Well I think we should talk with the Mechanicus and W this turn. Thalya to give the report we found an 'old shuttle port' (I doubt they have anything as advanced as the one we can build) along with a few shuttles that need some refurbishment. This will give us an excuse to start building in orbit. We should definitely give the offer to W and mention we have Juvant treatment we could give her. Best clarify while we aren't blackmailing her, her boss will ask questions how she looks 20 years old again. As for Anexa, she should focus on studying this turn. @Neablis , will the roll stack for the next level? Say Anexa gets a 50, that means she gets level 2 and 3 and has 15 stored away for level 4.
We want to leave the planet behind as a friendly port, so it's important to have somebody competent holding the fort down. Her network of contacts isn't something she can just uproot and take with us. So I think it makes more sense for her to stay behind. Could give the juvenant though.
We'd need to set up the locals to produce their own juvenant for that. And there's no guarantee she'd still be around or willing to help when we next visit, which might be decades or even hundreds of years after we leave. Plus, this is a democracy, not a dictatorship, so she's not the one competent ruler of the locals or anything like that. We know she's good at espionage but she's not single-handedly running the government.

Intentionally not trying to recruit her doesn't seem likely to get us anything.
While I think trying to get more imperial tech is probably the best play we should also consider getting more tech priests, not as bridge crew, but regular crew. When we rock up to some other system we can't just sent an away crew of all robots. Someone at some point is going to ask them to take off their helmets and that is where actual people would be very good to have. Same thing goes for acting on planet, right now we are limited to just our avatar which in addition to costing AP runs the risk of getting discovered or scanned. With a crew we could do things like set up a passive spy ring in the enclaves or try to spark a revolt against the leadership to get the cult to reform.
Right, so. I think we spend 150 BP to build those basic techlab, biolab and medbay and grant our favourite beanchanicus access and also tell her about the Juvenat. Let her choose what she wants to do. But TBH, I think we should have her focus on catching up for now.
Rest of the BP we should spend on Catapult and restocking trade goods.

Let's spend a diplo-action on Thalya and finally get those imperial tech-samples. In return for some broken and slagged components from our ship. We can easily come off as giving some of the bits we don´t have the time to focus on. Let's make sure it's not too condescending though and double-check that it's good scrap. Though ofc. Not the best.

Let's spend time decoding "The Archenemy" and developing planetary void shields. Or knock out cybernetics, see if we can accelerate it by reverse engineering imperial tech.

Let's also spend a diplo-action going through the threat rating of the Imperial's capabilities and enemies with W, see how good she is at that as part of the recruitment drive. It'll also let em know what to expect when they get off-planet. Let's also ask whether and what has been shared with the other nations. I think we'll want to share some of the stuff with them, anyways. We're giving more than enough headstart to the one nation, no need to completely force a dominance. Especially after we hand over our beachhead.
While I think trying to get more imperial tech is probably the best play we should also consider getting more tech priests, not as bridge crew, but regular crew. When we rock up to some other system we can't just sent an away crew of all robots. Someone at some point is going to ask them to take off their helmets and that is where actual people would be very good to have. Same thing goes for acting on planet, right now we are limited to just our avatar which in addition to costing AP runs the risk of getting discovered or scanned. With a crew we could do things like set up a passive spy ring in the enclaves or try to spark a revolt against the leadership to get the cult to reform.
A few, sure.
But don't get too many yet.
We want to have room for psykers from the monastery.
Thalya is expecting a report this turn. You can ignore her, but then she'll probably put out a capture-on-sight order and try even harder to track you down. You could send in a report with a free action, but that's much riskier than spending an action on it, and a poor roll will have similar results to no report. If you spend an action on it then the roll doesn't need to be as good, and you can also do other mechanicus-associated things in addition to talking to Thalya, such as resuming your subversion of acolytes,
If we're taking this I'm tempted to go for Blues Clues 2: Electric Boogaloo, this time with Anexa's help designing new and improved breadcrumbs for potential aspirants.
@Neablis would Anexa be able to help with this, either by making the breadcrumbs less likely to be picked up by the mechanicus' internal security or for better targeting at potential recruits?
Sounds like, along with doing government negotiations, it might be worth asking W herself if she wants to join our crew. She might not be likely to agree, but we know she's certainly quite competent at espionage.
If she's leery if joining us outright and we can't yet risk juvenat out in the wider population, we could extend a temp offer to house her in our main base with a supply, then renegotiate if she wants to stay or go after we go loud and we're about to leave.

Though obviously this would involve some level of revealing who we are.
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Right, so. I think we spend 150 BP to build those basic techlab, biolab and medbay and grant our favourite beanchanicus access and also tell her about the Juvenat. Let her choose what she wants to do. But TBH, I think we should have her focus on catching up for now.
Rest of the BP we should spend on Catapult and restocking trade goods.

we should also build an observatory. Info on this sort of thing is both important and, notably, cheep. Apart from that, we need to do a few research's before we can properly take off into the void. We need to design our new ship, for one, and we really should research the void abicus too. A few other things like psytech for the monasteries and cybernetics for Anexa would be nice to have too. Personally, I think we should do all that first, because remember, the shuttle port is not invisible, and chances are if we start building a space base, we will be noticed, and I'm not sure we're ready for that.

(Edit: small craft stealth would probably help a lot with the discovery problem, so let's add that to the list)

Switching gears, if we were to give the mechanicus anything, I would think the psychic shielding would be best. It's got practically no potential for misuse, and it basically uses machine spirits to function, so they would love it
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So looking at our next plan, I think I know what we can do.

Obviously give a "progress report" while also seeing if we can get Imperial Tech samples.

I also think we can do a Diplo with W and try to deepen our relationship with Aevon further. For that, I want to start giving them Juvenant and I want to build 2 Camouflaged Manned Manufactories to gift to them so they can start developing their own stuff with less interference from the Enclaves. On top of that, we can build a Camouflaged Spaceport so we can start building in space if we want to and a Tech Research Lab.

Finally, some research. For that we should study on the Archenemy and look into small-craft stealth so we can launch shuttles into space with it being less likely to be detected.
@Neablis , will the roll stack for the next level? Say Anexa gets a 50, that means she gets level 2 and 3 and has 15 stored away for level 4.
Nope. 1 level/turn, unless they do something like kill a chaos primarch.

@Neablis would Anexa be able to help with this, either by making the breadcrumbs less likely to be picked up by the mechanicus' internal security or better targeted at potential recruits?
Huh. Yeah, she would. I'll allow you to write-in that she helps with that soecific diplomacy action to give a +5 on the roll.

Any other questions? Shoot.
Anexa is turning out to be delightful first addition to the crew. I also really liked how the sequence of events played, with her doing most of the convincing she needed by herself. Truth is a powerful weapon.
Right, so. I think we spend 150 BP to build those basic techlab, biolab and medbay and grant our favourite beanchanicus access and also tell her about the Juvenat. Let her choose what she wants to do. But TBH, I think we should have her focus on catching up for now.
Rest of the BP we should spend on Catapult and restocking trade goods.
Not going to comment much on build plans yet, except for the fact that the medbay is already built.
we should also build an observatory. Info on this sort of thing is both important and, notably, cheep. Apart from that, we need to do a few research's before we can properly take off into the void. We need to design our new ship, for one, and we really should research the void abicus too. A few other things like psytech for the monasteries and cybernetics for Anexa would be nice to have too. Personally, I think we should do all that first, because remember, the shuttle port is not invisible, and chances are if we start building a space base, we will be noticed, and I'm not sure we're ready for that.

(Edit: small craft stealth would probably help a lot with the discovery problem, so let's add that to the list)

Switching gears, if we were to give the mechanicus anything, I would think the psychic shielding would be best. It's got practically no potential for misuse, and it basically uses machine spirits to function, so they would love it
I understand doing the nope shield but... That's too big. Yes, it's got 0 abuse potential, but it's also super-duper precious to the imperium as a whole and might prompt a murdr. It's also way, way WAAAAAY overpaying for basic knicknacks. Unless we give only a tiny scrap and imply that's all that was recovered. Even then... It's dubious and suspicion-inviting. Nope shield STC blueprint is for when we need to majorly bribe mechanicus.
No, better to sell scraps and DAoT knicknacks. It'll be precious to the mechanicus, but basically a nothingburger to us. Little sus Magos Vita is willing to part with it, but by having it be scraps... Alternatively, we can genuinely just pay with resources.
To prevent tracking we land somewhere in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and do a thorough search before continuing home.

As for the observatory, I'm honestly mostly worried about how visible it'll be. It's not like we can't achieve the same with space constructions. We can settle for lesser things than a proper space ship for the foreseeable future. Void Abacus is only for when we intend to leave the system altogether IMO. Which is a good while away. Getting the infrastructure to go orbital hurts not. We don't need to actually USE it. Besides, I'm voting for Catapult, not shuttles or rockets. Catapult being the sneakiest. (Also, coolest)
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[] Stealthy R&D - rough draft
-[] [Free] Look into the Adeptus Astartes
-[] [Diplomacy] Give a progress report to Thayla that you have managed to find some "lost technology" (whatever knick-knacks from our ship we can spare) and also inquire about getting some Imperial Tech samples to compare with some other tech we've "discovered".
-[] [Diplomacy] Reach out to W again and say that you're ready to deepen our relationship with Aevon and are willing to also give a supply of Juvenant as well as two Camouflaged Manned Manufactories with the schematics to produce and maintain medicines and military arms (Light to Medium infantry weapons and Armor and Light Tanks).
-[] [Construction] 750 BP:
—[] 2x Manned Camouflaged Manufactories (400 BP)
—[] Camouflaged Spaceport (200 BP)
—[] Camouflaged Basic Technological Research Lab (100 RP)
—[] 50 BP worth of trade goods, including Juvenant, though subtract some BP if we happen to need to give something to Thayla
-[] Research: 200 RP
—[] Mechanicus files on The Archenemy (100 RP)
—[] Small-craft Stealth (100 RP)
—-[] Have Alexa assist in Research

Here's my plan, please tell what you think.
Can we spend AP to teach her?
Yes. It'll give her a bonus to her roll. Maybe a +20?

As for the psychic shielding, I don't want you folks to run away speculating about it. It was a prototype design built into ships circa M.24, then found to be not actually necessary if you had a working gellar field. It was also expensive and hard to scale to anything smaller or bigger than a ship.

Just kind of a dead-end ancient technology that ended up being very useful indeed. Maybe people got rid of it through chance, Maybe there was a conspiracy. Either way it happened more than fifteen thousand years ago.

[] [Diplomacy] Reach out to W again and say that you're ready to deepen our relationship with Aevon and are willing to also give a supply of Juvenant as well as two Camouflaged Manned Manufactories with the schematics to produce and maintain medicines and military arms (Light to Medium infantry weapons and Armor and Light Tanks).
Are you asking for anything in return? Doing it out of the goodness of your heart? Hoping this makes them more of a problem for the mechanicus? You should include a reason for doing this, or else they're going to be worried.
I'm going to repeat my earlier suggestion that we look for cat's paws and pawns in the Mechanicus rather then genuine converts right now.
Not that we don't want both. But pawns will produce the results we need a lot more quickly.

We are never going to make the upper reaches of the cult believe what we want. But we could still make them do what we want (like leave us alone), and set up the conditions for the lower level members we have influenced to take over.

Going to strongly recommend against having our "dig site" produce any "results". Doing so would massively increase the amount of interest in us, to our determent. It would start a gold rush with everybody trying to find where we are.
There is a big difference between "Knows a place which may start producing results in a number of decades" and "Is actively producing results." The second condition would massively increase the urgency of any search for us, because they know if they are too slow they will lose the opportunity.
Are you asking for anything in return? Doing it out of the goodness of your heart? Hoping this makes them more of a problem for the mechanicus? You should include a reason for doing this, or else they're going to be worried.

If we are going to ask for something, information on the monasteries and all things psychic in general would be a good ask I think. It would strike them as equal risk to us handing out weapons, but it's also something that makes sense for us to ask since it was the Psychic Awakening as much as the isolation that kicked off the Age of Strife. As ancients we would want to know about that for our own safety.
I'm going to repeat my earlier suggestion that we look for cat's paws and pawns in the Mechanicus rather then genuine converts right now.
Not that we don't want both. But pawns will produce the results we need a lot more quickly.

We are never going to make the upper reaches of the cult believe what we want. But we could still make them do what we want (like leave us alone), and set up the conditions for the lower level members we have influenced to take over.

Going to strongly recommend against having our "dig site" produce any "results". Doing so would massively increase the amount of interest in us, to our determent. It would start a gold rush with everybody trying to find where we are.
There is a big difference between "Knows a place which may start producing results in a number of decades" and "Is actively producing results." The second condition would massively increase the urgency of any search for us, because they know if they are too slow they will lose the opportunity.
Yea if we start generating tech we may get this kine of reaction.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uluWZ1_61gw