If I may, if you really want to do beef up our exploring capabilities then I'd suggest to spend all those points into our Abacus instead. It's more reliable and it doesn't rely on speed-growing a navigator and slaving him/her to the navigational station.
Take some FTL comms as well, and we can have multiple fully automated explorer ships with Void Abacuses for something that's far, FAR cheaper than what you're suggesting.
-[] Improved Void Abacus (125 RP) You understand how the Void Abacus works now, and you think you can tweak it to be better. That involves some amount of expanding and improving its connection to the warp though, so you're far from certain (Improves your Void Abacus design to be faster and better at warp jumps, though still inferior to an average navigator. May unlock further optimization of Void Abaci, including for cost/unstable warp jumps).
Improved Abacus is still worse than a Navigator. And getting FTL communications requires at least 525 RP for Empathy at Range, Yelling into the Warp, and Alternative Shield Meanings, and that doesn't even get us there. Plus whatever additional costs fully automated ships would need.
It's 300 RP for the very basics, but I'd much rather have more than the basics in case something goes wrong (Someone rolls a 1).
I'd like to get Navigator Genetics, but we don't need it, just like we don't need Psyker Genetics to use Cia.