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A skeleton of a plan i would propose, still has a flex slot.
Orks? Dead
Necrons? Ours
Stankberg? On the way up
Vita? On the way back to Denva

[]Plan: Fix the planet, clap some orks
-[][Necron] Take them
-- take up to 80 BP from the shuttles build action to construct a safe/fortified containment for the "Ancient Xenos Warbots". We have 2 slots open on the ship
-[][Stankberg] Learn
-- leave a detachment of X Cogitare on the planet to oversee terraforming and fortify the planet against orks. Priority of Tasks is: 1. oversee terraforming in case somethings goes wrong 2. fortifiy the planet against ork invasion 3. help uplift the people on the planet 4. recruit more people for the Cogitare
-[][Orks] Destroy (open for write ins)
-[]Research(200RP + 75RP + ?RP(i dont know how many tech priest we have left))
--[] Calderath Stank-Be-Gone (200 RP)
--- Only deploy on success or better
--- use Cogitare RP to fix if that would be enough, otherwise overflow into Intelligence Coding
--- Anexa assists
--[] Faith is my shield? (75 RP)
-- overflow into Intelligence Coding
-[]Construction(600 VBP, 500 Lift):
-- 4xMachine Spirit Manufactory(120BP,20CP) on the planet = 480BP,80CP Cost, +240 ground BP production
-- 1x Anti-personnel Bunker, Psychic Shielding(40BP,2CP) half done
-- 5x Shuttle(20BP, 5CP) for the Cogitare on the Planet(we have more BP than Lift, might as well use it all)
-- Both located at the governours place
-[]Flex, idk probably research or construction. Maybe make sure no Ork contanimation has taken place?
-[]Order: Move to Denva via Ascalon
-[] Victan passive
-[] Anexa active
-[] Cia active
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Lol and now we have incentive to study advanced materials.

I'd like to return the relic to the sororitas eventually, it'll be a good bribe. I'm also very wary of the hyper advanced robots that might wake up on their own and might have tracking devices in them or anti tampering measures.

If we can keep them in stasis, cool, otherwise I'm almost in favor of leaving them here until e are ready.
You must also understand that we've also wasted the action, so in a sense the tech tripled in price. It also wasted Anexa's action. Additionally, the place where the combat implants might have caused trouble would have been in combat... but we got a crit success on the infiltration and there were very well prepared for it.
Except if we just normally failured it, the exact same thing would have happened. If a 1 and a 10 have no actual difference in outcome here, why are we even playing with crits and critfails?
-[][Necron] Take them.

I am absolutely thrilled to have dormant/disabled necrons to study. These seem most likely to be "dead" warriors who failed to phase out for repair for some reason and they don't look to still have any of their equipment but they still represent a massive windfall.

[] Plan: Enriching Exclave Establishment
-[][Orks] Write-In: Try to lure the Orks in via talking (Exact wording to be decided on as part of finalizing the plan) and then destroy them once they're too close to successfully run away.
-[][Stankberg] Write-In: A slight adjustment on the Learn option, instead of just giving them a manufactory and some educational materials, ask them to volunteer as many of there children as possible to attend classes with and possibly outright join the Cogitare.
-[][Cogitare] Get as many of our tech-priests as are willing set up in the volcano lair with the goal of beginning the industrialization of the planet, uplifting the locals, and recruiting as many new Cogitare as possible.
-[] Construction x1 (600 VBP & 500 LC)
--[] Build 4 Machine Spirit Manufactories near the volcano lair. (480 VBP & LC)
--[] Build 20 Points worth of Trade Goods for the locals. (20 BP & LC)
--[] Build 1 Set of Medium Humanized Machine-spirit Infantry Bots. (100 BP, 20 CP)
-[] Research x2 (400 + 75 + 20 = 495 RP)
--[] Reliable Gellar Fields (300 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (100 RP)
--[] Remote Organic-Machine control (50 RP)
--[] Combat Neural Implants (45/50 RP)
-[] Travel/Explore: Head back to Denva.
-[] Cia: Active Psyker improvement
-[] Victan Active Action: Assist coordinating with the locals and Cogitare to get the exclave established and their relationship with the locals off the ground.

Ironically, this is largely the same plan that I proposed last turn, except we've already made friends with the locals and explored the beach house, and the presence of the Orks makes everything a bit more urgent.

With that in mind, step one is destroy the Orks. To reiterate my logic, even the best case for hiding and them deciding to pass the system by has them heading further into the subsector. I don't want that to happen, so they've got to die here. I think there's plenty of room for a good write-in to bluff them in close and then destroy them without any real chance of their escape.

Step two is to setup a cooperation between the locals and the Cogitare, while establishing an industrial base near the volcano lair as the most defended place on the planet (and the cushiest for the Cogitare to live), with the goal of having the Cogitare begin industrializing and fortifying while teaching and recruiting.

Meanwhile, we do some research which I consider to be important to be able to immediately hand over to Denva. This includes Remote OMC, which I've discussed before and consider a potential game-changer for any faction which has it, and which we'll make sure the Cogitare here have before we leave.

Then we sprint back to Denva where we can alert them to everything we've found and begin a concentrated program of research, upgrades, and industrialization.

The Construction portion of the plan is likely to see some adjustment pending QM input on how we'd go about building some storage for the Necrons. I'm not terribly worried though, these are almost certainly "dead" warriors, which is about as low threat as it's possible for Necrons to be. I'm most worried about them reactivating just enough to phase back to the nearest tomb-world honestly.
Except if we just normally failured it, the exact same thing would have happened. If a 1 and a 10 have no actual difference in outcome here, why are we even playing with crits and critfails?
A 10 would not have failed the action, a 2 would not have failed the action, it would have just been a poor success. We would have still gotten usable results.
Yep. A reminder that in the character creation we chose an AI with as big as research bonus as we could purchase, plus Anexa was on the action. And that she is a genius with an extremely broad knowledge base, and then a double genius when it comes to her specialties like cybernetics. And we researched something that was basically too mundane for Anexa to keep her interested for long enough to the boring-but-necessary work. So there just wasn't much room for things to go wrong.

Really, our damage mitigations has been mostly due to making necessary preparations beforehand, as well as the luck of having the Nat 1's land where they haven't managed to truly hurt us. So, what do you want, @Cookiesndip? Our efforts not being worth anything, and being totally useless in stopping bad things from happening? Because if someone was running their quest like that, I would just leave. Or if I had to give them suggestions, I would tell them to just write a story with dice rolls, instead of running a quest.

Basically, I'm saying that I think that your suggestions on how to run a quest when it comes to Nat 1's are fundamentally not good for quest-enjoyment. At least for the vast majority of people who are interested in them. Which is about the most important thing when it comes to the quest-design, I believe. Of course, if you want to run a quest with a different design philosophy that has extremely super-punishing RNG, cool. Some people would probably still enjoy that, even if it would be a minority.

But this is Neablis's quest, and they can run it however they want. And what they are doing seems to be working. So why complain about it? Why does it matter if you think that it is too soft on players, if nearly everybody is having fun and not having the suspension of disbelief broken?

EDIT: some typo corrections, etc.
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I thinks we should postpone Warp research till we setup a warp research lab and research Immaterium understanding.
We should also leave the Cogitare a shuttle, otherwise they have to use the locals sailboats to move between the lair and the settlement.

I agree that would be the optimal research path in a vacuum, but I also want to be able to immediately make good on our promise to Denva by giving them the technology they need to immediately become an interstellar force once we get back to them. I'll be somewhat surprised if they don't start their own shipbuilding ASAP and I'd like them to do it with the best possible gellar fields from the get-go.

I entirely agree about leaving the Cogitare shuttles and bots though. I'll be refining my plan over the course of the week, hopefully with word from Neablis on how to format what all we leave them. At minimum one shuttle and either all the currently extant specter bots or just the 589 to keep our own reserves at an even thousand.
I want to poke the Necrons. What could possibly go wrong?

I vote to toss them in our existing vault. Surely Bongo won't interact badly wirh the Necrons at all.

I know this is meant ironically but I'm pretty sure it would actually be safe, necrons were designed to stand up to the psychic might and skill of the Old Ones and their servitor species beside which Bongo is well named, it would be like a rabid baboon mashing buttons of a nuclear silo. There has never been a single necron in the lore who fell to scrap code.
-[][Orks] Write-In: Try to lure the Orks in via talking (Exact wording to be decided on as part of finalizing the plan) and then destroy them once they're too close to successfully run away.
"Oi, you green pansies! Bet you're too squigshit scared for a proper scrap, else you wouldn't have come to some backwater dump with a handful of scrawny yokels living on it! But maybe I'm wrong about you lot; get your asses over here if you're even half as hard as you try to look!"
Another question for you @Neablis (or anyone who knows the answer), does fighting the Ork ship require an Order action for next turn? If not, is there benefit to taking one anyways?

In either case I presume the fight will happen at the start of the turn before we could build/research anything
Sorry my post was a bit unclear, i was looking at that 300RP gellar field research in your plan when talking about getting Immaterium understanding for the discounts.
Afaik better gellar fields can be refitted like we did with our flagship.

...Yes? I was saying that I agree, we probably could get discounts on it if we waited, built the lab, and went through the foundational warp research first.

I think it's more important to be able to immediately give Denva the best possible gellar fields and knowledge of how to make void abaci when we get back to them.
You'd be tempted to dismiss it as some kind of weird relic worship and not very relevant - but the warp sensors on Cia's armor indicate it's got a warp signature. One that's very different from the ones you've seen from Chaos. Strange
And now we get to find out that the crazy imperial cult accidentally stumbled into something real.
The display case is empty, without a trace of anything inside. You have a bot physically open the case and ensure that yes, there is in fact nothing there.
All it's missing is some graffiti saying "Trazyn wuz here-"
The description simply says. "Ancient Xenos Warbots from beyond the expansion of Humanity beyond holy Terra. Purchased from a Rogue Trader Factor in Red Harbor."
-or that, that works too.
When it comes time for Cia to report on her research she looks down and kicks at the sand with a bare foot. "Ah, yeah. It - didn't work. The computational requirements
Anexa, not Cia, right?
Still, it's enough for you to know what's going on. That's an orkish scouting craft heading towards the planet, and you need to decide what to do about it.
All it's missing is some graffiti saying "Trazyn wuz here-"

I'm more expecting a sneak-force from whichever craftworld those Eldar originated from snuck in and took them back at some point. Almost certainly relatively recently, given that I feel like their absence would have been noticed and raised an uproar if it had happened before the Imperium abandoned the place.

Somewhat surprised they didn't kill all the servants to be honest.
Thoughts on loot:
Necrons - please read any books written about 40k to notice that every time someone messes with necron tech, things go horribly wrong. Doylist perspective aside, they should be fine to have around, but if they wake up, i think we lose in a fight against them.

Emp armor- basically a splinter of the true cross. Very cool, and i know it can be turned into...something, which makes terminators better, but i don't know what it does specifically. We'll probably need someone who actually believes in the god emperor to make use of it fully.

Thoughts on orks:
We gotta fight them. If there was ever a target to not have moral qualms about fighting its these guys. They literally live for it. Also if they get to the planet we'll be doing cleanup for years.

Somewhat surprised they didn't kill all the servants to be honest.
Maybe harlequins? If it was funny they might have left them alive.
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