Voting will open in 1 day, 2 hours and close in 1 day, 14 hours
--[X]Improved Psychic shielding: (500 RP) Your "no" shielding seems to have worked to protect you from attack so far. But the design is really just a first-generation version. You could develop the second generation, make it capable of more complex and powerful thoughts?

This is committing to two full research actions (400 RP) of nothing but better psychic shielding before we get anything useful out of it for something that is unlikely to see use anyway while we are on planet. Feels like a bit of a waste compared to say the basic psychic research
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[X] Plan: Soon Vita Will Into Space With Anexa Education

Really don't think we should look into Chaos without having put an Action or 2 into preparing for memetic information. Even if the mechanicus' data isn't inherently dangerous, just knowing about Chaos is enough to start getting attention from the Warp.
I still think providibg proof is a mistake.

All we're doing is encourage her to redouble her efforts to find us.
A real archeotech find is far more valuable than a wayward Msgos wasting her talents, and a single apprentice.

Also, we already saw two attempts by her to bug us. Are we really giving her a third by getting the Imp tech samples through her? There needs to only be a single comms bead (which we didn't detect when Anexa had it) lodged in there to blow our rntire cover.
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I still think providibg proof is a mistake.

All we're doing is encourage her to redouble her efforts to find us.
A real archeotech find is far more valuable than a wayward Msgos wasting her talents, and a single apprentice.

Also, we already saw two attempts by her to bug us. Are we really giving her a third by getting the Imp tech samples through her? There needs to only be a single comms bead (which we didn't detect when Anexa had it) lodged in there to blow our rntire cover.

You can't make a transmitter that doesn't send signals, this is a problem sorted by just not being an idiot and checking the pile for transmitters or keeping the pile in a Faraday cage or zomething. And if they're that bloodthirsty and greedy despite being arch conservatives, well, it's to our advantage to bait them into moving first.

Anyway, haven't been able to sleep yet, copy pasting plan

[X] Plan: Soon Vita Will Into Space
-[X] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[X] Space Marines? There's got to be more to that...
-[X] Diplomacy: Mechanicus Shooshing
--[X] Thalya is a menace, but until you're ready to dislodge their monopoly, you need to pretend like you're playing ball. Send a mocked up progress report--consulting with Aneva to see if she can help you cook the books a little more--and include some samples in the form of broken up components that you otherwise would have been recycling, but can serve as 'proof' that you're not fabricating the whole thing. A few crumbs here and there to make them willing to wait and let you do the work. While you're at it, see if you can get to dickering with some samples for the purpose of 'Unbiased Comparison', because you really want a chance to see how the whole Machine Spirit thing properly works, and if there are any useful insights to be gleaned in Imperial design. (Do our thing to keep Thalya and the Mechanicus complacent, see if we can squeeze some samples out for our studies while we're at it.)
-[X] Diplomacy: Touching Base with our Handlers
--[X] Our partnership has been fruitful so far, and things have been going well--well enough that we're willing to extend a little more trust in turn, we do in fact, have a very limited supply of Anti-Agathic medicines that we can share out--we don't have the schematics to expand production as it was tightly controlled and honestly outside the scope of our mission, but for the sake of keeping things humming along smoothly, we're willing to share some of our production to minimize any turnover. That aside though, we are curious about the third major institution that's running around--the monasteries. Psy-active folks weren't exactly well known when I was running around, and if that's changed, I'd like to have the option of preparing some countermeasures. Is there any way you can put me in touch with one of those? (Further good relations with the local government by adding some Juvenat trade to further sweeten the deal, and hopefully minimize any turn-over of the agents we're working with. As a side note, see if we can get an introduction to open communications with one or more of the monastaries)
-[X] Construction: (+750 BP)
--[X] Underground Basic Technological Research Lab (150 BP)
--[X] Camoflauged Observatory (200 BP)
--[X] 3x Manufactories (300 BP)
--[X] Trade Goods (50 BP)
-[X] Research (+200 RP)
--[X] Cybernetics (200 RP)
-[X] [Anexa] Active: Help us shoosh the Mechanicus (+5 to the Diplo roll I guess?)

[X] Plan: Soon Vita Will Into Space With Anexa Education
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The length of time it's taken for us to locate the STC isn't really something that requires explanation beyond, "was really well hidden" imo. As for the multiple locations thing, I'd rather not go that route. When it comes to lying, the simpler the lie, the less chance it is exposed. Plus, while multiple potential locations could make her less likely to attack (although the odds of that occurring are vanishingly low since she has no idea where we are), it could also motivate her to launch her own search for the ship pieces. That's really problematic because (a), as far as we know there exists no such archeotech store, and (b) she might stumble upon our factory while looking.

Edit: As for the anti-aging meds, so long as we're open about not being able to fulfill the true demand, we should be good.
If we leave too many question unanswered she may conclude that the STC "was really well hidden", but that is not likely IMO. She has never seen any evidence of an STC on the planet in all her centuries living here. There is an alien inhabited world in the same system, she could very easily conclude that we lied about looking for a STC. She asked Anexa to stay vigilant for any sign of Xenos technology, she seems to already suspect that we are not looking for an STC.
She would not start a search for ship pieces after we give her some, our possession of the pieces clearly indicates that we have been collecting them. Of course she would not find any archeotech after we spend centuries collecting it, the parts we have not found (including the STC) is a needle in a needle stack.
The more suspicious we appear to be, the more likely she would devote resources to hunting for us and find our factories.

However they choose to divide the anti-aging meds, there will be plenty of people missing out. Perhaps W has a brother who is a journalist and as he ages she grows to resent us for not providing more anti-aging meds.
If they believe our claim of not being able to meet the demand then they may intellectually understand, but emotionally they will have negative views of us.
Holding Anti-Agathic medicines in reserve means we can offer them as compensation if we roll badly. If we have given some with the claim of limited stock then we cannot use it later, offering more Anti-Agathic medicines proves that we previously decieved them

This is committing to two full research actions (400 RP) of nothing but better psychic shielding before we get anything useful out of it for something that is unlikely to see use anyway while we are on planet. Feels like a bit of a waste compared to say the basic psychic research
Depends how soon we plan to build our new ship, and whether we plan to recruit psychics.
I want to started on the ship sooner, and don't plan to recruit psychics. Plus if we do decide to recruit a psychic then we can research the Basics of Psytech then.
can't make a transmitter that doesn't send signals, this is a problem sorted by just not being an idiot and checking the pile for transmitters or keeping the pile in a Faraday cage or zomething. And if they're that bloodthirsty and greedy despite being arch conservatives, well, it's to our advantage to bait them into moving first

They already gave Anexa a transmitter that could have punched though our shielding.

And I'd rather bait the Mechanicus into a trap intentionally rather than by messing up.
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Depends how soon we plan to build our new ship, and whether we plan to recruit psychics.
I want to started on the ship sooner, and don't plan to recruit psychics. Plus if we do decide to recruit a psychic then we can research the Basics of Psytech then.

Even if we start on the ship next turn between it is still going to take 3-4 turns to finish it and find a crew, we can't just leave with Anexa and robots. We wouldn't be able to dock anywhere with even a modicum of tech and caution about strangers.

They already gave Anexa a transmitter that could have punched though our shielding.

That might have punched though our shielding.
However they choose to divide the anti-aging meds, there will be plenty of people missing out. Perhaps W has a brother who is a journalist and as he ages she grows to resent us for not providing more anti-aging meds.
If they believe our claim of not being able to meet the demand then they may intellectually understand, but emotionally they will have negative views of us.
Holding Anti-Agathic medicines in reserve means we can offer them as compensation if we roll badly. If we have given some with the claim of limited stock then we cannot use it later, offering more Anti-Agathic medicines proves that we previously decieved them
"We have limited stock, but are planning to reverse engineer it during our stay."
There, problem solved.
That said, yeah. Better not to open that can O worms. Once we start offering Juv, we'll be the baddies when we stop or limit it. No matter the reason. It's also P hard to hide, I imagine.
Depends how soon we plan to build our new ship, and whether we plan to recruit psychics.
I want to started on the ship sooner, and don't plan to recruit psychics. Plus if we do decide to recruit a psychic then we can research the Basics of Psytech then.
Psytech samples was advertised as being useful for establishing a base for psyker-enhancing tech. Not grabbing it seems dum.
Our partnership has been fruitful so far, and things have been going well--well enough that we're willing to extend a little more trust in turn, we do in fact, have a very limited supply of Anti-Agathic medicines that we can share out--we don't have the schematics to expand production as it was tightly controlled and honestly outside the scope of our mission, but for the sake of keeping things humming along smoothly, we're willing to share some of our production to minimize any turnover.
I still think it is a bad idea to say that we only have a "super limited supply", b/c what do you think is more likely with what they think is a non-renewable immortality drug? They're going to fairly distribute it to their most valuable people, or the higher ups are going to hoard it for themselves so they can live forever, and I really don't want to take that risk when W has to be like 80 years old right now.

But, if they know we can reproduce it, there would be less incentive to hoard it all for themselves.
That said, yeah. Better not to open that can O worms. Once we start offering Juv, we'll be the baddies when we stop or limit it. No matter the reason. It's also P hard to hide, I imagine.
Then once we start leaving, we just give them to information on how to produce rejuvenant themselves.
[X] Plan Stealthy R&D
-[X] [Free] Look into the Adeptus Astartes
-[X] [Diplomacy] Give a progress report to Thayla that you have managed to find some scraps, but not much (whatever knick-knacks from our ship we can spare) at a site, hopeful that this will produce more but evidence is pointing towards this being a dead end for now. Also inquire about getting some Imperial Tech samples to compare with some other tech we've "discovered". Also continue with "breadcrum" style training.
-[X] [Diplomacy] Reach out to W again and say that you're ready to deepen our relationship with Aevon and are willing to also give a supply of Juvenant as well as two Camouflaged Manned Manufactories with the schematics to produce and maintain medicines (not rejuvenant yet), military arms, and other manufactories. We think it best if they were able to stand on their own from the Mechanicus. In exchange, we would like information on the Monasteries, any samples of high-imperial tech they have, a mutual defense agreement, and the right to recruit some of their citizens (if they're willing of course) to join our crew when we do get our ship done and ready to take off.
-[X] [Construction] 750 BP:
—[X] 2x Manned Camouflaged Manufactories (400 BP)
—-[X] Build 3 Miles North away from our main industry center.
—[X] x2 Manufactories (200 BP)
—[X] Camouflaged Basic Technological Research Lab (100 RP)
—[X] 50 BP worth of trade goods, including Juvenant, though subtract some BP if we happen to need to give something to Thayla
-[X] Research: 200 RP
—[X] What's up with this tech? (100 RP)
—[X] Small-craft Stealth (100 RP)
-[X] Have Alexa continue her education, and let her know of our rejuvenant stores so she can choose between it and more augmetics.
[X] Plan : A fair price

Kind of surprised nobody's voting to build that void shield. It's not like our in-atmo infrastructure is going away, right?

Anyways, I like the idea of the bean working with us on cybernetics. She's going to be using them after all!
[X] Plan : A fair price

Kind of surprised nobody's voting to build that void shield. It's not like our in-atmo infrastructure is going away, right?

Anyways, I like the idea of the bean working with us on cybernetics. She's going to be using them after all!
I personally am not going with void shields yet b/c I think small-craft stealth and figuring out Imperial Tech is more important in the meantime.
Why are we giving Juvenat again? Do we even have the required facilities to make it in large enough quantities?
Edit: if people want to give it to our spy/contact then just specify that and have them pull a disappearing act.
Why are we giving Juvenat again? Do we even have the required facilities to make it in large enough quantities?
Edit: if people want to give it to our spy/contact then just specify that and have them pull a disappearing act.
Actually, we do since we have this:

-[] Juvenat Vats (-2 shinies) You produce a small amount of high-quality Juvenat, and can produce facilities for more. This will be an extremely valuable trade good, and is effective at keeping psykers and other high-value biological individuals alive nearly indefinitely. Juvenat will be extremely helpful for subverting the leaders of nearby civilizations, as well as keeping any psyker/navigator/hero units you have alive indefinitely and boosting their quality.
Why are we giving Juvenat again? Do we even have the required facilities to make it in large enough quantities?
Edit: if people want to give it to our spy/contact then just specify that and have them pull a disappearing act.

Large enough for what? Bribing politicians? Yes obviously, the people we will be handing this will have an active interest to keep the knowledge of its availability to themselves so they can keep the juve nat itself to themselves. Make no mistake is bribery only with something much more valuable than money and the idea that bribery does not work without arbitrarily large amounts of money to be 'enough' feels quite odd.
Honestly the fact that we can produce facilities to make more juvenant means that we probably aren't limited to just giving it to the rich and powerful? Just make juvenant factory factories, we're an AI lmao.

Yes that might mean making a healthcare AI. We still can.
Voting will open in 1 day, 2 hours and close in 1 day, 14 hours