Witches and Giants: A NorseQuest Riot Fangame

Seidrcraft Medium: Your Fylgja can access your Seidrcraft and train or perform it as a Major Action. For each (possibly odd?) Tier of Seidr Medium, choose an additional Seidr Type your Fylgja has access to.

Good on everything except this, I think.

The Seidr-using trait that fearsome had was this:

Spirit Herder 1: Your Fylgja can use your Sea Seidr as a Major Action once per Season. For every Tier of Spirit Herder, increase your Mastery of Sea Spirit Seidrcraft by 1 step.

Something like that could work.

Seidrcraft Medium is a little less precise. 1) Seidrcraft refers to Spirit/Extract/Filter of a specific type of Seidr. So you technically have
  • Clifftop Extract Seidrcraft,
  • Clifftop Filter Seidrcraft; and
  • Clifftop Spirit Seidrcraft.
Collectively, those three Seidrcrafts make up Clifftop Seidr.

So saying "your Fylgja can access your Seidrcraft" and later says "additional Seidr Type..." if your Fylgja can access all your Seidrcraft it can already access all your Seidr types.

I'm also uncomfortable with your Hawk being able to Train Seidr.

I'd really prefer to see a variation on Spirit Herder for this trait but, if you want a different effect, we can keep workshopping.

Clifftop Sage 1: Your Fylgja can use your Clifftop Seidr as a Major Action once per Season. For every Tier of Clifftop Sage, increase your Mastery of Clifftop [chose one] Seidrcraft by 1 step.
So saying "your Fylgja can access your Seidrcraft" and later says "additional Seidr Type..." if your Fylgja can access all your Seidrcraft it can already access all your Seidr types.
I phrased that poorly. The idea was that at Tier I, Fygja would get access to just one Seidr type (to train and perform), and then later upgrades would grant access to other types.
I'm also uncomfortable with your Hawk being able to Train Seidr.
I came up with this trait because I needed something my Fylgja could realistically do while I used it as a crafting tool for a major action, and training seemed like a viable solution. But I don't mind doing something else if you don't like it. What actions could my Fylgja perform while being a tool?
The Seidr-using trait that fearsome had was this:

Something like that could work.
I didn't like Spirit Herder because it significantly cheapens Seidr upgrades (Perfecting two Seidr types can be done for 15 PT instead of the default 27 PT).
I came up with this trait because I needed something my Fylgja could realistically do while I used it as a crafting tool for a major action, and training seemed like a viable solution. But I don't mind doing something else if you don't like it. What actions could my Fylgja perform while being a tool?
To be honest that doesn't feel like it should be something you can do?
If your Fylgja is acting as your tool for your Major action, it should not have the time to actually do it's own Major action...

A Major action, when not an Adventure, means a serious, concentrated effort over a whole Season. If your Fylgja spends most of a Season as a Tool, it can't spend most of a Season doing something else. That's just...basic logic?
To be honest that doesn't feel like it should be something you can do?
If your Fylgja is acting as your tool for your Major action, it should not have the time to actually do it's own Major action...

A Major action, when not an Adventure, means a serious, concentrated effort over a whole Season. If your Fylgja spends most of a Season as a Tool, it can't spend most of a Season doing something else. That's just...basic logic?

That makes using it as a Tool actively bad, so CRR said it was probably desirable that it still be able to. Just...doing something that's doable without leaving its other-half's side.
I phrased that poorly. The idea was that at Tier I, Fygja would get access to just one Seidr type (to train and perform), and then later upgrades would grant access to other types.

I came up with this trait because I needed something my Fylgja could realistically do while I used it as a crafting tool for a major action, and training seemed like a viable solution. But I don't mind doing something else if you don't like it. What actions could my Fylgja perform while being a tool?

I didn't like Spirit Herder because it significantly cheapens Seidr upgrades (Perfecting two Seidr types can be done for 15 PT instead of the default 27 PT).

Alright, let take a different tack then.

Seidrcraft Medium 1: Your Fylgja can use your [Choose a type of Seidrcraft from one of your Seidr] once per season as a Major Action. For each additional Tier of this trait, choose an additional type of Seidrcraft you know for your Fylgja to be able to perform. +2 Integrity per Tier of this Trait.

Something like that?

See response to Nando.

To be honest that doesn't feel like it should be something you can do?
If your Fylgja is acting as your tool for your Major action, it should not have the time to actually do it's own Major action...

A Major action, when not an Adventure, means a serious, concentrated effort over a whole Season. If your Fylgja spends most of a Season as a Tool, it can't spend most of a Season doing something else. That's just...basic logic?

Getting alternate forms is a lot worse if they categorically mean the Fylgja cannot perform its own actions. Like, if your Fylgja can be a Sword, it still needs to spend a Major to go on an adventure with you.

I told Octo (i think on discord) that, if your Fylgja had alternate forms, it could still take a Major Action as long as it could take that Major action while being in the form used.

Which is to say, specifically in this case, if you are using your Fylgja as a Loom and taking a Major Action to craft, your Fylgja can use its Major Action to do a Filter Seidrcraft on the object you are using it to craft.
New NPC Rules


No Norseman is an island. Even if they happen to live on one. NPCs represent family members, apprentices, allies, spouses, who assist the PC and support them as they try to survive and thrive in the Written World. However, the focus of this story is on the exceptional PCs, rather than the cast of supporting characters. As such, the rules for what NPCs can and cannot do are much simplified from a PC. A single "NPC" can represent one character, such as a highly capable wife, or a group of characters, such as the crew of a ship or several feckless children. In addition, players need not have every family member or acquaintance count as an NPC, only the ones that the PC desires to have mechanical relevance.

NPCs feed themselves. There is no benefit to feeding an NPC, other than them liking you more.

Instead of having separate stats, traits, and tools, the progression of NPCs is abstracted based on the Year of the game. Generally, as the game progresses, NPCs are assumed to have increased their skills in their areas of interest and found or built better tools for themselves to accomplish those tasks. As such, many of the actions that NPCs can take refer to Year, which is a shorthand to say, "1 in Year 1, 2 in Year 2, and so on." The maximum value of Year is 3. After year 3, NPCs plateau. They are not PC-level protagonists and cannot elevate their skills beyond first Norse ceiling. Year may also simply be used to refer to the actual year of the game. Context is important.

When creating an NPC, choose three Roles. Each Role gives the NPC one or more actions that they can perform. Every season, each NPC can perform two of their Role actions. These can be two of the same Role action or actions from two different Roles. The NPC roles are as follows:

Adventurer: [Trick Trait]: Your NPC accompanies you on an adventure! They will help in a narrative fashion. Their chosen Trick Trait dictates the kind of help than an NPC might provide. Swordsmanship Adventurers fight off mooks which Water Kunna Adventurers might cast a critical spell at a critical moment. Role Action: Adventure.

Bargainer: [Seidr Type]: Your NPC is skilled in making bargains with spirits. Depending on the Year, your NPC can perform Spirit Seidrcraft of a designed Seidr type. The PC must provide the NPC with desired bargaining materials, if the Spirit asks for them.
  • Year 1-2: Lesser Spirit Seidrcraft
  • Year 3+: Intermediate Spirit Seidrcraft

Craftsman/Craftswoman: [Trade Trait]: Your NPC is good at repairing things. Eventually, they will become skilled at building and upgrading things. Pick one Trade Trait that can be used to craft things, such as Smithing or Woodworking. Your NPC may perform certain actions based on the current Year with regards to that Trade as if they possessed all reasonable core Discipline for it. The PC must provide the NPC with the materials required for the craft. Your NPC counts as having a [Year] Tier Trade Trait and a [Year] Tier Trade Tool when performing Craft actions.
  • Year 1: Repair an appropriate object.
  • Year 2: Craft an appropriate object that could be made with a minor action.
  • Year 3+: Upgrade an appropriate object or build something that could be made with a major action.

Enchantor: [Seidr Type]:
Your NPC is skilled in creating Seidr Filters. Depending on the Year, your NPC can perform Filter Seidrcraft of a designed Seidr type. The PC must provide the NPC with the item to be imbued with a Filter.
  • Year 1-2: Lesser Filter Seidrcraft
  • Year 3+: Intermediate Filter Seidrcraft

Extractor: [Seidr Type]: Your NPC is skilled in creating Seidr Extracts. Depending on the Year, your NPC can perform Extract Seidrcraft of a designed Seidr type. The PC must provide the NPC with the materials required for their Extracts.
  • Year 1-2: Lesser Extract Seidrcraft
  • Year 3+: Intermediate Extract Seidrcraft

Farmer/Fisher/etc.: Your NPC is good at Harvesting things. Choose a type of profession, such as Farmer or Fisher. Your NPC can Harvest reasonable plots and improvements related to the chosen profession. A Farmer could harvest fields, a Fisher could harvest piers and beaches, etc. For the purposes of Farmer actions, your NPC is treated as having [Year] Tier Trade Trait and [Year] Tier Trade Tools.

Herder: Your NPC can take care of Livestock.
  • Year 1-2: Your NPC takes care of 1 + [Year] units of livestock. You must supply the Food or plot from which the Livestock graze.
  • Year 3+: Your NPC breeds two units of compatible livestock together. They are treated as having Tier [Year] Husbandry.

Scout: Your NPC is a wanderer or an explorer!
  • Year 1-2: Your NPC scouts somewhere on the Faroes, bringing back information on that location.
  • Year 3+: Your NPC travels farther afield, gaining information from another land.

Trainer: [Trick Trait]: Your NPC is a sparring partner, mentor, or other helper in your acquisition of certain skills. The Training that a Trainer NPC grants is not increased by Fast Learner.
  • Year 1-2: Grants a PC 1 Training which must be applied to the Trainer's chosen Trick Trait.
  • Year 3+: Grants a PC 2 Training which must be applied to the Trainer's chosen Trick Trait.

[Write-in]: Hypothetically, NPCs might fulfill other roles. If there is something you'd like your NPC to be able to do, bring it up to me and we will discuss it. However, NPCs cannot gain Runes or Spellcasting, of any kind. To do so would infringe on the realm of existing PCs and QM NPCs and make a less interesting game and economy.

Modifications to Existing Rules

Under the Current Ruleset, one NPC is worth 1 Advantage.

At this moment, if you want to cash in your NPCs for other Advantages, you may do so. What can be gained is a little broader, given the later start. For example, upgrades to existing property or runed items.

Otherwise consolidate your existing NPCs into NPCs under the new system.

Solo Bonus
No Norseman is an island… except those that are. Clan, family, and friends are a huge advantage to surviving the harsh realities of the Written World. At the same time, it is known that the glory of one is shared by those close to them. Deeds accomplished by those who have no one to support them reflect glory on them alone and, thus, each season, those with no NPCs or few NPCs gain some Ordstirr. This is called the Solo Bonus. At the end of each Season, each qualifying PC gets extra Ordstirr according to the following scale.
  • 0 NPCs: +3 Ordstirr
  • 1 NPC: +1 Ordstirr
  • 2+ NPCs: No Solo Bonus
It looks like multiple NPCs are allowed? Is two the limit? I feel like there probably should be a limit somewhere.

Edit: Context suggests that two is not the limit.
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It looks like multiple NPCs are allowed? Is two the limit? I feel like there probably should be a limit somewhere.

There's no technical limit, but in practice having a home base for them is pretty relevant. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who invested even 2 Advantages in NPCs, and that was with the old rules, where they were flatly better. Everyone else bought one at most.
Authors note: I wrote up the battle from our adventure. I'd like to thank CoatRackRanger for writing a lot of what I then compiled, edited to my taste, and posted alongside Katla's thoughts. And credit to everyone who described their characters, because it made the scene amazing.

Katla watches, holding her seax in her left hand while her right is carefully flat against her side. She watches this.. twisted thing that is no longer a monk at all, that tried to tear her soul from her body, and every part of her is in perfect unison. This not-monk will die. Her mind coils with flashing scales, her heartbeat is in rhythm with a low hiss. It comes closer, speaking. Part of her doesn't care what it is saying. The rest is entirely focused on it, searching for a weakness. It's joints bleed. The joining of monk and stone is unnatural, and it is likely a weakness. The rest, though…

"Thou hast taken false idol's flesh into thy flesh, pagan. Thy companions may yet be saved... your soul is forfeit."

Insight flashes into her mind, and human mind, and tongue, joins once more with viper's venom as Hallþorra's spear holds it away from Arne, runes flashing as the stone flesh seems unharmed.

"You call our spirits demons!" She spits, her mind clear like ice, sharp as the world seems to slow, as Arne dodges a hammer, as the monk's words make Halþorra's hands bleed. "What would your god think of what you have become!"

Cutting words may not make him bleed, but they can be a better distraction than any blade. Or perhaps cutting words will draw blood. The empty eye sockets widen not in suprise but shock and pain. Ribs crack, and the abomination staggers back, coughing black mist.

It shouts back at her, pointless, blustering, its words as empty as its eye sockets. "Silence! Heavens silence marks approval not abandonment, heathen!"

Its words are a better confirmation that Katla found a soft spot to bite into than any physical wound could be, but the battle doesn't slow for long. Arne takes the opportunity and lunges for a bleeding joint, ordstirr flashing on the blade. The strike almost hits, but the monk does notice at the last minute despite its clear distress, and the blade strikes stone, drawing only sparks.

It hisses, its words as deadly to those who face it as Katla's are to it. "Thou struggle in vain…relinquish thy tainted form." Arne winces as the words strike, though no blood is visible to the others.

Gyda and Hroarr stand somewhat apart from the others, Hroarr shaking as fear holds him. Gyda strikes through the fear with words far gentler than Katla's. "This monster must've killed your father. Are you ready to avenge his death with us?" Hroarr's answer is soft at first. "Y-yes?" He repeats it, more certain. "Yes! For Father!"

Charging into melee and joining Arne and Hallþorra, who have begun to strike at the joints, waiting until they can both strike so that only one attack might be dodged. As the monk interposes a limb with Arne's blade, Hallþorra's spear pierces into flesh, once, then twice, and yet the creature lives.

"Submit! Sink into peace..." it murmurs, fractures running through the fighters' hands and the bones of the forearms.

Arne, drawing upon the prescience of Frenzy, pulls back as a hammer screams through the air, evading, and yet even his speed cannot dodge the second swing. The anvil, with all of the judgment of an angry god, like a meteor falling to earth, smashes into Arne.

As Arne is reduced to shapeless meat, the Monk turns to face the remaining warriors. Even as the Monk turns, Hallþorra's blood flows into Arne's body, healing him from death...but no farther. He will not wake to fight, not for this battle.

Yet at that same moment, Katla, Gyda, and Hroarr strike with seax, arrow, and axe. It is badly harmed, bleeding from the joints, ribs broken, yet still standing and fighting. It turns to Gyda, hatred in its every move.

As the Monk turns towards Gyda, Hallþorra strikes. Still and silent, radiating fury, she stands for a single moment. Not the still of peace but the breath before a scream, the silence before the storm, the darkness before the lightning. Hallþorra's virthing explodes from her body, lightning flashing alongside her spear, striking three times. Ancient dust and turgid blood splatter against the walls, but it has not fallen. Not yet. And it strikes her in turn, her leap back saving her life, and yet the strike draws blood, her chainmail blunting what might have been a mortal wound into a bad one.

And Hallþorra's virthing has enraged it more than Gyda and Katla both. "Obscene blasphemy!" it roars, "Thou livest by the sword...Thou diest by the sword!"

It strikes once more, anvil slaying her as hammer could not, the tools of the smith turned against her.

Yet Hallþorra's spear has left its mark. It's body riddled with holes and bleeding dark ichor, its voice a whisper now, bearing as much exhaustion as hate and madness. The monk gasps as it takes back its weapons and turns to Gyda.

"Thy eyes….thy demon….surrender."

The monks body may have strength far greater than hers, but Katla has made it bleed with words more than her blade. Katla shouts as it turns to Gyda, taunting and caustic, her virthing shining in the black and golden scales of her fylga.

"I never said he abandoned you!"

It staggers and bleeds from the force of her words, but does not turn from Gyda. Bleeding from its ears, it still speaks, rage strengthening its voice.

"We are not abandoned! Thy king and his cursed shadow shall not have this land err one righteous soul remains!"

It turns to Katla as it hefts it's hammer once more.

"And I remain!"

Gyda speaks now, her voice soft where Katla's is biting acid. Not an accusation but a question.

"You march on the path of murder and destruction. Which heavens does it lead to?"

At last it breaks. Not in form but in spirit, though perhaps for what this ancient monk has become those things are one of the same. It's armor of stone sloughs from its body. It turns to Gyda moments from striking Katla into nothing but shards of bone and blood.

The monk turns and meets her eyes. Perhaps it sees innocence in her eyes, for all that her face is as stone as its flesh. Perhaps it thinks her words a kindness.

Perhaps it simply knows that she spoke the truth. Whatever the monk's reason, the last of its armor falls away, and what remains is no warrior or knight, but an ancient smith.

"Gentle….soul…." it wheezes, wonder in its voice. "No path leads err to heaven…your butcher-king…"

What it's last words would have been none shall ever know. Hroarr strikes the final blow, avenging the father who surely died that he might have aided his son. His father.

"Ah! For father!" he shouts as he deals the final blow and slices its head from its body.
Alfríkr Katlasson (Patrick Jacobsson), Apprentice
Year 1
Enchantor: Hearth
Craftsman: Blacksmith

So, unless you're getting rid of your other apprentice thematically, they mechanically become one stat-block which you might want to list as such with their names below. I have this on my sheet, for instance:

Audvin's Crew - Year 1 NPC (Adventurer: Weapon Skills, Craftsman: Woodworking, Farmer)
Names: Bjorn Windblade, Gorm Birgirsson & Leif Sharp-Axe
Authors note: I wrote up the battle from our adventure. I'd like to thank CoatRackRanger for writing a lot of what I then compiled, edited to my taste, and posted alongside Katla's thoughts. And credit to everyone who described their characters, because it made the scene amazing.

Katla watches, holding her seax in her left hand while her right is carefully flat against her side. She watches this.. twisted thing that is no longer a monk at all, that tried to tear her soul from her body, and every part of her is in perfect unison. This not-monk will die. Her mind coils with flashing scales, her heartbeat is in rhythm with a low hiss. It comes closer, speaking. Part of her doesn't care what it is saying. The rest is entirely focused on it, searching for a weakness. It's joints bleed. The joining of monk and stone is unnatural, and it is likely a weakness. The rest, though…

"Thou hast taken false idol's flesh into thy flesh, pagan. Thy companions may yet be saved... your soul is forfeit."

Insight flashes into her mind, and human mind, and tongue, joins once more with viper's venom as Hallþorra's spear holds it away from Arne, runes flashing as the stone flesh seems unharmed.

"You call our spirits demons!" She spits, her mind clear like ice, sharp as the world seems to slow, as Arne dodges a hammer, as the monk's words make Halþorra's hands bleed. "What would your god think of what you have become!"

Cutting words may not make him bleed, but they can be a better distraction than any blade. Or perhaps cutting words will draw blood. The empty eye sockets widen not in suprise but shock and pain. Ribs crack, and the abomination staggers back, coughing black mist.

It shouts back at her, pointless, blustering, its words as empty as its eye sockets. "Silence! Heavens silence marks approval not abandonment, heathen!"

Its words are a better confirmation that Katla found a soft spot to bite into than any physical wound could be, but the battle doesn't slow for long. Arne takes the opportunity and lunges for a bleeding joint, ordstirr flashing on the blade. The strike almost hits, but the monk does notice at the last minute despite its clear distress, and the blade strikes stone, drawing only sparks.

It hisses, its words as deadly to those who face it as Katla's are to it. "Thou struggle in vain…relinquish thy tainted form." Arne winces as the words strike, though no blood is visible to the others.

Gyda and Hroarr stand somewhat apart from the others, Hroarr shaking as fear holds him. Gyda strikes through the fear with words far gentler than Katla's. "This monster must've killed your father. Are you ready to avenge his death with us?" Hroarr's answer is soft at first. "Y-yes?" He repeats it, more certain. "Yes! For Father!"

Charging into melee and joining Arne and Hallþorra, who have begun to strike at the joints, waiting until they can both strike so that only one attack might be dodged. As the monk interposes a limb with Arne's blade, Hallþorra's spear pierces into flesh, once, then twice, and yet the creature lives.

"Submit! Sink into peace..." it murmurs, fractures running through the fighters' hands and the bones of the forearms.

Arne, drawing upon the prescience of Frenzy, pulls back as a hammer screams through the air, evading, and yet even his speed cannot dodge the second swing. The anvil, with all of the judgment of an angry god, like a meteor falling to earth, smashes into Arne.

As Arne is reduced to shapeless meat, the Monk turns to face the remaining warriors. Even as the Monk turns, Hallþorra's blood flows into Arne's body, healing him from death...but no farther. He will not wake to fight, not for this battle.

Yet at that same moment, Katla, Gyda, and Hroarr strike with seax, arrow, and axe. It is badly harmed, bleeding from the joints, ribs broken, yet still standing and fighting. It turns to Gyda, hatred in its every move.

As the Monk turns towards Gyda, Hallþorra strikes. Still and silent, radiating fury, she stands for a single moment. Not the still of peace but the breath before a scream, the silence before the storm, the darkness before the lightning. Hallþorra's virthing explodes from her body, lightning flashing alongside her spear, striking three times. Ancient dust and turgid blood splatter against the walls, but it has not fallen. Not yet. And it strikes her in turn, her leap back saving her life, and yet the strike draws blood, her chainmail blunting what might have been a mortal wound into a bad one.

And Hallþorra's virthing has enraged it more than Gyda and Katla both. "Obscene blasphemy!" it roars, "Thou livest by the sword...Thou diest by the sword!"

It strikes once more, anvil slaying her as hammer could not, the tools of the smith turned against her.

Yet Hallþorra's spear has left its mark. It's body riddled with holes and bleeding dark ichor, its voice a whisper now, bearing as much exhaustion as hate and madness. The monk gasps as it takes back its weapons and turns to Gyda.

"Thy eyes….thy demon….surrender."

The monks body may have strength far greater than hers, but Katla has made it bleed with words more than her blade. Katla shouts as it turns to Gyda, taunting and caustic, her virthing shining in the black and golden scales of her fylga.

"I never said he abandoned you!"

It staggers and bleeds from the force of her words, but does not turn from Gyda. Bleeding from its ears, it still speaks, rage strengthening its voice.

"We are not abandoned! Thy king and his cursed shadow shall not have this land err one righteous soul remains!"

It turns to Katla as it hefts it's hammer once more.

"And I remain!"

Gyda speaks now, her voice soft where Katla's is biting acid. Not an accusation but a question.

"You march on the path of murder and destruction. Which heavens does it lead to?"

At last it breaks. Not in form but in spirit, though perhaps for what this ancient monk has become those things are one of the same. It's armor of stone sloughs from its body. It turns to Gyda moments from striking Katla into nothing but shards of bone and blood.

The monk turns and meets her eyes. Perhaps it sees innocence in her eyes, for all that her face is as stone as its flesh. Perhaps it thinks her words a kindness.

Perhaps it simply knows that she spoke the truth. Whatever the monk's reason, the last of its armor falls away, and what remains is no warrior or knight, but an ancient smith.

"Gentle….soul…." it wheezes, wonder in its voice. "No path leads err to heaven…your butcher-king…"

What it's last words would have been none shall ever know. Hroarr strikes the final blow, avenging the father who surely died that he might have aided his son. His father.

"Ah! For father!" he shouts as he deals the final blow and slices its head from its body.

Great to see your perspective! Omake to you!
In line with the new NPC rules, I'm swapping out Selkie-Born for NPC's Ragnhild and Arnora for Adventurer: Water Kunna, and Scout respectively. I'll also be replacing Arnora's Singer Trait with and experimental concept, Enchantor: Coast - Drawing creatures and items to wash upon the shores, rather than remain lost to the waves.
In line with the new NPC rules, I'm swapping out Selkie-Born for NPC's Ragnhild and Arnora for Adventurer: Water Kunna, and Scout respectively. I'll also be replacing Arnora's Singer Trait with and experimental concept, Enchantor: Coast - Drawing creatures and items to wash upon the shores, rather than remain lost to the waves.

I think you have to combine them into a single NPC mechanically. It's 1 Advantage per NPC stat block, but you'd have one stat-block for the two of them together.

The two added together would probably be like Herder + Fisher + either Scout or Enchanter, your choice.
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Can I change my Glorious Form trick to account for the Potency/Strength change.

Glorious Form (Refined 12 Ordstirr) - Astrid taps into the latent power of her bloodline and achieves a glorious form, A powerful buff increasing her Attack Speed and another powerful buff split between Movement and Durability. (Powerful Effect x2, Enduring x2, Slow)

I removed Willpower and made Attack Speed a powerful buff while keeping Movement and Durability a Normal Buff.
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Can I change my Glorious Form trick to account for the Potency/Strength change.

Glorious Form (Refined 12 Ordstirr) - Astrid taps into the latent power of her bloodline and achieves a glorious form, A powerful buff increasing her Attack Speed and another powerful buff split between Movement and Durability. (Powerful Effect x2, Enduring x2, Slow)

I removed Willpower and made Attack Speed a powerful buff while keeping Movement and Durability a Normal Buff.
1) Your last line doesn't fit what you say in the Trick? Splitting a Powerful Buff over two substats is not the same as keeping a Normal Buff for those two substats?
2) I'm not sure why the change to how Potency/Strength interact with Tricks would need you to change a Trick that doesn't directly interact with either.
3) You can change Tricks slightly whenever you put Training into them. Maybe just make use of that?
4) For the future: if you are asking for a change in a Trick, it's helpful if you not only provide your new idea, but also what the Trick currently looks like...
1) Your last line doesn't fit what you say in the Trick? Splitting a Powerful Buff over two substats is not the same as keeping a Normal Buff for those two substats?
2) I'm not sure why the change to how Potency/Strength interact with Tricks would need you to change a Trick that doesn't directly interact with either.
3) You can change Tricks slightly whenever you put Training into them. Maybe just make use of that?
4) For the future: if you are asking for a change in a Trick, it's helpful if you not only provide your new idea, but also what the Trick currently looks like...
2. The previous version scaled off Potency, which mine is at 7-8, the current version scales of Hugr, which is 3
3. I did, I spent 1 training this season to upgrade this trick to refined, just adjusting it to the change with how buffs scale before the next season starts
4. Glorious Form (Refined 12 Ordstirr) - Astrid taps into the latent power of her bloodline and achieves a glorious form, A powerful buff, increasing her Attack Speed, Movement, Durability, and Willpower (Powerful Effect x2, Enduring x2, Slow)
@theknightofiron @Alectai @Ulvlar @OneArmedYeti @octocalamity @Brainbow @Murloc
  1. Astra Silver-Bite: Non-Compliant: Remove Mother; upgrade plot; per Discord Discussions.
  2. Eydis Glimmer-Gaze: Compliant: Entitled to Advantage
  3. Kǫttuna Höfuðer: Non-Compliant: Cat Organized under old system.
  4. Astmund Star-Eyed: Non-Compliant: Reorganize Sons into one NPC.
  5. Gyda Dahlberg: Non-Compliant: Reorganize Birgin into new system.
  6. Arant Hranisson: Non-Compliant: Reorganize Selkie Sisters into one NPC under new system.
  7. Hallþórra Gunnisdottir: Non-Compliant: Reorganize Apprentice under new system.
Hi Everyone!

If you're tagged, you have NPCs organized under the old system (or are Alectai)! Please let me know if you have any questions about how to update, please let me know!

Also, everyone (I'm 90% sure) has submitted their Ordstirr expenditure and received feedback.

Some people are still waiting on confirmation or follow-up. If you have lingering issues that need attention, please let me know!
Deleted the 3rd cow paid 2 tier 2 in tax, and made my plot a 3rd tier hill one from deleting my cat
Kǫttuna Höfuðer PT Useage
12/3 +3 = 5 PT
Cat Bloodline, Kunna to 2, which mean I get Hamr and Hugr 4 PT
name pending Kunna extenstion through Fylgja 1 pt
