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It's probably going to take a combination of all of the above plus a lot of wood gas which does limit, to an extent, what kind of engines and fuel we will have to work with. Anything that isn't electrified that needs a combustion engine is going to need to have some pretty broad tolerances when it comes to fuel quality and will likely also be maintenance heavy.

In other words steam engines are going to be making a comeback for most of the civilian economy for the foreseeable future though we're probably not going to see anything as ridiculous as Drakaverse autosteamers, mostly because those are hilariously inefficient.
Well, we will at least have enough coal/coal-based power to keep burning for a nice long while, along with electrifying everything possible, it should at least let us get a proper cold war era economy going and producing. Unfortunately, though, we are probably going to have to save all of our oil for our air and armored units. As well, we can't exactly make it cheaply. But, on the other side, we do have everything to make a T-64 along with the silica-based composite. Plus, as long as we have power, and a few organic chemistry books, nitrogen-fixing plants can be set up, leading to all the fertilizer, explosives, and rocket fuel that we could need.
[X][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
[X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
-[X][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
boy i sure hope that top 5 engineering school and top 10 medical school we have lying around nearby didn't have all of its faculty purged

that would suck
Well, I do want us to at least take Brown Water Navy (which has economic benefits by helping us be secure on the Great Lakes) and something like Good Security would help a lot (because Victorian attention is gonna include spies).
I'm skeptical of Brown Water Navy, because while it's useful (immediately useful, even), it doesn't feel as foundational as Libraries, Trade, Bureaucracy, Established, Vaccines, and such.

There's a lot of must-haves, and not enough points to actually have them all. :V
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boy i sure hope that top 5 engineering school and top 10 medical school we have lying around nearby didn't have all of its faculty purged

that would suck

Or just die of the umpteen million things that can kill people in a post-apocalyptic environment where plague is once again a thing.
[X][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
[X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
-[X][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
Hey! Someone just pointed me in the direction of this really great quest. Here's my vote;

[X][BOSS] The Old Guard
[X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
-[X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing.

I reckon that the most important thing is to win the first battle- if we can't do that then we're out. So I'm voting for the Old Guard. I'm also surprised that a National Unity government hasn't been getting more support- it doesn't seem to have any major downsides.
Actually it'll be much easier than you think. Illinois has a gigantic coal bed running through most of the state that's still being mined to this day:

Problem isn't finding the coal, there's plenty of low-grade stuff in the Midwest -- the problem, as I see it, is building entirely new infrastructure as opposed to just bolting together the remaining diesel infrastructure that's been left to rot for a few decades.
Plus every acre of fuel is one less acre of food. Not exactly a good tradeoff right now.

Your best bet for an oil crop is wind rows of Osage Orange around your food crops, but even then, you might want to just eat the oil/seeds

Edit: a robust program collecting used cooking oil and converting it to biodiesel wouldn't be a bad idea though, but your probably looking at fairly marginal amounts.
Adhoc vote count started by Flectarn on Mar 22, 2019 at 6:25 PM, finished with 274 posts and 105 votes.

  • [X][BOSS] Local Hero: You first came to prominence as a young woman during the neo-Nazi occupation of the northern Midwest. You fought back against them, helped to throw them out, and presided over the slow emptying of Chicago in the aftermath. Since then you've been managing the city and keeping it on life support. You've slowly built things back up and forged a new state around your home. You will see things fixed once more. You will ensure that your home never again knows the terror of being at a monster's mercy. You will do what is necessary, to the shores of Maine if you must.
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
    -[x][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
    [x]Old Guard
    [x][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
    [X][BOSS] The Last Echo: You were chosen as Secretary of State by a woman who had been Speaker of the House before those before her in the line of succession died in transit to a safe location amid the chaos of the Collapse. You were confirmed by the last Congress of the United States minutes later. You served your President for years before a Russian assassin killed her and most of her cabinet, and you took up her role. By the slimmest of technicalities and a lot of bluffing, you hold a position that grants you precedence in the eyes of many. You convinced Chicago to call the Congress; you presided. It has been years, and you have been hunted for all of them. You have no room left in your heart for nostalgia. This country is a broken thing. No matter how much it must change, you will see it fixed and better than before. And once you serve a country that deserves the pride of the United States, you will tear Alexander from his throne.
    [x][BOSS] The Last Echo
    [X][BOSS] The Old Guard
    [X][BOSS] Local Hero
    [x][BOSS] Springfield Schemer: Illinois did not fall to the Nazis. The state government pulled through all of the chaos just fine...and when you came to the Governor's office, you made sure to keep an eye on things. When Chicago started pulling itself together, you were far-sighted enough to recognize the opportunity. You left for Chicago and put your political skills to work on trying to build something bigger than your own patch. A fair amount of people have taken your foresight for aggression, though. You will need to keep your eyes about you.
    [X][BOSS] The Old Boss: The Daleys have been big names in Chicago since the '50s. The 1950s. A hundred and twenty years of political prominence will grind itself in. You're no different. Your family managed to hold onto its influence throughout the collapse, and you were the one to take charge of things afterward, leveraging various friendships you made during the bad years. Chicago's been on the outs too long. The Daleys will be the ones to bring it back.
    [x][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.

    -[X][GOV] Cave in on the unions issue. You're a little leery of granting them that much power, but it's not like there's no need for strong unions.
    [X][BOSS] The Last Echo: You were chosen as Secretary of State by a woman who had been Speaker of the House before those before her in the line of succession died in transit to a safe location amid the chaos of the Collapse. You were confirmed by the last Congress of the United States minutes later. You served your President for years before a Russian assassin killed her and most of her cabinet, and you took up her role. By the slimmest of technicalities and a lot of bluffing, you hold a position that grants you precedence in the eyes of many. You convinced Chicago to call the Congress; you presided. It has been years, and you have been hunted for all of them. You have no room left in your heart for nostalgia. This country is a broken thing. No matter how much it must change, you will see it fixed and better than before. And once you serve a country that deserves the pride of the United States, you will tear Alexander from his throne.
    -[X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing. Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
    [x][BOSS] ???
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
    -[X][GOV] Cave in on the unions issue. You're a little leery of granting them that much power, but it's not like there's no need for strong unions.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing. Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
    [X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing. Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[x][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
    -[X][GOV] Cave to the Socialists on healthcare and the New Capitalists on unions.
    [X][GOV] Do not form a coalition. Rule with a minority government.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[X][GOV] Cave to the Socialists on healthcare and the New Capitalists on unions. Roll a d100 with a DC of 50 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, the New Capitalists back out.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing.
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Honestly, in terms of industry, our main priority is probably going to be getting cement, electricity, and steel. As with those, we can start properly building new neighborhoods, expanding rail lines, and building more varied industry.
[X][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
[X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
-[X][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
[X][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
[X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
-[X][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
[X][BOSS] The Old Guard
[X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
-[X][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
Discord chat is leaning towards some sort of Trade State with independent merchants, vaccinations, navy.
The defining characteristic of and main issue with victoria isn't the poverty and militarism, since those are likely the rule rather then the exception in this dystopia, it's their ideology. Their social norms if you will. So long as we dont find ourselves taking that particular path, we dont have to worry about becoming victoria lite IMO.

Militarism is absolutely a problem, regardless of ideology.
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