If we go down this research line, we'll be able to make servitors with personality cloning, and thus perfect imitators of whoever we replaced. Pretty dire, though the galaxy has no shortage of people who are horrible and who's servitorization would save many lives.
And if you don't like drinking nightmare fuel, I guess we could try to research a way to undo servitorization on all the probably billions of innocent victims the Imperium is burning through with every single passing moment.
Aspirationally, these two lines of inquiry together? They start to look a little bit like digitization and biotransference from first principles. It could definitely be worth the effort.
Last time, when we rolled a 16, he got his hands on two destroyers, corruption bombs inserted into our entire manufacturing chain, and a hundred some stealth missiles. We rolled a 4 this time. I would not bet on no consequences, not when this is narrative driven and we just picked up bad on our 3rd interaction.
In addition to what DragonParadox said, this isn't what happened. We rolled a 16 on research at the same time Bongo rolled a near natural crit, thus having that result happen when Vita was compromising the quarantine to examine Bongo. It was a synergistic opportunity that we have Word of God wouldn't have been nearly so strong if it had only been one roll or the other. Even then, Bongo stayed in the cage and we ultimately only gained stronger understanding, specifically of how to cleanse scrapcode from a system.
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