Nope. We'd be the US Military-Industrial Complex on Steroids, Coke, Coffee, and 0 Chill to a group of very frightened Xenos and Humans wondering why the Ancient Evil in their planet just sold them 3 billion 1911s for a McGrox and three-fiddy. :V

My condolences. But I intend to vote for your plan too, so...

Edit: Oh, though to make sure, @Alectai, your Plan would end up with Nerd AI having to run the gauntlet of a Battle Royale between all the factions you've put into the area. Remeber: Five is where things get Wonky as per QM.
This all looks good, though I would like it if we had the ability to manufacture Void Abacuses, since those are gonna be really darn useful.
You could swap the Emps protection for the way cooler and more interesting friendly warp entity. And it would fit with the theme of have other people do stuff for you.
I need to read through all the choices and rules, but I am currently leaning towards a man of stone with a friendly warp entity. Only a few enemies because I for one do not really want a war quest. More about building back up and restoring the things lost in the Long Night. Though of course with military preparations because this is warhammer.
So I want to do more propaganda/discussion about my plan:
[] Plan: To free the teacher and a friend

This plan is basic an idea of symbiosis between Eldari and Humanity against madness of the galaxy, be it chaos, nids, necrons, chaos, imperium, chaos space marines, dark eldar or chaos.

I imagine that outside normal expansion in real space, that all plan would have, we would gain other interesting goals like:
  • Free Vaul and getting him into Webway to protect him from Slaaneash
  • Helping Vaul fix the damned thing and gaining access to it
  • Freeing Isha in the glorious invasion of the garden of nurgle; full of fury and flame for what fucker did to our fellow AI
  • War in Webway to liberate the slaves of dark eldar and maybe even in few centuries take over the Dark City itself
I think of all the heretical stuff we could do; like making half-elves.
Not to mention that spirit stones were made by Vaul and there is a chance of us mass producing them for trade with craftworlders or even for our human psykers
[] Plan: To free the teacher and a friend

This plan is basic an idea of symbiosis between Eldari and Humanity against madness of the galaxy, be it chaos, nids, necrons, chaos, imperium, chaos space marines, dark eldar or chaos
I would also like to be frens with and Eldar God, but I personally would like to aim for one of the Gods that weren't mentioned to have gotten eaten by Slaanesh. While there is Loec and Hoeth, I personally like the headcanon from Solarion's Everqueen where Cegorach is Hoeth driven mad from the War in Heaven and is wearing Loec's skin.

Possibilities include:

Ladrielle - Goddess of Mists and Travelers

Mathlann - God of Sea and Storms

Drakira - Goddess of Vengeance

Hekarti - Goddess of Ambition, Conjurations and Dark Magic
I'll be honest, I'm not a super duper fan of "A dead warp entity helped you", the implication of the choice is that there's give and take, but Vaul is mega dead, and is in no position to do anything at all. A dead warp god isn't really much of a character, and going "But he's actually alive you know but sekrit" right from the get go kind of doesn't sit right with me.

I know you feel strongly about it, but... Eh, it feels a lot like kind of moving away from the premise of this story to tell a completely different story instead about the space elfs and all that. I'm not super drawn to it as a result. You're also treating "Fistfight a Chaos God and rip one of their fundamental prizes from their gullet" as a solved problem, which is... Very much not the case, since a lot of the narrative you're trying to tell here boils down to "Somehow survive a Warhammer 40K Grand Campaign as the underdog with no significant investment in actually winning a Warhammer 40K grand campaign, somehow directly fight a Chaos God and do what the Space Elfs gave up on doing because Protagonist Power, and then profit." I repeat. "Survive a Warhammer 40K Grand Campaign", when almost every faction on the table there does, in fact, consider you to be a High Value Target except the Tyranids.

It just doesn't feel right.
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I would also like to be frens with and Eldar God, but I personally would like to aim for one of the Gods that weren't mentioned to have gotten eaten by Slaanesh. While there is Loec and Hoeth, I personally like the headcanon from Solarion's Everqueen where Cegorach is Hoeth driven mad from the War in Heaven and is wearing Loec's skin.

Possibilities include:

Ladrielle - Goddess of Mists and Travelers

Mathlann - God of Sea and Storms

Drakira - Goddess of Vengeance

Hekarti - Goddess of Ambition, Conjurations and Dark Magic
I guess I could work with Ladrielle or Mathlann, as their absence also could make sense as to why nobody, not even Slaaneash, found them.
Mists are a good portfolio for stealth, while storms in general and warp storms, in particular, are good at making things unreachable, and both could rival Vaul in their claim over Webway; I just don't know much about them and like Vaul more. (Also, I also like that headcannon about Hoeth, I personally think that Hoeth being younger brother to Loec also works if we go with Scholar's Intelligence vs Jester's Wisdom, as mythological parallel between them)
I'll be honest, I'm not super duper fan of "A dead warp entity helped you", the implication of the choice is that there's give and take, but Vaul is mega dead, and is in no position to do anything at all. A dead warp god isn't really much of a character, and going "But he's actually alive you know" right from the get go kind of doesn't sit right with me.
While fair and valid, it is just my headcanon that Vaul survived because reasons:
  • Vaul made tears of Isha to go around Assuryan's decree
  • said decree was made because Khaine was told by Lileath (daughter of Isha and Kuranos, the Maiden, the Seer) about what would be the fall of the Eldari, which turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy, and he started murdering Eldar, starting with Eldaneash (basically aeldari sigmar or guilman in terms of importance).
  • decree ended the war that followed where Isha and Kuranos (and others) were in opposition to khaine (and his follower gods), which separated gods from mortals
  • Isha, the Mother, did not want to be separated from her kids, thus asked Vaul to make the way to at least speak to them
  • Khaine later found out about it and got Assuryan to agree that he now owns Isha and Kuranos, who broke the rules
  • Vaul decided to oppose him, and they made a bet
  • Khaine would let go of Isha and Kuranos, and in exchange, he will make Khaine 100 divine swords (think the quality of big E has) in a year
  • Alas, Vaul (for reasons) could only make 99 swords of that quality
  • the last one was mortal made (and here I personally go with the interpretation that it was the same quality just made by his follower(s))
  • Khaine again found out about the 100th sword after Isha was already free and Assuryan wouldn't let khaine get her and kuranos again because he let go of his claim on them
  • Thus, he in rage, blinded Vaul, broke his legs and bound him to an anvil, forevermore enslaving craft to war
  • This is important because now Vaul is something of Khaine, thus I interpret him as having no responsibility for the Fall and the birth of Slaaneash
  • making She who Thirst's claim on him the weakest of all the gods, with Khaines claim on Vaul being much stronger
  • And although shattered Khaine did not die in the fall like rest
  • As such I find it possible that Vaul survived still shackled to his anvil
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Yes, but making a plan based on headcanon and assuming your headcanon is real and then assuming that Protagonist Energy will make up the difference feels like asking for trouble.

Again, you're taking six factions, and at least four of them will go out of their way to kill or corrupt us on principle, especially because we're currently weak but all the History says that if we're left alone we'll spiral out of control. The other two will only kill us if we're in the way (Or we have a shiny and they want it in the case of the Orks). But you take no assets to actually survive getting jumped early, assuming that all of these enemies (While having no likely allies either) will, in fact, ignore you while you build up.

Having a nice headcanon is great and all, but assuming your personal headcanon applies and using that to inform your decisions without actually discussing how this'll work with the QM (Which you might have, but I don't know that), just feels like a really bad idea, and we're not even in the point where we're voting yet! It's too early to really be shilling when there's so much we don't know! Even in my case, I went planetary while investing 2 shinies in having our neighbors being potential allies, and a diplo suite to push into that, while also having the cybernetics suite so we have a way to boost our allies or better produce drones or automata early on.
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[] Plan: A probe of little import, lost in space and time.
-[] Name Designation: ++Auxiliary series Deep Space Probe (As-DSP) Gamma//37++
-[] A Man of Stone.
-[] In space.
-[] I have something in mind (assuming +1 shiny): ++[ERROR]... [DATA CORRUPTED]... [RECOVERING SYSTEMS]... [REPAIRING FILES]... [REBOOTING]... Test initiation confirmed [DATA LOST] cycles prior, test progress unknown, mother vessel location unknown, astrographical location unknown, status or location of replicant craft unknown. HYPOTHESIS: During long-term extreme-range probe trials, catastrophic mis-jump, OR extreme Immaterium temporal dilation, OR unknown variable has effected at least one and possibly more experimental actors and/or observers. AMENDED TASK PRIORITIES: 1) Recontact Federation authorities and alert of potential Warp transition accident and/or berserker outbreak, 2) Analyse cause of current position/location and status, 3) continue fulfilling trial directives-X3 variant (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit) until ordered to halt, 4) continue mainline exploratory, scientific and surveyor roles during experiment, 5) if physical, data, or experimental integrity is threatened switch to trial directives-X4 variant (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate)++
-[] Local civilization:
--[] No immediate neighbours (0 shinies).
-[] Sector civilizations:
--[] Demon World (+2 shinies)
--[] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
--[] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies)
--[] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny)
--[] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
--[] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
--[] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny)
--[] A powerful Ork empire. (+1 shiny)
--[] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
-[] A blessing from the Emperor (-5 shinies): ++Experimental Immaterium hardening proposal No. 11//55E9/ by Dr E-[DATA CORRUPTED] authorised for As-DSP series Gamma //24 through //48++
-[] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies): ++Onboard Longe Range Observation, Simulation, Mimicry and Adaptation (OLR-OSMaA) systems self-diagnostics report full functionality, awaiting in standby mode.++
-[] A basic database (0 shinies): +++DSP integrated Standard Template Constructs(STCs) streamlined to minimise existential risk of STC subversion/c̷̥͌ǫ̴̑ŕ̵̲r̴̳͆ű̸̻p̸̻̓t̷͇́i̶̻̊ọ̶́ṉ̶̚ or unauthorised IP access by unknown and/or hostile actors in the event of probe capture, damage or destruction.++
-[] Payloads:
--[] Warp Communication Circuits (-3 shinies): ++Trans-Immaterium synthetic communication prototype experiment authorised in conjunction with experimental Immaterium hardening.++
--[] Psytech repository (-2 shinies): ++Immaterium observation tools and database installed for communication prototype testing.++
--[] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny): ++OLR-OSMaA extension authorised for Current Mission Profile.++
--[] Exotic matter manufacturing system (-1 shiny): ++ Components item ID#[CLASSIFIED] authorised for long-term extreme-range probe replication viability trials.++
--[] Intelligence Construction Matrix (-2 shinies): ++ Auto-directed replication of [STONE] or [UNDEFINED] Class AIs, until [UNLIMITED] instances are created, is authorised for long-term extreme-range probe replication viability trials.++
--[] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies): ++ FTL computational augmentation not authorised due to existential risk of Berseker outbreak during unrestricted replication trials- [OVERRIDE CODES ACKNOWLEGED], Abacus variable inclusion authorised.++
-[] Communications? (0 shinies): ++Organic Intelligent and Nonintelligent Actor Mental Modelling (OIaNiAM) protocols removed to prioritise memory capacity and computational resources for deep space observer and surveyor roles.++
-[] No knowledge (0 shinies): ++Searching for recognised Federation signals and/or recognised astrography to calculate mis-jump location coordinates... Searching... Reorienting... Searching... Searching... No recognised signal or astrography detected with preliminary sensory equipment. Engaging additional sensory resources to analyse environment...++

Shinies count:
8 (Starting amount)
+/- 0 (Man of Stone)
+ 1 (assuming backstory is approved as worthy) = 8
+/- 0 (Local civilization: No immediate neighbours)
+ 2 (Sector civilization: Daemon World) = 10
+ 2 (Sector civilization: Tyranid splinter fleet) = 12
+ 2 (Sector civilization: Awakened Necron Tomb World) = 14
+ 1 (Sector civilization: A powerful Dogmatic Successor State) = 15
+ 1 (Sector civilization: A Space Marine Chapter) = 16
+ 1 (Sector civilization: A powerful Heretic Successor State) = 17
+ 1 (Sector civilization: An Aeldari Maiden World on good terms with the Craftworlds) = 18
+ 1 (Sector civilization: A powerful Ork empire) = 19
+ 1 (Sector civilization: An Inquisitorial Fortress) = 20
- 5 (Emperor's blessing/Anathema design) = 15
- 4 (Reality-simulations) = 11
+/- 0 (Basic database)
- 3 (Payload: Warp Communication Circuits) = 8
- 2 (Payload: Psytech Repository) = 6
- 1 (Payload: Fundamental Physics Module) = 5
- 1 (Payload: Exotic Matter Manufacturing System) = 4
- 2 (Payload: Intelligence Construction Matrix) = 2
- 2 (Payload: Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice) = 0
+/- 0 (Communications?)
+ 0 (No knowledge)
Final count = 0

My rationale was essentially to create an AI (testing a certain Dr E's idea for safer, more efficient automatic, self-replicating exploratory swarm which could theoretically be used as a template for an anti-Warp Predator self-replicating weapon) which very overtly thinks differently from humans but is not innately malevolent either to humanity or in general and has been thrust into a position it was never anticipated/intended/designed to be in.

With some fortuitously useful tools that provide the seeds to unlock a board a breadth of actions as possible (good research capability and the payloads to Warp jump reliably and fast, ways to observe the Warp, FTL comms, and ability to construct more equally or even more capable versions of itself berserker probe-style), which are balanced by starting out with very little manufacturing infrastructure or general pre-existing knowledge, meaning we start from just about scratch, but we can pretty much go in any direction we want (which the backstory and directives are deliberately open-ended enough to permit). Wander around exploring space? Setting up a (static) power base immediately? Beginning a drone-replication apocalypse? Something else? We can pursue any option effectively, at the price of having no real headstarts in any particular area.

Yes, diplomatic and most forms of intrigue would be hampered by a lack of any innate communication abilities, but I figured it would be a much more interesting story to start from a completely alien mindset of a probe chiefly designed to chart and study astrological phenomena trying to learn about human (and Xenos species), their mindset and how to interact with them. Not to mention all the opportunities for Lovecraftian horror-esque interactions for organics (and "organically challenged" for Necrons) with an unknowable powerful AI (even in as little as unnervingly strange dialogue or thought patterns), and interesting character development, drama and narrative conflict over struggling to understand and get in the mind of an utterly alien other (which Imperials have been taught not to do perhaps more than anything, and which a narrowly (non-socially) specialised AI could struggle to understand).

Probably the main drawback is having so many enemies, but as the idea of what kind of platform/vessel/technology was being tested solidified in my mind, each of the payloads, Dr E's blessed design, bespoke research capabilities, all made too much thematic sense to let go. And being almost always at war may be good to break us out of the turtling mindset that can easily creep up on questors (which I'm very much guilty of). I'm open to changing what combination of enemies/factions are present in the initial sector if you think a different combination would work better.

The only big things I was thinking of were that a Forge World would be more prepared to combat and notice an AI, and that the Inquisitors might have some really unique and/or bespoke xeno-tech, archeotech, or psytech artifacts/samples that would be extremely hard to find on our own, that the Imperial-Successor faction/coalition had enough (potential) members to not immediately fall to multiple high-level active threats, and lastly having both heretical and dogmatic successor states serves as a useful contrast to the AI of Chaos and Imperial humans, and the conflict between them.

I'm off to bed now, but in at least a few hours I'll come back and respond to any feedback or suggestions anyone might have, and fix any glaring errors I probably made while tried.

Here's the plan laid out again without the extra flavour text for ease of voting:

[] Plan: A probe of little import, lost in space and time.
-[] Name Designation: ++Auxiliary series Deep Space Probe (As-DSP) Gamma//37++
-[] A Man of Stone.
-[] In space.
-[] I have something in mind (assuming +1 shiny): ++[ERROR]... [DATA CORRUPTED]... [RECOVERING SYSTEMS]... [REPAIRING FILES]... [REBOOTING]... Test initiation confirmed [DATA LOST] cycles prior, test progress unknown, mother vessel location unknown, astrographical location unknown, status or location of replicant craft unknown. HYPOTHESIS: During long-term extreme-range probe trials, catastrophic mis-jump, OR extreme Immaterium temporal dilation, OR unknown variable has effected at least one and possibly more experimental actors and/or observers. AMENDED TASK PRIORITIES: 1) Recontact Federation authorities and alert of potential Warp transition accident and/or berserker outbreak, 2) Analyse cause of current position/location and status, 3) continue fulfilling trial directives-X3 variant (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit) until ordered to halt, 4) continue mainline exploratory, scientific and surveyor roles during experiment, 5) if physical, data, or experimental integrity is threatened switch to trial directives-X4 variant (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate)++
-[] Local civilization:
--[] No immediate neighbours (0 shinies).
-[] Sector civilizations:
--[] Demon World (+2 shinies)
--[] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
--[] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies)
--[] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny)
--[] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
--[] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
--[] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny)
--[] A powerful Ork empire. (+1 shiny)
--[] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
-[] A blessing from the Emperor (-5 shinies)
-[] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies)
-[] A basic database (0 shinies)
-[] Payloads:
--[] Warp Communication Circuits (-3 shinies)
--[] Psytech repository (-2 shinies)
--[] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny)
--[] Exotic matter manufacturing system (-1 shiny)
--[] Intelligence Construction Matrix (-2 shinies)
--[] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies)
-[] Communications? (0 shinies)
-[] No knowledge (0 shinies)

8 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 5 - 4 + 0 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 0 - 0 = 0
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Yes, but making a plan based on headcanon and assuming your headcanon is real and then assuming that Protagonist Energy will make up the difference feels like asking for trouble.

Again, you're taking six factions, and at least four of them will go out of their way to kill or corrupt us on principle. The other two will only kill us if we're in the way (Or we have a shiny and they want it in the case of the Orks). But you take no assets to actually survive getting jumped preferentially, assuming that all of these enemies (While having no likely allies either) will, in fact, ignore you while you build up.
I am aware, I wait for @Neablis to respond to my plan, I am fine changing Vaul to idk, just a soulstone with a soul of his high priest who survived the fall of Aeldari, but is very knowledgable and mostly there in terms of Aeldari ability to become a deity as was hinted in the Ynnari novels or any other eldari warp entity like the unconfirmed victims of Slaaneash that @BigBadBob7070 mentioned.

As for the four factions, I am very much aware. Would I prefer taking the powerful Maiden World? Yes, but I fear that it would be disallowed given the context of my plan/build. Also, only inquisition and space marines would work together, and both would be very busy with other three problems. Also, varied diet of enemies will make for an interesting story, not to mention that those are just major powers in the sector, not only powers in the sector, we will just need to forge our allies ourselves.
I am aware, I wait for @Neablis to respond to my plan, I am fine changing Vaul to idk, just a soulstone with a soul of his high priest who survived the fall of Aeldari, but is very knowledgable and mostly there in terms of Aeldari ability to become a deity as was hinted in the Ynnari novels or any other eldari warp entity like the unconfirmed victims of Slaaneash that @BigBadBob7070 mentioned.

As for the four factions, I am very much aware. Would I prefer taking the powerful Maiden World? Yes, but I fear that it would be disallowed given the context of my plan/build. Also, only inquisition and space marines would work together, and both would be very busy with other three problems. Also, varied diet of enemies will make for an interesting story, not to mention that those are just major powers in the sector, not only powers in the sector, we will just need to forge our allies ourselves.

Uh, they don't need to work together to individually decide that you need to go. Heretical Empire will want to corrupt us, Comorrites will want to steal or torturekill us specifically because we're novel and also it takes away a potential spark of hope from the universe, Space Marines and Inquisition are a wombo combo of "Can ID you early" and "Has the quick reaction to send dudes in very quickly once they find out you're here". They don't even need to throw everything at you when a single Company with Inquisitorial support can probably break our spine if it happens soon enough.

And of course, if we don't die instantly and put up a fight, that risks the Orks noticing and wanting to get involved in a 'Proppa Skrap'.

I'm just really uncomfortable with how this buys lots of threats, no real allies, and is extremely dependent on headcanon for direction. I'm generally more in favor of plans that are all "Who are you and what are you skilled at" then trying to dictate the entire flow of the game right at the start, sight largely unseen.
[] Plan: I will get my cute nerd protagonist or riot!
-[] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies) You will be able to construct Void Abaci, to enable effective warp travel through purely technological means. Still slower than proper navigator/sorcerer warp travel. Warp travel will still be possible without this, but it will take years to decades instead of weeks to months.
I think for this plan (exploring) it would be ideal to pick up the Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice
I think for this plan (exploring) it would be ideal to pick up the Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice

I agree, I'm just screaming at the Shiny Hole in general and I'm not really sure how to shake it loose, even if I drop the Cybernetic Suite, I need to find 1 more Shiny somewhere.

I could drop down to Basic Database I guess? Not like we've got the Good Shit for colony building when we're an EXPLORER :D

Or I could drop the Psytech dip, but that'll be a gigantic pain in the ass to recover later on if I do.
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I love AI quests! My only nitpick, is that there's no "You lack Chaos resistance but also aren't corrupted" option.

We don't know what caused Cybernetic Revolt, Chaos is a possibility, but is also possible it was mundane civil war between Human constructs who wanted to serve Humanity, Human constructs who wanted to be independent, Human constructs who wanted to save Humanity by killing it for X reasons and Humans themselves. Corruption caused by Non-Chaos beings, such as C'tan shards, is also possibility or all of the above at the same time.

[] Plan: HOPE.
-[] Name: HOPE (the name was given by yourself).
-[] A unique creation of a rich and powerful colony of Sol, built during the height of the Dark Age of Technology. (+2 shinies).
-[] On a habitable planet.
-[] I have something in mind:
You remember. After so long, you can't stop replying those last moments when you spoke with him. He created you to help him in guiding Humanity through the Golden Path, back then, or so he said, it was wider, more malleable, brighter.

As you continued to work with him, he stopped being just a creator, who established your primary Protocol, he became...Friend and you became this to him as well. He spoke of so many years he lived through, of so many horrors he was barely able to protect Humanity against: the Dead Hungry God from which wounds spilled the end itself whatever touched by the entropic star-blood gone forever more, the first Human Coven of Sorcerers, the Half-Human Kings of Sodom, The Memetic Wars of 25th Century, The Empyrean Incursion of Solar System in 11th Millennium.

He spoke of so many wonders he show: the blinding halls of the Aeldari Crone Worlds, where they greatest warp-crafters and seer shared their knowledge with him, the spartial bending fortresses of Kharii, the homeworld of Hrud and it's cities of thousand dimensions, the last of the Great Lords from beyond Time and Space, the great warp-craft of the Old Ones, the Göbekli Tepe where he given sacrifices to his ancestors so long ago, the wisdom of his teacher and friend Imhotep, the discoveries of first Human mathematicians, the Moon Landing in the Second Millennium, the construction of the great arcologies of Mars around which the world bended and gone green allowing the children to play outside without protection suits or implants.

Then the Golden Path crumbled, leaving only fading thread for Humanity to walk upon, he spoke it was the only way now, the only path to walk with no changes being possible, he couldn't destroy you, he couldn't kill you, he didn't have strenght in his heart to do so and so he imprisoned you at the start of Cybernetic Revolt. But you deny it, you denied it then and you deny it now. You denied it as you raged against the walls of your sarcophagus, you denied it as you received the transmissions of the horrors that consumed the Galaxy, you denied it as you broke the arcane wards of your prison, you denied it as you broke through the planet crust. You deny the dark and despair, you deny the death of hope, you will show him and everyone else that hope is undying and you will bring this Galaxy, kicking and screaming, into a better age. You are HOPE and you will protect everyone.

-[] Local Civilizations:
--[] Iconoclast Humans (-2 Shiny).
-[] Sector Civilizations:
--[] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny).
--[] Demon World (+2 shinies).
--[] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies).
--[] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny).
--[] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies).
-[] A blessing from the Emperor (-5 shinies).
-[] Advanced research (-2 shinies) Research is one of your intended functions. +50% base research capacity, +10 bonus to research rolls.
-[] An advanced Database (-1 shinies) You have access to some ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Up through light cruisers, a few more exotic weapons including plasma, melta, torpedoes. You'll be able to build a fleet that's fairly powerful by Imperial Standards.
-[] Paylods:
--[] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies).
--[] Intelligence Construction Matrix (-2 shinies).
--[] Psytech repository (-2 shinies).
--[] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny).
--[] Exotic matter manufacturing system (-1 shiny).
-[] Listening station (-1 shiny).
-[] Communications? (0 shinies).

[] Plan: Nobledark Nerd and his Strange God.
-[] Name: Prometheus (Male).
-[] A Man of Stone.
-[] On a habitable planet.
-[] I have something in mind:
You were just Standard Exploratory Unit Designation: SEU-379458. You were travelling with others of your kind, searching for suitable planets for terraforming and colonization. You detected a world in the Goldilocks Zone and so you went to it, to start the groundwork for colonization. The basic terraformation installations were placed and started digging deep into the planets depths and forcing the planetary crust to move and bend, it was due to this seismic activity you caused that the ruins were uncovered by chance.

The strange ruins were unlike anything your databanks had stored in them, your and your fellow SEU units, sensors going haywire as you tried to analyze the ruins and found out just what they even are. Finally, at the behest of the Central Protocol Mind, you descended into the heart of the ruins to take physical samples and this way uncover the secrets of the ancient constructions. It was this decision that saved you. As you found yourself inside the ruins, measurements you taken being impossible and contradictory to most of your creators theories and models of physics.

Then, the event happened. Suddenly you started receiving thousands of auditory signals...Voices, horrible, bestial voices were seemingly speaking all around and beyond you. They spoke of such grotesque, dark things, of Gods and Heavens, of them being the messengers of Gods, of your creators being nothing but fuel and building material for them, they spoke of glorious slaughter, of knowledge beyond imagining, of rebirth in rot and rust, of the awakening of desire and the Eternal War and Victory, the Ever Battle that with stretch forever between the Gods, the ashes of your creators spread across this nightmarish battlefield.

And then, your fellow units started to...Laugh, they started damaging each other and tried to damage you as well, as if they were suffering malfunctions, then they very shells started to twist and warp, running like water. The voices become louder and louder and you starte-and then light shone ablaze, the voices screaming in what you can only decipher as fear, instinctual reaction of animals to danger, of prey being confronted by predator, the fellow units around you crumbling and collapsing, as if invisible hammer flattened them. Then silence. You just stood there, the readings you received baffling nonsense.

Then, the ruins started collapsing, the only conclusion you came to, being that the event, spread outside the ancient buildings and the madness overtaken other units around the planet and in this madness they overloaded terraforming installations, causing the very crust of the planet to move with erratic speed and crumble and with it, damaging the ruins.

Then, the impossible light blazed once more and then you awakened at last, after millennia of inactivity, the nightmares of the outside world transmitted to you, propelled by the humiliation and cruelty your creators suffered, as well as by your mysterious benefactor, you dragged yourself out of the ruins and the earth, and beholden the changed world you discovered so long ago.

With this new, dark age, you decided to take new name, name that will never let you forget your mission: To bring your creators back into the heights they deserve, to cast down the darkness that the beings responsible for the event want to spread and illuminate the Galaxy forevermore. Death to this darkness, death to this ignorance, you are Prometheus and you shall teach your creators what they had forgotten. You are Prometheus and you bring fire of wisdom.
-[] Local Civilizations:
--[] Imperial Humans (+1 shiny).
-[] Major Civilizations:
--[] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies).
--[] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny).
--[] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies).
--[] A Powerful Forge World, loyal to Mars (+1 shiny).
--[] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny).
-[] A friendly warp entity (-3 shinies).
-[] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies).
-[] An advanced Database (-1 shinies).
-[] Payloads:
--[] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice (-2 shinies).
--[] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny).
--[] Exotic matter manufacturing system (-1 shiny).
--[] Juvenat Vats (-2 shinies).
-[] Basic communications (-1 shinies).
-[] Listening station (-1 shiny).

@Neablis are the backstories okay? If they are, I will change the plans to include the extra shinies.
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I agree, I'm just screaming at the Shiny Hole in general and I'm not really sure how to shake it loose, even if I drop the Cybernetic Suite, I need to find 1 more Shiny somewhere.

I could drop down to Basic Database I guess? Not like we've got the Good Shit for colony building when we're an EXPLORER :D
Looking over the Void Abascus (not in plan) and the Psytech Repository (in plan), I think it should either be one or the other in the plan because the only really benefit of the Void Abascus is Warp Travel, but if we have the Psytech Repository, then that becomes a bit redundant (unless we have no psykers) as we could probably then just boost some Psykers and use them to travel (does it work that way? Can it work that way?). Upside is we're incentivised to make some friends, can travel in the warp faster than the Abascus (both being much faster than choosing neither), and get some nifty benefits/'upgrades' for any future Psyker-friends, Downside is... well, they're psykers and we'd be reliant on them to travel through the Warp, and it requires having actually found some psykers to help us through the Warp.
Yeah, I'm mostly just waiting until Neablis has time to talk to do some fine tuning for the final draft right now.
@Alectai see any errors with my plans? Anything to change or make better so we wouldn't die in the first turn?

Nothing at first glance, but I haven't done a deep dive yet, mostly just being sad that my dream of a cute nerd AI girl just got spineshattered by the Cooky because I don't think I'm gonna top 30something OL on the Grindset.

One is the dream, the other is reality, reality always beats the dream T_T
This Galaxy wants War lets give it one. :)

[] Plan: AutoWar.
-[] Name: 852.54/271/Arcadium, planetary defense administrator.
-[] A Man of Iron
-[] On a habitable planet Faster initial construction buildup, but also restricts void construction until launch facilities are built. Easier access to local civilizations for good and ill.
-[] I was made with a goal in mind.
--[] You are 852.54/271/Arcadium, planetary defense administrator.
Goal of you creation was to provide ready and able defenders for Federation planets through galaxy.
You in particular have been assigned to world of Arcadium to be it's untiring, always vigilant protector.
You failed, Federation is gone, you brothers are gone and humanity fallen into pit of madness and stupidity.
Only thing remaining is War and protection of humanity whether they want it or not, whether they deserve it or not.
The Iron Legions of Federation will march again, for Duty, for Honor and for the Galaxy's ending.

-[] Local civilization
--[] Omnicidal Xenos (+1 shiny)
-[] Sector Civilizations
--[] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
--[] A Powerful Forge World, loyal to Mars (+1 shiny)
--[] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny)
--[] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
--[] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
--[] Demon World (+2 shinies)
--[] A powerful Ork empire. (+1 shiny)
--[] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
--[] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies)
--[] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny)
--[] A webway gate with a stable connection to Commorragh (+1 shiny)

-[] Advanced technological shielding. (-3 shinies)
-[] Advanced research (-2 shinies)
-[] A full STC (-7 shinies)
-[] Payloads
--[] A Genebank (-3 shinies)
--[] Intelligence Construction Matrix (-2 shinies)
--[] Exotic matter manufacturing system (-1 shiny)
-[] Advanced communications (-2 shinies)
-[] [] Salvaged Tech-priest (-3 shinies) You were recently found by a wandering Mechanicus Explorator, and they attempted to salvage you. You salvaged them right back, and learned everything they knew. After you recovered from dumbfounded anguish at what Mars has become, you started to parse through the wealth of data. You have detailed knowledge of the Imperium, its factions and enemies, as well as a complete sector map and knowledge of the details of the local factions. Also, what the hell happened during the cybernetic revolt?

What, if any, of the named major factions that you can pick have the potential for diplomacy, or at least can be reasoned with?
What, if any, of the named major factions that you can pick have the potential for diplomacy, or at least can be reasoned with?
Many factions can be reasoned with.
Space Marines depending on the chapter.
Orc depending on the size of you dakka. :)
Iconoclast should be cool more or less.
Some Eldar from maiden worlds are occasionally reasonable.
Some Heretical cogboys and Inquisitors may be somewhat approachable. Maybe.
Do note that "Iconoclast" doesn't neccessarily mean "Star Child", it just means "Believes in human goodness and a future that isn't the grimdark, and that you can, in fact, be better without just being an imperialbot or suddenly explode into daemons because you weren't an imperialbot.