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Please give Cia a holy force choke.

NOPE! Directly into the sun. Idk if we can even learn anything from the necrons considering they don't even know how their bodies work and all their tech is based on rules that don't exist anymore after they murdered the Flayer.

I know these probably aren't that rare considering the guy prolly shed armor like skin cells, but even so that's just about the highest purity auramite in the sector, if not segmentum.
Necron samples should at the very least help us with Really Good Robotics, if not also Advanced Materials and other techs in those trees.

This may also just be a fragment of another auramite armour sold to the guy as being the Emperor's.
I would like to remind people with plans that jump to Denva that original consensus was this.

Denva -> Ascalon -> Vorthryn -> Caldereth -> Aestron(in Subsector Tiran) -> (Caldereth -> Ascalon) -> Denva
Updated my plan!
The navibean will be very useful once we have returned to Denva, so we can go farther away (and maybe go find that DEldar who messed with us).
Actually, I wonder how useful it will be now that I'm chewing on it. We know from earlier storyteller posts that once fully trained we could travel up to 30 system per action or travel 10 and explore.

What we don't know is how good a void abacus can get. Instead of cloning I'm now thinking of Improved Void Abacus (125 RP). We only have one navigator, so Denva will be using abacii to get around regardless. So any improvements will help them.

Seeing the exact numbers for the improvement (and if we unlock follow on techs) would help us put a more concrete value on the navigator.

Edge case examples: if it increases our move distance by just one, then we know the navigator is critical. If it increases it to 10 systems per action then it becomes a lot less important.

I suspect that the exact amount is somewhere in the middle and is roll dependant.

@Prime 2.0, mind kicking the tires on this logic?
I would like to remind people with plans that jump to Denva that original consensus was this.

Denva -> Ascalon -> Vorthryn -> Caldereth -> Aestron(in Subsector Tiran) -> (Caldereth -> Ascalon) -> Denva

I'm conflicted as to whether the presence of spacefaring Orks almost certainly coming from the direction of Aestron should override the plan we made ~35 years ago.

On the one hand, it's probably worth checking that the Orks aren't literally massing one system over right this minute. On the other, I'm not sure it's worth essentially spending a full turn and likely more to confirm one way or the other. Particularly given that if they are, we'd still probably be best off dashing straight back to Denva and going through a crash research/upgrade/industrialization program to try and be ready to fight them off when they sweep up the space lanes after us.

EDIT - To clarify, what I meant was "If there are Orks in Aestron, we hope we can fight our way out and then run back to Denva. If there aren't... we head back to Denva anyway."
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As to the auramite armour, I'd be willing to guess it came from a custodian and was misidentified as being big E's armour.

I figure the vast majority of the imperiums population could look at a custodian and see "Glorious giant golden man with ludicrously superhuman abilities" and go, "yep thats the Emperor alright"
I'm conflicted as to whether the presence of spacefaring Orks almost certainly coming from the direction of Aestron should override the plan we made ~35 years ago.

On the one hand, it's probably worth checking that the Orks aren't literally massing one system over right this minute. On the other, I'm not sure it's worth essentially spending a full turn and likely more to confirm one way or the other. Particularly given that if they are, we'd still probably be best off dashing straight back to Denva and going through a crash research/upgrade/industrialization program to try and be ready to fight them off when they sweep up the space lanes after us.
I rather check if Orcs are there if we cannot crush them we can always bravely ran away.
Is removing the Stank actually something we should do?

The locals appear to be capable of surviving well enough, as long as there's no mask shortage. And with the orkish incursion, Vita will have to give them the means to defend themselves anyway, unless she decides to stay or abandon them to orkish enslavement, which doesn't seem likely.

Why not uplift the population and give them the means to solve the stank issue themselves? It might actually be the better option for their long-term development as a culture.
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I rather check if Orcs are there if we cannot crush them we can always bravely ran away.
I'd rather the Orks don't know there's anything worth fighting in this direction. Ideally we convince this scout frigate that this system is boring, populated only by boring people, and trying to fight us would be super-extra boring.

Nothing to see here, boyz. Go home. Betta figthz back there!

Option 2, of course, is to blow them up to ensure they don't get to report back. The problem is that the orkish response to their scouting expeditions vanishing is probably to send more scouts.
I mean, it's unlikely but not totally outside the bounds of possibility that we de-warp into an Ork fleet and can't get away because while it's in some ways extremely advanced in others the Spark is somewhat lacking and I'd say speed and durability are among those.
That's the thrill of exploration you never know what is behind another star. :)
I doubt there is actually Orc fleet in Aestron it's still beginning of our quest and Orcs are rather random so they may have came from anywhere.
Do Orcs even follow warp lanes?
I would like to remind people with plans that jump to Denva that original consensus was this.

Denva -> Ascalon -> Vorthryn -> Caldereth -> Aestron(in Subsector Tiran) -> (Caldereth -> Ascalon) -> Denva

To be clear: the original plan was to visit Ascalon, Vorthryn and Caldereth. After we started somebody noticed that if we take above route we can explore one more System(Aestron) and still make it back to Denva in one action.

Sadly just checking out if there are more Orks in Aestron and going back to Denva would take 4 jump so we would need to gamble on improved void abacus if we want to just scout and still make it back in one action.

I would be okay with returning to Denva after this System, at the start i thought we would need 1-2 turns per System, but it looks like we actually need 2-3 turns.
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What we don't know is how good a void abacus can get. Instead of cloning I'm now thinking of Improved Void Abacus (125 RP). We only have one navigator, so Denva will be using abacii to get around regardless. So any improvements will help them.
I'll also point out that an Improved Void Abacus is a lot less of an investment than the entire Navi-bean cloning/growing/training. Edit: It's well worth a poke to see how it scales.
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[][Necron] Take them.

[] Plan: Educate, and depart.
-[][Orks] Destroy.
-[][[Stankberg] Learn
-[] Construction x1 (600 VBP & 500 LC)
--[] Build 4 Manned Manufactory (100 BP) near/in Stankberg. (400 BP)
--[] Build 100 Points worth of Trade Goods for the locals. (100 BP)
---[] Technical primers and educational materials using Victan to help prepare them. Based on Cogitare Exploraratum material, and including Cogitare philosophy/beliefs. Leftover BP are to be used for medical supplies.
--[] Build 1 Set of Medium Humanized Machine-spirit Infantry Bots. (100 BP, 20 CP)
-[] Research x2 (400 + 75 + 20 = 495 RP)
--[] Reliable Gellar Fields (300 RP)
--[] Blueprint : Advanced Technological Research Lab (50 RP)
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (100 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (50/400 RP)
-[] Travel/Explore:
-[] Cia: Active Psyker improvement
-[] Victan Active action: support [Stankberg] Learn / Trade Goods
-[] Anexa active Action: Research - Reliable Gellar Fields

Manufactories will let the people of Calderath Primus decide what to build. They are having a population boom, which will put some strain on their existing educational and medical systems.
Basing the educational materials on the Cogitare Exploraratum should have an influence on their culture, and next time they are visited by us (or Denva) it should be easy for the Cogitare Exploraratum to recruit.
I don't know if we can infer the orks are close in this direction. Remember how far afield the Space Marines were.

We do have information that they're in this direction - somewhere "beyond Dornath", which is one of the sectors on the other side of Tiran.

Finding orks again in the next system is possible, but we probably shouldn't especially expect it.
So do we only have enough favour for one of these?
They might only have the capacity to do one of those. There's only a million of them.
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To be frank, the best thing we could use the boon for would be basing rights for a certain area, effectively setting up a new country.
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I'd note that doing microbes is likely to reduce the value of the place as a food exporter, if the seaweed exports are ever restarted. I'd prefer the manual ship option just in case we run across a hive world and suddenly need gigatons of calories on short notice.

The other question in my mind is WHY we need a base at all. The manufacturing we are mostly going to need is void-based, because we cannot build ships on the ground, so why bother with planetary bases? Any research labs we build here are going to be useless as soon as we leave, until and unless we get warp comms, and even then we don't know if bandwidth will be sufficient to do research remotely.

What are they are going to do, stomp menacingly in our direction?
Without weapons they are only mildly irritating hunks of metal with intelligence of rumba.

Report back to a tomb world that an AI is running around upgrade humans. I'm basically assuming that the tradeoff here is how much we can learn about robotics vs how much they can learn about Vita + damage they do on waking up.

I don't really like those odds right now.

It's kind of funny that the inert Necrons seem to be causing more anxiety then Bongo does and it's a literal deamon machine designed to fuck with technology.

There is a vocal segment of the voter base, and I count myself among them, that has been advocating ditching bongo into a star this entire time.

If we go the same route with the necrons then at least we'll be locked into a physics based series of 'we MUST build/research this to be safe RIGHT NOW' actions. And to be fair, we did absolutely need to research and build those things to not lose with bongo on board.
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We'll need better weapons when those necrons wake up.

[] Plan: Nova Cannons go boom. + Basebuilding
-[][FREE] repair bay?
-[] Construction x2 (600 VBP / 500 LC):
--[] Build base in/around governers mansion
--[] Manned Ocean Remediation Ship (50 BP) x 2
--[] Machine Spirit Manufactory (120 BP, 20 CP) x9
-[] Research x2 (400 + 75 + 20 = 495 RP)
--[] Psychic Encryption (150 RP)
--[] Gravity Weapons (200 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] The Biggest Boom (145/150 RP)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research
-[] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
-[] Cia deployment on sector governer palace
-[][Stankberg] Fix your planet.
-[][Orks] Destroy.

[][Necron] Take them.
Using The Biggest Boom against the necron fragments had better not happen on either the planetary surface or the Spark.

Gravity weapons might actually be relevant to ship security.
Unfinished sentence.

Some words are missing and/or mixed up here.

I think you might've meant to say it wouldn't be risky.

Looks like a missing sentence here.

Unfinished sentence.
Fixed, thanks!

So do we only have enough favour for one of these?
As a free action yes. If you want more then do diplomacy.

It's "supposedly" that. You don't know if it actually is. You do know it's a weird material that you would like to research (auramite).

Also - canon around auramite is different in different places. In some places it's just so psychically non-reactive that it doesn't restrict psykers. In others it's actually psychically resonant in a way that makes it the best possible material for force swords & psytech and such. I'm treating it more like the second.

I also think that instead of researching more terraforming tech, we should research the manned ship and give the blueprint to the people of Caldereth so they can fix the problem on their own. Do they even know that the problem is caused by the seaweed rotting?
You don't need to research it. You have the blueprint already. They just can't build them.

@Neablis Cia should be Anexa here?
Fixed, thanks!

OK errors I noticed:

The bolded should be Victan since Vita is talking to Anexa in this part and Cia already has combat training.

Paragraph just abruptly cuts off.

The bolded is a word salad. Unscramble it.

Paragraph just abruptly cuts off.

altar not alter this isn't Fate/Type-Moon.

Are the bolded and underlined misspellings of Emperor's intentional?

Anexa not Cia.

Paragraph just abruptly cuts off.


Of the top of my head there's phase-iron which is one of the pinnacles of the DAoT materials engineering and an anti-psychic material, but came to late to save Humanity from the Fall/Age of Strife and is now used by some Inquisitors/Inquisitor Lords as a prison/manacle/torture material.
Fixed. I'm dyslexic and sometimes that's your problem.

:wtf: Alright physicist what does the lux calculation look like for something like that?

I'm a chemist, unless you can show me how such wavelengths interact at scale, depth and the Avogadro constant all I'm seeing in that article is physicists editing around the ideal gas law. Again.
I dunno. I'm a biologist. My understanding is that based on the aeresol you make you reflect visible light (the primary solar irradiance) or the infrared (the primary planetary emission). Based on which of them you choose you get cooling or heating respectively.

You have a point about the time @Neablis do we have enough time to research boarding capabilities and close combat and upgrade things to use them?
No. You do have a teleporter and outmass them enough that you could try shooting out their engines and then boarding the "kludgy" way, but it's going to be awkward.

Edit: @Neablis, can we get a sense for the RP cost of studying the Necrons if we keep them? I'm tempted to try and study them this turn.
It'll be a tree. The first tech will be in the 200ish BP range and will give you a report of the materials, design, weapons, etc. These are basic warriors, not anything super-fancy, so you're limited in what you can learn of the entire necron arsenal.

It will require the advanced tech lab.

Another question for you @Neablis (or anyone who knows the answer), does fighting the Ork ship require an Order action for next turn? If not, is there benefit to taking one anyways?
Nope. There might be a benefit if they do get onto the planet, to completely eradicate them. But yeah, this is an immediate kind of activity.

Actually, @Neablis do we know whether there'll be a BP cost to deploying Stank-b-gone? Would Microbes reduce it?
No RP cost. You'll probably deploy it as part of the action, which is why you need to write-in a risk tolerance when doing that research.

Microbes would make that tech more likely to succeed.

Spoiler: Minor Typos

I'd not that doing microbes is likely to reduce the value of the place as a food exporter, if the seaweed exports are ever restarted. I'd prefer the manual ship option just in case we run across a nice works and suddenly need gigatons of calories on short notice.
Correct. It wouldn't eliminate it, but it would mean it became a sustainable world, instead of being able to export gigatons of calories with the necessary infrastructure.
It just occurred to me we need some non lethal ways of subduing opposition, as attack on villa proven throwing someone at the wall is not viable solution.
That would start with Machine Spirit Combat Bot Flexibility so that our bots know how to not kill things and then some combination of Combat Bot Melee Combat and Drugs? Drugs. so that they have a bunch of less lethal options.
It just occurred to me we need some non lethal ways of subduing opposition, as attack on villa proven throwing someone at the wall is not viable solution.

I'm not saying it wouldn't be useful to build a taser, but specifically for death cultists like we found at the Vila I think it wouldn't be worth it. If someone is that determined to die they are not worth the effort to keep alive against their will. It applies to the Emperor's cultists as much as Chaos'.
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