But yes. My outline is to have Nova Cannons researched, with Bongo bound and cramming techs done by Turn 33. That way, we should be able to slap a Nova Cannon of our own on the Spark with room to spare hopefully. With at least one ship with firepower like that as well as enough in-system Escort Ships, we can focus on nice things to have.
Not to mention that on the way we will also research grav-weapons, which will make void and ground combat much more favorable for us.
Um...Nova Cannons are huge spinal mounts, ship frames/superstructures are literally built around them. There's no way Spark can have a Nova Cannon.
Now, our next-gen Battleship body, OTOH...
OTOH...there's good reason we might not want to have a Nova Cannon on our body/flagship, but our escorts instead. A spinal Nova Cannon will take up a ton of internal volume, which will cut down on what internal systems we put inside our flagship. We might want to not have a spinal weapon at all, instead going for more of a Carrier/Transport build, this way we can have tons of fighters and bot armies (leveraging our strengths as an AI), while also enabling us to ship huge amounts of stuff wherever we need to go, PLUS lots of freed up internal room for whatever we want inside.
So...yeah. Spinal Novas on our escort Battleships, Battlecruisers, and Heavy Cruisers, but our Flagship I'm thinking might not be a good idea.
Oh, and my personal preferences for tech to be researched:
Superconductive Shenanigans
Advanced Materials (at least starting it with bleedover RP)
Antigrav (its only 50RP, and could provide potentially huge dividends in design, manufacturing, not to mention sheer combat utility and mobility)
Nova Cannon prereqs (obviously, and we have to have them BEFORE we build ships bc ship superstructures have to be built around them, they can't be slapped on later like other techs/innovations/upgrades)