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As for the psychic shielding, I don't want you folks to run away speculating about it. It was a prototype design built into ships circa M.24, then found to be not actually necessary if you had a working gellar field. It was also expensive and hard to scale to anything smaller or bigger than a ship.

Just kind of a dead-end ancient technology that ended up being very useful indeed. Maybe people got rid of it through chance, Maybe there was a conspiracy. Either way it happened more than fifteen thousand years ago.

TBH, I'd expect that the reasoning behind removing was simply economics (especially in and during the aftermath of the Cybernetic Revolt when the incentive was very much to build as many ships as quickly as possible, and the nature of Chaotic corruption of Men of Iron was [and still is] poorly understood), more so than any grand conspiracy or conscious design/doctrinal decision.

Markets and extraneous circumstances, more than any agent(s) or agenda, tend to be the deciding factor in these trends.

However, the fact that it was installed in M.24 does raise some interesting questions, considering that humanity developed Warp drives in the 18th Millennium, and Navigators existed since M.22 - so humanity had already had a lot of experience with the technology. Is it a leftover from Vita's earlier ship design an older model of (Wo)man of Stone, which was recently upgraded/retrofitted (hence its "prototype" status) as of M.24?
It suggests it yes, but it is in our favor to keep it at the level of "suggestion" rather then "proof" because one will prompt far more decisive and dramatic actions then the other.
Allow me to rephrase. Our presence doesn't technically serve as proof that there's archeotech here. However, it is vanishingly unlikely that an Explorator will the experience we're pretending to have would dig for as long as we have without extremely solid circumstantial evidence at the bare minimum. As such, while we haven't technically given Thalya proof, she can be reasonably confident that we have some.

As for your "obsessed fool" hypothesis, Explorators who are prone to that level of self-deception tend not to accrue the level of power and influence that we appear to have. Nor do individuals reach Thalya's rank by dismissing political windfalls like an STC fragment as the delusions of an obsessed Explorator without sufficient evidence that she's nuts.

Therefore providing some solid circumstantial evidence is a net positive, as it reduces the likelihood we're unearthing something which could depopulate the planet without increasing our attention too much. Some broken bits and bobs that could have been part of a debris field is good for that. It indicates that a crash likely occurred millennia ago, but doesn't disprove that said ship was recovered or destroyed in the interim.
Are we going to trust her with that? If nothing else it would give her a fair bit more leverage over us.
Not really. Blackmail doesn't work if the blackmailer loses more than the victim if the information gets leaked. Should that occur, it's not entirely unrealistic for us to play the various factions against each other well enough that we can maintain our independence. Failing that, from her perspective, one agreement with her biggest rival and we can ensure that she loses more than we do.
Allow me to rephrase. Our presence doesn't technically serve as proof that there's archeotech here. However, it is vanishingly unlikely that an Explorator will the experience we're pretending to have would dig for as long as we have without extremely solid circumstantial evidence at the bare minimum. As such, while we haven't technically given Thalya proof, she can be reasonably confident that we have some.

As for your "obsessed fool" hypothesis, Explorators who are prone to that level of self-deception tend not to accrue the level of power and influence that we appear to have. Nor do individuals reach Thalya's rank by dismissing political windfalls like an STC fragment as the delusions of an obsessed Explorator without sufficient evidence that she's nuts.

Therefore providing some solid circumstantial evidence is a net positive, as it reduces the likelihood we're unearthing something which could depopulate the planet without increasing our attention too much. Some broken bits and bobs that could have been part of a debris field is good for that. It indicates that a crash likely occurred millennia ago, but doesn't disprove that said ship was recovered or destroyed in the interim.
That is... fair and reasonable. I would still recommend we wait a few decades before doing that though.

Our evidence could be some dubious old records, or maybe ground penetrating radar scans. My concern is that we need to keep the evidence at "Solid but circumstantial" rather then accidentally pushing it to "100% confirmed right now". A few bits of ambiguous debris would be fine, but I worry that people will overshoot and provide too much.

Not really. Blackmail doesn't work if the blackmailer loses more than the victim if the information gets leaked. Should that occur, it's not entirely unrealistic for us to play the various factions against each other well enough that we can maintain our independence. Failing that, from her perspective, one agreement with her biggest rival and we can ensure that she loses more than we do.
It still works as a backstop though. If she thinks we are stonewalling her to the point where she won't be getting anything she can threaten us with it. After all what will she lose at that point?

Also depends on her tolerance for risk and brinkmanship.
Not really. Blackmail doesn't work if the blackmailer loses more than the victim if the information gets leaked. Should that occur, it's not entirely unrealistic for us to play the various factions against each other well enough that we can maintain our independence. Failing that, from her perspective, one agreement with her biggest rival and we can ensure that she loses more than we do.
And besides, Thayla said that she would like some of the credit for unearthing such a prestigious find and letting every other Enclave know about it would reduce that chance of being able to claim credit so as long as she thinks we're playing along and not trying to screw her over she has no motive for telling the others about this.
[X] Plan Stealthy R&D
-[X] [Free] Look into the Adeptus Astartes
-[X] [Diplomacy] Give a progress report to Thayla that you have managed to find some scraps, but not much (whatever knick-knacks from our ship we can spare) at a site, hopeful that this will produce more but evidence is pointing towards this being a dead end for now. Also inquire about getting some Imperial Tech samples to compare with some other tech we've "discovered". Also continue with "breadcrum" style training.
-[X] [Diplomacy] Reach out to W again and say that you're ready to deepen our relationship with Aevon and are willing to also give a supply of Juvenant as well as two Camouflaged Manned Manufactories with the schematics to produce and maintain medicines (not rejuvenant yet), military arms, and other manufactories. We think it best if they were able to stand on their own from the Mechanicus. In exchange, we would like information on the Monasteries, any samples of high-imperial tech they have, a mutual defense agreement, and the right to recruit some of their citizens (if they're willing of course) to join our crew when we do get our ship done and ready to take off.
-[X] [Construction] 750 BP:
—[X] 2x Manned Camouflaged Manufactories (400 BP)
—-[X] Build 3 Miles North away from our main industry center.
—[X] x2 Manufactories (200 BP)
—[X] Camouflaged Basic Technological Research Lab (100 RP)
—[X] 50 BP worth of trade goods, including Juvenant, though subtract some BP if we happen to need to give something to Thayla
-[X] Research: 200 RP
—[X] What's up with this tech? (100 RP)
—[X] Small-craft Stealth (100 RP)
—[X] Have Alexa continue her education, and let her know of our rejuvenant stores so she can choose between it and more augmetics.

Also @Neablis there's another vehicle type you left out, and that's aircraft like Valkyries.
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That is... fair and reasonable. I would still recommend we wait a few decades before doing that though.

Our evidence could be some dubious old records, or maybe ground penetrating radar scans. My concern is that we need to keep the evidence at "Solid but circumstantial" rather then accidentally pushing it to "100% confirmed right now". A few bits of ambiguous debris would be fine, but I worry that people will overshoot and provide too much.
That's the beauty of using debris. Any wreck will produce an immense amount of debris, and it's a rare salvage company that is willing to sift through several hundred or thousands meters of earth to find some parts that would be sent to the scrapyard anyways. As such, additional pieces of debris doesn't really increase the likelihood of there being something after the first few pieces. It's also a hell of a lot easier for us to fake than Imperial records or the readout for an Admech ground-penetrating radar when we don't have that much of an idea of what those should look like.

That being said, I think you're underestimating the amount of certainty that Thalya has that we're on to something. When a subject matter expert who has been studying the area for centuries tells you that something's there, you can be pretty damn sure that something's there.

Our safety comes from Thalya not knowing where we are, and probably not wanting to give her rivals the opportunity to find out that there's something worth searching for. Not knowing how much force we can bring to bear also likely plays a role. The Admech may have WMD's, but no sane Magos would think of deploying one where it could potentially destroy a holy STC fragment.
It still works as a backstop though. If she thinks we are stonewalling her to the point where she won't be getting anything she can threaten us with it. After all what will she lose at that point?
It's not about what she loses, it's about what her enemies gain. From her perspective, she's better off if nobody gets the treasure than if one of her enemies does.
Also @Neablis there's another vehicle type you left out, and that's aircraft like Valkyries.
Hmm. Fair enough. Added these to the blueprints tab:
50 RP - Assault Shuttle (25, 5 BP) Sometimes you want to deliver things other than bombs to your enemies. So let's stick some armor and guns on a shuttle, and make it a bit more maneuverable. Can carry 100 troops and provide anti-personnel and light antiarmor fire.

I also removed the "Bomber" tech - that's a design action. It's now under designable blueprints as:
50 RP - Bombers (20, 5 BP) Sometimes you want to deliver cargo to your enemies. Can deliver a fair amount of ordinance to a target in atmosphere or out of it. Unlocks a bomber hanger attachment for ships.

Leaders the government, I think?

owever, it is vanishingly unlikely that an Explorator will the experience we're pretending to have would dig for as long as we have without extremely solid circumstantial evidence at the bare minimum. As such, while we haven't technically given Thalya proof, she can be reasonably confident that we have some.
Small comment here - there hasn't been any options for offworld travel for about 150 years or so, and your fabricated backstory for Magos Vita has her arriving not long before that. Fully reasonable she just showed up for a quick check and then got marooned and is trying to make the best of it.

Edit: misremembered things.

—[X] 2x Manned Camouflaged Manufactories (400 BP)
Where do you want to build these? Adjacent to your existing factory? Down the road closer to the guardpost? Away in the city?
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Small comment here - there hasn't been any options for offworld travel for about 150 years or so, and your fabricated backstory for Magos Vita has her arriving not long before that. Fully reasonable she just showed up for a quick check and then got marooned and is trying to make the best of it.
I hate to say this, but I think either you're misremembering your own lore or I'm misreading it. Magos Vita "arrived" on a Mechanicus supply ship 300 years ago. Source here:
You add log entries to a mechanicus supply ship saying you arrived three hundred years ago, with classified clearances and a significant amount of cargo that was sent towards the mountains in the center of the continent that Aevon is part of.
It was our resupply request that was 15 years before contact was lost. Source here:
There's a stroke of luck when you find the backup memory repository of Magus Silvenis, one of the leaders of the Aevon enclave. You add a memory about you showing up about ten years before the loss of contact and demanding additional supplies, brandishing high clearances and showing off knowledge and technology far above her pay grade.
The Admech might be longer lived than most in the Imperium, but a century and a half is still a lot of time for a "quick" check? Could please explain away my confusion?
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-[X] [Diplomacy] Give a progress report to Thayla that you have managed to find some scraps, but not much (whatever knick-knacks from our ship we can spare) at a site, hopeful that this will produce more but evidence is pointing towards this being a dead end for now. Also inquire about getting some Imperial Tech samples to compare with some other tech we've "discovered". Also continue with "breadcrum" style training.

Do you think that we could include in the AdMech diplomatic action following up on headhunting/"poaching" some of those other AdMech acolytes who showed promise (albeit less than Anexa), or do you think that would be pushing things too much?

I'm worried that we need to "strike while the iron is hot", and at least keep in touch with them if we don't want their openness to be buried in AdMech orthodoxy, especially as our puzzles and hidden info have started to be found and purged so we'd likely need another action to reintroduce them into the system to find a new batch of candidates.

Even if they aren't "hero" characters, I'm sure Anexa would benefit from a research and engineering team to help (not to mention more workforce means we can free up our mechanical resources to address other priorities).
Small comment here - there hasn't been any options for offworld travel for about 150 years or so, and your fabricated backstory for Magos Vita has her arriving not long before that. Fully reasonable she just showed up for a quick check and then got marooned and is trying to make the best of it.
Yeah that's what I've been saying.

[x] Plan: Knocking out some Must Haves.
-[] Diplomacy: Thalya, let's give that report, trade in some bits of "debris" consisting of damaged components and minor knicknacks. (Maybe have some fun shooting stuff with Anexa). Stuff that's more curiosity than anything. Or if that doesn't fly, resources. To get those imperial tech samples, both to "restock" and for "thorough comparison and analysis" Make sure to stop somewhere random on the way back and take some time to thoroughly check for bugs and such.
-[] Construction:
--[] Basic Laboratories - Bio and Tech (100)
--[] Catapult (500/1000)
--[] Trade Goods Restock (150) Plenty for us to not have to worry about it for a while and even buy more things.
-[] Research:
--[] What's up with this tech?
--[] Archenemy Files
-[] Diplomacy: Aevon, discuss the state of things with W, ask about the attitude change to the mechanicus and how far they intend to take it. Do some threat analysis on known enemies and imperial capabilities. Potentially discuss recruiting her. If she's planning to spy on us, then it's not like we've got that much secrets that Aevon isn't already in on and I doubt they'll care about our AI nature by now. It's not like she can report back if/when we're away. Or that we particularly would care if she did.

Alternatively: replace aevon diplo with mechanicus recruitment continuation, or cybernetics research.
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Diving right into forbidden and sealed chaos knowledge might be a bad idea?

Is there any additional safety precaution we can take? Run off another Instance of ourself?
Diving right into forbidden and sealed chaos knowledge might be a bad idea?

Is there any additional safety precaution we can take? Run off another Instance of ourself?
Even if we could, we wouldn't even know to do so. Besides, I doubt they have any "corrupted knowledge" stored. That shit gets purged. For damn good reason.
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Do you think that we could include in the AdMech diplomatic action following up on headhunting/"poaching" some of those other AdMech acolytes who showed promise (albeit less than Anexa), or do you think that would be pushing things too much?
That's what "continue with "breadcrum" style training" means at the end, continuing to do that so we can keep in touch or draw in more acolytes
Which cardinal direction is the city from our industrial zone?
Let's say the river flows south-north, so the city is to the north and the mountains are south-east. These directions aren't important, and I'm not going to give you a map or even probably remember them unless you quote this.

I hate to say this, but I think either you're misremembering your own lore or I'm misreading it. Magos Vita "arrived" on a Mechanicus supply ship 300 years ago. Source here:

It was our resupply request that was 15 years before contact was lost. Source here:

The Admech might be longer lived than most in the Imperium, but a century and a half is still a lot of time for a "quick" check? Could please explain away my confusion?
Nope, you're right and I'm wrong on this one! I did misremember the supply run as the arrival.

Yeah, you sticking around for such a long time does likely indicate that there's something here to Thalya, even if it took you a few hundred years to find it. Though that likely tells her that it's hard to find.

Yeah that's what I've been saying.
Nope, no longer holds. Thalya definitely has reason to be interested.
-[X] [Diplomacy] Give a progress report to Thayla that you have managed to find some scraps, but not much (whatever knick-knacks from our ship we can spare) at a site, hopeful that this will produce more but evidence is pointing towards this being a dead end for now. Also inquire about getting some Imperial Tech samples to compare with some other tech we've "discovered". Also continue with "breadcrum" style training.
I'm really not a fan of going from "potential STC" to "dead end" in a single decade, especially since we already told her that we know there is a ship. Thalya will probably get very suspicious very fast. Asking for tech samples just makes things worse, as it implies that we have just made a discovery or are looking to make one in the near future. If we made the discovery a while back, why are we only asking about it now? As such, I'm going with @Alectai here
[X] Plan: Soon Vita Will Into Space
-[X] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[X] Space Marines? There's got to be more to that...
-[X] Diplomacy: Mechanicus Shooshing
--[X] Thalya is a menace, but until you're ready to dislodge their monopoly, you need to pretend like you're playing ball. Send a mocked up progress report--consulting with Aneva to see if she can help you cook the books a little more--and include some samples in the form of broken up components that you otherwise would have been recycling, but can serve as 'proof' that you're not fabricating the whole thing. A few crumbs here and there to make them willing to wait and let you do the work. While you're at it, see if you can get to dickering with some samples for the purpose of 'Unbiased Comparison', because you really want a chance to see how the whole Machine Spirit thing properly works, and if there are any useful insights to be gleaned in Imperial design. (Do our thing to keep Thalya and the Mechanicus complacent, see if we can squeeze some samples out for our studies while we're at it.)
-[X] Diplomacy: Touching Base with our Handlers
--[X] Our partnership has been fruitful so far, and things have been going well--well enough that we're willing to extend a little more trust in turn, we do in fact, have a very limitedsupply of Anti-Agathic medicines that we can share out--we don't have the schematics to expand production as it was tightly controlled and honestly outside the scope of our mission, but for the sake of keeping things humming along smoothly, we're willing to share some of our production to minimize any turnover. That aside though, we are curious about the third major institution that's running around--the monasteries. Psy-active folks weren't exactly well known when I was running around, and if that's changed, I'd like to have the option of preparing some countermeasures. Is there any way you can put me in touch with one of those? (Further good relations with the local government by adding some Juvenat trade to further sweeten the deal, and hopefully minimize any turn-over of the agents we're working with. As a side note, see if we can get an introduction to open communications with one or more of the monastaries)
-[X] Construction: (+750 BP)
--[X] Underground Basic Technological Research Lab (150 BP)
--[X] Camoflauged Observatory (200 BP)
--[X] 3x Manufactories (300 BP)
--[X] Trade Goods (50 BP)
-[X] Research (+200 RP)
--[X] Cybernetics (200 RP)
-[X] [Anexa] Active: Help us shoosh the Mechanicus (+5 to the Diplo roll I guess?)
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[X] Plan : A fair price
-[x] Diplomacy: Talk to people. Report in to Thanya, in absolutely minimal fashion. You did some digging, are working on tracing leads, haven't found anything yet. Nothing more to report, nothing more to say. Take the opportunities to scope out her rivals/equals in the other enclaves.
-[x] Diplomacy : Talk to Aevon. Report that you think you might have found a way to crack Mechanicus encryptions/defenses, but you need tech samples to test it on. Of course, if they are willing to provide, you are willing to replace the samples with equivalent equipment twice over.
- [x] Construction :
-- Underground Bio Lab : 150
-- Underground Tech Lab : 150
-- Underground Observatory : 300 BP
-- Misc Trade goods for tech purchase : 150 BP
-[x] Research : Cybernetics + 5 points on System survey
-[x] Anexa : Research Aid : Cybernetics (purely for flavor reasons, tbh)

I really disagree with any plan that eggs Thalya on by providing tech, or samples, or whatever. We didn't say anything in the last hundred years, we din'r need to start now.
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[X] Plan: Soon Vita Will Into Space With Anexa Education
-[X] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[X] Space Marines? There's got to be more to that...
-[X] Diplomacy: Mechanicus Shooshing
--[X] Thalya is a menace, but until you're ready to dislodge their monopoly, you need to pretend like you're playing ball. Send a mocked up progress report--consulting with Aneva to see if she can help you cook the books a little more--and include some samples in the form of broken up components that you otherwise would have been recycling, but can serve as 'proof' that you're not fabricating the whole thing. A few crumbs here and there to make them willing to wait and let you do the work. While you're at it, see if you can get to dickering with some samples for the purpose of 'Unbiased Comparison', because you really want a chance to see how the whole Machine Spirit thing properly works, and if there are any useful insights to be gleaned in Imperial design. (Do our thing to keep Thalya and the Mechanicus complacent, see if we can squeeze some samples out for our studies while we're at it.)
-[X] Diplomacy: Touching Base with our Handlers
--[X] Our partnership has been fruitful so far, and things have been going well--well enough that we're willing to extend a little more trust in turn, we do in fact, have a very limited supply of Anti-Agathic medicines that we can share out--we don't have the schematics to expand production as it was tightly controlled and honestly outside the scope of our mission, but for the sake of keeping things humming along smoothly, we're willing to share some of our production to minimize any turnover. That aside though, we are curious about the third major institution that's running around--the monasteries. Psy-active folks weren't exactly well known when I was running around, and if that's changed, I'd like to have the option of preparing some countermeasures. Is there any way you can put me in touch with one of those? (Further good relations with the local government by adding some Juvenat trade to further sweeten the deal, and hopefully minimize any turn-over of the agents we're working with. As a side note, see if we can get an introduction to open communications with one or more of the monastaries)
-[X] Construction: (+750 BP)
--[X] Underground Basic Technological Research Lab at the ship (150 BP)
--[X] Camoflauged Observatory at the ship (200 BP)
--[X] 3x Manufactories at the factory location (300 BP)
--[X] Trade Goods (50 BP)
-[X] Research (+200 RP)
--[X] Cybernetics (200 RP)
-[X] Anexa passive action: Education - Roll to level, difficulty is 10+5xLevel

Like I said before I like the plan but I think it makes sense to put Anexa on Education while the DC is low. Also I made it a bit more clear where the various buildings go.
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Sorry, been suffering from a chronic condition that decided to flare up and only recovered a little bit back, and now I'm about to crash, if someone wants to repost my earlier plan, or go with DP's variant, go for it.
[X] Plan : Researching the Enemy
-[X] Free: Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[X] Space Marines? There's got to be more to that...
-[X] Diplomacy: Talk to people.
--[X] Make a report to Thanya, and offer to trade recovered components and trade goods for supplies. The report will be lacking in detail, pretty much just an updated ETA. The components will mostly be salvaged from our ship, such as a piece of crew quarters and a wiped inventory memory chip. Carefully design the report, and select the components, so that Thanya can 'figure out' that we are searching the entire continent for wreakage from a ship that shattered during re-entry. The supplies we request will be used as samples of Imperial tech.
--[X] Talk to Aevon. We are curious about the third major institution that's running around--the monasteries. Psy-active folks weren't exactly well known when I was running around. We would like any information you have, and can you put me in touch with one of those monasteries? Offer 20 BP of Trade Goods in exchange for the info, with the rest of the Trade Goods as part of our 'rent' payments.
-[X] Construction (750 BP):
--[X] Underground Observatory : 300 BP
--[X] Underground Tech Lab : 150
--[X] Manufactory x2 : 200 BP
--[X] Trade goods for Aevon : 50 BP
--[X] Trade goods (and a few faked components) for Thanya : 50 BP
-[X]Research (200 RP):
--[X] Mechanicus files on the Archenemy (100 RP) You've seen refences here and there to the "Archenemy" and the "Corruption" that it causes. It seems like a more specific and terrible danger than just a generalized lure of going against cult doctrine, but... what? It's almost like they're treating it as a infohazard that needs to be locked behind higher access.
--[X]Improved Psychic shielding: (500 RP) Your "no" shielding seems to have worked to protect you from attack so far. But the design is really just a first-generation version. You could develop the second generation, make it capable of more complex and powerful thoughts?
-[X] Anexa passive action: Education - Roll to level, difficulty is 10+5xLevel

Overall the plan is aimed at getting us ready for future exploration. IMO we need 2nd gen Psychic shielding for our ships, and information on hostile Warp entities will prepare us for when we encounter them.

Letting Thanya believe we a searching a huge area explains why we have taken so long to find the STC, and means that it is not just one site that we are excavating. If she attacks us then she cannot just steal a digging location, but she would need to restart the search from scratch.
There is no chance a powerful Explorator would be wasting so much time without a very good reason, but we could be lying about hunting for a STC. Supplying advanced human built samples will show that we are not studying Xenotech or Heritek.

I think offering Anti-Agathic medicines would create a demand we cannot hope of fufilling.
Letting Thanya believe we a searching a huge area explains why we have taken so long to find the STC, and means that it is not just one site that we are excavating. If she attacks us then she cannot just steal a digging location, but she would need to restart the search from scratch.
The length of time it's taken for us to locate the STC isn't really something that requires explanation beyond, "was really well hidden" imo. As for the multiple locations thing, I'd rather not go that route. When it comes to lying, the simpler the lie, the less chance it is exposed. Plus, while multiple potential locations could make her less likely to attack (although the odds of that occurring are vanishingly low since she has no idea where we are), it could also motivate her to launch her own search for the ship pieces. That's really problematic because (a), as far as we know there exists no such archeotech store, and (b) she might stumble upon our factory while looking.

Edit: As for the anti-aging meds, so long as we're open about not being able to fulfill the true demand, we should be good.
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