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The status of Europe is right here in the lore post.


I'm not seeing what happened to the Netherlands or Belgium, with them being in the top 10 of food exporters making them not insignificant after the Collapse.

And if Europe is active in resisting Russia, shouldn't they have a stake in restoring the US or at least opposing the Russian influence there?
I'm not seeing what happened to the Netherlands or Belgium, with them being in the top 10 of food exporters making them not insignificant after the Collapse.

And if Europe is active in resisting Russia, shouldn't they have a stake in restoring the US or at least opposing the Russian influence there?
Why do you think FCNY is still intact and remains a financial center? IIRC Its effectively guranteed protection by the EU and others. If someone tries to conquer or destroy FCNY it'll get dropped on by a European or some other intervention I think.

And Europe AFAIK is busy for the most part getting the figurative fires in France and Britain extinguished and getting them back on their feet and getting ready to shank Russia when Alex finally croaks and Russia's house of cards starts cracking.
I'm not seeing what happened to the Netherlands or Belgium, with them being in the top 10 of food exporters making them not insignificant after the Collapse.

And if Europe is active in resisting Russia, shouldn't they have a stake in restoring the US or at least opposing the Russian influence there?

Oh wow. Agriculture in the low countries would be shafted. Both have extremely resource intensive systems dependant on heavy fossil fuel inputs (for energy to process all the inputs, run all the farm machinery, transport inputs in, transport products out, import the food to actually feed the farmers since neither country produces enough calories to support their own populations, Haber process nitrogen fixation, synthesize herbicides and pesticides from) and phosphate rock from the Western Sahara.

Also, while they are top level agricultural exporters in terms of value, that's because they specialize in higher value crops like flowers and salad greens. As mentioned, the low countries are very much not self sufficient and need to import cheaper agricultural products to meet the bulk of their population's calorie needs.

That said, though things will be relatively worse in the low countries, basically all of the developed world will have the same problem at almost the same level of severity. Modern agriculture would implode with the sort of collapse in world trade that Lind describes. And while modern science has discovered better ways to farm, they are more labour intensive and it takes 10-20 years to go from "industrial farm" to "equally productive permaculture farm". A forced transition of the whole world in the midst of a serious world wide crisis is just not gonna go well. Millions will starve for sure.

Though at least the low countries wouldn't get as bad as the arid plains states of the USA.

The Netherlands would be better of then Belgium due the natural gas fields in the northern part of the Netherlands during the last few years production has been in decline but that is mostly due a combination of not wanting to increase global warming land sinking lower when the gas is pumped out and earthquakes caused by the the land sinking(a 3.6 one was the strongest) but if the only other option is deaths by starvation the gas will be pumped up once more.

having said that both nations are simply to small to make a major impact on what is happening in north America has they want to keep a lot of troops at home in case of Russian aggression
Question, is there a full list of Commonwealth member states? And if not, what are our major population centers?
There's a map on the front page that shows our territory in orange. Currently, our only major population centre and member state is Chicago, but we're kinda near Detroit as well.
I'm going to share a small piece of information @PoptartProdigy sent me in a PM when I asked them some questions before doing chapter two of Old Crows. I don't mean this as a breach of confidence, but it seems relevant to the present discussion.

The Commonwealth is organized into states. The list of Commonwealth states includes, but is not limited to:
1) Chicago (as a city-state)
2) Gary (as a separate city-state) (if I remember rightly)
3) Illinois (that is, downstate Illinois, with Chicago not included)
4) An "Indiana" that is missing much of the OTL state of Indiana, including Gary (see above)

There are more, but as I recall Poptart did not name them to me.

I can't comment on the exact populations of cities and regions, but it does bear noting that especially in this fallen era of transit, we can't reasonably model the entire Commonwealth as "the Chicago metropolitan area" or anything. We've got territory that runs all the way to the outskirts of St. Louis, and parts of inland Michigan/Indiana that are quite possibly closer to Detroit than to Chicago.
I first got the idea for this back when it first started to rain and Burns had his 'rain and mud' moment. Figure its's something that someone would write at some point soon after the battle. The song has a common time beat, meaning four beats per line. I don't know enough about music to codify the scales, but it favors lower octaves, in the fashion of American Civil War songs.
Edit: rearranged some words in the first line of the last stanza so that the rhyming is preserved.

Rain and Mud​

Block out the sun and cover the sky,
Let the clouds hear them cry.
Send rain and mud, rain and mud,
God send us your rain and your mud.

They come, they come across cold Lake,
Not caring that Sky shall soon shake.
With ships of madmen yearning for blood,
They come to our fields of rain and mud.

Come you loyal sons and daughters
Of the US Midwest to the vicious slaughter.
They come as Noah with his flood,
But we shall stop them with rain and mud.

Those Victorians care naught for Sea,
And though they see River they're as blind as can be.
So use your skills to halt their trud,
And show them the strength of the rain and the mud.

In Eerie's waters we left them the draught,
In Windsor's hills we turned them to naught.
At Monroe's fields we brought mortar's thud,
At La Salle's end we brought rain and mud.

We are of Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin,
And Illinois, Ontario, and Michigan.
So sit in a tavern and turn to your bud,
And tell them how we won with rain and mud.
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The Netherlands would be better of then Belgium due the natural gas fields in the northern part of the Netherlands during the last few years production has been in decline but that is mostly due a combination of not wanting to increase global warming land sinking lower when the gas is pumped out and earthquakes caused by the the land sinking(a 3.6 one was the strongest) but if the only other option is deaths by starvation the gas will be pumped up once more.

having said that both nations are simply to small to make a major impact on what is happening in north America has they want to keep a lot of troops at home in case of Russian aggression

Eh, a lot of those quakes are related to the fact that the fields are becoming depleted. Pressure is dropping underground and all that. I doubt you'd get too much out of it even if you ignored the quakes.
So we gotta build TRAINS.
That would be gated behind the Infrastructure Projects action, which will put together the 'tools to make the tools' in terms of organization and plans to start building railroads.

So look for Turn 4 plans that contain that action, if possible. And definitely in Turn 5 and later (Turn 4 is gonna be tight on action economy).
That would be gated behind the Infrastructure Projects action, which will put together the 'tools to make the tools' in terms of organization and plans to start building railroads.

So look for Turn 4 plans that contain that action, if possible. And definitely in Turn 5 and later (Turn 4 is gonna be tight on action economy).

Even with Victoria going around blowing things up, there is just so much in way of infrastructure laying about that if the interference stops there is a lot that can be done. Therefore I can definately see very rapid early gains, but at some point all that can be recovered will have been recovered and I think the Commonwealth would still be a third world country at that stage. Except you would have gone from Somalia or Albania to something more on line with a prosperous central American country.

BUT... that is for what was once one of the industrial hubs of America, and even there the growth would slow hard once the low hanging fruit has all been picked. Especially if access to international goods are still restricted (e.g. Victoria can still choke off the Mississippi).
A Grey Ghost

There are no great men, there are only great challenges, which ordinary men like you and me are forced by circumstances to meet.-Admiral William Halsey Jr.

"Have you heard the Legend of the Grey Ghost of the Pacific. It's not a story the Russians would tell you. It was of a battle group so feared that even as the Nation of the United States died, the world feared it."- Logan Mercier at a story Swap in the aftermath of the battle of Detroit.

"Is it possible to gain this power? Hell is it even real Frenchman?" - Sara Goldblum after hearing the story.

"Huh...The USS Enterprise and The Pacific Third Fleet, carrier strike group that is a name I haven't heard in a LONG Time."-General Ron "Hellfire" Burns.
In the Greater Pacific Ocean long before the Collapse, there was a navel legend called the Grey Ghost.

Now if anyone of you knew navel history, that sounds familiar, the Big E, Lucky E and the USS Enterprise. In a different time, the Enterprise was the US's greatest Warfighter in the Pacific fleet.

Her battle Record spoke for herself, Her fighters fought in Pearl Harbor, Midway and Okinawa.

Twenty Presidential citations and numerous other awards over a storied career made her a legend that the US navy was proud to call her own.

So how fitting that another Legend bare her name. The Last Legend, an angry spectre calling for a home no longer alive.

A Blessing to some, A Blight to others...she is the Grey Ghost…waiting for a home.
The Days before the End:

"Gerald R. Ford was not the BEST President, But he made a Nice Aircraft Carrier."- Simon Johnson.

The USS Enterprise was the Ninth Ship to bare the Name Enterprise and had her keel raised in late 2018 and entered service in 2024 after a long period of construction and updating hardwear due to NEW technology.

These made for an uneventful first years of service, it could have been a fine place, good locations, tropical locals and a free spot in any port that would have them, a slice of American goodness without all the baggage of the steadily deranged government and domestic terorism.

But the Big E, focused on problems that concerned them, like the steadily rising power of a new Imperial Japan and the ensuring chaos of Three hurricanes, a tsunami and all the disaster relief that comes with it, leaving them out of action for a majority of 2029 to 2031.

With International relation collapsing and the USA dying a death that seemed inevitable. The Grey Ghost and her battle group grit their teeth and returned for a final refit in Pearl Harbor in May 2033.

Enterprise and its battle Group left the Island a week before the end of the world they knew...they would be alone and isolated for the next ten years.

The Collapse:

"Oh Jesus Christ it's all gone...Everyone is dead." - Admiral Jacob Shepard upon hearing of the collapse of the United States 2033.

"Gentleman, I am sorry to say this...but we can no longer perform our duty to the People of Hawaii. The United States is dead, the fucking Russian's said so...and for once I'm inclined to believe that hourse shit. As a Final Order, all Naval Groups are to abandon their posts and retreat to somewhere that isn't the US...Old Glory is gone, I'm sorry we couldn't do more. Get out of HERE run, hide, fight...BUT LIVE dammit, live to fight another day."- Unknown Admiral during the Battle of Pearl Harbor moments before being over run by Japanise troops .

The admiral and the US high command in Hawaii were executed on international television by firing squad and in front of . Many consider this to be the Official end of the United States.
History does not repeat, but it does rhyme as the old saying goes. On December 7th 2033, a day which will LIVE in infamy, the final nail in the United States was struck by the Japanise at Pearl Harbor.

The Grey Ghost and her battle Group, along with any stragglers that escaped the carnage fled to anyone that could hold a fleet of 50 war vessels and 500 small freighter.

The Japanise expected them to surrender and be murdered, exicuted, tortoured and if female, sold into sex slavery and raped to death.

The now leader of the Third Carrier Group John "Madlad Jack" Shepard refused saying. "Bitches love two things Admiral, Cannons and Armor plating, you will be crushed by both as you drown in the sea."

The Battle group that was sent to hunt him, never returned as did many of the other groups sent by the IJN and Russian Navy.

This infuriated the Russian Tsar about as much as losing to FINLAND again.
The Drifting Years:

Twenty Years was a long time to get one's act together, One can only get so far on orders and a lack of a country for so long. They were there when Gaum fell to the Japanise, The Fall of the Philippines, where they basically "Adopted" over 10 Vessels that fled the battle of Leyte Gulf.

But many among them asked the question, "How much can kindness good will and the Nation of Australia's political interests keep us going?"

"Not very long." Jack noted.

An Officer from the Philippines asked of the rather checkered past of the unit.

"Speaking of witch what happened to the middle east?" She asked.

Jack punched a metal wall in disgust. "We don't speak of what we did to the Middle East , Integra. Everyone here swore to take it to our much's why we can never truly trust Israel again after what they did."

She nodded. "Oh...OH!! OOOH what did they DOO!! WHAT THEY DO!!"

Jack nodded his head. "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion,"

The Chaplin continued." Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem who said, "Raze it, raze it, even to the foundation."

The officer looked into what they were saying."O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed. Happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us."

Jack finished,"Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

The Chaplin frowned. "Do you know what that means child."

She was silent.

Jack sighed. "We made Babylon weep Captain."

The sheer weight of that statement made the whole world seem cold.

What they were saying was a reminder of sorts...what happens when men go too far.

She would remember this...this lesson from the last of America.

"Don't be a monster like us child...don't Inherit our sins if you walk down this path." Jack said calmly. "Be what little bit of good we still have left."

She did and spent years in contemplation on what to do next.


A Grey Ghost?:

The Enterprise and its fleet spent the better part of the 2060s as a massive merchant fleet trading.

Trading was a code phrase for privateering.

And Privateering was a fancy way of saying Piracy.

The Irony of being a pirate was how the US Navy and Marine Corp were both founded to FIGHT priacy...oh how times have changed since the end of the US.

Mostly around Africa, a Few places Near Iran and that one time in Tripoli on the birthday of the navy in 2071.

The irony of an American ship doing piracy on Tripoli was not lost on anyone.

Currently they are currently en route to Australia to do some work and buy out services to the ones that can pay them to do protection jobs.

They are one of the Last US military forces on the planet, in exile in some way shape or form.

Even if Home seems so far away yet so close.

Logan finished his tale as the soldiers looked at him. "I think your making some of that Shit up Logan."

Logan nodded no. "Nope all of it is like one or two things."

One of the soldiers rolled her eyes. "Try all of it frenchie!!!"

"It's all true!! One day you'll believe me!!" Logan said.

"Burns does." Logan complained under his breath.

"This is Hellfire. Two-five-niner-seven-Alfa-Tango-eight-Sierra-one..."

He rattles off numbers and letters for over a minute. The radio picks up his words, carries it up to the mast behind him, and carries his words to the world beyond. To most, it is a strange message from a terrifying man, doubtless signalling a change in his many plans. To Victoria, it is threatening -- a broadcast of unknown purpose from one of their greatest enemies.

To comes to nothing.

In the Atlantic a small craft receives a peculiar notice. "Hey you hearing this?"

"Yeah...get the Admiral. I think someone won?"

(Jack POV)

"This is Hellfire. Two-five-niner-seven-Alfa-Tango-eight-Sierra-one..."

It was a quiet moment as you listened to the message again. "I never dared hope that someone was still out there...I thought I was alone."

"This is Hellfire. Two-five-niner-seven-Alfa-Tango-eight-Sierra-one..."

How many years has he spent running away from the problems of the world...concerned with his own problems, his own sins.

"This is Hellfire. Two-five-niner-seven-Alfa-Tango-eight-Sierra-one..."

You had been running for over Forty were once a man of Twenty five thrust into command of a ship you barely knew how to command.

Now you were Sixty Seven and longing for a home...a place to settle down and die on your own terms.

But just had one final mission. One more job and then the last Admiral of America would die in peace.

"Set course for Miami...I heard it's wonderful this time of year." You gave the order.

"This is Hellfire. Two-five-niner-seven-Alfa-Tango-eight-Sierra-one..."

You picked up the Receiver. "Acknowledged...this is CV-80, Two-Five-Twenty -Alfa-eight-four… Grey Ghost, send Traffic."

At long were going home.


To answer a few questions that you will most likely say.

How do they get Resupplied?: Piracy...Goodwill from Mercenary work from other countries. Australia and New Zealand.

How did Russia not kill them all?: They used Proxies to try to kill them. They tried once and they lost a few ships. They try to kill them via sanctions but that does not work as well on people who can just pack up and leave a nation. They tried REALLY hard on killing them.

Wait we became the Quarian Migrant fleet of Earth?: Yes...YES we did.

So...Miami has an awesome fleet?: I assume so...if not then something close.

AN: What I think is going on in the world.

Enjoy and please be nice about it.
Non-canon, for a few reasons. :D
Question, is there a full list of Commonwealth member states? And if not, what are our major population centers?
I'm going to share a small piece of information @PoptartProdigy sent me in a PM when I asked them some questions before doing chapter two of Old Crows. I don't mean this as a breach of confidence, but it seems relevant to the present discussion.

The Commonwealth is organized into states. The list of Commonwealth states includes, but is not limited to:
1) Chicago (as a city-state)
2) Gary (as a separate city-state) (if I remember rightly)
3) Illinois (that is, downstate Illinois, with Chicago not included)
4) An "Indiana" that is missing much of the OTL state of Indiana, including Gary (see above)

There are more, but as I recall Poptart did not name them to me.

I can't comment on the exact populations of cities and regions, but it does bear noting that especially in this fallen era of transit, we can't reasonably model the entire Commonwealth as "the Chicago metropolitan area" or anything. We've got territory that runs all the way to the outskirts of St. Louis, and parts of inland Michigan/Indiana that are quite possibly closer to Detroit than to Chicago.
Well, I'm fairly willing to endorse this, but as I said when I gave this list, the reason I didn't name more is because I haven't actually fleshed out more as of yet.

My worldbuilding on this quest is a little bit patchy in places, and a good part of that is the fact that I got from being outraged to the point of wanting to start it to actually starting it in about twelve hours, followed by a huge sprint to get cost sunk into it so that I'd never sober up and decide to drop it. And then faction creation happened and the thread was catching fire, and I was focused on that. Then we were through faction creation and I had to create actual mechanics. Then there were war turns.

And in and between all that, there were a few things dropped that ordinarily I flesh out as stage one of a new project. So broadly, I'll endorse the list above as being things that do exist, but I still need to hammer down what else exists.
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I first got the idea for this back when it first started to rain and Burns had his 'rain and mud' moment. Figure its's something that someone would write at some point soon after the battle. The song has a common time beat, meaning four beats per line. I don't know enough about music to codify the scales, but it favors lower octaves, in the fashion of American Civil War songs.
Edit: rearranged some words in the first line of the last stanza so that the rhyming is preserved.

Rain and Mud​

Block out the sun and cover the sky,
Let the clouds hear them cry.
Send rain and mud, rain and mud,
God send us your rain and mud.

They come, they come across cold Lake,
Not caring that Sky shall soon shake and break.
With ships of madmen yearning for blood,
They come to our fields of rain and mud.

Come you loyal sons and daughters
Of the US Midwest to the vicious slaughter.
They come as Noah with his flood,
But we shall stop them with rain and mud.

Those Victorians care naught for Sea,
And though they see River they're as blind as can be.
So use your skills to halt their trud,
And show them the strength of the rain and the mud.

In Eerie's waters we left them the draught,
In Windsor's hills we turned them to naught.
At Monroe's fields we brought mortar's thud,
At La Salle's end we brought rain and mud.

We are of Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin,
And Illinois, Ontario, Michigan.
So sit in a tavern and turn to your bud,
And tell them how we won with but rain and mud.
Okay, so I'm trying to sing this out and I'm having some difficulties because, well, the syllables aren't lining up super well, especially the last stanza.

My attempt to sing it has created this:

Rain and Mud

Block out \ the sun \ and cover \ the sky,
Let the \ clouds \ hear \ them cry.
Send rain \ and mud, \ rain and \ mud,
God send \ us your \ rain and mud.

They come, \ they come \ across \ cold Lake,
Heedless \ that Sky \ shall \ break.
With ships \ of madmen \ yearning \ for blood,
They come to our \ fields of \ rain and \ mud.

Come you \ loyal \ sons and \ daughters
Of the \ Midwest \ to the \ slaughter.
They come \ as Noah \ with his \ flood,
We shall \ stop them \ with rain and \ mud.

Those \ Victorians \ care naught \ for Sea,
Though they \ see River \ they're \ blind as can be.
So use \ your skills \ to halt \ their trud,
Show them \ the strength \ of rain and \ mud.

In Erie's \ waters \ we left them the \ draught,
In Windsor's \ hills we \ turned them \ to naught.
At Monroe's \ fields we \ brought mor\tar's thud,
At La Salle's end \ we brought \ rain and \ mud.

So sit \ in a tavern \ and turn \ to your bud,
Tell 'em how we \ won with \ rain and \ mud.

Yeah, uh, I just gave up with the last stanza beccause I just could not get the damned thing to work.
Honestly I expect any surviving United States navy ships fled to American allies and are probably serving in their navy perhaps claiming to be free American ships, see what happened to the French navy after the surrender in WWII with many ships joining the Free French navy and serving under allied command.
Non-canon, for a few reasons. :D

Well, I'm fairly willing to endorse this, but as I said when I gave this list, the reason I didn't name more is because I haven't actually fleshed out more as of yet.
Sorry if I stepped on your toes here. :(

Honestly I expect any surviving United States navy ships fled to American allies and are probably serving in their navy perhaps claiming to be free American ships, see what happened to the French navy after the surrender in WWII with many ships joining the Free French navy and serving under allied command.
It seems likely that at some point in the 30-40 years since the US Navy effectively ceased to exist as an organization, any ships that did go to foreign allies and get maintenance were taken over by those same navies.

It's common sense, really. Even an Old World Soldiers unit like the Devil Brigade is, by this point, mostly made up of people born well after the Collapse, because sixty year olds don't make very good infantrymen. People like Burns, who actually were part of the old US military (as in, served in the military forty or fifty years ago) are the exceptions, not the rule.

Now, if your army unit is roaming the United States as a bandit troop or something little better than one, as Burns and the Devil Brigade were, then you can keep recruiting from Americans and keep your unit traditions alive.

But if you're commanding a warship? Not so much. Warships have expensive maintenance needs, so they have to be supported by some specific power with ports and shipyards of their own. When it comes time to recruit new sailors as your existing warship crew ages, you'll likely be expected to recruit from the population of the nation that's paying to support your ship. And to accept officers from that nation's navy. Aaaand...

Eventually, that ship is basically just another naval asset of that country, having been effectively bought and paid for. Its crew, citizens of that other country, will not be interested in jumping over to anyone else.
Sorry if I stepped on your toes here. :(

It seems likely that at some point in the 30-40 years since the US Navy effectively ceased to exist as an organization, any ships that did go to foreign allies and get maintenance were taken over by those same navies.

It's common sense, really. Even an Old World Soldiers unit like the Devil Brigade is, by this point, mostly made up of people born well after the Collapse, because sixty year olds don't make very good infantrymen. People like Burns, who actually were part of the old US military (as in, served in the military forty or fifty years ago) are the exceptions, not the rule.

Now, if your army unit is roaming the United States as a bandit troop or something little better than one, as Burns and the Devil Brigade were, then you can keep recruiting from Americans and keep your unit traditions alive.

But if you're commanding a warship? Not so much. Warships have expensive maintenance needs, so they have to be supported by some specific power with ports and shipyards of their own. When it comes time to recruit new sailors as your existing warship crew ages, you'll likely be expected to recruit from the population of the nation that's paying to support your ship. And to accept officers from that nation's navy. Aaaand...

Eventually, that ship is basically just another naval asset of that country, having been effectively bought and paid for. Its crew, citizens of that other country, will not be interested in jumping over to anyone else.
Okay...I just thought an Outer Heavan like fleet made up of fallen nation forces seemed like something that this crazy world would have.

Witch frankly is alot.
Okay, so I'm trying to sing this out and I'm having some difficulties because, well, the syllables aren't lining up super well, especially the last stanza.

My attempt to sing it has created this:

Rain and Mud

Block out \ the sun \ and cover \ the sky,
Let the \ clouds \ hear \ them cry.
Send rain \ and mud, \ rain and \ mud,
God send \ us your \ rain and mud.

They come, \ they come \ across \ cold Lake,
Heedless \ that Sky \ shall \ break.
With ships \ of madmen \ yearning \ for blood,
They come to our \ fields of \ rain and \ mud.

Come you \ loyal \ sons and \ daughters
Of the \ Midwest \ to the \ slaughter.
They come \ as Noah \ with his \ flood,
We shall \ stop them \ with rain and \ mud.

Those \ Victorians \ care naught \ for Sea,
Though they \ see River \ they're \ blind as can be.
So use \ your skills \ to halt \ their trud,
Show them \ the strength \ of rain and \ mud.

In Erie's \ waters \ we left them the \ draught,
In Windsor's \ hills we \ turned them \ to naught.
At Monroe's \ fields we \ brought mor\tar's thud,
At La Salle's end \ we brought \ rain and \ mud.

So sit \ in a tavern \ and turn \ to your bud,
Tell 'em how we \ won with \ rain and \ mud.

Yeah, uh, I just gave up with the last stanza beccause I just could not get the damned thing to work.
Plenty of songs don't go for standardized syllabic structure, but yeah you have my sympathies. Also, the last stanza was a bitch for me to figure out.

Here, I'll show how the beat separation goes in my head. A big thing to keep in mind is that rests and note holding are things, so without a recording I can't give a perfect picture. And I have a terrible singing voice.

I also made quick changes to stanza 2 line 2, and the last line. Shake and break was too much, and I didn't realize I had left the but in there.

Block out the\ sun and\ cover the\ sky,
Let\ the clouds\ hear\ them cry.
Send rain\ and mud,\ rain and\ mud,
God send\ us your\ rain and\ your mud.

They come,\ they come\ across\ cold Lake,
Not caring\ that Sky\ shall soon\ shake.
With ships\ of madmen\ yearning\ for blood,
They come to our\ fields of\ rain and\ mud.

Come you\ loyal\ sons and daugh\ters
Of the US Mid\west to\ the vicious\ slaughter.
They come\ as Noah\ with\ his flood,
But we shall\ stop them with\ rain and\ mud.

Those Victori\ans care\ naught for\ Sea,
And though they see Ri\ver they're\ as blind as can\ be.
So use\ your skills\ to halt\ their trud,
And show them the\ strength of\ the rain and\ the mud.

In Ee\rie's waters we\ left them the\ draught,
In Windsor's\ hills we\ turned them\ to naught.
At Monroe's\ fields we\ brought mortar's\ thud,
At La Salle's\ end we\ brought rain and\ mud.

We are of In\diana,\ Ohio,\ Wisconsin,
And Illinois, On\tario, and Mi\chi\gan.
So sit in a\ tavern and\ turn to your\ bud,
And tell them\ how we won\ with rain\ and mud.
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