Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

She's demonstrably enabling herself to make the world a better place. If I have to smash someone's car window in to save some kid trapped inside on a hot day, I damn well will and absolutely no one would convict me. If I have to smash someone's car window in to grab the life preserver inside to throw to some kid who's drowning in a pool, I damn well would if I didn't know how to swim.
... Well, yeah. Taylor here is basically caught between two illegalities. One, to illegally occupy an abandoned shipyard, and pretend as if nothing is wrong (same thing she was doing to the ship-graveyard) even as she uses it as a base of operations. Two, illegally acquiring money in order to legally purchase the abandoned shipyard.

Now, ignoring if the previous owner of the shipyard might be a bit startled to notice that they've actually gained money somehow (they're unlikely to ever check in on the shipyard itself, but their bank-account gaining a lot of money that they didn't bargain for in order to receive? That's another story). There's a big difference between acting in the immediate interest of addressing an emergency, and setting yourself up for comfort. Sure, with the Fog in action, Leviathan's days will be numbered, but that's... a very distant kind of emergency, and acquiring the shipyard is something that she could've probably done through her father by "arranging" for a lucky lottery-ticket or something, instead of what legally amounted to bank-robbery.
Oh my.

This just jumped way up my interest list with the Lisa->Leah development. I'm a sucker for things like this.
*coughs* Pocket Battleship *coughs*

This is the FOG we're talking about. Even a destroyer is equivalent to most other reality's battleships. And then some.

Crap, that's right. QA has upped the processing power and computational efficiency of Fog to the nth degree. She could probably over engineer to fit 2 battleships worth of power into a small destroyer frame.

....the Endbringers are beyond screwed.

There is, however, a limit to the physical mass you can cram into a Fog hull. Mounting a major SHG on a destroyer wouldn't work just due to the size constraints (let alone power and processing).

I really hope Taylor gets away form old, historical models. It feels silly and strange. And not escalation-Taylor like.

It feels in-character for this Taylor. And it is HIGHLY appropriate for Fog ships. Lets not be TOO memetic about Taylor here.

That said, what is Taylor going to do about people who can look OVER the fence, like Purity, the government, Glory Girl, and the news stations?
I can't wait to see the blue screening that will result from the ship graveyard going *poof*.
acquiring the shipyard is something that she could've probably done through her father by "arranging" for a lucky lottery-ticket or something, instead of what legally amounted to bank-robbery.

Well, yes, and I mentioned that in a later post replying to someone suggesting Stock Market. But this is still Taylor Hebert, who, unless it's In Name Only, is a card-carrying member of the hominid species Homo dumbfuckius. And very often, of the subspecies Homo dumbfuckius maximus.

No, seriously, the amount she fails to fit with her backstory, instead falling into the Naive Stupid Teenager mold, is insane.

Even a destroyer is equivalent to most other reality's battleships. And then some.

How fast are Fog destroyers?
Because even the slowest Tier 3 battleships (Summit Class) in Supreme Commander make 2.5 grids per second, or 50 meters per second, which is, well, just over 97 knots.
The fastest of that category make 3.6 grids per second.

But in other feats, yeah, Fog wins, except perhaps in amount of von Neumann.

The Fog already have this. It's called the Mirror Ring System.

Why not have multiple versions as backups?

I can't wait to see the blue screening that will result from the ship graveyard going *poof*.

We need more religious nutters in Worm, just so someone yells from a soapbox about how "Ye Goddess hath taken two malfunctioning ship-related areas and combined them into one working thing!"
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How fast are Fog destroyers?
Because even the slowest Tier 3 battleships (Summit Class) in Supreme Commander make 2.5 grids per second, or 50 meters per second, which is, well, just over 97 knots.
The fastest of that category make 3.6 grids per second.

But in other feats, yeah, Fog wins, except perhaps in amount of von Neumann.

Anime: ?

Manga: 100 knots (standard fleet speed for Fog ships)

While you're waiting on the author to provide, I'll give you a preview.

Operation Crossroads. Appropriate.
A very nice chapter. The amnesia seems like a defensive mechanism, from what I understand? Dissociating oneself from the past to escape the mental trauma of losing one's body. Then you add in how Leah is using her power 24/7 (from what I understand), ie orders of magnitude more than she ever did before, with no repercussions (because perfectly managed blood vessel analogue pressure means no pain), while in an emotionally stabilized (I think) condition. The changes in her would logically be big.

I'm not sure if I like her as a positive character very much - Lisa very much did choose to be a petty thief and to tear people down for her amusement before Coil, but, again, trauma. I wonder how Danny is going to deal with all of this, really, as the only adult in the household.

The reaction to the boat graveyard and what's very clearly fraud / hacking on a massive scale (because while Taylor can get at all the electronic things, paper trail and memories are unlikely to be altered fast enough to escape notice)... Well, it's going to be cautious. Also will probably receive a slap on the wrist from Number Man. Who was good enough to bitchslap a specialized money laundering Richter AI.
I'm surprised that shes that small. I thought that a 100000 ton ship would be bigger than that.

According the wikipedia, the gerald ford class is about that mass and is over 1km long.

Of course a Fog ship would be a lot denser but still...

EDIT: its 1000+ feet not metres

*coughs* Pocket Battleship *coughs*

Why're yall talking about Battleships and Aircraft Carriers? It's right in the text that Taylor is planning for the expenditure of a "Gato Class", and if you need more evidence a Gato class sub is 311' 8" long (acording to wikipedia anyways). Seems fairly obvious Taylors gone for a sub, even if I was rooting for a cruiser of some denomination.
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How fast are Fog destroyers?
Because even the slowest Tier 3 battleships (Summit Class) in Supreme Commander make 2.5 grids per second, or 50 meters per second, which is, well, just over 97 knots.
The fastest of that category make 3.6 grids per second.
Manga: 100 knots (standard fleet speed for Fog ships)
They cruise at 100ish. But can do much faster, when needed, and also can have teleportation bullshit. And fly.
Fog Kongo has speed of 80 knots. Underwater.

Aeon Experimental Battleship
Speed: 2.5 (SurfacingSub)

Roughly similar speeds there...

And if you want high end SupCom submarine speeds, you get up to the Tier 2 Sub Hunters, at 6.5 (130m/s) submerged and surfaced (though there is no reason to ever surface the Barracuda or Vesper) which is slightly over 250 knots.

The fastest SupCom ship is the Aeon Tier 1 Attack Boat, at speed 8 (160m/s)...

But yeah teleport/flight FTW.

Leah noticed the events that the Caldron has made or let happen. I guess something useful came from her loss of memories

When someone isn't too busy thrashing blindly in the heaps of shit life threw on them and can look at things more objectively, amazing things can happen.

Think of this, but with the face rubbing in a huge bowl of shit instead of a watermelon:

Probably, as he's having Taylor carve through tons of legal red tape braided into a rope.
In other words, cutting dat cord into smithereens.
*infracted for godawful wordplay*
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Fog Kongo has speed of 80 knots. Underwater.
In other words, Fog Tech allows a battleship to approach the speed of a light aircraft while dealing with water pressure...

Fog Tech is definitely up there with the likes of SupCom and possibly better on an individual unit level, though I'd say that it probably isn't quite as good at going Von Neumann...
I'm not sure if I like her as a positive character very much - Lisa very much did choose to be a petty thief and to tear people down for her amusement before Coil, but, again, trauma.
Yeah, I think it's fair to say that a Lisa who doesn't even remember her trigger event and associated PTSD would have a different perspective on what she might do with powers.

That said, I don't think we saw her tear someone down for her own amusement before Coil. I assume you're talking about her interlude flashback, where she did pick at someone's insecurities, but it was to avoid having security called. She doesn't express any sort of amusement at doing it. (Well, beyond "The woman had been a bitch anyways." after said woman triggered her don't-call-me-stupid thing.)​