Additionaly, in some stories Baba Yaga raises Vasilisa the Pleniwise as her successor, teaching her all she knows. It's never actually stated ourtright that Vasilisa is supposed to inherit the title of Baba Yaga, though.
It always seems weird when immortals bother with a successor or are expected to. It sort of makes sense with the Serenity line, since they have cosmically-powerful daughters anyway, but...

[X][House] Remove the Stone from the Sconce
I would be very disappointed if we went into the fight with Galaxia and had no question that we will win with no significant struggle.

From a Watsonian perspective, fine, that's the ideal because no one wants a few quintillion lives snuffed out and the universe rent asunder, so losing "isn't an option"

But from a Doylist perspective a fight we have no hope of losing is just as boring as a fight we have no hope of winning. It ends up being the same as doing a scene about Usagi digging for spare change in the couch. The best we can hope for is a bit of humor, but at the end of the day the results are pre-determined and don't really involve anything interesting happening.

I think the issue is that the Watsonian perspective alone is going to lead to a story with no stakes. A story with no stakes is boring, and I don't want this story to be boring. Yes, we have prevented tragedies, but I also want to again point to the Pretty Cure Dog fight... I'm not really certain of a good way to measure it, but that fight really didn't hold my interest. It was so abundantly clear that we outclassed everyone that is was really only a concern of "is sailor moon accidentally going to kill someone's puppy". Which... that's not a thing I want to see. Same thing with the Weaponshop fight. We sent Jupiter and Mars because we were concerned about the concentrated power of that force... and it was completely a non-issue. Inuyasha took the entire place practically solo.

Even the chicken house you were so concerned about... was nothing. Lost immediately after the concerns were voiced, because it stood no real chance against us.

Responding to a fight where we had a total and complete victory with no injuries with a call to train more because we aren't yet invincible... I don't find that useful.
There are many kinds of ways stories can be interesting, sometimes "will they win" is the draw (or more accurately, how will they win, most stories have victory baked in from the start, even if sometimes the trip to it is not direct), other times the draw is "what will they do now".
Just because we can't be physically beaten does not mean there are no stakes, we are still less than a dozen Shenshi, in a world of 7 billion people.
Challenges do not need to be martial in nature.

I have at no point felt we could not take out the chicken house (unless we rolled several crit fails i guess), the amount of forces we sent to this slave store could have taken almost anything short of a major god, and possibly even that.
My point was that given that there now are prowess 65 enemies that can just, appear, when even Kunzite was far below that even when dangerously overdosing on life energy, our current prowess can't be counted on to ensure victory when we can't predict what level of opposition there is.
So i would like to keep on training like we have until now.

Why would we have to make a decision on what to do? He's committing the same level of crimes as a horny teenage boy, he's a nuisance sure, but nothing about anything I know of him makes him any more dangerous than a purse snatcher.

And if the response is "his crimes are serious enough that we should act" then we should have BEEN acting against people who commit the exact same crimes who we can stop. But they aren't. The only difference is Happosai is strong enough no one has stopped him before, and now that we are, people want to see him get his comeuppance.
Horny teenage boys can be generally dealt with by society, and are not able to fight gods and have a change to win.
Also if a horny teenage boy is constantly committing sexual assault and/or harrasment, maybe something should be done? Probably by their parents?
Also, Happosai is not a horny teenage boy, who, usually, get a degree of "they are young and stupid" leeway, the man is over a hundred, the assumption (reasonable or otherwise), that he is going to learn better over time is kinda past its sell by date.

We always need to decide what to do, sometimes that decision is "nothing".
If the senshi meet someone who keeps committing sexual harrasment and/or assault, they definitely should make somekind of decision about what to do.
That might be calling the cops, or yelling pervert, or possible calmly escorting them away from who ever they were harrassing.
If it ever comes up in the story, we'll see.
But rather... "Oh, honey." Naru says softly, "It's okay. Mama won't be mad." There is still a moment of silence, "Please, I just need a little cut, so I can get a drop of blood." Finally, almost nervously, the crystal creature sitting atop Naru's head reaches out, and with a snap forward it's pokes at the pad of Naru's finger. After a long moment, a bead of ruby blood wells up from the point where the tiny creature poked, and Naru smiles.

Cute. Do they have names yet (species and personal)?
If not, the pokey one should refuse to respond to anything but Honey.
Shouldn't the moon base be a bunny instead of a chicken?
Don't worry, this is just Moon Base Alpha.

My point was that given that there now are prowess 65 enemies that can just, appear, when even Kunzite was far below that even when dangerously overdosing on life energy, our current prowess can't be counted on to ensure victory when we can't predict what level of opposition there is.
That's like saying "we almost didn't get the Lightsaber at the millionaire auction because billionaire Musk showed up to buy a refurbished space yacht!"
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I just like the idea of being able to call something the Moon Base.
Didn't we vote to go and activate our actual base on the moon this week?
Don't worry, this is just Moon Base Alpha.

That's like saying "we almost didn't get the Lightsaber at the millionaire auction because billionaire Musk showed up to buy a refurbished space yacht!"
...would he really admit that someone makes better space yachts than him if it were to happen? :V
Now I'm awake, time to make a few corrections on the 'Gear post.

Note: Damage depends on compatibility levels; Relic hybridisation just happens to give insanely high compatibility with that relic that sticks after that goes; our major injuries are generally either Linker users in bad condition, or someone misusing the energy in a way that puts a greater burden on them.
(S2CA is also nothing to do with Relic hybrids, it's abusing Hibiki's unique Superb Song properties to shift the burden onto her high compatibility.)

Ig-Alima actually comes up in the mobile game as something that can actually damage famed vampire Vlad Tepes. But generally, the properties only tend to manifest strongly in the Superb Song. Gungnir and Shenshoujing are also strongly affected by their user's mindset; Hibiki takes the anti-god from bonus damage to outright ignoring defences, and Shenshoujing would usually only be anti-evil if its user wasn't originally in a yandere feedback loop focused around a Relic-user.

Image Change, and technically they are part of the base package, they operate on the same principles as the between-season style changes. However, while the between-season stuff operates off the Tuning-alike reaching another stage being able to cope with a greater amount of power on a permanent basis, Image Change is a temporary reconfiguration to deal with specific circumstances, such as water combat( swimsuits) and snowy conditions( Santa outfits) .

7 Superb Songs also seem to be able to pull it for one person, but that seems linked to other 'Gear metaphysics stuff.

Property of Carol's brand of Alchemy, not Dur Da Bla.

While I'm yet to review the event in question, important caveat: There's a major downside for anyone who cares about the users. Running off the power of a monster has its consequences; overuse of its power in certian states can cause the user to degenerate into a monster themselves; the predecessor of the Stroganoff Trio fell to that while saving them.
Added most of the corrections thank you.
Though I'm not for or against more training per se, I do have to bring one point of view to this argument.

If we are overpowering our foes by a significant margin, the more likely they will be to bring weapons of last resort into play. Things they would not even consider if they thought they had even a chance of winning. Such as summoning eldritch monsters from beyond that they are unsure they could control (As in, Beryl summoning Mettalia early without us right there to deal with it). Spells that might destroy the world should they lose control. Conventional WMDs, or other means that say heck to the consequences.

The appearance of being just powerful enough to give our foes a chance to win without drastic means is likely where we should aim to be, while still being powerful enough to win constantly. Which to be truthful, we are a little past being right now.

If we do go for the more training/powerup route, we might want to aim for something that is not apparent (like new spells/abilities) that we can choose not to use. Or alternative equipment that we can keep stored until we really need them.
Though, toning down on the training for a while is also a valid path for me.
If we do go for the more training/powerup route, we might want to aim for something that is not apparent (like new spells/abilities) that we can choose not to use. Or alternative equipment that we can keep stored until we really need them.
Though, toning down on the training for a while is also a valid path for me.
…Isn't that already the case? I could've sworn that around half of Sailor Moon's effective Prowess comes from her accumulated spells (thanks to the flexibility between her Martial, Learning, and Personal action categories), Tuning, and the Moon Rod. And for all the joking references to her having "gains" her actual base strength, magically superhuman as it is, is still rather middling by Senshi standards. Her experience with using martial arts is a grand total of one instinctive discovery of the Celestial Maiden Ascends Offending Pervert technique, because we've never followed through on our original intent of either attending a dojo or having Makoto teach her rather than doing magical sparring. Her blade ability is just at the level of being a net 0 rather than a penalty or bonus, and the accumulated Prowess Training bonus that represents her actual combat skill is…+2.

She's a Wizard/Cleric who likes to act like a Fighter/Paladin, and the mechanics translating into narrative let her get away with throwing hands instead of just casting spells all the time.

[X][House] Remove the Stone from the Sconce
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Oh dear. I just had an awful thought. Faust saw something familiar about Naru, and Naru's father both isn't around and made Naru furious enough for Usagi to remember it vividly. Is it possible that he's her father?
@Chaosmancer We won because the house rolled a nat 1. It was more powerful than us, mainly due to getting it's prowess doubled for some reason apparently.
== Giant House ==
Domus Mactibilis = d10 + Pro = 9 + 65 = 74
Sailor Moon = d10 + Pro = 8 + 54 = 62
Inners = d10 + J + (V * 0.4) + (Ma * 0.4 *0.4) + (Me *0.4 *0.4 *0.4) + 1 = 2 + 49 + 18 + 7 + 2 + 1 = 79
Outers = d10 + U + (N *0.4) + 1 = 6 + 43 + 16 + 1 = 66

== Allies ==
Tuxedo Mask = d10 + Pro + 1 = 3 + 35 + 1 = 39
Cure Windy = d10 + Pro + 1 = 6 + 25 + 1 = 32

== Giant House ==
Domus Mactibilis = d10 + (Pro *2 + 1) = 1 + 65 = 66

The House couldn't win anyway the Inners had a collective 77 Prowess with Teamwork. At most it could have dragged it out for a couple of rounds than would have lost. The House has 65 Prowess on the outside and 32 on the inside. I think the implication of the multiplier is that Demonic Demesne like have base Prowess score is their Prowess on the inside with their outside Prowess Score being double of their inside. So if you think Pro*2+1 means it had 120 prowess one the second round outside than you are wrong since the Prowess score was 65 on the outside that is why it got a 66.
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There are many kinds of ways stories can be interesting, sometimes "will they win" is the draw (or more accurately, how will they win, most stories have victory baked in from the start, even if sometimes the trip to it is not direct), other times the draw is "what will they do now".
Just because we can't be physically beaten does not mean there are no stakes, we are still less than a dozen Shenshi, in a world of 7 billion people.
Challenges do not need to be martial in nature.

I have at no point felt we could not take out the chicken house (unless we rolled several crit fails i guess), the amount of forces we sent to this slave store could have taken almost anything short of a major god, and possibly even that.
My point was that given that there now are prowess 65 enemies that can just, appear, when even Kunzite was far below that even when dangerously overdosing on life energy, our current prowess can't be counted on to ensure victory when we can't predict what level of opposition there is.
So i would like to keep on training like we have until now.

But the appeal of this story has, in part, been in the combats being dangerous. Serious injuries have been hinted at as possibilities in multiple fights, where we have sustained bleeding injuries and even broken bones. It isn't common, but there is a level of brutality being added to the setting that hints that this isn't meant to be a story where casual victories are the norm.

And challenges must be possible. Nine people policing Seven Billion is impossible, so focusing on a "which threats do you take out, and who do you leave to fend for themselves" would make this a much darker story of the inevitable failure of our mission.

And I honestly don't want to take the training action very much in the next few turns. We have a large number of things we need to take care of, and I'm not feeling the need to train.

Horny teenage boys can be generally dealt with by society, and are not able to fight gods and have a change to win.
Also if a horny teenage boy is constantly committing sexual assault and/or harrasment, maybe something should be done? Probably by their parents?
Also, Happosai is not a horny teenage boy, who, usually, get a degree of "they are young and stupid" leeway, the man is over a hundred, the assumption (reasonable or otherwise), that he is going to learn better over time is kinda past its sell by date.

We always need to decide what to do, sometimes that decision is "nothing".
If the senshi meet someone who keeps committing sexual harrasment and/or assault, they definitely should make somekind of decision about what to do.
That might be calling the cops, or yelling pervert, or possible calmly escorting them away from who ever they were harrassing.
If it ever comes up in the story, we'll see.

Right, so this is why I found it a bit weird to have him directly mentioned as a "problem" we need to keep in mind. We actually have only seen him on-screen once. We don't really know, in-character, anything about him except for that one interaction. And the crimes he commits are... relatively minor. Like, I don't want to downplay him at all, but even if we encounter him and see that he is that one old man we saw steal panties that one time and get kicked around for it... should we care? Maybe? But we don't deal with panty theft as something to be concerned about. It is a crime that if we caught a younger person doing it, we'd just report them to their parents.

The only difference is Happosai is old and strong... and that's like saying that if the Senshi end up being peeping toms their punishment should be more extreme than if they were caught out-off uniform and considered as the 14 year old girls they are.

And, again, I agree with your last point. If it directly comes up in the story while dealing with Nerima stuff, sure, we can punt him. But until he is doing more than just being a creep I don't really see the need to "keep him in mind" or worry that leaving him alone will cause great destruction because he will distract us at an inopportune moment.


Oh dear. I just had an awful thought. Faust saw something familiar about Naru, and Naru's father both isn't around and made Naru furious enough for Usagi to remember it vividly. Is it possible that he's her father?

Nah, that makes very little sense to me. I think he might just recognize her because of seeing something in the old house, or maybe he met Beryl once.


@Chaosmancer We won because the house rolled a nat 1. It was more powerful than us, mainly due to getting it's prowess doubled for some reason apparently.

You mean because it was stronger on the outside than the inside? We knew that was true. Even if the Inner Senshi hadn't hit it at Prowess +77 Naru was going to very likely walk into the inner sanctum and paralyze it with the crystal.

I also agree wit @Timaeus 's analysis
If people are committing sexual assault then, in an ideal world and generally speaking, you're supposed to report it to the police or HR if it's a workplace incident. The ideal world results would be that something actually happens and the sexual assault ceases. That said, define sexual assault here? Because either I'm missing something or people are suggesting doing crap all about theoretical Really Bad Shit. That's not "I'm going to tell your mom" material REGARDLESS of age o_O
So, now that Faust knows that some version of the Allmother is back, what will be his response?
  • Enemy: "Tell me, how do you defeat a vampire? Sunlight, garlic, stake through the heart? And how do you defeat a werewolf? Silver bullet, yes, very good. And how do you defeat a Lophii? Oh, you've never heard of them? Well, it's a nigh-invincible predator with an unknown weakness that I've made it up just now, because that's what the Allmother can DO. The world is not ready for a New Age of Monsters, so we must stop this threat before she fully comes into her power."
  • Resource: "Someone call the Genetic Engineering department. All those "unviable" designs that they couldn't figure out how to make work? Well, we just found our golden goose, and we will wring every last drop of profit out of her."
  • Long Lost Hope: "I've had a few schemes to pass the time, but none of them matter, because now you are back! Those slave brands are just one of the many locks that have been set over people and places of true magic, and now you hold the key! Come, there is so much to reawaken!"