Not sure about the specifics, but some additional mention about it in our actual character sheet and research:
Not sure if this research would unlock the ability to produce more juvenat vats or we already have it and this would just make it better and/or branch to some other applications.
I didn't
quite forget about this, but given the trait I definitely need to jigger some things. Added this line to the turn 7 list of capabilities:
Juvenat Production: 50 person's worth (cannot be stockpiled)
That means that you can keep 50 people alive indefinitely, and they need an injection every 5 years or else they start aging again. It takes 5 years to make a dose, and they don't store well.
Also added this to your blueprints:
Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP) A set of carefully-managed vats capable of supplying 50 people with a perennial supply of Juvenat.
And modifed the intro biology research to clarify that it will now let you poke around the juvenat to try to understand it. You have a blueprint that lets you make more but you don't know how it works and either how to scale production or make it more efficient. But given you have the vats and the blueprint it'll be like one tech to get to better production instead of seven like it would be without the tech.
Oh and added these to your designs because why not:
100 RP -
Advanced Technological Research Lab (500 BP, 100 CP) Will allow you to process advanced technological samples, including materials of alien origin. Has advanced scanning, modelling and processing capabilities.
50 RP -
Large automated medical facility (500 BP, 50 CP) 500 treatment rooms with autodocs capable of dealing with moderate injuries.
Also - time for rolls. Can I get
3x d100 rolls please!
1st: Mechanicus Shooshing +15 bonus
2nd: Touching Base with our Handlers +10 bonus
3rd: Cybernetics +20 bonus
Writing is starting, though it's kind of waiting on the rolls.