Squirrel Sect [Stone age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]

Kurohyo made an art
[X]Gather Wood

Greyfur's annoyance simmered as his previous hope didn't pan out. Bah, he'd continue taking a look at it in his own time but for now it was time for wood. After all, bows had helps with the owls but hopefully spears would continue their defense. Spears required wood though and that was something they were direly short on for now.

Time to see if he could help change that.

Kurohyo threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: gather wood Total: 19
9 9 5 5 5 5
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The Great Devourer was troubled, he knew what may lie ahead would require more power than he had. So, he developed and cultivated more now than ever. If he could just enlighten himself once more, it may be enough to face the dangers ahead. The others could care about the torch, he had to prepare through the food he devoured, to fight against what may lay ahead. Kirbo wouldn't head back without the tools to defeat the adversaries ahead of him.

[X] Cultivate while traveling
[X] Cultivate while traveling

Edit: For he was hungry, and desired more. He nervously ate as he continued the journey. He saw a laughing man amongst the stars.
goable threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 7
1 1 6 6
goable threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 17
1 1 5 5 9 9 2 2
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Today was quite a big day forFour-Left-Eight. She felt the mystical energy dance at the tips of her forepaws. Today will be the first time she would put the greater understanding she aquired 2 days ago into practice. She took a calming breath, put her forepaws to the ground and, for the sake of all her siblings, pushed.

[X] Spend Qi: Grow 1d10 Qi Acorns

POST-OMAKE EDIT:Amazingly shit luck strikes again. Reminder that this roll has no modifier - however much i roll is however many qicorns we get, so getting above a 3 is a great benefit, therefore rerolls would be appreciated.
EDIT 2: Using reroll from @Ghost in the sun. Thank you for the donation!
POST-DONATION EDIT: Has the curse passed onto me? o_O
EDIT 4: And the reroll from @Bloms finally breaks the curse!
SeQuester threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Acorns Total: 13
2 2 3 3 1 1 7 7
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Wooden spear progress overall is pretty good.
Progress to craft them at 62 out of 84 needed.
Wood gathered at 52x1.1 for 57.2 wood out of the 105 needed.
[X]Guard from the owls (Very Dangerous)

Four. Four brave enough to take up bows and fight against the inevitable. Among them a newly awakened squirrel. It was both inspiring and saddening that one so young would take up weapons, would need to take up weapons, to defend their home.

Still both Welma and the new squirrel held their own. At the end of the day, no one could say they didn't deserve to be there because they weren't cultivators. (That might have been because there weren't enough squirrels guarding their home to refuse ANYONE, but still.)

Unfortunately there is no rest for the hunted. Especially not for the brave among them. One of the cultivators said more owls were coming and Welma was inclined to believe them. It was time to face death once again.
The Well Wisher threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Guard Duty Total: 11
2 2 9 9
Totadileplayz made an art
The squirrel looked around to find No Impurities. The squirrel was curious now, as the no impurities must mean something was different about the situation now than before. She was glad to be off her only duty, of clearing all the impurities, due to no impurities existing. However, she was afraid of what it truly meant. She gathered wood instead.

[X] Gather Wood

@Bloms giving two rerolls to you, so you can give them to whoever you want.
Totadileplayz threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 19
10 10 9 9
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Things were getting worse; Squil didn't know if the others were ignoring the signs or simply putting all their faith in the expedition, but the owls were becoming more and more aggressive in their attacks. Squil continued to carefully stitch the poisonous pouches together, but it was worryingly likely that she wouldn't finish in time. But still she persevered; if her fellows could have poisonous arrows to greet the owls, it would be a victory well-earned.

EDIT: 17 total; we might actually be able to finish in time.

[X] Poison Pouch: Cost 1 Poison and 1 Cloth: Every 1 progress makes one.
chellewalker threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Poison Crafting Total: 21
10 10 4 4 7 7
[X]Guard from the owls (Very Dangerous)

The tall Red Squirrel had fought once and barely survived - thanks to a truly amazing Captain of the Squirrel Guard. Now it was time to attempt to repeat the feat. Realistically, he now knew he had probably a mere single chance in ten of survival, but if it kept his fellows safe, he would persevere.

The Owls had started throwing stuff at his chosen crevice, with the force of a powerful Cultivator. The tall Red Squirrel had to return to dodging, which was a terrifying business - always the merest inch from death.

Edit: Used own roll and own omake reroll, plus the one from Bloms.
Robinton threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 10
6 6 3 3 1 1
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[X]Guard from the owls (Very Dangerous)

Gnaws at branches looked down at the winged terrors with eyes wet with tears... and bright with anger. Green leaves and mud daubed over his fur providing weak camouflage... not enough for long, but enough for him to find time to leap. Down onto the back of a terror and drive a humble weapon towards a feathered back. A small fountain of blood following his strike before his grip fails and he crashes down to the forest floor.

Hm do I get a reroll for writing something?

Also what a fun game!
zxzx24 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: guard your fellow squirrels! Total: 13
10 10 3 3
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[X] Build Mushroom Farm Burrow

They still needed more food for the winter. he knew this, deep in his bones. But the aboveground was not safe, as plagued by owls as it was. They had to make ready to move belowground, and he would contribute to that as best he could to the accumulation of food supplies.

edit: he did not contribute as much as he wished to.
Slykk1 threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Building Farm Total: 6
2 2 1 1 3 3
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Hm do I get a reroll for writing something?
Any natural 10 gives an immediate free additional roll - stacking with the natural 10.
Any Omake lets you give one player (yourself as a valid option) a reroll.

In this case, add an additional roll because of the 10. If you rolled under 7 (this number is somewhat debatable but roughly correct), use your own reroll and roll yet again. Otherwise save it - possibly still for yourself, or possibly for another Squirrel who really needs help (or could do something awesome with a slight further push).
[X] Gather Wood

The young squirrel bounced between tree limbs, knocking off wooden stems with their tail and chewing through the larger segments with their teeth. Others had chittered nervously about a lack of wood, and so the squirrel decided that intervention was necessary. They weren't much of a fighter, but they could still help in their own way. Hopefully that would be enough.

EDIT: Used Omake Reroll
Critian Caceorte threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Gathering Wood Total: 11
4 4 7 7