-[][FREE] Spark of the Ancients Repair Bay: 1 shuttle bay / shuttles dismantled (Installation 100 BP - 2 slots freed) - 2 Machine Spirit Manufactories added (360 BP) (1 MS Manufactory = 1 slot). Rest goes to repairing the Bongo Oubliette (640 BP - 128 points of repairs) (443/540 HP -> 540/540 HP).
I think your math is off here. A shuttle bay is 100 BP so removing it would only free up 1 module slot, not two. You'd need to drop a 2nd 100 pt weapon system or swap to one of the 200s. My preference would 2x fighters, but that's just my $0.02.
I've done an adaptation of @meianmaru's plan with changes to the Cogitare mission that stays here the full turn for a 2nd research action. This let's us help Cia get to 10th level (hoping that our assistance unlocks some new perks), finish the stealth research, and unlock the cloning bay to see what is needed for the Nav-bean.

[x] Plan: Mercy of Stone
-[x][FREE] Spark of the Ancients Repair Bay: 2 fighter bays dismantled (2 slots freed) - 2 Machine Spirit Manufactories added (360 BP) (1 MS Manufactory = 1 slot). Rest goes to repairing the Bongo Oubliette (640 BP - 128 points of repairs) (443/540 HP -> 540/540 HP).
-[x] Command: Blow up any Chaos-tainted stations you find and detect.
-[x] Construction (450 VBP / 500 LC): 450 BP the ship, of which 360 BP to 3x Machine Spirit Manufactory (120 BP, 20 CP), 1x Small automated medical facility (50 BP, 50 CP), 40 BP plus any additional BP from MSPI to immediate aid/bribes on the ship. The cluster of installations shall be the HQ for Cogitate Exploratium base of operations.
--[x] Write-in: Send 17 members of the Cogitare Exploratium to be left on the ship temporarily, gifting each a personal void shield (Note 1) and a detachment of bots for security (Note 2). Their primary goal is to stabilize the ship and ease the suffering of its population, then the stations and their populations (or prepare the ship to hold evacuations most likely), while also helping by arming people to stomp out Chaos cults where they appear, if feasible. Aim with the repairs to convert the ship to hold people instead of ore. Tell the tech-priests that they are in charge to manage the ship as they see fit. They are free to recruit initiates to the Cogitare Exploratium after making sure of their trustworthiness to expand their numbers, but are to keep the truth about Vita's true nature a secret for now. They also encouraged to freely share basic uplift primers and teaching and augmenting people they don't directly recruit (especially to control the new installations they will be making), if they think it will help the situation. Only restricted cybernetic for non-Cogitare initiate is the Human Simulation brain-implant.
---[x] Note 1: We had 9 void shields on the ship, 4 of which went to Vita and C-Crew. We can take the remaining 5 and the 12 we made for the bodyguards and use them for the stay behind priests.
---[x]Note 2: Leave the 17 tech-priests behind with 703 Light Machine-spirit humanized infantry bots (20 CP), 840 Medium Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots (20 CP), and 1131 Heavy Machine-spirit Infantry Bots (40 CP). This gives them a sizeable detachment and removes cleans up our rounding errors.
-[x] 2x Research (517 RP)
--[x] Help Cia Train (50 RP)
--[x] Psychic tripwires (50 RP)
--[x] Machine Sprit Production Improvements (75 RP)
---[x] Anexa assist
--[x] Mechanized agriculture (150 RP)
--[x] Does In-Vitro have something to do with wine? (100 RP)
--[x] Basic Active Stealth (34/75 RP) -> (75/75 RP)
--[x] Machine Spirit Hallucinations (0 -> 51 RP)
-[x] Cia on Active Training
-[x] Victan Passive monitoring

Next turn I'd envision us returning to Denva and doing some diplomacy actions, possibly exploring Caldereth along the way.

edit: @Neablis, does this assignment seem like something the Cogitare Exploratium would be excited/willing to do? If not, I'm happy to adjust to make them happier with it.

2nd edit: approval vote for
[x] Plan No Overcommitment, Prepare Warp FTL Communication
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The most important thing out of all the possible actions we could take right now is getting Warp FTL Communication.
You want to save as many people as possible?
You want to have us focus on exploration?
You want to help Denva take over the galaxy?
All gatekept by FTL Comms.
2 actions 3 overall is more than enough investment in this system for it to remain relatively stable in the shortterm.

My research choices gets us closer to Warp FTL Communication, gets us Abacus Manufacturing
so Denva and us have even the capability of building some kind of fleet and Psychic Encryption so that we dont immediately become Chaos priority number 1 if we crit fail on Yelling into the Warp.

[x] Plan No Overcommitment, Prepare Warp FTL Communication
-[x] [repair bay] [Free] finish fixing the damage to the psy shields
-[x] Order : Find and destroy all Chaos stations
-[x] Construction : 300 BP on repairing the Auric Burden 50 BP of the most needed supplies for the people on the Auric Burden
-[x] Research 2x (400 + 75 + 42)
--[x] Empathy at Range (200 RP)
---[x] Anexa Assists
--[x] Alernative Shielding Meanings (150 RP)
--[x] Abacus Manufacturing (100 RP)
--[x] Psychic Encryption (67/150 RP + Overflow)
-[x] Victan passive action
-[x] Cia Active Psyker improvement
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This plan might be still adjusted later on. Might play with the idea of temporarily dismantling some of our ship's equipment, instead of more permanent changes, to boost our BP for this turn.

Also might change the mission statement of the Cogitare, as I'm workshopping with some adjustments. However, the core idea of the plan should stay the same.

On non-MS manufactories: they can be upgraded later with 20 BP IIRC. So its more important to get more of them out now, when the tech-priests can upgrade them later for freed CP and potential added productivity from MSPI tech.

[X] Plan: The Disciples of the Cogitare Exploratium
-[X][FREE] Spark of the Ancients Repair Bay: 1 shuttle bay and 2 fighter bays dismantled (3 slots freed) - 3 Machine Spirit Manufactory added (540 BP) (1 MS Manufactory = 1 slot). Rest goes to repairing the Bongo Oubliette (460 BP - 92 points of repairs) (443/540 HP -> 535/540 HP).
-[X] Command: Blow up any Chaos-tainted stations you find and detect.
-[X] Construction (500 VBP / 500 LC): 50 BP immediate aid / bribes, 450 BP to 3x Machine Spirit Manufactory (120 BP, 20 CP), 1x Anti-personnel Bunker (40 BP, 2 CP) w/ mods: Psychic Shielding, 1x Small automated medical facility (50 BP, 50 CP), any additional BP from MSPI to completing the unfinished MS Manufactory. The cluster of installations shall be the HQ for Cogitate Exploratium base of operations.
--[X][COGITARE] Send 22 members of the Cogitare Exploratium to be left on the ship temporarily, with the gift of 12 personal void shields from the bodyguard bots that saw battle against Chaos, removed from the bots and crafted into their augmented bodies or given as a talisman to the most militant members, as their preference. And 1000 Heavy and 1000 Light Machine-spirit Infantry Bots (40 CP).
--[X][MISSION] Primary goal: Stabilize and repair the ship and ease the suffering of its population, as well as evacuate the stations. Convert the ship to host people instead of ore. Secondary goal: Convert people to the Cogitare Exploratium, or be positively affiliated with it. This ship will be a recruiting grounds for the Cogitare Exploratium, seeking people with the aptitude for technology and science when given the education and a chance. Recruit both from the Ductsworn and the Bridgeborn as a neutral party, focusing on the ship itself. This is meant to end with the Cogitare Exploratorium becoming the dominant faction on the ship with hopefully a peaceful takeover. They are also encouraged to freely share basic uplift primers and teaching and augmenting people they don't directly recruit (especially to control the new installations they will be making), if they think it will help the situation.
--[X] Cogitare starting CP: 212/440 CP
-[X] Research (317 RP)
--[X] Psychic tripwires (50 RP)
--[X] Machine Sprit Production Improvements (75 RP)
---[X] Anexa assist
--[X] Mechanized agriculture (150 RP)
--[X] Blueprint: 25 RP - Large automated medical facility (500 BP, 50 CP)
--[X] Blueprint: 10 RP - Anti-personnel Bunker (40 BP, 2 CP), mods: Psychic Shielding
--[X] Basic Active Stealth (34/75 RP) -> (41/75 RP)
-[X] Explore: Calderath
-[X] Anexa active Action: Research (Machine Sprit Production Improvements)
-[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building (budget of 50 BP immediate aid / bribes to spend on the Auric Burden tribes)
-[X] Active Psyker improvement

EDIT: Crew actions added. Dismantled 2 fighter bays for 2 more MS manufactories, for a total of 500 VBP / 500 LC, perfectly balanced. Removed Light MS bots, over tech-priest CP limit. Changes to Cogitare write-in in progress.
EDIT2: Changes to Cogitare write-in done. Focus for the Cogitare tech-priests on being a neutral party that will recruit people and uplifting those they don't recruit. The end goal is for them to peacefully over time to mostly absorb the other factions, and become itself the dominant faction on the ship.
EDIT3: Fixed the CP limit, it is now doubled from what I thought it should have been. Added 1000 Light bots for the Cogitare.
EDIT4: Reshuffled some manufactory stuff due to the word of QM. 2x manufactory + 2x MS manufactory changed -> 3x MS manufactory + 1 incomplete MS manufactory. Cheaper this way due to the cost of refits. This freed up a budget for 50 BP of immediate aid / bribes for Victan to use in his passive action.
EDIT5: A couple of mistakes and things I forgot to remove during the last editing corrected.
EDIT6: changed BP spending from 1x incomplete manufactory to 1x complete bunker with psychic shielding; better defense for the Cogitare at the immediate start, detection through psychic shielding on the bunker
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[x] Plan: Mercy of Stone

Interesting plan, lots of things that make sense/I like, and even if I'd word things differently for dropping off the Cogitare, I like it.

[x] Plan No Overcommitment, Prepare Warp FTL Communication

I like this… is focuses on investing even more in the do than initially planned with what I can only assume is a planned 3 additional actions spent on it next turn before we move on- to Caldareth or otherwise I do not know.

But this gives a chance to repair the basics of energy production and transmission (lighting and random flashes fixed!), water, and structural integrity of the hull, followed by the whole 'Chaos attacks' issue. Presumably next turn would involve lots of diplomacy, another construction action or two, and a research including mechanized agriculture to help the people consume actual vegetables in much more stable food-quantities, while avoiding the need to consume treated, processed sewage sludge.

Especially our Tech priests that were be leaving behind. Because the concept of then being forced to live on such vile calories is unacceptable for Vita's crew even if they aren't her Crew.

[X] Plan: The Disciples of the Cogitare Exploratium

Also okay. Not my favorite wording for things, involving the Cogitare, but it hits all the important beats needed for their support prior to our leaving, and overall is still pretty okay.

I'd prefer wording more along the lines of:

"We request 22 of our loyal Cogitare for a mission of utmost importance. This system is an example of the failings of the Imperium, its abandonment of its people are offensive and cruel. I would charge those willing to stay to not only right this wrong, but bring the enlightenment I have brought to you, to those willing to join you. Help grow the Cogitare's numbers, and in doing so spread the glorious light of knowledge and understanding."

"It will require sacrifice, dedication, and time. While I attempt to both finish our initial mission, and then return to Denva to gather support for the people here, those that stay would face one of the most difficult challenges of their lives: The maintenance and repair of a once glorious ship. The salvation of tens of thousands, maybe even millions of human lives. The raising and teaching of a new generation of Cogitare. And most importantly… performing on my behalf actions that would safeguard this system and its people against the enemies of all creation that so casually sought its destruction."

"For those that stay would not merely rebuild the ship, repair the stations, and bring salvation to the people here in my name. They would deny the great and terrible enemies of mankind one small cruelty to spite their avarice. They would aid This system's people in combating my greatest foes. It is a more direct and dangerous method of spiting the enemy than I or the others who stay with me, will have opportunity to perform directly. And in doing so, you would do me justice and make me proud."

"Know that I shall return within 50 years to see your progress and bring relief from Denva, if such proves possible. Make me proud, those that are willing, and remember to keep my true nature secret from all those that cannot be trusted to not share it freely. Not everyone is as enlightened as you- and to see my Cogitares harmed or killed would frustrate and sadden me… please be careful. And know that I trust and rely on you."

Or something to that effect.

[X] Plan preparing a live ship

Also pretty great. I like most of this. I just would prefer the Tech Priests be sent out and put in charge as the primary/only goal of the action to maximize chances of success and minimize any issues that could crop up.
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I'll put something better in the diplomacy bit later when I get home.

[X] Plan preparing a live ship
-[X] [repair bay] [Free] finish fixing the damage to the psy shields and use the remaining capability to swap ship manufactories for machine spirit manufactories
-[X] Diplomacy: try to unite the factions of the Auric Burden or at least have them work under Vita or whoever she choses as her proxy
-[X] Construction X 2
--[X] 4 Machine Spirit Manufactory in the Auric Burden
--[X] 200BP to be spent repairing the Auric Burden
--[X] use last 20BP to start building a large automated medical facility in the Auric Burden
-[X] Research
--[X] Mechanized agriculture (150 RP)
--[X] Large automated medical facility (25 RP)
--[X] Abacus Manufacturing (100 RP) 25RP
-[X] Anexa's and the Tech Gremlins Research
--[X] Machine Sprit Production Improvements (75 RP)
--[X] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP) 42RP
-[X] Victan active action: assist in diplomacy
-[X] Cia Active Psyker improvement
I don't think we should get warp comms.

Regardless of it's use, it turns the game from exploration to building and running an empire, and it means every turn our QM will have to come up with system updates for everywhere we've got any assets.

Personally I feel like we voted against an empire builder sim when we left everything to Denva. (Who may or may not actually do things when we ask them- relying on them sending out relief fleets on request, or regular borrowing of their industrial capacity and population, would need us to be in a position of actual authority.)

So I'm going to vote for plans that keep us focused on one system at a time.

[X] Plan preparing a live ship
It was stated pretty plainly that this will become an empire building quest, just one where we're fleet based and have subordinate civilizations.
Or something to that effect.
Eh, no need to micromanage. Write speeches like that for fun, even put 'em in their own post if you think it's good enough to be threadmarked, but Neablis prefers to have latitude for how he writes the update. Specify goals and resources, best not to micromanage.

If continuing the roadtrip, I prefer doing a diplo to make the factions play nice. If going to denva, I'm fine with skipping that.
[X] Plan: The Disciples of the Cogitare Exploratium
[X] Plan: The Disciples of the Cogitare Exploratium
Notice to those voting for my plan, major changes done, as I noted might happen. For now, I'm satisfied with it, but might make more changes if I can find ways to optimize it further. The edit-notes of the changes:
EDIT: Crew actions added. Dismantled 2 fighter bays for 2 more MS manufactories, for a total of 500 VBP / 500 LC, perfectly balanced. Removed Light MS bots, over tech-priest CP limit. Changes to Cogitare write-in in progress.
EDIT: Changes to Cogitare write-in done. Focus for the Cogitare tech-priests on being a neutral party that will recruit people and uplifting those they don't recruit. The end goal is for them to peacefully over time to mostly absorb the other factions, and become itself the dominant faction on the ship.
-[X] Construction (500 VBP / 500 LC): 500 BP to the ship, of which 490 BP to 2x Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP), 2x Machine Spirit Manufactory (120 BP, 20 CP), 1x Small automated medical facility (50 BP, 50 CP), 10 BP and any additional BP from MSPI to upgrading planned manufactories to MS manufactories. The cluster of installations shall be the HQ for Cogitate Exploratium base of operations.
I think we can afford to just make that 3x MS manufactories, and a mostly complete fourth that the cogitate detachment finishes on their own. Probably easier for them to do that than to refit two regular factories for machine spirits? Not sure.

@Neablis , any thoughts on doing one versus the other?

Not voting for it atm since it's going to Caldereth w/o diplo.
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[x] Plan No Overcommitment, Prepare Warp FTL Communication
I think we can afford to just make that 3x MS manufactories, and a mostly complete fourth that the cogitate detachment finishes on their own. Probably easier for them to do that than to refit two regular factories for machine spirits? Not sure.

@Neablis , any thoughts on doing one versus the other?

Not voting for it atm since it's going to Caldereth w/o diplo.
Feasible with 3x MS manufactories, but more is better in this case. Kickstarting their manufacturing capacity higher will allow them to scale faster, narrowing down the window they are also vulnerable. And gives them flexibility for more things than just fixing the ship, if and when needed.

On diplo, I believe they will be fine. Victan still gets his passive action, even if the effect is greatly dimished. And most importantly, being the ones with the keys to technology on this kind of ship will count a lot. So was more focused on getting them the capacity to gather good-will by fixing the ship and blowing up the obvious chaos-tainted stations.