Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

how far along is synapse?
It's in my signature, but 3.6k words. The first 'chapter' isn't even done. It's also very different from any Worm fic I've seen, so it's very much a test and exercise of my abilities. And melding and being true to Nihei's tonality and style in a written work is... hard.

Soon enough she was at the base of the wall, fully in its shadow as it loomed over her, looking all the taller and more impressive despite its hurried construction and appearing just a mishmash collection of steel plates and concrete on the outside.

With less than a thought, her armor thickened, spines becoming more prominent, fingers and toes becoming claws sharp enough to shear through steel like butter.

She crouched, artificial leg muscles coiling, and jumped less than a second later, clearing more than half of the distance up the wall before she dug her hands and feet in, rapidly climbing up to the top.

Her ascent was measured in seconds, rather than the minutes it looked like it would have taken, appearing like a spider scurrying on a wall.

She flipped over the edge, landing on her feet in a crouch before standing.

Then she was there. At the top.

She'd seen satellite images of it, of course. But there was a difference between simply seeing images and *experiencing* something.

It was simply… empty.

Largely just as it had been left, without any change at all: roads and buildings all still standing, alone. The only major difference was the vegetation, which had been allowed to grow unchecked, vines crawling across surfaces and sidewalks bursting from the expansion of trees' roots beneath them. [snip]


The overgrown suburban areas gradually turned more urban as she moved closer to the center. The green overgrowth gave way to even more obvious signs of the infection: structures and lampposts draped in the thick white cord of the dead virus, buildings collapsed and torn apart from the outgrowths. And of course, the most obvious sign: the increasing number of creatures, in all shapes and sizes.

Almost no two were the same, though they all bore some superficial resemblance to each other. Some of the creatures were massive, larger than one of the abandoned minivans that littered the street, while others were smaller than a bicycle. [snip]


The Revenant stopped, and then swung around to look at her, looking like some sort of dinosaur-lion with a disturbingly human facial structure. It stared at her for a moment, and she tensed, ready to move at the any sign.

But it just stared at her, and then turned back around and began walking away, continuing its previous path.
I don't think that that bomb made an actual micro black hole. A black hole that had that level of attraction at that distance would have to be pretty hefty, like hundreds of billions of tons. Plus it would probably just drop through the floor. It's probably some weird gravity magic that simulates the effect of a black hole.

Don't forget that for antimatter reactors, the antimatter has to come from somewhere. In the context of this fic, I assume that the antimatter reactors have higher power generation than whatever system is being used to generate power out of thin air, which makes them useful for combat applications, while the antimatter is generated and stored with excess power during downtime.

The energy generation methods mentioned in that video are for harvesting the rotational energy of astronomical scale objects. It's not exactly compact and I don't think that feeding them gives you more exploitable energy in this way.

Now if you could make a micro black hole reactor, it would convert 100% of mass into energy in the form of Hawking radiation, like antimatter, except you don't have to go looking for antimatter. It's great, except that the black hole needs to be really heavy, and it will violently explode if you forget to feed it, which is also hard because the event horizon is so tiny. The radiation also blows away the stuff you drop in. seem to be misunderstanding the nature of Black Hole gravitation. Yes, they generate increadibly strong gravity. Within a certain very small range. A mini black-hole can only have that kind of "hundreds of billions of tons" effect within it's own event horizon. Outside of that? It may be super dense, but its mass is what really determines its gravity. If you turned, say, 200 kilos of matter into a black hole, it would still only have 200 kilos of gravitational effect on its surroundings, outside of a fairly small radius right around itself. (Yes, I know I'm oversimplifying gravity and how black holes work, but this is still effective what happens.) Also, Bakuda's bombs definitely don't make real black holes. They're just really really strong zones of spontaneous gravity--probably fucking around with gravitons or something. There's no actual mass there to create a black hole. seem to be misunderstanding the nature of Black Hole gravitation. Yes, they generate increadibly strong gravity. Within a certain very small range. A mini black-hole can only have that kind of "hundreds of billions of tons" effect within it's own event horizon. Outside of that? It may be super dense, but its mass is what really determines its gravity. If you turned, say, 200 kilos of matter into a black hole, it would still only have 200 kilos of gravitational effect on its surroundings, outside of a fairly small radius right around itself. (Yes, I know I'm oversimplifying gravity and how black holes work, but this is still effective what happens.) Also, Bakuda's bombs definitely don't make real black holes. They're just really really strong zones of spontaneous gravity--probably fucking around with gravitons or something. There's no actual mass there to create a black hole.

This. So very FUCKING much this. I am so very tired of hearing about all the stupid shit people believe about black holes. Just because it's a single point that has X mass doesn't mean that it sucks things in like a fucking vacuum cleaner, it just pulls with the gravitational attraction of mass X, where X is whatever mass got crammed into a single point. The fact that the tidal effects near the event horizon of a black hole can be fucking terrifying just means that you have to stay well clear of them, and the "well clear" zone for something like a mountain's-worth of mass crushed into a black hole is, maybe about 100 meters away? the tidal effects get -strong- at the event horizon, true, but those event horizons are _FUCKING TINY_ when you're not talking about something with the mass of, oh, say -A STAR-.

Even then, a black hole with the mass of the Sun would pull exactly as hard as the Sun itself does, so if you crushed the Sun into a black hole, the planets wouldn't get their orbits thrown out of whack, they'd just freeze solid as they finally stopped getting warmed by the hot ball of fusion fuckery at the center of the solar system.

Sorry for the rant, I had a discussion on -exactly this- IRL yesterday with some moron who couldn't understand that black holes weren't goingt o gobble down the entire solar system.
TLDR, black holes are closer to the Ocean. The deeper you get the more pressure you feel, and the more effort you need to apply not to sink further, but it isn't actively pulling you down in any way whatsoever.
TLDR, black holes are closer to the Ocean. The deeper you get the more pressure you feel, and the more effort you need to apply not to sink further, but it isn't actively pulling you down in any way whatsoever.

Not quite accurate, but close enough for an analogy. ^.^ Thanks, I'm going to use that to beat him about the head with LOGIC! when I see him on Monday. seem to be misunderstanding the nature of Black Hole gravitation. Yes, they generate increadibly strong gravity. Within a certain very small range. A mini black-hole can only have that kind of "hundreds of billions of tons" effect within it's own event horizon.

I'm not sure what you say I'm getting wrong here, but I didn't pull that number out of my ass.

To produce an acceleration of 10m/s2​ (about 1g) at a range of 10m, you need a mass of 1.5 x 1013​ kg (15 billion tons). I thought that 1g might be a somewhat low estimate of the necessary force to pull someone off their feet and raised an order of magnitude.

Of course, the effects are pretty range sensitive at this scale, thanks to the inverse square law.

Perhaps you thought that you needed planetary scale masses to have that effect?
Or in simpler terms, the Black Hole Bombs are less 'create black hole' and more Gravitational Implosion Bombs... which work by creating what's probably easiest described as an artificial gravitational singularity. Nothing else, just a region in which the gravitational attraction of a single point is massively increased momentarily.

I mean, technically it actually does become a (micro) black hole after any bit of matter and maybe light (not sure on this, physics gets too complicated for my understanding fast) enters it, just one that's had it's gravitational field warped such that it can exert a lot more attraction that it should, which is the only thing keeping it stable. At least until the 'power' that is allowing that artificial increase runs out, whereupon you probably have a small explosion at the centre of the field (and I do mean small, if you were close enough to be affected, you're already dead/spagettified) as all the mass and energy that were trapped now stabilise under the original gravitational conditions/etc and the micro-black hole evaporates.

Or rather, I think that's how things work? Might have my words wrong in a few places, but I think people get the idea...
The "nice" (or disastrous) thing about artificial black hole generators (assuming that it does not just shunt everything into another dimension one-way only) is that as soon as the artificial gravity effect is ceased, then the matter that was sucked in and crushed into black hole "material" could then act like a black hole of its true mass which, assuming Hawking Radiation concept is valid, it will release its mass as energy in less than a second for any mass up to a large mountain (I forget what the calculated mass is supposed to be which was for the idea of hypothetical science fiction civilization that used crazy gravitational wave generators to act like a gravitational-wave based internal combustion engine using the above principles to cycle converting relatively tiny amounts of matter into energy at a steady rate).

Using the super technology of those ships, the equivalent civilization might be able to even mine ancient super large black holes to get the mass equivalent of Earth's Moon mass which might have the Hawking Radiation output be in equilibrium with the Background Radiation, which could then be mined for smaller black hole mass equivalent for use as an energy source to act like an unusually tiny star that you would normally have to keep sending matter into to keep it from releasing its energy too quickly in dangerous amounts and form (which could be a cosmic industrial accident that might be something for astronomers to look out for if there is the possibility of a civilization that might develop such technology but might not have the technology to contain/counter such a disaster).
If you spent a whole day trying to beat him with logic, unsuccessfully, there's a chance he's immune to it.

Nah, I only had roughly 15 minutes to attempt to enlighten him as to why he was fucking wrong about black holes before I had to go back to running my machines. If I had longer, I'm certain I woulda been able to convince him, the prollem was lack of time and his inability to understand that a sun's worth of mass, and a black-hole with the sun's mass, have the same gravitational pull. he thought that if you crush the sun down to a black hole, it would suck in all the planets and asteroids and, quote "other stuff". >.>
By the way, is it just me, or did Bakuda inadvertently teach Taylor how to create her own Singularity Explosives?

Nah! She already knew. She just had it restricted, once she had more access to gravitation manipulation she realized she could counter it and remove it. It's the same basis as countering the effects of a Corrosive Torpedo detonation when using your main body/hull.
But the Fog can just pop out small scale effects like that without Thanatonium

I-402 creates a spacial distortion. Just like it's no thing at all. She needed a door and didn't feel like going around. Note how perfectly smooth the cut is

Man you guys are gonna explode the first time she lights off a Corrosive Torpedo even if it's only a baby compared to the usual ones.
I swear people just can't grasp the ability of the Fog. ;)
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Nah! She already knew.
Hence the "inadvertently", more importantly, even if the Fleet had information needed to manipulate gravitons, the exact configuration for a particular form could be very different form another.

Take, for instance, what I-402 does there, the exact kind of manipulation done there is extremely similar to the effects of the Corrosive Missiles, without the complete disintegration that the weapons result in since there are pieces of the wall falling the formation of the hole. Now compare this to the Singularity Trap that Bakuda left that forced Taylor's systems to unlock more of her capabilities, the description had it pull everything around it into the centre, unlike any other FoF weapon we have seen thus far, including the wide-scale Spatial Warping that the Battleship-Grade SGCs and Ring Systems casually pull off.

By the metric stated above, this is something new to Taylor's database, and thus a valuable addition to her archives.
Something occurred to me as I was re-reading @Datcord 's latest C&C. The whole thing about "(Verified Boat)" for Taylor seems like it would be stretching things. It isn't the kind of thing that Taylor or anyone else knows about just yet. But that isn't to say it won't happen eventually. I mean just imagine what Taylor would do with all the nanomaterials out in the Bay if, just for example, Leviathan attacks following the stations of canon. While she doesn't have the thanatonium for corrosive torpedoes last I checked she could easily make a battleship complete with the Fleet of Fog's signature Armor and energy weapons.

Heck, she might even be able to build one of their Super-Graviton Cannons - complete with the ability to do things like part the sea to expose Leviathan before blasting him!

So, got that firmly in mind? Now consider that by that point there's the possibility that someone else *cough*Aisha*cough* might have triggered as per my earlier supposition. Then consider that Aisha is a massive troll.

What are the odds that, just to troll the internet and make pretty much everyone in a position of authority require new underwear, Aisha uses her abilities as a FoF mental model to hack PHO and give Relentless the "(Verified Flagship)" tag?
Pretty sure I've said this before but don't Graviton Drives and by extension Supergrav Cannons require Thanatonium to operate? I thought that the Gravity Drives are thanatonium reactors that produce thrust as well as power. So Taylor's antimatter reactor should only really be able to power some laser guns or something, not a Gravity Drive.
I mean just imagine what Taylor would do with all the nanomaterials out in the Bay if, just for example, Leviathan attacks following the stations of canon.
Canon's already getting wrecked, Leviathan already attacked in February instead of Ziz. So either she or the Big B will be next and I know who'd I bet my monopoly money on
Can't be. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Taylor was estatic, she finally had her hull, her engines, her missiles, her cannons, everything! Standing on the prow of her hull, she smiled a vicious smile as the Endbringer before her was lined up for a Supergravity Cannon blast.

And then three men in bright crimson robes burst out of the Titan, cracking open the creature's core in the process.


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Taylor was estatic, she finally had her hull, her engines, her missiles, her cannon, everything! Standing on the prow of her hull, she smiled a vicious smile as the Endbringer before her was lined up for a Supergravity Cannon blast.

And then three men in bright crimson robes burst out of the Titan, cracking open the creature's core in the process.


And that's when Taylor discovered that the last update included Dream Simulator 1.0.3a.