Side question- I've seen people say that binding it means we get the vault space back, or that we will be done with it after that? My impression was that we'd still have to carry it around, it would just be bound and caged instead of just caged. (And my bet is still that we will never run out of research options on Bongo, probably priced just cheap enough to be enticing, for as long as we keep it.)
I think those people are mostly talking about reducing the slots it currently uses from 4 to 1.
Because it'll be "safe"-ish to reduce the slots and the psychic shields if it is properly bound.
While we are exploring I think sensors are probably my highest priority for research absent other factors. The better they are the more benefits we get from explore actions and the harder it is for someone to surprise us.
While we are exploring I think sensors are probably my highest priority for research absent other factors. The better they are the more benefits we get from explore actions and the harder it is for someone to surprise us.

We have a lot of other factors to consider... But you make a good point. Lets see about researching the other stealth techs and then the druhkari craft before we go for sensors, though? They might discount sensors, they're cheap, and they'll probably end up as prereqs for the next level of sensors anyway.
OK so replying to arguments like these with context:
Great point, no notes!
Personally I see no need to throw bongo into a sun when destructive analysis is right there. We should at least get some benefits from ending it.
"Destuctive analysis without banishing" still sounds suspiciously like "set a daemon which may have a Name and a grudge free" and I don't really trust it, but valid.
It's not Bongo's fault the plan rolled a critfail, he's just a poor little meow meow. The plan hasn't changed, once he's bound he won't be able to attack us at all.
I'm working with pretty limited sources and basing my opinion on the Eisenhorn and Ravenor books, but binding demons doesn't seem like a free lunch. I believe it will be costly and will not prevent the demon in question from acting against Vita and crew subtly.

I do think the research into demonology has merit, but I don't think it will be a silver bullet.
I think those people are mostly talking about reducing the slots it currently uses from 4 to 1.
Because it'll be "safe"-ish to reduce the slots and the psychic shields if it is properly bound.
Bongo physically should probably fit in a small portion of a single-space chamber.

...We might want a structure that's a set of individually shielded compartments?

Or, I mean, we could bind Bongo as an experiment and then maroon it someplace inaccessible, use it as a disposable Cia target dummy, whatever. IMO owning Bongo isn't really the point of researching daemonology, researching daemonology is the point of owning Bongo.
We'll probably want to hold onto Bongo until we can train Cia up to the point where she can dispose of him permanently. After we research Demonology, of course.
I'm not too concerned. It's still a success, so at worst we just don't find out much about the new system and have to spend another action exploring it.
Yeah, I'd only be worried that we might not do that, leaving PoI's undiscovered. (Still don't know whether we correctly triaged PoIs in the last system or not - we never spent an action on any of the 'it's there but doesn't have a hook' orbits.)
I think those people are mostly talking about reducing the slots it currently uses from 4 to 1.
Because it'll be "safe"-ish to reduce the slots and the psychic shields if it is properly bound.
And then there was my "next turn" pitch from voting to get triple nested shielding and then put a bound bongo in one slot inside of the existing obliette while using the other three slots for the warp lab.

Shielded from each other, and both shielded from the rest of the ship by the existing 540HP chonker, all while saving BP from the reuse of the Oubliette.

(I was wrong in that plan text, the 1/4th compartment would have 20 HP which is now looking dubious without scrapcode immunity, but that'd still be 200 HP to get at the warp lab, and 560 HP to get into the rest of the ship - and in reverse, 200 HP for a bugger from the warp lap to get to Bongo for the big fat prize of 'absolutely nothing useful for getting to the rest of the ship, you spent your time and power on nothing lmao')

While we are exploring I think sensors are probably my highest priority for research absent other factors. The better they are the more benefits we get from explore actions and the harder it is for someone to surprise us.
More or less agreed, beyond the immediate "bind bongo" and "block scrying" bits. Sensor tech is the big gap in our current doctrine of "overpower anything smaller than us, bravely run away from anything larger than us". Bigger guns for the ship are cool, but only offer marginal improvement by comparison in the context of our naval game plan.

Second place for miltech imo is improving our bots with software updates and other easy to implement infantry upgrades, because boarding parties appear to be the best way for aggressors to punch up at us right now, and when used offensively boarding parties let us capture delicious samples.
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Then we should really give Cia a Cognition Filter implant

Eh, maybe? Most of the imperium manages well enough without that kind of thing... I definitely want more anti chaos countermeasures, but I wouldn't prioritize that one. Again, see my list of techs last page.

That said, I wouldn't be against doing more neural Cybernetics research to see if the price comes down? Combat Neural Implants and Remote OMC are both nice and cheap right now.
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I'd suggest putting that one on the 'wait for Denva' list. It's one of the techs that's so convenient for them I would not be surprised to find them using it. Unless, of course, there's something we actually want to use it for before then.

Hmm. Which brings to mind: @Neablis, if we wanted to have androids along the lines of our avatars that could be used by OMC operators for telepresence, where would we look for that?
Actually, here, let me put together some lists of stuff I think we want:

-[] Psychic tripwires (25 RP) Standardizing the shielding has given you another idea - you could try to install a very basic version of it into all of your technology, just about the simplest thing that would still generate the desired effect. It wouldn't do much to hinder any warp-corruption of other psyker powers, but it could serve as an alarm or deadman switch setup. (Anything smaller than a ship has psychic tripwires that will alert when warp-based shenanigans happen to them. Will unlock research to use this on ships, and to make civilian-grade versions that could be put into literally everything).

-[] Faith is my shield? (75 RP) Clearly the Imperium believes that faith can protect you from warp gribblies. It even seems like it might be true. How? Is there a way you can harness the effect without having to dedicate yourself to the Imperial creed. (Understanding the benefits of Faith. May unlock further research to allow Vita to design a less objectionable faith optimized for warp protection, and help develop better psyker training programs.)

-[] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP) You were able to break your psychic shielding down into components to rescale it, but that gets you down to a size measured in tens of meters. If you want to make another one that's even smaller, then you're going to have to break it down into even smaller pieces and build something back up again. But doing that would let you start weaving the shielding into armor or individual bots. (Allows you to outfit individuals with psychic shielding, though it may be less powerful than what you can build into larger structures. Unlocks additional technology for further miniaturization to put it into totems or implants.)

-[] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP) You think the reason that the machine spirits resist chaos is because they understand their purpose to some extent, and the entire neural network needs to be corrupted to corrupt that purpose, which is harder. There's also emotional simulation that's going on in there. (Improves the basal resistance of machine spirits to chaos corruption. May unlock further technology down this chain, as well as half of the requirements to integrate machine spirits with psychic shielding.)

-[] Psytech Machine spirits (100 RP) You don't think that machine spirits can be psychically active. However, from what you understand of psytech it's a temperamental and difficult discipline, and you think that integrating machine spirits into the construction of psytech might improve its reliability and performance. (Improves psytech, at the cost of making it somewhat more expensive. May lead to more advanced versions for more advanced psytech, and may contribute to better psychic shields)

-[] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP) You think it's possible to integrate machine spirits into your chaos shielding, which would probably make it more effective in almost every way except cost. (Unlocks new kinds of psychic shielding that are more resistant to damage, potentially self-repairing and more) Requires Machine Spirit Chaos resistance.

Total is currently 450, which is a decent chunk, but there's a good chance of discounts while we research it, and it would get us a *lot* of stuff - 6 techs in total.

-[] Basic Ground force stealth (50 RP) Tanks show up pretty well on scanners, and it would be nice to change that. You might also be able to make your bots hide better. (Unlocks new design options for tanks and ground forces that are less obvious. Unlocks further research towards better ground force stealth. Will be able to take advantage of some other stealth technologies.)

-[] Improved Passive Stealth (50 RP) Ok, you've figured out the basics of hiding your small craft, but you have ideas on what you can do better, that might allow them to hide from even fully-alert enemies. They probably won't be able to close all the way to attack range, but they'll be able to get a lot closer (Unlocks improved stealth designs with improved performance. Unlocks further research for advanced passive stealth technologies. Will synergize with other stealth research.)

-[] Basic Active Stealth (75 RP) Just deflecting away and hiding your signature only helps so much. Then next step is to overlay a hologram over your small craft to make them effectively invisible, and even counter passive sensors. It'll still be a hazy outline, but this is the path towards being able to close to actual combat ranges unobserved (Unlocks improved stealth designs for actively hiding signatures, though they will be expensive. Unlocks further research for improved active stealth, and will synergize with other stealth research.

-[] Examine the Dark Eldar Craft (150 RP) The Dark Eldar boarding craft showed incredible stealth capabilities. If you can figure out how it works that would be a great way to improve your own stealth capabilities (Discounts all stealth technology, may unlock unique stealth research and let you see through Eldar stealth better) Requires Advanced Technological Research Lab.

Stealth Techs in preparation for making sensors cheaper, hopefully. Though we might have to wait a while on that last one. Total is 325, with 22 points already applied, and hopefully some more discounts incoming, for a total of 4 techs.

-[] Combat Neural Implants (50 RP) Allows you to install neural implants to calculate trajectories, assist with aiming, further improve reaction time and generally improve human capabilities in combat. (Unlocks combat-focused neural implants. Will synergize with other cybernetics and neural implant technologies)

-[] Improved Organic-Machine control (100 RP) You think you can about double the capacity of the machine-control implants with a full redesign. (Approximately doubles the capacity of organic-machine control, letting a single human command more CP worth of units. Leads to further follow-on improvements.)

-[] Large-Scale organic-machine Control (100 RP) A manufactory is one thing, a shipyard or gas refinery is another. But at this point it's mostly a matter of scale and networking. (Allows OMC implants to control any kind of industrial production, including shipyards and non-military megastructures. Leads to further technology to improve the amount of CP one person can control.)

-[] Void Organic-Machine control (100 RP) A voidship can be thought of as a living creature, with veins of coolant, a reactor heart and an undying thirst for fuel. How can a single human understand it, much less understand it? (Allows OMC implants to control voidships. Leads to further research to boost CP capacity of OMC specifically for controlling voidships, as well as improvements to allow improved piloting)

-[] Remote Organic-Machine control (50 RP) One of the current limitations of the OMC technology is that it requires the controller to be on-site. But if that wasn't true, then you could imagine truly bloodless wars, or operators living in comfortable cities while they controlled factories in orbit. Something to look into. (Allows OMC implants to control installations or units within the same system. Leads to further research for interoperable units, as well as making it possible for human staff to directly contribute to Vita's CP cap.)

Neural Implant Tech. Most of this can probably wait till we get back to Denva and see what they've researched (As Aineko suggested while I was writing) - and if they haven't progressed on it much, then we'll want to start with the 50 point ones. Total cost is 400, for 5 techs.

-[] Drugs? Drugs. (75 RP) Human biochemistry is... weird. You've got a standard list of recipies for basic drugs, but if you wanted to get further into it you could start pulling out some stranger and more illicit ones from your research databanks. (Unlocks a wide variety of drugs for things like interrogation, combat, sedation, etc. May lead to research for things like perfect knockout gas, super-adrenaline, psytech drugs, etc.)

-[] Adult genetic engineering (100 RP) Genetically modifying an adult comes with all sorts of complications. Doing it without killing them or incapacitating them for months is even harder. (Allows your genetic enhancements/therapies to apply to adult humans. Likely required for a full understanding of juvenat.)

-[] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (100 RP) Unlocks the ability to clone basic humans (Unlocks the cloning bay, as well as further technology to clone things other than baseline humans, like humans without brains for organs or humans with more dramatic genetic mutations. Along with brain implants may lead to personality backups).

In total, these three come out to 275, for 3 techs. I want to start with the drugs one, cause it looks like a good fundamental tech for understanding biochemistry in detail, which is important.

Total cost here is 1450, for 18 techs. But I think we can cut that down by a *lot*, if we prioritize well. My preliminary selection would be:

-[] Psychic tripwires (25 RP)
-[] Faith is my shield? (75 RP)
-[] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP)
-[] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
-[] Psytech Machine spirits (100 RP)
-[] Drugs? Drugs. (75 RP)
-[] Improved Passive Stealth (50 RP)
-[] Basic Ground force stealth (50 RP)
-[] Basic Active Stealth (75 RP)

For a total of 600 RP for 9 techs, with 22 already applied, before any discounts applied this turn, which is really not bad at all. That should get us a good chunk of progress on boosting Cia, protecting against the warp, discounting sensors, progressing stealth, progressing Machine Spirits, understanding the warp and hopefully discounting the lead in techs for warp sensors and warp comms, and progressing biology.
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I think the only way we can maybe get Scrapcode Immunity again is if we get a Very Critical Success on Destructive Scrapcode Investigation (200 RP) or Destructive Scrapcode Investigation (200 RP) which I highly doubt will happen if my speculation is correct (which I highly doubt it will be).
In total, these three come out to 275, for 3 techs. I want to start with the drugs one, cause it looks like a good fundamental tech for understanding biochemistry in detail, which is important.
Also, we have those Eldar biology samples, so that might go somewhere amusing.

And maybe it'd toss a discount to Juvenat tech.

Plus, being able to bombard humans with safe knockout gas would probably come in handy sooner or later.
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Also, we have those Eldar biology samples, so that might go somewhere amusing.

And maybe it'd toss a discount to Juvenat tech.

Plus, being able to bombard humans with safe knockout gas would probably come in handy sooner or later.

Oh yeah! I want to do drugs first, but you're absolutely right, I forgot about those. I suppose we might get more from them if we research in vitro first? Then again maybe not, I don't know. :/
Oh yeah! I want to do drugs first, but you're absolutely right, I forgot about those. I suppose we might get more from them if we research in vitro first? Then again maybe not, I don't know. :/
I was bringing up the Eldar biology in terms of its synergy with drugs research. One of the things it mentions potentially leading to is Eldar drugs, which I'd expect would benefit from having some idea of drugs in general.

...I was not thinking about the Eldar sample leading to Juvenat tech, although I guess there are some actual possible connections...
I was bringing up the Eldar biology in terms of its synergy with drugs research. One of the things it mentions potentially leading to is Eldar drugs, which I'd expect would benefit from having some idea of drugs in general.

Exactly so, yeah. My question there is in vitro - if we have enough understanding to grab some eldar cells and try cultivating them in petri dishes just to see what they do, does that mean we learn more from dissecting them? Or does it not really matter?
Total cost here is 1450, for 18 techs.
See this is why I think needing to stay in the next system for an extra round or two because of the low exploration roll isn't a bad thing. Because frankly we have way too many useful bordering on necessary research. Warping this system without inproved geller fields was already a bit risky of an idea when an answer was just 100 rp.
Exactly so, yeah. My question there is in vitro - if we have enough understanding to grab some eldar cells and try cultivating them in petri dishes just to see what they do, does that mean we learn more from dissecting them? Or does it not really matter?
I do not have a good handle on the 'you don't have research A to research B, but you should' dynamic. It worries me a bit.
I do not have a good handle on the 'you don't have research A to research B, but you should' dynamic. It worries me a bit.
I mean while that is true the author did state he thought write-ins are great...
Write-ins are generally encouraged, but they're not always going to give you better outcomes than existing options. Use a write-in to suggest reasonable options I haven't thought of, not to game the system. If I like a write-in, I'll usually add it as an official option. This is especially true of the research & design sections of the game, which will rely to some extent on write-ins.
So I think if you can give a good reason/story for why to do one research before the other then it has a decent chance of being used. In a similar branch I think refining tech like the power armor (to make it as though we didn't get quite so bad a roll) or even completely different research we haven't unlocked might be possible if there is a good reason (for example considering the eldar ship we have "eldar hacking" seems like it could be possible even if it were not unlocked later as long as we dont destroy the ships computer.

To add further thought we might want to save a body until we have more stuff on psykers/navigators. Maybe we could get something more like that.