Other is Ma Yunlu, daughter of Ma Teng. Turning him from being a rebel against Han into an ally would be a great bonus for us. With martial alliances with all powers in the North we would have a powerful block.
Genuinely this might be a good option.

I've mentioned already that the fight with Chu Yan is now of massive importance, I've also mentioned how Dong will likely be sent to deal with the Liang Rebellion if Shu and Lu Bu succeed and Ding doesn't get beaten too badly before they get to the North.

With the prestige of being so heavily involved in the defeat of one of the Three Brothers and preventing Luoyang being completely encircled, as well as receiving a rank from Ding so young, when we do finally squash the Bandits and Turbans in Bing, marching to Liang makes sense.

This will probably be in the middle of the campaigns there, which means Shu will likely come in with thousands of men and a strong reputation and many rewards from Ding and the Han.

Enough so a second wife becomes feasible, and as you mentioned, convincing the Liang Rebels, whose motives are much more understandable to Shu most likely, to kneel via marriage and pledge their swords to Shu and Dong sounds like a good concept.

Besides, Lingqi might get along with a fellow warrior woman.
Ma Yunlu won't appear in the quest. She has as much relevance to the historical period or the novel as Liang Shu does. She is literally a character from someone's fanfiction
While that is her name in current popular culture, IIRC her name was Sun Ren in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel.
Yep, it is also the name she got in Total Wars. We don't know if she is even born right now, because she is the younger sister of Sun Quan, and he was born 182. Then another son Sun Yi was born 184. So not much room for her being born right now. Even the older sisters would not be old enough for any match, right now. Sun Ce was the oldest child, and he was born 175.
The Sun option is the furthest away, by far.
I will refrain from using the back door quote to make any jokes...but damn man it's hard XD

If that happens, pray for me :o
Can you even call yourself a Star Wars fan if you don't know about Xanatos? In all seriousness, he was such an awesome character. The Jedi Apprentice series was my guide during my early years.

I have nothing against them. There is a reason the two were among the chosen bride for Leng Jun and having a doctor in our ranks is a massive plus. Securing their loyalties is something I want for every retainer we have. Always hated it in RoK when one of mine left, or worse, got stolen. The priorities for the different characters of course differ, but overall I am a collector.

If we don't get to marry Lingqi, I think the thread will drown in water and salt. It is possible, but then I would actually not necessarily go for one of them. I would set my sights on another character. Someone at least on Lingqi's level.

I hear you. But should shit go pearshaped in terms of romance, having some sort of local connection wouldn't hurt. Also while it may be nice to get some lady of higher standing, if the Lingqi thing falls through that may not be possible at current.

I'm just worried if the floor falls through. You know... like it usually does during periods of peace and stability like these.
Furthermore, I would love to get a Sun wife and have a connection to one of the greatest of this age, Sun Jian the Hammer of Han. Saving him from death may be hard and it would likely grant Yuan Shu a massively powerful retainer, but I would still try. The only one we know the name of is Sun Shangxiang, later wife of Liu Bei, but she is said to have been the third daughter so there could be older options. Why I would like an older option should be obvious...
From what I can tell the Suns have one of the more recorded extended family trees. It's still less detailed than I'd like for this specific purpose, but it does tell us a good bit about Sun Jian's siblings. Sun Jian's brothers had seven sons between them, and seem to have gotten started earlier than Sun Jian did. It seems rather poor odds that none of them had a daughter. Sun Qiang's sons were even raised under Sun Jian's care after their father's early death so if he DID have a daughter that'd theoretically be something that mere contact with Sun Jian could make happen.
Sun Jian ALSO had a younger sister. However, she doesn't seem to have been TOO much younger as she managed to have a granddaughter who was Sun Quan's second wife. Plus she apparently married a childhood friend of Sun Jian so I don't Liang Shu is managing to get in the way of that.

So I think that's basically a full examination of specifically a Sun family FIRST concubine.
Can you even call yourself a Star Wars fan if you don't know about Xanatos? In all seriousness, he was such an awesome character. The Jedi Apprentice series was my guide during my early years.
We talk about possible concubines and you come at me with a quote about "back doors"...what can I say I have a dirty mind -.-

More seriously, yeah I know him. But more like I know about him. I read other things when I was young. 3 Question Marks, TKKG, Animorphs and then the massive amount of fantasy books like Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter etc.
I hear you. But should shit go pearshaped in terms of romance, having some sort of local connection wouldn't hurt. Also while it may be nice to get some lady of higher standing, if the Lingqi thing falls through that may not be possible at current.

I'm just worried if the floor falls through. You know... like it usually does during periods of peace and stability like these.
Then it will be a bridge we have to cross. But in that case I am not sure, if not openly asking for offers would be better. Shu was already the most eligible bachelor of Xinshen and with his accomplishments he should easily attract a heavyweight for our region.
Good news! I heard that a young lady of the most prominent gentry family in Xinshen is available once more for marriage, after being turned down by two consecutive Prefects!
I wonder how extremely dangerous would diaochan would be in the quest.

How scary would her CHA stat even be like...like what we gonna do if we get smitten by her and rather than lu bu, it be us being pushed to kill Dong Zhuo?

Is she even trustworthy? What her intentions? Is she loyal to Wang Yun? Is she doing this because she thinks it the best for the empire? Is it to get a better position in life than just being a singer/dancer? is it because she just want chaos?

Good news! I heard that a young lady of the most prominent gentry family in Xinshen is available once more for marriage, after being turned down by two consecutive Prefects!
Ge Maiyu, Future Bandit.

Honestly I know the perfect animal for her. Ge can mean Ge Pi or Bullshit/My Ass. We can call her an donkey.

That or Ge for insect. An Gu insect that deceives, seduces, poison and ruins anyone who is with her.
Ge Maiyu, Future Bandit.

Honestly I know the perfect animal for her. Ge can mean Ge Pi or Bullshit/My Ass. We can call her an donkey.

That or Ge for insect. An Gu insect that deceives, seduces, poison and ruins anyone who is with her.

Her surname is Ge (盖) but it does sound a lot like Ge (隔) (to separate)...
I don't think it would be hard to find a fitting name for Maiyu. She has not killed any lovers, so far, therefore Black Widow is kind of out. I think mantis would work. The females of that species sometimes eat their partner even before intercourse. Fitting, right?
I don't think it would be hard to find a fitting name for Maiyu. She has not killed any lovers, so far, therefore Black Widow is kind of out. I think mantis would work. The females of that species sometimes eat their partner even before intercourse. Fitting, right?

Am going for 隐棘 (Concealed Thorns) myself which might be a bit cheesy/obvious, but eh
Yeah she doesn't get to be part of the cool kids.

Speaking of, Zhang Liao needs a motif, probably. He'd grumble that it's a waste of time and pointless, but the grump is still part of the crew!
Well our overly dramatic cousin did call him a lion if I recall which along with a tiger does fit Zhang Liao in my opinion
Yeah she doesn't get to be part of the cool kids.

Speaking of, Zhang Liao needs a motif, probably. He'd grumble that it's a waste of time and pointless, but the grump is still part of the crew!
Definitely a predator. Like Thanatosra wrote tiger could work. Maybe wolf, doubt any form of dragon would work. Or some form of bear. Ironic would be tortoise for his skill in withstanding blows. Some would mock him for that, but a tortoise is kind of epic.
Huh, you would think with those characters, people will generally be more careful.

Then again, we're using English characters, not Chinese.

Her dad definitely got a lot of "Why did you name your daughter THAT" I imagine :V
Basically, I came up with her name first, before realising I could use Chinese characters to put "betrayal" in there afterwards, heh
Ma Yunlu won't appear in the quest. She has as much relevance to the historical period or the novel as Liang Shu does. She is literally a character from someone's fanfiction
Diaochan can arguably be called a character from Luo Guanzhong's own fanfic (which is vastly more popular :tongue:)--she doesn't appear in Records of the Three Kingdoms. But I take your point.