So...since we are making Revivalist states now...I'll try my hand at the craft.
Don't intend these to actually exist in anyform, But I am holding out hope that SOME of these odd monstrosities exist.
I think of this as Nothing more than A Writing Exercise...Enjoy and God Bless America.
Also Because California is taken and I can't seem to get any information on it. So I'll make my own.
The Northern Alliance (Name Undecided): AKA One of the More popular Names they are trying to success.
Formed around 2074 in the aftermath of the Founding of the Commonwealth, as a defence alliance against Victoria, The NAI is slowly getting formulating a strategy into forming a Proper nation state.
The State is large, controlling or vassalizing much of Minnisota, Manitoba,And portions of Saskatchewen.
However, the Internal devices of Canadian and American Revivalist Sentiment, the Sheer reaction and backlash of the States creation and the Lack of a Proper network to the outside world and divisions on many levels of government to properly allocate resources to witch member group state and well general fear of Victorian and Russian attack on the nation, it faces the Young nation is under threat of falling under the seems.
Fortunately, the Powerful Winnipeg Home Alliance (And their client states in the State of Manitoba, ranging from warlord Cliques to a Religious cult out in the middle of Nowhere) Houses what little remains of the Canadian Military and RCMP in CFB Winnipeg, witch while bombed repeatedly by Victoria, remains functional and coordinates the Largest attempted Revivalist nation project since the California Republic.
Down Further south are the men of the Minnisota, who while part of the Alliance, are having difficulties maintaining long term order outside of key strongholds and choke points across the region, no thanks to the DIFFERING ideologies the collapse created.
Major Member States: AKA The states of the nation.
The Winnipeg Home Alliance: Formed in the City of Winnipeg during the Collapse and later a frontline city for the last of the Victorian Canadian wars (See Fifth Victorian Expedition into Canada June-January 2065-2066.). The City houses Many Aircraft, and has finally found its feet in recent years, acting as an intermediary for the Squabbling midling nations of the states nearby to the West and North.
While Primarily a Democratic institution, the Civilian Government is at current point forced to follow Military procedure due to martial law having never been fully repealed by Parliament.
However with the New Prime Minister (A Former RCMP Commissioner no less) and A Seasoned Military General at the Reigns, it should be smooth sailing.
Now what the hell do we do with all this equipment??
Government Type: Parliamentary democracy...with Military advisors.
Area control (Nominal): The State of Manitoba up to the Northern Edge of Lake Winnipeg, after that...well depends on the town. They are Also trying to get the states to the West to join.
AN: The Canadian Army...refused to die in my Headcanon, this is the Result.
The Ripley Rangers: The Former Minnesota National Guard, bravely refused to abandon their post with the Fall of America, dedicating themselves to the protection of the state...even as their equipment broke down, they were bombed to hell by Russia and Attacked by the Victorians several times.
In recent years...they have tried to bring law and order to the Minnesota Area at the Request of the Saint Paul Confederation, to form a proper state government. Seeing allies and an actual job instead of self imposed law enforcement duties.
-Government Type: Military Police State with Democratic leanings.
Location under Control: Camp Riply, Numerous Outposts and towns spread out across the State.
AN: A Bog standard Military Society, filled to the brim with an underfunded and barely functioning police force stretched to the Absolute Limit of capability of enforcing unification.
The Saint Paul Confederation:The Reformed State Government of Minnisota, finally coming out of hiding and ordering the reclamation of the state and well build a nation.
Government type: Republican State Legislative body and Governor...with a plan to form a great unified state.
Area Controlled: St.Paul, and Ramsey, Dokota, Washington, Nominal alliance with the Rest of Minnesota.
AN: Bog standard US remnants and People wanting to Ride the Wave of Nation Revival.
The Senate of the People of the Republic of Duluth: The an Oddity among the revivalist states of that it is what would qualify as...a living Role, that got out of hand.
Context...we don't really know what happened to make them want to try to make Rome in the Modern day but somehow it's working a citizen's senate and army was formed and they are making progress to forming a functioning society.
All we know is that someone is running things like a well organized state.
Government Type: Republic??
Area of Control: The Duluth Metropolitan area and the Surrounding Itasca and Lake County.
AN: We all know someone would go crazy and form the next Rome to get legitimacy. It's another thing for it to actually work.
To say that these guys have an interesting cast of Characters is an Understatement. But they are in a unique situation over all, and that is something I chose to make.
And it is seen in their unique and different National Spirits compared to the Commonwealth, given their situation is Massively different to ours and has a different story and Situation that needs to be told.
Positive National Spirits: Theses are the Advantages this nation has.
Memories of the 5th Winter War: On paper the Victorian Expedition to claim Canada was an excuse to kowtow the Canadian Revivalist Sentiments and Kill anyone of Nominal Importance that survived the Last Four times Victoria Came to depopulate the Region, problem, we were ready for them at long last. RCMP Commissioner Locke had finally rallied anyone of skill and importance in the area for this war, stretching as far as wanderers from Montana.
The Victorian's expected an Easy Victory...what they got was the Fifth Winter War, I won't say anymore on the subject. But we made someone weep in joy with the Quagmire we caused for them...We learned from Finland's examples after all. (Start with a Unified Military Command Structure and a 4/5 Army in the Field, veterans of the 5th Winter War.)
Old World Stockpile:They Thought Canada was Thoroughly looted of all Modern Equipment and the Ability to make war was depleted. They were incorrect in that assumption and it cost them Dearly. You even fixed a BUNCH OF JETS!! I SEE YOU BIG JETS YOU ARE NEXT!!(You have what remains of the Canadian Arsenal at your disposal, all of the Canadian Arsenal,Recovered from years of scavenging, trading, shooting and the occasional stealing from Corpses. But you have the Canadian Military....if you could train people how they WORK!! Not many old World Personel you see.)
Organized: You have everything a Nation could need, A Post Office, Military, still working on the free healthcare bit but baby steps. (You have an organized Structure of Government, set up from the Martial Law of the Collapse, it's not perfect, but something exists...somehow.)
Cause of Unity: The Need for greater cooperation, and fear of Victoria, unifies us all to an uncomfortable degree, and people like it so It can't all be bad. (You are Riding of the Euphoria of forming a nation based on Killing Victorians, having food on the table and a functioning government. Everyone likes those right?)
Big: A Chunk of Canada, and Minisota are in this Gang, with all that implies.
Negative Debuffs: AKA What is the Problems in the Neighborhood.
Differing Sentiments: Are We an American or Canadian Revivalist state, that's one of the Questions people are asking these days...and one that needs an answer. (American and Canadian Revivalist Parties are literally brawling each other in the street over this question, better answer it)
Shattered and Divided: Between the Crumbling Infrastructure, the NUMEROUS Wars with Victoria and Russian Saboteurs in the Collapse, to say your infrastructure is in poor shape is an Understatement. And that is just the Stuff they missed!! ( Internal Infrastructure is in dire need of being fixed and refit for service in a nation state.)
Isolated: Between Japan's Colonies to the West, Victoria, the Looming Spectre of Russia, and POLAR ICE, and you're pretty much alone up least the Terror Bombings Stopped in the 2050s. (You have no diplomatic Contacts with the outside world, hell the outside world doesn't even know you exist, and they don't care. Hell EVEN THE OTHER REVIVALIST states, don't know you exist.)
The Unruly Neighbors:You know what is really fun, Survivalists from the Dakota Badlands stealing shit for the Local Warlord Clique to form some kind of Khanate or whatever they are calling it!! They can be reasoned with...supposedly, but the general consensus is that they need to be handled swiftly. (The Dakota Badlands are ruled by a warlord of great repute, some military man that took power after the collapse, its needs to be dealt with properly and promptly, there could be a war at this rate.)
AN: So I saw what
@dinomannitro6 did last night and decided to fill in part of the map myself...The Traits are something I thought up to bring more Flavor to the world. because its not all uniformed into traits that is provided by Poptart.
Spot the refrence to Possible Negaverse things.
Enjoy and Give Feedback.