Creation's Re:Creation (Riot God Quest)

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Just an ah well, guess Hell-Beasts won't be made.

So reading this made me think of quadrupeds walking around on fire or in lava— which in turn made me think of Volcanos and then I circled back around to the the idea of fire in general, and I'm wondering… do we have anyone doing anything with fire/flames?

[Also— side note (referring more specifically to the quote), I would be fully willing to support such a creation if they can suitably instill fear (or madness/insanity) in others]

[EDIT: Side, side note: Now that I think of it— that potentially includes pretty much any magical/mythological creature]
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So reading this made me think of quadrupeds walking around on fire or in lava— which in turn made me think of Volcanos and then I circled back around to the the idea of fire in general, and I'm wondering… do we have anyone doing anything with fire/flames?

[Also— side note (referring more specifically to the quote), I would be fully willing to support such a creation if they can suitably instill fear (or madness/insanity) in others]
The name comes from Mnemosyne, it is the consumption of Memory, and Emotion. A Personal hell for Mnemosyne, but is a benign act in its intention.

A Hell-Hound comforts someone by eating their traumatic memories, and the grief they are currently feeling.
A Hell-Worm makes people more chaste by eating their dirty memories and emotions.

Edit: To be clear they ate parts of the soul to do this.
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I'm planning on voting for 5, and using my divine action to make Hell-hounds magical dogs, who eat the trauma and negative emotions of their owners.
Just an ah well, guess Hell-Beasts won't be made.
A Hell-Hound comforts someone by eating their traumatic memories, and the grief they are currently feeling.

Ohhh-- I see what you mean now. I can alter my plans for next turn a bit so we don't overlap as much if that helps-- you had the idea first after all.
Ohhh-- I see what you mean now. I can alter my plans for next turn a bit so we don't overlap as much if that helps-- you had the idea first after all.
God no, If I'm making something It's because i want to see it exist in the world. I don't care who makes it, nor how it's done just the idea is done.

Heck, by making that response I came up with the inverse of Hell-Beasts. Holy Beasts they reinforce and restore memories through the soul.

A Holy-Hound would reinforce traumatic memories, and increase their grief.
A Holy-Worm reinforces their dirty memories and emotions.
How Cities Came To Be

How Cities Came To Be​

The world that was before the Young Gods as their identities began to form was not theirs, not by the right of creation. For it was stolen and broken, the Seed of Divinity cracked open spilled the world and so it was. So the Young Gods looked upon the world and began to create in the image of the one they stole the seed from. Some took to sowing the land with plants of all kinds, other to creating tools of great power to shape the world and more so to the creation of life to fill every corner. Yet more so some saw greater potential in living creatures and expanded upon them to create the first mortals placing them across the peninsula some near the coasts, other in the barren lands and some in the mountains of the north.

Rocacrustas, the Spades of Ante were creatures of stone and mollusc. Who would come to dwell in the northern mountains among the valleys and caves. They were large, strong and tough there was no true threat for these creatures amongst the peaks and ravines. They feared not hunger for they ate of the stone and the earth. They feared no disease for nothing ran rampant amongst the land. If Ante had not created them they would have believed they were the pinnacle of creation but the first of their kind remembered their creator. So these tribes of Rocacrustas would be left alone and with no guidance but their own volition the effects of other divine acts would pervade into their budding society.

Divinely granted fear, a fear of the dark and dreary. That among these hills, ravines, valleys and mountains they were not alone and they knew that it was a little bit right. For Ante made them and if so, were there others? Were they stronger? Were they faster? Were they more loved by the gods? If they were why did Ante leave was truly to let them run free and to build their own or did he abandon them because there was something greater, more worthy. Such things are not great for the mind and for mortals who held no guidance born into a world they were learning these fears only grew. Which led to the tribes and families to stick to those who they knew and they grew in number yet also separate for exploration could mark a terrible discovery.

For if indeed their fears were true that Ante had left them... and greater people live beyond the mountains would they be doomed? Ignorance was an island in a sea of uncertainty and the Rocacrustas clung to it, for ignorance was peace. If they kept to their enclaves amongst the peaks they would never need to fear. Yet fear is insidious and those lies they told themselves offered no solution and they were so powerful already born into strength. With no need to advance for they could feed on the earth, no animal could threaten them and no disease to ravage it would have been a paradise perhaps... if the paranoia did not shackle their minds.

In a way the one who fears discovery, forgets to fear they may be discovered.

Many tribes of Rocacrustas came to dwell in the caves for they offered shelter from the light of the stars, from the winds and a protection against enemies that did not exist. Iam Yor Tul was blasphemous brute to their eyes of the greyish paste that covered his muscles and the cacophony of perfect footsteps. He would teach them the art of carving the caves, stacking the stones and engraving the rock. He taught them the ability to build to construct from nature their own dwelling so they would take back some control a right to the land through the knowledge of construction. And so the Rocacrustas slowly but surely emerged from the caves and began to build their cities even if they were quite small and rough.

TLDR: I sorta got inspired because I realised how bad it would be for a society if they were you know... constantly paranoid. Basically Humans by themselves only really explore if there you know not constantly terrified our lives that why a lot of people are scared of the dark because we don't know what out there. Now place a basically magical aura on every mortal creature that something scary is around every corner, doesn't sound like it's conductive to building any society.

It seems like a very interesting effect to have on a society I hope people do more... bad acts? I suppose negative acts on the world cause it creates conflict and opportunity for growth.

How Cities Came To Be​

The world that was before the Young Gods as their identities began to form was not theirs, not by the right of creation. For it was stolen and broken, the Seed of Divinity cracked open spilled the world and so it was. So the Young Gods looked upon the world and began to create in the image of the one they stole the seed from. Some took to sowing the land with plants of all kinds, other to creating tools of great power to shape the world and more so to the creation of life to fill every corner. Yet more so some saw greater potential in living creatures and expanded upon them to create the first mortals placing them across the peninsula some near the coasts, other in the barren lands and some in the mountains of the north.

Rocacrustas, the Spades of Ante were creatures of stone and mollusc. Who would come to dwell in the northern mountains among the valleys and caves. They were large, strong and tough there was no true threat for these creatures amongst the peaks and ravines. They feared not hunger for they ate of the stone and the earth. They feared no disease for nothing ran rampant amongst the land. If Ante had not created them they would have believed they were the pinnacle of creation but the first of their kind remembered their creator. So these tribes of Rocacrustas would be left alone and with no guidance but their own volition the effects of other divine acts would pervade into their budding society.

Divinely granted fear, a fear of the dark and dreary. That among these hills, ravines, valleys and mountains they were not alone and they knew that it was a little bit right. For Ante made them and if so, were there others? Were they stronger? Were they faster? Were they more loved by the gods? If they were why did Ante leave was truly to let them run free and to build their own or did he abandon them because there was something greater, more worthy. Such things are not great for the mind and for mortals who held no guidance born into a world they were learning these fears only grew. Which led to the tribes and families to stick to those who they knew and they grew in number yet also separate for exploration could mark a terrible discovery.

For if indeed their fears were true that Ante had left them... and greater people live beyond the mountains would they be doomed? Ignorance was an island in a sea of uncertainty and the Rocacrustas clung to it, for ignorance was peace. If they kept to their enclaves amongst the peaks they would never need to fear. Yet fear is insidious and those lies they told themselves offered no solution and they were so powerful already born into strength. With no need to advance for they could feed on the earth, no animal could threaten them and no disease to ravage it would have been a paradise perhaps... if the paranoia did not shackle their minds.

In a way the one who fears discovery, forgets to fear they may be discovered.

Many tribes of Rocacrustas came to dwell in the caves for they offered shelter from the light of the stars, from the winds and a protection against enemies that did not exist. Iam Yor Tul was blasphemous brute to their eyes of the greyish paste that covered his muscles and the cacophony of perfect footsteps. He would teach them the art of carving the caves, stacking the stones and engraving the rock. He taught them the ability to build to construct from nature their own dwelling so they would take back some control a right to the land through the knowledge of construction. And so the Rocacrustas slowly but surely emerged from the caves and began to build their cities even if they were quite small and rough.

TLDR: I sorta got inspired because I realised how bad it would be for a society if they were you know... constantly paranoid. Basically Humans by themselves only really explore if there you know not constantly terrified our lives that why a lot of people are scared of the dark because we don't know what out there. Now place a basically magical aura on every mortal creature that something scary is around every corner, doesn't sound like it's conductive to building any society.

It seems like a very interesting effect to have on a society I hope people do more... bad acts? I suppose negative acts on the world cause it creates conflict and opportunity for growth.

Really liked the way you envisioned this. Bad/Negative acts and act conflict is great to keep things moving and going. Have a loose vote. I'm going to threadmark your omake later.

How Cities Came To Be​

I wonder if my grass would help with this issue? Uhnnnnnn. Not when it's little since mine is just a Lesser(?) Act, but maybe when it covers the area where they sleep constantly? But it wouldn't work if they live in caves without sun... maybe before they consider living like dwarves instead? Gives me an idea for an omake

I can't see my Act there. Probably because I put a hyphen in the description of the Act and didn't register. Sorry!
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Age 0, Turn 1 Results





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A Little Golden Gardner

The Little Gardener slowly moved through the black, lifeless plain. Its shape resembled an almost perfectly round bush, rolling with the force of the breeze. Branches and golden leaves—well, more of a corn-yellow color—clung together to maintain the ball structure until it was time to transition into grass. It contrasted almost artistically with the black and lifeless plains.

Suddenly, the plant stopped; the roots met the earth, anchoring the yellow dot against the breeze. It felt something nearby, thought the living grass. The Little Gardener, although unable to perceive light, could certainly feel when the warmth of the sun—and that second sun that felt divine—diminished and the wind stopped reaching its leaves.

Hun. Had it found something? The Little Gardener slowly extended its leaves and branches, forming a branch in front of it, trying to feel what was casting the shadow. The Gardner couldn't help but feel excited; it had been looking for something that worried it for hours but only found lifeless land. Though it was moving, taking advantage of the wind's strength, the grass still needed water to thrive.

Its branches slowly reached closer to the thing, and its soul naturally stretched, memories of black and empty lands brushing against... another soul! And a big one too! The Gardener couldn't help but feel disappointed. The plant was still too small to consume all the worries and nightmares rubbing on its soul.

But it could take root and start to grow. It could be without water, but just the contact with such a frightened and insecure soul allowed the plant to spread, and then it did, the ball of grass and branches breaking and infiltrating into the hard earth, breaking for new shoots to feel the sunlight, its soul spreading through the ground.

The newly rooted grass felt a trembling in the ground. It seemed like the chitinous thing had knelt. Maybe even sit! Perfect.

It spread the longest grasses near the thing, and they couldn't help but rejoice in eating a bit of a bite out of the worry that her hand would get hurt. Nothing big, but it influenced the thing to be more fearless, rubbing the hand gently through the grass. The grass retraced, wrapping their fingers slowly, feeling the soul dropping their worries, feeding the creation of more grass.

It was not exactly a self-sustaining cycle, as there was a complete lack of water, and the soul-to-energy/food conversion wasn't the best. But, at least for a few days, souls would have to work. Hopefully, whatever this thing is like little comforts, as that was all it could give at the moment.


Rocacrustas 41, wasn't sure what she was feeling. But she was sure it was the most pleasing thing she had ever felt in her short life.

The glowing orbs in the sky were certainly good, but Rocacrustas 41 thought that anything that calmed down the fear and anxiety she had the second they were created was much, much better.

It was little—just one meter or less—but it was enough to put her head to rest in it. 41 was scared of what the thing could do to her. But she was desperate for something to alleviate the growing pressure in her head more, so, once again, she ignored the paranoia.

In the second, when 41's head touched the grass, she fell, her body dismantling in a sigh of relief; 41's sharp fingers releasing the almost cracked chitin of her hand; the breathing calmed down; no more rapid blows every second, reacting to the wind that blew too fast or one of their companions suddenly moving. 41 felt herself finally able to relax, and what looked like a second, but was actually some minutes, she fell asleep.


41 haven't returned yet, 12 have noticed. 12 felt the paranoia increasing—41 would pick up a rock? Run?—but he ignored it skillfully, slowly moving to talk to 01, the "leader"—the least paranoid of them all—of the Lances of Ante.

01 doesn't look at 12 when it gets close, but 12 can't help but notice as 01's fists close when he gets close. Dangerous. Ready to strike? He tells paranoia to shut up.

- 41 hasn't returned from her patrol, 01. - Well, patrol would be the wrong word. It was more like a way to let those most impacted by paranoia walk a little and try to relax without the feelings of eyes on them before one of them starts a fight. - Everyone in her group came back 10–15 minutes ago.

01 is quiet for a few seconds, still looking to the foot of the mountain they... were created. 01 said he was thinking about what to do. 12 assumes he's trying to get the best rock formations for himself.

12 accompanies the corner of the eye 10, which had tensioned when hearing his name mentioned. 15 was curled in a ball to protect himself from the monsters outside their vision.

- Would you volunteer to try to catch him Rocacrustas 12? - 12 stopped for a second to think. He nodded and then started to walk direction of danger beyond the valley, directly to the plains ahead.

He picked a stone in the middle of the way just to be sure. But when Rocacrustas 12 finally reached his target, their tribe was happy he didn't kill Rocacrustas 42 immediately. They then would never discover something that helps against the paranoia.

Now they are the only Rocacrustas tribe that lives above the earth, feeding the golden plains that they sleep in with their blood and nightmares.

It's two in the morning, so I hope this is at least acceptable! BTW, I used numbers on their names because I had no creativity left for names, so yeah.

TLDR: My little gardener found the Spear of Ants. They were relieved to find something that helped with the paranoia. : D
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the new hardest to pronounce god game, goes to Habstab! A name no religion will be able to pronounce! Congrats, ᚼᚨᛒᛊᛏᛆᛓ!
You, the deity of ᚿᚲᛗᛛᛠᛲ, are truly deserving of the name ᚬᚿᛐᛖᚦᚣᛶᛑ.

ᚼᚨᛒᛊᛏᛆᛓ =habstab

nkmleash? best i could find

ontethyehd? Alright, i guess i'll need to struggle more to find the meanings of these two.

Only one of these i can make sense of, sorry.
If I were to use an ember of the Everflame to create a Phoenix Smith/Guardian for the Forge, life-linked to it and given knowledge on how to forge weapons and wield them, would that be synergistic with my Divinity?
If I were to use an ember of the Everflame to create a Phoenix Smith/Guardian for the Forge, life-linked to it and given knowledge on how to forge weapons and wield them, would that be synergistic with my Divinity?


On another note work on the update is continuing working on the Staff and 7 acts remain with two looking like they should be simple but not does it suck to be a Rocacrustas right now.
[-] The tax of life
Upon a creatures death the divine take a tax for the right to exist. Be it a portion of their skill or their charm.or any number of things. Based on the life they lived their tax could be more or less but all must pay when the The Taxman comes to collect.

[-] Divinity Takes Name The Taxman

Edit: never mind I'm too late
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[X] The tax of life
Upon a creatures death the divine take a tax for the right to exist. Be it a portion of their skill or their charm.or any number of things. Based on the life they lived their tax could be more or less but all must pay when the The Taxman comes to collect.

[X] Divinity Takes Name The Taxman
Votes are closed for now, but will be reopened after this first wave passes. Welcome to the Quest!
[-] The tax of life
Upon a creatures death the divine take a tax for the right to exist. Be it a portion of their skill or their charm.or any number of things. Based on the life they lived their tax could be more or less but all must pay when the The Taxman comes to collect.

[-] Divinity Takes Name The Taxman

Edit: never mind I'm too late

We have a more robust system in the works for next turn, get with myself, goable, bloms and worm if you want to add imput.

besides that, not a bad post. just too late for the current turn
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[X] The tax of life
Upon a creatures death the divine take a tax for the right to exist. Be it a portion of their skill or their charm.or any number of things. Based on the life they lived their tax could be more or less but all must pay when the The Taxman comes to collect.

[X] Divinity Takes Name The Taxman
We have a more robust system in the works for next turn, get with myself, goable, bloms and worm if you want to add imput.

besides that, not a bad post. just too late for the current turn
Yeah I just made this up in like 5 minutes. If y'all wanna help me figure out a more robust version next round I'm alk for it. I suck at writing these.
Could someone with the stuff declare themselves to be wizard/messiah to lead others? I feel like it is pretty probable outcome. 🤔
I was looking over the rules again and I realized something. Since Aeos is a Minor God, they could create a Seed of Heroism as a Divine Action. Since that would definitely fall in line with their greatest authored act, so far, it would get a +2 pushing it up to the Minor rank it needs to pass. Which means I could, assuming I get two votes, create two Seeds of Heroism in a single turn which would then allow me to create The Past Builds the Future on turn three in addition to... something else I guess. Don't really want to make more than three Seeds of Heroism since I feel the three seeds I've shared, Will, Leadership, and Hope, will already spawn interesting variants (and I can't think of any other seeds to make).

Guess we'll see if I get inspired. If not, I'll just support or act against whatever Aeos would.

Edit: My brain seems to have a lot of thoughts tonight. I came up with an act. Trying to think about if I should sav it for the next sap or use it on the first.
[] The Call To Adventure
A beautiful sound that is not a sound. A golden light that cannot be seen. A celestial scent that doesn't exist. A soft caress that never happened. A heavenly flavor that isn't real. The Call To Adventure is all of these things. It is a map unheard, unseen, unsmelled, unfelt, and untasted by all. Except those rare few who have been chosen by The Call To Adventure. People who, whether they know it or not, are on the cusp of a life-changing adventure. They need only follow the call.

The chosen will hear, see, smell, feel, taste The Call to varying degrees based on how grand their calling, their adventure, is. A person who is slightly Called might only smell a faint scent they aren't even sure is real, while another might hear and feel it enough to describe it. Rare are the people who will be Called with more than two senses strongly. A person that is Called with all five senses and senses it so much it seems real would likely only appear once in a thousand years and would change the world.

It's important to note, The Call is just that, a calling. It will lead you to the starting line safely, but it will do no more than that. Additionally, it can be ignored until it and its opportunity is lost or just outright rejected. That being said, it's rarely ever a good idea as to ignore The Call is to ignore an opportunity to grow, and to reject it is to reject change. In some cases, refusing The Call doesn't even allow you to avoid the adventure, it merely makes you less prepared when it arrives.

Edit 2: Btw @Planetary Tennis wouldn't a better vote format be something like:
[][Authored Act] Name

[][Divine Act] Name

Since having the -[] Authored Act at the end kind of makes it really unclear which act is what. Just an idea, not sure if it's actually viable.
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