Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

She had no past, no history. No direction to move but forward.
so she is mostly a new person. You (via Lung) killed Lisa! you monster! :(

also cant she run the ship on fusion mostly? thanatonium is more energy dense and that is important for the weapons and exotic stuff but normal ship locomotion and baseline energy needs shouln't be that high...
Its not like water will be scarce anywhere she goes (being a ship and all) s
'hey, u want to go out together tonight patrolling or something?'
I grimaced. It would be nice, but I really had something else I wanted to do instead.
A date involving me, the Ship Graveyard, and one-hundred eighty thousand tons of nanomaterial.
'Sorry, I've already got something planned.'
Glory Girl tried "invite to a date". It failed!

'ok. maybe tues then?'
Oooh, she doesn't give up! She goes for a try two!

I blinked. I was pretty sure I wasn't doing anything Tuesday. …You know, considering I didn't really have much of anything to do outside of school.
'Ames wants to do something, ttyl, k?'

I smiled and shook my head.
'Sure,' I sent back, leaving me grinning at my ceiling from the whirlwind that was Glory Girl.
Aaand it's very effective! "Invite to a date" is succesful! But what challenges await her next? Will this ship sail?
Find out in the next "Shipping of the ship"!
I'm surprised that shes that small. I thought that a 100000 ton ship would be bigger than that.

According the wikipedia, the gerald ford class is about that mass and is over 1km long.

Of course a Fog ship would be a lot denser but still...

Even a ship as big as a super-carrier like the Ford class is only a third of a kilometre long.
Tats couldn't quite decide between Lisa and Sarah anymore, huh.

Also holy shit Taylor just because it's technically legal (doubtful) doesn't mean people will accept you dodging weeks of bureaucratic lethargy just like that.
On the plus side, Leviathan is fucked before he makes landfall barring very silly decisions.
She turned towards the sound, staring at what she saw: a not-even-two-foot figure with pale skin and dark curly hair facing towards the door. It was almost like a caricature of a person, or rather a simplification of them, everything matching up, but… childish, dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans complete with tiny shoes.
Chibi Taylors have arrived. Now you just have to deal with everyone reacting to a grey goo scenario. Where the goo can create antimatter, bend gravity, and particle cannons.... I'm sure this will go over well.
Found this and just caught up. Am glad to see the ship part of the FoF finally showing up. So... hrm… considering WW2 stuff, the length is consistent with a destroyer. Although it is a bit odd since a destroyer shouldn't have a independent mental model so Taylor should be able to push things all the way up to at least cruiser size no sweat. But whatever. Also, I guess Leah's gonna wind up playing Oracle to Taylor's Batman. :V
I believe it was indicated earlier that the interaction of QA with the Fog AI software/hardware had multiplicative effects. Normal Fog ships don't have the processing power to exert individual control of nanomaterial on the scale Taylor does, so she obviously has a lot more parallel processing capability than standard.

There was also the weird dream interlude, where the Mental Model she encountered confused her for a battlecruiser or larger ship.
Anyways. This was really complex. Leah's headspace and somewhat trauma-induced acceptance are so difficult to capture I'm still not even sure if it's quite right and it still feels a bit weird to me.
It's excellent. She's interesting, and more likeable than tats is.
Hey, she never said the reactions were going to be uniformly positive or anything, just that they were going to be great. Which, let's face it, the reaction to "somebody just accidentally the boat graveyard" is going to be great.
It will be amazing. Piggot may have Amy heal her, just so she can drink over this.
Awesome chapter. Probably for the best that we now get not-Lisa.

Nothing about Leah strained my sense of disbelief, or felt out of place. Looking forward to how she'll develop over time, and how she'll react to bits of Lisa or Sarah bleeding over.

She pretty much is a case-53 now, complete with memory loss.
Crap, that's right. QA has upped the processing power and computational efficiency of Fog to the nth degree. She could probably over engineer to fit 2 battleships worth of power into a small destroyer frame.

....the Endbringers are beyond screwed.
I glanced over at the blonde girl walking next to her.
I think I found a typo.

I also think that the brain damage was less 'expected' and more 'assumed and glossed over'.
Don't think I didn't spot that 'disassociating from trauma' bit with her power after she first woke up though.

And it looks like Leah's developed an unintentional crush on Relentless because of her power. Glory Girl's got competition. Mwehehehehe.
I don't actually know how to do the spoiler thingy plz no gib bannu

I would like to refer people here to Damsel of Distress and, by extension, what we know about cape clones.

Powers, thinker or otherwise, are black boxes for data. They tend to record information, particularly on conflict of capes. As a result of this, Despite damsel of distress being a half assed clone only meant to have a "close enough" set of falsified memories and impressions to look something like the original, it actually managed to develop distinct memories from Damsels Career. These memories tended to focus primarily on cape life, fights, and events post-trigger, but included vaguer but still present memories pre-trigger as well.

Assuming tattletales massive brain trauma is healed (one way or the other), its likely her shard will passively fill in the blanks by copying over its own blackbox data.

This is ignoring that tattletales power is uniquely suited to deal with amnesia, it allowed her to see through imps power, something that induced amnesia in EVERYONE around her, and it can presumably be used to allow her to turn vague memory impressions into full ones or even to possibly remember phrases shes forgetting. As is it seems a lot of her amnesia may be some mix of massive brain damage and a disassociative fugue state she is currently in.

The latter isn't like your breaking bad fugue state, its a thing generally found in victims of traumatic events or of people with mental disorders causing it where they'll suddenly forget who they are or delude themselves into believing they are someone else entirely, taking on a differentish name and not actually recalling much of who they were. It will come back to them over time and much of it'll come back if prompted, but its a known phenomena and in this case I suspect the trauma of being burned alive, dropped off the rig, and generally turned into a cyborg is currently fucking with her almost as much as the brain trauma is. Probably more if her shard is just waiting to fill in the gaps.

EDIT: Reading back on the post, tattletales shard explicitly lists "Psychologic dissassociation, psychogenic amnesia: exacerbated by physical trauma."

Tattletale isn't actually coping well with not being in the same body, in fact I'd go as far as to say that straw, coupled with having her brother kill herself, a gun held upto her head, the lung fiasco, life under threat, being a villain due to force, and getting rekt in a bank robbery has all led to her deciding to pack her bags and go home for now. Her memories are all still there, shes just actively refusing to access them on some subconsious level.

Given time, Therapy, good living (lol like this'll happen), and some level of improvements and she'll PROBABLY go back to mostly being herself, although she may need mechanical assistance with the brain damage she seems to have to several bits of her cognition ability, that said her shard may help there.
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Nice chapter, good to see her make progress on her ship form. Of course shes going to be on everyones radar now and while fog ships are powerful shes going to have her work cut out for her. the major powers in worm are kinda nuts powerwise.
I have but one nit to pick:
This should be HRSG, assuming you mean Heat Recovery Steam Generator turbines as makes the most sense in context.

As for the rest of the chapter, well, I can certainly see myself doing the same "marvel at my new cyberframe" in her position, amnesia or not... and while I expect she's very curious (because Tattletale as well as personal stake) about why she became a villain before the lack of emotional connection when she does figure out the details (because again, Tattletale, who sussed out more of Levi-tan's secrets than everyone else combined since he appeared by looking at him for a few seconds) will leave her in a much better place to act on it from and to live in a satisfying way afterward than her canon self ever could have managed.

Bonus points awarded for: After being awakened in a mildly superhuman body, Taylor proceeds to assure the newly cybered up subject that's it's just temporary and the next one will be built to spec based on Leah's input and access to the really shiny toys, not this low-ranked noob gear. In other words, she's going to get just what she asks for ;)