At some point before the unit/army organisation changes come in officially, I will put up a preliminary post detailing them, so people can suggest changes or laugh at my maths
Ce Mounted Veterans were not overlooked. I deliberately did not give them shields because they have halberds, which (unless I am very mistaken) cannot be used with shields.
It depends on the shield, a riding shield can actually be fixed to the arm and allows enough maneuverability to use something like a two handed weapon. But even in a worse case it can be put on the back or on the side of the horse. With this being the last time for such things to matter and from a mechanics standpoint it gives them access to the shielded troops bonus.
You find Yu Zhong flinching slightly, as you stare ahead, unblinking at him. With a low hiss of a voice, you whisper to him.

"I will make them pay for this, Zhong. I will boil them for what they have done. The Ge will rot."
I ah... I really wish I'd been around for this vote. Relieved was an odd reaction and seems to have escalated somewhat quickly... Something for us to keep in mind going forward.

[X]Plan Stay the Course

Stay the Course looks good. It may be worth merging the 3rd Mounted Volunteers into the Boars Chargers unit since they both have the same equipment. A single unit of 118 might be more useful than 2 of 60 and 58.

Beyond that, if we wanted bigger individual units we could also merge the 7th Infantry Unit and the Ji Household Recruits, and the Yu Family Levy and the Liang Guards. Those are both very much optional changes though.
Okay, reading that update, my opinion is that we haven't gone full Dong yet. We might be able to spin this off as a reaction to a massive revelation just before a massive battle. But, we see the precipice we stand on, and we have to walk back from the edge carefully. Hopefully interacting with our family and loved ones afterwards after we win the battle will help.
[X]Plan Stay the Course

As per the update and our reaction to the news... I may have read a different update than everyone else, because I read it as a minor mental blue screen at being betrayed by someone we totally trusted and finding out that we were the unwilling dupe in a massive conspiracy, and not as us turning into a raging sociopath. That, combined with the prevalent attitudes of the era making the reaction understandable, and I found that I really enjoyed the update.

With that said, I don't begrudge anyone feeling disquieted over how it came out either.
Stay the Course looks good. It may be worth merging the 3rd Mounted Volunteers into the Boars Chargers unit since they both have the same equipment. A single unit of 118 might be more useful than 2 of 60 and 58.

Beyond that, if we wanted bigger individual units we could also merge the 7th Infantry Unit and the Ji Household Recruits, and the Yu Family Levy and the Liang Guards. Those are both very much optional changes though.
It is the last time we will use these units, after this battle everything will change. Not sure if we can fuse with the levy from the Yu family. For the other they are both big over 100. I don't see much sense in micromanaging this last turn.

For the Boar's Chargers merging with 3rd Volunteer, well that would actually lower the 3rd volunteer unit from Veteran to Skilled experience. I think you forgot that point. Better to have more veterans, they are a precious resource.
Hey, so I had a thought. Dong Zhou might try and adopt Liang Shu instead of Lu Bu.

Just think about it. Dong Zhou already likes Liang, and everytime we do something we somehow impress dong zhou. The whole business with Leng Jun put us under his thumb and how we reacted exceeded his expectations. We ourselves might marry Lu Bu's daughter, save an entire city and county from a bandit menace, and bring to justice a corrupt gentry family. A hero of the people who has proven himself as a capable warrior, leader, and more. Dong Zhou has told us we remind him of himself when he was younger. But alas, this beacon of good and nobility is fatherless, a good father and civil servant of the Han, died at the hands of a terrible bandit that Liang himself is fighting today (Such filial piety!) and hopes to bring to justice.

But then! The great Dong Zhou, war hero and loyal servant of the Han descends into Liang Shu's life like a benevolent spirit.

In all seriousness, after this siege Dong Zhou would undoubtedly consider this and even offer to adopt us. He get's a connection to Lu Bu *and* a protege out of it. Of course that is assuming we atleast win this siege.
Hey, so I had a thought. Dong Zhou might try and adopt Liang Shu instead of Lu Bu.

Just think about it. Dong Zhou already likes Liang, and everytime we do something we somehow impress dong zhou. The whole business with Leng Jun put us under his thumb and how we reacted exceeded his expectations. We ourselves might marry Lu Bu's daughter, save an entire city and county from a bandit menace, and bring to justice a corrupt gentry family. A hero of the people who has proven himself as a capable warrior, leader, and more. Dong Zhou has told us we remind him of himself when he was younger. But alas, this beacon of good and nobility is fatherless, a good father and civil servant of the Han, died at the hands of a terrible bandit that Liang himself is fighting today (Such filial piety!) and hopes to bring to justice.

But then! The great Dong Zhou, war hero and loyal servant of the Han descends into Liang Shu's life like a benevolent spirit.

In all seriousness, after this siege Dong Zhou would undoubtedly consider this and even offer to adopt us. He get's a connection to Lu Bu *and* a protege out of it. Of course that is assuming we atleast win this siege.
and then they go on to kill the yellow turbans lead by one of the insidious 3 brothers raiding the northern parts of the Bing Province
[X] Plan: Merge and Standardise Units
-[x] Quick Nock (10 Renown)
-[x] Swift Disengage (10 Renown)
-[x] Forceful Cleave (5 Renown)
-[x] Purchase White Charger for Zhu Fang (300 Wealth)
-[x] Purchase Grey Carapace for Mu Shun (200 Wealth)
-[x] Merge Liang 1st Levy with Liang 2nd Levy
--[x] Equip with 95 Armour
-[x] Merge Ce Clan Irregulars with Ce Clan Regulars
-[x] Equip Taiyuan Youxia with 49 Shields
-[x] Equip Liang Guards with 150 Swords
-[x] Equip 6th Infantry Unit with 200 Swords
-[x] Equip 7th Infantry Unit with 200 Spears
-[x] Merge 1st Archer Unit with 2nd Archer Unit
--[x] Equip with 138 Bows (Arrows x2?)
-[x] Merge 4th Archer Unit with 5th Archer Unit
--[x] Swap 80 Swords for 80 Bludgeons
-[x] Swap 1st Crossbow Unit's 200 Spears for 200 Axes
-[x] Equip 2nd Crossbow Unit with 150 Axes
-[x] Merge 1st Infantry Unit with 2nd Mounted Volunteers
--[x] Equip 1st Infantry Unit with 35 Swords, 35 Armor and 35 Steeds
--[x] Equip 2nd Mounted Volunteers with 60 Shields
-[x] Equip Ce Ann's Students with 12 Steeds
-[x] Equip 3rd Liang Mounted Veterans with 101 Spears

Total Used:
500 Wealth
305 Swords, 350 Axes, 138 Bows, 101 Spears, 109 Shields, 130 Armour, 47 Steeds

Zhu Fang gets a horse, Mu Shun gets armour, merge lots of units, equip unused surplus.
I also standardised some units, mostly infantry, as prep for the revised military units; impossible to standardise them all.

Liang Guards, 6th Infantry and 7th Infantry all have Spears, Swords and Shields.
1st Levy + 2nd Levy also have the same, as well as Armour.

Archer Units have Bows and Bludgeons.
Crossbow Units have Crossbows and Axes.

. . .That was a chore.
A revised military can't come soon enough.
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It is the last time we will use these units, after this battle everything will change. Not sure if we can fuse with the levy from the Yu family. For the other they are both big over 100. I don't see much sense in micromanaging this last turn.
That's why I flagged it up as a purely optional change if we think there's worth in having bigger units.
For the Boar's Chargers merging with 3rd Volunteer, well that would actually lower the 3rd volunteer unit from Veteran to Skilled experience. I think you forgot that point. Better to have more veterans, they are a precious resource.
Ah, I have them both as Skilled on my spreadsheet as it's easier to work from (I must have missed a rank up somewhere).
Vote will be open another six hours or so, although extensions are possible on request. Please get all final changes in before then!
[X]Plan Stay the Course
-[X]Quick Nock (10 Renown)
-[X]Swift Disengage (10 Renown)
-[X]Forceful Cleave (5 Renown)
-[X]Purchase Grey Carapace for Ce Xiang
-[X]Purchase Sturdy Buckler for Xu Jian
-[X]Purchase 279 Shields
-[X]Purchase 30 Spears
-[X]Merge Ce Clan Irregulars into Ce Clan Regulars
-[X]Merge 2nd Archer Unit into 1st Archer Unit
-[X]Equip Liang 2nd Levy with Armor and merge into 1st Levy
-[X]Equip 1st Liang Mounted Veterans with Shields
-[X]Equip 3rd Liang Mounted Veterans with Spears and Shields
-[X]Equip Taiyuan Youxia with Shields and Spears
-[X]Equip1st Crossbow Unit with Swords and take Bludgeons away
-[X]Equip 1st Archer Unit with Axes and take Bludgeons away.
-[X]Equip 1st Mounted Volunteers with Shields
-[X] Equip 2nd Mounted Volunteers with Shields
-[X]Equip Ce Mounted Veterans with Shields
-[X]Equip 1st Infantry Unit with Armor and Swords
-[X]Equip 6th Infantry Unit with Axes