Ooof. Well, we can pick up MS Chaos Resist and MS CPS to hopefully fill in for Scrapcode Immunity? Not quite as good, but it should still give us a leg up.
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It's not great, but overall this isn't that bad of a turn:

Improved Gellar Fields, Success.
Scrapcode Immunity, Failure.
Basic Psychic weapons, Success.
Machine Spirit Design, Good success.
Basic Spaceship Stealth, Good success.
Basic Pyromantic understanding, Success.
Explore: Vorthryn, Success.
Cia level up, plus ?

And Vorthryn is "middle of the road", which while not great probably isn't actively dangerous.
There is attempt....

I'm interested in the personality self-diagnoses and other techy anti-corruption measures tbh... It's been long enough in quest that im getting anxious about them.
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It's copium but...

are the consequences for failing Scrapcode Immunity dire enough to count for this and be exempted from being literally impossible?

When we had a nat 1 on MS Emotional Hacking, we got rapid hacking instead, but as a much more expensive option IIRC?

Hmm, no, not quite, we got improved jamming instead. :/

Researched Machine Spirit Emotional Hacking - rolled 1, critical autofail.
A critical failure means that the emotional manipulation to enhance hacking is impossible, it turns out.
Additionally, Anexa doesn't level at all this turn.

Unlocked new research option - Improved Machine-spirit Jamming (400 RP)
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so we back at square 1 regarding inmunity i guess,and we will have to accomulate discounts untill we can give a next try

Judging on prior experience, immunity will be impossible, or maybe shunted way down the tech tree. We can get MS chaos resist and MS CPS at least, though? So we're not totally out of luck.
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Hmm if scrapcode immunity is actually impossible, maybe some kind of like, counter-scrapcode? Maybe after makeing artificial deamons? Kind of immune system code?

In the short term, MS CPS and maybe shield tuning is probably what we want. Longer term, who knows. We can worry about that when we get there.
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I'd like a bit more protection between us and Bongo first. MS CR and MS CPS should do the trick, IMO?
Honestly, it's probably not that Vira can't develop Scrapcode Immunity but more...

We're talking something that fundamentally exploits core weaknesses in the way AI were coded, along with all the networked technology. We haven't even started down the AI tech path, we've only learned where Psychic Computing is and we haven't done the Anti-Chaos Machine Spirit research. Nor the Psychic Encryption one.

The very easy answer to what happened is 'you were trying to use Java, C+ and all those other computer languages to block a machine language/binary level hardware attacks'. Maybe you can get benefits or make it far harder to achieve but until you actually work on the level of the vulnerability?

You can't close off those weaknesses because there's always going to be something that just doesn't quite get sealed off or creates a conflict that opens up a new vulnerability. Or at least that's how I think that sort of thing might work, my understanding of computer science might be incorrect about if that sort of thing is actually how it works like that.

So yeah, I'm expecting to need Intelligent Coding, Anti-Chaos Machine Spirits and probably at least one of Psychic Encryption or Psychic Computing in order to develop Scrapcode Immunity.
ok time for RNJesus fuck us over.
Ye of little faith jinxed it. You doubted the generosity and mercy of the Dice Gods and it gave us all a reminder of how cruel and unforgiving they could be.

Now go sit in the shame corner on the chair covered in D4s

Lmao can't believe I got what I wanted narratively via the dice of all things.

Chaos is back on the menu folks, and I am living for it!
That could be another interpretation, that the Dice Gods looked upon us trying to min-max immunity to Chaos and Scrapcode, and thought that shit was boring. They then proceeded to fuck us up to punish us for our monofocus on immunity.
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You can't really counter a hardware level attack with software countermeasures. You can counter a software attack with hardware level countermeasures, but not the other way around.
There is attempt....

I'm interested in the personality self-diagnoses and other techy anti-corruption measures tbh... It's been long enough in quest that im getting anxious about them.

It is rather concerning that we have Bongo aboard and no internal corruption meter yet. True, it is very expensive, but probably worth taking anyway.

Judging on prior experience, immunity will be impossible, or maybe shunted way down the tech tree. We can get MS chaos resist and MS CPS at least, though? So we're not totally out of luck.

The worst outcome is thinking we succeeded and have scrapcode immunity.
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