chaos and warp containment and "R&D" 101 suite:

>Psychic Shielding Reliability (100 RP)
>Hardware Psychic Encryption (50 RP)
>The Taste of Chaos (100 RP)
>Demonology (100 RP)
>Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (75 RP)
>Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
>Faith is my shield? (75 RP)

Great news guys,we are halfway done with the 101

We can do 1 of this actions every next turn and be fine whioe focusing on other stuff

Personally i advice for demonology and reliability next turn and finish up with faith with in the turn afterwards
We got small shields that are chaos resistant now we should make them cheap to produce
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I kinda think the crystal that resonates with the warp miiight have some relevance to the warp comms path. (And the warp manufacturing which I remain extremely excited about.)

Also, I generally think researching our samples is likely to be fun - we've been stacking them up but not using them quite a bit.
-[] Examine the Dark Eldar Craft (150 RP) The Dark Eldar boarding craft showed incredible stealth capabilities. If you can figure out how it works that would be a great way to improve your own stealth capabilities (Discounts all stealth technology, may unlock unique stealth research and let you see through Eldar stealth better) Requires Advanced Technological Research Lab.

-[] Chaos Space Marine Armor Investigation (100 RP) Between the dozen corpses you can almost certainly piece together a full suit or two of armor from the chaos space marines. What does it do? Why is it covered with horns? (Significant discounts on space-marine power armor research, potential discounts on robotics and cybernetics, may unlock further research to improve power armor. Potential identification of strengths and weaknesses of Black Legion power armor).

-[] The Golden Metal (200 RP) On Calderath, inside the Sector Governer's Hall of Wonders, in place of pride, you found a piece of golden metal supposedly from the Emporer's armor. What is it? What can it do? Why does it react stragely to psychic energy? Can you shape it into something for Cia? How can you find more? (A basic understanding of auramite and how to work it. Will unlock further research to prospect for it more efficiently - or potentially synthesize it eventually). Write in if you'd like to fashion what you have into the edge of a weapon or part of a piece of psytech for Cia.

-[] Necron Initial Investigations (200 RP) You've got these scary robots lying in prison cells as if you're afraid they'll come to life and attack. Which you are. But the reason you have them is to study them, so start studying them. Everythign about them is fascinating, from the matierals they're made from to their mode of articulation to their processing units and even some faint radiation they're giving off. (Begins the necron research tree). Requires advanced technological research lab.

-[] Shards of Humming Gemstone (100 RP) The shards of crystal you recovered from the ritual don't carry an inherent chaos taint of their own, but they resonate with the warp somehow. The largest piece you have is the size of a human hand, maybe you can figure out what it is and how to use it? (May unlock new options for using, finding or synthesizing this warp-reactive substance, as well as discounts to technologies that involve resonance with the warp.)

-[] Dark Eldar Weaponry (150 RP) You have a few examples of Dark Eldar weaponry. Some of it just uses esoteric poisons, but other parts seem based on physical princples you can't identify. That's exciting (Unlocks new weapons based on Dark Eldar small-arms weaponry) Requires Advanced Technological Research Lab.

-[] That's two levels of augmentation too many (150 RP) The Chaos Space Marines you fought are not really intact anymore, but there's enough accumulated gore spread around that you should be able to get a decent sample of their genetics and stuff like extra organs and surgical enhancements. And maybe mutations? (Discounts genetics, mutation, augmentation research. May unlock special researches around geneseed and space marine-specific augments.)

-[] Navigator Genetics (400 RP) So... you have some navigator genetic material. You can poke at that, see if you can figure out how it works. They had a reputation even back in your day, and it only seems to have gotten worse. Still, tempting. (Unlocks basic understanding of navigator genetics. Will unlock further technology to improve the health of navigators, as well as technology to allow you to clone navigators.) Locked behind Complex genetic enhancement

-[] Navigator Gestation (150 RP) You have a navigator fetus. You don't know what to do with that beyond the obvious. So, how would you do it? Well, you doubt you could just implant it into somebody. From the traces left behind on Klyssar's nest you should do this in a tank. (Allows you to turn the navigator fetus into a navigator baby) Locked behind the Does in vitro have something to do with wine? and maybe a followup tech depending on rolls.

-[] Dubious Dark Eldar Dissections (75 RP) You've got some corpses of Dark Eldar. Time to take them apart and see what you can learn! (Gives you some details on Dark Eldar physiology. May provide bonuses towards psyker genetics, or develop medical techniques, drugs or implants for Eldar)
-[] Shards of Humming Gemstone (100 RP) The shards of crystal you recovered from the ritual don't carry an inherent chaos taint of their own, but they resonate with the warp somehow. The largest piece you have is the size of a human hand, maybe you can figure out what it is and how to use it? (May unlock new options for using, finding or synthesizing this warp-reactive substance, as well as discounts to technologies that involve resonance with the warp.)

Seems very relevant for warp communication/sensors yeah. Also suprised that the Auramite tech doesn't require an advanced research lab
Did some quick math on the thinking that we'd want to go ahead and use three construction actions for compounding our industry, so that we have LS-MS and can design and build ships with it the following turn...

Starting the turn with 130 MS Orbital Manufactories and the Spark, plus the Voidforge Miners and a one-time boon of 15k VBP both of the latter only being good for the first action.

Total VBP for Action 1: 24,500

Action 1: 24,500 BP -> 81 New Manufactories

(130 + 81) * 60 = 12,660 + 600 = 13,260

Action 2: 13,260 BP -> 44 New Manufactories

(130 + 81 + 44) * 60 = 15,300 + 600 = 15,900

Action 3: 15,900 BP -> 53 New Manufactories

(130 + 81 + 44 + 53) * 60 = 15,300 + 600 = 19,080 VBP Per Action going into the next turn.

308 Machine Spirit Orbital Manufactories = (308*15) = 4,620 CP.

Average price of a Destroyer based on the Harrier I designed a while back: 1,550 BP

Destroyers Built Per Action: 12.3

Average Price of a Heavy Cruiser based on the Hammer I designed a while back: 16,100 BP

Heavy Cruisers Built Per Action: 1 with enough left over for 1.92 destroyers.
Let's remember we still need to get Denva Abacus Manufacturing. And we still have the Navigator Bean to gestate.
-[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP) Your current shielding says "No" at all times, which seems to work against most warp threats. You think you might be able to modify it for a different meaning, which may have different effects. You're not sure exactly what, but you'd kind of like to try "Aboslutely not" or maybe even "You're not real" and see what happens. (Unlocks new types of psychic shielding with different/improved effects, as well as further research into more powerful psychic shielding - some of which may be less "shielding" and more of an offensive weapon.)

-[] Empathy at Range (200 RP) Your warp sensors work well on things that are nearby, but they're definitely not able to detect anything large beyond combat range, or smaller things beyond very close range. Maybe it's a matter of improving sensitivity, maybe you need to specifically build some parts of your psychic shield to extend range. (Makes your warp sensors active at longer range, unlocks further research to pinpoint psychic activities from across the solar system. Half of the prereq for basic warp-based FTL communication)

-[] Yelling into the Warp (150 RP) If you can receive signals from the warp, how do you send them? It probably involves modulating your psychic shielding somehow. Does that mean a new thought? Probably. (Unlocks the ability to cast signals into the warp, though that may attract attention. May allow you to signal psychically-sensitive allies... or enemies. Half of the prereq for basic warp-based FTL communication) Requires Alternative Shielding Meanings

-[] Collaberative Computational R&D (250 RP) You've set it up so that humans can help you with research and development, but the gains are limited because there's only so much they can help you with before you get diminishing returns on team size. Figure out better ways to utilize your research teams and let bigger teams contribute to projects. (Increases size of research team before RP/turn limit is reached. May assign more technical staff to further reduce design costs.)

-[] Intelligence Coding (170/400 RP) You don't really understand how your own code and hardware works. Maybe putting some effort into understanding that would pay dividends. It's never been something too interesting, but hey, maybe you should give it a shot. (Helps you understand your own code. Prerequisite to building new AIs, starts command point tree and automation tree, also unlocks personality-checking research)

-[] Large-scale Machine spirits (75 RP) As it stands, you can integrate machine spirits into small things. Expanding that to military installations and ships is going to require designing even more complex networks and figuring out how to make them work. With Anexa's insights you think it's eminently possible thought (Unlocks machine-spirit equipped versions of frigate-sized or smaller ships and platforms, as well as most defensive installations. Unlocks more research for machine spirits for larger ships & platforms.)
-[] Efficient Equipment Distribution (100 RP) Let's see if you can apply the benefits from weapon packing to equipment (Equipment costs count as 0.9x for ship capacity packing. Especially effective for cargo holds.)
-[] Extremely Efficient Weapon Distribution (200 RP) You did a good job already in packing more weapons into less space. But you think you see ways to make it even better (Weapons cost at 0.75 for ship capacity packing)
-[] Machine Spirit Ship Design Improvements (200 RP) By encouraging creative and complex solutions to problems you can use the design-specialized machine spirits to improve your ship designs in exciting new ways. (Allows you to cram more things into void ships, depending on rolls. May unlock further research to further optimize cramming, as well as discount the absolute cost of various categories of ship components).
-[] Gravity Weapons (200 RP) You know it's possible to use gravity as a weapon, though it sounds a bit crazy. But still, it might be worth trying? (Unlocks basic graviton weapons for infantry, vehicles and warships, as well as research for more advanced graviton weapons. Half of the research necessary for Nova Cannons)
-[] The Biggest Boom (150 RP) So. There's no actual upper limit for how big a fusion warhead can get. But it does get more complicated to build bigger and bigger bombs. Let's figure that out. (Unlocks bigger, exterminatus-grade warheads for nukes. The other half of the research necessary for Nova Cannons)

Navigator (400 RP+):
-[] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (100 RP) Unlocks the ability to clone basic humans (Unlocks the cloning bay, as well as further technology to clone things other than baseline humans, like humans without brains for organs or humans with more dramatic genetic mutations. Along with brain implants may lead to personality backups).

-[] Navigator Gestation (150 RP) You have a navigator fetus. You don't know what to do with that beyond the obvious. So, how would you do it? Well, you doubt you could just implant it into somebody. From the traces left behind on Klyssar's nest you should do this in a tank. (Allows you to turn the navigator fetus into a navigator baby) Locked behind the Does in vitro have something to do with wine? and maybe a followup tech depending on rolls.

-[] Understanding Mutations (150 RP) The mutations that occasionally pop up in Denva's population are... weird. Complex, and have bizarre phenotypes. Why? What's causing them? Why are they so hard to treat? Maybe look into that. (Potential cures for more difficult mutations, as well as further research into why they occur, and treating other kinds of genetic deterioration.)

This is the complete list of stuff I want to research before we bugger off again.
It's a total of 2305 RP. At 545 RP for 2 research actions + Anexa that would take just over 4 turns (4.22).

The question is how to prioritize it.
Frontloading Collaberative Computational R&D should reduce that to 4, which makes it a priority.

Ship research needs to happen before ships get designed and built. Which aren't yet included.
Which new ships do we want to design?
My vote as always is to firstly remake our flagship into a battleship with way more stuff including research labs and production capacity + defense and offenses galore. Then some support ships. We could bring Denva ships with us?
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My thinking is that we need to start building ships as soon as possible, which means researching Large-scale Machine spirits (75 RP) next turn so that we can design and begin building our first destroyers the turn after. Everything else in the ship queue can wait and the only other item there I'm even really interested in is The Biggest Boom (150 RP) for the potential of stealth ships with planet-killing warheads being sent at our enemies sooner rather than later.

Collaberative Computational R&D (250 RP) will boost all of our research going forward and so should be gotten as soon as possible, meaning also next turn.

The entire warp comm suite is then the next priority, probably meaning Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP) gets squeezed in next turn as well.

Turn 33 sees Empathy at Range (200 RP) and Yelling into the Warp (150 RP) and probably also Abacus Manufacturing (50 RP) along with at least one blueprint design for whatever ships we start building that turn.

Turn 34 sees Warp Comms (??? RP) and hopefully Intelligence Coding (170/400 RP). Everything else can be researched after that, while we're managing to hold off the wanderlust or remotely via warp comms or in the field.
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-[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP) Your current shielding says "No" at all times, which seems to work against most warp threats. You think you might be able to modify it for a different meaning, which may have different effects. You're not sure exactly what, but you'd kind of like to try "Aboslutely not" or maybe even "You're not real" and see what happens. (Unlocks new types of psychic shielding with different/improved effects, as well as further research into more powerful psychic shielding - some of which may be less "shielding" and more of an offensive weapon.)

-[] Empathy at Range (200 RP) Your warp sensors work well on things that are nearby, but they're definitely not able to detect anything large beyond combat range, or smaller things beyond very close range. Maybe it's a matter of improving sensitivity, maybe you need to specifically build some parts of your psychic shield to extend range. (Makes your warp sensors active at longer range, unlocks further research to pinpoint psychic activities from across the solar system. Half of the prereq for basic warp-based FTL communication)

-[] Yelling into the Warp (150 RP) If you can receive signals from the warp, how do you send them? It probably involves modulating your psychic shielding somehow. Does that mean a new thought? Probably. (Unlocks the ability to cast signals into the warp, though that may attract attention. May allow you to signal psychically-sensitive allies... or enemies. Half of the prereq for basic warp-based FTL communication) Requires Alternative Shielding Meanings

-[] Collaberative Computational R&D (250 RP) You've set it up so that humans can help you with research and development, but the gains are limited because there's only so much they can help you with before you get diminishing returns on team size. Figure out better ways to utilize your research teams and let bigger teams contribute to projects. (Increases size of research team before RP/turn limit is reached. May assign more technical staff to further reduce design costs.)

-[] Intelligence Coding (170/400 RP) You don't really understand how your own code and hardware works. Maybe putting some effort into understanding that would pay dividends. It's never been something too interesting, but hey, maybe you should give it a shot. (Helps you understand your own code. Prerequisite to building new AIs, starts command point tree and automation tree, also unlocks personality-checking research)

-[] Large-scale Machine spirits (75 RP) As it stands, you can integrate machine spirits into small things. Expanding that to military installations and ships is going to require designing even more complex networks and figuring out how to make them work. With Anexa's insights you think it's eminently possible thought (Unlocks machine-spirit equipped versions of frigate-sized or smaller ships and platforms, as well as most defensive installations. Unlocks more research for machine spirits for larger ships & platforms.)
-[] Efficient Equipment Distribution (100 RP) Let's see if you can apply the benefits from weapon packing to equipment (Equipment costs count as 0.9x for ship capacity packing. Especially effective for cargo holds.)
-[] Extremely Efficient Weapon Distribution (200 RP) You did a good job already in packing more weapons into less space. But you think you see ways to make it even better (Weapons cost at 0.75 for ship capacity packing)
-[] Machine Spirit Ship Design Improvements (200 RP) By encouraging creative and complex solutions to problems you can use the design-specialized machine spirits to improve your ship designs in exciting new ways. (Allows you to cram more things into void ships, depending on rolls. May unlock further research to further optimize cramming, as well as discount the absolute cost of various categories of ship components).
-[] Gravity Weapons (200 RP) You know it's possible to use gravity as a weapon, though it sounds a bit crazy. But still, it might be worth trying? (Unlocks basic graviton weapons for infantry, vehicles and warships, as well as research for more advanced graviton weapons. Half of the research necessary for Nova Cannons)
-[] The Biggest Boom (150 RP) So. There's no actual upper limit for how big a fusion warhead can get. But it does get more complicated to build bigger and bigger bombs. Let's figure that out. (Unlocks bigger, exterminatus-grade warheads for nukes. The other half of the research necessary for Nova Cannons)

Navigator (400 RP+):
-[] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (100 RP) Unlocks the ability to clone basic humans (Unlocks the cloning bay, as well as further technology to clone things other than baseline humans, like humans without brains for organs or humans with more dramatic genetic mutations. Along with brain implants may lead to personality backups).

-[] Navigator Gestation (150 RP) You have a navigator fetus. You don't know what to do with that beyond the obvious. So, how would you do it? Well, you doubt you could just implant it into somebody. From the traces left behind on Klyssar's nest you should do this in a tank. (Allows you to turn the navigator fetus into a navigator baby) Locked behind the Does in vitro have something to do with wine? and maybe a followup tech depending on rolls.

-[] Understanding Mutations (150 RP) The mutations that occasionally pop up in Denva's population are... weird. Complex, and have bizarre phenotypes. Why? What's causing them? Why are they so hard to treat? Maybe look into that. (Potential cures for more difficult mutations, as well as further research into why they occur, and treating other kinds of genetic deterioration.)

This is the complete list of stuff I want to research before we bugger off again.
It's a total of 2305 RP. At 545 RP for 2 research actions + Anexa that would take just over 4 turns (4.22).

The question is how to prioritize it.
Frontloading Collaberative Computational R&D should reduce that to 4, which makes it a priority.

Ship research needs to happen before ships get designed and built. Which aren't yet included.
Which new ships do we want to design?

There's almost certainly a fourth hidden warp coms tech behind EaR and YitW we can't see yet, remember. Anyway, I really want to get ASM next turn... Also faith and bongo. Collab R&D does also seem really useful, too. And setting up that research institute while we're at it...
-[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP) Your current shielding says "No" at all times, which seems to work against most warp threats. You think you might be able to modify it for a different meaning, which may have different effects. You're not sure exactly what, but you'd kind of like to try "Aboslutely not" or maybe even "You're not real" and see what happens. (Unlocks new types of psychic shielding with different/improved effects, as well as further research into more powerful psychic shielding - some of which may be less "shielding" and more of an offensive weapon.)

-[] Empathy at Range (200 RP) Your warp sensors work well on things that are nearby, but they're definitely not able to detect anything large beyond combat range, or smaller things beyond very close range. Maybe it's a matter of improving sensitivity, maybe you need to specifically build some parts of your psychic shield to extend range. (Makes your warp sensors active at longer range, unlocks further research to pinpoint psychic activities from across the solar system. Half of the prereq for basic warp-based FTL communication)

-[] Yelling into the Warp (150 RP) If you can receive signals from the warp, how do you send them? It probably involves modulating your psychic shielding somehow. Does that mean a new thought? Probably. (Unlocks the ability to cast signals into the warp, though that may attract attention. May allow you to signal psychically-sensitive allies... or enemies. Half of the prereq for basic warp-based FTL communication) Requires Alternative Shielding Meanings

-[] Collaberative Computational R&D (250 RP) You've set it up so that humans can help you with research and development, but the gains are limited because there's only so much they can help you with before you get diminishing returns on team size. Figure out better ways to utilize your research teams and let bigger teams contribute to projects. (Increases size of research team before RP/turn limit is reached. May assign more technical staff to further reduce design costs.)

-[] Intelligence Coding (170/400 RP) You don't really understand how your own code and hardware works. Maybe putting some effort into understanding that would pay dividends. It's never been something too interesting, but hey, maybe you should give it a shot. (Helps you understand your own code. Prerequisite to building new AIs, starts command point tree and automation tree, also unlocks personality-checking research)

-[] Large-scale Machine spirits (75 RP) As it stands, you can integrate machine spirits into small things. Expanding that to military installations and ships is going to require designing even more complex networks and figuring out how to make them work. With Anexa's insights you think it's eminently possible thought (Unlocks machine-spirit equipped versions of frigate-sized or smaller ships and platforms, as well as most defensive installations. Unlocks more research for machine spirits for larger ships & platforms.)
-[] Efficient Equipment Distribution (100 RP) Let's see if you can apply the benefits from weapon packing to equipment (Equipment costs count as 0.9x for ship capacity packing. Especially effective for cargo holds.)
-[] Extremely Efficient Weapon Distribution (200 RP) You did a good job already in packing more weapons into less space. But you think you see ways to make it even better (Weapons cost at 0.75 for ship capacity packing)
-[] Machine Spirit Ship Design Improvements (200 RP) By encouraging creative and complex solutions to problems you can use the design-specialized machine spirits to improve your ship designs in exciting new ways. (Allows you to cram more things into void ships, depending on rolls. May unlock further research to further optimize cramming, as well as discount the absolute cost of various categories of ship components).
-[] Gravity Weapons (200 RP) You know it's possible to use gravity as a weapon, though it sounds a bit crazy. But still, it might be worth trying? (Unlocks basic graviton weapons for infantry, vehicles and warships, as well as research for more advanced graviton weapons. Half of the research necessary for Nova Cannons)
-[] The Biggest Boom (150 RP) So. There's no actual upper limit for how big a fusion warhead can get. But it does get more complicated to build bigger and bigger bombs. Let's figure that out. (Unlocks bigger, exterminatus-grade warheads for nukes. The other half of the research necessary for Nova Cannons)

Navigator (400 RP+):
-[] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (100 RP) Unlocks the ability to clone basic humans (Unlocks the cloning bay, as well as further technology to clone things other than baseline humans, like humans without brains for organs or humans with more dramatic genetic mutations. Along with brain implants may lead to personality backups).

-[] Navigator Gestation (150 RP) You have a navigator fetus. You don't know what to do with that beyond the obvious. So, how would you do it? Well, you doubt you could just implant it into somebody. From the traces left behind on Klyssar's nest you should do this in a tank. (Allows you to turn the navigator fetus into a navigator baby) Locked behind the Does in vitro have something to do with wine? and maybe a followup tech depending on rolls.

-[] Understanding Mutations (150 RP) The mutations that occasionally pop up in Denva's population are... weird. Complex, and have bizarre phenotypes. Why? What's causing them? Why are they so hard to treat? Maybe look into that. (Potential cures for more difficult mutations, as well as further research into why they occur, and treating other kinds of genetic deterioration.)

This is the complete list of stuff I want to research before we bugger off again.
It's a total of 2305 RP. At 545 RP for 2 research actions + Anexa that would take just over 4 turns (4.22).

The question is how to prioritize it.
Frontloading Collaberative Computational R&D should reduce that to 4, which makes it a priority.

Ship research needs to happen before ships get designed and built. Which aren't yet included.
Which new ships do we want to design?
I see...two big problems here?

One, no abacus construction, leaving Denva unable to warp.

Two, I assume you actually want the nova cannon, not just the prereqs?
I see...two big problems here?

One, no abacus construction, leaving Denva unable to warp.

Two, I assume you actually want the nova cannon, not just the prereqs?
Abacus is only 50 RP left.
We'll tag it on somewhere under ships.

Also we had that discussion about nova cannons already.
Nova cannons are literally Gravity Weapons which shoot nuke payloads (The Biggest Boom).

So a basic version ought to be given with both researches, unless we roll poorly.
chaos and warp containment and "R&D" 101 suite:

Great news guys,we are halfway done with the 101

We can do 1 of this actions every next turn and be fine whioe focusing on other stuff

Personally i advice for demonology and reliability next turn and finish up with faith with in the turn afterwards
We got small shields that are chaos resistant now we should make them cheap to produce
My personal very rough planning currently goes something like:

Turn 32: Demonology (Anexa), Grav-weapons (Nova Cannon preq.), Biggest Boom (Nova Cannon preq.), Efficient Equipment Distribution, make Escort Ships System Monitors
Turn 33: Intelligence Design (Anexa), Nova Cannons, more cramming, make Escort Ships System Monitors
Turn 34: Large-scale Machine spirits, Abacus Manufacturing, SHIPS!

Because while it would be nice to have better RP effiency ASAP from research-improving-research... Unfortunately, the factions surrounding us might not give us the time.

I'm only for doing IC as early as Turn 33 because it is a fundamental tech, that is bound to have the kind of follow-ups which can cause paradigm-shifts in nearly everything that we do. There is a reason that DAoT focused at Vita's time on AI more than intelligence-improving brain implants.

But yes. My outline is to have Nova Cannons researched, with Bongo bound and cramming techs done by Turn 33. That way, we should be able to slap a Nova Cannon of our own on the Spark with room to spare hopefully. With at least one ship with firepower like that as well as enough in-system Escort Ships, we can focus on nice things to have.

Not to mention that on the way we will also research grav-weapons, which will make void and ground combat much more favorable for us.

EDIT: my mistake, meant system monitors, not escorts
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Can we make escort ships without researching void abacus first? Not sure if only 1 ship in the fleet needs it, or if we need it and can slot the void abacus into the ships after completing them, or if we need the abacuses done before we start building the ships.
Can we make escort ships without researching void abacus first? Not sure if only 1 ship in the fleet needs it, or if we need it and can slot the void abacus into the ships after completing them, or if we need the abacuses done before we start building the ships.
Ah, my mistake. I didn't mean Escorts, I meant system monitors. Immediate system void defenses are a priority to me.
Can we make escort ships without researching void abacus first? Not sure if only 1 ship in the fleet needs it, or if we need it and can slot the void abacus into the ships after completing them, or if we need the abacuses done before we start building the ships.

We definitely can make escorts and they can even enter the warp with a blind jump, they just don't have very good chances of coming back out.
In my view, next turn needs to go:
Research x2: Collaborative R&D (250), Lower Spec OMC (150), plus 140 RP of other stuff
Order: set up Denva R&D
DIplomacy: check up on Denva Primus, see if the Velkar are okay/see if we can get an alliance going.
Boon: Psyker (get ourselves a diviner)

This will boost our RP per turn, get us another boon, boost the cogitare/denva research, and provide us with a good location for military build up.

My suggestion for the 140 RP worth of "stuff" is that we finish Abacus Procution and Faith, then put 30 RP on one of Intelligence Coding, LSVM, or Advanced Materials.

Rationale: Abacus means Denva gets to start on their warp ships right now with their new research ability (plus we can make ships immediately with our stuff). Faith lets us get at a productive use of faith soon (good for denva and others). LSVM and Advanced Materials are good techs that can discount Int Coding; the former has the advantage of being cheap and something we want for our ships anyway; the latter has the advantage of booting Necron research (which we need ASAP) and unlocking megastructures (for both Denva and the void miners).

Other important contenders are the Navibean techs and Demonology.
I think we need to get Abacus and warp coms this turn, hedge against wanderlust kicking us in when we are not expecting
We shouldn't be treating Wayfarer as some kind of ambush predator that'll catch us by surprise. Neablis has made it pretty clear that that's not how it works. Let's just commit to get as much done as we can in 4 more turns -- call it Turn 34 as the latest for us to depart -- because an arbitrary deadline easier to plan around than an unknown one.

It follows that we don't need to cram Abacus Manufacturing and all 3 steps of warp comms into this turn. Other research priorities worth investigating in that time:
  • Superconductive Shenanigans (50 RP)
  • Collaborative Computational R&D (250 RP)
  • Daemonology (100 RP)
  • Nova Cannon tech (Gravity Weapons (200 RP) and The Biggest Boom (150 RP) and maybe an unknown follow-up)
  • Large-scale Void Manufacturing (100 RP)
  • Psychic Shielding Reliability (100 RP)
  • Large-scale Machine spirits (75 RP)
  • Basic Automated Manufactories (150 RP)
  • Better Sensors are just Physics (150 RP)
  • Combat Information Gathering (200 RP)
  • Superhuman Uppers (100 RP)
Can someone explain why we might care about Efficient Equipment Distribution in the near term?
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Turn 32: Demonology (Anexa), Grav-weapons (Nova Cannon preq.), Biggest Boom (Nova Cannon preq.), Efficient Equipment Distribution, make Escort Ships System Monitors
Turn 33: Intelligence Design (Anexa), Nova Cannons, more cramming, make Escort Ships System Monitors
Turn 34: Large-scale Machine spirits, Abacus Manufacturing, SHIPS!
Turn 32: Grav Weapons, Collaborative Computational R&D, Abacus Manu, 45 Overflow to something from next turn. Build some candles for in-system defense.
Turn 33: Biggest Boom, Alternative Shielding Meanings, Large-scale Machine spirits, Cramming
Turn 34: Empathy at Range, Yelling into the Warp, nova cannons,

We are earning a boon this turn, by helping with both R&D and giving over Abacus Manu (and star charts) we earn another two next turn. And cash at least one in for R&D.
Can someone explain why we might care about Efficient Equipment Distribution in the near term?
We need them for the new ship designs before we can build our intended fleet which we want to have before we leave Denva again.
So we have space again in both our flag ships and the new designs.
Another four turns will leave us at 6 total, thirty years in Denva. I'm not sure if we have that much, but even if we do I'd rather do the 50 for Void abacus relatively fast simply because it would earn us a boon all on its own and the sooner we have boons the sooner we can use them. If we get say a diviner the sooner we can get them training the better.
My personal very rough planning currently goes something like:

Turn 32: Demonology (Anexa), Grav-weapons (Nova Cannon preq.), Biggest Boom (Nova Cannon preq.), Efficient Equipment Distribution, make Escort Ships System Monitors
Turn 33: Intelligence Design (Anexa), Nova Cannons, more cramming, make Escort Ships System Monitors
Turn 34: Large-scale Machine spirits, Abacus Manufacturing, SHIPS!
Turn 32: Grav Weapons, Collaborative Computational R&D, Abacus Manu, 45 Overflow to something from next turn. Build some candles for in-system defense.
Turn 33: Biggest Boom, Alternative Shielding Meanings, Large-scale Machine spirits, Cramming
Turn 34: Empathy at Range, Yelling into the Warp, nova cannons,

We are earning a boon this turn, by helping with both R&D and giving over Abacus Manu (and star charts) we earn another two next turn. And cash at least one in for R&D.

We need them for the new ship designs before we can build our intended fleet which we want to have before we leave Denva again.
So we have space again in both our flag ships and the new designs.

We have around 500-ish RP every turn
3 turns give us 1.5k RP to play with

The "101" would cost 275 (assuming we dont get further discounts from this turn) (faith,mass producible cheap psy shields,and improved corruption sensors)

So 1225 RP left for everything else

im really begging you guys to get the 101 done,we will not coma back for several turns
one 101 action a turn is all asking for,we are already halfway there
We shouldn't be treating Wayfarer as some kind of ambush predator that'll catch us by surprise. Neablis has made it pretty clear that that's how it works. Let's just commit to get as much done as we can in 4 more turns -- call it Turn 34 as the latest for us to depart -- because an arbitrary deadline easier to plan around than an unknown one.

It follows that we don't need to cram Abacus Manufacturing and all 3 steps of warp comms into this turn. Other research priorities worth investigating in that time:
  • Superconductive Shenanigans (50 RP)
  • Collaborative Computational R&D (250 RP)
  • Daemonology (100 RP)
  • Nova Cannon tech (Gravity Weapons (200 RP) and The Biggest Boom (150 RP) and maybe an unknown follow-up)
  • Large-scale Void Manufacturing (100 RP)
  • Psychic Shielding Reliability (100 RP)
  • Large-scale Machine spirits (75 RP)
  • Basic Automated Manufactories (150 RP)
  • Better Sensors are just Physics (150 RP)
  • Combat Information Gathering (200 RP)
  • Superhuman Uppers (100 RP)
Can someone explain why we might care about Efficient Equipment Distribution in the near term?
In addition to what LightLan said, retrofitting the Spark to use those techs involves retrofitting all of its insides—and that's a lot of BP.
We have around 500-ish RP every turn
3 turns give us 1.5k RP to play with

The "101" would cost 275 (assuming we dont get further discounts from this turn) (faith,mass producible cheap psy shields,and improved corruption sensors)

So 1225 RP left for everything else

im really begging you guys to get the 101 done,we will not coma back for several turns
one 101 action a turn is all asking for,we are already halfway there
I still don't get why those are 101. If I had to state what we need to get done before we leave, I'd say R&D, navibean, and the necrons.
I LIVE!! I'm gone for a couple days and I come back to find out you guys managed to fumble the hunting of the chaos cultists! What is with this thread and single numbers!?
We have around 500-ish RP every turn
3 turns give us 1.5k RP to play with

The "101" would cost 275 (assuming we dont get further discounts from this turn) (faith,mass producible cheap psy shields,and improved corruption sensors)

So 1225 RP left for everything else

im really begging you guys to get the 101 done,we will not coma back for several turns
one 101 action a turn is all asking for,we are already halfway there
We have done plenty of anti-chaos research now.

Time for something else, finally.
Those are some great rolls on the tech. Hopefully it gave us enough advantage to carry the cultist hunt with poor rolls.

In a vacuum, I think we should jump on industry next turn. The ship tech we have right now is solid, and a fleet that is built beats a blueprint every time. Even without a boon 3 construction actions would let us get another 65 manufactories, repair the shipyard, and then build 9 Candles (or 6 and 2 Flames). With a boon that jumps to 125 manufactories, and 12 Candles (or 8 and 3 Flames).

I'd feel much more secure in the system with a fleet in existence.

Additionally, the nice thing about Denva switching to OMC piloting is we will use the same blueprint ships as them.
I still don't get why those are 101.

of the things yet to be done:

they are the ''is safe to touch warp and chaos stuff'' benchmark

reliability to make the sensors on the shields work consistently (having your anti corruption sensor fail at random when doing warp research is asking for problems),our tripwire research got a bare pass or failed if i dont misremember as result our anti corruption sensors are faulty and unstable failing at random sometimes

faith because is a foundational tech in how to use belief as a passive way to shield against chaos,so even if you aint in a area covered in shields

and demonology because is foundational to studying demons

of the things already completed:

>chaos resistant machine spirit: make our tech less prone to corruption
>machine spirit psy shield: further buffs our psy shields resilience
>taste of chaos: ability to track down big concentrations of cultist activity
>hardware psy encryption: to deny warp scrying

We have done plenty of anti-chaos research now.

no we havent,we did what we always do wich is one big push to leave things half cooked then leave it there for several turns and then come back to shit on fire because we didnt finish the job proper

im not asking for another "everything into anti-chaos research" turn,im asking for "do one research a turn,slowly chiping away this thing off,so by the time we leave we dont have to worry about it ever again"

consistent gradual progress rather than panicky crash development

like our entire anti chaos cults aproach plan relies on psy shield infrastructure,yet the sensors of said shield fail to catch chaos at random is a pretty big fundamental flaw on it,leaving without patching the ''sometimes the shield doesnt realize its been corrupted by chaos" is something awful

it costs 100RP to fix it and be done with it

my general idea is:

>next turn demonology
>following turn reliability for sensors
>finish up with faith

im begging you guys to spare 75-100 RP out 500-ish RP over 3 turns to save us headaches for ages to come
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