Witches and Giants: A NorseQuest Riot Fangame

Alright, 54oz is a good haul.

Now to spend it wildly

1 Unit of T3 Metal, please
2 Units of T2 Metal Armor as well, please

39oz silver
[X] Alfvin Arisson Minor Actions/Misc Stuff
-[X] T5 Tapestry from Gyda Dahlberg: A depiction of Yggdrasil, with the gods on their daily Thing.
-[X] Minor Action 2: Research the corpse of the Screaming Tree on Klaus' former land. (Shapecrafting Research/Training?)
-[X] Spellcasting: After researching the Screaming Tree's Corpse, Alfvin is going to use his Shapecrafting powers to make a go at revitalizing Klaus' barren land. He's going to use Enhance/Sabotage Plants to convert.. well, everything into compost. The dead tree roots are still there, those blacked grass looks like raw material.. and the corpse can go digest itself when it's done so it doesn't become a problem again. And he has a couple of soil-bits from his own land for all the.. small-life and earthworms and all that this land was probably lacking now. Alfvin, of course, is in no rush, since.. well. He's got time. When winter concludes, perhaps Spring shall see life bloom from death. (2 Strain, Stoke Virthing to help with this.)
-[X] Free Action: Alfvin drops by Hallþórra Gunnisdottir's home/smithy @Murloc with 4x T2 Iron in hand, taken from the abandoned Kryksangr village. He doesn't need the iron, and hears that she needs iron, so he's just passing all of it over to her. He departs after that.
Last edited:
[X] Astmund Late Minors
-[x]: Eat T3 food from minor 1
-[x] Minor 2: Fish more off the T2 Beach.
-[x] Minor 3: Learn Skaldry from Idony

((I convinced myself to stay in South Georgia with the Good Ole Boy classic of its "Only" a Cat 4, don't have my PC availible for a few days so I'll be posting kinda minimally but luckily my FiL has power and reception))
Combat Logs from The Screaming Tree Adventure New
Easily visible from the nearby mountains, the Fyrrolog holdings at D3 have become a path of withered blight on Esturoy's green hills. Dominating the center of this desolation is the enlarged shape of the Screaming Tree. The ground has become humped and uneven from the rapid growth of thick roots just beneath the surface. It churns in places, as if something is squirming below. The fields and buildings of the Fyrrolog have been consumed or destroyed, leaving only ruins. Patrolling the edges of the unwholesomeness are humanoid figures of distinctly inhuman nature. Their wooden skeletons are woven with vine-like muscle and crowned with soft skull-fruit heads. Several varieties of defender are distinctly visible, distinguishable by the wooden weaponry merged with their limbs. One variety grows a bow, another a greatsword, and the third a sword and shield. Getting close to the tree will require fighting at least one of these patrols.

These are the basic observations that you can make from a distance.

How do you being approaching or dealing with the menace of the Screaming Tree?


The Screaming Tree: Edge of Fyrrolog Holdings: Act 1
Astrid's bright Valkyric Wings spread from her back and she takes to the air as the rest of the group descends down towards Klaus's overrun farm. (Astrid 12 / 39 Ordstirr remains) She flies swiftly towards the tree at the center of the blight, a glowing star against the sky's cloudy underbelly.

Every patrolling plantwarrior turns to look up at the approaching figure in the sky. The two patrols on the other side of the Fyrrolog lands immediately start running towards the threat. For the patrol nearest to the party, which Astrid passed over two of the figures move while the archer raises its bow and unleashes a trio of shots.

As the wooden arrows streak towards her, a warning trumpet goes off in the back of her mind! Durable as she has become, Astrid's Fylgja feels the danger still radiating from these projectiles! A shield of light springs up in front of her with a wave of Ordstirr and she feels the drop in her much reduced reserves. Even as the second and third shots are coming, Astrid knows that, if she uses this Trick to block each of them, her reserves will be too low for even the first light blast! (Astrid 10 / 39 Ordstirr remains)

(Choose: tank the attacks, use Twists to avoid damage, block with Light Barrier anyways, other)

As this is happening, the other have entered on to the Fyrrolog property after descending from their perch on the cliffs above. Astrid seems to have attracted the attention of all the patrols but has stalled trying to defend herself against an archer. Arne has found a path with the fewest roots beneath the ground. It might be possible to get to the ruins of Klaus's farm without encountering too many roots and attack from there. However, doing to would leave Astrid to fend for herself against all of the patrols converging towards her.

What do you all do?


The Screaming Tree: Edge of Fyrrolog Holdings: Act 2
As Astrid comes under fire from the archer in the nearby patrol, her companions spring into action! Torvi's Frami unfurls as she points her sword and a devastating arc of red lightning blasts towards the bow-armed plant warrior! In the split second between the lightning's release and its connection, the shieldplant shifts and raises its shield, having prepared to defend its ranged sibling! The lightning strikes its wooden shield with a deafening crack, scorching a portion of the thick, wooden bulwark! Yet Torvi's lightning is not so easily denied! A pair of bolts split off from the crimson coruscating across the shield, striking the plant holding it and the archer behind! The shieldplant is completely unfazed... however, it was never the real target. The lightning imbued by Aspect with Torvi's Haywire Shock lights up the archer, leaving it smoking and twitching, unhurt but unable, for the moment to control its movements! [Torvi 32 / 38 Ordstirr remains; 2 / 3 Aspects remain] [Skull-Fruit Defender shield takes 2 damage. Skull-Fruit Defender takes 0 damage. Skull-Fruit Archer takes 0 damage but is STUNNED]

Astrid is safe, for the moment, but the group's cover is blown!

Sprouting wings, Arne takes to the air, his superior speed allowing him to catch up to Astrid's position in a heartbeat! He swoops to and fro behind her on glowing hawk-feathers, screaming at the defenders and banging his shield and his axe in an attempt to get their attention! They do not seem to pay him much heed. There is no mind to trick, only instincts driving them to defend and to feed the tree. [Arne Fylgja Boon used 3/4 rounds remain]

Free from fire, Astrid swoops low to the ground, trying to pick up speed and cover as much distance away from the patrol and towards the tree as possible! She glances back over her shoulder. Tyrfingr runs behind her, gaining with footspeed superior to her wings, and the greatswordplant runs as well, equal to Tyrfingr in speed and parallel to him. As she watches, the archer is already regaining control of its movements. She focuses back on her goal and beats her wings harder. She will have to make it in time. She will have to be fast enough. Soon... soon she will be in range of the tree with her rays. She just has to make it.

In her Scrysight, at the center of the property, Astrid sees the tree shiver. One of two largest fruits growing on its boughs spasms as a body rapidly grows beneath the skull-like bulb. Rapidly, two fused torso, canine and humanoid, built of vine-wrapped bark form. The newly birthed plantcentaur drops from the tree, landing on four clawed limbs while the upper pair are fused together, wielding a long, bladed weapon. It stands, an organic mockery of Brenda in the shadows of the thing that ate her. Then it charges.

As the Norsemen fly and run towards the tree to meet it, pursued by the greatswordplant, the archer regains control of its limbs and looses a trio of arrows at blistering speed, two at Arne and one at Astrid! Even with his Frenzy, even with his sharpened senses, his shapeshifted reflexes, even with all those things, Arne's speed would not have matched the speed and precision of this being created solely for the purpose of dealing death from afar. Yet... for all that its whole existence is shaped towards one goal, its existence itself pales in comparison to a Norseman's. If this Arne is too slow, he will simply become faster. With a burst of speed dredged up from the depths of his soul, Arne veers from the path of the arrows sent after him, dealt only glancing blows rather than a devastating wounds! [Arne Swift remaining 0 / 1. Speed increased to 5.5. 2 Grazes! 2 damage reduced to 1 by Durability. Arne 4/6 health remains. 2 / 4 rounds of flight remain] The final arrow streaks towards Astrid and, at her Fylgja's warning, she spins in time to catch the arrow on her non-dominant arm! Even with her toughened skin, the direct hit of the arrow bits deep into her flesh and she feels something scrape against her forearm's bone! [Hit! 4 damage reduced to 1 by Durability. Astrid 5/6 health remains]

And still the Norsemen fly and run, trying to make up the distance between themselves and their ultimate target. With every step, those with Seeing Eyes can see that the ground beneath them is growing more thickly infested with magic-rich roots. Soon it will rise against them. Behind them, the swordplant pursues while the archer readies to unleash further volleys of lethal fire, safe behind the bulwark of its protector. In front of them, the mockery of Brenda charges, eating up the distance even faster than swift-winged Arne can fly. It will intercept them long before they can reach the tree. The Norsemen are surrounded now, foes in front and foes behind. Yet Astrid nears the edge of her effective range and will be able to begin sending scouring light or devouring darkness. Perhaps... perhaps she can smite their ultimate foe before its minions fall upon them.

In her Scrysight, Astrid witness as the second largest fruit of the tree twitches violently, growing a slender body beneath it in the span of only moments. The body drops but it does not hit the ground. As it falls, wide wings formed of tangled roots unfurl from its shoulders and beat, sending it flying back upwards to hover above the tree. As the sunlight hits the wings, they drink in light greedily, taking on a pure white radiance. It raises its wood-and-vine hands and shadows fall in oily sheets from its open palms. The mockery of Astrid entered the battlefield.

Act 2 End

OOC: If you've every played XCOM 2, what is happening should be familiar.


The Screaming Tree: Edge of Fyrrolog Holdings: Act 3
As the defenses of the Screaming Tree unfurl and show their true strength, the group of Norsemen make the tough decision to retreat. However, any retreat made by true Norsemen is a fighting retreat. And brave, bright Astrid intends to do more of one than the other. Agreement passes between her and Arne and she flies towards him, arm outstretched. He reaches back and, as they contact, his Aspects halfway flare into existence before collapsing into pure energy and flowing into Astrid!

Below, the archer readies its bow and the defender its shield, preparing one to defend and the other to rain death. Before either of the fliers can be shot from the sky, ghostly light coalesces around Tyrfingr's sword as he drops held barrels and ice to the ground! He swings, sending a spectral blade cutting through the distance between himself and the bowplant only to be intercepted on the shield of its defender! Already scorched by lightning, the weakened shield shatters! The defender moves with the momentum of the attack, flinging its broken bulwark away and remaining unharmed! Tyrfingr 29 / 32 Ordstirr remains. Shield broken and sacrificed! With their progress through towards the tree momentarily halted and an attack directed at itself, the archer identifies a new primary target! It turns its bow on Tyrfingr and looses a lightning-fast volley of three arrows! Even with Frenzy pumping through his mind, Tyrfingr cannot move fast enough to dodge the attacks and three sharpened shafts sink into his skin! But sink only shallowly as his shapeshifted durability stops nearly all of their lethal force! Three hits! 12 damage reduced to 1.5 damage by target Durability. Tyrfingr 6.5/ 8 health remaining

By Tyrfingr's side, Torvi turns and sprints into the oncoming hail of arrows, attempting to close the gap between herself and the threat! She makes it halfway but, as she readjusted, so did the swordplant! The two warriors meet, steel and lightning against wood and sap!

A star blooms. Above the battlefield, Astrid flairs each one of her Aspects at once, wielding the powering granted to her by Arne's selflessness! Astrid 49 / 39 Ordstirr remaining A shadow detaches itself the new son, speeding on flickering wings towards the archer and its defender! Just as Arne lands, his wings fade into inchoate soul-stuff as he readies his axe to strike down the archer! Caught between threats on two sides, the defender tenses, ready to intercept with its body the strike that comes first! As the glow of Astrid fades, that attack lands as another of Tyrfingr's ghostly projectiles cuts across the battlefield towards the defender's charge! It leaps into the way, taking the full brunt of the attack on its body!

In that moment, it dawns on the Norsemen here that, in all the fighting against the Skull-Fruits, this is the first time that a truly powerful strike has been landed against any of them. The tree has suffered massive blasts, shields have been rent, and lightning has scorched them but... this is the first time one has been truly hit by something deadly. The Ghost Strike, capable of killing the average Norseman in a single blow, leaves no more than a deep gash in the Defender's wooden form. Tyrfingr 26 / 32 Ordstirr remains. Hit! 8 damage reduced to 3.5 by Target Durability. Skull-Fruit Defender 12.5 / 16 Health remains.

In the center of this corner of the battlefield, Ordstirr flares around Torvi as lightning courses down her arms and her blade blurs. Thunder cracks three times as she unleashes strikes sped by her Ordstirr and a fourth on her own pure skill into the undefending body of the swordplant. Each devastating blow carves into it deeply but, through each, it continues to raise its fused arms above its head and, in the moment the last strike lands, brings down a calamitous blow on Torvi with seemingly impossible speed, strength, and precision! As the last bit of Trick ends and the blade descends, Torvi's crackling aura lends her the one ounce of speed she needs to land a fourth strike at the last possible moment, stabbing deep into the creatures head and killing it! Torvi uses Swordstorm! Torvi 34 / 38 Ordstirr remains. Thunderdance Stance increases Attack Speed to 3 and Strength to 6.5. Three Hits! 22.5 damage reduced to 12.5 damage by target Durability. 3.5 / 16 health remains. Torvi attacks again! Hit 7.5 reduced to 4 by Target Durability. -.5 / 16 health remains!

Death does not stop the attack it had started. Act of Great Strength! Hit! 12 damage reduced to 8.5 by target Durability. Torvi Sword-sister 3.5 / 12 Health remains. Even a blow such as this, half the strength of the Mountain-Skinned Monk's anvil, would have been lethal to the Torvi of just a few months ago. This is not that Torvi, nor is it any ordinary warrior, instead of instant death, Torvi is driven to a knee as she is near cut open from shoulder to hip. And then, in the next moment, she stands, wounded but ready to continue the fight. Arrows fly past her, striking glancing blows against Tyrfingr's hardened hide as she starts to move forward. 3 hits! 12 damage reduced to 1.5 damage by Target durability. Tyrfingr 5 / 8 health remains However, as it fires, Arne falls upon it, undefended after the Guardian took Tyrfingr's ghost attack! A trick designed specifically to fell wood strikes cleanly into its wooden body! Arne 31 / 35 ordstirr remains. Hit! Wood-cutting trick deals extra damage to wood! 12 damage reduced to 9.5 by target Durability. Skull-Fruit Archer 7.5 / 16 health remaining The archer staggers, grievously wounded but still fighting and moving!

Ordstirr courses again through Astrid's soul. Her Aspects settle around her, immaterial weight filling her with boundless strength. Light. She calls forth light as glory limns her form. Astrid 41 / 39 Ordstirr remaining. +3 Reflexes, +3 Durability for the remainder of the battle. In the glowing light, long shadows are cast as the defender, now shieldless, tackles Arne, trying to get him away from its charge! With windborne speed, Arne twists away from most of the force, knocked off balance only slightly, just enough for the archer to leap away from him and his deadly axe! Graze! Arne knocked off balance instead of knocked over. Even as it is on the move, a third ghostly projectile hurled from Tyrfingr strikes into it! [Tyrfingr 20 / 32 Ordstirr remains. Hit! 8 damage reduced to 5.5 by Target Durability. 2 / 16 health remains] The noose is closing tighter and tighter on the archer as Torvi sprints towards it, bleeding badly but undeterred!

They can feel it. The tide of the fight is turning... yet, will they have enough to defeat the further approaching foes and, afterwards, the Screaming Tree itself?

Act 3 Ends
Arne, Torvi, the Skull-fruit Archer, and the Skull-Fruit Defender are in melee. Tyrfingr is nearby. Astrid flies above, having just recovered her Ordstirr and achieved Glorious Form. The Rider has nearly reached the party but the Mockery of Astrid seems much slower and has only crossed about 1/5th of the intervening distance. The other two patrols are approaching but are even slower than the Fake Astrid. They will not arrive for some time yet.


The Screaming Tree: Edge of Fyrrolog Holdings: Act 4
As Astrid's blaze fades and she takes off towards the tree, the fierce battle rages below! Arne steps forward, attempting to get past the defender to cut down the injured archer but, with a brutal shove of its shieldless arm, he is again knocked off balance! Another warrior, one without a Frenzy-sharpened mind and a wind-quick body, may have been bowled over entirely but swift Arne manages to stumble forward and unleash another Wood-Chop Trick! However, his aim has been knocked from true and the Archer pulls away! The axe blade misses by a hair but the aura of wood-shearing Ordstirr extending just past the physical weapon slices cleanly into the creature's wooden body and renders it broken and ruined!

Still reeling, Arne is unable to fully dodge the retaliatory strike of the defender as its charge is felled! Worse, the blow draws his attention away from the true threat! His companions companions shout a warning moments too late as the hyena-centaur-plant monster that is the Mockery of Brenda charges past him, slashing deep into his exposed back with its polearm limbs as they go! Arne staggers, near vivisected, as the Defender raises its sword to deliver the finishing blow! Seeing his clansman near death, Tyrfingr cries out and sends a ghostly blade slicing deep into the defender! Nor does Arne accept his fate so easily, whirling with another Wood-Chop Trick glowing on his axe! The Defender takes the blows, nearly felled by their combined efforts but it does not stop the blade from coming down, finishing what the rider begun, and cutting Arne clean in two! Just a moment too late, a second ghostly blade finishes the defender but can do nothing to help Arne!

Both halves of the Seer-to-be impact the ground, one a heartbeat after the other! However, Arne's greatest trick is not expended as blood from Tyrfingr's many wounds and Torvi's single deep one surge across the blighted ground and into Arne's wounds! Ropes of red pull Arne back together and seal his wounds somewhat! It is enough! Light returns to Arne's eyes as he begins to lift himself from the ground!

The rider wheels, returning for another pass! Unseeing that Arne is repairing itself, it now targets Torvi! Wounded but undaunted, Torvi flares an aspect as it approaches, the wound on her chest sealing somewhat as Ordstirr gathers around her legs and she prepares to leap away from the charging monstrosity's blade! Sparking from her Aspect and sheathed by Ordstirr lending her the speed of lightning, Torvi skates away from the worst of the blow from the weapon still wet with Arne's lifeblood! She takes the attack against a forearm hardened by her shapeshifting and emerges unscathed! The rider charges past then both it and Torvi wheel to face each other again.

Torvi takes a ready stance. Her reflexes are not fast enough to dodge the monster's attacks and counter attack at the same time. Her foot speed is not quick enough to catch it and strike between each charge. If she wishes to harm this thing, she must abandon all thoughts of self-preservation and trade blows. Like a true Norsewoman. She can't help but feel a thrill of excitement. This creature may move with unnatural speed... but its blade cannot match the speed of lightning possessed by hers. For every blow it rains on her, Torvi will return them threefold.

The creature drops its polearm to level with Torvi's chest. It charges, rotted earth spraying out from behind its clawed paws. She stands firm, jaw set, blade raised, and steps into the oncoming weapon's point. It punctures through one side of her chest and out the other. Pain surges through Torvi but she fights through it and, with a cry and a flash, unleashes her Swordstorm against the very creature that is impaling her!

Even stuck together, the speed of the rider is hard to fathom. Its body moves with unnatural flexibility and agility, weaving around the lethal flurry of blows, accepting strikes only in the hardest, most defended parts of its body... Yet Torvi's blade will not be denied. Reality shudders as Torvi twists declaring that this blade in this moment defies all attempts to stop it! Iron-hard wooden flesh gives way and, as the atgier is wrenched from Torvi and the creature completes its charge, it now sports a trio of brutal slashes that each nearly cut it from one side to another! With less energy than before, it wheel, preparing for one final charge, only to meet a flying Ghost-Blade head on as Tyrfingr finishes what Torvi started and strikes the head from the rider's body! It topples to the blighted ground, shaking what remains of the Fyrrolog holdings as it bulk impacts!

Above the desperate conflict, Astrid flies, focused on the goal of the Screaming Tree still distant and the approaching Mockery of herself. With an effort of concentration, she twists her hands and her Ordstirr, bringing the dark lens she developed specifically for this fight into being. As he target finally enters her range, Astrid pulls up. She levels her wand against the near side of her lens and fire! Astrid's Incinerating Ray is one of the deadliest attacks that the young champions of Finningur possess. The beam not only scours matter on a fundamental level but it pierces through all but the hardiest of defenses! As it hits the dark surface of the mirror, the blinding light inverts into a beam of all-swallowing darkness, losing not one iota of strength during the transition! At the speed of falling shadow, the beam streaks towards the tree!

Darkness of a near-equal pitch curls in the False-Astrid's wooden hands. Lashing tendrils of shade snake out and grab on to the True-Astrid's attack, pulling chunks of umbral devastation harmlessly into the hands of the Mockery! However, even diminished, the Dark Incinerating Ray is not stopped! Somehow, alarm is clear on the other's face as it throws its other darkness-shrouded limb forward and, at the last second, intercepts the remnants of the beam before it can strike the Screaming Trees bark!

There is a moment of stillness. The ground team has defeated the patrol of Skull-Fruits. If they choose to leave now, they can likely do so without taking further injuries. Even Astrid can likely fall back to fight another day. However... victory seems close. Perhaps not in the anticipated form, given the revealed capabilities of Astrid's doppleganger but... there might just be a way... or perhaps that way lies only death at the hands of the other two patrols that are closing from the opposite side of the Screaming Tree.

Whatever the Norsemen decide they must do so quickly. And so... what do you do?

Act 4 End
Act 5: Screaming Tree Finale!

Torvi flares an aspect to increase the range of her lightning strike and Tyrfingr swings, generating a ghostly edge that strikes the Beacon at the same moment as the lightning does! It makes no attempt to dodge, focused on Astrid and the beam of darkness that she launches hoping to catch it off guard! While it took grievous wounds, it purpose remains unswayed as tendrils of darkness wrap around Astrid's second attack and pull the Trick harmless into its body! That body cannot hold a moment longer, however, as a second ethereal edge from Tyrfingr ends the mockery of Astrid! As its body falls, intense spasms wrack it, the virulent darkness it has absorbed breaching whatever internal containment it was held in! Mere handbreadths from the blighted soul, it erupts in a torrent of lashing shadows that tear deep furrows into the air and, surely, would have ruined any Norsemen caught in the blast!

Stripped of the last of its guardians, the warriors aim to fully turn their sights towards ending it when Arne cries out in alarm! All the time they had been fighting, the tree had been extending its root system through the ground and, in the moment of relief, Arne has realized the incoming danger just in time! Blackened twisted roots shoot from the soil, piercing towards Tyrfingr in his moment of victory. Ordstirr gleaming on his axe head, Arne leaps to his clansman's defense and severs the bulk of tendrils with a precisely aimed Wood-Chop Trick!

Yet the battle is not near over as Seeing Eyes reveal more and more and more masses of magically charged roots moving through the soil towards the Norseman's positions! The cry goes up to ready defenses just as Astrid fires off the first of her searing beams of light, converted to an annihilating lance of darkness as it strikes her Ordstirr-conjured lens! The beam shoots across the battlefield in a lethal arc, striking the Screaming Tree in the dead center of its mass!

Veins of inky blackness spread under the surface of the bark as, just as it had eaten light, the tree harmlessly absorbs the darkness! The ground writhes and shudders as, with renewed energy, the roots surge towards the interlopers! However... in their Sundersight the Norsemen now see that the invulnerability of the tree is an illusion. It is not all powerful or all resisting, no, as it absorbed the darkness, it has become vulnerable to the light! A grin spreads across Astrid's face as she lets her conjured lens return to loose Ordstirr. She will prevail with radiance, not darkness, as it should be.

The dance begins.

Roots, more and more with every passing second, burst from the ground to ensure, pierce, and consume the Norsemen. Arne's Wood-Chop trick flashes, again and again, as he defends his comrades! Tyrfingr, Aspects glowing, blurs with speed and power, each chop sending a wooden lance flying in the air! Lightning crackles around Torvi as she Flash-steps from dangers and brings forth her Swordstorm again to cut down countless roots in a flurry of thundercrack swings!

The frenzied defense on the ground is lit by the staccato tempo of Astrid's Incinerating Rays! Each trick streaks across the sky like a falling sun, striking into the vulnerable form of the Screaming Tree with equal force! She feels the pulse rising in her ear, the rhythm of the battle speeding up, approaching crescendo... the moment of finale is upon them.

The gem purchased frm Kijjie is in her hand without conscious thought. Her Finale is a thing of indiscriminate annihilation, scouring all things around her in a cataclysmic flash. Her beleaguered comrades, those not shrouded from her powers, and the remains of the withered farmland, will not survive it. Then... then it must have been the Norns that placed this crystal in Sailshirt's hands and contrived to deliver it to her hands in in just this moment. There is one conclusion. The fates themselves have ordained her victory.

Astrid summons every lumen of light, marshals it into deadly shape with all of her skill and... Roots burst from the ground in front of her, a thick trunk of sharpened plant matter larger than any before, it ignores the defenders on the ground, the taproot itself shooting towards Astrid's center mass! In this instant, any minor mistake and she will lose control of her finale, the Trick failing or worse, being unleashed outside of the focusing lens of the crystal! There is no dodge she will just have to take the attack and hope she can keep control... Astrid braces herself as...

Torvi, flashing with lightning, leaps into the air using her trick to close the distance between herself and the taproot in less than a heartbeat! Even this is almost not enough. Had Torvi not had every inch of increased reach that her towering frame grants her, her blade would have cut just short. Had Torvi not endlessly practiced her Leaping Strike, she would not have been able to fly through the air and strike clean through the root before it could so much as graze Astrid's glowing flesh!


No one saw what happened to the Screaming Tree. The Finale of Astrid Bjornsdottir's Resplendent Vainglory style is not a thing that can be seen, it is a light so glorious there is no direct witnessing it. It is only known by its aftermath. The Screaming Tree, teeters a hole the circumference of a man's height burning clean through it just off center. The remaining fibers on the other side struggle for a moment to hold the weight of wood and branches above but, with a brittle groan, give way! The whole massive murderous thing strikes the ground with such force that, in Finningur below, the fisherman in the harbor grab their boats railings for stability.

The persistent screams that have haunted the battlefield rising into a horrid death rattle and then... fall silent as the Screaming Tree is defeated!



Astrid, Arne, Torvi, Tyrfingr, against all odds they have won, without even a single of them falling! And such spoils to be there's! They look towards the tree... as the first whistling wooden arrow strikes the ground at Torvi's feet.

The fall of the Screaming Tree... the plant monsters that it spawned did not die with it! Joined together, a force of six deadly skull-fruits charges towards the battered Norsemen! Astrid's stance is broken, her powers burned out by the cataclysmic finale. Ordstirr and aspects are guttering low between them. Many have deep wounds caused by even a single of these creatures... and already the arrows are falling...

Can they really retreat now, after the battle has been won?

But... the Norse do not fight alone. Even if they do not always fight with friends.

With a cackling howl and frustrated scream, a shape bursts from the ruins of Klaus's farm, just as the advancing shield and sword plants have passed it! Brenda-Beast soul, astride her hyena-fylgja charges the unprotected archers! Immediately, their target changes and arrows thud again and again into her skin! However, each shaft merely scrapes off her hide, leaving no more than long scratches in her shapeshift-stiffened skin. Each small wound seems to do nothing but enrage her and her mount further and they fall upon the archers in a frenzy of teeth, claws and blades, ripping apart first one than the other before the defenders have time to reach their charges.

Her grisly work finished, her turns to look at the Norsemen, face twisted in hate beyond rage. The snarl on her lips betrays depthless rage, jealousy, and madness yet she wrenches her gaze from you nonetheless and breaks breaks for the patrols. Without their ranged support, they are easy prey, herded and culled by beams of Astrid's light, Torvi's lightning, and Tyrfingr's ghostly blades. Not content with hanging back, Brenda takes a host of wounds as she throws herself into the fray but, as the sun lows, you all emerge victorious.

When the butchery is done, a wounded exhausted Brenda locks eyes with the exhausted Astrid. "You've taken my family's land." She gestures around at the ruined farm, all that remains are blackened hills and rotten heaps. "You stolen by birthright." She points at the charred wreckage of the Screaming Tree. "Now you've stolen my vengeance as well. Rest well. I want you at full strength when we meet at the Thing." She turns and, if not stopped, she will leave.


Shard was begging for context, so here are the verbatim logs
Ebbe Major: Under your watchful eye, new life comes into the world. You gain the listed livestock.
Slaughter: And remove the old. You've given these pigs a good life but their time has come.
Warehouse: One of the Kamban farmhands is standing guard at the warehouse and greets you warily. Villagers don't usually approach this land unless they have very good reason and he is instantly suspicious. Your offering is accepted, after being thoroughly inspected. Dagmar, it seems, is elsewhere. "Off fighting crabs, I think."
Sacrifice: You leave the carcass of the slaughtered pigs on the hill's dewy spot. That night, a thick fog rolls across Ebbesby, tendrils creeping in through the gaps in your sod blocks. In the morning, when you return to the hillside, they are gone.

Audvin Major: It was not the quiet season you expected. Twice did your property come under attack by roving packs of wolves. Despite the odds, with the help of family, each time you prevailed. At the close of winter, you survey your property. Much of the superficial damage has been fixed, although the barn is still lacking doors with holes broken in many places. Yet there, in the best land in the fertile valley, is your new field, your pride and joy.

Tier 4 Field created.

Gyda Major Action: Weaving on the loom of your very soul, you create a tryptic of tapestries fit to make the Norns themselves weep. In one of the weaves, you and your soul stitch magic within and beyond the threads, making artwork co-existing on two planes of the Written World. To Seeing Eyes, the tapestry takes on additional beauty.

Tier 4 Tapestry: Battle with the Mountain-Skin Monk
Tier 4 Imbued Tapestry: High Ground:
Activate to create natural defenses on a plot for a Season. Charged by offering a Unit of Stone. Tier of Stone affects strength of defenses. Uncharged.
Tier 5 Tapestry: @Shard depiction decided by Alfvin.
@CoatRackRanger, did I lose one tier for one of the tapestries because of my bad luck this season? I planned "Battle with the Mountain-Skin Monk" to be Tier 5.

Gyda approaches Kijjie and tries to trade one unit of Tier 2 stone for two Tier 1 gambesons. With 0.5 Beauty from shapeshifting, 3 Hugr and 1 tier 1 social trait, her Social Skills is 3, and she can increase it to 4 with an active effect of her trait if required.

[X] Gyda Winter 1 End
-[X] Food Consumed: Tier 1 if the battle tapestry is Tier 4, Tier 2 if it is Tier 5
-[X] Minor Action 1: With Tier 2 Wool (Tier 3 Weaving, Tier 2 Fylgja loom), create a Tier 4 cloak and gift it to Kijjie. It's Gyda's chance to demonstrate her skills to him and establish a trade connection
-[X] Minor Action 2: Train Clifftop Seidr (Extract)
-[X] Free Action: Charge "High Ground" artefact with 1 Tier 2 stone unit
@CoatRackRanger, did I lose one tier for one of the tapestries because of my bad luck this season? I planned "Battle with the Mountain-Skin Monk" to be Tier 5.

Gyda approaches Kijjie and tries to trade one unit of Tier 2 stone for two Tier 1 gambesons. With 0.5 Beauty from shapeshifting, 3 Hugr and 1 tier 1 social trait, her Social Skills is 3, and she can increase it to 4 with an active effect of her trait if required.

[X] Gyda Winter 1 End
-[X] Food Consumed: Tier 1 if the battle tapestry is Tier 4, Tier 2 if it is Tier 5
-[X] Minor Action 1: With Tier 2 Wool (Tier 3 Weaving, Tier 2 Fylgja loom), create a Tier 4 cloak and gift it to Kijjie. It's Gyda's chance to demonstrate her skills to him and establish a trade connection
-[X] Minor Action 2: Train Clifftop Seidr (Extract)
-[X] Free Action: Charge "High Ground" artefact with 1 Tier 2 stone unit

I think I just fucked up the math then, haha. If it was Tier 5 by the formula, it should be Tier 5 now. Your bad luck was being in the "attacked by wolves" random roll chart.
Late Winter 1: Action Resolutions New
[X] Katla will use her Field Extract Seidr (Refined) to create a Lesser Seidr, brewing potions with herbs that she has grown over the season and the blood she drew from the wolves she fought to create poisons most potent against wolves.

That work?

Katla's pot bubbles with vile mixture of wolf's blood, herbs from her garden, and monkshood from the mountain slopes. The poison she distills is enhanced from her personal connection to the ingredients and special-made tools.

Katla obtains 3 Doses of High-Quality Lesser Wolfsbane Poison.

[X] Minor Actions:
-[X] Repair Jarls' Armor
-[X] Spend 1 T1 Metal and use T3 Smithing Tools
-[X] Do Not Add Runes to Jarls' Armor When Repairing It
-[X] Create Cooking Tools (Set of Knives)
-[X] Melt down T1 Knife as Free Action
-[X] Use Said Metal and T3 Smithing Tools
-[X] Add T2 Runes (Bonus to Field Extract Seidr, use Growth Lexicon) as a Free Action

Does my character think this is doable without accidentally cursing the knives?

Hallþórra Gunnisdottir Minor 1: Hallþórra spends several days fixing the armor that was left for her by the felag. 3 / 3 sets of broken armor repaired.
Hallþórra Gunnisdottir Minor 2: Hallþórra creates a beautiful set of knives whose blades are wrapped with runes speaking of imbuing growth and bounty into that which it cuts. Hallþórra creates Tier 3 Runed Cooking Tools: Set of Knives (Enhances Extracts II)
Lost: 1 T1 Metal, 1 T1 Knife

[X] Astra Minor Actions
-[X]Quarry stone from the mountain (3 base, 1 for skill, 2 for tools I think. So 3 T2 stone
-[X]repair/upgrade house with stone (T1 skill, with T2 material and tools. So upgrade to T3)

Also, give one unit of wolf teeth to orm so he can fix my jewelry

Astra Minor 2: 3 units of T2 Stone obtained.
Astra Minor 3: Repairing and upgrading an item are separate actions. T1 House repaired. Note, in the future, that this is a Stone House.

@Worm_that_Walks Astra gives you a set of wolf teeth! 1 Unit of T1 Wolf Teeth obtained!

Ok, so, following the tree expedition:
[X] Arne Winter 1 End
-[X] Consume 1 T3 Fruit
-[X] Train Sharp-Edge Trick
-[X] Train Sky Seidr (Spirit)

Arne Minor 2: +1 Training to Sharp-Edge Trick.
Arne Minor 3: +1 Training to Sky Seidr. 1/3 training to increase mastery.
[X] Audvin Winter 1 End
-[X] Consume 1 T1 Food
-[X] Minor Action 2: Harvest my new Field (with T2 Farming Tools, but no skill, this should grant 6 Tiers of Food, I'll take two T3 Food).

Audvin Minor 2: Harvest: 2 + Tool + Skill + Plot [x 1.5 if prepared plot]: I believe you should be (2 + 2 + 0 + 4) x 1.5 or 12 Tier-Units of Food (Max Tier 4).

[X] Ebbe Tryggrsson Late Winter 1
-[X] Food: T1 Pork. (+1 Minor Action!)
-[X] Minor Action 2: Craft T4 Reinforced Backpack. (Leatherworking 2 [Skill]+ Tannery 2 [Tool] + Tier 2 Tanned Pig Leather [Material]. Using T1 Pig Bone as reinforcement material! 2 + 2 = 4.) Productive 1 results in a T1 Reinforced Backpack as well!
--[X] Head out to meet Kijjie Sailshirt.
-[X] More pending actions depending on Ebbe Tryggrsson's meeting with Kijjie Sailshirt!

Resolution pending...

[X] Alfvin Arisson Minor Actions/Misc Stuff
-[X] T5 Tapestry from Gyda Dahlberg: A depiction of Yggdrasil, with the gods on their daily Thing.
-[X] Minor Action 2: Research the corpse of the Screaming Tree on Klaus' former land. (Shapecrafting Research/Training?)
-[X] Spellcasting: After researching the Screaming Tree's Corpse, Alfvin is going to use his Shapecrafting powers to make a go at revitalizing Klaus' barren land. He's going to use Enhance/Sabotage Plants to convert.. well, everything into compost. The dead tree roots are still there, those blacked grass looks like raw material.. and the corpse can go digest itself when it's done so it doesn't become a problem again. And he has a couple of soil-bits from his own land for all the.. small-life and earthworms and all that this land was probably lacking now. Alfvin, of course, is in no rush, since.. well. He's got time. When winter concludes, perhaps Spring shall see life bloom from death. (2 Strain, Stoke Virthing to help with this.)
-[X] Free Action: Alfvin drops by Hallþórra Gunnisdottir's home/smithy @Murloc with 4x T2 Iron in hand, taken from the abandoned Kryksangr village. He doesn't need the iron, and hears that she needs iron, so he's just passing all of it over to her. He departs after that.

T5 Tapestry: Yggdrasil Thing
Alfvin Minor 2:
After its destruction by Astrid's Finale, its harvesting by those who defeated it, and the simple passing of time, there are few secrets remaining in the Screaming Tree. All intact things of value have been taken. To learn more, Alfvin would need to get his hands on some of the loot obtained in the raid. While he cannot yield inspiration or discoveries from what remains, he does get extensive practice in researching a plant. +1 Training to Enhance/Sabotage Plants.

Spellcasting: Alfvin performs a great deal of work over the final months of winter trying to revitalize Klaus's land. The task is much larger than simply healing the wounds of a living creature and his Strain makes barely a dent in the massive task. However, there is a dent made. The soil is still poor but life has returned to a corner of Klaus's land. 1 / 4 building slots of this plot may now be treated as Tier 1 Hills. Alfvin's spirit wags its tail in contentment. 2 Strain Used; 1 / 2 Fylgja Boons used.

[X] Astmund Late Minors
-[x]: Eat T3 food from minor 1
-[x] Minor 2: Fish more off the T2 Beach.
-[x] Minor 3: Learn Skaldry from Idony

((I convinced myself to stay in South Georgia with the Good Ole Boy classic of its "Only" a Cat 4, don't have my PC availible for a few days so I'll be posting kinda minimally but luckily my FiL has power and reception))

Astmund Minor 2: Tier 2 Beach + Tier 2 Tools + Tier 2 Seamanship + Tier 1 Old Salt's Intuition +2 Base; +1 maximum Tier from Born upon the Tides: Astmund obtains 7 Tier-Units of Fish Byproducts (Maximum Tier 3)
Astmund Minor 3:
Idony Trackless takes Astmund to the places where only those who are lost may wander. He returns days later a changed man.

@CoatRackRanger, did I lose one tier for one of the tapestries because of my bad luck this season? I planned "Battle with the Mountain-Skin Monk" to be Tier 5.

Gyda approaches Kijjie and tries to trade one unit of Tier 2 stone for two Tier 1 gambesons. With 0.5 Beauty from shapeshifting, 3 Hugr and 1 tier 1 social trait, her Social Skills is 3, and she can increase it to 4 with an active effect of her trait if required.

[X] Gyda Winter 1 End
-[X] Food Consumed: Tier 1 if the battle tapestry is Tier 4, Tier 2 if it is Tier 5
-[X] Minor Action 1: With Tier 2 Wool (Tier 3 Weaving, Tier 2 Fylgja loom), create a Tier 4 cloak and gift it to Kijjie. It's Gyda's chance to demonstrate her skills to him and establish a trade connection
-[X] Minor Action 2: Train Clifftop Seidr (Extract)
-[X] Free Action: Charge "High Ground" artefact with 1 Tier 2 stone unit

Gyda Minor 1: Kijjie accepts the cloak gracefully! He inspects it in the normal fashion then does something unexpected and demonstrates a handful of moves from a combat style that seems to use the cloak as a weapon! He pronounces it of excellent craftswomanship and promises to sing Gydas praises in Hedeby. Gyda gains Favor with Kijjie Sailshirt!
Gyda Minor 2:
+1 Training for Clifftop Seidr!
Charging the Artefact: The offered stone unwinds itself into threads and interweaves with the tapestry. Steadily, a rocky crust begins to form on the furled banner, signaling it is primed for use.

Torvi Minor 1:
Just visiting another player is a free action. I'm going to adjudicate this as a second action training Flash-Step, please let me know if you'd like to do something else instead.
Torvi Minor 2: +2 Flash-Step training.
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@CoatRackRanger before Kijje Sailshirt leaves, Audvin would approach him about buying the T3 bow he has just purchased.

I have a truly absurd number of T1 pelts, would he be willing to take some of those for at least part of the price? My Social for this should be 4, total, including shapeshifts.
@CoatRackRanger before Kijje Sailshirt leaves, Audvin would approach him about buying the T3 bow he has just purchased.

I have a truly absurd number of T1 pelts, would he be willing to take some of those for at least part of the price? My Social for this should be 4, total, including shapeshifts.

Kijjie has to make a profit but he's not a scam artist. He'll sell you the bow Tyrfingr sold him back for 15 oz. of silver. However, Kijjie is simply not interested in purchasing Tier 1 goods and does not want the wolf pelts.
[X] Torvi Winter 1 End
[X] Food Consumed: Tier 2 Food from Tyrfingr's stores.
[X] Minor Action: Visit Hallþórra to get her armour repaired.
[X] Train Flash-Step.
[X] Torvi Winter 1 End
[X] Food Consumed: Tier 2 Food from Tyrfingr's stores.
[X] Minor Action: Visit Hallþórra to get her armour repaired.
[X] Train Flash-Step.

Torvi Minor 1: Just visiting another player is a free action. I'm going to adjudicate this as a second action training Flash-Step, please let me know if you'd like to do something else instead.
Torvi Minor 2: +2 Flash-Step training.
Alright, that is the last of the Late Winter Minor Actions resolved. I'm going to start tallying Ordstirr. Make sure that y'all have your character sheets updated, specifically with regards to your possessions.
[X] Ebbe Tryggrsson Late Winter 1
-[X] Food: T1 Pork. (+1 Minor Action!)
-[X] Minor Action 2: Craft T4 Reinforced Backpack. (Leatherworking 2 [Skill]+ Tannery 2 [Tool] + Tier 2 Tanned Pig Leather [Material]. Using T1 Pig Bone as reinforcement material! 2 + 2 = 4.) Productive 1 results in a T1 Reinforced Backpack as well!
--[X] Head out to meet Kijjie Sailshirt.
-[X] More pending actions depending on Ebbe Tryggrsson's meeting with Kijjie Sailshirt!

-[X] Free Action: Continue (though not much focus due to it not being a Minor Action) on watching over (teaching?) Viklaus Strugrsson for the late part of Winter (if he's still around and of course if he's interested?).
-[X] Free Action: Spread word of the deeds of the ones who ended the Wolf threat. (Not sure if it'll be possible as a Free Action?)
-[X] Free Action: Try to seek out Toki Bracebeam (that's the new Carpenter right?) and come to accord on the latter building him a Barn somewhat (will likely fail if this is based on the Fortune Roll, which is 2.)
Winter 1 Ordstirr Round-up New

Winter 1: End of Season Ordstirr Calculations

There are a couple of notes at the bottom that everyone should read.

Astrid Bjornsdottir: @Jaguar2234
Prestige: T2 Food + Personal Property (T3 Quartz Prism + T3 Wooden Longsword) + Clan Property (T1 House + T2 Field) = 11 Prestige = 3 Ordstirr
Screaming Tree: Clan Radafellings and Astrid Bright staged a daring assault on the bane of Clan Fyrrolog's land. The fertile farmland was lost but the horrifying foe was slain. +12 Ordstirr
The Screaming Tree, Prelude: Astrid Bjornsdottir fought the Screaming Tree when it first emerged, alongside Brenda Beast-Soul. Astrid met bodily death but has gotten her revenge. +3 Ordstirr.
Lesser Solo Bonus: 1 Ordstirr
Omake Bonus: +3 Ordstirr
TOTAL: +22 Ordstirr.

Cyrthraul Scarhaven: @The Chilly One
On Hiatus: Cyrthrual gets average Ordstirr for this season. +21 Ordstirr.

Tyrfingr Logger: @I.F. Ister
Prestige: T2 Food + Personal Property (T3 Bow + T3 Longsword) + Clan Property (T2 Cows (3) + Tier 2 Field [Arne]) = 13 Prestige = 4 Ordstirr
Screaming Tree: Clan Radafellings and Astrid Bright staged a daring assault on the bane of Clan Fyrrolog's land. The fertile farmland was lost but the horrifying foe was slain. +12 Ordstirr
Ghost-Blade Executioner: From where he stood as the battle against the Tree began, Tyrfingr took not one step. On that spot, he slew a more foes than any other Norseman. 1 Ordstirr.
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Omake Bonus: +3 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +24 Ordstirr

Orm Ivarsson: @Worm_that_Walks
Prestige: T1 Food + Personal Property (Locked Coffer Covered in Unfamiliar Runes (3) + T4 Jewelry (6)) + Clan Property (T1 House + T1 Dock) = 12 Prestige = 4 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Wolfsbane pt 2: For his specific contributions to ending the wolf-mist menace. +16 Ordstirr.
Working as Intended: In an act of true heroism, Orm's sacrificed his own life to use his explosive runecraft destroyed the Christian sorcery that inflicted the plague of wolves upon Finningur. +2 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +25 Ordstirr

Astra Silver-Bite: @theknightofiron
Prestige: T3 Food + Personal Property (T2 Ironcloth Gambeson + Tier 2 Jewelry (3))+ Clan Property (T3 Cows (4.5) [Gunni] + T4 Field [Audvin]) = 16 Prestige = 5 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Wolfsbane pt 2: For her specific contributions to ending the wolf-mist menace. +16 Ordstirr.
Omake Bonus: +3 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +27 Ordstirr

Eydis Glimmer-Gaze: @Alectai
Prestige: T2 Food + Personal Property (T2 Spectacles + Carved Lore Horn (3)) + Clan Property (Tier 4 Dock [Aelfgard] + Tier 4 Shapecrafter Lair [Aelfgard]) = 15 Prestige = 5 Ordstirr
Lesser Solo Bonus: 1 Ordstirr
Wolfsbane pt 2: For her specific contributions to ending the wolf-mist menace. +16 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +22 Ordstirr

Audvin Chainbreaker: @DeadmanwalkingXI
Prestige: T1 Food + Personal Property (T3 Wooden Bow + T3 Mail Armor) + (T3 Cows (4.5) [Gunni] + T4 Field [Audvin]) = 15 Prestige = 5 Ordstirr
Less-than-Fortunate Farmer: The seaman attempted to put down roots in Faroese soil and it did everything in its power to resist him. By the end of the season, his land had been watered with an ocean of wolves' blood and his efforts went undeterred! The Norse spirit prevails! +10 Ordstirr.
Creating a Tier 4 Farm with Tier 0 Farming: +4 Ordstirr.
Omake Bonus: +3 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +22 Ordstirr

Alfvin Arison: @Shard
Prestige: T2 Food + Personal Property (T5 Tapestry (7.5) + T3 Wooden Bow) + Clan Property (T2 Statue (4) + T2 Shapecrafter Lair) = 18 Prestige = 6 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Kyrksangr Vanishing: The veterans of Framogr and valiant new companions ventured to Kyrksangr and found puffinmen still in the empty village! They drove off the foes but found the mystery goes deeper than expected. What is the connection between the feathered foes and the mysterious sea-dweller that has been editing memories? +12 Ordstirr.
Slayer, Savior, Seeker: The reclusive Shapecrafter proved his mettle beyond a doubt before his brothers. He slew several of their puffinman opponents, saved an unconscious Arant from drowning, and connected many of abandoned village's the dangling threads of mystery! +2 Ordstirr.
Shapes Crafted without Cost: For his resurrection of Astrid Bright and Brenda Beast-Soul, for his gift of iron to the village smith, and for his efforts to regrow the land of Klaus, Alfvin's reputation for generosity grows! +2 Ordstirr
Omake Bonus: +3 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +28 Ordstirr

Astrid Keen-Mind: @alexthealright
Prestige: T1 Food + Personal Property (T3 Runed Greataxe + Tier 1 Shield) + (T3 Cows (4.5) [Gunni] + T4 Field [Audvin]) = 13 Prestige = 4 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Wolfsbane pt 2: For her specific contributions to ending the wolf-mist menace. +18 Ordstirr.
Astrid Fastulfrsbane: Keen-mind matched wits with the mastermind of the wolf-plague plot. She stymied him at every turn and even drove him from his home dimension, forcing him to flee into the wilds of Finningur, even if she remains trapped herself. +2 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +27 Ordstirr

Gunni Gautison: @Bass11
Prestige: T1 Food + Personal Property (T3 Bag + T2 Sunstone) + (T3 Cows (4.5) [Gunni] + T4 Field [Audvin]) = 14 Prestige = 4 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Kyrksangr Vanishing: The veterans of Framogr and valiant new companions ventured to Kyrksangr and found puffinmen still in the empty village! They drove off the foes but found the mystery goes deeper than expected. What is the connection between the feathered foes and the mysterious sea-dweller that has been editing memories? +12 Ordstirr.
Stand Firm against the Song: In the dead of night, when all other fell like scythed wheat, stubborn Gunni stood firm against the overwhelming whalesong and managed to leave enough clues for the companions to realize their nighttime encounter had been no mere dream. +2 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +21 Ordstirr

Kǫttuna Höfuðer: @Ulvlar
Prestige: T2 Food (Milk) + Personal Property (T2 Cat Armor + T1 Jewelry (1.5)) + Clan Property (2x Tier 2 Cows (6)) = 11 Prestige = 3 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Kyrksangr Vanishing: The veterans of Framogr and valiant new companions ventured to Kyrksangr and found puffinmen still in the empty village! They drove off the foes but found the mystery goes deeper than expected. What is the connection between the feathered foes and the mysterious sea-dweller that has been editing memories? +12 Ordstirr.
Feeding the Sjavarfli: In their time of need, you donated food to the table of the Sjavarfli. +1 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +19 Ordstirr

Astmund Star-Eyed: @OneArmedYeti
Prestige: T3 Food + Personal Property (T3 Armor + T2 Fishing Tools) + (T3 Cows (4.5) [Gunni] + T4 Field [Audvin]) = 16 Prestige = 5 Ordstirr
Lesser Solo Bonus: 1 Ordstirr
Kyrksangr Vanishing: The veterans of Framogr and valiant new companions ventured to Kyrksangr and found puffinmen still in the empty village! They drove off the foes but found the mystery goes deeper than expected. What is the connection between the feathered foes and the mysterious sea-dweller that has been editing memories? +12 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +18 Ordstirr

Ebbe Tryggyrsson: @DiscordOxymoron
Prestige: T1 Food + Personal Property (T1 Bag + T1 Bow) + Clan Property (2x T2 Pigs) = 7 Prestige = 2 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Caring For up to T2 Pigs with Animal Husbandry 2: +4 Ordstirr.
A Visit from Knockingdawn: Knockingdawn visits Ebbesby after returning from the southern Faroes late in the season. For continuing to care for the community stockpile, he grants Ebbe some Ordstirr. +4 Ordstirr.
OOC Patience Bonus: For your exceptional patience over the long season. +4 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +17 Ordstirr

Gyda Dahlberg: @octocalamity
Prestige: T1 Food + Personal Property (T3 Belt + T2 Gambeson) + Clan Property (2x Tier 2 Sheep (6)) = 12 Prestige = 4 Ordstirr
Lesser Solo Bonus: 1 Ordstirr.
Crafting a Tier 5 Tapestry with Tier 3 Weaving: +8 Ordstirr.
OOC Patience Bonus: For your exceptional patience over the long season. +4 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +17 Ordstirr

Katla Eriksdottir: @Aria the Mage
Prestige: T1 Food + Personal Property (T3 Cooking Tools + T3 Jewelry (4.5)) + Clan Property (T2 House + T2 Statue (4)) = 14 Prestige = 4 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Wolfsbane pt 2: For her specific contributions to ending the wolf-mist menace. +18 Ordstirr.
Stepping Up: Katla faced the wolves of winter without fear and acquitted herself as a warrior would, despite owning none of a warrior's skills. +1 Ordstirr.
Hosting Sjavarfli: The Sjavarfli clan leaves your home at the conclusion of the winter to move into the new one built by Toki Bracebeam. They will never forget the kindness you have shown them and will sing your praises for years to come. +3 Ordstirr.
Omake Bonus: +6 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +35 Ordstirr

Arant Hranisson: @Brainbow
Prestige: T2 Food + Personal Property (T2 Seamanship Tools + T2 Fishing Tools) + Clan Property (T2 Chicken + T1 House) = 9 Prestige = 3 Ordstirr
Lesser Solo Bonus: 1 Ordstirr
Kyrksangr Vanishing: The veterans of Framogr and valiant new companions ventured to Kyrksangr and found puffinmen still in the empty village! They drove off the foes but found the mystery goes deeper than expected. What is the connection between the feathered foes and the mysterious sea-dweller that has been editing memories? +12 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +16 Ordstirr

Hallþórra Gunnisdottir: @Murloc
Prestige: T2 Food + Personal Property (T3 Smithing Tools + T2 Armor) + Clan Property (T2 Smithy + T2 Field) = 11 Prestige = 3 Ordstirr
Lesser Solo Bonus: 1 Ordstirr
Wolfsbane pt 2: For her specific contributions to ending the wolf-mist menace. +16 Ordstirr.
Omake Bonus: +6 Ordstirr.
An Impossible Task: At the end of the season, Jarl Kamban himself comes to collect the broken items. After a few test swings with one of the swords through the air, he slices your new door cleanly in half. "Not utter shit," He grumbles as he leaves. Jarl Kamban grants you +1 Ordstirr!
A Generous Gift: Asking nothing in return, Hallpora gifted Torvi a T2 Shield. +2 Ordstirr
TOTAL: +29 Ordstirr

Torvi Sword-Sister: @Constenanto
Prestige: T1 Food + Personal Property (T2 Sword + T2 Shield) + Clan Property = 5 Prestige = +1 Ordstirr
Screaming Tree: Clan Radafellings and Astrid Bright staged a daring assault on the bane of Clan Fyrrolog's land. The fertile farmland was lost but the horrifying foe was slain. +12 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
TOTAL: +16 Ordstirr

Arne Gormsson: @Guest99
Prestige: T3 Food + Personal Property (T 3 Helmet + T2 Metal Armor) + Clan Property (T2 Land + Tier 2 Field [Arne]) = 12 Prestige = +4 Ordstirr
Screaming Tree: Clan Radafellings and Astrid Bright staged a daring assault on the bane of Clan Fyrrolog's land. The fertile farmland was lost but the horrifying foe was slain. +12 Ordstirr
Giver of Glory: Brave Arne risked life and limb to safeguard Astrid from foes trying to slay her all around. When hope of victory was lost, Arne lent his glory to the Bright to restore her flagging light. +1 Ordstirr
Solo Bonus: 3 Ordstirr
Omake Bonus: +3 Ordstirr.
Feeding the Sjavarfli: In their time of need, you donated food to the table of the Sjavarfli. +1 Ordstirr.
TOTAL: +24 Ordstirr

If you'd like to dispute your Ordstirr award, please let me know.

I'll still be accepting Omakes for this season, I will extend the window out for another couple days. If you get your Omake in by Friday, I'll let you count it towards this season.

Please be aware that I'm going to be doing some tweaks to Tricks between seasons and I WILL NOT BE CONFIRMING NEW TRICKS until those changes are published. I will also be coming out with a new character sheet and guidance on how to fill it out.

ALWAYS REMEMBER, your Ordstirr expenditures must be approved by me before you make them on your sheet.
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