Who is this Gang Yu? I've heard of Guan Yu, but never Gang Yu. :V
Zhuge Liang is 4 years old currently, my dude

Since I lack knowledge, is there anyone to teach us more LEA, WAR or INT? Any of these stats? The only one I guess is Hua Tuo in INT.

Actually the most benevolent thing in this period to do is to make sure his teachings don't literally go up in flames.
Wait oh snap. We don't have any hobbies! Hobbies are important to distract yourself from self doubts and depression!

Hey @Gaz can we learn how to become an doctor? It be interesting to have an hobby that isn't just martial arts.
Might want to be careful with Pixian & Xiao, weren't they both reliant on the Ge family as well? It's late for me but that may warrant an archive binge to see if they had some mysterious failures cropping up, as they may have been influenced.
Might want to be careful with Pixian & Xiao, weren't they both reliant on the Ge family as well? It's late for me but that may warrant an archive binge to see if they had some mysterious failures cropping up, as they may have been influenced.
True....we might need to check on other people too to make sure our bases are covered
We've given them pretty much everything they wanted. The daughters might be personal friends with Maiyu, but the Ge clan had no hand in helping their clans.
We've given them pretty much everything they wanted. The daughters might be personal friends with Maiyu, but the Ge clan had no hand in helping their clans.
That for us to find out if the Ge clan doesn't have any pull on them.

God it would suck if we have to purge some people.

....Wait her 2 friends were fiances that were rejected....but we never found out WHY they were rejected...
We've given them pretty much everything they wanted. The daughters might be personal friends with Maiyu, but the Ge clan had no hand in helping their clans.

Name: Mu Xiao
Birthdate: 170
Bond: Tier II - Appreciated
Spoiler: Appearance

LEA - 45
WAR - 30
INT - 56
GOV - 76* (+6) *+1 from gear
CHA - 72* (+3) *+1 from gear

- Old friend of Ge Maiyu, and one of Leng Jun's potential brides.
- Daughter of one of the prominent merchant families in Xinshen.
- Seems rather cheerful.
- Her family has promised to assist you after you offered them a safe place for them to conduct business.
Equipped With -Polished Agate Beads (Quality I Misc) (+1 CHA, +1 GOV)

Name: Ling Pixian
Birthdate: 169
Bond: Tier II - Appreciated
Spoiler: Appearance

LEA - 25
WAR - 22
INT - 64
GOV - 82 (+5 from Growth)
CHA - 50

- Old friend of Ge Maiyu, and one of Leng Jun's potential brides.
- Her family recently fell on very hard times, no thanks to Leng Jun, and are now reliant on the Ge.
- You are helping restore her family's lands - in return, she is assisting you.
- Is knowledgeable about estate management, but seems a bit blunt.
At least for Pixian it outright says that her family was relying on the Ge clan to avoid falling into destitution, and you never know how friends may resolve their internal calculus... after all, Guan Yu wanted for nothing in Cao Cao's camp but still immediately ditched him for an instant downgrade to a hard-scrabble life with Liu Bei the moment he realized his sworn brother was still alive.

Of course, it might also be that Leng Jun persecuted them based off the Ge clan's scheme to make him incompetent so everyone would despise him and they would look amazing. If that happened, their prior friendship might go up in flames. Or perhaps not. Just, I wouldn't leave anything too critical in their hands right now, just in case.
You agree with Yu Zhong's reasoning. Giving him the briefest of nods, you make your way back to the table. There, you pick up a small scalpel, and move it up your long sleeves. Slowly, you walk up to Bo Rao. You kneel next to him, staring him in the eye. Just as he opens his mouth to say something, you thrust the blade of the scalpel into his jugular with one hand, then as he gurgles, you cover his mouth with the other. Blood pours down his neck, as he struggles and strains against the ropes binding his limbs to the pillar.

"Should you return to this world in another life seeking vengeance, make sure you are a better shot next time." You say quietly to him, tightening your grip over his mouth, moving his head to ensure that the last thing he sees before he expires is your face. Moments later, the struggles cease, and his head rolls over to one side. Another bandit leader has died at your hands, and you feel one step closer to avenging your father. It is...oddly satisfying. One by one, you will end the lives of each one of his ilk, until there is none left alive to threaten you or all those people and things you care about. You stand up, leaving the scalpel embedded in his throat. You brush yourself off.
hehehehe. I wonder what our good buddy Dong Zhou would think if he saw this?
Yes, but we secured the Ling clan's old lands by talking with Zhang Xiu, and when he reinstated their lands, he announced that it was by our recommendation.
Yes, but we secured the Ling clan's old lands by talking with Zhang Xiu, and when he reinstated their lands, he announced that it was by our recommendation.
Sure, and it may be that they'd line up with us if it came down to it for that reason, but we're ignorant of the substance of their friendship (there is the chance it's strong enough to override such material concerns entirely) and there's something as well to be said for hedging bets... the Liang clan has had a flash in the pan bigshot whose star was outshining the Ge before, but when that star was extinguished whose support did their families have to turn towards? Sometimes for a fence-sitter with ties to both sides it works out better to not commit especially strongly to either just to be sure they won't be severely punished for making the wrong choice. I just want to be really sure we don't hand something critical to our success to the hands of folks who have a complicated history with both sides and want to ensure they'll come out alive no matter who wins.
@Gaz I've been lurking on this quest due to a lack of time to participate, but i just like to say i really enjoy how Wuxia like you made the whole thing feel. I'm not sure if this is something you considered, but i do hope that more wuxia elements will gradually make their way into the quest such as increased elements of the Jianghu beyond the Ce

Considering this is before the whole of China is at war for years, some of the Jianghu sects and clans should still be around (if you choose to allow that in since most of the Jianghu was pure fiction)

I hope for there to be Assassination attempts, poisons that can only be cured by 100 year old herbs as well as scenes of Chivalry.:D
Random thoughts that wouldn't leave me alone. Two "random" """peasants""" talking about the info we learned. Is bad but meh.

Random Peasant 1: Hey did you hear about the Ge Clan?

Random Peasant 2: No what happened?

Random Peasant 1: They might have been behind the previous previous prefects death!

Random Peasant 2: NO WAY!

Random Peasant 1: Yes way! And it gets worse.

Random Peasant 2: How?

Random Peasant 1: They might have been manipulating the previous prefect to be as corrupt as he was!

Random Peasant 2: How did you hear that?

Random Peasant 1: At the Shrieking Boar Tavern. Best wine in that section for the price.

Random Peasant 2: Doesn't that place get wine from that Zheng Fu guy? So how do we know this isn't some noble play by that Liang Shu to discredit the Ge?

Random Peasant 1: Well what have the Ge done lately against the bandits?
Had this offer been made to you even a few weeks ago, you may have seriously considered it, or at least talked it over with your family and advisers. As things stand, however, it has come down a terrible case of timing. How can you agree to this, and break the promise you made to Lu Lingqi only an hour ago? As you look to the kind eyes of the elderly Ge Lang, you feel a heavy heart, saddened that you are letting him down in such a way. You steel yourself, and are firmly convinced you have to be honest here. Spinning some lie or deception could be dangerous and cause you problems, especially as the Ge are allies. Deceit should be a knife thrust into an enemy, not stabbed into the back of a friend.
Wow. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. @Gaz with that foreshadowing.
the essence of alliances is betrayal.

They just decided to betray us for better benefits. Even if they weren't the ones to murder liang shu father, killing or ruining us means they get the spoils once the bandit problem is over.
Coming tomorrow, an update you can actually vote on. Imagine that? From this quest? Wow!

Seriously tho Gongsun Zan White Tigers are basically the best Calvary in china right now. They might even be at elite or at cracked tier. Getting a couple of tips from him might make our Azure Lances be even better.