I don;t like waiting either all that much, but at the same time, causing a ruckus and division before the battle could be just as problematic. There isn't a lot of time to move. If this was a few days out, maybe. But in a what amounts to a couple hours? I get the feeling that moving against them now will lead to events that cause us to either not engage in battle or go into battle in a weakened state.

Let us be Cao Cao for a moment.

We know Dejun is desperate to prove himself, by any means necessary. We don't want to lose his forces; those are bodies that we need in a fight. I also doubt we can just remove their commander and have them fight for us just as hard as they would for him. Instead of just getting rid of them outright, how can we use Dejun to our advantage in this battle, given what we know of his temperament and his family's treachery?

[X] Relieved. Everything starts to make sense, it was never you. The Ge were the true enemy hiding behind Leng Jun and manipulating things to the detriment of all. For the good of Xinshen, you will inform the prefect about your suspicions and act with him together for a brighter future for Xinshen.

Flopping because this seems to be the only proactive choice in dealing with known leakers and traitors with a chance against cold, overdelayed fury. I don't fully like it because relief seems too complacent when we don't know how far the rot extends but it's much better than focusing on the battle only to find the Ge have "accidentally" left a door open or spilled out our military decrets on how we're going to be defending.
I really don't think letting this sit till after the battle is a good thing having them fight with us is just how a bunch of good men are going to die where as if we tell the prefect now and get the punished we should get control of all their troops to use much better then they would have.
Our evidence amounts to Ge Maiyu having done some shady things and having ordered the murder of a Han official. No indication it was done by Ge Dejun or even Ge Lang. We don't even have much incriminating evidence against Ge Lang. He recommended some bad people, so what? That is by itself no crime.

Ge Dejun is a problem and his performance will be heavily influenced by his need to prove himself, but as far as we are aware he has not committed any crimes. He is just an arrogant obnoxious piece of shit. Once more, no crime.

I am not sure if just putting our accusations forward will end up the way we want it to. Our evidence is not conclusive to condemn the whole Ge Clan or even the leaders. At the moment we could just put Ge Maiyu on the stand, which would not achieve that much.
[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge
House divided, etc. We cannot risk battle with this rot still inside.

[X] Relieved. Everything starts to make sense, it was never you. The Ge were the true enemy hiding behind Leng Jun and manipulating things to the detriment of all. For the good of Xinshen, you will inform the prefect about your suspicions and act with him together for a brighter future for Xinshen.
There is also the chance that we reveal our hand too soon by going to the Prefect. There is a very good chance, as E. Karl points out, that the Prefect doesn't do anything just yet. After all, it's all somewhat circumstantial, and doesn't directly tie in the whole Ge clan directly. And this evidence is coming from us could be considered tainted by bias as well. I doubt it'll be so simple as the Prefect going "Great job! I'll have them all arrested and hanged immediately!"

I still want to use Dejun and his forces. We know he is looking to prove himself to the people of Xinshin. You don't do that by turning traitor. You do that by being valorous and killing bandits. He'll be overzealous, and we can potential use that. In effect, I want to use his over-eagerness to let him and his take the lion's share of causalities, and spare our forces. We can swoop in like a hawk and claim glory in a critical moment.
[x] Paranoid. Just who else has been tricking you and betraying you? How far does all of this go? Who else can't be trusted?

It's a natural reaction to getting played a fool.
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Something to keep in mind, is that Zhang Xiu is already suspicious enough of the Ge to call off the engagement with Maiyu. That and his strategist is already investigating. Yu Zhong is only ahead because he had a head start on his own investigation. We know we're innocent, but most of the currently uncovered evidence is circumstantial. If we bring it up now, it may look like us making a power play and settling personal scores before a big battle. Both immature and unprofessional, especially since we're the youngest commander on our side, even if we've fought the most battles.
[X] Relieved. Everything starts to make sense, it was never you. The Ge were the true enemy hiding behind Leng Jun and manipulating things to the detriment of all. For the good of Xinshen, you will inform the prefect about your suspicions and act with him together for a brighter future for Xinshen.
[] Pleased. This presents an opportunity for you. Now you have a chance to rid your home of this nest of snakes, and flip all of Xinshen to your own influence.

I think that Yu Zhong would actually like this reaction, hes always been about ambition and cunning. :p But My vote shall go to.... hmmm
[X] Calm. You need more evidence, more proof before you can make a decision here. You calm yourself, and think rationally about this.
Allow me to pitch Coldly Furious for a second
Allow me to reject Coldly Furious for a second.

Roleplay > Efficiency

I want sad because I'd be sad to learn somebody I thought was a close friend was using and betraying me all along. It fits.

Other things fit too, don't get me wrong, but I like this one. Anger leads to hate/pain/suffering/dark side/bad stuff happens when you're mad.
[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge
I want sad because I'd be sad to learn somebody I thought was a close friend was using and betraying me all along. It fits.
Depression and breaking down in tears shortly before a battle is not good and Shu has not broken down in tears in this quest as far as I can remember. I would not say it is fitting, but the opposite. It is out of character for Shu to cry and get depressed over this. With the support of his friends he has seen he can stand tall. One friend is directly before him and Ge Maiyu was by far not as close to him as other characters, including Yu Zhong and Zhu Fang.
I think it depends on what kind of battle we will fight.

If we try to fight the bandits out in the open it will be hard to use them efficiently. My best idea would be to put his infantry together under the command of the captain from the Imperial Army and have the cavalry given someone else. He would be subordinate to the captain. Most likely are hard sell, but the best option I can think of.
Using his troops as bait is hard, because when they break we will be hit with problems and just losing them so that he no longer has them is idiotic.

If we try a more complex strategy with multiple battles to hinder and hurt the bandits as they make their way to Xinshen Town, we can hopefully get him to embarrass himself so that we can easily usurp his command completely. Then at the final battle directly before the gates of Xinshen, he is no longer of any importance.

Last if we wait in Xinshen for the bandits, there is the possibility of getting him to be the anvil for a hammer blow. Our camp get's taken over by him, and we wait for the attack of the bandits on it. He defends and we attack the back.
Would start seeing more people in a suspicious light and generally be less trusting (including maybe even doubting Yu Zhong's own intentions here)
The start of any tragedy when trust is betrayed.

Still for the optimum reaction where he recovers from a betrayal I'd go for calm.
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Would start seeing more people in a suspicious light and generally be less trusting (including maybe even doubting Yu Zhong's own intentions here)
That sounds healthier in moderation than what we've been doing... but I meant moreso in, what does he intend to do? Go to the prefect with this information? Put Ge clan affiliates in areas where they are less capable of causing harm, added supervision to see if they send messagers or the like? Some of the choices are clearly stating that certain action will be taken so that's having some bearing on what people are selecting rather than it being purely a new mindset.
[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge
Would start seeing more people in a suspicious light and generally be less trusting
Paranoid option makes you paranoid. Who knew?
(including maybe even doubting Yu Zhong's own intentions here)
Well that option's right out for me now.
Depression and breaking down in tears shortly before a battle is not good
Gee Karl, that sounds like optimization to me, and I've already expressed disdain for that as an argument.

Shu has not broken down in tears in this quest as far as I can remember. I would not say it is fitting, but the opposite. It is out of character for Shu to cry and get depressed over this. With the support of his friends he has seen he can stand tall. One friend is directly before him and Ge Maiyu was by far not as close to him as other characters, including Yu Zhong and Zhu Fang.

Shu has not, on screen, been sad. Therefore, Shu can never be sad. Got it.

We as players, who control Shu to an extent, and are literally determining his emotional reaction right now, are unable to determine his emotional reaction in this specific way because that'd break his character completely despite being one of the default options provided by the QM.

hmm. I'm not sure I agree with you on this one.

[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge
[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge
[X] Relieved. Everything starts to make sense, it was never you. The Ge were the true enemy hiding behind Leng Jun and manipulating things to the detriment of all. For the good of Xinshen, you will inform the prefect about your suspicions and act with him together for a brighter future for Xinshen.