Witches and Giants: A NorseQuest Riot Fangame

Kayla's features are striking, and some note that she will likely have little difficulty finding a husband, if she finds a man who catches her sharp eye.
Effect: +1 to social skills when interacting face to face with another.
I think you don't need to specify the face-to-face thing here, there are not many ways to interact that are not face-to-face in this world...regardless of that, this Trait should also grant you some kind of active use, like a "1/season boost its effect" thing, or something else you can think of and seek approval for ;)

Fylga: Seeing Eyes, Seeing Eyes 2 (3)
Manifested: Snake
Since you have ranks in Fylgja, you also get to decide the form its Boon takes. The Boon basically acts as a Descriptive Trait that enhances the most iconic personality trait of your character. It might also have a connection to the animal form your Fylgja takes.

Everything else seems to be in order :)
You are limited to T2 as a max, for starting advantages.

Looks good already.

You can also decide on the animal form of your Fylgja and what it's Boon is supposed to be (this should be something that enhances or reflects a core personality trait of your character and otherwise basically takes the form of a Descriptive Trait whose Tier matches your Fylgja Tier).
Thanks! Rethinking the plot now. I had a feeling this wouldn't be allowed, but I initially thought the Tier 2 restriction only applied to equipment.
I think you don't need to specify the face-to-face thing here, there are not many ways to interact that are not face-to-face in this world...regardless of that, this Trait should also grant you some kind of active use, like a "1/season boost its effect" thing, or something else you can think of and seek approval for ;)

Since you have ranks in Fylgja, you also get to decide the form its Boon takes. The Boon basically acts as a Descriptive Trait that enhances the most iconic personality trait of your character. It might also have a connection to the animal form your Fylgja takes.

Everything else seems to be in order :)

Edited for when you have time to check.
Thanks! Rethinking the plot now. I had a feeling this wouldn't be allowed, but I initially thought the Tier 2 restriction only applied to equipment.
Yeah, it's a bit misleading, but the "no item above T2" is supposed to mean "you can't get anything that has Tiers above T2" ;)

Edited for when you have time to check.
If you want to keep the 1/season effect of Beauty as a per-season thing and with this narrower use case, you should get a slightly better boost out of it. For comparison, Greater Strength can double its boost once per season for any one action, while lending greater narrative weight to that action.

The Fylgja substat is called Boon and not Boost ;)
Besides that, I think it's a Trait that @CoatRackRanger should take a look at. As written it's a conditional bonus to Social, I'd say, which might let it be as high as +1.5 per Tier. But these kinda social traits can be a bit finicky to judge if you're fulfilling the conditions. So it might also be "just" a +1 Social per Tier, with no conditions.
The active part again seems mostly fine, but the "at the right moment" thing is also again hard to judge. Might also be "just" an effect similar to the above, doubling the Traits bonus for one action.
Going through a backlog of tasks!

Probably won't get to discussing specific character and pricing out Tricks tonight, sorry everyone!

I'm loving the characters so far and very excited to get this going!

I'll leave character creation open for a couple of days; we're currently at 16/20 so there's definitely room for a few more :)

Again, happy to have everyone on board!

(If you're curious about what I'm currently doing or have something you think I need to look at and might miss, check out my to-do list on the Discord)
Audvin: The Feel Of Chains
The Feel Of Chains:

Audvin still remembered the feel of chains. He'd been 16, barely a man, on his first trip trading with his father when the pirates hit their ship, and one blow to his head with a shield and he lost consciousness for what seemed only a moment, only to awaken in chains, the battle lost and the thrall manacles burning his wrists and draining away what little ordstirr he had. His father was truly dead, his Fated Day met, and his cousin and the rest of the crew either bodily dead, or no better off than he was. And he raged at the unfairness of the Norns, and despaired for his future...he considered simply killing himself, but he was in charge, as much as anyone was, and so that would be deserting his responsibilities, and the pirates were on guard for such attempts anyway.

So he sought other solutions, no matter how desperate. His father's bloodline had gifts that might be useful in escape, but he had never been able to get it to work, his father had given up on it manifesting in him...his blood was simply too weak now, too removed from the magic, and thrall manacles stopped most magics anyway...still, he tried. For three long days, through beatings and worse, he tried, and finally, for the length of a heartbeat, his flesh became the wind and he was free...and in that moment, as the chains as they fell to the deck of the ship, and he felt what must have been a terrible smile come to his face as ordstirr rushed in to fill the void that was his soul, and the chains whispered their secrets to him and danced off his comrades hands and onto some of the pirates. What followed was bloody, quick, and involved no taking of thralls. He still remembered the screams as they threw the worst of the pirates off the ship still wrapped in chains and watched them sink as the sharks circled, and it was a happy memory.

But more than that happy moment, more than the three days of torment while he desperately tried to awaken his blood, more than anything in that whole sorry saga, Audvin, now called Chainbreaker, remembered that first terrible moment when he had woken up and found himself in chains, and the agony and despair that went with it. He woke up sweating sometimes, his heart racing, and rubbed his wrists to make sure they were free. And he thought, in those dark moments more than most, that he truly understood what a double-edged sword it was that Memory Is Forever.
The Feel Of Chains:

Audvin still remembered the feel of chains. He'd been 16, barely a man, on his first trip trading with his father when the pirates hit their ship, and one blow to his head with a shield and he lost consciousness for what seemed only a moment, only to awaken in chains, the battle lost and the thrall manacles burning his wrists and draining away what little ordstirr he had. His father was truly dead, his Fated Day met, and his cousin and the rest of the crew either bodily dead, or no better off than he was. And he raged at the unfairness of the Norns, and despaired for his future...he considered simply killing himself, but he was in charge, as much as anyone was, and so that would be deserting his responsibilities, and the pirates were on guard for such attempts anyway.

So he sought other solutions, no matter how desperate. His father's bloodline had gifts that might be useful in escape, but he had never been able to get it to work, his father had given up on it manifesting in him...his blood was simply too weak now, too removed from the magic, and thrall manacles stopped most magics anyway...still, he tried. For three long days, through beatings and worse, he tried, and finally, for the length of a heartbeat, his flesh became the wind and he was free...and in that moment, as the chains as they fell to the deck of the ship, and he felt what must have been a terrible smile come to his face as ordstirr rushed in to fill the void that was his soul, and the chains whispered their secrets to him and danced off his comrades hands and onto some of the pirates. What followed was bloody, quick, and involved no taking of thralls. He still remembered the screams as they threw the worst of the pirates off the ship still wrapped in chains and watched them sink as the sharks circled, and it was a happy memory.

But more than that happy moment, more than the three days of torment while he desperately tried to awaken his blood, more than anything in that whole sorry saga, Audvin, now called Chainbreaker, remembered that first terrible moment when he had woken up and found himself in chains, and the agony and despair that went with it. He woke up sweating sometimes, his heart racing, and rubbed his wrists to make sure they were free. And he thought, in those dark moments more than most, that he truly understood what a double-edged sword it was that Memory Is Forever.

Awesome! You know I love trauma. Omake awarded :D

Alright, I went ahead and utilized my ms paint 'skills' to conjure up a picture of Tyrfingr

Don't put "skills" in quotes; this is impressive for paint! Omake awarded.
Astrid Skycarver: Windrunner
((So you know that thing that Saga's do sometimes where they talk about a character's ancestors for an annoying amount of text? Here you go, this will take a whiiiile to get to Astmund.

Anything in ** is a character's thoughts that no one else hears.))

The Ballad of Astrid Skycarver: Part One - Windrunner

Generations prior, the second Yule following the Fall of Gotland.

Astrid Windrunner prayed kneeling on the ground outside the temple at Uppsala in the shade of the holy tree, the strange oils the Gyðja and Seeress had annointed her with burning her nostrils.

"Lady thank you for your guidance over these past years, without it I may have preserved my life but not my hope. You have been faithful, giving signs when I needed them and surely acting beyond my sight in my interest, and in thanks for this faithfulness I offer you the blood of the swine that lays before me for yourself and it's meat for the minders of your temple here.

Over this past year you have told me he lives, that he is free, and that he loves me still. I thank you for all of these secrets, but you know well how greedy I am.

I ask for a sign to answer only one question today..."

Astrid paused...

She had planned out what she would ask, perfectly phrased with consultation with the Gyðja, but as the words came to her lips they felt wrong. They weren't her words. She couldn't offer them to the Lady.

"...is he ok?"

*I will not give you the answer to that question oh daughter of Ingrid, Sorrow, and Mine. You deserve the truth in it's stead.*

The smoke turned red, then blue, then black as the ground beneath her knees rumbled and rippled.

The black earth of Upsala was set aside, revealing a woven wreath of flax stalks sitting on light brown Soil who's color she knew like her own soul. A flash of red and gold lay unnoticed in the middle of the wreath as she reached with trembling hands to take the woven stalks between her fingers.

She had recognized it immediately, woven as it was in the manner of the wreathes that the women in her Clan were presented with by their husbands on the second day of their wedding feasts.

She remembered fondly for a moment the night she had taught him how to weave it, before dread began to fill her at the clear meaning of the omen, held at bay only by denial as she forgot where she was and Who she was talking to.

"No...I don't believe you. He wouldn't have..."

Her denial was struck a sharp blow as the ground rippled again and somehow the words she most dreaded were carried to her from the voice she most longed to hear.

"Goodbye, Astrid Ingridsdottir, may we meet in the Halls of the Gods. All of us.

I think you'll like her"

"no...no...he wouldn't have given up on me.....not that easy....not after just twO FUCKING YEARS!" Astrid screamed as she lept to her feet.

"You can't know him! I do, and for longer than the years we've been apart! He would have had to watch me fall! He would have had to hold my body in his arms! LIAR!" she accused the Lady.

*Dear child, he thinks he did.*

The ground ripples a third time, revealing nothing new, causing her to look down at the splash of red she had missed.

She froze, before bending over to pick it up.

Standing, she holds little Grof's feather in her hand and thinks of the boy she was too stupid to teach and too weak to save as horror fills her face and she hears Harald's voice again, carried not by wind or fate or whim of the divine but within her own heart.

"Astrii, I don't want to press but the Seeress' shephard already told everybody you've got the Sight. I get wanting to keep tricks up your sleeve but it's not like we'll ever be enemies and I promise I won't tell anyone. What if I guess it right, and beat you back home, will you show her to me then?"

She shook and swayed, unsteady on her feet. For years she had looked for any hint of Gutes in exile she didn't already know: working and trading and tricking her way onto any boat that would take her to a a new corner of the sea, leaving messages for him as she went. For years she held the certainty that this was just the second act of their story without a single doubt that the rest of it would proceed as he'd promised her.

Until today.

"He...he's not looking for me."

From the side of the fire trots slowly a large boar as her vision splits to show her standing there poleaxed. His snout hangs low to the ground and sways as he walks forward.

Girl and boar fall into each other as with four eyes Astrid wept tears of red gold at the cost of their shame.

Hours later, she sits on the banks of the Fyrisån leaning against her Flygja, staring blankly at the currents, mumbling repetively that nothing had changed.

It wasn't a lie if she forced herself to believe it.

(( @CoatRackRanger A few months ago, you asked for messy. This was the messiest thing I could come up with at the time. Reveal was going to be the season after the wedding, my wife[who hates forum games but loves soap operas and the show Vikings] was gonna make an SV account just to bring in the character.))
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A century and change past, the second Yule following the Fall of Gotland.

This is incorrect, for the record. We're quite a while after Gotland and her being an ancestor makes sense, but Gotland fell less than a century ago. This is...probably around 60-70 years after the fall of Gotland (I'd need to check the exact math, but Halla, from NQ would be 41 right now if she's still alive, and she was born no more than 30 years after Gotland's fall, I think closer to 25), not a century.

Love the story, but my pedantic nature necessitates the correction.
((So you know that thing that Saga's do sometimes where they talk about a character's ancestors for an annoying amount of text? Here you go, this will take a whiiiile to get to Astmund.

Anything in ** is a character's thoughts that no one else hears.))

The Ballad of Astrid Skycarver: Part One - Windrunner

Generations prior, the second Yule following the Fall of Gotland.

Astrid Windrunner prayed kneeling on the ground outside the temple at Uppsala in the shade of the holy tree, the strange oils the Gyðja and Seeress had annointed her with burning her nostrils.

"Lady thank you for your guidance over these past years, without it I may have preserved my life but not my hope. You have been faithful, giving signs when I needed them and surely acting beyond my sight in my interest, and in thanks for this faithfulness I offer you the blood of the swine that lays before me for yourself and it's meat for the minders of your temple here.

Over this past year you have told me he lives, that he is free, and that he loves me still. I thank you for all of these secrets, but you know well how greedy I am.

I ask for a sign to answer only one question today..."

Astrid paused...

She had planned out what she would ask, perfectly phrased with consultation with the Gyðja, but as the words came to her lips they felt wrong. They weren't her words. She couldn't offer them to the Lady.

"...is he ok?"

*I will not give you the answer to that question oh daughter of Ingrid, Sorrow, and Mine. You deserve the truth in it's stead.*

The smoke turned red, then blue, then black as the ground beneath her knees rumbled and rippled.

The black earth of Upsala was set aside, revealing a woven wreath of flax stalks sitting on light brown Soil who's color she knew like her own soul. A flash of red and gold lay unnoticed in the middle of the wreath as she reached with trembling hands to take the woven stalks between her fingers.

She had recognized it immediately, woven as it was in the manner of the wreathes that the women in her Clan were presented with by their husbands on the second day of their wedding feasts.

She remembered fondly for a moment the night she had taught him how to weave it, before dread began to fill her at the clear meaning of the omen, held at bay only by denial as she forgot where she was and Who she was talking to.

"No...I don't believe you. He wouldn't have..."

Her denial was struck a sharp blow as the ground rippled again and somehow the words she most dreaded were carried to her from the voice she most longed to hear.

"Goodbye, Astrid Ingridsdottir, may we meet in the Halls of the Gods. All of us.

I think you'll like her"

"no...no...he wouldn't have given up on me.....not that easy....not after just twO FUCKING YEARS!" Astrid screamed as she lept to her feet.

"You can't know him! I do, and for longer than the years we've been apart! He would have had to watch me fall! He would have had to hold my body in his arms! LIAR!" she accused the Lady.

*Dear child, he thinks he did.*

The ground ripples a third time, revealing nothing new, causing her to look down at the splash of red she had missed.

She froze, before bending over to pick it up.

Standing, she holds little Grof's feather in her hand and thinks of the boy she was too stupid to teach and too weak to save as horror fills her face and she hears Harald's voice again, carried not by wind or fate or whim of the divine but within her own heart.

"Astrii, I don't want to press but the Seeress' shephard already told everybody you've got the Sight. I get wanting to keep tricks up your sleeve but it's not like we'll ever be enemies and I promise I won't tell anyone. What if I guess it right, and beat you back home, will you show her to me then?"

She shook and swayed, unsteady on her feet. For years she had looked for any hint of Gutes in exile she didn't already know: working and trading and tricking her way onto any boat that would take her to a a new corner of the sea, leaving messages for him as she went. For years she held the certainty that this was just the second act of their story without a single doubt that the rest of it would proceed as he'd promised her.

Until today.

"He...he's not looking for me."

From the side of the fire trots slowly a large boar as her vision splits to show her standing there poleaxed. His snout hangs low to the ground and sways as he walks forward.

Girl and boar fall into each other as with four eyes Astrid wept tears of red gold at the cost of their shame.

Hours later, she sits on the banks of the Fyrisån leaning against her Flygja, staring blankly at the currents, mumbling repetively that nothing had changed.

It wasn't a lie if she forced herself to believe it.

(( @CoatRackRanger A few months ago, you asked for messy. This was the messiest thing I could come up with at the time. Reveal was going to be the season after the wedding, my wife[who hates forum games but loves soap operas and the show Vikings] was gonna make an SV account just to bring in the character.))

Fully amazing! wow... That would have been a whole mess. You know, I considered having the Jarl be a surviving Blomtamja (or a Felagiliki) for a while but decided against it. I'm glad to see the legacies of that game live on despite that! Omake reward, of course!
Alfvin: Unwanted Gifts
Unwanted Gifts

Power Demands Sacrifice.

Alfvin just didn't think it came in that form. Wretched, treacherous thing. He told his family he was departing to somewhere remote, and that he could no longer stay at home. The Shapecrafter's Price had simply made it.. unworkable. So here he was negotiating for a spot on a boat. A small mercy, healing was valuable and he could do it. A service in lieu of the traditional duties. Being away from a Shapecrafter suited most men fine, and right now that also suited Alfvin.

Just cargo right now. A few days before it was the sort of indignity that would have ended in blood, but right now he had.. issues. It wasn't even important where the boat was going, except that he had heard that it was going 'away'. Not on a raid, which was more than good enough. He could.. he could best this in time. This was a tactical retreat.

Speaking of cargo, one addressed to him. In a runed wooden box?

"To the Shapecrafter Alfvin Arison,

A welcome-gift for the new inhabitant of Finnigur. Open it at your new home.

Good luck."


It can't all be bad. He would work it out.


It was actually all that bad.

Staring at the three women carved in stone, Alfvin could not help but feel betrayed. He hadn't felt so betrayed in his life, and he had just experienced that feeling but a few weeks back. Three women weaving, carved into stone. It was unmistakable who they were.

The Nornar.

He can't dispose of this. Even worse than their attention, would be their ire. He.. he would just have to deal with this. Give them respect, and hope - just hope that they are merciful. Here in a grove of trees, that was the best he could do. He doesn't want to look at the runes carved at the base, but he does.

"Sway to the way of fate,
Sing when they ring for you.

The wind binds with signed weaves,
Time rhymes to their chimes true.

Words are heard and written,
Work-life hero's strife still.

Begin with a great grin,
Before the end bends thee."


He's never coloring them.

Runes don't have power when they aren't colored, right?

..Right? They also don't color themselves. Right.


His thoughts had never felt so unconvincing before.

His dreams showed them colored a dozen different ways.
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Unwanted Gifts

Power Demands Sacrifice.

Alfvis just didn't think it came in that form. Wretched, treacherous thing. He told his family he was departing to somewhere remote, and that he could no longer stay at home. The Shapecrafter's Price had simply made it.. unworkable. So here he was negotiating for a spot on a boat. A small mercy, healing was valuable and he could do it. A service in lieu of the traditional duties. Being away from a Shapecrafter suited most men fine, and right now that also suited Alfvis.

Just cargo right now. A few days before it was the sort of indignity that would have ended in blood, but right now he had.. issues. It wasn't even important where the boat was going, except that he had heard that it was going 'away'. Not on a raid, which was more than good enough. He could.. he could best this in time. This was a tactical retreat.

Speaking of cargo, one addressed to him. In a runed wooden box?

"To the Shapecrafter Alfvin Arison,

A welcome-gift for the new inhabitant of Finnigur. Open it at your new home.

Good luck."


It can't all be bad. He would work it out.


It was actually all that bad.

Staring at the three women carved in stone, Alfvin could not help but feel betrayed. He hadn't felt so betrayed in his life, and he had just experienced that feeling but a few weeks back. Three women weaving, carved into stone. It was unmistakable who they were.

The Nornar.

He can't dispose of this. Even worse than their attention, would be their ire. He.. he would just have to deal with this. Give them respect, and hope - just hope that they are merciful. Here in a grove of trees, that was the best he could do. He doesn't want to look at the runes carved at the base, but he does.

"Sway to the way of fate,
Sing when they ring for you.

The wind binds with signed weaves,
Time rhymes to their chimes true.

Words are heard and written,
Work-life hero's strife still.

Begin with a great grin,
Before the end bends thee."


He's never coloring them.

Runes don't have power when they aren't colored, right?

..Right? They also don't color themselves. Right.


His thoughts had never felt so unconvincing before.

His dreams showed them colored a dozen different ways.

Amazing! Love the mystery and this really honors the feeling of being a new Shapecrafter! Omake reward :D
A Breath of Freedom

Astra rushed to the rail as the ship entered the breakwater. Her silvery teeth flashing as bright as her laughter, iron hands reach out and grab the rail tight as she leans right over. It was a cold rainy day, grim slate grey skies made bright by girlish enthusiasm.

"Mind the ropes Astra" Bjorn called as he caught the mast with a grunt. "You don't want Brynhild to have to fish you out again"

Astra laughed again as she hopped to the side, narrowly avoiding losing her footing as the slack was pulled through the ring bolt. "I know, that only happened once Bjorn, you don't have to bring it up every time I go near the rail"

As the ship pulls up to the pier she leaps from the ship, takes a few running steps and the sucks in a deep breath. "Ahhh, that first breath of freedom, delicious"

A cool, polite voice spreads though the air behind her like ink in water. "You made excellent time Audvin. Thank you for taking my daughter with you. I'll take her off your hands now" the tiny woman reaches out, fingers closing around her daughter's ear with the speed of a vipers bite. With a twist she began dragging Astra down the pier.

"Ah, mother please, let go of my ear, oww oww" Astra's voice trails off as she gets further away.
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Training with Ivor

Astrid stood in the clearing, the golden light from her aura blending with the morning sun. Her brother Ivor stood a few paces away, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "You need to focus, Astrid. Light Kunna is about more than just radiance; it's about control and precision," he said, his voice steady and instructive.

Astrid nodded, her eyes narrowing in concentration. She raised her hand, trying to summon the light within her as Ivor had taught her. A faint glow appeared around her fingers, flickering uncertainly. "Like this?" she asked, her voice tinged with both excitement and frustration.

"Better, but you need to channel it more deliberately," Ivor replied, stepping closer. "Imagine the light as an extension of your will. Guide it with purpose, like a sword's edge." He demonstrated, his own hand glowing with a steady, controlled light. "Now, try shaping it. Start with something simple."

Astrid took a deep breath and focused again. This time, the light around her hand grew stronger, forming into a faint, shimmering blade. She smiled, pride evident on her face. "I did it!" she exclaimed, looking to her brother for approval.

Ivor smiled back, a rare expression for him. "Good. Now, let's see if you can hold it while moving. Combat won't give you the luxury of standing still." He stepped back, taking a stance that indicated he was ready to test her progress.

Astrid's smile faded as she concentrated once more. The blade of light wavered as she moved, but she gritted her teeth and forced it to hold its shape. Ivor came at her with a slow, deliberate strike, and she parried with her light-formed blade. The clash sent a thrill through her, and for a moment, she felt the potential of what she could become.

"Not bad, little sister," Ivor said, nodding approvingly. "With more practice, you'll be able to wield this in a real fight. Remember, the light is a part of you, but it's your mind that shapes it."

Astrid nodded, determination burning in her golden eyes. "I won't let you down, Ivor. I'll master this, just like you have."
Training with Ivor

Astrid stood in the clearing, the golden light from her aura blending with the morning sun. Her brother Ivor stood a few paces away, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "You need to focus, Astrid. Light Kunna is about more than just radiance; it's about control and precision," he said, his voice steady and instructive.

Astrid nodded, her eyes narrowing in concentration. She raised her hand, trying to summon the light within her as Ivor had taught her. A faint glow appeared around her fingers, flickering uncertainly. "Like this?" she asked, her voice tinged with both excitement and frustration.

"Better, but you need to channel it more deliberately," Ivor replied, stepping closer. "Imagine the light as an extension of your will. Guide it with purpose, like a sword's edge." He demonstrated, his own hand glowing with a steady, controlled light. "Now, try shaping it. Start with something simple."

Astrid took a deep breath and focused again. This time, the light around her hand grew stronger, forming into a faint, shimmering blade. She smiled, pride evident on her face. "I did it!" she exclaimed, looking to her brother for approval.

Ivor smiled back, a rare expression for him. "Good. Now, let's see if you can hold it while moving. Combat won't give you the luxury of standing still." He stepped back, taking a stance that indicated he was ready to test her progress.

Astrid's smile faded as she concentrated once more. The blade of light wavered as she moved, but she gritted her teeth and forced it to hold its shape. Ivor came at her with a slow, deliberate strike, and she parried with her light-formed blade. The clash sent a thrill through her, and for a moment, she felt the potential of what she could become.

"Not bad, little sister," Ivor said, nodding approvingly. "With more practice, you'll be able to wield this in a real fight. Remember, the light is a part of you, but it's your mind that shapes it."

Astrid nodded, determination burning in her golden eyes. "I won't let you down, Ivor. I'll master this, just like you have."

She's going to go far! Omake points awarded!
Cythraul: A New Life
A New Life

By The Chilly One

Cythrauls eyes are closed. He sits on a barrel, smelling the scent of sea salt and wood, and thinks. He thinks of what his life has become. six months ago… six months ago the future looked bright.

He was counted among the friends of Jarl Ealden, a man of modest wealth and fortune, well known for his wisdom and skill with the spear. He lived with his wife and only son on a plot of land rich and beautiful with a mine that drew forth much wealth. He had no want, aside from that one want for which all True-Norse thirsted for… But much can change in six months. Cythraul long ago, in his youth even, realized that his friendship and comradery with Ealden was not that of equals. He had come to terms with the fact that he was a follower, and Ealden the leader. In battle, in song, in drink, it did not matter, Cythraul followed the lead of the *wise* and *mighty* Jarl Ealden. He thought their friendship HAD meant something, anything even. In the end, it seems it did not.

His predicament and flight began with that accursed table. Some relics from a distant land brought for the enjoyment and appraisal of Cythraul's "friend". A table of blackstone, which glowed with some foreign power. Cythraul had thought it an interesting item, but not something he would overly think of, just another item in an already vast hoard of treasure, and so did Ealden.

Ealden's eldest son Delse did not think so. Something about it stuck with him, and it became the jewel of his eye, the centerpiece of his growing wealth, something he spent a fair share of silver on, and made a decent fixture at the center of his house… until it went missing. Delse was wroth. He stormed about, seeking anyone to blame for the theft of his treasured item. Ealden was disturbed also over the brazen theft, and a large hunt began for it, in which Cyrthraul took part, to help his friend's son. Until the Guldarn brothers stood before the Jarls' court and named him the thief. They said he had coveted it, and hidden it in the deep of his mine.

He denied it, of course, and challenged them for the lies they laid upon his honor. But, suspicion was aroused, and some eyed him no longer as a friend… and when the brothers convinced the Jarl to send men to look, there it was found. An outlawing was his fate, and now he flees aboard the ship of his wifes kin, the Windrunner, to a land he had never even heard of.

His blood seethes, but a noise breaks him from his thinking. A cry from the rudder.

"Faroes ahead!" Cries Audvin Chainbreaker.

It seems land has been spotted, so he stands, and prepares to gather his kin and singular thrall for the new land he now must call home.
Alright, submitting raw stats for a Selkie-Born family. Backstory and context will come soon.

Updated as of End of Winter 1 - Kyrksangr Vanishing

Name: Arant Hranisson (Ordstirr 0 Remaining; 47 Total; 47 Spent) (0)
Stands a tad smaller than average with a slight athletic build that only swimming could endow. Slightly tanned skin-color, hazel eyes, and raven-black hair that he shares with his sisters.
Hamr 3: [Selkie-Born 1, Quick Reflexes 1 Archery 2, Trade: Carpentry[House, Ship, Dock, Bowyery] 2]
Hugr 2: [Trade: Seamanship(Fishing, Rowing, Navigating, Ropemaking) 2, Intuitive 1]
Fylgja 2: [Form: Walrus; Boon: Flowing Action; Flight 1, Quick 1, Natural Weapon 1]
- T2 Tools (Seamanship)
- T2 Tools (Fishing)
- T2 Tools (Carpentry)
- T1 Tools (Farming)
- T2 Bow
- T2 Axe (One Handed)
- T1 Axe (One Handed)
- 11 T1 Food (Fish)
- 2 T2 Food (Chicken)
- 2 T2 Wood
- T1 Wood
- T2 Iron
- T2 Rope
- 19 oz hacksilver
- 2 T1 Puffinmen bodies
- Unknown bag of crabs from Framogr village
Property: 1 Beach Plot
- T1 House
- T1 Dock
- T2 Chicken
- T1 Chicken

Major - Defy the Blade
Major - Sudden Interrupt
Minor - Shroudsight
Minor - Tight Grip


Ragnhild Hranisdottir (Fisher, Herder, Enchantor: Coastal Seidrcraft)

Selkie-Born 1: Being in the water, whether in the sea or in rivers, comes more naturally. +.5 Movement and +1 Durability against cold per Tier of this Trait. You can swim as fast as you can run and hold your breath for a very long time.
Flowing Action 1: Like the waves of the ocean, your mind and body adapt to match your currents. At the start of each encounter or as an action, choose one of the following: Durability, Movement, or Willpower. Until you choose a new option, gain +1 per Tier of this Trait to that substat.
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By the way, I've taken the liberty of adding my substat stuff to my character sheet. If it could be looked over to make sure everything is correct, that would be appreciated.
Ragnhild Hranisdottir 3 (Selkie-Born 1, Husbandry, Trade: Seamanship)
Arnora Hranisdottir 2 (Selkie-Born 2)
The formatting here is a bit weird. Both NPCs have 3 PT worth of Traits: Ragnhild three T1 Traits, each costing one PT; Arnora has one T2 Trait, which cost one PT for the first Tier and then two additional PT to go to the second Tier.

Besides that, looks good. You already got the notice regarding Seamanship disciplines.

The exact natures of your Boon and Descriptive Trait are something that @CoatRackRanger will come back to you on, I guess, with a proposal.
By the way, I've taken the liberty of adding my substat stuff to my character sheet. If it could be looked over to make sure everything is correct, that would be appreciated.

Substats are at 1/2 the Stat, not double it. So your Hugr Substats should all be .5, I believe, while all your Hamr ones should be at 1. Berserk also adds +1 Tactics per level, generally, so that'd be at 1.5.
Substats are at 1/2 the Stat, not double it. So your Hugr Substats should all be .5, I believe, while all your Hamr ones should be at 1. Berserk also adds +1 Tactics per level, generally, so that'd be at 1.5.
Gotcha on the tactics

And sigh, I forgot that the half-thing was what we were going with. The figures are right, but the numbers aren't.