Voting is open
[X][BOSS] Local Hero: You first came to prominence as a young woman during the neo-Nazi occupation of the northern Midwest. You fought back against them, helped to throw them out, and presided over the slow emptying of Chicago in the aftermath. Since then you've been managing the city and keeping it on life support. You've slowly built things back up and forged a new state around your home. You will see things fixed once more. You will ensure that your home never again knows the terror of being at a monster's mercy. You will do what is necessary, to the shores of Maine if you must.
  • Sara M. Johnson.
  • Start with 6 CP.
  • If not taken, becomes a member of the legislature.
[X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
-[X][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
You mean, fight them and lose in a month instead of a week? Winning battles isn't winning wars. We don't even have a state at this point. Do we even have the sources of fuel to run a tank based war against Victoria? Russia probably sells them oil. We don't have any good source of that.
I said what I meant: fight them and completely destroy their entire invading force.

Like, Jousting At Windmills is a canonical omake. In it, a single Abrams tank destroys 33-38(!) T-34s. That is how badly we outclass them militarily, using Old World Hardware. We might even outclass them more, because our gunnery is actually Old World standard.

So like, I get what you're saying about a tactical and strategic level, but there is no strategic level if a single engagement destroys their whole invasion force.

I don't expect us to immediately crush them and salt the earth afterwards; the Victorians will go begging to the Russians for tank handouts, and will probably get some to replenish their losses. But losing with this kind of advantage is, uh, doubtful.
Honestly, I think it's important to remember that in order to launch a military intervention, Victoria will either have to traverse territory not controlled by them and most likely with shitty infrastructure, or carry out a naval operation. I don't think they currently have the logistical train to sustain protracted operations unless I'm severely underestimating them. Thus, while their intervention is a crisis, and we should try to avoid using up out weapons stockpiles on their first wave if possible, I think it's a manageable crisis.

Either way, I kind voted Old Guard because meesa want a challenge but not too much of a challenge. I think it will be more fun to have an early game crisis that will test our resolve and the mettle of our new state than to go the (imo) easier route of expansion then confrontation.

I hope that makes sense?
I said what I meant: fight them and completely destroy their entire invading force.

This kind of overconfidence worries me. If Old Guard wins, then the next vote will be split between people who assume we don't need any more military options and people who will be trying to get as many military advantages as we can. If things go badly, everything people were talking about with the Constitutional Convention vote goes out the window. And if we automatically win on turn one, then there's not much point in an entire quest against Victoria if they're actually just a paper tiger.

On top of that, think what it means if Victoria attacks in four turns. That's two years to prepare to throw their full forces against us. That's not a small, limited engagement we can beat and then expect to be left alone for a decade.
So like, I get what you're saying about a tactical and strategic level, but there is no strategic level if a single engagement destroys their whole invasion force.

Unless they send ten time the invasion force the second time. Victoria is pretty big. Also, police state, so capable of suppressing news of their fuck ups internally.
This kind of overconfidence worries me. If Old Guard wins, then the next vote will be split between people who assume we don't need any more military options and people who will be trying to get as many military advantages as we can. If things go badly, everything people were talking about with the Constitutional Convention vote goes out the window. And if we automatically win on turn one, then there's not much point in an entire quest against Victoria if they're actually just a paper tiger.

On top of that, think what it means if Victoria attacks in four turns. That's two years to prepare to throw their full forces against us. That's not a small, limited engagement we can beat and then expect to be left alone for a decade.

Unless they send ten time the invasion force the second time. Victoria is pretty big. Also, police state, so capable of suppressing news of their fuck ups internally.
Full stop: How many tanks do you think Victoria even has? Like, legitimately, how many tanks are you estimating them to launch at us?

And this is besides my point, which is that Old Guard is certainly not a start with nothing going for it; it does have something going for it, namely huge military strength plus CP to spend on economics and intelligence.
Plus, with old guad, we can later take that amazing military unit, and split it up into instructors to teach people. It's like taking universities but in an exclusively military sense. So, once we start to massively expand the army, we can have an amazing core of instructors get our people to old world standard for the bulk of the army. Also, even with some basic local tooling, and getting a basic assembly line, making all cast armor Leopard 1 knock off's becomes quite possible and reasonably cheap.
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Plus, with old guad, we can later take that amazing military unit, and split it up into instructors to teach people. It's like taking universities but in an exclusively military sense. So, once we start to massively expand the army, we can have an amazing core of instructors get our people to old world standard for the bulk of the army. Also, even with some basic local tooling, and getting a basic assembly line, making all cast armor Leopard 1 knock off's becomes quite possible and reasonably cheap.

I think for that, we'd want Old World Training, which is a separate perk.
I realize that Marsden is pretty far behind, but it's really hard to bring myself to care about a vote between a career soldier and a local warlord. Johnson liberated Chicago from the Nazis and held onto power ever since then? Yeah, really screams democrat...
I dunno, remember George Washington?

I really think old guard is a mistake with very good reasons suggested. But I guess people dont give a shit.
So help me God the next time I read a passive aggressive remark by about how people who vote the way you don't want "don't care," I will change my vote to whatever that person is criticizing.

Then give a rebuttal regarding why putting military over literally everything else and getting us attacked sooner than later is superior to every other choice we can make, and Oorah fuck yeah America, let's kick ass is not a good reasoning.

It's not insulting to say people are making a mistake.

Changing my vote as soon as I'm done writing these replies.

You're right. And I apologize. I must however state that poptart already warned us about trying to game the system. So it stands to reason that were were going to have to sacrifice somewhere.

We should probably take vaccinations. Poptart implied on discord last night that were gonna need very good medical stuff.
...Okay, because you did apologize, which people who do this don't always do, I've changed my mind. I'll leave it as is.

But going forward I'm declaring this as a policy: I will consistently vote against anyone I see as being passive-aggressive or condemning opposing voters as stupid, uncaring, or otherwise inferior and lowly.

...because Old Guard gives you the military and option flexibility to be able to take all those nice economic perks, plus a hopefully huge amount of legitimacy for snapping Victoria's military over your back like a dry twig? Like, you know that Canon Omake: Jousting At Windmills? That was a single Abrams tank. The Old Guard start gives us an entire battalion of those. If we wanted to, we could probably launch a decisive engagement immediately, and instantly destroy the majority of Victoria's firepower.
To be fair, the Victorians DID somehow materially speed up the collapse. They must have been able to deal with Old World weapons and training somehow, sort of, marginally.

My headcanon version of Rumsford or whatever his name is, is that he's a conceited hyper-bigoted jerk with all manner of delusions, but the one thing he does have is a weird knack for figuring out ways to throw an opponent off balance. Like, that's his only relevant skill.

I expect the Victorians not to just charge in like mindless under-equipped mooks, but to actually be relatively effective at sneaking up on people, hitting them where they didn't expect it, and then keeping them down by a brutal, brutal beating.

They've got to be good at something to have done what they did and survived this long, even given that the Russians were helping them heavily and that all their opponents were weakened.

Begging the question, much? Speaking for myself, I was already planning to take professionals study logistics, as it's a great combination military / Econ buff, which makes the old guard soldier a free point extra; sure, it comes with Victorian attention, but I also planned on taking that anyway for the points, and if anything old world equipment will make us safer from that than my own plan of foreign equipment.

Should they pass, my vote would be:
Independant Merchants
Brown Water Navy
Old World Training
Population Boom
Disastrous Start
Hostile Neighborhood
Disunited Currency

I'd be willing to compromise on the greatest sin for an additional benefit, like Good Security + Rail Network or Vaccinations *maybe* just removing disunited currency.
I think Hostile Neighborhood combines very poorly with Old Guard. Because Old Guard means we're going to be locked into relying a bit more heavily on military force, and Hostile Neighborhood means our neighbors will react to our use of military force by forming a coalition against us.

Basically, they will decide we're a bunch of conquistadores cut from the same cloth as the Victorians, and react accordingly. Very bad for our future prospects. We'd be positioning ourselves specifically to push the button that triggers the worst possible reaction from that malus. I'd much rather take, say, Import/Export Professionals, because while the crime wave and security problems it implies are an issue, there an issue that doesn't specifically blow up to new heights of badness with the Old Guard start choice.

There's nothing to sustain. Old Guard just lets us repel their first attacks, and we can do whatever we want in the meantime. A strong military is also kinda hard to build up, given Poptart mentioned that turns are half-years, followed by noting that raising our unis to Level 2 in quality would take multiple turns of focus, with 2 -> 3, 3->4 each being more difficult than the last. And there's the risk in a build-up strategy--you get noticed by Victoria in a series of bad dice rolls without being ready for them.
I wouldn't assume Old Guard confers immunity to the Victorians' actions.

They're @PoptartProdigy quest antagonists; they're not going to be complete idiots. They may send assassins. They may send saboteurs to cripple our logistics or our navy. They may send a large army to force us to mobilize all our forces and dig in to oppose them, while sending a flanking force to hit us another way. They might do something really horrible like deliberately spread a plague- they've done it before.

Just having a single battalion or regiment armed with Very Nice Guns isn't going to be enough to protect us from the concerted efforts of a nation-state to lay us low.

So the "have a strong military, confront the Victorians right away" strategy is not even slightly without risk. This is doubly true if we take maluses that create weaknesses on the home front. For instance, Population Boom means that any disruption of our trade routes will probably result in a famine. Disunified Economy means we're going to struggle to organize and mobilize our industry to sustain a war effort- and we WILL have to mobilize, because we can't rely on a single battalion, however well armed and trained, to win the war for us.

Then why have it be less points?
Possibly because it's high risk high reward? If we defeat Victorian intervention, we gain prestige and may even capture useful assets (though the Victorians will keep coming back, and complaining about us to the Russians). The problem is that if we fail, we take damage or outright lose the quest.

So there's a balance of danger and opportunity, but it's biased towards "danger," so it's a malus and not a bonus. Plus it locks us into a strategy of having to prepare for a war we know is coming, another reason for it to be a malus.

I said what I meant: fight them and completely destroy their entire invading force.

Like, Jousting At Windmills is a canonical omake. In it, a single Abrams tank destroys 33-38(!) T-34s. That is how badly we outclass them militarily, using Old World Hardware. We might even outclass them more, because our gunnery is actually Old World standard.
What if they don't come at us in a screaming horde of poorly handled tanks? That T-34 rush scenario was just about the worst outcome possible for the Victorians. And unless they are complete gibbering morons (unlikely for the main antagonist of a Poptart quest), they will probably have learned a lesson or two from that experience. Not even Rumsford deluded himself into thinking T-34s or other obsolete tanks could win armored clashes against enemy tanks; he just figured he'd always be able to find a way to raid where the enemy didn't have his tanks- which is arguably even stupider, but is the kind of doctrine that can adapt to lessons like "welp, so much for THAT armored regiment."

Plus, "a battalion of modern equipment" does not translate into "a battalion of heavy tanks and unlimited ammo." Plus, those forces can only be deployed in one place at one time.

So like, I get what you're saying about a tactical and strategic level, but there is no strategic level if a single engagement destroys their whole invasion force.

I don't expect us to immediately crush them and salt the earth afterwards; the Victorians will go begging to the Russians for tank handouts, and will probably get some to replenish their losses. But losing with this kind of advantage is, uh, doubtful.
Or, they will disperse their forces, not rely entirely on an armored spearhead when they may know or suspect we have modern antitank weapons, infiltrate ahead of time and employ commando/guerilla tactics against us as is their normal practice, and otherwise present us with a problem we can't smash with a big hammer.

I don't think we should assume that Victorian intervention will take place in the most conveniently nail-like manner possible to be solved by our great big hammer.

Full stop: How many tanks do you think Victoria even has? Like, legitimately, how many tanks are you estimating them to launch at us?
A T-34 is a tank they can manufacture even with their deliberately handicapped industrial base, unless the Russians have purposefully crippled them even further than we believe. Given a year or two to mobilize, with the de facto ability to use forced labor on war industries, they could have many hundreds, even thousands, of tanks to replace the ones we destroy.

And it's not all about tanks. Men are a factor- infantry, and that's an area where our margin of superiority is weaker or even nonexistent.

There is NO way this entire war is going to reduce to a series of giant clashes of armored forces that slam into each other head on and fight battles of annihilation until only one side is left standing.

And this is besides my point, which is that Old Guard is certainly not a start with nothing going for it; it does have something going for it, namely huge military strength plus CP to spend on economics and intelligence.
That's a fair point, but we seem to have people in very grave danger of badly underestimating the enemy, and that worries me.

Plus, with old guad, we can later take that amazing military unit, and split it up into instructors to teach people.
We've been told that this isn't a very practical strategy. No, Old World Troops does not give us Old World Training for free.
I just have this feeling that were gonna be dealing with a lot of socio-economic problems early on, and I don't wanna add invading military to that list.
Character Profile:
Dylan Leone

Dylan was in his early 20s when the country fell: he likes to claim he celebrated his 21st birthday, and his first drink, on, depending on his mood, the day Boston fell, the day of the Ivy League massacre, and/or the day Atlanta was nuked (he freely admits this is bullshit).
He was living on the outskirts of Boston when that city fell: he admits that, for a brief moment, he welcomed the Northern Confederation and the stability it represented. Then the black sharecropping program began.
Dylan's response was to join the Underground Railroad. For nearly two decades he worked to evacuate as many "undesirables" (non-whites, lgbt+, women, etc) out of Victoria controlled territory as he could. Unfortunately, with the state of the post-collapse continent, there was never really a good place to deliver his charges to. It was, in his words "delivering people from the fire to the frying pan". Ultimately, most of the people he helped settled in the Chicago region.
Dylan wasn't Victoria when his organization fell. He doesn't know how they fell. All he knows is that he was on his way back when the bug out signal went out. He ended up regrouping with the few survivors and joining the community of those they had rescued as a community leader and organizer.
Then the Nazis came. Dylan was preparing to uproot again and get his people out when organized resistance out of Chicago became apparent. He decided to sign on with them instead. At the first congress he represents a large community of Victoria refugees.

Politics: Aligns with the socialists, particularly focused on progressive social policy. Has some interest in the possibility of connecting with Victorian resistance movements. Dylan is perhaps a bit drunk on the possibility of actually being able to stand up to Victoria, adopting a decidedly hawkish position.

Demeanor: Dylan presents himself as a deliberately false Falstaff, a thin veneer of ironic jocularity and tall tales stretched over a rictus of righteous fury.

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To be fair, the Victorians DID somehow materially speed up the collapse. They must have been able to deal with Old World weapons and training somehow, sort of, marginally.

My headcanon version of Rumsford or whatever his name is, is that he's a conceited hyper-bigoted jerk with all manner of delusions, but the one thing he does have is a weird knack for figuring out ways to throw an opponent off balance. Like, that's his only relevant skill.

I expect the Victorians not to just charge in like mindless under-equipped mooks, but to actually be relatively effective at sneaking up on people, hitting them where they didn't expect it, and then keeping them down by a brutal, brutal beating.

They've got to be good at something to have done what they did and survived this long, even given that the Russians were helping them heavily and that all their opponents were weakened.

Quick note: there's a summary of recent history under the Lore info post.

1. Rumsford is dead. Tsar Alexander had him and most of his loyalists shot.
2. His real talent appears to have been smuggling nukes into cities.
3. Victoria never really fought the old world military.
3.1. Unfortunately, this means that the crazies I was hoping were in charge have been purged for more docile (from the Russian perspective) elements.
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Quick note: there's a summary of recent history under the Lore info post.

1. Rumsford is dead. Tsar Alexander had him and most of his loyalists shot.
2. Victoria never really fought the old world military.
2.1. Unfortunately, this means that the crazies I was hoping were in charge have been purged for more docile (from the Russian perspective) elements.
1) We're not fighting Rumsford personally, but I strongly suspect that the Victorians came away from his era with at least SOME ideas about irregular warfare that were actually useful or effective.

Like, the book jerking off about how strong their opponents were is surely exaggerated, and the book jerking off about their mode of social organization is surely propaganda bullshit, but Poptart came away from that with "okay, they DID at least fight opponents who physically exist in the right general locations even if they're not the strawman evil politicals the book makes them out to be" and "okay, they DO genuinely have a mode of social organization that shackles most of the populace to manual/agricultural labor, with Russian-trained special forces and secret police, sort of like the book implies."

In the same spirit, the book constantly jerking off about how simplistic irregular warfare tactics enabled them to defeat superficially stronger opponents may be propaganda, but it should at least mirror reality. We have to prepare for the Victorians to at least try to fight more subtly than "form generic screaming horde and swarm into the teeth of superior weapons."


2) See above. What I'm saying is, the Victorians must have fought other remnants of the Old World military before. If nothing else, they have fought Burns' specific unit before. Burns has fought for other enemies of the Victorians before. He has faced them before. And while he presumably did all manner of badass things to them, ultimately... they won those wars. Having his unit on your side, no matter how talented and well equipped, is not a guarantee that the Victorians can't get you.

So while a specific case of an enemy pulling old pre-Collapse superweapons out of a hat and ripping into them may catch them by surprise and do massive damage, they're not just going to fold up entirely and be unable to even think of a strategy for coping with such a thing.

We need to take the Victorians seriously, and assume that we're fighting an opponent as tough and competent and smart (if not as large or well equipped) as, say, Nazi Germany. They are not going to be a pushover, and our having several hundred Old World Soldiers with good weapons will not make them a pushover.
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We don't plan on pushing over rhe Victorians. We plan on smashing their initial forces, taking that momentum to expand and acquire manpower + resources for industry. There are vast swathes of territoriy around us either unclaimed or ruled by states around us who 1) 99% dislike Victoria and 2) can be persuaded to join with us if we win.

Victory begets resources. That's an Old Guard strategy. Like, I get Sufficient Velocity likes the build up power game—I'm no newcomer to questing here—but an initial advantage that compunds also is a viable strategy in quests. If you play any video games, it's essentially an early-game focus that seeks to win by dominating resources and trade.
1) We're not fighting Rumsford personally, but I strongly suspect that the Victorians came away from his era with at least SOME ideas about irregular warfare that were actually useful or effective.

Like, the book jerking off about how strong their opponents were is surely exaggerated, and the book jerking off about their mode of social organization is surely propaganda bullshit, but Poptart came away from that with "okay, they DID at least fight opponents who physically exist in the right general locations even if they're not the strawman evil politicals the book makes them out to be" and "okay, they DO genuinely have a mode of social organization that shackles most of the populace to manual/agricultural labor, with Russian-trained special forces and secret police, sort of like the book implies."

In the same spirit, the book constantly jerking off about how simplistic irregular warfare tactics enabled them to defeat superficially stronger opponents may be propaganda, but it should at least mirror reality. We have to prepare for the Victorians to at least try to fight more subtly than "form generic screaming horde and swarm into the teeth of superior weapons."


2) See above. What I'm saying is, the Victorians must have fought other remnants of the Old World military before. If nothing else, they have fought Burns' specific unit before. Burns has fought for other enemies of the Victorians before. He has faced them before. And while he presumably did all manner of badass things to them, ultimately... they won those wars. Having his unit on your side, no matter how talented and well equipped, is not a guarantee that the Victorians can't get you.

So while a specific case of an enemy pulling old pre-Collapse superweapons out of a hat and ripping into them may catch them by surprise and do massive damage, they're not just going to fold up entirely and be unable to even think of a strategy for coping with such a thing.

We need to take the Victorians seriously, and assume that we're fighting an opponent as tough and competent and smart (if not as large or well equipped) as, say, Nazi Germany. They are not going to be a pushover, and our having several hundred Old World Soldiers with good weapons will not make them a pushover.

Point of clarification: I had just finished reading the lore section and saw something that needed to be corrected in your post. Sorry about that.
I actually agree with your general position that we shouldn't discount the threat of Victoria. My position is that Victoria Attention isn't an automatic death sentence.
I dunno, I feel like the quest would be really underwhelming if we just get to clown on the bad guys because they never learned how to fight and got the Ruskis to do all the heavy lifting.
I feel like the arguments against the Old Guard are a bit hyperbolic, no offense intended. Consider the following: "Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics."
- Gen. Robert H. Barrow, Commandant of the US Marine Corps, noted in 1980. From an in-character perspective, Burns would understand that roads, rails, and supply lines would be imperative to continued operations for any force in an America that has had its roads blasted back to the Neolithic era. So, it stands to reason that, while he comes with strong military perks, both we, the players, and Burns can focus on strengthening Chicago and its populace because the military starts off relatively brawny, which doesn't invalidate the desire to select Burns in the first place. I'm not saying that would be enough to break any Victorian offensive, period. I am suggesting that this board we jump from is stable enough for us to focus our undivided attention on our medical and logistical infrastructure, both from a CP and in-game perspective. (Bear in mind, a strong infrastructure also facilitates the construction of defensive structures and fortifications along likely attack routes.)

As for the Victorians themselves, consider that the inconveniences of a weak infrastructure goes both ways. For one, a particularly sizable force is a hungry force. They would require such a massive supply of fuel, food, ammunition, and other supplies that their effective operating range from Victoria itself is hamstrung. This isn't even considering the headache of organizing a campaign/expedition in the first place, wherein the Victorians would have to determine which divisions (possibly smaller units, considering the drop in population) would be assigned to the task force, would have to assemble these divisions, would have to consolidate the supplies necessary to move these divisions, then send them forth into the wild. Furthermore, the sub-par roads and the lack of rails or a dedicated naval transportation force ensures that the Victorians won't be able to move so fast as to blindside us. I understand this is controlled by the whims of the dice gods, but logically speaking, if a force is able to reach us within six months within the aforementioned conditions, I would (eat my cap) expect that the enemy force is small enough that we can utilize any nearby militias to hold this enemy force in place while the Old World Battalion mobilizes to either neutralize this force through sheer firepower or, more likely, move behind them to destroy (or, better yet, commandeer) their supply train or otherwise wreak havoc across their rear-echelon elements.

Nothing is guaranteed, and that's not just the dice's fault. The commander of the Victorian task force could be a more political creature than any kind of leader of men. Wastelanders could raid the Victorian supply train, further crippling their operational range. They might just get so carried away with looting some village that neighboring militias surround and route them. Their political leadership might be so overconfident in the success of the task force that they decide New York City's time has come, dividing their attention. However, there are ways for us to make ourselves more resistant to suffering a crushing defeat, not all of which has to have exclusively military uses.

In conclusion, while the guarantee of a confrontation with Victoria can be disheartening, the enemy task force, by necessity, cannot be overwhelmingly superior to our own forces, to say nothing of the inherent advantage a defender wields over his or her opponent. Furthermore, military necessity is not mutually exclusive from improving the internal affairs of the state. If we choose Burns, we can conceivably thread the needle, satisfying both our military and civic needs in-game. Just because we gain or lose in customization doesn't mean we won't have the opportunity to rectify that issue soon after.

Bear in mind, I'm not opposed to the Local Hero start. I like Sara and the Illinois Woman German Suplexes Nazis headline. I would just prefer the flavor of Old Guard and Last Echo (less likely) over her. Furthermore, if Poptart executes battle-rolls similarly to Terminus Quest, (I understand there's insulation between strategic and tactical combat) I can only see us suffering unduly in the event of the dice rolling abysmally low, which isn't even considering the possible decision-making we avail ourselves of during the fighting itself to increase our odds.
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A war is hardly initial fights though. We just aim to win those to acquire what is necessary to win again them further. Their logistic network is shit—defeating them when their lines are stretched out to Chicago is not nearly as difficult as fighting them closed to their homeland when they're prepared.

People who choose Old Guard do not expect Victoria to be defeated in a year; we just expect to win the first shots of the war.
Adhoc vote count started by Corripere on Mar 22, 2019 at 3:42 PM, finished with 235 posts and 97 votes.

  • [X][BOSS] Local Hero: You first came to prominence as a young woman during the neo-Nazi occupation of the northern Midwest. You fought back against them, helped to throw them out, and presided over the slow emptying of Chicago in the aftermath. Since then you've been managing the city and keeping it on life support. You've slowly built things back up and forged a new state around your home. You will see things fixed once more. You will ensure that your home never again knows the terror of being at a monster's mercy. You will do what is necessary, to the shores of Maine if you must.
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
    -[x][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
    [x][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
    [X][BOSS] The Last Echo: You were chosen as Secretary of State by a woman who had been Speaker of the House before those before her in the line of succession died in transit to a safe location amid the chaos of the Collapse. You were confirmed by the last Congress of the United States minutes later. You served your President for years before a Russian assassin killed her and most of her cabinet, and you took up her role. By the slimmest of technicalities and a lot of bluffing, you hold a position that grants you precedence in the eyes of many. You convinced Chicago to call the Congress; you presided. It has been years, and you have been hunted for all of them. You have no room left in your heart for nostalgia. This country is a broken thing. No matter how much it must change, you will see it fixed and better than before. And once you serve a country that deserves the pride of the United States, you will tear Alexander from his throne.
    [x][BOSS] The Last Echo
    [X][BOSS] The Old Guard
    [X][BOSS] Local Hero
    [x][BOSS] Springfield Schemer: Illinois did not fall to the Nazis. The state government pulled through all of the chaos just fine...and when you came to the Governor's office, you made sure to keep an eye on things. When Chicago started pulling itself together, you were far-sighted enough to recognize the opportunity. You left for Chicago and put your political skills to work on trying to build something bigger than your own patch. A fair amount of people have taken your foresight for aggression, though. You will need to keep your eyes about you.
    [X][BOSS] The Old Boss: The Daleys have been big names in Chicago since the '50s. The 1950s. A hundred and twenty years of political prominence will grind itself in. You're no different. Your family managed to hold onto its influence throughout the collapse, and you were the one to take charge of things afterward, leveraging various friendships you made during the bad years. Chicago's been on the outs too long. The Daleys will be the ones to bring it back.
    [x][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.

    -[X][GOV] Cave in on the unions issue. You're a little leery of granting them that much power, but it's not like there's no need for strong unions.
    [X][BOSS] The Last Echo: You were chosen as Secretary of State by a woman who had been Speaker of the House before those before her in the line of succession died in transit to a safe location amid the chaos of the Collapse. You were confirmed by the last Congress of the United States minutes later. You served your President for years before a Russian assassin killed her and most of her cabinet, and you took up her role. By the slimmest of technicalities and a lot of bluffing, you hold a position that grants you precedence in the eyes of many. You convinced Chicago to call the Congress; you presided. It has been years, and you have been hunted for all of them. You have no room left in your heart for nostalgia. This country is a broken thing. No matter how much it must change, you will see it fixed and better than before. And once you serve a country that deserves the pride of the United States, you will tear Alexander from his throne.
    -[X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing. Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
    [x][BOSS] ???
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
    -[X][GOV] Cave in on the unions issue. You're a little leery of granting them that much power, but it's not like there's no need for strong unions.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing. Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
    [X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing. Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[x][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
    -[X][GOV] Cave to the Socialists on healthcare and the New Capitalists on unions.
    [X][GOV] Do not form a coalition. Rule with a minority government.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[X][GOV] Cave to the Socialists on healthcare and the New Capitalists on unions. Roll a d100 with a DC of 50 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, the New Capitalists back out.
I dunno, remember George Washington?

So help me God the next time I read a passive aggressive remark by about how people who vote the way you don't want "don't care," I will change my vote to whatever that person is criticizing.


Changing my vote as soon as I'm done writing these replies.

...Okay, because you did apologize, which people who do this don't always do, I've changed my mind. I'll leave it as is.

But going forward I'm declaring this as a policy: I will consistently vote against anyone I see as being passive-aggressive or condemning opposing voters as stupid, uncaring, or otherwise inferior and lowly.
Okay, The Last Echo voters, I feel the need to point something out: You're all idiots for picking the one path that gives us 0 CP and the one of the worst disadvantages possible. I can't believe that you just can't bring yourself to care about how you're picking the one path whose advantages nobody really particularly wants, at the same time as having a disadvantage that absolutely no one wants, just so that you can resurrect some geezer that should've died a long time ago and to bring back a country that lost to foreign meddling, superplagues, economic collapse, and the Nazi luddites that comprise the Victorians. It's like you don't care at all about all these disadvantages, and how hard the quest is going to be, just so that you can reach for that old Legitimacy, which a sizable portion of our population doesn't even want to play with!

Rage on, beautiful bastards. I'm with you 120%. o7

( :V )
Screw it I'm editing in a Last Echo vote in addition to Old Guard later. That was glorious.
Adhoc vote count started by Corripere on Mar 22, 2019 at 5:47 PM, finished with 266 posts and 103 votes.

  • [X][BOSS] Local Hero: You first came to prominence as a young woman during the neo-Nazi occupation of the northern Midwest. You fought back against them, helped to throw them out, and presided over the slow emptying of Chicago in the aftermath. Since then you've been managing the city and keeping it on life support. You've slowly built things back up and forged a new state around your home. You will see things fixed once more. You will ensure that your home never again knows the terror of being at a monster's mercy. You will do what is necessary, to the shores of Maine if you must.
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
    -[x][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
    [x]Old Guard
    [x][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
    [X][BOSS] The Last Echo: You were chosen as Secretary of State by a woman who had been Speaker of the House before those before her in the line of succession died in transit to a safe location amid the chaos of the Collapse. You were confirmed by the last Congress of the United States minutes later. You served your President for years before a Russian assassin killed her and most of her cabinet, and you took up her role. By the slimmest of technicalities and a lot of bluffing, you hold a position that grants you precedence in the eyes of many. You convinced Chicago to call the Congress; you presided. It has been years, and you have been hunted for all of them. You have no room left in your heart for nostalgia. This country is a broken thing. No matter how much it must change, you will see it fixed and better than before. And once you serve a country that deserves the pride of the United States, you will tear Alexander from his throne.
    [x][BOSS] The Last Echo
    [X][BOSS] Local Hero
    [X][BOSS] The Old Guard
    [x][BOSS] Springfield Schemer: Illinois did not fall to the Nazis. The state government pulled through all of the chaos just fine...and when you came to the Governor's office, you made sure to keep an eye on things. When Chicago started pulling itself together, you were far-sighted enough to recognize the opportunity. You left for Chicago and put your political skills to work on trying to build something bigger than your own patch. A fair amount of people have taken your foresight for aggression, though. You will need to keep your eyes about you.
    [X][BOSS] The Old Boss: The Daleys have been big names in Chicago since the '50s. The 1950s. A hundred and twenty years of political prominence will grind itself in. You're no different. Your family managed to hold onto its influence throughout the collapse, and you were the one to take charge of things afterward, leveraging various friendships you made during the bad years. Chicago's been on the outs too long. The Daleys will be the ones to bring it back.
    [x][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.

    -[X][GOV] Cave in on the unions issue. You're a little leery of granting them that much power, but it's not like there's no need for strong unions.
    [X][BOSS] The Last Echo: You were chosen as Secretary of State by a woman who had been Speaker of the House before those before her in the line of succession died in transit to a safe location amid the chaos of the Collapse. You were confirmed by the last Congress of the United States minutes later. You served your President for years before a Russian assassin killed her and most of her cabinet, and you took up her role. By the slimmest of technicalities and a lot of bluffing, you hold a position that grants you precedence in the eyes of many. You convinced Chicago to call the Congress; you presided. It has been years, and you have been hunted for all of them. You have no room left in your heart for nostalgia. This country is a broken thing. No matter how much it must change, you will see it fixed and better than before. And once you serve a country that deserves the pride of the United States, you will tear Alexander from his throne.
    -[X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing. Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
    [x][BOSS] ???
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
    -[X][GOV] Cave in on the unions issue. You're a little leery of granting them that much power, but it's not like there's no need for strong unions.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing. Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
    [X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing. Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[x][GOV] Cave in on the healthcare issue. You are worried about the state of healthcare, to be honest, you were only worried about the cost.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    [X][GOV] Form a coalition with the Socialists. Together with them, you will dominate the government.
    -[X][GOV] Cave to the Socialists on healthcare and the New Capitalists on unions.
    [X][GOV] Do not form a coalition. Rule with a minority government.
    [X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists really don't like one another...
    -[X][GOV] Cave to the Socialists on healthcare and the New Capitalists on unions. Roll a d100 with a DC of 50 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, the New Capitalists back out.
Last edited:
Why are we assuming the Vickys are going to launch direct attack? They could just have their groups roam in the country side and pillage to their heart's content. Not like they need to obey rules and win hearts. We the federation are ones that needs to protect people not Vickys.
Voting is open