Okay, time to submit my ballot!
[X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
[X][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for all citizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
I'm not willing to vote for either of the radical options (New Market/Capitalist) because they piss off the most people. We need everyone to work together on this; otherwise, well, divided we fall. (Also, I'm personally wary of full Communism because it outright makes privately-owned businesses illegal. Supporting workplace democracy is fine, good even, but destroying the opposition is a bit too much for my tastes.)
[X][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
Democracy forever!
[X][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
Good compromise between Chicago and the lesser signatories, and adds sentimental appeal- which we'll need if we're throwing out the Old Constitution and going Socialist. Also, the way the votes are going, it's not like there's any other choice.
[X][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
I'm personally disappointed- would've liked the legitimacy boost- but I can see the way the wind is blowing. (Also, MJ12 has good arguments.) Maybe we can placate the traditionalists by copying over the Preamble?
[X][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
Even if, by some miracle, the Old Constitution is kept, we still need this. Stagnation is a bad thing.
As an aside, what should our national bird be? Do we keep the bald eagle, or go for the turkey like Ben Franklin wanted?