Or start gabbling about what are apparently exciting video games they figured out how to play on them. That… sounds interesting, and you occasionally feel a powerful, very natural temptation to try those out. Only when you feel that, the gentle ghostly princessly whispers in the back of your head to turn into a screaming banshee cry of NO STOP DON'T NOOO and then you do not do that thing.

Either Serenity lost a lot of time to those games, or she knows Usagi will. Possibly both.
"Onogoro's going to attack MCAT headquarters on Thursday night?"
Wonder if we can get Nanoha to sub in for us? She is extremely non-lethal and probably the least divine MG in Japan.
Plus knowing that even the mighty senshi will call in help when it is warranted might help her development.

"Yeah. I'm… not really happy with the idea of people thinking we might be gods."
If you didn't want people thinking you are a god you shouldn't have become so godlike.
It would be optimal to bring her on a tactical level.

Not sure if we want her involved in a low key civil war between Japanese authorities though.
Either Serenity lost a lot of time to those games, or she knows Usagi will. Possibly both.
We are spending an entire fund on video games.
Each of our employees gets one fund in salary on average, we This means that we are spending a salary on gaming and another one on candy.
The boring explanation is of course that funds are inconsistent and very much abstracted.

But my headcannon is that Usagi's spending on those categories has scaled up as the funds she has access to grew.
Serenity has learned to recognize the pattern, and she's afraid that Usagi's addiction won't stop with getting a few arcade cabinets in the Crystal Milenium HQ if she ever learns about the convenience of phone games.
I'm not sure if we've actually figured out the Knights of Oblivion's "deal" yet
Trying to unseal an Abrahamic demon by using stolen memories as a can opener. How stolen memories can do that is unclear, but we don't really need to know that.
"Then again… I'm pretty sure she thinks we're kami."

That is… a lot to take in. "Oh. Um. Wow. That's starting to catch on, isn't it?"

You hear Makoto's nervous laughter. "Yeah. I'm… not really happy with the idea of people thinking we might be gods."

She can't see you nodding, but you nod anyway. "I worry about it. I hope we can convince people to stop before it causes any trouble."
And if Natsuo smiles, Zomm positively leers. "Oh yeah, and remember not to let them get you by the legs, like I said. Because see, these new 'sailing kami' have some really good healing magic, seen it done. But the only one I'm sure ever cured 'dead' is the goddess Kanzeon, and she doesn't make a lot of house calls, if you know what I mean. So you be careful, you hear?"

The silence only lasts a few moments before one of the soldiers speaks up, in a commendable deadpan.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure she takes our insurance policy."
Moral of the story: if you act like the Phineas and Ferb "fall out of the sky" gag, don't be surprised when people treat you like the Phineas and Ferb "fall out of the sky" gag.
Plus knowing that even the mighty senshi will call in help when it is warranted might help her development.
"Even the Sailor Senshi are depending on me! I have to work even harder!"
Probably want to keep Naru away from Please Let Genjuro Ore-Shiki Someone, given IIRC she actually counts as a god in this setting.
Serenity has learned to recognize the pattern, and she's afraid that Usagi's addiction won't stop with getting a few arcade cabinets in the Crystal Milenium HQ if she ever learns about the convenience of phone games.
Given how Space Stardew Valley boosts difficulty of some other actions and locks in a Personal I'm not suprised that Serenity wants to keep away from worsening AP hell.:V

I think this thing with Onogoro might be best handled by approaching it as an Intrigue action. Sending Naru/Sei is Right out. I don't want her in the same prefecture as this when it goes down if we can help it. I'd also prefer to keep the Senshi out of the line of fire if we can, and someone has already posted the relivent Evil Overlords List point for why. That leaves being sneaky about our involvement.

How quickly can we get a line to Sir. Fred for advisement?
MCAT cannot catch a break this week. It's exhausting!

Jadeite going on about failed terraforming. Where's
Tomi Kisaragi
when you need them? 😆

So is Oblivion about to be obliterated?

Atleast we know Naru is pretty safe from being found. She had a conversation with the people looking for her, and they didn't even notice. That's going to be an interesting meeting later. Let's also bring our talking cats to meet the talking monkey! Naru's hairclip children can serve the magic tea.

Yeah, the Monday cluster really got away from me and took waaaaaay too long to write. I am desperately hoping that I can get to Turn 10 over the course of next month. The turns are getting long enough that I know some people have been getting frustrated.
I wouldn't worry about it.

The one turn a year joke has been around for... well... years at this point.

No big deal. It's a good story. People stick around for it.
Either Serenity lost a lot of time to those games, or she knows Usagi will. Possibly both.
If she's anything like Usagi (which she's absolutely proven to be), then Serenity would probably be one of the single biggest Gacha whales in existence if given access to even a fraction of the Royal treasury.
I'm sure we all remember how bad with money we were at the start. You can probably imagine how badly modern-day monetization schemes would kick our purse if we lived in that time.

Edit: anyway, hey guys! I just woke up and I'm excited to see what the thread's gotten up to since I—

Alright yep okay I think I'm just gonna go check up on Spacebattles now
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If she's anything like Usagi (which she's absolutely proven to be), then Serenity would probably be one of the single biggest Gacha whales in existence if given access to even a fraction of the Royal treasury.
I'm sure we all remember how bad with money we were at the start. You can probably imagine how badly modern-day monetization schemes would kick our purse if we lived in that time.

Hey, i was wondering if we were going to use those super computer skills that Usagi picked up again lately, and hacking a Gatcha Game to adjust the odds in real-time doesn't seem any more amoral than creating a gatcha game in the first place... ;)
Hey, i was wondering if we were going to use those super computer skills that Usagi picked up again lately, and hacking a Gatcha Game to adjust the odds in real-time doesn't seem any more amoral than creating a gatcha game in the first place... ;)
Well, you've gotta remember the current year in-universe. I think the closest thing 1992 has to gacha games are… probably either pachinko or actual gachapon games? Somebody ought to check popularity and release dates on those.
If she's anything like Usagi (which she's absolutely proven to be), then Serenity would probably be one of the single biggest Gacha whales in existence if given access to even a fraction of the Royal treasury.
I'm sure we all remember how bad with money we were at the start. You can probably imagine how badly modern-day monetization schemes would kick our purse if we lived in that time.
If she's anything like Usagi, she was every microtransactioneer's favorite customer right up until she saw what they were doing, at which point they realized they'd drawn the gaze of the Eye of Sauron.
I wish we had more time to follow up with that Indian mage - if one of the senshi met her in person, she might be able to tell us if the "God sealing" spell is specific to the type of kami Pandora made or if it's for god-tier beings in general.

If it's the latter, then we need to not get hit. If it's the former, then we need to know if it'll just do nothing when used on something other than what it was designed for or if it'll have some lesser effect that means we shouldn't just tank it.
Presumably they don't need to know the identity of the Kami though. I kinda thought you'd have to seal the Kami in their own appropriate shrine or something, but they obviously don't know the Senshi's identities.

I guess this is going to be more of a binding thing? Ties the target whatever it is to an item of the casters' choosing. From there it's either a battle of power, wills, or they have some tricky way around defenses.
The thing is, is this a single target ritual? An area? Can they even attempt to seal more than one Senshi at a time? Can Naru just eat it?

On Thursday we could just hang back. Let the attack hit MCAT(after we help set them up obviously), but wait until the Senshi jump in. Scout around, let them think the Senshi may not even show up, etc.
Fair, not really saying Usagi genuinely should, just that it be so fucking funny.
Well, the IMO strategy with this one, knowing the Senshi can get out of Oni-rated ofuda, is to "make them have it", with 'it' being a counterspell 'in hand'. Instead of trying to play around any potential spells or abilities that would negate whatever they try, the idea is "the counterspell isn't real until they cast it"
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Instead of trying to play around any potential spells or abilities that would negate whatever they try, the idea is "the counterspell isn't real until they cast it"
It's not the worst game plan to have really, treating the target like they can counter everything you do just means you'll wind up accomplishing nothing as you scramble to find something you think might work, better to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks
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Alright, this is not related to what is happening with Mercury - but with something with the MCAT situation.

Can I get a 1d100 for MCAT Lord of the Mountain
Not inspiring much confidence there, but if they are attempting to unseal a kami ahead of the attack... Well, I can't say that it's a bad idea?