@OmegaIncarnate is the hero of the hour, the omake saved our recruit action.
@meianmaru's plan looks great to me. Expand to two provinces (dice permitting), try to scope out the Auxilia, and go hard on training our troops. We're going to be outnumbered for the foreseeable future, so Ranger Doctrine seems like a good choice for now.
[X] Plan A Shield For Our Faithful
EDIT: I am a
little bit concerned about the fact that we haven't scoped out the planet for other threats, so here's an alternate plan, similar to Faraway's but with more focus on intel actions:
[X] Plan: Checking Our Work
-[X] Expanding Further (DC 20+)
--[X] Manpower Token (1 Use Left)
-[X] Spread the Word: Graycliff (DC 40)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 Use Left)
-[X] Spread the Word: Surf (DC 55)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Dana (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (3 Uses Left)
-[X] Eyes on the Auxilla (DC 50)
--[X] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (2 Uses Left)
-[X] Anything else we miss? (Unknown DC)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Horatio (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection, Harvest (0 Uses Left)
I think this is the best alternative to a troop-training plan. I think I
prefer the plan that trains our troops this turn, but if we're not going to do that I do think we should check for anything we missed.