3 consecutive 10's (Brute force with rerolls allowed) they earn an "Inspiration" that can be used in secret ways to benefit the players.
  • With rerolls you always take the highest result
Omakes and rerolls! Please read
  • Omakes are HIGHLY encouraged. Any omake 4 or more sentences comes with a reroll.
  • Limited to Earning one reroll a turn from an omake.
  • Rerolls must be used on the turn they are earned.
  • Rerolls are transferable to other players.
  • A second reroll is earned for doing any type of art or book keeping for the GM.
Resource Rules, Food and population
  • Some things are easier or harder to gather. This is represented by the "Modifier" on the resource table. Which can be changed by the season, research, tools or workshops. Modifier is multiplied by the total dice result for how much of a resource is gathered.
  • Each Squirrel in the Sect eats 1 food per turn.
  • If all Squirrels in the tribe die the quest is over.
  • If the Squirrel count gets significantly below the voter count, votes will be ignored at random until it matches the squirrel count.
  • Instead of doing individual items. Now items are made to complete a project which equips and improves the entire sect.
  • Projects do not require votes instead the item requirements must be met. Then the items will be removed and the bonus will be applied
Cultivation Rules
  • Everyone starts out at cultivation level 0
  • When Cultivating every action spent cultivating in a row provides an additional plus 1. (1 on the second turn, 2 on the third etc etc)
  • Cultivation Chambers can only be used by 1 person at a time (Per chamber)
  • Cultivation Chambers DOUBLES the cumulative cultivation bonus.(2 on the second turn, 4 on the third etc etc)
  • Cumulative Cultivation Bonus resets when you level up.
  • Cultivation requires hitting a certain number to level up, not a sum total.
  • Cultivators apply their level to ALL rolls.
  • Cultivators multiply their combat power by their cultivation level +1
  • Cultivators may gather and store qi up to their level. Qi can be spent on rerolls for themselves. HOWEVER ANY ROLL THAT USES QI IS INELIGIBLE FOR INSPIRATION/
  • Cultivators may store Qi up to their cultivation level.

[]Gather Stone
[]Gather Wood
[]Gather Leaves
[]Gather Food
[] Gather Amber
[]Gather QI Acorns
[]Gather Poison Arrows
[]Gather Bugs

Scouting: Dangerous (Can kill you)
[] Search for New Natural Resources
[] Search for Predators (Very Dangerous)

[] Qi Lore 2 [60/400]
[] Agriculture Mastery 2 [4/200]
[] Wood Mastery 1 [71/100]
[] Stone Mastery 1 [19/100]
[] Cordage Mastery 1 [72/100]
[] Armor Mastery 1 [0/50]
[] Archery Mastery 2 [0/150]
[] Trap Mastery 1 [3/25]
[] Scorpio [0/50]
[] Stone Structures [5/50]
[] Camouflage [22/25]
[] Padding [0/25]
[] Ghosts and Faith [0/X?] (Progress can only be made on turns in which squirrels die.
[] Writing [40/75]
[] Farmland [0/25]
[] Deep Burrow [0/50]
[] Bug Burrow and mushroom Farm Synergy [0/10]

[] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)
[] Wood Armor Costs 10 Wood: Improve Combat ability. (Every 6 progress makes one armor)
[] Cloth Costs 5 leaves: Will be required to make clothing or other things when Cordage mastery 1 is done or clothing. (every 4 progress makes 1 cloth)
[] Knapped Stone: Costs 5 Stone every 2 progress makes a Knapped Stone
[] Stone Tipped Spear: Costs 1 Knapped Stone, 1 cloth and 1 wood. Every 4 progress makes one stone tipped spear.
[] Stone Tool: Costs 1 Knapped Stone, 1 cloth and 1 wood. Every 4 progress makes one stone tool.
[] Uniform: Costs 2 Cloth every 2 progress makes one.
[] Bow: Costs 1 Cloth and 2 Wood every 1 Progress makes one.
[] Poison Pouch: Cost 1 Poison and 1 Cloth: Every 1 progress makes one.
[] Bag: Cost 2 Cloth. Every 4 progress makes one.

[] Mushroom farm Burrow: [23/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 food)
[] Bug Burrow: [0/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 bugs)
[] Mushroom poison Burrow: [40/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 Poison mushrooms)
[] Platform: [0/25] (Costs 50 wood) Required for certain other buildings
[] Cultivation Chamber: [9/100] (Costs 5 Cloth, 20 KI acorn and 20 wood)

[] Awaken Other Squirrels (Costs 1 Qi Acorn every 5 progress awakens 1 additional squirrel)
[] Cultivate: (Cost 1 Qi Acorn and requires an omake. Omake still grants reroll.)

[] Choose a Dao: (Requires at least level 1 cultivation) Must write in the Dao.
[] Gather Qi

[]Clean out the disgusting Black impurities [0/50]
[]Gather from the Shattered boulder! (Double stone gain for the first 7 actions to use it)
[]Gather from the fallen long (Double Wood gain for the first 8 action to use it)
[]Gather from the abandoned spider webs. (Gather cloth directly by collecting for the first 9 actions to use it)
[] Seek out the Cultivator Spider (Really fucking dangerous. Jesus hell that's a big web)

Expedition: (Only available to those already on the expedition)
[] Cultivate while traveling: Slows down travel progress but gain +1 to roll and uses Qi acorns from the expedition supplies not the sect.
[] Search For treasures or resources: Slows down travel progress but can find resources only avalible while on expedition
[] Move with all haste: Less safe than normal move but helps the expedition move faster.
[] Move normally: Blance safety and speed
[] Move Carefully: Slight decrease to speed large increase to safety

Not a vote:
Gatherers Knife: Make 25 Stone Blades (25/25) Increases the modifier of Gathering votes by 10%
Crafters Tools: Make 25 Stone Tools: (0/25) Reduce the progress cost on all crafting votes by 1
Militia Spears: Make 50 Wood Spears (2/50) Provides ALL squirrels with a low base combat value.
Militia Armor: Make 50 Wood Armor (0/50) Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels especially their defense.
Elite Weapons: Make 20 Stone Tipped Spears (0/20) Provides increased combat value to expeditions and cultivators
Bags!: Make 50 Bags (0/50): Increases the modifier of Gathering votes by 20%
Uniforms: Make 50 Uniforms (0/50): Increases the modifier of Gathering votes by 10%, reduce the progress cost on all crafting votes by 1 Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels very minorly.
Militia Bows: Make 50 Bows: (0/50) Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels.
Poison Arrows: Make 50 Poison Pouches: (0/50) Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels. (Requires Militia bows)
Shelter: Costs 5 Platforms and 50 Wooden Spears (0/5) (0/50) Provides a massive increase in combat strength while defending your home.

(1) Mushroom Farm: Costs 2 food per turn rolls 1d10 for food gained.
Zedalb threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 17
1 1 10 10 6 6
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[X] Bow: Costs 1 Cloth and 2 Wood every 1 Progress makes one.

Flintfur looked at the creation in his hand. A haft of yew as tall as he is, tapering towards both ends with a piece of string tied in between both ends. Gnawing it had taken what felt like an eternity. Many of his attempts had ended with a shaft being too thin and snapping in half as they were bent into shape. Still, he had done it! He had created a bow! Now came the time to test his newest creation.
The yew wood groaned as he pulled back the string. Muscles crafted in the process of shaping stone blades flexing and straining to pull the string back as far as he could.
The released string moved faster than the winds, faster than even the foul owls. It sent the arrow flying at speeds that not even the unleashed's arms could match. The arrow struck the bark with a thud, embedding itself deep into it before coming to a drop.
Flintfur looked at his newest and most difficult act of shaping. He looked at it and smiled.
Edit: 1 reroll sent to @Worm_that_Walks nevermind, didnt need it
edit2: 2 rerolls sent to @SomeDude134
fearsome hill threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Bows! Total: 8
8 8
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[X] Mushroom poison Burrow: [40/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 Poison mushrooms)
The Bird threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Skworl! Total: 7
7 7
Kirbo, The Great Devourer chooses to ponder on the road. He wished to ponder in peace of course, but if the danger of the owls was already present, every day he wasn't cultivating made him more anxious, he could obtain the power, and yet he was choosing not to. Kirbo wasn't a squirrel that would let his brothers die however, so despite his internal cultivation, and his drive for hunger, he still chose to eat.

[X] Cultivate while traveling: Slows down travel progress but gain +1 to roll and uses Qi acorns from the expedition supplies not the sect.
[X] Search For treasures or resources: Slows down travel progress but can find resources only avalible while on expedition
goable threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Cultivation Total: 9
9 9
goable threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Treasures Total: 6
6 6
[X] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)

I'm sure we have more than 2 wooden spears ready

Omake when I'm not on my phone

After the success of his previous work, he has adopted a new name. He Who Creates will be his new name. He Who Creates preened in his mind at the majesty of his new name. For He is a master crafter, one who will arm his people against the evils of the owls. He will continue his great work, alone if he must, until all his people are armed and ready to fight back. He looks into his arms as he finishes his work, yet another spear ready for Owl blood.
LordEdric threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 7
7 7
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[X] Awaken Other Squirrels (Costs 1 Qi Acorn every 5 progress awakens 1 additional squirrel)

Zilla was displeased. For the first time she had not felt joy in etching marks into wood. A single branch with six notches on it, six dead. This would not do, even their cultivators where no match for the cursed owls. If they wanted to stand a chance they would need more, more squirrels, more cultivators.
Amilia threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 10
6 6 4 4
[X] Seek out the Cultivator Spider (Really fucking dangerous. Jesus hell that's a big web)

Sunny-Spotted went from yesterday frenzy to a terrified scramble. Six of her kin died for the owls, no one could stop them even the newly cultivators were useless against the owls speed and flying advantage.

'What should I do, who I shall help, where to go?

Sunny asked herself but was unable to come with an answer, maddly running from one spot to another wihout being able to calm herself for a single task. In her dash, she became lost until she came across a strange big web with many layers and patterns... It kinda looked like how the Squirrel who gave her leaf hat and bag would do with cloth weaving drawing into surfaces. The web looked like was made with intent .

Suddlently Sunny-Spotted mind became clear with a goal. Dashing through the branches as she followed the trail of the web hoping to find an ally.

Edit: with Fortune Its an 11.
Edit 2: the dice rng betrayed me
Ghost in the sun threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 20
7 7 9 9 4 4
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[X]Gather from the abandoned spider webs. (Gather cloth directly by collecting for the first 9 actions to use it)

Edit: Apparently, the way to un-curse my dice rolls was to do things other than food.
Chimeraguard threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 9
9 9
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[X] Move with all haste: Less safe than normal move but helps the expedition move faster.

'ere we go.
Bloms threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: 'ERE WE GO Total: 5
5 5
[X] Cloth Costs 5 leaves: Will be required to make clothing or other things when Cordage mastery 1 is done or clothing. (every 4 progress makes 1 cloth)

Edit: Apparently, the way to un-curse my dice rolls was to do things other than food.

Should switch that to gathering the spider webs under special. It's 9 cloth with no cost then.