Turn 7 - 2473
Winning vote:
When he arrives and opens the meeting, Van Hal's first order of business is the introduction of the newest member of the council. Outrider Champion Gustav von Jungfreud, proven warrior and able commander, et cetera, et cetera. You're all introduced to him, and you give him a smile and nod when it is your turn, though in all honestly you doubt he'll last much longer than the Professor did.
"So, Gustav," Van Hal begins the meeting proper. "We've spoken at length of your plans to establish pistoliers in Stirland. I feel it will be a worthy addition to Stirland's forces, both in times of war and to keep the roads clear in times of peace. Work with Wilhelmina and Anton in arranging the importation of the firearms you'll need. Make sure there's close ties between the pistoliers and the Roadwardens - they'll be working hand-in-hand." Gustav looks pleased, but he's barely given an opportunity to express his thanks before Van Hal's moving on. "Anton, report."
"Everyone along the Stirland-Sylvanian border is on board with the fortification plans, and the corvée are being organized for Herr Schultz now," Anton says, looking pleased with himself. The news causes Schultz to perk up a little too, though only barely.
"Speaking of, Schultz, how goes the road?"
"It cuts right through a place called the Haunted bloody Hills! How do you think it's going?" he snaps, then quails under the look Van Hal gives him. "It... progresses. There's been attacks, nothing organized, including one where I damn near got my head bitten off by some glowing green ghost thing waving a farming implement around, but they seem unorganized and they're being suppressed by patrols from the 2nd and 3rd divisions."
LEICHEBURG-LANGWALD ROAD: Construction commenced.
"When you go back, it'll be with several squads of Greatswords at your back." Schultz looks even more perked up at that. "Begin construction of a permanent fortified barracks at Leicheburg, large enough for two divisions. And don't forget the embrasures for cannon and mortar - there's ten of each assigned to the 3rd. Use local labour as much as possible without sacrificing the strength of the walls." He consults his notes. "Anton... pack for..." he hesitates, and drums his fingers on the table while he considers. "Flensburg. We'll try to unravel that terrible knot while things are quiet. " Anton winces, but nods. "Wilhelmina?"
"Archives are as secure as a dwarven vault. Nothing's getting in there that isn't allowed to be. Apart from that, nothing new on the money front - we've still got a bit of a surplus but that'll change soon." She glances at Gustav and Schultz.
EAGLE CASTLE: Archives reinforced.
"Money is for spending," Van Hal says dismissively. He checks the papers in front of him again, and then compares two side-by-side. "Weber, report."
"The castle infiltrators were sleeper agents," you report confidently. "They have not been conducting any significant sabotage, and I can confidently say that all other castle servants have been examined, their backstories hold up and all future servants will be rigorously examined to prevent more of this. These agents escaped detection because while they were lying about having any religious beliefs, they got away with it because nobody could probe them further on Morrite or Shallyan practices." You consult your own notes to keep from giving Kasmir an accusing look. "Their loyalty was secured by a necromantic spell that would kill them if they even thought of betraying their master, or if their master did not meet them for more than a few days. Said master had fled the area the very night an infiltrator got caught. And on a side note, the monsters in the castle walls were previous victims of the spell." You look up once more and note that your audience is rapt. You suppose it's no wonder - they're talking about humdrum matters of construction and travels and infrastructure and you're telling tales of necromantic thralls being purged from the castle.
Van Hal nods. "A thorough investigation. Well done." He glances down at his notes once more. "You and Wilhelmina are to work together. The Stirlandian League has been allowed to continue for long enough. Crush them, seize everything of value they possess, and restore normal trade." You note that Schultz is unable to conceal the sudden increase in attention he's paying. "With the archives restored, you should be able to draw suitable legal authority based on non-payment of taxes." Van Hal pauses for a moment before turning to the last man at the table. "Kasmir..." He seems to struggle with himself for a moment, then sighs. "Continue with your chaplain project."
"Subtle," is the first thing you say to Van Hal as you step into his office, drawing a questioning look from him. "Regarding Kasmir, I mean."
He barks a humourless laugh in return. "I damn near told him to go back to Reikland and tell the Grand Theogonist that his services are no longer required. He tests me sorely." You don't know how to respond to that, so you remain silent as he pours the two of you drinks. "So, what have you been getting up to in the shadows of late," he prompts, pushing the steel mug across the desk to you.
"Not so much in the shadows - as you may know, I spent nearly every waking moment ensuring the castle remains purged."
"Mmm. Couldn't have done much of a better job myself," he notes, a note of pride in his voice. "I had my doubts about you, but you've really come into your own."
You fight down a blush and forge forward with your report. "But I have started to build a staff. As you know, I've taken on some veterans from the Army of Stirland, and I've hired on an assistant in the form of a young lady from Flensburg, who'll be compiling information from my informants. Julia Massif. If anything happens to me, she'll be a decent candidate to act as an interim replacement and will be able to hand over my intelligence network."
"Gods forbid," he mutters. "Wait, Massif... isn't that-?"
"Yes, she's the third child of the Grand Mayor."
"I really hope we're able to find a solution to that whole issue," he sighs. "Bloody Flensburg..."
"I've also got a lead on the Wisdom's Asp," you say, and Van Hal perks up, visibly interested. "My Master recommended a device theorized by da Miragliano, originally designed to trap light, that hopefully will. It's going to be rather expensive to build, though - if you could-?"
[REQUESTING FUNDS, Req ??, Stewardship, 89+10=99. Of course you can.]
"Of course, of course," he says, sketching a note to Wilhelmina. "Can't have my spymaster being eaten by a dream snake. da Miragliano - do you just have his blueprints, or do you have one of his writings?"
"A copy of Light and Its Properties, from the archives of the Grey College."
"If you don't mind I'd quite like to borrow that once you're done with it," he says, smiling in anticipation. "I once fired a da Miragliano crossbow - it would recock itself, though you had to wind it quite vigorously every ten shots. Amazing device."
"Of course," you say with a smile.
With the meeting done, you make your way to the townhouse that Julia is busy settling in to, nestled snugly against the road between Wurtbad's main road and the entrance to Eagle Castle. She's busily importing furniture and staff from the family manor in Flensburg, and when she isn't having the Greatswords you introduced her to arrange furniture to her exacting specifications she's writing letters introducing herself to your informants and asking that they start sending all that they hear, rather than what seems significant. She says she'll be hiring locally since most of the staff back home would be tied into the inter-family intrigues of the most powerful burghers of Flensburg, and has started to carefully vet candidates to act as various maids, footmen and retainers. It's expensive, but a small price to pay to have a public face of your department to draw attention away from the privacy of your Palace-Shrine.
As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
The destruction of the Stirlandian League will take two actions. You will attempt to round up as much of every part of the League as you can, but you must select ONE priority to focus on:
[ ] The leaders of the Stirlandian League need to be rounded up so you can question them regarding their former patron.
[ ] Rounding up as many of the individual members of the League as possible will make it clear that nobody can engage in this sort of behaviour without facing eventual consequences.
[ ] Though Van Hal didn't mention it, you could work with authorities in Talabecland and Averland to help them do their own purges parallel to yours. They'd likely be grateful, but it will come at the expense of your activities in Stirland.
[ ] The documents of the Stirlandian League will allow you to rebuild the north-south trade network with speed and efficiency.
[ ] The assets of the Stirlandian League will be a huge boost to Stirland's coffers.
[LOCKED as Julia settles in]
[ ] Getting To Know You: Spend time with one of your fellow councillors or your liege, offering your help in their tasks and generally getting a feel for them (choose one).
[ ] Getting To Know You Whether You Like It Or Not: You've been given good reason to mistrust your fellow councillors. Perhaps you should see what they spent their time doing (choose one).
[ ] Letters Home: You might be able to wring more information out of your Master, or you might just be able to get news, information and guidance in general from the Grey Order.
[ ] Hang Out A Shingle: Spymasters don't advertise, but wizards sometimes do. Make an official announcement that there's a wizard in residence, and see who comes out of the woodwork.
[ ] A Crisis of Faith: Van Hal's ongoing alienation with the Sigmarite faith is worrying. Maybe there's something you can do? (write in)
Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
[ ] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
[ ] Tutoring: One of your fellow councillors may be willing to teach you in their chosen field (choose who).
[ ] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
[ ] Combat Training: You're virtually surrounded by armed warriors of various sorts. See if you can convince one to teach you (choose who).
[ ] Combat Training, In The Free Market: You haven't made many heavily armed friends yet, but gold is good for that. Go out and buy some training. (-personal gold)
[ ] You've got a handle on most of the Petty and Minor magics, but some still elude you. Dispel in particular could have come in very handy recently. Time to round up the rest of them. (NEW)
[ ] You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
[ ] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
[ ] Enchantment: So far you've failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try again with local goods. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
[ ] Filled with Potential: You've got a room cleared out and ready to be put to use. Decide what you're going to put there and get started on equipping it. (write in the purpose of the room)
[ ] This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
[ ] Personally construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Though being around that many mirrors for that long makes you antsy, there's nobody else you can trust with the task. (expense paid for by Van Hal) (NEW)
[ ] Commission a craftsman to construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Having to explain every facet of it means you're not going to save time, but it will minimize your exposure to the mirrors... though you wonder if any Wurtbadian craftsman could successfully craft a da Miragliano device. (expense paid for by Van Hal) (NEW)
[ ] The Shyish swords are hideously dangerous as weapons, but fascinating as a subject of study. Try to reverse-engineer the lost enchantments woven into them.
[ ] Though the corrosive Dhar made them high-maintenance, the design of the bound spells in the castle's infiltrators has fascinating possibilities. Try to adapt it for use with Ulgu. (NEW)
[ ] As a Journeywoman, the path to Magister is marked by mastering more than the two shadow spells you already know. Send to the Grey Order for the basics and work on figuring out one of the others.
Influence: Though you haven't taken these over (yet?) you could still spend some time to influence or tap into them. Write in what you would like to do with them.
[ ] The Wurtbadian Thieves Guild is currently little more than a church group, albeit of a very unconventional god.
[ ] Biderhof, a village based on woodcutting and agriculture, has adopted you as one of it's own.
[ ] Your grip on the Wurtbad Watch is extremely tenuous, and would be difficult to tighten without official backing. Difficult, but not impossible.
[ ] Wurtbad, like all major cities, is home to a number of guilds. Reach out to them and enforce your will.
[ ] There's a vacuum where a dozen trade guilds should be. Found one of your own, and let information and profits flow through you, and see what the Stirlandian League does about it. (warning: expensive, will need Van Hal or Wilhelmina to sign off on it)
[ ] Your time in the sewers made you realize just how much of a maze there is down there, and you wonder what could be lurking down in the dark (apart from your fellow devotees of Ranald). Get in touch with the various groups of rat catchers, sewer jacks and gong farmers that deal with it.
[ ] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required) (NEW)
Personal Income: 50 gold/turn
Discretionary Income: 150 gold/turn
Informer Payroll unlocked
Currently paying Grey College tithe (-5 personal gold/turn)
Currently paying Grey College student loans (-35 personal gold/turn)
Currently embezzling 1/4 of discretionary income (-35 discretionary gold/turn, +35 personal gold/turn)
Currently employing 4 veteran informants (-40 discretionary gold/turn)
Currently employing Julia Massif (-30 discretionary gold/turn)
Currently maintaining the staff of a townhouse in Wurtbad (-20 discretionary gold/turn)
[ ] Begin plumping the informer rolls (choose ratio of real:fake informers. Almost impossible to detect, but also very difficult to increase or decrease the amount quickly)
[ ] Change tithe payment/loan payment/embezzlement (specify)
[ ] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget) (NEW)
- The cost of purchasing the townhouse for Julia will be 150 gold, and will be added onto your discretionary expenses next turn.
- I've removed all of the 'no action required' actions apart from the new free social action, with the hope of making a plan easier and avoiding 'automatic' picks.
- I've thought about it, and I've removed the 'create-a-spell' option for now. It will return once (if?) you graduate to Magister.
- You can write in orders, but something worth writing in is probably worth adding to the list of possible orders, so feel free to ask if your idea can be added.
- As always, voting will be in plan format.
[X] [Julia] Plan Townhouse
-[X] Hire her, buy her a home in town near your residence. Somewhere where people coming and going at odd times won't draw a fuss.
-[X] Her job would be to manage your informant networks in general, particularly sorting through the reports and picking out what's significant versus chaff. It'd also involve independently expanding the networks as funds and opportunities allow after she has settled in.
-[X] The only ones who are should specifically know her position should be Van Hal, yourself, Markus and your assigned greatswords and anyone you assign to work for her. Otherwise, be subtle.
-[X] Provide funding for a handful of retainers to keep up appearances. If she has any family contacts she can call on to provide reliable and vetted guards and servants, or to assist with background checks on any such new hires, have her do so.
-[X] Introduce her to Van Hal.
[X] [Greatswords] Greatswords will stay in the castle, except when we're going somewhere publicly, or interrogating potentially hostile persons.
[X] [Public Report] Plan Points for public consumption.
-[X] The castle infiltrators were sleeper agents.
--[X] They have not been conducting any significant sabotage.
--[X] Their loyalty was secured by a necromantic spell that would kill them if they even thought of betraying their master, or if their master did not meet them for more than a few days.
--[X] Said master had fled the area the very night an infiltrator got caught.
--[X] The monsters in the castle walls were previous victims of the spell. Refer to Van Hal's paper on details if anyone is interested.
--[X] They were lying about having any religious beliefs, but got away with it because nobody could probe them further on Morrite or Shallyan practices.
-[X] All other castle servants have been examined, their backstories hold up and all future servants would be rigorously examined to prevent more of this.
[X] [Private Report] Plan Shorter Meeting
-[X] Tell him about everything you learned in the interview. Especially how they produce infiltrators.
-[X] You have acquired some subordinates.
--[X] You have hired a lieutenant, Julia Massif, to help manage your information networks. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you, he can have some continuity through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.
--[X] Several veterans have been assigned to gather low-level information.
-[X] You have a lead on permanently sealing the snake away. Give him as much information on the process as you have, if he's interested. Suggest he approve a one-time increase in the discretionary budget in the interests of keeping his favourite spymaster un-eaten-by-a-snake. It'll be around a hundred gold for the mirrors, plus the cost of a skilled artisan to assemble the mirrorbox.
[X] [Orders] Plan Now, Back To That Other Guy...
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and you've got a lead: Julbach.
-[X] The Stirlandian League is a cancer eating at Stirland's economy, and it must be destroyed.
--[X] This would likely be difficult while the previous spymaster is still at large to run counterintelligence, but it can be done.
-[X] The spell used by the informants is like nothing you've heard of before. You want to investigate it, and see if you can detect or replicate it.
--[X] If you can replicate the technique, it will be a powerful tool for the Empire's defense. There's the problem of killing the user, but that is potentially a problem of source -- Dhar is corrosive by nature.
-[X] There's definitely evil afoot in Drakenhof. Perhaps there's a way to survive investigating this.
--[X] Recommend against it. With their sleeper agents uncovered and in the wind, there's no immediate threat, and the potential gain isn't worth the risk of a dead spymaster. Hint hint.
When he arrives and opens the meeting, Van Hal's first order of business is the introduction of the newest member of the council. Outrider Champion Gustav von Jungfreud, proven warrior and able commander, et cetera, et cetera. You're all introduced to him, and you give him a smile and nod when it is your turn, though in all honestly you doubt he'll last much longer than the Professor did.
"So, Gustav," Van Hal begins the meeting proper. "We've spoken at length of your plans to establish pistoliers in Stirland. I feel it will be a worthy addition to Stirland's forces, both in times of war and to keep the roads clear in times of peace. Work with Wilhelmina and Anton in arranging the importation of the firearms you'll need. Make sure there's close ties between the pistoliers and the Roadwardens - they'll be working hand-in-hand." Gustav looks pleased, but he's barely given an opportunity to express his thanks before Van Hal's moving on. "Anton, report."
"Everyone along the Stirland-Sylvanian border is on board with the fortification plans, and the corvée are being organized for Herr Schultz now," Anton says, looking pleased with himself. The news causes Schultz to perk up a little too, though only barely.
"Speaking of, Schultz, how goes the road?"
"It cuts right through a place called the Haunted bloody Hills! How do you think it's going?" he snaps, then quails under the look Van Hal gives him. "It... progresses. There's been attacks, nothing organized, including one where I damn near got my head bitten off by some glowing green ghost thing waving a farming implement around, but they seem unorganized and they're being suppressed by patrols from the 2nd and 3rd divisions."
LEICHEBURG-LANGWALD ROAD: Construction commenced.
"When you go back, it'll be with several squads of Greatswords at your back." Schultz looks even more perked up at that. "Begin construction of a permanent fortified barracks at Leicheburg, large enough for two divisions. And don't forget the embrasures for cannon and mortar - there's ten of each assigned to the 3rd. Use local labour as much as possible without sacrificing the strength of the walls." He consults his notes. "Anton... pack for..." he hesitates, and drums his fingers on the table while he considers. "Flensburg. We'll try to unravel that terrible knot while things are quiet. " Anton winces, but nods. "Wilhelmina?"
"Archives are as secure as a dwarven vault. Nothing's getting in there that isn't allowed to be. Apart from that, nothing new on the money front - we've still got a bit of a surplus but that'll change soon." She glances at Gustav and Schultz.
EAGLE CASTLE: Archives reinforced.
"Money is for spending," Van Hal says dismissively. He checks the papers in front of him again, and then compares two side-by-side. "Weber, report."
"The castle infiltrators were sleeper agents," you report confidently. "They have not been conducting any significant sabotage, and I can confidently say that all other castle servants have been examined, their backstories hold up and all future servants will be rigorously examined to prevent more of this. These agents escaped detection because while they were lying about having any religious beliefs, they got away with it because nobody could probe them further on Morrite or Shallyan practices." You consult your own notes to keep from giving Kasmir an accusing look. "Their loyalty was secured by a necromantic spell that would kill them if they even thought of betraying their master, or if their master did not meet them for more than a few days. Said master had fled the area the very night an infiltrator got caught. And on a side note, the monsters in the castle walls were previous victims of the spell." You look up once more and note that your audience is rapt. You suppose it's no wonder - they're talking about humdrum matters of construction and travels and infrastructure and you're telling tales of necromantic thralls being purged from the castle.
Van Hal nods. "A thorough investigation. Well done." He glances down at his notes once more. "You and Wilhelmina are to work together. The Stirlandian League has been allowed to continue for long enough. Crush them, seize everything of value they possess, and restore normal trade." You note that Schultz is unable to conceal the sudden increase in attention he's paying. "With the archives restored, you should be able to draw suitable legal authority based on non-payment of taxes." Van Hal pauses for a moment before turning to the last man at the table. "Kasmir..." He seems to struggle with himself for a moment, then sighs. "Continue with your chaplain project."
"Subtle," is the first thing you say to Van Hal as you step into his office, drawing a questioning look from him. "Regarding Kasmir, I mean."
He barks a humourless laugh in return. "I damn near told him to go back to Reikland and tell the Grand Theogonist that his services are no longer required. He tests me sorely." You don't know how to respond to that, so you remain silent as he pours the two of you drinks. "So, what have you been getting up to in the shadows of late," he prompts, pushing the steel mug across the desk to you.
"Not so much in the shadows - as you may know, I spent nearly every waking moment ensuring the castle remains purged."
"Mmm. Couldn't have done much of a better job myself," he notes, a note of pride in his voice. "I had my doubts about you, but you've really come into your own."
You fight down a blush and forge forward with your report. "But I have started to build a staff. As you know, I've taken on some veterans from the Army of Stirland, and I've hired on an assistant in the form of a young lady from Flensburg, who'll be compiling information from my informants. Julia Massif. If anything happens to me, she'll be a decent candidate to act as an interim replacement and will be able to hand over my intelligence network."
"Gods forbid," he mutters. "Wait, Massif... isn't that-?"
"Yes, she's the third child of the Grand Mayor."
"I really hope we're able to find a solution to that whole issue," he sighs. "Bloody Flensburg..."
"I've also got a lead on the Wisdom's Asp," you say, and Van Hal perks up, visibly interested. "My Master recommended a device theorized by da Miragliano, originally designed to trap light, that hopefully will. It's going to be rather expensive to build, though - if you could-?"
[REQUESTING FUNDS, Req ??, Stewardship, 89+10=99. Of course you can.]
"Of course, of course," he says, sketching a note to Wilhelmina. "Can't have my spymaster being eaten by a dream snake. da Miragliano - do you just have his blueprints, or do you have one of his writings?"
"A copy of Light and Its Properties, from the archives of the Grey College."
"If you don't mind I'd quite like to borrow that once you're done with it," he says, smiling in anticipation. "I once fired a da Miragliano crossbow - it would recock itself, though you had to wind it quite vigorously every ten shots. Amazing device."
"Of course," you say with a smile.
With the meeting done, you make your way to the townhouse that Julia is busy settling in to, nestled snugly against the road between Wurtbad's main road and the entrance to Eagle Castle. She's busily importing furniture and staff from the family manor in Flensburg, and when she isn't having the Greatswords you introduced her to arrange furniture to her exacting specifications she's writing letters introducing herself to your informants and asking that they start sending all that they hear, rather than what seems significant. She says she'll be hiring locally since most of the staff back home would be tied into the inter-family intrigues of the most powerful burghers of Flensburg, and has started to carefully vet candidates to act as various maids, footmen and retainers. It's expensive, but a small price to pay to have a public face of your department to draw attention away from the privacy of your Palace-Shrine.
As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
The destruction of the Stirlandian League will take two actions. You will attempt to round up as much of every part of the League as you can, but you must select ONE priority to focus on:
[ ] The leaders of the Stirlandian League need to be rounded up so you can question them regarding their former patron.
[ ] Rounding up as many of the individual members of the League as possible will make it clear that nobody can engage in this sort of behaviour without facing eventual consequences.
[ ] Though Van Hal didn't mention it, you could work with authorities in Talabecland and Averland to help them do their own purges parallel to yours. They'd likely be grateful, but it will come at the expense of your activities in Stirland.
[ ] The documents of the Stirlandian League will allow you to rebuild the north-south trade network with speed and efficiency.
[ ] The assets of the Stirlandian League will be a huge boost to Stirland's coffers.
[LOCKED as Julia settles in]
[ ] Getting To Know You: Spend time with one of your fellow councillors or your liege, offering your help in their tasks and generally getting a feel for them (choose one).
[ ] Getting To Know You Whether You Like It Or Not: You've been given good reason to mistrust your fellow councillors. Perhaps you should see what they spent their time doing (choose one).
[ ] Letters Home: You might be able to wring more information out of your Master, or you might just be able to get news, information and guidance in general from the Grey Order.
[ ] Hang Out A Shingle: Spymasters don't advertise, but wizards sometimes do. Make an official announcement that there's a wizard in residence, and see who comes out of the woodwork.
[ ] A Crisis of Faith: Van Hal's ongoing alienation with the Sigmarite faith is worrying. Maybe there's something you can do? (write in)
Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
[ ] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
[ ] Tutoring: One of your fellow councillors may be willing to teach you in their chosen field (choose who).
[ ] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
[ ] Combat Training: You're virtually surrounded by armed warriors of various sorts. See if you can convince one to teach you (choose who).
[ ] Combat Training, In The Free Market: You haven't made many heavily armed friends yet, but gold is good for that. Go out and buy some training. (-personal gold)
[ ] You've got a handle on most of the Petty and Minor magics, but some still elude you. Dispel in particular could have come in very handy recently. Time to round up the rest of them. (NEW)
[ ] You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
[ ] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
[ ] Enchantment: So far you've failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try again with local goods. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
[ ] Filled with Potential: You've got a room cleared out and ready to be put to use. Decide what you're going to put there and get started on equipping it. (write in the purpose of the room)
[ ] This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
[ ] Personally construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Though being around that many mirrors for that long makes you antsy, there's nobody else you can trust with the task. (expense paid for by Van Hal) (NEW)
[ ] Commission a craftsman to construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Having to explain every facet of it means you're not going to save time, but it will minimize your exposure to the mirrors... though you wonder if any Wurtbadian craftsman could successfully craft a da Miragliano device. (expense paid for by Van Hal) (NEW)
[ ] The Shyish swords are hideously dangerous as weapons, but fascinating as a subject of study. Try to reverse-engineer the lost enchantments woven into them.
[ ] Though the corrosive Dhar made them high-maintenance, the design of the bound spells in the castle's infiltrators has fascinating possibilities. Try to adapt it for use with Ulgu. (NEW)
[ ] As a Journeywoman, the path to Magister is marked by mastering more than the two shadow spells you already know. Send to the Grey Order for the basics and work on figuring out one of the others.
Influence: Though you haven't taken these over (yet?) you could still spend some time to influence or tap into them. Write in what you would like to do with them.
[ ] The Wurtbadian Thieves Guild is currently little more than a church group, albeit of a very unconventional god.
[ ] Biderhof, a village based on woodcutting and agriculture, has adopted you as one of it's own.
[ ] Your grip on the Wurtbad Watch is extremely tenuous, and would be difficult to tighten without official backing. Difficult, but not impossible.
[ ] Wurtbad, like all major cities, is home to a number of guilds. Reach out to them and enforce your will.
[ ] There's a vacuum where a dozen trade guilds should be. Found one of your own, and let information and profits flow through you, and see what the Stirlandian League does about it. (warning: expensive, will need Van Hal or Wilhelmina to sign off on it)
[ ] Your time in the sewers made you realize just how much of a maze there is down there, and you wonder what could be lurking down in the dark (apart from your fellow devotees of Ranald). Get in touch with the various groups of rat catchers, sewer jacks and gong farmers that deal with it.
[ ] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required) (NEW)
Personal Income: 50 gold/turn
Discretionary Income: 150 gold/turn
Informer Payroll unlocked
Currently paying Grey College tithe (-5 personal gold/turn)
Currently paying Grey College student loans (-35 personal gold/turn)
Currently embezzling 1/4 of discretionary income (-35 discretionary gold/turn, +35 personal gold/turn)
Currently employing 4 veteran informants (-40 discretionary gold/turn)
Currently employing Julia Massif (-30 discretionary gold/turn)
Currently maintaining the staff of a townhouse in Wurtbad (-20 discretionary gold/turn)
[ ] Begin plumping the informer rolls (choose ratio of real:fake informers. Almost impossible to detect, but also very difficult to increase or decrease the amount quickly)
[ ] Change tithe payment/loan payment/embezzlement (specify)
[ ] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget) (NEW)
- The cost of purchasing the townhouse for Julia will be 150 gold, and will be added onto your discretionary expenses next turn.
- I've removed all of the 'no action required' actions apart from the new free social action, with the hope of making a plan easier and avoiding 'automatic' picks.
- I've thought about it, and I've removed the 'create-a-spell' option for now. It will return once (if?) you graduate to Magister.
- You can write in orders, but something worth writing in is probably worth adding to the list of possible orders, so feel free to ask if your idea can be added.
- As always, voting will be in plan format.
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