Creation's Re:Creation (Riot God Quest)

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Dawn Age 1 Second Period
The world has been shaped, nameless in the void watched by the sap of the divine and the rift to the impossible beyond. The unborn gods crawl themselves into a reality of their making and change from shifting masses of possibility to the named makers of this new world. And lo it was good. Of them, one speaks its words changing reality and sloughing off the impossibility for this new reality, and they were Vidal their voice declared their form and their new hands wrought a mote of potential, the other divines gather and whisper lending power lending aid as the new god shaped a green star. This was the lifestar for now at the beginning of this world the gods designed its end. The star grows large and grows in power, a mountain of living impossible fire whose light casts life upon the world. It would shepherd and aid this world, and in distant times beyond the memory of the unborn it would feast upon the slaughter as the world dies at its end. So sayeth Vidal.

Yet this first act was not in silence, for as the whispering mass of the unborn added Vidal in their craft others took to voice and cut off impossibility to take upon themselves a nature. Mnemosyne the goddess remembered reached hands into that spark of impossibility unmade by her naming and began to forge of it a greater pact the workings of a foundation for this world and all who live in it. She made a pact with that broken shattered remains of the nothing of everything that she had been and had rejected with a name. Regardless of the form of its changes and of its fate, this endless minuscule fragment was bound to her in memories. Each part of the fragment was granted to all that were, and Mnemosyne works upon a loom weaving each new soul out of the remnants. The lifestar took upon itself a soul and their self was codified by their memories and being bound into this nature. The lifestar could understand faith but it felt little need to worship the divines as it was their tool.

As Mnemosyne worked another god turned itself into a bound form, catching the offal from Mnemosyne they bound themselves in a shell of the unmade, the uncomplete and the unformed. They held back potential but shifted in nature. They were a god of the dead of death born before life. A corpse of the unliving, the god took the name Psol'bzaengoth and the worked with the endless whispers to define the magics they crafted their own form from. Souls were the source of life by Mnemosyne's will and so Psol'bzaengoth took that to its logical end. If souls bound life and memory, then why let them go to waste? The corpse god took the world and with the aid of the whispers of the unborn he carved channels so that the animus of the soul can be used after death. He made rituals into the fabric of the world so souls could be bound, can be made to speak. To a master of the art a soul is a fuel a currency to enact magic and to gain power. For it can be used to animate the dead and unliving, it can be used to extend one's life, it can be used in many ways by those who know how to work stuff of the soul.

The final magic of the new world forged into its first age is the magic of the wild lands, the magic of the untamed and nature. No god comes forth with its birth, no lord names themselves; rather the writhing mass of the newborn writes this magic from only the impossible whispers. They steal from the unmade beyond reality the boiling chaos of the unreality beyond this egg. This is an untamable magic and unbindable power that will squirm and writhe when one tries to predict or master it. To be a practitioner of the wild is to be mad, or to have power and density unrivaled in this world. In hindsight perhaps all should have expected the life star to gravitate towards this power. They are an aspect of the nature of this world, of growth and development and so they understood the wild and could take it in hand using their raw power to command this wild power.

An unmade comes and names itself __ the echoing sound of silence that stills the world when it is spoken. It takes its own essence and crafts a way memories can be anchored to the world as beings of their own power. The whispers aid as these are forged, the nature of necromancy provides an anchor allowing __ to let spirits to have great power increasing with the strength of their birthing thought and the will and power of their mortal maker. These spirits are made with no body but they are living things without substance but with mind, to interact with the world they must possess a living thing or object of the world.

Their are the ur-spirits those test subjects born of __ in essence and in mind, they were the prototype and examples made as __ carved this nature into the world. They are few and rare but they have great power being born of the thoughts and minds of a god. Though the ur-spirits are not the most powerful of their kind, for upon seeing the creatures and their pattern the corpse god dabbled in them seeing how they work and connect to his magic. These spirits born of unlife and the thoughts of the corpse god are often called the first ghosts, they are only three in number but they act to help teach other creatures of necromancy. In this beginning of the age the most prominent and common spirits are the green spirits.

They are the will and mind of the life star, no match in power to even the weakest of God's the life star has reason and need to make spirits with the power crafted by __, these in the later parts of the era are the gardeners as they work to aid the life star in its task to grow and expand the life of the world. The green spirits prepare to tend to the world as life is born of the acts of the other gods and whispers.

As __, Mnemosyne, and Psol'bzaengoth worked on their grand designs Shroomi took upon the world a simple task the crafting of mushrooms small white blobs of mycelian flesh that would fruit from the ground a simple food and creature that would eat at the dead world and create life. This mushroom called shrimp of the woods would be found quickly by the green spirits and spread as far along the peninsula as one can see. The whispers aiding Shroomi led to more and more of the fruiting bodies and fungi being made, until the fungus could be found in every inch of the region eating at the dead world.

One of the thief gods cast off their formless being to break apart into a mass of connected parts a shifting form of a thousand pieces, for they took a name The Panoply of Mayhem, and they carved a section of their form into a new creation aided by the whispers of the unmade the Panoply crafts a small golden worm its form a shining golden sheen hiding the vast intelligence of the creature. The worm is indomitable and domineering, a mind built to bewitch and deceive. A slithering master of lies and illusions, a schemer unparalleled. An agent of Mayhem, in this early world the Shining Sovereign as the worm is name has little to do but it begins to plot most of the spirits are too strong and the shrooms too weak, however the sovereign finds it can use its thoughts to give birth to spirits for its own end. However as these new spirits are made in the image of the Sovereign their creator tears them apart, unwilling and unable to stand seeing its own form.

One of the unborn cast their power out into flames dancing with the whispers of the others to form a forge as they take the name Demiourgos, and they take that fire to craft a forge that would impart the Demiourgos' skill allowing the crafting of magical arms, armor, and jewelry by even mortal smith should they have skills and imagination. This forge has a fire burning red from the life of the world itself and the Demigouros makes any tool the forge will ever need, and binds it's magics so it would always be stocked with the flesh of the world. Any mundane metal or other material available to the smith in these halls. For now the forge crackles merrily without the sound of hammer to metal beyond the wandering of its maker.

Nomod, that is what the god thing names itself as it took impossible hands to write spirits and non-existent mortal flesh together. Fur in many dazzling colors the foxes that they craft can be mistaken for simple animals. They are no beasts, a mind unbound to its own flesh; the Fox Spirits are creatures of spirit above all their minds cunning and devious, their nature that of the trickster, though they will help just as quickly as they bring misfortune. As the whispers and divine hands finish the fox spirits dash into the world tending to the mushrooms and aiding the green spirits in the crafting of future gardens for when more life is made by the gods.

A god is a fickle and a powerful creature hands able to create and destroy to craft and unmake. But a god's attention is not as infinite as their power, so one begins the craft of personal servants to maintain whatever the god needs done. Many whispers help as the god takes the name Ante and begins to craft life from stone and metal. A hard shell of the materials of the mountain forming a creature not unlike a lobster, powerful claws and a dull but obedient mind. They were to be his spades. The Rocacrustas. Each one he handcrafted scrubbing away as much of Mnemosyne as he could but the master of souls who dwells eternally unforgettable is beyond the power of Ante to completely suppress.

He then sent them down upon the sides of the mountain, where the Rocacrustas began to mind and develop but it isn't long before other divines begin to meddle. Another unborn sheds its impossibility to claim the name Ian Yor Tul and they took the form of a Rocacrustas teaching them to carve stone into blocks to stack them to make buildings. The teacher god even brought a handful of the brightest Rocacrustas to the forge of the eternal flame and showed those how to work simple metal picks so they can cut into the earth. Iam Your Tul did little but the Rocacrustas moved forward on a rocket pace already they were those who time to dabble in things whispered by the winds, the crafting of spirits, though the thoughts of the Rocacrustas are simple and most of their spirits have little use beyond messengers for their tribe.

One group powerful in their own mind ventured away from the mountains as Ante worked on more of their kin unaware of the rapidity of their growth. This group found a dead world with empty gardens with shifting shadows, of soft not quite rocks they could barely eat. It was a place barely hospital for the Rocacrustas so their group went to turn back. Their story would have been far happier if they had done so before that moment. For at that time their group had gathered the attention of the Ghosts who went and whispered in their minds the secrets of necromancy of prayers to an unliving god with the promises of more secrets to be had.

A festering cult returned to the mountains, they found their kinds blind worship of Ante with whispers of the Teacher and of Memories forgotten and remembered. Gods that only asked never offered. So they worked slowly to speak in hidden places of Psol'bzaengoth. The bravest showed off their magics creating golems of stone to help move the earth and make their homes, not speaking of the magics that power them.

Obscurity, the monsters in the dark. Perhaps the one that calls themself Locura finds humor in the way the mortals dance in fear as something shifts beyond their sight. For they take the weave of this thought and quilt it into a smothering blanket that they would cast into the world. For most this is a clinging feeling they can work past but some are hit by the weave of this fear and grow to worry. What is it the golem smiths do at night, what are the creatures working at the empty gardens, what is the desire of the quivering green star watching all, what happened when I was gone? Every change every moment their mind unravels leaving them broken husks unable to think beyond the fearful muttering and the furtive glances. Some dig deeper worried of what was outside coming in. Others turned on their fellows, for the Rocacrustas as a paranoid one finds the workshop of a necromancer and watches their craft, before speaking of the dark arts to others. A war, a fire, a mix of fear and desperation. Each moment feeding the next as the mountains burn and run red in the blood of the Rocacrustas.

The growing war is fed as the Shining Sovereign joins using illusions to break alliances to trick those in power and feed the growing tide of blood. The chaos only serves to feed Mayhem and Paranoia

As Ante turns back ready to get his worship he finds a race in turmoil, the necromancers have been driven far underground, but tension and fear has not died down anyone beyond a family group inspired worry as they take more and more guidance from those who are touched by Locura.

Far from the wars of the mountains another stolen god gives themselves a name. This one is Annatar the bringer of gifts, and their first work aided by the shifting muse of the whispers is the Staff of All Things. They forge it of pinkish metal though its form and qualities are fluid able to shift its size, mass, and shape. The staff is unbreakable by mortal hands and anything that does damage it will be undone by the passage of time as the metal heals itself. The staff will always be a stick of that pink metal, but it can be made into a staff, rod, wand, or cane as long as it remains the shape of a stick. The staff is given a basic spirit, the knowledge of its own use, so that it can bind itself to a user and share that information. Whenever the staff is held it begins the process of binding to a new user unless the old user has it in their grasp. The owner has more power than the just the shape and appearance as they can make the staff float or move in an area around themselves, it is not ideal for a combat but if one needs the staff and to have both hands free it can be of use.

However, these functions are not the main feature of the staff. Instead, it has an empty "slot" by default. The owner of the staff can place a piece of material or an object into this slot. Once this is done, the Staff of All Things will develop an orb or another simple shape attached to it, representing whatever was placed in the slot, including its texture or some symbolic representation on the developed shape. Depending on the item placed in the empty slot, the Staff of All Things will produce various effects for the owner to exploit. For instance, if you place a piece of basalt in the empty slot, the artifact will grant its owner the ability to create, break, erase, move, and shape basalt and all substances similar to this type of rock while in contact with the staff and within a certain radius. The slot can be emptied and refilled at any time the owner desires, but it takes a few seconds at most. They just need to touch the staff, so they can retrieve the object - the slot will become empty again, ready to receive another item. Only one thing can occupy the slot at a time.

Although there are some caveats, such as the abilities granted by the staff not always being straightforward. For example, putting a material into an empty slot does not guarantee that you will receive the same type of manipulation as with the basalt option. You could insert lead into the slot and gain the ability to temporarily increase the weight of any object struck by the staff or hit by the produced wave/beam. The Staff of All Things offers a unique ability for each physical object in existence, some of which may be more esoteric than others.

Also, merely possessing ownership of the staff and get instinctive understanding of how to use it does not equate to mastery over the effects created by the staff or to having knowledge about ability limits and potential dangers. One must explore and learn to wield each power skillfully, applying their existing skills, experiences and knowledge to the staff's abilities. For instance, if the owner of the staff is a master mason, they would be able to learn how to create more complex shapes from basalt more quickly, leveraging their existing skills and mindset for working with stone.

Therefore, if you insert something extremely powerful into the staff's empty slot, it does not guarantee that learning how to use the ability derived from that item will be easy. It can be extremely hard or complicated. Sometimes so much, it probably isn't worth it. Annatar finishes their work and walks the land quickly running across a fox spirit, and leaving the staff with them before vanishing. The fox finds the staff as a pleasant walking stick and keeps a mushroom in the slot allowing the fox spirit to grow and guide the fungi faster than even the green spirits.

Livinni is the next to take a name, the whispers gathering around them as they form a blade of green light woven into a physical creation. The grass as it is called is able to consume the energy from the sun above and the green star when it nears. Turning the energy into more of itself weaving new grass in a net under the soil so new green blades can push up into the light they consume. Endlessly repeating as long as they can find the sun and star to draw from. This new creation is quickly found by the green spirits and the fox spirits. This leads to them spreading the grass as far and wide as they roam. The gardening foxes take to planting grass on the entrances to Rocacrustas caves using the aid of green spirits to rapidly grow the plant over the opening and causing consternation to the inhabitants.

A new god gave herself a name Tiana, she entered the ocean to see its beauty. As the others work she stays in the sea. On the bottom of the ocean the Foamgowned lady was lonely. And thus the births creatures with cells both crystal and organic. And tells them to go up onto land gave them strong jaws so that they may eat anything and return to the ocean to lay their pearly eggs so that the lady wouldn't be lonely anymore.

But the creatures sank and died. The Gorgeous Lady came up with the idea she grabbed most beautiful stones and taught them how to carve these into shells. She knew that this would slow them down on land, but it would allow her children to carry air and float in the water and carry water, allowing them to breathe.

After her children were done with carving Tiania inspected the shells of her children to praised those who made works of art out of their shells and shame the slackers. At the end she decreed that each turtle should be a judge and strive to make pearly eggs with a turtle whose shell they like most. And teach their children to do the same.

The artistic turtles are left alone for the most part after their creation working to slowly create more and more beautiful shells with those with the most beautiful often trying to be as close as possible to the lady while those who slack off and do not make beautiful shells pushed out of their little society and as far away from their lady as the turtles can keep them. They find the grass on the land and when they bring the grass back they find it is just as able to grow and thrive in shallow waters as in air.

The new god father's parts of the divinity to cloak themselves in a name, the feathered fox tailed weaver. A beautiful Kimono woven by the loving hands of thr god. Dyed with the dark colours of the night, all kinds of birds fly in the fabrics desappearing and reapearing. If you stay still in silence Its possible for you to hear their songs in harmony. The Kimono is gifted to the Fox Spirits so they can guard it.

The wearer of the Kimono, is able to summon the visible birds in the fabric and command them. The stronger the wearer, the better is the effect. Aka duration of summons, number of birds, type of birds, how smart they are. Given the relic by a god and told to guard it a shrine of fox spirits leave their garden homes to consult with a Rocacrustas who are the premier builders in this age. The old necromancer asked for payment in one of their souls. The fox spirits spoke long to each other about it before deciding that they must get a place to guard the Kimono and it was more valuable than any of their lives.

So for a year and a day the necromancer worked building a fortress temple from the stones of the earth, the darkest granite to match the black and deep blues of the night and the relic. A stepped pyramid four layers tall is crafted and on top is a shrine of elegant stone. One of the fox spirits left with the necromancer once he completed his work going to find a place and study the difference in the souls of the Rocacrustas and the Fox Spirits. The other two fox spirits remain at the shrine and watch over the kimono wearing pale imitations that they weave of grass and dye with inks of fungi. Yet this was not a simple story of a deal finished as made for when the necromancer made to gather her soul the spirit danced away from any attack or declaration of obligation. She had promised him her soul and not her life, he did not have the right to take the latter as such so must wait for her passing to collect the former.

A Mortal in appearance, Prentis was designed and created by the god that takes the name of Skii as his first Disciple, to learn to seek Glory in His name, and as such is a tall man, to better see opportunities, with hair the Golden colour of Glory, to show his allegiance to Skii, a handsome face, with which to charm many women to propagate his lineage to serve Skii, and a powerful physique, enough to place him well beyond the peak of what a Mortal is capable of, in order to better earn Glory in Skii's name.

Through his personal hand in his creation, Prentis's Soul is bound directly to Skii and rather than returning to the cycle of Reincarnation like other Souls, to have his deeds washed away, Prentis instead returns to Skii upon death, where a new incarnation is prepared for him for his next life, his memories blurry and distant as they are stored only in his soul, rather than in both soul and flesh, but enough to provide him an advantage in his new life, and the knowledge of his previous selves. In the event there is no race bearing similar traits to Prentis to be reborn into, Skii simply remakes his body wholly, birthing him into the world as a young man. As a side effect of its exposure to Divinity, Prentis's Soul is resistant to tampering from beings other than Skii.

Skill is born to a barren world with few places that are vibrant. The golden haired man and the agent of Skii quickly makes his way to one of the gardens. There he finds the fox spirits who were tending the garden, by his charm he convinces them to the worship of Skii. The green spirits are unwilling to break their covenant with the Vidal so they leave the garden in the hands of Prentis. Yet Prentis is not an idle sort and once the garden is set to task he takes a handful of his closest friends among the Fox Spirits to go into the mountains and determine the nature of the folk that lives there.

Another new god by the name of Aoes works on their own creation alongside the whispering chorus. A golden, almost ephemeral, seed smaller than a grain of sand. It will float on the winds until it lands upon someone with the strength of will to stand up for what they think is right. When it does, the seed will enter their body and come to rest in their heart where it will begin to germinate. As the seed matures, thin, almost invisible, metaphysical golden roots will spread throughout the bearer's body, granting increasing strength and vitality as the seed grows.

The rate at which the seed grows is dependent on how strongly the bearer is fighting for their beliefs to the point that compromising their beliefs can even reverse the seed's growth. The seed of a bearer whose beliefs are never challenged will barely grow beyond being a seed while a bearer who regularly fights against far superior threats for their beliefs would find their seed growing so fast it would be visible to the naked eye. Consequently, the former would be barely any different from a normal person while the latter would be a legendary hero.

If a bearer ever truly betrays their own beliefs, the seed will immediately abandon them, floating off and leaving the roots but taking most of its power with it. It's possible for people who have lost their seed to slowly recover their power by sticking to their beliefs again and training but it's a long process and they will never reach heights they touched before much less surpass them.

When the bearer dies, the seed will detach from its roots and the body before floating away to find a new host. The seed first finds root in Stone Mover a skilled miner of the Rocacrustas who had been turned from his passion of earth work to the arts of war. He was a direct fellow who only wished to guard what he held dear from the shifting chaos of the many wars that sprung up around his village. When the seed planted itself at first there was no way to note its presence, then the first battle was fought and when he drove off golems with his pick in one hand and a shield, simple wood in the other he began to grow. The first battle he was only as strong as another of his kind, but by the time he began to determine the only way to protect his village from the frightened warlords, and the necromancers of the deep was to take the fight to them he had the power of three of his kin and his simple tools had the power of crafts worthy of the sage smiths of the era.

It was at that time a strange creature escorted by foxes arrived at the village. He had heard from other Rocacrustas in the lowlands of powerful warriors and dangerous armies this way and in the name of a foreign God the golden haired man called Skii he wished to challenge himself against them. So as the time of these changes draws to a close the avatar of glory and the seed of heroism come together to overthrow a land of tyrants.

The Yellow Gardener is born of Insomnia, a creature of yellow, corn-colored grass that derives its nourishment from the sun and water, similar to other plants. However, unlike other plants, this dizzy gardener undergoes asexual reproduction after finding a "satisfactory" spot (meaning a high concentration of water, light, but most importantly, things that can dream and worry), it roots down in the earth and transforms into grass. This grass passively absorbs worries and nightmares from those nearby, even luring them to sleep on it, communicating with the souls and consciousness using necromancy. However, it can only do so effectively as it matures and grows larger. Animals with larger souls, such as elephants, require more Sleepy Grass to be affected compared to those with smaller souls, like rats. It can reproduce with regular grass.

The gardener finds that the best places for it to sleep is taken by the gardens and the fox spirits and green spirits are willing to take it in, so the gardens end the age a mix of yellow and green grass with a thousand varieties of mushrooms within them tended to by unseen spirits and playful trickster foxes.

The Dead Mother is born with a creature in mind, their creation is a creature and a disease that would plague the land but the whispers are distracted and do not craft with the Dead Mother leaving her creation unformed and boiling away into the either she was crafting it from.

Two gods take names though they do not act in this time they are Tergum and Plesydomira perhaps we shall see what they craft in the time to come.

The world moves and the green sun tends to a multitude of gardens life growing rapidly both in the peninsula and perhaps some beyond the eyes of the gods. The turtles tend to themselves, the Rocacrustas are collapsed into endless paranoid wars, and the fox spirits aid the lifestar in tending to its gardens. Mushrooms sprout both small and larger twice over than the Rocacrustas deep in their mountain homes. The relics of the God's are rare and powerful but not yet have been brought to violent means. There are a number of craftsmen learning the arts in seclusion as necromancers build armies of golems and soul bound contraptions to defend their lands and ply deeper into the mysteries of the world. Now a new period of this age has past and the gods begin their work again, the sap of the divine flowing through them.
Chaos, I fell ill at such an inopportune moment! Ok, to whom should I bring my next gift and to whom tell my name? Need to think... Tomorrow.​

Thanks for an update, @Planetary Tennis. Good night people.
Up The Ante
-[<>]- Up The Ante -[<>]-

Humming a jaunty tune and sporting a sharp golden grin, I --ANTE-- began crafting in this mountain cave what would soon be my loyal minions. I started off by taking a few scattered rocks using clawed hands and shaped them into what looked like a rouge statue of a bipedal crustacean. As they were shaped into a few more prototypes with similar shapes, I began to reminisce about what happened before coming to this world. . .

When me mate's and I started plotting against the Prime (prick) God, oh my cold heart was filled with joy and when we all managed to actually steal that seed of divinity! Oh fuckin priceless (and Ante doesn't use that word carelessly, since he can put a price on most things)! I'll make sure to savor that memory for a long time. . . But enough daydreaming! Time to focus on my crowning jewel!

Hm. . . There wasn't any bloody life last I checked, so let's specialize them into getting energy from whats actually available, Rocks (and metals)! Chemicals and sunlight are an option too I suppose, but probably better to just focus on rocks right now. Perhaps the rocks they eat could be used to help form or harden their "exoskeletons" too? Thoughts for later.

OH OH! With Mnemmy and Psolly up and about I should make sure I can keep track of these little fellas' souls, just in case. I'll name them Rocacrustas (rock shells) and since they'll be working for me, probably labor mostly, they'll be the Spades of Ante!

Alrighty, ready to kick things off and start making a whole lot of the little fuckers. Showtime!
…But them a nap, because bloody hell this was exhausting…!

AN: This was my first time actually writing an omake, hope people enjoyed it and I didn't fuck it up somehow.
Regarding Ante I imagined him as a big guy, but I don't have much of an idea about what he'd actually look like besides a few little things like a wide sharp mouth of teeth that look golden. As for personality though I imagined him as pretty greedy and upbeat/energetic.
My preview for the next turn:
[] Fox Fortress Bathouse

The Feathered Fox Tailed Weaver, Is pleased with the care the Foxes put into guarding the Kimono and even making a shrine! Delighted with Foxes and worried about the growing possibility of war, the Deity rewards the shrine guardians with a safe place:

The Fox Fortress Bathouse. A stronghold that also functions as a place of leisure, beautiful decorated with painted Paper screens that make the walls and doors depicting foxes playing. Ghostly green fire, shining inside the paper lantern to iluminante the place to inside hotsprings, filled with their own unique settings like bubbles, flowers scented, healing herbs or simple water!

Despiste Its ornate appearence, its not a fragile building. Magicaly enhanced to withstand any attack either physical or magical.
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[X] The High Priest
-[X] Authored Act
The High Priest is a nearly seven feet tall humanoid with pitch black eyes and bright red skin and hair whose teeth are fused together into two gleaming lines of shining silver. The High Priest shall never grow old or age in any way.

She is a fanatic servant of the Panoply of Mayhem, The Corpse-God Psol'bzaengoth and Skii of Glory, who can hear the voices of the Gods as they talk amongst themselves and feel their actions when they act, bolstering her powers is the fact that she's an amazingly talented Wild Splinter Mage.

[X] Create Vulcadalus

[X] Soul-keeper Flora Playset

[X] Creation of Glory Magic

[X] Divine Act: Wild Splinters
A Splinter is a fragment of a wild mage's soul (This could be anything from their anger or fear to something like compassion or greed or patriotism as long as it's a significant part of their personality) combined together with a fragment of the mage's arcane talents (nothing as broad as combat magic but not necessarily as narrow as eye lasers)

This process turns the splinter into its own separate personality, shaped by the magical focus as well as that specific fragment of the mage's personality, this process grants the mage almost complete safety from the typical dangers of wild magic but also forces the mage to appease the splinter, who might attempt to steal the original's body if sufficiently slighted or ignored. Naturally this process becomes much harder if the mage produces multiple splinters who will often disagree with each other.

Additionally this process also effects the talent, a fire born of rage will look and have different properties from one born of greed (good luck keeping rage in a campfire and have fun getting greed to let go of its fuel)

Any thoughts?



I owe both of you actions this turn so let me know when you chose what to make
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[X] Creation of Glory Magic
-[X] Authored Act
Glory Magic is a form of Magic which draws on the power present in a beings Soul. By channelling the power inherent in their Soul, the body is passively enhanced, becoming stronger, tougher, having a hardier constitution and greater vitality, allowing them to weather disease and endure age more gracefully, and their reflexes, perception, and dexterity improve, allowing for a single warrior to keep track of and match an entire group of foes in combat, or pin a distant foe to a wall with a thrown spear, and enhances the mind to be able to process all this information and make swift tactical decisions on the battlefield. When actively channelled, Glory Magic allows its users to create golden Constructs, based upon the image the user has in their mind at its creation, be it additional arms, a pair of functional wings, or a spear as sharp as any they have wielded, but they fade a mere handful of seconds after leaving contact with their creator. Training in the use of Constructs can allow for the development of a wide variety of techniques.

The Soul is strengthened through the collection of information, whether it be learning from a book, the memory of a hard days work, or a first kiss, these details (henceforth called Deeds) empowering the soul with their weight, and allowing for greater strength to be drawn from Glory Magic, whether it be greater passive enhancements or larger and stronger Constructs. Greater Deeds, such as single-handedly besting an army, or slaying a great beast, hold more weight, and therefore, give more power to the Soul of the user.

In the event a Necromancer uses their magic to siphon Deeds from the Soul of one being into that of another, the process inherently twists and corrupts the beings Glory Magic, turning it into Vile Magic, the Golden Light of Glory replaced with a dark, sickly purple, and the passive enhancements and Constructs become unstable, the imbalance in attributes causing those so empowered to become clumsy, prone to breaking objects due to lacking the dexterity to control their strength, or themselves, due to lacking the reflexes to avoid slamming into walls when running at full speed. Their Constructs, too, do not form correctly, rather than the finely shaped tools of a Glory Magic practitioner, a Vile Magic user can only form blunt clumps of power, bludgeons and oversized claymores the most delicate their stolen power can manage.

[X] Divine Act: Skii descends upon the mortal world as a cloaked figure, his body underneath made of pure starlight, and trains Prentis and his followers in the ways of battle, adventuring, wilderness survival, the definitions of Glory, and how to use Glory Magic. Just before he leaves, he warns his followers of the dark depredations of Necromancy, and blesses Prentis's followers with a streak of Gold in their fur, to symbolise their connection to him.

Supported Acts:
[X] The High Priest
[X] Soul-keeper Flora Playset
[X] Eternal Monsters
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[X] Creation of Glory Magic
-[X] Authored Act
Glory Magic is a form of Magic which draws on the power present in a beings Soul. By channelling the power inherent in their Soul, the body is passively enhanced, becoming stronger, tougher, having a hardier constitution and greater vitality, allowing them to weather disease and endure age more gracefully, and their reflexes, perception, and dexterity improve, allowing for a single warrior to keep track of and match an entire group of foes in combat, or pin a distant foe to a wall with a thrown spear, and enhances the mind to be able to process all this information and make swift tactical decisions on the battlefield. When actively channelled, Glory Magic allows its users to create golden Constructs, based upon the image the user has in their mind at its creation, be it additional arms, a pair of functional wings, or a spear as sharp as any they have wielded, but they fade a mere handful of seconds after leaving contact with their creator. Training in the use of Constructs can allow for the development of a wide variety of techniques.

The Soul is strengthened through the collection of information, whether it be learning from a book, the memory of a hard days work, or a first kiss, these details (henceforth called Deeds) empowering the soul with their weight, and allowing for greater strength to be drawn from Glory Magic, whether it be greater passive enhancements or larger and stronger Constructs. Greater Deeds, such as single-handedly besting an army, or slaying a great beast, hold more weight, and therefore, give more power to the Soul of the user.

In the event a Necromancer uses their magic to siphon Deeds from the Soul of one being into that of another, the process inherently twists and corrupts the beings Glory Magic, turning it into Vile Magic, the Golden Light of Glory replaced with a dark, sickly purple, and the passive enhancements and Constructs become unstable, the imbalance in attributes causing those so empowered to become clumsy, prone to breaking objects due to lacking the dexterity to control their strength, or themselves, due to lacking the reflexes to avoid slamming into walls when running at full speed. Their Constructs, too, do not form correctly, rather than the finely shaped tools of a Glory Magic practitioner, a Vile Magic user can only form blunt clumps of power, bludgeons and oversized claymores the most delicate their stolen power can manage.

[X] Divine Act: Skii descends upon the mortal world as a cloaked figure, his body underneath made of pure starlight, and trains Prentis and his followers in the ways of battle, adventuring, wilderness survival, the definitions of Glory, and how to use Glory Magic. Just before he leaves, he warns his followers of the dark depredations of Necromancy, and blesses Prentis's followers with a streak of Gold in their fur, to symbolise their connection to him.
Voting's closed for another couple of hours or so
I like it! Sad that the necromancers are already the baddies.

And looks like my little gardener didn't affect anyone, but whatever. Maybe I will do something else to them next.

Also fell like I should trie to bring a little bit of rest to them, so might find something to take advantage of so many restless nights and maybe get some faith!
I like it! Sad that the necromancers are already the baddies.

And looks like my little gardener didn't affect anyone, but whatever. Maybe I will do something else to them next.

Also fell like I should trie to bring a little bit of rest to them, so might find something to take advantage of so many restless nights and maybe get some faith!

Turns out mixing people who play with the dead and paranoia isn't a good time.

Ante have a Omakes vote thing.
Authored Act

[X] Create Vulcadalus

A humanoid bird man with feathers the color of steel and flame. Their life is linked to the Forge of The Everflame, so long as it's flame burns, Vulcadalus will not perish even should his every bone be broken, the last drop of blood spilled, and his head removed from his neck. Instead he will simply burst into the fires of the forge and reconstruct himself back into peak health. He is given a grandmaster's knowledge of smithing and the ability to discern the ideal armor and weapon for anyone their eyes fall upon. They can access the Forge of the Everflame wherever they might be, opening a portal or simply teleporting to the Forge. They can masterfully wield any weapon they create.

Vulcadalus is charged with both defending the Forge or The Everflame from those who would use its power for dark purposes, to aid heroes and champions who stand against those same individuals, spread the name of The Forge Lord to those who would listen, and to teach future smiths the art of the forge so that it may never die out.

[X] Divine Act: Support Create Vulcadalus


[X] Temple of All Divine
[X] The Heart to Lead Man

[X] The High Priest

Everyone should know that if you support my act then I'll add you to the list of people The High Priest worships
Support my Bird Dude and I shall do so.
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Took me a bit to come up with what my authored act would be and hopefully my divine act unites the Spades & gets them to star worshipping Ante more.

[X] Earth Magic (Greater Act)
This form of magic has many possible applications from letting the user swim through the ground like water, turning lead to gold, making it much harder for them to be harmed, making metal repair itself over time, and more as long as it relates to the earth (dirt, rock, metal, etc.).
-[X] Authored Act

Supported Actions
[x] Cotten Clouds Reef
[X] Bond 'Magic'
[X] Just A Simple River

[X] [Divine Act: Minor] Ante's Champion
Oh boy, Ante is pretty pissed that he came back to his Spades infighting, so he's gonna bless one of them with the intention of them uniting a lot of the Rocacrustas as his champion. Ante isn't just going to randomly throw this blessing out willy-nilly though, he will instead look for a candidate whom can be ruthless but know not to bite the hand that feeds them (although if there aren't any with those qualities then just having the potential to grow that way is fine too) and preferably already in a place of authority too. Regarding the blessing it should make the champion much stronger & cunning compared to any of the other Rocacrustas, a slightly extended lifespan, the confidence to not give up on their god given mission, have great talent for using earth magic, and they now be able to dispel magic or at least weaken the supernatural at will. And what heck, since they'll be doing Ante's will, a lesser version of this blessing can be inherited by their children.
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[X] "The cloth of the soul"
-[X] Authored Act
What is Skin? Regardless of the answer, one thing is certain, it holds a special place in soul magics. Be it a scaled hide or a glossy carapace, skin repels foreign soul-matter, making it the ideal material for defending against necromancers or capturing souls.

[X] Divinity: Tergum supports "The cloth of the soul"

Supported Acts
[X] Zavar (Emotion-Eaters)
[X] Fox Fortress Bathouse
[X] The Umbral Hosts
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[X] Temple of All Divine
-[X] Authored Act
The Grand Temple of the Pantheon stands as a magnificent testament to the collective faith and diverse beliefs that unite worshipers in their reverence for the gods. Its architecture, a harmonious blend of styles inspired by cultures across the realms, reflects the multifaceted nature of the pantheon, embodying the rich tapestry of traditions and customs embraced by its followers. Within its hallowed halls lies the Inner Sanctum—the heart of devotion—a sanctuary where the mortal realm converges with the divine. Here, the Hall of Pantheon welcomes visitors with its celestial dome adorned with constellations, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the grand chamber below. Shrines dedicated to each deity line the walls, meticulously crafted to capture the essence of their domains, from the serene tranquility of Mnemosyne's alcove to the vibrant opulence of Annatar's gift-laden shrine. As visitors traverse the grand chambers and winding corridors, they are enveloped in an atmosphere of reverence and awe, their spirits uplifted by the collective energy of faith and devotion that permeates the temple's sacred walls. Within this sacred space, worshipers from all walks of life shall gather to pay homage to their chosen deities, seeking solace, guidance, and enlightenment in the presence of the divine.
[X] Divinity (Act): The Abyss
Upon the mortal's demise, a peculiar phenomenon unfolds, as if time itself were compelled to pay homage to the gods they served in life. For each deity worshiped, the soul embarks on a journey spanning a day and night, during which it undergoes a gradual leakage of its essence. This leakage, an amalgamation of memories, knowledge, and the very essence of being, seeps downward, cascading through the labyrinthine network of caves and caverns that weave beneath the earth's surface. Over time, these droplets of soul substance coalesce, forming a vast and swirling sea of ethereal energy beneath the realm.

The amalgamation of countless minds, swirling in proximity to the void beyond reality's veil, catalyzes a transformation in the soul energy. It twists and contorts, evolving into something far more potent than the mundane spiritual energies found elsewhere. This transformation is no mere happenstance; it is a sacred alchemy guided by the grand spirits of Psol'bzaengoth, the First Ghosts. At the inception of this grand wellspring, one of these ancient spirits merges its essence into the swirling mass, serving as both its protector and wielder.

This wellspring, now infused with the essence of Psol'bzaengoth, is known as the Abyssal Essence. Its nature is as volatile as it is potent, capable of reshaping reality itself under the deft manipulation of a skilled necromancer. Through intricate rituals and arcane techniques, practitioners of the necromantic arts can tap into this wellspring, drawing forth its energies to bend the very fabric of existence to their will. However, such power does not come without a price.

The Abyssal Essence is a force of malevolence, its influence seeping into the minds and souls of those who dare to wield it. Necromancers who delve too deeply into its depths risk losing themselves to madness, their identities consumed by the abyssal energies they sought to control. It is a perilous dance with darkness, where the line between mastery and servitude blurs with each step taken into the abyss. Yet, for those brave enough to tread its treacherous path, the Abyssal Essence offers untold power and dominion over the forces of life and death, beckoning them with promises of ultimate mastery and eternal darkness.
Supported Acts:
[X] The High Priest
[X] Earth Magic (Greater Act)
[X] Create Vulcadalus
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Vidal - Greater God
Plants for the Plant God

[X] Soul-keeper Flora Playset
This playset, the second of the two ecosystem-defining intended for this region, will encourage the developments of heroes and villains.

This berry bush appears seedless and rather sweet, with a slightly tangy aftertaste upon initial analysis. Upon closer examination, it can be found that the seeds are instead extremely small, and are slow to slide from the esophagus to the stomach. Despite this, suffocation as a result of this mechanism is rare. Instead, the seed is intended to remain in the throat or it's equivalent upon the death of an individual who has consumed a berry recently. Following a decently long time without motion, the seed will take root in the decomposed flesh and rapidly absorb and decay it, leaving the now-grown vines to puppet the skeleton.

Upon reaching this stage of maturation, the plant will attempt to rise from the grave, in search of returning to it's initial berry bush. Upon reaching it, the bush will untangle it's thorny center and present a bush seed, which will be carried by the puppet to arable land, and planted. Following this, the vines crush the skeleton into powder and commit suicide to provide fertilizer to the nascent berry bush.

This willow tree has a cage-like root system, and a pale light seems to shine from the gaps between its tendrils. They are said to house the emotions and burdens of the restless dead, and perhaps even their souls. They come in two known varieties:

Weeping Willow-the-Wisps are typically found in places of great betrayal, such as the murder of a lover, or the betrayal of a general. It takes significant emotional weight for them to grow. Before they mature, they rely on the remnant emotions and willpower left from their birthing event, and the emotions felt by those toward the event. Upon maturation, they begin to send out seed-pods in the shape of gnarled paper lanterns, glowing an eerie blue light. These seed-pods seek out the dead and the living alike who have suffered grave betrayals or carry heavy negative emotion, and offer to guide them back to the main tree, where the Willow will feast on the negative emotions and memories, and those betrayed will start again with new life. Occasionally, people will be found with tear marks under a Weeping WIllow missing chunks of memories.

Merry Willow-the-Wisps are typically found in places of great joy, such as the place of a marriage, or outside the house of a skilled and kind apothecary. These trees take in the light of the sun and the negative emotions felt nearby and radiate comfort and peace. They are typically seen as boons to communities, and are friends of healers of all sorts. Upon maturation, the tree will begin to send out seed-pods in the form of majestic paper lanterns that shine a comforting orange. They will guide the lost, the wounded, and broken alike back to the main tree, where the tree will have some form of mundane or magical support for those guided. It is said that a marriage arranged by a Merry Willow will last beyond lifetimes.

Whisperbark trees are among the most dangerous forests in the realm. Resembling Birch trees in appearance, a Whisperbark forest will always appear to be covered in a thin layer of snow, surrounded by a thick fog and under constant cloud cover, these leafless trees invoke a depressing atmosphere. Absorbing the will to live through their bark as a tree's leaves would air, entering a Whisperbark forest without significant preparation is little more than a death sentence. Their bark produces a toxin that will induce mild auditory and visual hallucinations, while their roots slowly chip away at the souls of their victims, to be stored as sap.

Whisperbark trees reproduce at an alarming rate unless curtailed by the presence of a Merry or Weeping Willow, who are both able to reliably outcompete them in established territory. This is in part due to their extreme flammability, which is why they summon constant cloud cover and bring down blizzards on themselves to maintain their casing of snow. This is a tactic frequently used to entrap prey, the majority of which being lost or seeking their sap, which is the only currently known substance capable of recovering damage to one's soul.

This flower blooms from the graves of the recently-dead, especially those who had maintained strong emotional connections to the currently-living. A black and pulsating blue rose in appearance, this flower remains tightly furled after sprouting from atop a grave mound. Upon being touched, it suddenly untenses, releasing a last message from the departed. It's generally considered a crime or transgression to touch the Widow's Rose of a stranger.

This family of plants absorbs sunlight at an extreme rate, resulting in little to no light reflecting back as color, causing it to become more or less a void in the shape of a plant. It secretes an extremely deadly powder that typically leads to blindness within 3-4 hours if left untreated, with symptoms of blackening sclera beginning from the outer edges of the eye, until resulting in the eyes turning into pitch-black voids. After 2-3 days, following a progression of veins turning black from the toxin spreading, death is inevitable.

Significant kinetic trauma can result in the stored light being emitted akin to a lightbulb, resulting in a burst of light of varying intensity, depending on the level of force used.

Also known as Halloweed and Ascending Ivy, this symbiotic vine appears to be on fire, but is actually only slightly warm to the touch. Constantly burning its own soul instinctually, it can spark a faster growth in the soul of its host, shortening the time necessary for its soul to grow, resulting in its host generally being more robust or powerful. On pseudo- or pre-sapient races and the like, enough time could lead to the emergence of true intelligence.

This comes at a steep cost, however. The short-term losses in nutrition in energy will often outright kill the host before it has the chance to grow, and the Erdvine essentially acts without a soul, constantly burning its experiences as it creates them. Dead Erdvine is sometimes collected and refined for use as a growth aid or as a temporary enhancer for necromantic rituals and strength.

[X] Divinity Action: Make an Act: Population Growth Playset

This colorful flower is plentiful among sunlit-plains. It possesses an impeccable sense of style and color theory, different varieties of colors often working together to form dazzling patterns, and individual flowers dying out with the seasons to be replaced with ones more appropriate for the newer season. During the night, they gently glow and seem to dance with the wind.

Certain colors of Glory have special abilities or effects, and tend to become more potent as the color of the petals becomes more vibrant and deeper. The current known especially charming abilities would be: Red and White, for temperature tolerance, Blue, for hydrophobic and wind-resistant properties, Yellow, for additional sun absorption, Green and Purple for bioluminescence, and Orange for fire retardant properties.

An abundant and widely available grain that is chock-full of all sorts of nourishing nutrients and vital energy. Unfortunately, having an insufficient soul to handle this vital energy tends to make one go boom, resulting in a puddle of gore. There's been some success in diluting it to be safe to eat for older mundane folk, but it hasn't been nearly good enough to be the key to solving hunger so far. This grain is incredibly hardy, able to survive in all but the most extreme environments, and sometimes even those as well.

Orbles are a unique kind of fruit-bearing flower. They are seen to grow in large groups of varying sizes referred to as Nects, but in reality, Nects are the result of a singular plant, connected underground. A singular Orble will lay dormant on the ground, it's petals splayed on the ground in overlapping patterns, so as to maximize it's surface area. At the center of the plant is a cluster of delicious bubbles of fruity nectar, that pop upon being pierced. When this cluster is disturbed in any manner, the splayed petals will suddenly tightly curl up around itself, revealing the sharp edges of the thin leaves. This, more often than not, will result the death of whatever creature is trying to grab some of the bubbles, due to both being crushed by the tightening of the leaves, and dashed to pieces by their edges.

A Nect of Orbles forms when an Orble is able to plant itself in an are with sufficient traffic and prey, slowly growing from the size of a sheet of paper when splayed to the size of a rug, whereupon it will begin to shift it's core, typically just below ground level, deeper into the earth and branch off more Orble flowers, turning what would initially be an area with high traffic into a kill zone. When the Orble begins to run out of prey due to learned behavior or overhunting, the core deep underground will begin to shift towards the fringes of the Nect, where prey is still existent. Upon reaching it, it will cut off the rest of it's Nect, leaving the clusters behind and unguarded, in an attempt to draw prey back in, repeating the cycle from it's smaller size.

If it cannot find prey before it dies of starvation, the Orble will drain it's cluster and core, before filling up the shriveled film with new Orble seeds, and launching them out at high speeds to eventually find root in a place with more prey and better soil. This is lethal to the initial Orble, and does not leave behind the cluster of bubbles.

This tree has an incredibly unstable genome, occasionally changing what fruits it's flowering whilst in the middle of blossoming. Whereas the general nutritional content of the fruits of this plant will remain more-or-less the same, the flavor, texture, shape, size, and density all rapidly change from tree to tree, and occasionally from fruit to fruit.

This tree is relatively quick to grow, but is liable to perish as soon as its fruits are picked, ensuring a constant variety of different kinds of fruits. Breeding Anytrees for largest fruits or strangest shape is a common pastime amongst rural villages, and children will often collect strange or odd-tasting fruit to challenge friends to eat.

Gemberries are one of the more relatively benign species of plants. Found in bushes matching the typical coloring of the kind of mineral the berries resemble(Diamond, Ruby, Topaz, Bismuth, Quartz, Amber, etc.), trace amounts of said precious minerals can be found suffused in the delicacy. In general, the rarer the mineral, the tastier and more nutritious the berries are. Gemberries are known to be the bane of treasure hunters, as it means that the bush has already absorbed the majority of nearby gems.

A type of weed distantly related to the Gemberry bush, Razorleaf are the bane of civilization, and a common garden pest. This metallic plant takes in nearby minerals, such as the metals used in housing, or those found deep within mines, and refines them into a sharpened alloy. If left undetected, a Razorleaf plant will be able to rapidly spread and develop its unique alloy based on nearby metals, slowly growing its own weaponry as a defense mechanism.

Supporting Acts:
[X] Creation of Glory Magic
[X] Medicine Kit
[X[ Magicite Crystals
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[X] Fox Fortress Bathouse
-[X] Authored

The Feathered Fox Tailed Weaver, Is pleased with the care the Foxes put into guarding the Kimono and even making a shrine! Delighted with Foxes and worried about the growing possibility of war, the Deity rewards the shrine guardians with a safe place:

The Fox Fortress Bathouse. A stronghold that also functions as a place of leisure, beautiful decorated with painted Paper screens that make the walls and doors depicting foxes everyday activities. Ghostly green fire, shining inside the paper lantern iluminantes the place without fuel. The of the Bathouse being the inside hotsprings, filled with their own unique settings like bubbles, flowers scented, healing herbs or simple water!

Despiste Its ornate appearence, its not a fragile building. Magicaly enhanced to withstand any attack either physical or magical.

In the Heart of the Building hidden to all minus Its guardians, lies a small shrine to the Feathered Fox Tailed Weaver, with an array of illusion anchored on it, the Shrine Foxes have total control of the array and can use it to cast mass illusions in the outside or inside the Building.

Other locations in the Fox Fortress Bathouse include but not limited to: Bedrooms, Feasting Hall, Inner courtyard, Kitchen and a sealed VIP room reserved to the Weaver.

Divine Action:
[X] Divinity: Feathered Fox Tailed Weaver (Minor God) boosts Fox Fortress Bathouse.

[X] "The cloth of the soul"
By @SleepyCaterpilar

[X] Reincarnation
By @Kurohyo
[X] Everybody Wants a Box of Chocolate
By @Andre Chaos
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Authored Act (Aiming for Major+) (Locura, Patron of Madness):
[X] Zavar (Emotion-Eaters)
-[X] Authored Act

(Locura's Reason for their existence / Very basic TLDR)
To cause madness in others via the creation of a race of creatures that manifest in darkness and hunt sources of emotional turmoil (sometimes creating a feedback loop), whilst also ever-changing/avoiding being cast within light, such that their appearance is nearly always different in varying encounters, so as to make their existence hard to verify beyond firsthand encounters when paired with their avoidance of light/being seen.

(Important: Definition of 'emotional turmoil')
In this act, 'emotional turmoil' refers to the extreme ends of the emotional spectrum. This could be anywhere from someone grieving/mourning, to someone feeling like they are ontop of the world/experiencing jubilation. Someone that is slightly upset or feeling a little bit of joy, do not count as 'emotional turmoil' in this context unless that emotion stems from a sparsely populated region (Less individuals means a target's emotions more easily throw things 'out-of-balance'/equilbrium. That is to say, isolated pockets of life/civilisation will be more likely to be considered places of 'great emotional turmoil' than more populated areas, as the 'bar' for what qualifies as 'emotional turmoil' in a region, becomes significantly easier to move the less individuals are present, thus, more able to be moved out of 'equilibrium.'

(Important: Definition of 'magically-inflicted wounds')
In this act, 'magically-inflicted' wounds relate to wounds caused by magic imbued with some property of light specifically. While they can still be damaged magically and physically, it is magical attacks imbued with some form of light, that are specifically considered, magically-inflicted when it comes to wounds, with the wounds not being capable of being healed when the Zavar retreat into darkness.

(Esoteric Description)
A result of Locura's initial machinations with instantiating a 'Fear of Obscurity,' (moreso, a fear of the Unknown), the Zavar manifest (they do not reproduce, they just manifest into existence) near places of great emotional turmoil in very low-light level conditions– typically during the darkest hours of the night when they are most cloaked in the shadows of darkness. While they can consume nutrients as a sort-of carnivore, their metabolism when doing so is not very efficient. Rather– the Zavar acquire most of their nutrition in using a strange sort of esoteric-magic to feed off Emotions and convert them to nutrients. The Zavar typically feed off of emotions in one of two ways, depending on the type of emotion. When it comes to negative emotions, the Zavar can (and will often) feed off of them just by being nearby, passively draining that emotion (at a slow rate) such that the subject's emotional state gradually drifts back to an equilibrium (in the sense that someone sad might slowly become more 'happy'-- but in the sense of no longer being as sad, not actually becoming 'happy.'). When it comes to positive emotions, however… the Zavar cannot feed off of them passively. Whether by flaw or by design, the Zavar must feed off of these emotions literally and physically– pouncing on their targets and drawing blood, positive emotions being drained away faster the longer a contiguous part of their target is within the creature's maw (ie, the longer the Zavar is actively biting down on someone). This effect (the emotions actively being drained) ceases as soon as their target is free from their maw, either having lost that part of their body, the Zavar have had their fill, the target has become 'emotionally drained' back to an equilibrium (or plunged into negative emotions when it comes to positive emotions), or the Zavar has been warded off. In the absence of a sufficient quantity of any kind of light (when things are dark enough you can hardly even see silhouettes), the Zavar is capable of stitching together any non-magical, non-light-inflicted, wounds its recently suffered using the emotional-energies it had managed to drain away. Additionally… the Zavar may begin to change… ever so slightly (these changes can 'stack' several times over before they begin to replace/reset the change that has been present the longest, with the exception of 'changes' that cannot be healed over/replaced as a result of light/magically-inflicted wounds). These changes could include (but are not limited to) the presence of an additional horn or sharper spikes… maybe a more angular head, or slight discolourations/patterns in the colour of their flesh… maybe a longer tail, or shorter forelimbs, maybe the addition of vestigial legs/limbs or the vestigial frames of wings (vestigial, not actually usable)... etc, there's always something different about them that you can never be sure how many of the creatures are out there, or if they're the same type of creature or something different.

(Physical Description)
The Zavar are… not your typical sort-of animal. Typically manifesting in the form of a mammalian-esque quadruped with hardened flesh, the Zavar stand on clawed feet with digitigrade toes, and a swaying tail that ends in a spiked ball. The front two legs of the Zavar are somewhat hefty and longer than those of its hindlimbs, leaving the Zavar to typically look hunched over. The almost ovular head of the Zavar is attached to a (relatively) longish neck holding a large spiked jaw ('taller' than it is wider) with jagged teeth jutting inwards (almost like a bird) with two narrow horns mounted atop its head a pair of unseeing side-eyes. The Zavar itself is relatively plain and featureless, possessing neither hair, nor scales, nor feathers, nor fur of any kind. What might on first glance appear to be small bits of hair lining the creature's spine down to its tail are instead miniscule spikes arching backwards. The creature itself takes on an almost translucent pale-pinkish colour (when illuminated by light).

The Zavar have remarkably terrible eyesight (and other senses to match), rather, they direct themselves based off of magnitude and quantity of emotional distress (any emotions that are a fair bit past what would be a regular 'equilibrium'). A small settlement of grieving settlers, would be 'targeted' over a singular individual jubilantly dancing in a forest (albiet… if said individual was near the settlement, the Zavar might passively drain the settlement's emotions whilst hunting that individual). When it comes to how Zavar interact with one another socially, rare as it is for multiple to be in the same area unless there is a source of great emotional turmoil nearby, the Zavar will typically react cooperatively as a sort of pack as they hone in on the target. If the target is exhibiting positive-emotions, their cooperation comes to an end as soon as the target's blood is spilled, the creature's (somewhat) fighting for the chance to feast upon the target's emotions. When it comes to negative-emotions… their cooperation typically remains in place; The creatures endeavouring to 'protect' the nearby area from what they perceive as sources of physical harm/light whilst they passively drain their target(s) of negative-emotions. Due to a nascent association of Necromantic Energies/Necromancy with negative emotions (resulting from the brewing war and turmoil when it comes to Necromancy)-- Necromancers may find themselves 'aided/protected' by the Zavar.

Perhaps a result of their appearance and some semblance of intelligence in recognising that their avoidance of light-- them hiding in the darkness, can inspire fear and other negative emotions (in that their appearance/silhouette/form being hidden from view cause instill fear), the Zavar (when it comes to negative emotions), may (not often, but sometimes) attempt to remain fully in the darkness and terrify their targets with distant haunting shrieks and swift movements out of the periphery of their targets' view, such that they can maintain a continuous cycle of passively draining their targets of negative emotion whilst also instilling it once more into their targets. While the Zavar may do this on occasion, they rarely physically assault their targets unless they bring about a source of physical harm/light, or are in an 'emotional-high' when it comes to positive emotions.

(Reactions towards Light)
There is… another aspect to the Zavar that should be noted. The Zavar reacts very harshly to the very presence of natural light, magical lighting, and the attention of the LifeStar. While these creatures can be warded off through physical harm alone, the presence of natural (light emanating from the realm's celestial star) or magical lighting (or the attention of the LifeStar) can physically burn and scar the flesh of these creatures. The longer they are exposed to such lighting, the more parts of their flesh begin to molt/slough off. Such pain is… excruciating to the Zavar, often times resulting in harsh shrieks from the Zavar as they flee towards whatever darkness they can find. When it comes to 'artificial' light, that is, light not stemming from what could be considered a Star or magically induced light, or the attention of the Lifestar, the effects are substantially different. While in very significant quantities, the same effects could be achieved as non-artificial light, the presence of artificial light is not nearly as sufficient when it comes to deterring or warding off the Zavar. Rather, the slight pain inflicted from the artificial lighting (and physical pain itself) can instead serve to enrage the Zavar against the source of such lighting/pain (with the unfortunate side-effect of 'collateral damage' against anyone bearing/causing such lighting even if they wouldn't normally be targeted by the Zavar). As a result of their instinctual reactions towards light (and nascent associations with being seen with the pain of light), the Zavar have an almost preternatural sense of knowing when/where it is being seen from and what movements may expose it to such sight/light and what movements it can make to avoid such sight/light.

Divinity Action:
[X] Divine Act: Support Zavar (Emotion-Eaters)

Supported Acts:
[X] Eternal Monsters

Vote Trading:
[X] "The cloth of the soul"
[X] Medicine kit
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[X] The Heart to Lead Man
-[x] Authored Act

A golden, almost ephemeral, seed smaller than a grain of sand. It will float on the winds until it lands upon someone with the talent to lead others. When it does, the seed will enter their body and come to rest in their heart, where it will begin to germinate. As the seed matures, thin, almost invisible, metaphysical golden roots will spread throughout the bearer's body, producing an aura that bolsters the stamina and endurance of their allies as the seed grows.

The rate at which the seed grows depends on how worthy the bearer is of being followed, to the point that abusing their power can even reverse the seed's growth. Those who are never led through struggle will barely grow beyond being a seed, while those who lead their people successfully through adversity will find their seed growing rapidly. Consequently, the former would barely boost a single person, while the latter could empower an entire army.

If the bearer proves themselves to be unworthy of leadership, abusing their power too much or leading their followers astray, the seed will abandon them, leaving behind only dormant roots and taking most of its power with it. It's possible for people who have lost their seed to slowly recover their power by once again proving they're worthy leaders, but it's a long process, and they will never reach heights they touched before, much less surpass them.

When the bearer dies, the seed will detach from its roots and the body before floating away to find a new host.

[X] The Strength to Have Hope
-[x] Divine Act

A golden, almost ephemeral, seed smaller than a grain of sand. It will float on the winds until it lands upon someone with the strength to maintain hope even in the face of despair. When it does, the seed will enter their body and come to rest in their heart, where it will begin to germinate. As the seed matures, thin, almost invisible, metaphysical golden roots will spread throughout the bearer's body, bending their fate to make the impossible slightly more possible for them.

The rate at which the seed grows is dependent on the intensity of despair faced and overcome by the bearer, to the point that succumbing to any despair can reverse the seed's growth. Those who never face despair will barely grow beyond being a seed, while those who face overwhelming adversity with unwavering hope will find their seed grow rapidly. Consequently, the former would be a normal person, while the latter would regularly defy the odds.

If a bearer ever succumbs to hopelessness, forsaking belief in a brighter future, the seed will depart, leaving the roots but taking most of its power with it. It's possible for people who have lost their seed to slowly recover their power by learning to hope again and training, but it's a long process, and they will never reach heights they touched before, much less surpass them.

When the bearer dies, the seed will detach from its roots and the body before floating away to find a new host.

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[X] Eternal Monsters
[X] Bond 'Magic'
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